The Impossible Dream

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An animated film, co-produced with Dagmar Doukova of Kratkty Film, Chechoslovakia, takaes a wry
humorous look at a problem faced by the women everywhere, a doubled worked load of a full time job
and being a housewife. Seen an average family with a baby and two school- aged children. Both parents
work outside the home. The woman puts the same hours as her husband, for less money. In addition,
caring for the children and all the household duties remain her responsibilities (United Nations 1983).

This kind of scenario is nothing new and a very usual thing that happen in everyday life as a housewife,
but all depends on the culture that we have been originated that is common practice around the globe.
This video on my part is let the new generation know how hard are women suffer not just taking their
duty as woman also hindered from their rights to take on privilege as what men are enjoying. But there
were some critiques that saying that the video is quite bias since it talks about gender equality yet,
promotes stereotyping since it only focuses on how women are suffer into some certain situations. Does
it really mean that men are much abusing women? How about to those men who are also suffering what
about them is their also an equal rights for them or such program that could also address them? There
saying that men are dominating women, but in terms of number women are too many it somewhat like
1/3 of people around the world were women and men were outnumbered as is set in 1/4. How can we
promote gender equality if we all know that those are in pursuit of the advocacy were almost women.
What we have to focus on is on how can we expand the horizon on implementing a more visible and
accessible equal rights.

Achieving gender equality start from home and should be thought at home, and I firmly believe that,
that is the role of the parents since family is the basic unit in the society, as early as the young age
parent should educate their children and remind them how it is really important to impart them the
principle of love, respect and tolerance. I personally, was a member of six sister but we don’t find any
domination to each other and we are thought to do our duty in no exemption whether if I am a boy and
them as girls. Gender role is no longer an issue that is why as we grow though not much mature as what
to be expected, we adopted it. We only need a better communication and it is also a best way where we
can express our thoughts and opinion and to be heard and need to be addressed without any further
chaos but in the right action. And the best key to understand the situation is proper education and
determination towards the goal that “ THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM ” will be possible because as the slogan
says “ we will, because we can “ and within this life we may face many circumstances nothing is
impossible we only need to believe that we can do it.

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