Loading Analysis For: Unfactored Load (KN/M)

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Job No Sheet No Dwg Ref Rev No

Job Title Steel Frame for Type 6 Structure
Part of Structure
Client Prepared Date
Chk By 18/08/20

Loading Analysis for SB1

Load width = 1200.00 mm
DL = 0.50 kPa
LL = 1.00 kN/m
WL = 10.24 kPa
span = 1000.00 mm
Design Steel Grade = S275
Moment, M (kNm) = wL²/8 Moment (kNm) Reaction (kN)
Shear, V (kN) = wL/2 Unfactored Load (kN/m) mid-span outer support
DL = 0.600 0.075 0.300
LL = 1.200 0.150 0.600
WL = 12.288 1.536 6.144
Σ= 14.088 1.761 7.044

Moment (kNm) Reaction (kN)

Critical Load Factor Factored Load (kN/m) mid-span outer support
1.4 DL = 0.810 0.101 0.405
1.5 LL = 1.800 0.225 0.900
1.5 WL = 18.432 2.304 9.216
Σ= 2.630 10.521

Design Strength, Grade S275, py = 275.00 MPa

Zreq = M/py = 9.56 cm³

The deflection due to unfactored imposed load using formula devired as

Deflection Limit, L/ 200
w= 1.200 kN/m
δmax = 5wL4/(384EIreq) ≦ L/ 200
Ireq = 5wL³/(384E) x 200 = 1.52 cm4

Provide 76x38x7kg/m Channel

Job No Sheet No Dwg Ref Rev No
Job Title Steel Frame for Type 6 Structure
Part of Structure
Client Prepared Date
Chk By 18/08/20

Check SB1 Using Channel 76x38x7

Section Properties
Grade = S275
Design yield stress, py = 275.00 MPa A= 8.56 cm²
Young's Modulus of steel, Es = 205000 MPa Ix = 74.30 cm4
Shear Modulus, G = E/[2(1+v)] = 78846.15 MPa Iy = 10.70 cm4
Span, L = 1000.00 mm ry = 1.12 cm
B= 38.10 mm Zx = 19.50 cm³
D= 76.20 mm Zy = 4.09 cm³
d= 45.80 mm Sx = 23.50 cm³
b= 33.00 mm Sy = 7.78 cm³
t= 5.10 mm J= 1.23 cm4
T= 6.80 mm a= 146.00 mm
b/T = 5.60 Wno = 7.38 cm²
d/t = 8.98 e0 = 14.30 cm4

Table 3.2 Design yield stress, py = 275.00 MPa
Table 7.1 note b ε = √(275/py) = 1.000
For compression outstand flange of a rolled section
Table 7.1 the limiting vlaue, β = 13.00 ε
b/T = 5.60 < β = 13
∴flange is Semi-Compact
For compression web of a rolled section
Table 7.1 the limiting vlaue, β = 120.00 ε
d/t = 8.98 < β = 120
∴web is 3 Semi-Compact
∴Proposed whole members is class 3 Semi-Compact section!

Shear Capacity
Section = Rolled I, H and Channels Section
Av = tD = 388.62 mm² Vc = pyAv/√3 = 61.70 kN

Moment Capacity
Major Axis
For Class 3 semi-compact section
Mcx = pyZx = 5.36 kNm
Minor Axis
For Class 3 semi-compact section
Mcy = pyZy = 1.12 kNm
Lateral-Torsional Buckling Capacity

Equivalent Slenderness for flexural-torsional buckling

LE = 1.00 LLT = 1000.00 mm
8.26 λ = LE/rx = 89.29
For Hot-rolled Section u= 0.90
x = D/T = 11.21
8.27 v = 1/(1+0.05(λ/x)²)0.25 = 0.700
βW = 1.00 for Class 1 & 2 Section
8.25 λLT = uvλ√βW = 56.22
Bending Buckling Strength
A8.10 Limit Slenderness, λLO = 0.4√(π²E/py) = 34.31
A8.11 αLT = 7.00 for all steel grades at sources
8.25 Equivalent Slenderness, λLT = 56.22
A8.5 Perry Factor, ηLT = αLT(λLT-λLO)/1000 = 0.15 ≧0
A8.3 pE = π²E/λLT² = 640.17 MPa
A8.4 ØLT = [py+(ηLT +1)pE]/2 = 506.67
Table 8.3a pb = pEpy/[ØLT+√(ØLT ²-pEpy)] = 222.647 MPa
Buckling Resistance moment
For Class 3 semi-compact section
8.20 Mb = pbZx = 4.34 kNm
Job No Sheet No Dwg Ref Rev No
Job Title Steel Frame for Type 6 Structure
Part of Structure
Client Prepared Date
Chk By 18/08/20

