NFHS Soccer Exam Part 2 (Answers)

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1) Player A deliberately kicks the ball to her goalkeeper within her penalty area. When the goalkeeper touches the ball
with her hands, the referee shall award an indirect free kick at the spot of the violation unless the violation occurs in the
goal area. [Rule 12-7-3]

True (Correct)


2) Team B’s head coach was cautioned earlier in the game after the referee discovered B5 was wearing an earring while
playing in the game. Twenty-seven minutes later, the referee discovers that B1 is not wearing shinguards. [Rule 4-3]

The Team B head coach should receive a second caution for an illegally equipped player. The Team B coach is
disqualified for receiving a second caution.

B1 is cautioned for being illegally equipped. She is required to leave the field and, as the goalkeeper, must be
replaced by either a substitute or a field player. (Correct)

Both B1 and the Team B head coach should be cautioned.

Since Team B has already been cautioned for an illegally equipped player, the referee may ignore the absence of
shinguards on B1.

3) B17 is wearing a cast that is completely covered and padded with closed-cell, slow-recovery foam padding no less than
½-inch thick. Before B17 can play, the referee must see a doctor’s permission slip. [Rule 4-2-1c]


False. B17 is legally equipped. (Correct)

4) A9 believes that he has been fouled by B4. The referee allows play to continue. A9 spits at the referee. If the referee
stops play immediately, the referee should restart play with an indirect free kick. [Rule 13-2-2m]

True (Correct)

False. If the referee stops play immediately, the referee should restart play with a direct free kick.

5) The referee inadvertently sounds the whistle. Realizing the error, the referee verbally directs "play on" to the players to
continue play. This is correct procedure. [Rule 9-1-2c]


False (Correct)
6) B14 takes a shot on goal, with goalkeeper A1 out of position. A3, however, extends her arm into the path of the ball,
deflecting it to B9. B9 shoots and the ball enters the goal. [Rule PR 5-3-1 Situation A]

The referee should award Team B a penalty kick and caution A3 for unsporting conduct.

The referee should award Team B a penalty kick and disqualify A3 for serious foul play.

The referee should allow the goal and caution A3 for unsporting conduct. (Correct)

The referee should allow the goal and disqualify A3 for serious foul play.

7) A throw-in by Player A goes directly to her own goalkeeper, who catches the ball with her hands. The referee should
allow play to continue. [Rule 12-7-4]


False (Correct)

8) At the taking of a tie-breaking kick from the penalty mark, goalkeeper A1 deflects the kicked ball. As he celebrates, the
ball’s momentum causes it to strike the ground and spin into the goal. Count the kick as a goal. [Rule PR 14.1.6 Situation (b)]

True (Correct)


9) The home school has provided an official timer whose wristwatch is not visible to table officials. This complies with the
rules. [Rule 6-2-2]


False (Correct)

10) Bench Player A leaves the team area and enters the field where a fight is in progress. Although Player A did not
participate in the fight, he/she should still be disqualified. [Rule 12-8-2g]

True (Correct)


11) An indirect free kick is awarded to Team B. A player from Team A refuses to move the required 10 yards and then
kicks the ball away. A direct free kick should be awarded to Team B. [Rule 13-3-1 Penalty]


False (Correct)

12) Prior to the game, the host athletic director determines the field is unsafe for play and cancels the game despite the
protests of the coaches and officials. This is correct procedure. [Rule 1-7]

True (Correct)

13) A8 is dribbling toward goal on a breakaway. The goalkeeper, B1, comes out of the goal area in an attempt to stop A8.
A8 kicks the ball past B1 and attempts to run around B1, who is now on the ground. B1 reaches up with his hand and
pulls down A8 as he attempts to run past. [Rule 12-8-2d(2)]

B1 is guilty of holding. The referee should award a penalty kick to Team A.

B1 is guilty of holding. The referee should award a penalty kick to Team A and disqualify B1 for serious foul play.

B1 is guilty of holding. The referee should award a penalty kick to Team A if he cannot apply advantage and
disqualify B1 for serious foul play. (Correct)

There is no offense. The referee should allow play to continue.

