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FIELD STUDY 1 : The Learner’s Development and Environment

EPISODE 3 : Classroom Management & Learning

Name of FS Student : Lea C. Cortez

Date Submitted : April 2020

My Target (Learning Outcomes)

At end of this activity, the student will gain competence in differentiating the
characteristics and needs of learner’s from different developmental levels.

My Map (Task/Methodology)

Do the following tasks:

1. Observe a class
2. Using a checklist, find out the evident classroom components.
3. Describe how the classroom is structured/ designed to allow everyone to participate in
the learning activities.
4. Relate the data in your checklist to the learners’ behaviors.
5. Reflect on how classroom management affects learning.

Name of the School Observed: St. Joseph College of Quezon City

Location of the School : E. Rodriguez Avenue, Quezon City

Date of Visit : February 3-7, 2020

Name of Cooperating Teacher: Ms. Jennifer M. Lazaga Signature: ______________

An observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the space

1. (As you observe the class, look into the) characteristics of the learners. (Note their

They are healthy, come to school neat and clean with complete uniform and clean
haircut for the boys and tied hair for the girls. Grade 3 students are ages between 8-9 years old.

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2. Compostion of the class. (How many boys are there? How many girls?)

Grade 3- St. Bernardine composes of 18 girls and 20 boys, 38 students in a class, which
is the class advisory of my cooperating teacher.

3. (Focus on the) Behavior of learners. (Are they already able to manage their own

They cannot still handle their behavior especially when teachers are not around, when
one student creates noise, it follows by another students. But when teacher arrives they
become quiet temporarily. However, they are participative in the discussion even they are noisy.

4. Learners’ manner of working (Can the learners already work independently?)

Grade 3 students are always excited when there are class activities like groupings, they
show enthusiasm to do the works. Though they are noisy they still manage to follow instructions
and do the activities successfully. However, there are students who cannot able to follow
instructions right away, but teacher tries to help students follow like for an instance, she helped
her students one by one after general instruction while others are busy doing their works.

5. (Describe) Span of attention.

They can listen to the teacher for the entire period, though, sometimes noises cannot be
avoided maybe because of their age many are still naughty and have a short span listening
however, they listen to the lecturer until period ends.

6. (Look into their) Listening skills and ability to concentrate.

Most of them listen carefully to the teacher only those seating at the back are quite hard
to concentrate. Maybe because their actions cannot be noticed immediately compare those
seated in front.

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My Observation for the Classroom Visit

(Be guided by these questions as your observation of the classroom management. It is also
good to ask the teacher for additional information so you can verify your observation. Write your
notes below, and then organize your data in the table that follows.)

1. (Are there) Areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids,
books, students’ belonging, supplies, etc.)

A book shelf is the only storage inside the classroom where they can put their books as

2. (Are there) Rules and procedures in the room.

No posted rules and regulations but as per Ms. Lazaga, on the first meeting they
discussed the school’s regulations. And she also discussed her rules inside the class and
election of officers was also done during the said day.

3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules?

They follow the rules actually during my observation, the teacher was not having a hard
time to discipline students who are tardy and absent because they already know what do to
when they are late by going to the concerned authority to secure a pass. It is good to know they
are responsible on their actions. Even the cleanliness students know their group
responsibilities, respective assigned cleaners for the particular day, do they job well.

4. (What are the) Daily routines done by the teacher? (prayer, attendance, assignment of
monitors, warm up activities, etc.) (How are they done?)

Students do their daily routines regularly despite without the presence of teacher. For
instance, Monday and Friday are days for flag ceremony held every morning at the gymnasium
together among other grade levels. And during regular days, before the first period starts,
someone leads the rosary, stating the vision and mission of the school. And in every subject or
class period, classes start with a prayer, checking of attendance which is reported by a student
in each row/ group.

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5. (Is there) Seating arrangement? (What is the basis of this arrangement?)

Traditional seating arrangement where students seated facing the lecturer. This can
help the teacher manage easily the class during discussion. According to the teacher, there is
no basis for seating arrangement who will be in front or back. However, she gives priority to
those smaller students and those who has special needs to be seated in front; and those taller
are seated at the back instead.

6. (Observe the) Noise level of the classroom. (How is this managed?)

