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Lesson 1 What is room service attendant?


At the end of this session, you will be able to:

 Explain the importance of room service.

 Be familiar with the work of a room service attendant.
 Identify the duties and responsibilities of the room service attendant.


In this session, you will learn the job of a Room Service Attendant. You will get to know your
duties and responsibilities, your work environment, and other things to expect in this job.

What is a Room Service Attendant?

Almost 60% of guests in a resort or hotel use room service for their food and beverage orders.
This is why Room Service Attendants have a very important role in the hotel or resort
experience. They interact with the guests directly and ensure that all food and beverage requests
are acted upon in a timely and professional manner.

As a Room Service Attendant, you are the hotel staff who serves food and beverages to the
guests in their rooms. Your main task is to ensure that room service orders are properly delivered
and on time for the satisfaction of guests.

Often, you are also in charge of taking the room service order calls and cleaning up after the
guesst have finished their meals.

Room Service Attendant

Duties and Responsibilities of a Room Service Attendant

As a room service attendant, your duties and responsibilities include:

 Taking guest orders through the telephone

 Assembling the food orders
 Delivering food to the guest at their rooms

 Cleaning up after meals

Lesson 2 Getting Ready for work


At the end of this session, you will be able to:

 Dress appropriately for the job

 Practice good grooming


In this session, you will learn how a Room Service Attendant must dress and look appropriately.

Dress appropriately

Guests judge a hotel/resort not only by the food, room design or amenities but by the kind of
people who serve them. The appearance and attitude of the Room Service Attendant also matter
to the guests. Here are some tips you need to know in dressing appropriately:

1. Wear your Uniform well

Before starting your duty as room service attendant, you should be in proper uniform. Make sure
that your uniform is clean, well-pressed, and in good condition (no holes or loose threads). Never
use dirty uniforms. Remember, the way you are dressed has an impact on the guests. Do not
forget to wear your name plate to be addressed correctly.

2. For long hairs, wear a hairnet

Neatness is a plus. Use a bun-shaped hairnet especially if you have a long hair to look clean and
neat. This will also avoid hair fall as well.

3. Wear socks or hose

Socks must harmonize with the color of your pants. For women, wear clean hose daily. As for
the men, wear plain dark socks.

4. Wear Shoes

For your shoes, always keep it polished and well laced. It should be attractive and well fitted as
well. Avoid wearing open-toed shoes. For the girls, wear shoes with heels.
Complete Uniform of a Room Service Attendant

Hygiene and Sanitation

As a Room Service Attendant, you should observe proper hygiene and sanitation at all times.
Here is a sample checklist to guide you before going to work.

1. Have I taken a bath?

Take a warm, cleansing bath daily and don’t forget to use deodorant. Also, make sure to change
your undergarments frequently.

2. Is my hair well combed?

Your hair must not distract you from what you are doing. It must be clean and free from
dandruff. It should also be odorless and glossy in appearance. As a standard part of the uniform,
make sure to use hair nets.

3. Am I wearing the proper jewelry?

Only wear jewelry such as wrist watch, engagement or wedding ring. Do not wear bracelets,
necklace and dangling earrings. Remember, you need to look clean and presentable so avoid
wearing fancy jewelry.

4. Have I cleaned my ears?

Always keep your ears clean before starting your work. As for your earrings, avoid dangling

5. Have I brushed my teeth?

As a room service attendant, you talk and communicate with people. Make sure to always smile.
Brush your teeth at least twice a day to maintain a good breath. If you have some dentures, wear
it while on duty.

6. Have I applied light make-up?

Apply cosmetics neatly and moderately, this will help you lighten up your face to look more
presentable. But make sure to never put on clown make up.

7. Have I washed my hands and clipped my nails?

Your hand is your main tool in serving so always make sure that it is clean. Make sure to wash
your hands frequently. Your nails must be well trimmed and without polish.

Hair and Earrings

Teeth and Makeup

Washing of Hands
Clipped Nails

Lesson 1 Taking an order


At the end of this session, you will be able to:

 Make the necessary preparations before a guest calls

 Receive a call
 Get the order
 Close a call


In this session, you will learn how to prepare for a room service call. Also, you will learn how to
greet the guests, take their orders and compute for their bill.

Your work station

As a Room Service Attendant, you will be working at your work station in handling guest orders
so make sure to be familiar with the common equipment. Also, you will not be the only one to
utilize these equipment so handle them with care. Here are the common items that you will use:

1. Telephone – This will be your main equipment in communicating with the guest. As
soon as you enter the work station, check the phone if it is working properly.

2. Calendar – Know the date. Your orders are not always delivered on the current day,
there are cases when some guest orders in advance and asks for it to be delivered on a
specific time and date.