14) The substitute for a player who leaves the field due to bleeding is permitted to take the penalty kick. [Rule 3-3-3d(2)]


False (Correct)

15) Prior to the game, a player is found to be wearing shinguards that do not contain the NOCSAE seal. The player is
allowed to participate with the shinguards. This is proper procedure. [Rule 4-1-1]


False (Correct)

16) A9 scores a goal to make the score 1-0 with 1:30 left in the game. He runs toward the portion of the spectators
dominated by his school’s supporters, removes his shirt and waves it above his head. [Rule 12-8-1f(12) and 12.8.1 Situation B

A9 is guilty of an excessive act that focuses attention on himself. The referee should caution A9. (Correct)

A9 is guilty of an excessive act that focuses attention on himself. The referee should disqualify A9.

A9 is guilty of taunting. The referee should disqualify A9.

A9 is not guilty of an offense. Play should restart with a Team B kickoff.

17) Team A takes a shot on goal, which deflects off the referee and goes across the goal line just to the right of the goal.
The referee shall award a goal kick to Team B. [Rule 16-1-1; 9-1-2b]

True (Correct)


18) During their inspection of the field, the referees note that the field has multiple lines of different colors, some of which
overlap each other. This is permitted by rule. [Rule 1-2-1]

True (Correct)

19) Before the game begins, the head referee must verify with each coach that his/her players are legally and properly
equipped for the game. [Rule 4-3; 5-5-2d(4)]

True (Correct)


20) During the game, the referee hears the home team's head coach using a bull horn to instruct her players on the far
side of the field. [Rule 12-8-1e]

This is permitted.

This is not permitted. (Correct)

21) The referee terminates a game with 10 minutes remaining in the first half and Team B leading by a score of 2-0
because of misbehavior by the Team B coach. The referee should declare Team A the winner. [Rule PR 7.1.3 Situation (b)]


False (Correct)

22) The referee awards a direct free kick to Team B, 25 yards from the Team A goal. The goalkeeper, A1, who is the
Team A captain, runs to the referee, who is still at the spot of the foul, to argue that the foul should obviously be against
the Team B player. The referee should caution A1 for dissent. [Rule 12-8-1c]

True (Correct)

False. The referee should not caution A1 since A1 is the captain and has a right to address the referee on matters of

23) B10 is apparently injured during the run of play. The referee has stopped play and summoned the Team B trainer onto
the field of play. [Rule PR 3.3.3 SITUATION I]

Neither coach may give coaching instruction to his or her players during the injury stoppage.

The Team A coach may give instruction to the Team A players but the Team B coach must only attend to the injured

The Team B coach may only give instructions to the substitute for B10.

Both coaches may give their teams coaching instruction. (Correct)

24) The first time a player enters the game wearing illegal equipment, the player’s coach shall be cautioned (yellow card).
[Rule 4-3]

True (Correct)

25) The visiting team, whose school colors are red and black, is wearing red socks. The visiting team No. 3 has applied
several layers of red tape to his/her socks, both above and below the shinguards. [Rule 4-1-1c]

This is permitted. (Correct)

This is not permitted.

26) Player A2, in taking a penalty kick, approaches the ball and then stops abruptly. The goalkeeper dives to the side. A2
then kicks the ball and scores. The referee shall rule no goal and order the kick to be retaken. [Rule 14-1-4; PR 14.1.4
Situation B]

True (Correct)


27) A24 has been penalized for offside. A24 was standing at the penalty mark when the ball was kicked to him by a
teammate. The second-last defender was standing at the top of the penalty area when the ball was kicked to A24. [Rule 11-
1-3 Penalty]

Team B restarts with a direct free kick from the penalty mark.

Team B restarts with an indirect free kick from the penalty mark. (Correct)

Team B restarts with a direct free kick from the top of the penalty area.

Team B restarts with an indirect free kick from the top of the penalty area

28) The visiting coach does not have a roster with her at the game site. [Rule 3-1-3]

The game may not begin until the coach provides a roster. (Correct)

The game may begin if the coach promises to provide a roster by the end of the game.

The game may begin if the coach promises to provide a roster by halftime.

