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2018 International Workshop on Architectures for Future Mobile Computing and Internet of Things

Optimized GTS Utilization for IEEE 802.15.4

Ahmad Naseem Alvi∗ , Rahat Mehmood∗ , Muhammad Talha Ahmed∗ , Malik Abdullah∗ , Safdar H. Bouk∗∗
∗ Department of Electrical Engineering, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
∗∗ Department of Information and Communication Engineering, DGIST, Daegu 42988, Korea.

Abstract—Low rate and low processing wireless applications    

are under high demands since last decade. Most of these applica-    ! ! 
tions use IEEE 802.15.4 standard on their physical and Medium    

Access Control (MAC) layers. The standard operates in 868MHz,  

915MHz, and 2400MHz frequency bands, and offers superframe
structure in its beacon enabled modes. This superframe structure
comprises of Contention Access Period (CAP) and Contention Fig. 1. Superframe Structure of IEEE 802.15.4
Free Periods (CFP). During CFP, nodes are allocated Guaranteed
Time Slots (GTS) to transfer their data. In this work, CFP slots
of superframe structure have been fine-tuned for better link
utilization. A knapsack optimization algorithm is designed to mode offers a superframe structure. A superframe structure
accommodate more CFP requesting nodes. The proposed scheme comprises of active and non active period. Active period
improves the link utilization and accommodates more nodes as is known as Superframe Duration (SD), that comprises of
compared to the existing standard. The analytical results show
that our proposed work improves the link utilization almost 50% a beacon, Contention Access Period (CAP) and Contention
and allows up to double of nodes as compared to the standard Free Period (CFP). Duration from the start of beacon till the
on all three frequency bands. start of next beacon is known as Beacon Interval (BI). A
BI is a combination of active and optional inactive periods.
Fig.1 shows a complete superframe structure of IEEE 802.15.4
Low rate Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) appli-
A SD comprises of 16 equal duration slots. CAP along
cations are under high demand since last decade. Due to their
with beacon in a SD must have at least 9 slots where as CFP
increased demands, lot of short range technologies have been
consists of maximum 7 slots. When there is no CFP request
designed such as, ZigBee, Bluetooth, INSTEON etc. WPAN,
by any of the WPAN node, then CAP expands its size and
mostly require short distance technologies, such as Wireless
SD only comprises of beacon and CAP. Nodes having data
Sensor Networks (WSNs). WSNs are used in diverse and wide
requests are required to send their GTS requests during CAP.
range of applications, such as home automation, cattle farming,
PAN coordinator assigns requested CFP slots to requested
agriculture precision, healthcare, liquid flow in pipe lines, and
nodes during next beacon frame on First Come First Serve
military applications.
(FCFS). Some limitations of the standard during the allocation
WSNs comprise of tiny wireless nodes with small energy
of CFP slots are observed as:
source. Most of WSNs applications demand for the deploy-
ment of these nodes in such remote and hard areas, where 1) PAN coordinator can only allocate CFP slots to maxi-
human approach is almost impossible and nodes can not be mum 7 nodes in a WPAN.
replaced easily. To keep WSNs active for longer time interval, 2) Slots utilization is not optimal.
wireless sensor nodes should be energy efficient. In addition to In this work, these limitations of IEEE 802.15.4 regarding
energy limitations, WSNs demands for the timely data trans- GTS allocation are addressed. The main features of this work
mission without excessive delay. At the same time, throughput are given below:
or link utilization should be encourage to improve the WSNs
efficiency. To meet these challenges, multiple Medium Access • A new super-frame structure is introduced in which CFP
Control (MAC) protocols have been designed. IEEE released slots have been doubled by dividing CFP duration to half
802.15.4 standard in 2003 [1]. The standard is designed for of its original duration, however complete CFP duration
low data rate, low power WPAN [2] applications, that offers remains same.
a very low duty cycle even less than 0.1%. • A Knapsack optimization technique is proposed for better
The standard operates in two modes, such as beacon en- GTS utilization instead of FCFS.
abled mode and non-beacon enabled modes separately. Nodes • The proposed Superframe model is fully compatible with
communicate in an adhoc manner during non-beacon enabled existing parameters of the existing standard.
mode by following un-slotted CSMA/CA algorithm. During Rest of the paper is organized as follows: Previous related
beacon enabled mode, nodes communicate in a star topology work is described in section II followed by an overview of
by sending their data to a PAN-coordinator. Beacon enabled IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The proposed work is discussed in

978-1-5386-4248-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 125

2018 International Workshop on Architectures for Future Mobile Computing and Internet of Things

section IV. Section V compares the proposed scheme with the TABLE I
existing standard and section VI concludes the paper. F REQUENCY BANDS WITH DATA R ATE

Frequency Modulation Symbols/sec bit Dura- Data rate

Band (MHz) Scheme tion (sec) (bits/sec)
II. R ELATED W ORK 868 - 868.6 BPSK 20000 50*e-6 20000
Internet-of-Things (IoT) [3] is gaining rapid popularity 902 - 928 BPSK 40000 25*e-6 40000
2400 - 2483.5 O-QPSK 62500 4*e-6 250000
during current decade. Protocols and trends like IEEE 802.15.4
compliant protocols [4], future Internet [5], and Machine-to-
Machine (M2M) networks [6] are basic parameters which
take part in IOT development. Multiple projects which focus

of future internet are mainly emphasizing on high data rate 

such as, EU 4WARD [7], and WPAN remain unattended. EU

SENSEI project [8] tried to focus on LoWPAN in the current
and future global internet. M2M networks are cognitive in   
nature that can interact without human interference [9]. Most
of the low rate and low powered WPAN applications use IEEE