Grade 3 students are really noisy and playful however, teacher can still manage their
behavior positively. During transition, there are students seated at the back who make noises
and do own things without noticing by the teacher. However, the teacher tries to catch
everybody’s attention by simply addressing right away those students who are not listening
carefully or making noises. And sometime to avoid unnecessary noises at the back, teacher
walks around the classroom. And most of the time she raises her voice so that she can be
heard at the back.

7. If a learner is not following instructions or is off-task, what does the teacher do?
(behavior strategies)

The teacher asks the students if they understand the instruction. And repeat it as
necessary those who cannot understand well. And she makes sure to assist student if activity is
ongoing in order for this student able to catch up with others.

8. Does the learner do to reinforce positive behavior? (Behavior strategies)

The teacher accepts every child’s responses whether it is wrong or correct. Thus,
everybody is participative and active to give responses whenever there is/are question/s to be
asked. The teacher gives interactive examples so that student do not get bored to listen the
discussion especially the Science subject, Ms. Lazaga makes it a point to in line her topic to the
situation that everybody could relate.

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Classroom Management Matrix

Aspect of Classroom Description Effect on the Learners (to

Management be filled up after you answer
the analysis questions)
1. Specific areas in the These are in proper places. The effect on the learner is
classroom they can move freely and
know where their things be
2. Classroom rules It should always be reminded The effect to the learners,
to the students as much as they become aware and
possible. reminded to the rules.
3. Classroom Procedures The teacher starts this before The effect on the learners,
the discussions. they are reminded the
4. Daily Routines Strictly done regularly The effect on the learners is
they become familiarize and
responsible to do it even
without the presence of the
5. Seating Arrangement They facing the front. Seated The effect on the learner, they
in a row/ group, alternate boys can easily focus to the
and girls. discussion. And can able to
socialize well even with
opposite sex.
6. Handling Misbehavior/off- The teacher immediately The effect on the learners,
task behavior address misconduct they are aware of their
mistake and corrected right
7. Reinforcement of positive The teacher acknowledges The effect on the learners,
behavior positively students’ they become eager to
responses. participate and give their best
to join the discussion.


1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior?

It helps them recognize their roles inside the classroom. It also helps them to be
responsible in their actions that they may use it not only inside the classroom but also in
their home and community.

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2. What should the teacher have in mind when she designs the organization and
routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?

In creating a routine make sure that this serves for the development of the
students, where they cannot only impose discipline but they will also enjoy following it
because they know it will be beneficial to their growth. Also, helps you as teacher to
decrease bad behavior and saves your time and energy.

3. What behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners?
In motivating the students? Why were they affective?

As a future educator, I do believe in positive discipline, where mistakes or

misbehavior should be handled positively. When they create mistakes, addressing it
personally and telling him/her the committed mistakes has equivalent consequences.
Always address the misbehavior in a more constructive way.

My Reflections

1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade/year level
do you see yourself? What type of routines and procedures would you consider
for this level? Why?

I wish to handle high school students in the future because I am challenged to

train them rightfully. This stage is the adolescence stage, a critical stage where a lot of
changes physically, mentally, socially and emotionally take place. In this stage also
where maturity starts which is enough for them to receive constructive discipline. I want
to help them learn that whatever changes happen to them are normal phenomena in
one’s life, and they should learn to embrace these changes. I also want to help them
think matured and rational individuals who think not only for themselves but also for
The created routines should always be helpful to them, by simple
observing cleanliness inside the class, maintaining peace and order like avoid bullying.
And making sure that their home works or other activities are done on time. I would
practice to observe how they talk genuinely to their classmates and especially to their
teachers and other authority in school. This is needed especially nowadays, respect
becomes weak and knowing self-worth is being disregarded.

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2. Make a list of the rules you like to implement in this level. Why would you choose
these rules?
Copying the lecture on the board- this will help them encourage to write and take
down notes
No late comer allowed- this will help them value time
Observe kindness towards other- will help them respect one another
No foul words or any bad words inside the room- Will make them careful to their
Gadgets are not allowed- this will help them focus to the discussion
Observe cleanliness and orderliness- This will help them be responsible to the
school’s possessions and environment.

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

Yes, it is good to involve the students in making the class rules so they feel they
are responsible to it. So when they commit mistakes, the teacher has reference on how
to address it with their knowledge. In this ways the teacher appreciates and respects
their opinion and thought in managing the class. They become followers of their rules.

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