Table 8.4a mLT = 0.93

Tension Capacity
ae = 856.00 mm²
8.66 Pt = pyAe = 235.40 kN

Compaction Capacity
Fig 6.4b Effective Length Factor for non-sway, K = 1.00
L = 1000.00 mm
8.7.2 LE = K x L = 1000.00 mm
λ = LE / ry = 89.29
Compressive Buckling Strength
A8.35 Limit Slenderness, λO = 0.2√(π²E/py) = 17.15
Robertson Constant, α = 2.00 for Curve a
A8.34 Perry Factor, η = α(λ-λO)/1000 = 0.14 ≧0
A8.32 pE = π²E/λLT² = 253.80 MPa
A8.33 Øc = [py+(η+1)pE]/2 = 282.71
A8.31 pc = pEpy/[Øc+√(Øc ²-pEpy)] = 182.068 MPa
Compressive Resistance
For Class 1 plastic, Class 2 compact and Class 3 semi-compact cross sections
8.73 Pc = Agpc = 155.85 kN

Design Load
Span = 1000.00 mm
Unfactored Load Point Load = 0.00 kN
Unfactored Load UDL = 1.20 kN/m
Bending Moment M/Mc
Mx = 2.63 kNm < Mcx = 5.36kNm 0.49 ∴ O.K.
My = 0.00 kNm < Mcy = 1.12kNm 0.00 ∴ O.K.
Buckling Moment mLTMx/Mbx
mLTMx = 2.45 kNm < Mbx = 4.34kNm 0.56 ∴ O.K.

Vx = 10.52 kN < Vcx = 61.7kN ∴ O.K.
Vy = 0.00 kN < Vcy = 61.7kN ∴ O.K.
Ft = 0.00 kN < Pt = 235.4kN Ft/Pt = 0.00 ∴ O.K.
Fc = 0.00 kN < Pc = 155.85kN Fc/Pc = 0.00 ∴ O.K.
Combine Force
8.77 Tension & Bending = Ft/Pt + Mx/Mcx + My/Mcy = 0.49 <1 ∴ O.K.
8.78 Compression & Bending = Fc/Agpy + Mx/Mcx + My/Mcy = 0.49 <1 ∴ O.K.
8.81 Fc/Pc+mLTMLT/Mb+myMy'/Mcy = 0.56 <1 ∴ O.K.
vertical deflection of beams due to imposed load for purlins and sheet rails
Table 5.1 Deflection Limit = L/ 200
δ = 5wL4/384EI = 0.103 mm < L/200 = 5mm ∴ O.K.
Job No Sheet No Dwg Ref Rev No
Job Title Steel Frame for Type 6 Structure
Part of Structure
Client Prepared Date
Chk By 18/08/20

Welding Connection Check SB1 Bracket

Determine the leg length of fillet weld required for the joint.

Dx = 50 mm Moment, Mz = 0.000 kNm

x= 50 mm My = 0.000 kNm
Shear Force, Vy = 0.000 kN
Vz = 0.000 kN
210 = Dz n, T = 10.521kN x 2sides = 21.042 kN
210 =y Torsion, Tor = 0.000 kNm
Steel Grade = S235

Take the weld to be of unit leg length

Length, L = 2x+2y = 2x50+2x210 = 520.00
Inertia, Ixx = 2y³/12+2x(Dz/2)² = 2x210³/12+2x50x(210/2)² = 2646000.00
Iyy = 2x³/12+2y(Dx/2)² = 2x50³/12+2x210x(50/2)² = 283333.33
Polar moment of inertia, Ip = Ixx + Iyy = 2646000+283333.33 = 2929333.33
dz = Dz/2 = 210/2 = 105.00
dy = Dx/2 = 50/2 = 25.00
R = √[(x/2)²+(y/2)²] = √[(50/2)²+(210/2)²] = 107.94
cosØ = 25/105 = 0.24
Direct Shear, Fsy = Vy/Length = (0x10³)/520 = 0.00 MPa
Fsz = Vz/Length = (0x10³)/520 = 0.00 MPa
Fs = Fsz+Fsy = 0.00 MPa
Torsion Shear
FTOR = TorR/Ip = (0x10^6x107.94)/2929333.33 = 0.00 MPa
Resultant Shear
FR = (Fs²+FT²+2FsFTcosØ)½ = (0²+0²+2x0x0x0.24)½ = 0.00 MPa