3. Clock – As a room service attendant, you should highly value the time of the guest. As
soon as you are on duty, always be aware of the current time. Avoid late delivery of food
to the guests.

Materials needed before the guest calls

In taking the call, you first need to prepare the materials stated below. Make sure that you also
have these at your work station.

1. Pen or Pencil – You can’t memorize everything. You are dealing with a lot of
information daily, so make sure to have a pen or a pencil to take down all the information
you can have.

2. Order slip – Be familiar with the order slip. This is the main item you will be using to
get the orders from the guest. You will also be communicating the orders to the kitchen
and cashier so make sure that you have an order slip in your work station.

3. Menu – Familiarize yourself with the menu and always have one in your work station so
that when a customer orders, you can refer to the menu for the details.

Order Slip

Taking Guest Order

When the phone starts to ring, answer on the first ring, if possible. All telephone calls should be
answered on or before the third ring. Remember to speak politely and clearly.

Receiving a call
1. Pick up the phone and greet the guest. Be sure to
introduce yourself and offer greetings with a smile.
Write the guest details on the order slip. This
2. includes the name and room number of the guest.
Sample script:
“Room Service. Good Morning!”
“This is....( mention your name) . How may I help
“May I know who is on the line please?”
“May I know your room number?”

Getting the order

1. Ask for the order of the guest. If you are not
familiar with the order, use the menu as reference.
“May I get your order, please?”

2. List the order details on the order slip.

3. You must ask for the guest preference if there are

any options available in the ordered meal. This will
include the options for beverages like coffee or tea
and side orders like fruits or salads.
“Which do you prefer, fresh fruits in season or
fruit juice like mango or pineapple?”
“For your drinks, which do you prefer, coffee or
hot chocolate?”

4. Offer daily specials or best sellers like soup for the

day, chef’s recommendation.
“Instead of sausage, would you like to try our
roasted beef?
It is one of our top sellers.”
5. Ask if the guest requires condiments. You may
suggest salt and pepper, mayonnaise, mustard or
“Would you like any preferences for your

Ask for additional orders and confirm delivery

6. time once the order is final. You should inform the
guest of when the food would be served to their
“Do you have any additional order?”
“Your food will be available in 15 minutes. Would
you want us to deliver it right away or on a
specific time?”

Recapping and confirming the order

1. Recap the order by stating each item the guest
“May I repeat your order, .”
“Did I get your order right, ma’am?”

Compute for the total amount of order which

2. includes total cost of food, taxes and service charge
(if any).
“The total amount of your order would be 200

3. Confirm the payment method whether cash or

charge. For cash payments, ask the guest if they
would pay the exact amount or if you should bring
“Would you prefer to pay it in cash or charge it to
your room?”

Closing the call

1. Thank the guest and ask for any additional
assistance. If none, you may end the call.
“Thank you for your order, ma’am. Is there
anything else that I can help you with?”
“Thank you for calling room service.
Have a nice day.”

Lesson 2 Communicating Orders


At the end of this session, you will be able to:

 Deliver the written order slip to the kitchen staff

In this session, you will learn how to communicate the guest’s order to the kitchen staff so that it
can be prepared on time.

Posting an Order Slip

After taking the order of the guest and closing the call, you need to give the filled out order slip
to the kitchen staff so that preparations can be made early and to ensure that the food will be
delivered on time. After handing the slip, the chef will do all the work and you will be notified
once the food is ready to be delivered.

Things to Remember

Give the filled out order slip as soon as possible to prevent missing the agreed delivery time.

Chefs do not prepare orders until they receive them.

Lesson 1 Preparation of the tray


At the end of this session, you will be able to:

 Learn how to properly arrange the tableware in the tray

 Gain knowledge on how to fill out the control sheet and prepare the bill


In this session, you will learn how to prepare necessary tableware before delivering the food to
the guest. You will also learn how to organize the tray to help you carry it with ease. Lastly,you
will get to familiarize yourself with the control sheet which is used in tracking the tableware for
facilitating the orders.

Control Sheet
The control sheet is a standard form used by hotels in order to ensure that all food and beverage
orders will be monitored properly, and be delivered on time. All orders and table appointments
are reflected on the room service control sheet in order to avoid losses and breakages of the table
appointments by tracking them down.

Here are the important information needed:

1. Guest name
2. Room number
3. Server’s name

4. Date of order
5. Time of delivery
6. Time of pickup – This will initially be left blank. The information will be filled after the
7. Guest orders
8. Quantity of order
9. Tableware appointments - These are the needed materials that will be used by the guest.

Setting up the tray

After being notified that the food is ready, you may now set the tray. You may use the order slip
to know the needed items.

