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«If bok p and g (1,2, 3,4), then hi OF the form px? + Feal roots ? belong to the set ow Many equations a * 10 will have f) 12 (b) 10 () 7 (@) 6 2, What is the value of F-243-445- 44012 (a) 51 (b) 55 ©) 110 @) iit 3. IFA, B and C are subsets of a given set, ‘then which one of the following relations is not correct ? (a) AU(ANB) = AUB (b) AN(AUB) = 4 (e) (ANB)UC = (4UC)N(BUC) @ (AUa)NC = (ancyucanc) 4. If the sum of first n terms of a series is (n+ 12), then what is its third term ? @l (b) 2 () 3 @ 4 5. What in the value of & for which the sum Of the squares of the roots Of 22 — 20k —2) x {E+ 1)= 0 is mini- mum ? fa) -1 (b) 1 3 {c) 5 2 6. If the roots of the equation a(b—e)x* + b(c —a)x+ o(a—b)=0 are equal, then which one of the following is correct ? (@) 4,5 and c are in AP (b) a, 6 and ¢ are in GP (c) a, 6 and care in HP @ 4, 6 and ¢ do not follow any regular pattern 7if [x*-3r42| > x?=3x42, then which one of the following is correct ? (a) x <1 orx>2 (b) l=x=2 (c) 1<*%<2 (d) x is any real value except 3 and 4 8. A geometric progression (GP) consists of 200 terms. If the sum of odd terms of the GP is m, and the sum of even terms of the GP is n, then what is its common ratio ? (a) min (b) nim (c)_m-+(nim) (d)_ m+ (min) A—BEM-D-HTM m3. cleriehtd and : Aotber tet contain 6 elena, thet (Ores What is the sniniiium number of “14 stesent ha iuayean ive YAS —14.J6 (a) 3 mY fics nave ©) 6 13. If e+a+b4e= 0, thon what ix the @s value af xta bg 9 @ xb ¢ |? @ Bb xhe| 10. What is the number of diagonals of an ‘ctagon ? 8 se es (0) (a+ b+eP (o) a+ bP ot (@) a+b+e-2 14.1f a(t A= 2h ig (a) a null matrix (b) am identity mani, (c) equal to A (d) equal to <4 =} Al then the expression 4S. Let mr ax the 46: Under which ane of the followin ‘conditions will the quadratic equation 24 mx+2'= Oatwayn have real race ? (0) 2V3 cm? 0 and. (&) 2 and 3 only x84, 507 (©) 1 and 3 only (a) x24, <0 (@) 1,2 and 3 (b) x=4, 920 32. How many two-digit numbers are (e) x<-4, y=0 divisible by 4? (@) 21 (d) x2-4,y=0 (Oy #2 36. If x!%* > 7 where x > 0, then which (c) 24 one of the following is correct ? (d) 25 (a) xe(0, 00) © x¢(5,7] } % (© x¢(0, uc, <9 ® x(5, 2) A—BEM-D-HTM (a) 10 (b) 20 () 512 (d) 1024 0 have? roots docs the equations 8. If the line on the plane 2x— is the value of (o) 2 ) 3 © 5 @) 7 of a triangle ABC are inp @=3:/2, then what ia pof angle A? 72, Consider the following << cy ‘respect of the fimetion flx) =: xn) forsee 9 and (Oy, i (©) z @i 74, What is the degree of the differential Te 95. Which one of the following is the second degree polynomial function fo) where (0) = 5, fl-1)~ 10 and fl) = 6? (a) St - 2x +5 (b) 3P-2-5 fe) 3x? -2x+5 @) 3P—10e+ 5 make with y-axis? (a) tan ni? (b) cor !(1 +m?) el (c) sin (3) (a) sec! Vim) vis the equation. Loi abated er tangent the: in (a at whats (AE equal o? ® tan x=} ie (b) 2um!(2x-N+e ©) mae). @) ta 'ax—Dee 1 | oF — ® Glare © (4inxy™ ne ntl seat © Gra * ba) 63. Which one of the differential aan dt te family of curves ya ig an Beane ‘Sebitrary Condiant 7 2 #8, What is OP st emt equal to? () 0 ) 4 () 2 @ 4 Directions for the following three (03) items : ‘Read the following information and answer the three items that follow : Consider the funetion (x) = g(x) + AG) wheie g(a) =sin| 3) and h(x) = cos| 86, What is the period of the function BG)? {a) () 26 (c) 4x @) 8x 87. What is the period of the function AG)? (a) © () © @ mie SIS of (a) (2, 3) ) G4) () G3, =2)) @) C4, -3) Directions far the fallawing tee (03) ems: Read the following. informition and aniwer the three items that follow ; Let f(x) = 32 + 2x — 5 and g(x) = Sx + 30 91. What are the roots of the equation elf] = 07 @ 1,1 @®) =I, = () 11 @) O71 92. Consider the following stilements + 1. f[eG)]i#a polynomia! of degree 3. 2. eleta}] isa polynomial of degree 2. