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Cover (Vivian) ................................................................................................

Table of Content (Darryl)................................................................................ 1
Introduction (Grace) ....................................................................................... 2
Headings .........................................................................................................
1. Can trees grow on Mars? (Vivian)........................................................ 5
2. Can we drink water on Mars? (Sky) .................................................... 6
3. Are there any alien live on Mars? (Reinaldri).......................................8
4. Is it safe to live on Mars? (Louis).........................................................9
5. Does Mars have any days and nights? (Darryl) ...................................11
6. Has someone tried to live on Mars? (Grace).........................................12
7. What is the distance from Earth to Mars? (Louis) ...............................13
8. What is the atmosphere on Mars? (Sky) ..............................................15
Conclusion (Darryl) ........................................................................................17
References (Vivian) ........................................................................................20


What is Mars?

As we all know, the universe is a very vast place to ever exist. It contains
a lot of things that most of them remains unknown. The closest place that we,
humans, could explore is our own solar system. The solar system consists of
one big star, the sun, and eight planets; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Our center of discussion for this article would be
the ever-red planet, Mars.

M a r s i s t h e f
million kilometers away from
Earth and would be available to
reach only by spacecraft. The
red color that emits from the
planet is caused by the iron
within the dust that reacted

Mars from Earth. with the oxygen. Its layer of

dust covered the entire
surface and labelled Mars as the red planet [ CITATION Why17 \l 1033 ]. Much to
everyone’s surprise, NASA has finally confirmed that there is water on Mars.
There is more than five million cubic kilometers of ice that have been identified
at or near the surface of modern Mars, enough to cover the whole planet to a
depth of
35 meters. Mars is slightly smaller and weighs lesser than earth. Mars takes
only half of the earth’s diameter its mass is 10 times lesser than earth, about
x1023 kilograms. [ CITATION Tim12 \l 1033 ]

The temperature Mars is obviously colder than it is on Earth. It is
understandably colder since Mars itself is further away from the sun. Its
atmosphere is also 100 times thinner than Earth and is without a thermal blanket
that makes Mars unable to retain any heat energy. On average temperature,
Mars is about minus 60 degrees Celsius and could reach up to minus 125
degrees Celsius in winter and get up to 70 degrees Celsius in the summer. In
usual night temperature, Mars is about 100 degrees Celsius. [ CITATION Tim17 \l
1033 ]

Despite these facts however,

Mars could be a potential
candidate to be the next Earth. It
has suitable environment for
humans to live in; the soil on Mars
contains water which is essential
for humans to live, the gravity on
Mars is 38% that of our Earth’s
and is believed to be sufficient for
the human body to adapt, it has the
atmosphere (although it is thin)
Terraforming of Mars.
to protect humans for the sun’s
radiation and the day and night rhythm is similar to that of ours. That makes the
Mars a suitable candidate for our next place of civilization. [ CITATION Why \l 1033

It had started because of the thirst to know what lies beyond our very
Earth. Then the thirst turned into fascination and further curiosity to know
whether a planet similar to Earth exists somewhere out there. People strived to
search for the ‘perfect’ Earth, one that is the opposite of ours right now. Lisa

Messeri, an anthropologist of science and technology says, “We don’t want to
find a world with warfare or stricken with poverty, we want a perfect world, a
world that is untouched by human activity.” [ CITATION Sar18 \l 1033 ]

To sum it up, Mars might be the very next planet for humans to civilize
on. Its suitable living conditions is very much alike to that of the Earth’s. The
human civilization could possibly move there someday, no one knows.



1. Can Trees Grow on Mars?

This question is asked because of the curiosity whether plants such as

trees could grow on mars because plants are essential for human life.
People aren’t very sure whether if plants can grow in Mars’ soil. In
reality, soil on Mars actually does have the nutrients plants would need to
survive on Mars. There may Growing Green on the Red Planet
not be the right amount of
nutrients depending
on where astronauts land on
the Red Planet, so fertilizers
may need to be added to the
soil. There are two kinds of
Essential Plant Nutrients,
Macronutrients and
In Macronutrients, there are Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen,
Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium and Sulfur. Unlike the
Micronutrients which have fewer Essential Plant Nutrients that contains Iron,
Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Molybdenum, Boron and Chlorine.[ CITATION Jor15 \l
1033 ]
To conclude, people are not sure if trees can grow or not on Mars.
2. Can we drink water on Mars?

