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Dalton Ronquillo Veliz

School subjects DEFINITION
art (n) the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting
or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
biology (n) the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology,
anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution.
chemistry (n) the branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is composed; the
investigation of their properties and the ways in which they interact, combine, and change; and the use of these
processes to form new substances.
foreign languages (n) A foreign language is a language not commonly spoken in the country of the speaker. However, there must be
a defined distinction between foreign and second language.
geography (n) the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is
affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries
history (n) the study of past events, particularly in human affairs.
IT (information technology) (n) the study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending
literature (n) written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.
math (mathematics) (n) the abstract science of number, quantity, and space. Mathematics may be studied in its own right ( pure
mathematics ), or as it is applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering ( applied mathematics ).
music (n) vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and
expression of emotion.
PE (physical education) (n) instruction in the development and care of the body ranging from simple calisthenic exercises to a course of
study providing training in hygiene, gymnastics, and the performance and management of athletic games
physics (n) the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy.
science (n) the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the
physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
social studies (n) various aspects or branches of the study of human society, considered as an educational discipline.
technology (n) the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

A2 Elementary 1 Personal Best A2 © Richmond 2018


do a test (v. phr.) a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is
taken into widespread use.
do an exam (v. phr.) short for examination
do homework (v. phr.) schoolwork that a student is required to do at home.
fail a test (v. phr.) To fail is defined as to be unsuccessful at something, to not do something you should
fail an exam (v. phr.) The verb fail comes from the Old French word faillir, meaning “be lacking,” “miss,” or “not succeed.”
get into college (v. phr.) Action of entering or registering in an educational institution
go to college (v. phr.) Action to move in the direction of the higher educational institution
go to elementary school (v. phr.) is defined as a period of formal education following pre-school but before high school.
go to high school (v. phr.) a school that typically comprises grades 9 through 12, attended after primary school or middle school.
go to kindergarten (v. phr.) The definition of kindergarten is a class which students attend when they reach age 5 or 6 that prepares them
to enter first grade
go to middle school (v. phr.) a school intermediate between an elementary school and a high school, typically for children in the sixth,
seventh, and eighth grades.
go to nursery school (v. phr.) a school for young children, mainly between the ages of three and five.
pass a test (v. phr.) Successfully complete a written or physical measure
pass an exam (v. phr.) approve a physical or psychological measure taken
take a test (v. phr.) action to render or perform a physical or emotional or psyche measure
take an exam (v. phr.) An exam is a formal test that you take to show your knowledge or ability in a particular subject, or to obtain a

Resolutions DEFINITION
be more organized (v. phr.) Affiliated in an organization, especially a union: organized dockworkers
buy a car (v. phr.) It is just a tactic used by the dealer to start the negotiations at a higher price so that the salesperson can seem
to come down on the price without losing any actual profit.

A2 Elementary 2 Personal Best A2 © Richmond 2018


earn more money (v. phr.) to receive a particular amount of money for the work that you do
get more exercise (v. phr.) physical activity that you do to make your body
get a new job (v. phr.) action to search or apply for a position where the time offered will be paid
get in shape (v. phr.) To work to have good, robust health; to become strong or fit.
have an interview (v. phr.) a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.
improve your diet (v. phr.) steps taken to reduce calories through alternate to normal food
improve your relationship (v. phr.) action or measures taken to better manage the situation between two individuals
join a gym (v. phr.) decision made to improve the physical condition of the person at a training site
lose weight (v. phr.) become fatter (or thinner).
make new friends (v. phr.) to become someone's friend Sometimes it is hard for children to make new friends.
meet someone new (v. phr.) situation in which a person self-introducing himself who was not known of his existence until previous
run a marathon (v. phr.) A marathon is a race in which people run a distance of 26 miles, which is about 42 km.
save more money (v. phr.) o save money: to budget, to economize; to put money aside for the future.

A2 Elementary 3 Personal Best A2 © Richmond 2018

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