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c), Both | and 2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 - If A(x) = Sf) —xg(@), then what is the derivative of h(x)? (a) —40 (b) 20 (e) 10 @ 0 pircetions for the following two (03) items + ‘97 What ie the derivative of piste weit Read the following, informati respect to sins? the two items that follow - Se = (a) sin x 2007 in (by 2sinx 2007 dn @ mena? (@) 2sinx con ri? “4, What is the vale of 2 @o ’ 98. For what valve of & is the function toyed ‘e) = By ee ESEtE ice Temontaucns yy? af 1 @ | I ©) > () 1 (a) 2 (@) 0 a 99. What is the area of the region enclosed J J } between the curve y?=2x and the 96. The differential equation which repre- straight line y= x? sents the family of curves given by, tany = ole") is (0), % square units 4 e (b) a square unils 1 ' (=) square unity (d) 1 square unit Fg 100.16 ffx)= = _ Sx? ; x cr) FSET thcrthaes i r Pe then iceretes im the S one correct ? pride following ig @ T= Aa, AUG, ©) ahd P= 9 and Ss ay (3) () T=(m, )and 5 y @ T=. Mand $= (0, 9) y 5 *) 101. A coin ig bj n $0 that hi up thrice as likely ag ia independent tosses oF w Soin, what is the probability of Eetting at most ry, tails 2 a (a) 016 (b) O43 (©) 058 @) 0.98 103, A bag contains 20 books out of which 5 are defective. 13 of the books are Zi at random and removed fom the bag in succe ; it, then ‘what is the probability that all three books are defective ? (@) 0-009 (6) 0-016 (©) 0-026 (@) 0-047 4103, 104, . fp and g are the ‘The micdian of the observations 22, 24, 33; 37, x+1, 543,46, 47, 57, 58 in ascending order is 42. What are the Values of Sth and 6th observations fespectively 7 fa) 42, 45 (b) 41, 43 (eo) 43, 46 (@) 40, 40 Arithmetic mean of 10 observations is 60 and sum of Squares. of deviations: from 30 is $000, What is the standard deviation of the observations ? (@) 20 (b) 21 (c), 22:36 (d) 24-70 Toots of the equation 27 —30c +29) = 0, what is the vahie of pP+g'? (a) 7010 () 7110 (ce). 7210 (d) 7240 A-BEM-D-HTM 406. For the variables x and y, regression lines are Gr+y=39 ang setae. What are the values of %, ¥ and r respectively 7 109. If a coin is tossed till the first head ‘appears, then what will be the sample space ? (a) {H) (b) {TH} (¢) {T, HT, HHT, HHT, .... @ 48, TH, TTH, TTTH, .... 110, Consider the following discrete fre~ quency distribution : x{E}2]3]) 4) 5) 6/77/83 f 13 [1s | 45| 57 | 50] 36/25) 9 ‘What is the value of median of the distribution ? (a) 4 (b) 5 © 6 (7 |. Two dice are thrown simul ; What is the probability that the sum of the numbers appearing on them is a prime number ? vin Si Be ele 112. 1F 5 of 8 Company's 10 4a li do ot meet emission standart, et Which of the above sintemettts is/are of them are chosen for j ; orrect "? what 3. the robbie ee aa a the ass 6 sen will macy eat (a) | only idrbda ion ; (b) 2 only fa) g (©) Both 1 and 2 Os (@) Neither 1 nor 2 @ 4 2 1S. If a fair die és rolled 4 times, then what is the probability that there are exactly ie) mane & 113, There are 3 coing in 6) oer two-headed Soin ance BA : : aa and third is biased coin that comes ae heads 75% of time. When ohe of the wo = three coins is selected al random snd ge flipped, it shows heads. What is the probability that it 12: rate ty that it was the two-headed (e) 216 2 @ 2 9 a \ 216 py 2 {b) 5 eile 116. Mean of 100 observations is $0 and! og standard deviation is 10, If S is added to cach observation, then what will ee be the mew mean and: new ‘standard 3 deviation respectively ? 114, Consider the following statements : (#). 50, 10 IGA and B are mutually exclusive ‘events, thet it is possible that ) 50,15 PUA)= PB) = 06. 2) 55, 10 2 IfA and F are any two events such Om that P(A}.B)= |, then P(3|Z)= |. (0) 55,15 . 39 A=BEM-D-HITM 119. A car travels first 60 km at a spesd ‘of 3v kervbr and travels next 60 km at 2v km/hr. What is the average speed of the car? ' (a) 2:Swkon/hr (®) 2-4y knvhe (co) 22 knvie (@) 2a kwh is 70kg and that of ‘SS kg. What are’ the number of boys _ and girls respectively in the class? (a) 75 and 75 (b) 50 and 100 (c) 70 and 80 (d) 100 and 50

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