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Geological Hazards


Film Viewing: Cherry Hills Landslide
Take note of some of the early warning signs the
residents of Cherry Hills noticed before the landslide
What is Landslide?

Due to natural and manmade triggering events

By saturation of slope by extreme rainfall,

By vibration caused by earthquakes and human activity

When the sum of downward driving forces is

greater than the sum of the resisting forces
Types of Landslides

Rock fall and topples
Debris slides & flow
Types of Landslides

Creep Rock fall Topples

Slumps Debris slide and flow Mudslides

Identify the 11 warning signs on an impending landslide

Signs of an Impending Landslide
6. Cracks appear on the ground or in the
1.Bulging ground appearing at the
foundation of houses, buildings and other
base of a slope or retaining wall. structures.

2. Water breaks through the ground 7. Doors and windows become stuck
surface in new location. or jammed for the first time.

3. Fences, retaining walls, utility posts 8. Water appear at the base of the
or trees tilt or move. slope.

9. Outside walls, walks or stairs being

4. Water pipes break.
pulled away from the building.
10. Slowly widening cracks appear on the
5. Cracks appear on slope. ground or on paved areas such as paved streets,
driveways and concreted path ways.

11. Land movements and debris

What is Sinkhole?

Depressions or openings in the ground surface

Result of a collapse in the ceiling of an

underground cavity

“Karst Terrain”

In areas underlain by soluble carbonate or evaporite

rocks like limestone, dolomite, gypsum, and salt
Different Types of Sinkholes
Types of Sinkhole

Cover-Subsidence Cover Collapse

Dissolution Sinkhole
Activity: (50 pts.)
Note: A. Unique to landslides
B. Unique to sinkholes
C. Identical signs in both landslides and sinkholes
D. Similar signs in both landslides and sinkholes
Signs to observe Note Explanation
1. Cracks in interior joints areas, windows, and doors
2. Cracks in exterior masonry walls and plaster finishing
3. Windows and doors become harder to close properly
4. Deep cracks and separation of paved concrete walks
and drives
5. Outside walls, walks or stairs being pulled away from the
6. Water pipes break.
7. Titled trees, posts and signs.
Note: A. Unique to landslides
B. Unique to sinkholes
C. Identical signs in both landslides and sinkholes
D. Similar signs in both landslides and sinkholes with differences
Signs to observe Note Explanation
8. Circular patches of wilted plants
9. Neighbors have had or confirmed possible sinkhole or
landslide activity
10. Observation of an actual cavity beginning to open
11. Land movements and small landslides
12. Water appearing at base of slope or in depression in the
13. Sediments/minerals in water
14. Tension cracks form in slope
15. Bulging at the base/toe of a slop

The motion of surface as

it shifts downward
Geohazard Maps

Areas that are susceptible and vulnerable

to floods and landslides

Determined by the Mines and

Geosciences Bureau (MGB)
Geohazard Maps Color Coding
Group work: 3 members. Use 1 whole. (30 pts)

Identify the areas/places in Region 1 which are susceptible or

vulnerable to various geologic hazards or geohazards.
1. What are the different colors used to distinguish different areas in
the map?
2. What does each color mean regarding the susceptibility of an
area for a specific hazard?
3. What are the areas/places under each level of level of
4. For each hazard and level of susceptibility, what actions should
someone in a particular area take during periods of intense rain?
Techniques to Mitigate Landslides

Use rock curtain or slope covers Construct protective covers and Put warning signs
retaining walls

Explosive blasting of hazardous

Place rock bolts or anchors target areas Proper drainage
Techniques to Mitigate Landslides

Instrumental monitoring Avoid areas with soft soil and Avoid building-up on
high liquefaction potential slopes of steep valleys

Install sensors on an active Consult geotechnical engineer or

landslide site civil engineer Be informed and updated
Performance Task #2

INSTRUCTION: Create your own “Safe Slope Plan” which

has preventive/mitigation as well as adaptive/preparedness

MATERIALS: short bond paper, coloring materials, pencil

**Presentation of your output next meeting.
Total: 60 pts
Project/PT #1
What to do?
 You are to play the role of a National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)
researcher. You were hired to document the geological
hazards that have affected the country in the last 10 years.

 The Council’s objective is to determine if there is a distinct

pattern of occurrence for the hazard so that the Council
can adequately advise government leaders and the general
public on how to anticipate and prevent these disasters,
particularly in areas that have already been affected.
Performance Task
 To accomplish this , you will need
to draw or obtain a blank map of
the Philippines where you will
plot the disaster occurrences using
the symbols of the following:

 Write a brief report on the results of

your research discussing the
distribution of the hazards that you
identified, along with frequency and
pattern of occurrence observed for
each type of disaster.

You will present your work in class and submit the final output.
Performance Task
What you need:
1.½ Illustration board
Completeness of data- 30
2.pencils, color markers Clarity/accuracy of map- 25
3.Reference materials such Content of report- 30
as science books, Creativity/Uniqueness- 20
magazines, newspapers Submission- 10
4.Internet access Peer Evaluation- 15
5.Blank map of the Total = 130 pts
Philippines showing only
the provinces

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