It is important that if people need to know that if they can or cannot drink
water in mars. However In the extremely harsh Martian environment, pure

water cannot survive on the surface for any period of time. The addition of the
salt from the soil alters the temperature at which water freezes or evaporates,
thus allowing the water to stay in liquid form longer. Future astronauts living
and working on the Red Planet would not be drinking the briny water we
currently see on the surface. Instead, we need to find the source of the water, as
it will lead us to a drinkable supply.
Astronomers have discovered a large underground lake of liquid water
lurking just below the surface of
Mars. The find clocked away
beneath the surface of Mars are vast
quantities of water ice. But the
properties of that ice—how pure it
is, how deep it goes, what shape it
takes—remain a mystery to The river/lake found in mars.

planetary geologists. Those things

matter to mission planners, too: Future visitors to Mars, be they short-term
sojourners or long-term settlers, will need to understand the planet's subsurface
ice reserves if they want to mine it for could end a more than century-long
debate over whether or not the Red Planet still has liquid water. [ CITATION
Mar18 \l 1033 ]
We cannot drink water as it is dangerous because it contains perchlorates
that are not good for our health
Even though it is said that we cannot drink water in mars, Nasa is still
finding other water sources in Mars and high levels of salt and low temperatures
do not usually bode well for microbial life. A car-size robot based heavily on
Curiosity's basic design — will blast off in 2020 to look for evidence of past
Red Planet life.


3. Are there any alien live on Mars?

It’s important
when mars
become the next
earth because
people still
don’t know is
there is any

living creature like alien. If there are alien live in mars and as human
must to know how to defend from alien, how to adaptation with alien, and
live together between human and alien.
Alien live on mars is still on many conspiracy because NASA the
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration is an
independent agency of the
United States says that "With
these new findings, Mars is
telling us to stay the course
and keep searching for
evidence of life," Thomas
Zurbuchen, associate
administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA headquarters
in Washington, D.C., said in a statement. "I'm confident that our ongoing
and planned missions will unlock even more breath-taking discoveries on
the Red Planet. [ CITATION Mik18 \l 1033 ]
In this statement NASA says they still don’t know the truth about
is there is life on the Mars and it is still on conspiracy because there is
still no true evidence. In this question is depend on what you thinking do
you believe is there is alien? Or you not believe is there is alien?


4. Is It Safe to Live on Mars?

Before someone move to

other house, he must check the
condition of that house. Is it

safe? Is it risk free? Is it suitable for living? Same as planet, he must
make sure that mars are safe to live before he brought whole things in
world to mars. To know the climate and temperature on mars is very
important to make sure that people can survive on mars
The average temperature on Mars is - 60 Celsius, but temps can
range from - 126 C in winter
near the poles to 20 C during
summer near the equator but
it can change sharply within a
single week. Mars'
temperature variations often
result in powerful dust
storms, that can change the The condition of mars from inside.
temperature of the entire
planet in just a week. These storms may create dust that could clog
electronics and interfere with solar-powered instruments. The atmosphere
on mars is very thin, not like on earth, but its strong enough to break a
meteor smaller than marble. The large meteors are relatively rare and so
will be the volcanic and tectonic activity while living on Mars. [ CITATION
Dor16 \l 1033 ]
The conclusion is the weather on mars is very extreme. It is
impossible to live if there is no technology like heater on mars. So, to
make it safe to live NASA must build infrastructure first to make mars is
suitable to live for people.


5. Does Mars have any days and nights?

Is It important to know if there is day and night on mars ? Why we

need day and night to live? As human they to know the difference time
between Mars and Earth ,so they can live on mars . Many people want to
try live on mars but they don’t know the condition on mars. So how come
they can live on mars ? Maybe they don’t know it’s true that mars have
any day and night
Mars has day and night for the same reasons that Earth has day and
night. Mars, like Earth, rotates on an axis. As the planet spins, half of it is
facing the sun, and the other half isn't. So the half that is facing the sun
experiences daytime, and the other half has night time. The planet spins
around so the same half is
facing the sun every 24.6
(almost 25) hours. This is
the same way that we see
night and day, except Earth
spins a little faster, so we
have a complete day and
night every 24[ CITATION
Mat07 \l 1033 ] Morning view from Mars.

If you want to live on mars you it is possible and the condition

are similar to Earth.
6. Has someone tried to live on Mars?

People have been wondering whether any human has managed to even set
foot on the red planet. Like the moon landing that happened 1969, with the
famous astronaut Neil Armstrong, became the first human to ever set foot on the
Despite the growing curiosity and
conspiracies of whether any human
has ever set foot on Mars, the truth
is that no one has ever visited the
planet. Although the United State
Congress has approved for NASA to
start the exploration to Mars and
would probably be happening near
the 2030s. [ CITATION Hum18 \l 1033 ]
It will be very soon for the
The Moon Landing (1969). humankind to be able to set foot on
the red planet and it might be
possibly sooner than expected. Finally, humans are able to understand more
about the unknown and find a better place to live.