Tension, FT = T/Length = (21.04x10³)/520 = 40.47 MPa

Shear from Moment, FTZ = Mzd/2Ixx = (0x105)/2646000 = 0.00 MPa
FTy = Myd/2Iyy = (0x25)/283333.33 = 0.00 MPa
FB = FTZ+FTy = 0.00 MPa

Resultant Load, FRZ = √(FT²+Fs²) = √(0²+0²) = 0.00 MPa

Resultant Load, FRY = √(FT²+Fs²) = √(0²+0²) = 0.00 MPa
Combined = FRZ+FRY+FT = 40.47 MPa

Design Strength of fillet weld, pw = 160.00 MPa

Require Weld Leg, s = FR/0.7pw = 40.47/(0.7x160) = 0.36 mm

∴ Provide weld leg, s = 4.00 mm fillet weld all round

Job No Sheet No Dwg Ref Rev No
Job Title Steel Frame for Type 6 Structure
Part of Structure
Client Prepared Date
Chk By 18/08/20

Base plate Design subjected to Axial load SB1 Bracket

Factored Reaction Force
Shear Force 76x38x7kg/m Channel
Fx = 0.000 KN B= 38.00 mm
Fz = 0.000 KN D= 76.00 mm
Axial Force T= 6.80 mm
Compression, Fc = 10.521kN x 2sides = 21.042 KN t= 5.10 mm
Tension, Ft = 10.521kN x 2sides = 21.042 KN
Concrete Strength, fcu = 30.000 MPa

Effective Area Method

9.4.1 Maximum bearing pressure, w = 0.6fcu = 0.6x30 = 18.00 MPa

Required area, Areq = F/w = 21.042x10³/18 = 1169.00 mm²

Provide Base Plate Size = 160 mm x 260 mm

Provided area, Aprov = 160x260 = 41600.0 mm²

Effective area, Aeff = 2(2c+T)(B+2c)+(D-2T-2c)(2c+t)

= 4c²+(4B+2D-2t)c+(2TB-2Tt+Dt)
= 4c² + 293.8 c+ 835.04

Set effective area = required area

1169 =4c² +293.8c+835.04
Perpendicular spread distance, c = 2.96 mm
Perpendicular spread distance, c = 70.49 mm
Perpendicular spread distance, c = 2.96 mm

Ensure no overlapping occur

Length of base plate = D+2c = 81.92 mm < 160.00 mm ∴ O.K.
Width of base plate = B+2c = 43.92 mm < 260.00 mm ∴ O.K.

Thickness of the base plate

Assume the thickness of plate is less than 40mm, the design strength of S235 steel plate to be,
pyp = 225 MPa
9.37 Plate thickness, tp = c√(3w/pyp) = 1.45 mm
Provide Base Plate Thickness, tprov = 10 mm thk. Steel plate ∴ O.K.
> the flange thinckness of the column supported = 6.8mm

The base plate is subjected to concentric compression and the tension bolts here are
nominal and used to transmit shear only.

Check Local Steel Plate

b = 160.00 mm
t= 10.00 mm
Area, A = bt = 1600 mm²
Modulus, Z = bt²/6 = 2666.6667 mm³
Steel Strength, py = 225 MPa
leverl arm, l = 25 mm
Moment, M = Pl = 0.526 kNm
Shear, V = P = 21.042 kN

Moment Capacity, Mc = pyZ = 0.600 kNm > M = 0.526 kNm ∴ O.K.

