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September the 3rd, 2020

Zero conditional

If i have money, i visit Cartagena

First conditional

If I have money, I will visit Cartagena

Second conditional

If I had money, I would visit Cartagena NOT REAL

Third conditional.

If I had had money, I would have visited CARTAGENA NOT Real Condicional de lament

Zero conditional First conditional Second Third conditional Spanish

If I have time, I If I have time, I If I had money, I If I had had 0. Si yo tengo tiempo, voy de compras
go shopping will go shopping. would go money, I would 1. Si yo tengo tiempo, yo iré de compras
shopping have gone 2. Si yo tuviera tiempo, yo iría de compras
shopping 3. Si yo hubiera tenido tiempo, yo hubiera ido de compras

Zero conditional

If I spend all my money, I am not able to buy anything

First conditional
If I spend all my money, I will not able to buy anything

Second conditional

If I spent all my money, I would not be able to buy anything

Third conditional.

If I had spent all my money, I would have not able to buy anything

Zero conditional First conditional Second Third conditional Spanish

If I spend all my If I spend all my If I spent all my If I had spent all 0. Si yo me gasto la plata, no puedo comprar nada
money, I am not money, I will not money, I would my money, I 1. Si yo me gasto la plata, no me compraré nada
able to buy able to buy not be able to would have not 2. Si yo me gastara la plata, no me compraría nada
anything anything buy anything able to buy 3. Si yo me hubiera gastado la plata, no me hubiera
anything comprado nada.

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