1. Pick up the food from the kitchen. Carry it with your thumb away from the plate to avoid
touching the food.

2. Prepare the silverware by placing it in the napkin. Make sure not to leave any

3. Arrange the tray and make sure it is clean. Heavy items should be placed in the center to
keep it balanced.

1. First put the silverware on the lower left side of the tray.
2. Then place the placemat on the bottom part next to the silverware.
3. Place the cup and saucer on the upper right side of the tray. If there are any
glassware, handle the glass by body or stem only.
4. Next, place the condiments on the left side of the cup and saucer.
5. Put the creamery set on the top part of the tray near the condiments.
6. After that, place the coffee pot on the upper left side of the tray.
7. Then place the food with cover on the center of the tray.
8. Finally, place the centerpiece below the coffee pot.

b. Fill out the control sheet. This is where you place the guest's information, food order and
the materials on the tray. After filling it out, put this inside the bill folder.
c. Prepare the bill folder. Include the bill and control sheet and slide it under the placemat.
If payment is in cash, include the change in the bill folder.

Lesson 1 Carrying the food to the room


At the end of this session, you will be able to:

 Learn the proper way of bringing the tray from one place to another.
 Learn the proper knocking procedure.
 Learn the proper way of giving greetings to the guest.


In this session, you will know the proper steps in carrying the tray. You will also learn the
procedures on how to properly knock on the door and how to properly greet a guest after opening
the door.


Posture is important as it portrays emotion or attitude of a person, so make sure to be in proper

posture. Stand erect. Try not to lean on chairs or against walls or pillars. When walking, walk
with confidence; be proud of your serving. As a tip, you may practice in front of a mirror to
check on your posture.

Proper posture while carrying tray

Side view 1
Proper posture while carrying tray

Side view 2

Proper posture while carrying tray

Back view 2

Carrying the tray

After setting up the materials, it is time to carry the tray. To carry it effectively, you must do the

1. Bend your knees near the table.

2. Slide the tray towards the end of the table while
being careful not to get out of balance
3. Lift the tray with your left hand. Rest the tray on
your shoulder to support the weight. If the tray is
too heavy, you may use your right hand to help
carry the load.
4. Bring the food to the guest. Be careful not to bump
into anyone.
5. Balance the tray carefully while you walk.
6. Knock on the door three (3) times and announce
“Room service”. If there is no answer after five (5)
seconds, knock again three (3) times and announce
“Room service”.
When the guest opens the door, greet the guest and
7. present the food ordered. Ask for permission to
come in. Don’t enter the room unless you are told
to do so.

Sample script:
“Good Morning Ma’am/Sir,
I’m your Room Service Attendant,
here is your order, May I come in?”

8. Be careful while entering the room. Make sure that

proper posture is kept to ensure good appearance
and the tray will stay balanced.

Safety tips

While you are walking on a hallway, there will be a lot of things that might happen before you
reach the guest’s door. There are some tips to avoid mishaps.

1. Always look where you are going; there might be

some unexpected bumps ahead that you might miss
that will cause you to drop the tray or spill the
beverage all over the tray.

2. Be careful when turning on hallways especially on

sharp turns, you might bump on someone while
carrying a heavy load.

Avoid shaking the tray. Most of the time, there will

3. be a beverage on your tray. Shaking the tray too
much might cause spills on the food.

Lesson 2 Serving the food to the guest


At the end of this session, you will be able to:

 Serve the tray on the table.

 Set the food on the table.


In this lesson, you will learn two (2) ways of serving the food to the guest: Leaving the food on
the table and setting the table for the guest.

Serving the Food Order

There are two (2) types of serving the food order to the guest: leaving the tray on the table and
setting the table for the guest.

1. Leaving the tray on the table

This is where you will just leave the tray on the table. This is a common option by the guests
who do not want to be disturbed and want to spend the time alone as quickly as possible.

2. Setting the food on the table

This is where you get the food from the tray and set it up on the table.

Leaving the tray

Initially, you will ask the guest if he wants the food to be set up on the table or just leave the tray.

Sample Script:
“Excuse me Ma’am/Sir, how do you want me
to set up your order? Do you want me to just
leave the tray, or do you want the food to be
set up on the table?

If the guest chooses to just leave the tray on the table, here are the steps to follow:

1. Bend your knees down in front of the table.

Sweep the tray towards the end of the table and
2. slide it to the center. Be careful not to spill
3. When the tray is properly placed, get the bill folder
under the placemat, step away from the table and
offer extended service.
Examples of extending service:
“Is there anything else you need ma’am?”

 Opening the curtains for the guest “Would

you like me to open the curtains?”

 Pouring coffee for the guest “Would you

want me to prepare the coffee ?”

