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Assignment # 1

Programme Name : ____________________ Group Number : __________________________

Group Members Name: ___________________________________________________________________________

EFB508 – Intellectual Property Rights

Monsoon Semester 2019 – 2020

Assignment # 1 Know your IP

Total Marks: 25
Guidelines :

1. Choose the invention of your choice but modify it with minimum two new features.
2. The submission is in hard copy in printed form with this page as first page.
a. Font : Times New Roman, Font Size : 13, 1.5 spacing
b. Page numbers to be mentioned on right bottom side.
c. However, the soft copy of the assignment should be uploaded in google drive in
folder Submissions. The submission should be named as Group 1_IPR, Group
2_IPR. No submission via email is entertained.
d. The submission is between your 6th session and 7th session.
Imagine that you are an entrepreneur and you are investing your money in research and
development of invention. You have hired two researchers namely Shin and Chan and
they have agreed to assign their rights to you. (You can use any existing invention but
add new features to it) and you have to protect your features through Patents. Do the
needful to protect your patent:
e. Define your Invention and Key features (100 words) 5 marks
f. Find two prior art from Google Patents / USPTO Database relating to your
invention and mention the invention details of prior art 5 marks
g. Write the Title of your Invention 3 marks
h. Write the Abstract of your Invention 4 marks
i. Which forms will you file before Indian Patent Office for an Ordinary Patent
Application? 4 marks
j. Attach Form 1 with filled information 4 marks

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