The game may begin but the referee should remind the coach that a roster is required for future games.

29) During the pregame warm-ups, the head referee notices Team B is wearing multiple-striped socks with no
predominant color. The head referee instructs Team B to change to its single-color socks before the game begins, but will
allow the team to wear the socks and report this to the state association if no other socks are available. [Rule 4-1-1c,h]

True (Correct)


30) Goalkeepers are required to: [Rule 4-1-1i(1)]

Have a 6-inch number on the back and front of their jersey.

Have a 6-inch number on the back and a 4-inch number on the front of their jersey, pants or shorts. (Correct)

Have a 6-inch number on the back and no number on the front of their jersey.

Have no numbers on their jersey.

31) At the moment the ball is played by A4, teammate A2 runs from an offside position behind the defense of Team B, but
at the time she receives the ball, is in an onside position. The referee should call an offside. [Rule 11-1-3; Diag. #5]

True (Correct)


32) The home team's players are wearing white socks with visible black electrical tape around the top of their socks in
honor of a schoolmate who has died. [Rule 4-1-1c]

This is permitted.

This is not permitted. (Correct)

33) Team B’s head coach receives a second caution and is disqualified for receiving a second caution. The referee should
display both the yellow card and the red card at the same time in the same hand. [Rule 5-3-1g]


False. The referee should display the yellow card and then the red card. (Correct)

34) A7 is on a breakaway, one on one with goalkeeper B1, about at the penalty spot. As A7 attempts to run around B1, B6
runs in from behind A7 and tugs A7’s jersey, pulling him off balance. As A7 falls, his right foot kicks the ball weakly toward
the goal and it crosses into the goal at the far post. [Rule 12-8-1f(14)]

The goal should not be counted, B6 should be shown the red card and disqualified and Team A should be awarded a
penalty kick.

The goal should not be counted, B6 should be shown the yellow card and required to leave the field of play and
Team A should be awarded a penalty kick.

The goal should count, B6 should be shown the red card and disqualified and the game should be restarted with a
kickoff by Team B.

The goal should count, B6 should be shown the yellow card and required to leave the field of play and the
game should be restarted with a kickoff by Team B. (Correct)

35) The referee awards a throw-in to Team A. A14 takes the throw but the ball does not enter the field. Team A should
retake the throw-in from the same location. [Rule 15-1-5]


False. Team B should be awarded a throw-in from the same location. (Correct)

36) The Team A goalkeeper is dribbling the ball with his feet in his own penalty area when opponent B1 fairly charges and
steals the ball. The referee penalizes B1 and awards an indirect kick to Team A. This is correct procedure. [Rule 12-4-2]


False (Correct)
37) B9 runs towards the ball, which is rolling on the ground near the right goal post. A3 faces B9, with the ball behind her,
and extends her arms wide to prevent B9 from running past her to get the ball. A3 does not make physical contact with
B9. The ball rolls over the goal line for a goal kick. [Rule 12-5-1]

A3 is guilty of pushing. The referee should award a penalty kick to Team B.

A3 is guilty of pushing. The referee should award a penalty kick to Team B and disqualify A3 for serious foul play.

A3 is guilty of obstruction. The referee should award an indirect free kick to Team B. (Correct)

There is no offense, and a goal kick should be awarded.

38) A thrower with a physical impairment who is limited to one hand may throw in the ball with a sidearm throw. [Rule 15-1-


False (Correct)

39) The referee has awarded Team B a penalty kick. As B4 runs towards the ball to take the kick, B5 enters the penalty
area before the kick is taken. The referee allows the kick to proceed. [Rule 14-1-3 Penalty]

If the ball enters the goal, count the goal and restart play with a kickoff for Team A. If the ball does not enter the goal,
retake the kick.

If the ball enters the goal, retake the kick. If the ball does not enter the goal and the goalkeeper saves the
kick, play continues. If the ball does not enter the goal but rebounds into play, restart with an indirect free kick
for Team A. (Correct)

Regardless of the outcome, retake the kick.

Regardless of the outcome, award an indirect free kick to Team A.

