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The Roarin’ 20s ‖ Changing Role of Women in the 1920s

Goals & Objectives

Students will learn about the changing role of women in the 1920s

Students will be able to explain the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution. 

Students will be able to evaluate and explain the significance of "the flapper"

Students will be able to identify and explain the causes of the changing role of women in
the 1920s.

California State Content Standards

11.5.4 Analyze the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment and the changing role of women
in society.

Common Core Literacy Standards

 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or
secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships
among the key details and ideas.
 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or
secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships
among the key details and ideas.
 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.6 Evaluate authors’ differing points of view on the same
historical event or issue by assessing the authors’ claims, reasoning, and evidence.
 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.7 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information
presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in
words) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.11-12.2e Provide a concluding statement or section that
follows from and supports the information or explanation provided (e.g., articulating
implications or the significance of the topic).

Driving Historical Question

What influenced the changing role of women in  1920s America?

Lesson Introduction (Anticipatory Set/Hook/Accessing Prior Knowledge) ‖ Time:10 min.

In order to access prior knowledge, the teacher will ask students if they know what a
primary source is. The teacher will explain what a primary source is if the students cannot
answer. The teacher will also introduce vocabulary terms that students should already be
familiar with and ask the students to raise their hand to define the terms. In order to
properly examine the primary source documents, the teacher will provide the students
with the "Written Document Analysis Worksheet" and the "Cartoon Analysis Worksheet."
The students will have already been familiar with these worksheets from previous lessons,
so the teacher will briefly discuss the various sections of the worksheets.

Vocabulary (Content Language Development) ‖ Time: 5 min

Vocabulary will be introduced prior to the assignment. The key terms will be discussed at
the beginning of class to ensure understanding.
Key Terms:

Joint Resolution

Content Delivery (Inquiry) ‖ Time: 10 minutes

The teacher will only offer limited background information on the primary source
documents by informing students of what each document is. The teacher will ask the
students (in pairs) to use the worksheets to analyze the 3 primary sources. The teacher will
then lead a whole class discussion to collectively analyze the 3 primary sources, and will
write the students responses on the board. When students offer their response, the teacher
will ask each student why/how they reached that conclusion. Based on student responses,
the teacher may offer their own insight into analyzing the documents in order for the
students to gain a deeper understanding of the content. The teacher will then instruct the
students to individually come up with a 3 paragraph response to the prompt: "Using what
you already know about the role of women prior to 1920; how did the 19th amendment
and the flapper influence the changing role of women during the 1920s?"  

Student Engagement (Critical Thinking & Student Activities) ‖ Time: 40 + Homework

Using prior learned primary source analysis skills; in pairs, the students will answer the
questions on the worksheets to analyze the three primary source documents. Once that is
complete, students will join in a whole class discussion to gain more perspectives and ideas
on the primary sources. The students will offer their responses to the worksheet questions,
and answer why/how they reached their conclusions about the documents. Students will
then respond to the prompt: "Using what you already know about the role of women prior
to 1920; how did the 19th amendment and the flapper influence the changing role of
women during the 1920s?"  

Lesson Closure ‖ Time:10 minutes

The teacher will use equity cards to randomly call on students to share their answer to the
question, "Using what you already know about the role of women prior to 1920; how did
the 19th amendment and the flapper influence the changing role of women during the
1920s?" This will allow students to both reflect on their own responses as well as gain
insight as to what others concluded.

Assessments (Formative & Summative)

The teacher will be able to assess student understanding by actively observing and
listening to the discussions during the partner-work activity.

By using the equity cards to call on students to answer the closure question, the teacher
will be able to assess the critical thinking of the students.

The teacher will collect and review both the worksheets and the short answer to the
prompt to do a final check for understanding.

Accommodations for English Learners, Striving Readers and Students with Special Needs
English Learners, Striving Readers, and Students with Special Needs will be given the
worksheets in advance as well as a key term sheet.

Pairing these students with a partner will allow the students to check their understanding
of the material with a partner.

The teacher will first check for understanding with these students, and devote additional
time for assistance.

All students will be allowed to complete their writing assignment at home in order to
reflect on what they learned and properly explain their response. This will help students
who need accommodations by allowing them the extra time to consider their own opinions
and to edit their response.

Resources (Books, Websites, Handouts, Materials)

Primary Source Analysis Worksheets
Primary Sources as noted.

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