Synectics-Ramona Quimby 2 Grade Speaking & Listening Writing

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Synectics- Ramona Quimby

2nd Grade
Speaking & Listening

Lesson Overview
Gate Concept: Synectics
CCSS SL 2.1- Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse
partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and
large groups.
CCSS SL 2.1b- Build on others’ talk in conversations by linking their
comment to the remarks of others.
CCSS SL 2.1c- Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed
about the topics and texts under discussion.
CCSS W 2.8- Recall information from experiences or gather
information from provided sources to answer a question.
Materials for Teacher:
1. 1 large piece of butcher paper
2. markers (at least 4 different colors)
Materials for Students:
1. Writing paper
2. Pencil

Lesson Procedure:
1. Gather students on the carpet in front of the butcher paper.
2. Explain to students that they will be working together as a team of
scholars to do some creative thinking. We are going to start with a
person that we know very well and end by comparing that person to an
object that is very different. *It is important that students go into this
activity with an open mind.* Students will have to stretch their thinking
in ways they may normally never do.
3. Share with students, that they will being thinking about a book
character that they all know very well…Ramona Quimby (our class has
read several Ramona Books aloud together).
4. Step 1, write Ramona’s name on the butcher paper. Ask students to
come up with adjectives to describe Ramona. Before students shared
with the group I encouraged them to think on their own and then share
with someone sitting next to them.
5. After students have shared all of their adjectives (Step 2) choose a
new category and write it next to Ramona. I chose “Animals”. Students
then have to think of animals that would relate to or match with one or
more of the adjectives from the Ramona list. *I drew a line to match the
adjective with the animal.*
6. Step 3, next to the Animal group write the word “Feelings”. As a
group students will come up with a list of feelings that they feel when
they think of the different animals from their last list. *I recommend
writing 1 feeling for each animal.*
7. Step 4, students decide together which two feeling words are the most
opposite. I created a separate list on my Smartboard and then allowed
students to vote on the two words that they felt were the most opposite.
8. Step 5, for the final list chose a category, it can be anything, I chose
toys. The student’s then think of a list of toys that would fit the two
opposite feelings. Mine was Toys that are scared and happy.
9. Step 6, students vote on 1 toy that best fits the idea of being both
scared and happy.
10. On the Smartboard I wrote the question, “How is Ramona Q. like a
jack-in-the-box?” I encouraged students to think creatively about this
question. I told them that they really need to stretch their thinking in
order to answer this question.
11. I gave students time to ponder and write. Students turned in
completed writing and shared some of it aloud.

I was honestly scared at first to tackle this lesson but in the end I am SO
glad that I did. I had a great time and I know the students did too. I was
amazed at how they were able to stretch themselves. They really
embraced the process and were able to go with the flow. I am also, very
happy with the writing they produced at the end of this lesson.
I can’t wait to try another synectics lesson with my class in the future. I
know it will only get better going forward.

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