40) The goalkeeper touches the ball with her hands after she has received it directly from a throw-in taken by her
teammate. The referee shall allow play to continue since the ball was not kicked to her. [Rule 12-7-4]


False (Correct)

41) While participating in play, one of Team A's seven eligible players has blood on the uniform. The referee directs the
player to leave the field and, since a game may not continue with fewer than seven players, forfeits the game to Team B.
This is correct procedure. [Rule 3-1-2, Exception]


False (Correct)
42) It is recommended that substitutes: [Rule 4-1-3]

Wear distinguishing pinnies when warming up outside the team area. (Correct)

Warm up for a minimum of 15 minutes prior to entering the match.

Report to the scorer prior to warming up.

Remain in the team area while warming up.

43) A knee brace is considered illegal equipment unless the player wearing the knee brace has a medical release at the
game site. [Rule 4-2-1f]


False (Correct)

44) Player A14 scores a goal. Even though the player's name is not on the roster submitted by the coach at the start of
the game, the referee should allow the goal. [Rule PR 3.1.3 Situation A]

True (Correct)


45) The defending team kicks the ball across the goal line near the corner flag. Because the corner area on that side of
the field is muddy, the referee should permit the attacking team to take the corner kick from the other side of the field.
[Rule 17-1-3]


False (Correct)

46) Defender B7 handles the ball inside the penalty area, deflecting it to A3, who scores. B7 should be shown the red card
and disqualified. [Rule 12-8-1f(13)]


False (Correct)

47) B9 is tripped by A6. The referee stops play and awards a free kick to Team B. A6 remains at the spot of the foul,
between the ball and the goal defended by Team A, arguing that B9 fell over his leg and that there was no trip. [Rule 13-3-1]

The referee should caution A6 and require him to leave the field of play. (Correct)

The referee should caution A6 for delaying the restart of play and also caution him for dissent. The referee should
then disqualify A6 for receiving a second caution.

The referee should ignore A6 and signal for the restart of play.

The referee should move to a spot 10 yards closer to the goal defended by Team A and urge A6 to retreat to that
48) Player A, who is in an offside position, receives the ball directly from a goal kick by Teammate A2. The referee shall
declare Player A to be offside. [Rule 11-1-2]


False (Correct)

49) The coach shall be cautioned (yellow card) if the referee discovers that a player entered the game wearing illegal
equipment. If any subsequent players enter the game wearing illegal equipment, both the coach and the player will be
cautioned. [Rule 4-3]


False (Correct)

50) A7 receives a caution for a reckless tackle. Before leaving the field, or before a substitute has been beckoned in, A7
slams the ball down in protest. [Rule 12-8-2c; 12-8-1c]

Display a red card to A7.

Display a second yellow and then a red card to A7 and allow a substitute.

Display a second yellow and then a red card to A7 and not allow a substitute. (Correct)

Have A7 leave the field for the first caution and take no further action.

51) The official signal for a goal scored is: [Rule Signal Chart]

Blowing the whistle.

Raising both hands above the head.

Stopping the clock.

Stopping the clock and pointing to the center of the field. (Correct)

52) Player A4 scores a goal. After scoring, A4 goes to the opposing goalkeeper and ridicules him by pointing his finger in
the goalkeeper's face. The referee shall disqualify A4 for taunting. [Rule 12-8-2b]

True (Correct)

53) During inspection of the game balls supplied by the home team, the referees note that the balls do not have the NFHS
Authenticating Mark. [Rule 2-2-5 and 2-1]

This is not permitted and the game may not begin until the referees obtain balls from the home or visiting team that
have the NFHS Authenticating Mark.

This is not permitted. If neither team has three similar quality game balls with the NFHS Authenticating Mark,
the game may begin with balls chosen by the referee from those available. (Correct)

This is not permitted. If no balls with the NFHS Authenticating Mark are available, the game may begin if the home
team can provide balls with the NCAA or FIFA logo on them.

This is permitted.

