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Experiment No.



Calorimetry is the science associated with determining the changes in energy of a system by
measuring the heat exchanged with the surroundings, Heat changes in physical and chemical
processes are measured with a calorimeter, a device usually made up of a closed container used to
measure the quantity of heat transferred to or from an object.

Energy is either evolved or consumed in both physical and chemical changes. Every chemical
change is accompanied by a change in energy, usually in the form of heat. The energy change of a
reaction that occurs at constant pressure is termed the heat of reaction or the enthalpy change. The
symbol AH is used to denote the enthalpy change. ln this experiment, the heat of neutralization will
be measured when an acid and base react to form 1 mole of water. This quantity of heat is measured
experimentally by allowing the reaction to take place in a thermally insulated calorimeter. The heat
liberated in the neutralization reaction will cause an increase in the temperature of the solution and
of the calorimeter. The heat lost by the neutralization reaction will equal the heat gained by the water
and calorimeter. Because some of the heat is absorbed by the calorimeter itsell in the first part of
this experiment, the heat capacity of the calorimeter will be determined. This will be done by
measuring the temperature change that occurs when a known amount of hot water is added to a
known amount of cold water in the calorimeter. The heat lost by the water is equal to the heat gained
by the cold water and the calorimeter. This is in accordance with The Law of Heat Exchange. Once
the heat capacity of the calorimeter is determined, then the heat released in the neutralization
reaction can be determined.

The specific heat capacity (C) of a substance is the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of one gram of the substance by one degree Celsius.
A where: m mass (g) =
Q= heat(J) Q=
change in temperature (C)
ln this experiment,

(rh@T)warnwaer + (m@T)couwoter * (lll@T)canrimeter = 0 (1)

Qcabrimeter = - fuCET = Qneutrolization rcoction (2)

EH = Qn"utotiration reaction / fllole of HzO (3)

To measure the energy change during a neutralization reaction using a calorimeter.
Calorimeter, ring stand, iron stand, wire-gauze, 2 thermometers, graduated cylinder,
stirrer, bunsen burner, beakers g t
cold water, 1 M HCI and 1 M NaOH


A. Determine Specific Heat Capacity of Calorimeter

i.. Take the mass of the inner calorimeter cup (without the fiber ring). lf the stirrer for the
water is of the same material as the calorimeter, weigh it together with the cup. lf it is of a
different material, weigh it separately.

2. Place 50 mL of cold water in the inner calorimeter cup and weigh it. Replace the cover and
thermometer and record the initial temperature. Be sure that the thermometer is not resting
on the bottom of the calorimeter. Leave the thermometer in the calorimeter.

3. Heat 50 ml of water in a beaker to 70 0C. Allow the hot water to stand for a minute or two,
using another thermometer, quickly record its temperature and pour its contents completely
into the inner calorimeter cup. Replace the lid (incorporated with the thermometer) and
carefully swirl the calorimeter.

4. Observe the temperature for the next three minutes. You should see the temperature go up
sharply and then, after a short time, it will start to cool back down (losing heat to
surroundings). Record in your data table the absolute HIGHEST temperature that you note.
Calculate the heat capacity of the calorimeter (use formula 1).

Data Table:
Part A:
Volume of water in calorimeter
50 ml
I nitia I Temperature of calorimeter/water
before mixing 17 degrees C

Volume of warm water added

50 ml

Initialtemperature of warm water 70 degrees C

Final temperature of combined

water/calorimeter 43 degrees C

Density of water 1.00 g/mt

Specific Heat Capacity of Water 4.186 Ug-Co

B. Determine the Heat of Neutralization (AH') of HCI + NaOH

1. Dry the inner calorimeter cup and thermometer with paper towel. Measure out 50.0m1of
1.0M NaOH and add it to the calorimeter cup. Place the lid on the calorimeter but leave the
thermometer out.

2. Measure out exactly 50.0m1 of 1.0 M HCI into a dry graduated cylinder. Allow it to stand near
the calorimeter for about 3 minutes. Measure the temperature of the acid. Rinse the
thermometer with tap water and wipe dry.

3. lnsert the thermometer into the calorimeter and measure the temperature of the NaOH
solution. The temperature of the NaOH and the HCI should not differ by more than 0.5" C. lf
the difference is greater than that, adjust the temperature of the HCI by either warming it by
holding the graduated cylinder in your hand or cooling the outside with tap water until the
temperature is within 0.5' C of the NaOH.

4. Record the temperature of the NaOH solution. Liftthe lid carefully and add the 1M HClallat
once. Be careful not to splash any on the upper side of the cup. Swirl the solution (gently) and
observe the temperature for the next 3 minutes.

5. Record the absolute HIGHEST temperature that you note. Calculate the heat of neutralization
per mole of water formed. You may assume that the NaCl solution has the same density and
specific heat as water. [Note: this is not exactly true, it may be useful when explaining your

6. Calculate the heat of neutralization of HCI + NaOH (use formula 2 & 3).

Hc! (aq) + NaoH (aq) ) Hzo (l)+ NaCl (aq)

Data Table:
Part B

Molarity of NaOH solution 1

-M1 M
Molarity of HCI solution

Volume NaOH solution 50 mL

Volume HClsolution 50 mL

Temperature of NaOH solution before mixing

27.8 degrees C
Temperature of HCI before mixing 28.0 degrees C
Density of water 1.00 g/mL**

Specific Heat of Water 4.185 J/g"C**

Temperature after mixing

35 degrees C
Theoretical AHreacion -2.79 k)

Percentage error


Chemist of the Day: Date Performed:


Part A:
Volume of water in calorimeter

tnitial Temperature of calorimeter/water

before mixing

Volume of warm water added

tnitial temperature of warm water

Final temperature of combined


Density of water 1.00 g/mL

Specific Heat of Water 4.L86llg'C

Part B:

Molarity of NaOH solution M

Molarity of HCI solution M

Volume NaOH solution mL

Volume HClsolution mL

Temperature of NaOH solution before mixing

Temperature of HC! before mixing

Density of water 1.00 g/mL

Specific Heat of Water 4.t86llg'C

Temperature after mixing

Theoretical AHre".tron -2.79 k)

Experimenta! AHreaaion

Percentage error

t. From table of specific heats, obtain value of specific heat of the material that make up the
2. From the table of heat of neutralization, calculate the heat of neutralization between NaOH
and HCl.

I AH"rp"rir"nt.t - AH tneoreticat I

3. Calculate the percentage error. Yo Error = (too%)

AH theoreticat

L. To calculate for AH, why do we need Qcarorimeter?

2. Why is it important that these reactions be run in a calorimeter as opposed to a glass beaker?

3. List any major reasons for the differences between the theoretical and experimental AH

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