7. What is the distance from Earth to Mars?

In order to move to other place, there must be a preparation before
the journey. If the distance is unknown between earth to mars, how can
the astronauts know that the food stocks and medicine is enough or not. It
is very dangerous if the food is out of stocks.
The distance from Earth to Mars varies a lot, because the Earth’s
orbit around the sun might be smaller than
Mars’ orbit. Earth is the third planet from the
sun, and Mars is the fourth. Imagine two cars
on a racetrack, and one is always on the
inside while the other is on the outside. Earth
is on the inside track, and so it gets around
more quickly. Sometimes it’s close to Mars,
when it’s making a pass, and other times it’s
far away, at the other side of the track. The
minimum distance from the Earth to Mars is
The space shuttle.
about 54.6 million kilometers. The farthest
apart they can be would be about 401 million km. The average distance is
about 225 million km. Is it predicted that the journey will take 1 year.
[CITATION SPA \l 1033 ]
For 1-year people need a lot of food and drinks. For one journey,
the rocket can only bring 68 people without carrying food and drinks. So,
in one success journey rocket can only bring 34 people so that the rocket
can bring many stocks of foods and drinks.


8. What is the atmosphere on Mars?

Solar wind and radiation are

responsible for stripping the Martian
atmosphere, transforming Mars from a
planet that could have supported life
billions of years ago into a frigid desert
world, according to new results from
NASA's MAVEN spacecraft. Scientist
believe that the atmosphere of Mars is The thin atmosphere of Mars today
so negligible because the planet lost its
magnetosphere about 4 billion years ago. A magnetosphere would channel the
solar wind around the planet. Without one, the solar wind interacts directly with
the ionosphere stripping away atoms, lowering the density of the atmosphere.
These ionized particles have been detected by multiple spacecraft as they trial
off into space behind Mars.
The atmosphere of Mars is about 100 times thinner than Earth's, and it is
95 percent carbon dioxide. Here's a breakdown of its composition, according to
a NASA fact sheet:
Carbon dioxide: 95.32 percent
Nitrogen: 2.7 percent
Argon: 1.6 percent
Oxygen: 0.13 percent
Carbon monoxide: 0.08 percent
Also, minor amounts of: water, nitrogen oxide, neon, hydrogen-deuterium-
oxygen, krypton and xenon
Even though oxygen is very low, Nasa is planning to make oxygen from
the atmosphere on Mars when its next robot arrives on the mysterious red planet
in 2020.
Scientists will send microbial life - possibly algae or bacteria - on the 2020
Rover mission in a bid to create air fit for human consumption.


So, can Mars be the next Earth? It might possibly be! Although this is the big
question; many people still don’t know how the condition on Mars is. It is
known that Mars’ soil is possible for planting. It does have the nutrients needed
for the plants to survive although fertilizers might be needed for the plants to

adapt well. Trees are comparatively slow growing because Mars gets less than
half as much sunlight that Earth gets and water on Mars isn’t exactly flowing as
it is more to ice-form than it is to liquid. So, people are still unsure whether it is
possible for plants such as trees to grow on Mars.

Some people believe that Alien live on Mars is still on conspiracy because there
is still no true evidence, that’s why people said there is Alien on Mars, but
another people said there is no Alien on mars. But if there is Aliens on Mars,
people must to know to defends from Aliens and adapt with the Aliens.

It is not safe to live on Mars because there is no technology to protect people

who live on Mars. Then the weather on mars is very extreme. So that is
impossible to live on Mars if there is no technology like a heater on man
because the temperature on Mars is very cold. If people want to live there,
NASA must build infrastructure first to make Mars is suitable to live for people.

There is day and night on Mars because Mars is similar with Earth. For the
same reason with Earth, Mars has day and night because planet spins, half of its
facing the sun and the other half isn’t. When the half of its facing the sun
experience day time, and the other side not facing the sun experience night time.
Mars has 24,6 hours in a day.

There is no one ever tried to live on Mars, however the United States congress
has approved for NASA to start the exploration to Mars and probably be
happening near the 2030s. If there are people tried to set foot on Mars, humans
are able to understand more about the unknown and find a better place to live.

The distance from Earth to Mars varies a lot, because Earth’s orbit round the
sun is might smaller than Mars orbit. The minimum distance from the Earth to

Mars is about 54,6 million kilometres. The farthest apart they can be being
about 401 million kilometres and the average distance is about 225 million km.
The estimate of journey will take 1 year.

So, can mars be the next Earth?

Yes, NASA said they also wants send astronauts to Mars someday. To get ready
to send humans to Mars, NASA is studying new kinds of homes where
astronauts can live. Scientists are studying how people in space could grow
plants for food. By watching what happens to astronauts on the International
Space Station, scientists are finding out how living in space affects humans.
After the Earth, these are the reasons why mars are the most habitable planet.
• Soil is possible for planting on Mars
• It isn’t too cold or too hot
• It’s possible to live on mars if you have a technology to protect to people.
• Mars has any day and night.




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