54) The goalkeeper, before taking a goal kick, moves the ball from the right side of the goal area to the left side of the goal
area. If this is deemed a time-wasting ploy, the referee shall stop the clock and caution the goalkeeper. [Rule 16-1-3 and 12-

True (Correct)


55) The position of the player’s arms is to be considered when judging offside. [Rule 11-1-1b, Note]


False (Correct)

56) Cautioned Player A4 leaves the game and is not replaced. On the next stoppage of play that is not a legal substitution
opportunity for Team A, A4 requests to enter the game. The referee should allow A4 to re-enter. [Rule 3-4-1d]


False (Correct)

57) Goalkeeper B1 stops a hard shot by parrying the ball. B1 bends over and picks up the ball before it is touched by an
opposing player in the penalty area. The referee should award an indirect free kick to Team A. [Rule 12-7-2]

True (Correct)

False. Play should continue.

58) The referee has awarded Team B a penalty kick. The goalkeeper, A1, stands with his back to the ball. This is
permitted. [Rule 14-1-3]

True (Correct)

59) There is no visible clock. The referee will keep the official time on his watch. The referee will stop and start his watch
at the times specified in Rule 6-2-3-a. [Rule 6-2-3a; 6-2-1]

True (Correct)

False. The referee may let his watch run continuously and add time to the end of the period as needed.

60) The home team has painted the goals in its school colors, green and gold. The referee informs the home team's
coach that this is illegal because soccer goals shall be white and to correct it before the next contest. This is correct
procedure. [Rule 1-4-1; 5-4-1b]

True (Correct)


61) Opposing teams are permitted, by rule, to be on opposite sides of the field and must be directly opposite each other
(not diagonally across from each other). [Rule 1-5-3, Exception]


False (Correct)

62) The required minimum distance from the touchline to the team area is 10 feet. [Rule 1-5-1]

True (Correct)


63) During a pregame inspection, the referee notices that three players' uniforms are faded and will not permit them to
play. This is the correct procedure. [Rule PR 4.1.1 Situation E-b]


False (Correct)

64) During the game, the referee notices that B30 has tape on her ear lobes. Closer observation suggests that there are
earrings underneath the tape. The referee should: [Rule 4-3]

Stop the game, caution the Team B head coach and require B30 to leave the game.

Wait until the next stoppage; and since this is the first caution for illegal equipment, caution the Team B head
coach and require B30 to leave the game. (Correct)

Wait until the next stoppage, feel B30’s ear lobes to check for earrings under the tape and, if so, caution the Team B
head coach and require B30 to leave the game.

Since the referee did not notice the tape before the game, the referee should take no action.

65) Player A2 takes a penalty kick during the game. The ball rebounds off the goal post directly to A2 who shoots and
scores. The referee shall allow the goal. [Rule 14-1-5]


False (Correct)
66) An opposing player plays the ball before the ball clears the penalty area on a goal kick. The referee shall warn the
opposing player and order a rekick. [Rule 16-1-2]

True (Correct)


67) Taunting is a disqualification, and the number of players on the field must be reduced. [Rule 12-8-2b]

True (Correct)


68) During halftime, the referee notices that the visiting team's head coach is showing his players a video of action from
the first half on his tablet. [Rule PR 12.8.1 Situation C]

This is permitted. (Correct)

This is not permitted.

69) Goalkeeper A1 is waiting for a high ball to come down in his vicinity. As it reaches him and seeing B9 approaching, he
jumps up for the ball with both hands extended. B9 comes running into the area and jumps up for the ball, attempting to
head it into the goal. A1 and B9 collide, causing both to fall to the ground. [Rule PR 12.4.4 Situation A(a)]

A1 is guilty of obstruction. The referee should award Team B an indirect free kick.

B9 is guilty of an illegal charge. The referee should award Team A an indirect free kick.

B9 is guilty of dangerous play. The referee should award Team A an indirect free kick.

Neither A1 nor B9 is guilty of any offense. The referee should allow play to continue, unless one or both
players are injured. (Correct)

70) Before the game, the referee observes that all Team B players are wearing pink rubber bands on their wrists. She is
informed by the Team B head coach that they are in support of a team member’s mother who died of breast cancer. The
referee should allow Team B players to wear the rubber bands. [Rule 4-2-4 and Play Ruling Situation B]


False. The referee, in the absence of a state association ruling to the contrary, should not allow Team B
players to wear the rubber bands. (Correct)

71) During the game, the home team has a video screen set up in front of its bench, showing the game as seen by a
camera in the press box. There is no video screen available to the visiting team. [Rule PR 12.8.1 Situation C]

This is permitted. (Correct)

This is not permitted.

