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Lecture 2 Practice Problems

Question #1
Design a self-correcting counter circuit using T-flip flops that count up to 5 (i.e. from 0 to 5
and back to 0). The circuit should detect whether the number is odd (output F=1) or even
(output F=0). The circuit should self-correct itself by returning to the default state (state 0 or
number 0) in cases of error (i.e. undefined states) regardless of the input.

Question #2

For the given circuit containing cascaded two shift registers, fill in the table given below for
four clock cycles showing the content of each shift register after a clock edge.

Time A B

T0 1011 0101





Question #3

Using D Flip-Flops, design a three-bit universal shift register.

The shift register should have one serial input, three parallel inputs and one serial output.
Two select inputs exist, load and mode, such that if load=0 the register will keep the same
previous values regardless of the value of mode. If load=1 the register will load new data either
in series or parallel according to the value of mode, such that if mode=0 the register acts as a
serial right shift register, and if mode=1 the register will load the inputs in parallel.
Question #4

Using D Flip-Flops, design a four-bit universal shift register with one serial input, four parallel
inputs, 2 select inputs, and one serial output.
The functionalities of the universal shift register are as follows:
 Load value,
 Clear value,
 count down, and
 store value.

Question #5

Using D Flip-Flops, design a three-bit universal shift register with 2 select inputs. The
functionalities of the universal shift register are as follows:

 store value,
 circular shift right, and
 clear value.

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