Shear Capacity, Vc = 0.6pyA = 216.000 kN > V = 21.042 kN ∴ O.K.
Job No Sheet No Dwg Ref Rev No
Job Title Steel Frame for Type 6 Structure
Part of Structure
Client Prepared Date
Chk By 18/08/20

Design Mechanical Anchor SB1 Bracket

Anchoring Conditions (Design in Cracked Concrete)

Concrete Grade = 30
No of anchors taking Tension = 6 Nos
No of anchors taking Shear = 6 Nos
Base Material Thickness, h = 200 mm
Anchor Spacing, s = 100 mm
Edge Distance, c = 300 mm
Shear Load Direction Perpendicular to free edge, β = 90 °
Tension Design Action, Nsd = 7.044kN x 2sides = 14.088 kN
Shear Design Action, Vsd = 0.000 kN
Tension Design Action per Anchor, Nsd(1) = 2.35 kN
Shear Design Action per Anchor, Vsd(1) = 0.00 kN

Anchor Type = HST-R M10

Effective Anchor Depth, hef = 60 mm
Critical Spacing for splitting failur, scr,sp = 180 mm
Critical Spacing for concrete cone failure, scr,N = 180 mm
Critical Edge Distance for splitting failure, ccr,sp = 90 mm
Critical Edge Distance for concrete cone failure, ccr,N = 90 mm
Minimum Edge Distance for, smin = 55 mm
c≥ 65 mm
Minimum Spacing for, cmin = 50 mm
s≥ 90 mm

Bolt Diameter, d = 10
Influence of Concrete Strength, fB = (fck,cube/25)½ = 1.10
Influence of Reinforcement, fre,N = 0.5+hef/200 = 0.80
Influence of base material thickness, fh,sp = [h/(2hef)]2/3 = 1.41
Influence of base material thickness, fh = [h/(1.5c)]½ = 0.58
Influence of anchor spacing and edge distance for concrete edge resistance , f4 = (c/hef) (1+s/[3c])0.5 = 6.21
Influence of embedment depth, fhef = 0.05(hef/d)1.68 = 1.01
Influence of edge distance, fc = (d/c)0.19 = 0.52
k-factor, k = 0.00
fβ = √[1/(cosαv)²+(sinαv/2.5)²] = 2.50

Influence of Edge Distance Influence of Anchor Spacing

c/ccr,N f1,N f2,N s/scr,N f3,N
3.33 1.00 1.00 0.56 0.78
c/ccr,sp f1,sp f2,sp s/scr,sp f3,sp
3.33 1.00 1.00 0.56 0.78
Job No Sheet No Dwg Ref Rev No
Job Title Steel Frame for Type 6 Structure
Part of Structure
Client Prepared Date
Chk By 18/08/20

Tension Loading
Design Steel Resistance
Steel Resistance, NRd,s = 18.70 kN
Design Concrete Pull-out Resistance
Basic Resistance, N0Rd,p = 6.00 kN
NRd,p = N0Rd,pfB = 6.57 kN
Design Concrete Cone Resistance
Basic Resistance, N0Rd,c = 11.20 kN
NRd,c = N0Rd,cfBf1,Nf2,Nf3,Nfre,N = 7.63 kN
Design Splitting Resistance
Basic Resistance, N0Rd,c = 11.20 kN
NRd,sp = N0Rd,cfBf1,spf2,spf3,spfh,Nfre,N = 10.73 kN

Tension Design Resistance: MIN(NRd,p, NRd,c, NRd,sp) = NRd = 6.57 kN

Shear Loading
Design Steel Resistance
VRd,s = 16.00 kN
Concrete Pryout Design Resistance
Basic Resistance, V0Rd,cp = 22.30 kN
VRd,cp = V0Rd,cpfBf1,Nf2,Nf3,Nfre,N = 15.20 kN

Concrete Edge Design Resistance

Basic Resistance, V0Rd,c = 3.20 kN
VRd,c = V0Rd,cfBfβfhf4fheffc = 16.85 kN

Shear Design Resistance: MIN(VRd,s, VRd,cp, VRd,c) = VRd = 15.20 kN

Combined Tension and Shear Loading

To fulfill the acceptance criteria of BD, the required partial safety factor for working load,
should be derived from the overall FOS (ie.3) divided by γm
Partial safety factor, γF = 3.0/γm = 3.0/1.5 = 2.00

NSd(1) (kN) VSd(1) (kN) NRd (kN) VRd (kN)

2.35 0.00 3.29 7.60

βN = NSd(1)/NRd = 0.71 ≤ 1.0 OK

βV = VSd(1)/VRd = 0.00 ≤ 1.0 OK
βN+βV = 0.71 ≤ 1.2 OK
βN1.5+βV1.5 = 0.60 ≤ 1.0 OK

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