72) A goal can be scored directly from a corner kick. [Rule 10-1-2e]

True (Correct)

73) Each shinguard must be permanently marked on the front with the NOCSAE seal and height range. [Rule 4-1-1]

True (Correct)


74) Team A has been awarded an indirect free kick 22 yards from the Team B goal. Four Team A players are standing
near the ball. A8 taps the top of the ball with his foot. A5 then kicks the ball, which enters the Team B goal without being
touched by any other player. [Rule 18-1-1n]


No goal. (Correct)

75) While waiting for a corner kick to be taken by Team B, with Team A ahead, 2-1, in the second half, goalkeeper A1
pushes B7 to the ground from behind. B7 gets up and punches A1 in the face. Both teams then engage in a general
brawl. After the fighting has ceased, the referee feels that because of the fight, further disorder will result and because of
this, terminates the game. [Rule PR 5.3.2 Situation B]

If both teams have seven eligible players after the referee has disqualified the appropriate players, the game must be

The referee has authority to terminate the game and declare Team B the winner, since the Team A player began the

The referee has authority to terminate the game. The 2-1 score for Team A stands as the official score, since more
than half the game was played.

The referee has authority to terminate the game but does not have authority to declare either team the
winner. (Correct)

76) A2, in an offside position, receives a goal kick taken by B1. A2 should be penalized for offside. [Rule 11-1-2]


False (Correct)

77) Team A is winning and repeatedly substitutes to consume time. The official shall order the timer to stop the clock and
notify the offending team's coach that continuing to substitute in this manner will be considered unsporting conduct. [Rule

True (Correct)


78) The head referee shall instruct the timer to correct the clock as necessary. [Rule 5-3-2i]

True (Correct)

79) Team A kicks off to start the game. Player A1 takes the kickoff and kicks the ball backwards to player A2. The referee
shall stop play and award an indirect free kick to Team B. [Rule 8-1-3]


False (Correct)

80) Before the game, the Team A head coach informs the referee that A15 will be wearing a hockey-style mask, due to an
injury she received in a game the previous week. [Rule 4-2-8]

This is not permitted. (Correct)

This is not permitted unless A15 can show the referee a doctor’s permission slip.

This is permitted.

This is permitted unless the mask has been painted in an objectionable manner.

81) Team A goalkeeper, after gaining possession of the ball with his/her hands, pushes or rolls the ball along the ground
and retrieves or touches the ball with his/her hands. This is illegal. [Rule PR 12.7.1 Situation]

True (Correct)


82) All permissible artificial limbs must be: [Rule 4-2-5]

Covered by a cast.

Covered by a sleeve.

Padded with a minimum of 1/2-inch-thick, closed-cell, slow-recovery foam padding. (Correct)

Covered with a minimum of 1/2-inch-thick soft material.

83) While A10 is dribbling towards goal, a substitute in the bench area, B17, throws a water bottle at A5, striking him in
the head. The referee stops play, determines that A5 is able to continue to play and disqualifies B17. [Rule 13-2-3c]

The game must be restarted with a direct free kick by Team A from the spot where A5 was struck.

The game must be restarted with an indirect free kick by Team A from the spot where A5 was struck.

The game must be restarted with a direct free kick by Team A from the location of the ball at the time A5 was struck.