Serving the food on the table

If the guest wants the food to be set up on the table, here are the steps to follow:

1. Go to the right side of the table

1. Place the placemat on the bottom part center of the table. The placemat must
be one (1) inch away from the edge of the table.
2. Next is the cup and saucer. It will be placed on the right hand side of the
table in a 4 O’clock position. This means that the handle of the cup is
mimicking the hour hand of the clock. If there are any glassware, place it on
the upper right side of the table. Above the cup and saucer. Handle the glass
on the stem or the body.
3. If there are any condiments, place it above the cup and saucer.
4. Next will be the coffee pot and the creamery set. This will be placed above
the condiments or glassware.
5. Place the centerpiece above the placemat.

 Go to the left side of the table.

1. Get the flatware and place it to the left side of the placemat. Make sure that
you are holding the flatware using the napkin to prevent leaving prints on the
2. Place the food on the center of the placemat and say its name. Avoid
touching the food with your thumb while placing the dish on the table.
“Ma’am/Sir here is your American breakfast and fresh fruits”

 Offer extended service

Examples of extending service:

1. Opening the curtains for the guest

2. Pouring coffee for the guest

“Do you need anything else ma’am?”

Lesson 2 Settling the bill


At the end of this session, you will be able to:

 Serve the tray on the table.

 Confirm the time for clean up


In this session, you will learn the procedure of room service delivery. This will include settling
the bill of the guest and asking the time for the clean up

Settling the bill

After serving the food, you will then need to settle the bill of the guest. Here are the steps to

1. Ask for the guest’s signature by presenting the bill folder with the bill and the control
sheet. Let the guest sign on the bill to settle payment whether it is charged to room or
through cash payment. If the guest chooses to pay in cash, give the change to the guest
and accept the payment. Also, let the guest sign the control sheet. You must provide a
pen for the guest to use.

“May I present to you your bill and control sheet Ma’am/Sir, kindly put your signature
on the space provided”.
2. Kindly ask the guest on what time you should come back to clean the soiled dishes.

“What time do you like me to comeback for the clean up?”

3. Thank the guest and bid farewell.

“Thank you Ma’am/Sir. I am looking forward to serve you again. Enjoy your meal.
Please call us if there is anything you need.”

4. Leave the room quietly.

Lesson 1 Cleaning soiled dishes


At the end of this session, you will be able to:

 Learn how to perform the clearing of the food ordered by the guest.


In this session, you will learn how to clean up on the guest’s order. You will also get familiarized
with a set of procedure known as the 3S: Scrape, Segregate and Stack.


When it is now the agreed time for cleaning the orders, here are the steps to proceed:

1. Carry the tray and the control sheet to the guest’s room. Knock on the door three (3)
times and announce “Room service”. If there is no answer after five (5) seconds, ring the
doorbell or you can just knock again three (3) times and announce “Room service”.

2. Once the guest opens the door, smile and offer greetings and inform the guest that you
are there for the clean up and wait until the guest lets you in. “Good morning Ma’am/Sir,
I’m here for the clean up, may I come in?”

3. To proceed with the clean up, scrape the leftover food and put them on a small plate.

4. Then, stack the plates according to their sizes but do not stack them too high.
5. Segregate the tableware and move it on the tray. Put the cup, condiments, creamery set,
coffee pot and centerpiece first. Next, remove the plates from the table and place them on
the middle of the tray. Put the placemat last.

6. When everything is clean, check for missing items by comparing your list of materials
written on the control sheet from the soiled dishes. If there are any missing items, inform
the guest immediately.

7. Then pick up the tray carefully.

8. Lastly, leave the room quietly.

Summary/Professional work habits

When it is now the agreed time for cleaning the orders, here are the steps to proceed:

1. Report for work before the time.

2. Be informed by attending daily brief orientation to know the specialty for the day,
promotions, available and out-of-stock items, and time of preparation for each food item.

3. Be familiar with the structure of the food establishment, the location of each room, fire
exit, cashier, kitchen, stock room, storage area, pantry area, etc.

4. Be familiar with the tools/equipment for room service.

5. Maintain good grooming and proper hygiene.

6. Establish good rapport with your guests and your colleagues.

7. Take and process guest room food and beverage orders.

8. Ensure that the payment of the guest is processed.

9. Apply safety and sanitation at all times.

10. Perform other duties as required.

Things you have learned

Summary list:

1. Receive Call Orders

2. Take guest's food order
3. Suggest food items and answer inquiries of the guest
4. Write down the guest's order and other information
5. Confirm the delivery time
6. Finalize order transaction
7. Bring the order to the kitchen
8. Post the order for billing
9. Assemble the room service order
10. Write down information on the control sheet
11. Prepare the bill
12. Pick up and deliver the room service order to the guest

1. Proper knocking etiquette

2. Leave food on the table
3. Set table for the guest
 Offer or extend personalized service to the guest
 Settle the bill
 Confirm clean up time
 Forward cash/signed bill to the cashier
 Clean up soiled dishes

1. Scrape
2. Stack
3. Segregate
 Professional work habits

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