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Unit 4 Illustrated Glossary Science 9

Create a glossary of the following terms. You must include an illustration for at least ten of these
terms. You may present your glossary in any manner which will be useful for you when you are
studying (single page, booklet, flash cards, etc). Be creative!

Altitude Ocular lens
Artificial satellite Payload
Azimuth Planet
Celestial body Radio astronomy
Constellation Radio object
Cosmonaut Red shifted
Doppler effect Reflecting
Exhaust velocity Refracting
Geocentric Remote sensing
Geosynchronous orbit Rocket
Heliocentric Spectroscope
Interferometry Spectral analysis
Light year Staged rocket
Low Earth orbit Telescope
Objective lens Triangulation

Marking Guide:

Written Definitions – 30 marks

Illustrations (neat, colourful, creative) – 10 marks

Total – 40 marks

Due: ________________________________________________

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