The game must be restarted with an indirect free kick by Team A from the location of the ball at the time A5
was struck. (Correct)

84) A7 has fallen down near the ball due to his own clumsiness. There is no opponent near him. While still on the ground,
A7 kicks the ball to A12. The referee should award Team B an indirect free kick. [Rule PR 12.6 Situation D]


False. A7 is not guilty of an offense. Play should continue. (Correct)

85) Player A is frustrated with his play and argues with a teammate. He then utters a series of obscenities at this same
teammate. The referee shall disqualify Player A. [Rule 12-8-2f]

True (Correct)


86) Player A is wearing an ankle brace made of soft and yielding material. Player A may legally wear the ankle brace
outside the stocking even though the ankle brace is black and the player’s stockings are white. [Rule 4-2-1g]

True (Correct)


87) An unlimited number of players may be substituted from the bench except in which of the following situations: [Rule 3-3-
3b; 3-3-2]

When a goal is scored.

At the start of the second period.

When a player is injured and removed from the field.

When a player is cautioned. (Correct)

88) The referees are wearing yellow jerseys. The visiting team is wearing yellow jerseys. The referees must change
jerseys. [Rule 5-1-3a]

True (Correct)

False. The visiting team must change jerseys.

89) An identifiable supporter of the home team seated in the designated spectator area is screaming profanities at the
nearest assistant referee in disagreement with a decision about offside made by the assistant referee. The referee should:
[Rule 5-3-2e]

Stop play and direct the spectator to leave the facility.

Stop play and request that the home school administration take appropriate action. (Correct)

Stop play and inform the spectator that the assistant referee’s decision was correct.

Allow play to continue and ignore the supporter’s language.

90) Player A’s throw-in lands completely outside the touchline, without having broken the plane of the touchline, and
bounds into the field of play. The referee orders a rethrow by Team A. This is a correct decision. [Rule 15-1-5]


False (Correct)
91) The head coach of Team A reaches onto the field to knock down a mid-air pass to B8, who is unmarked but still 45
yards away from the goal. [Rule 12-8-1f(6)]

The coach should be cautioned for unsporting conduct. (Correct)

The coach should be dismissed for failing to conduct himself in a responsible manner.

The coach’s behavior is outside interference and the referee should restart play with a drop ball.

There is no offense and play should continue.

92) Bench personnel running on the field and preventing a goal would be an example of: [Rule 12-8-1a]

Misconduct. (Correct)

Serious foul play.

A foul.

None of the above.

93) The game is played with no official scorer available. The substitutes report to the nearest official. [Rule 3-4-1a]

True (Correct)


94) The referee, seeing the assistant referee's flag for offside, waves the flag down as the ball goes directly to the
goalkeeper. This is correct procedure. [Rule 5-3-2h]

True (Correct)


95) At the taking of a corner kick, the defending players must be: [Rule 17-1-2]

10 yards from the ball. (Correct)

10 yards from the corner flag.

10 yards from the quarter circle.

10 yards from the ball unless they are marking an opponent who is not taking the kick.

96) A substitute for the team awarded a corner kick may be allowed to enter the game directly from the bench without
having to report to the scorer's table. [Rule 3-4-1d]


False (Correct)
97) A team may not substitute an unlimited number of players from the bench when a player is injured and removed from
the field. [Rule 3-3-2b]


False (Correct)

98) The home team and the visiting team are both wearing blue shorts. There is no specific prohibition listed. Since it is
not declared illegal, it must be legal. [Rule 4-1-1]

The referee should not begin the game until the home team is wearing white shorts.

The referee should allow the game to begin but, after the game, should report the situation to the state association.

The referee should not begin the game until the home team is wearing a different color of shorts than the visiting
team is wearing.

This is permitted. (Correct)

99) The home team coach asks for a 20-minute halftime interval for a parent appreciation ceremony. The visiting team's
coach is opposed to this and insists that the interval be only 10 minutes. The referee shall not allow a 20-minute halftime
interval. [Rule 7-2-1]

True (Correct)


100) A9 has committed a foul in an unsporting manner. The referee has stopped play and cautioned A9. When the referee
approaches the team areas to notify the coaches of the reason for the caution, the Team A head coach says, “Ref, you
are such a moron that, if you had a brain cell, it would die of loneliness!” [Rule 12-8-2f]

The referee should caution the Team A head coach for dissent.

The referee should disqualify the Team A head coach for insulting language. (Correct)

The referee should tell the Team A head coach that he’s heard enough.

The referee should ignore the Team A head coach and restart play with a direct free kick for Team B.

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