Worksheet-The Ideal Freelance Business

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Where Everything Begins

1| Planting a Seed Understand the Big Picture of Freelancing.

Freelancing is a BUSINESS – not a job. What is your ideal vision for your freelance business?
How much do you get paid per month? How many hours do you work?
It is NOT Upwork, or, or a Imagine these and get very specific. It’s YOUR business!
position you apply for.

Our brand of Freelancing:

We come from a place of HELP

We get paid based on RESULTS,

not hours worked
If you could achieve having your ideal freelance
business just the way you wanted, how would you
We provide SOLUTIONS to problems celebrate it? (Travel? Rest? Buy a certain item?)

We believe in PARTNERSHIPS,
not competition

We lead with VALUE,

not portfolios or credentials

© 2018 The Freelance Movement

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