802.15.4 standard on their physical and MAC layer. That’s
why, its performance is evaluated by different researchers Fig. 2. Star and Peer-to-peer network
in diverse prospects. Ergen et al. [10] and Fischione et al.
[11] evaluated the performance of un-slotted CSMA/CA of
the standard. In [10], an energy efficient novel approach is
in the whole world. The frequency details are shown in table
introduced. Where as, duty cycle is optimized to improve the
energy conservation by introducing the sleep and idle listening
function in [11]. The standard allows WPAN nodes interact with other nodes
Kajima and Harada in [12], highlighted the energy con- either by following star topology or communicate in peer-
sumption during superframe structure of the standard and to-peer fashion. During superframe structure, end devices are
optimized it by turning off beacon and proposing a dynamic re- associated with coordinator and they are required to send their
association procedure. In [13], Chen et al. introduced Explicit data to the coordinator directly by following star topology
GTS Sharing and Allocation Scheme (EGSA) to minimize the whereas, each coordinator exchanges this accumulated data
delay in tightly bound real time communication applications. with other coordinators/PAN coordinators in peer-to-peer fash-
In [14], authors reduced the delay and packet delivery ratio is ion as shown in figure 2.
improved by introducing multi-hop communication scheme in The superframe structure of the standard comprise of active
GTS mechanism. In [15], authors improved GTS utilization by and an optional inactive period and known as beacon interval
introducing an Unbalanced GTS Allocation Scheme (UGAS). (BI). Active period is called superframe duration (SD). BI and
UGAS offered adaptive GTS scheme to meet different band- SD are computed as:
width utilization and claimed to improve GTS Utilization by
Number of solutions are proposed for effective GTS allo- BI = 15 × 2BO+6 Symbols, here 0 ≥ BO ≤ 14 (1)
cation to improve the QoS in LoWPAN by reducing delay,
increasing throughput and allocating CFP slots to more num- SD = 15 × 2SO+6 Symbols, here 0 ≥ SO ≤ BO (2)
ber of nodes as compared to the standard [16][17][18][19].
However, most of these previous schemes improves QoS by SD consists of 16 equal duration slots which are combina-
altering superframe structure of the standard which require tion of beacon, CAP and optional CFP. Minimum 9 slots out of
additional parameters. 16 are shared between beacon and CAP, whereas, remaining
In this work, a novel superframe structure is proposed to slots are part of CFP. WPAN coordinator generates beacon
to improve the link utilization by applying modified knapsack frame after regular intervals. It is mandatory for all nodes
optimization algorithm. This optimization technique not only to keep their radios ON to listen the beacon frame. Nodes
increases the link utilization but also scrutinize more GTS synchronizes themselves with the arrival of beacon frame.
requesting nodes to send their data. Nodes have to contend in sending their messages during CAP,
however, nodes explicitly send their data during CFP and need
III. IEEE 802.15.4 OVERVIEW not to contend with other nodes during CFP.
IEEE 802.15.4 standard is designed for such wireless If a node wants to send its data explicitly during CFP then,
devices which are low data rate and require low powered it first computes the required number of CFP slots and then
wireless personal area networks (LR-WPAN) such as WSNs. send a GTS request during CAP to the PAN coordinator.
The standard operates in 868MHz, 915MHz, and 2.4GHz PAN coordinator informs about the slots allocation during next
frequency bands. 868 and 915MHz are licensed frequency beacon frame on first come first serve basis (FCFS). Maximum
bands for whole world and unlicensed for only Europe and 7 nodes can be allocated CFP slots by the PAN coordinator
North America respectively. However, 2.4GHz is unlicensed during one superframe duration.

2018 International Workshop on Architectures for Future Mobile Computing and Internet of Things

    Algorithm 1 Nodes Selection Algorithm




!    2:
3: m ← Current slot
4: M ← Max. no. of slots
Fig. 3. Proposed superframe structure with CAP and CFP 5: i ← Node ID
6: n ← Max. no. of nodes
7: X[i, m] ← Cell value of ith node with w slot
IV. P ROPOSED M ODEL 8: mi ← No. of slots required or requested by ith node
9: for m = 0 to M do
The proposed superframe structure is designed to improve 10: X[0, m] = 0 // Initialize 1st row to 0’s
the link utilization of GTS by allowing maximum number of 11: end for
GTS requesting nodes. To achieve these results, the superframe 12: for i = 1 to v do
structure of IEEE 802.15.4 standard has been amended by 13: X[i, 0] = 0 // Initialize 1st column to 0’s
shrinking the CFP slot duration to half of the CAP slot duration 14: end for
as shown in fig.3. This doubles the capacity of CFP requesting 15: for i = 1 to v do
nodes. A knapsack algorithm optimizes the available CFP slots 16: for m = 0 to M do
to CFP requesting nodes. 17: if mi ≤ m then
18: if mi + X[i − 1, , m − mi ] > X[i − 1, m]
A. GTS Allocation Procedure in Proposed Model then
19: X[i, m] = mi + X[i − 1, m − mi ]
The proposed scheme offers 14 CFP slots instead of 7. A
20: else
GTS requesting node sends its GTS request after computing
21: X[i, m] = X[i − 1, m]
the number of slots in the same pattern as discussed in section
22: end if
III. However, node computes about number of GTS required
23: else
(GT SREQ ) to send its data D as:
24: X[i, m] = X[i − 1, m]
D 25: end if
GT SREQ = (3) end for
15 × 2SO+3 26:
27: end for
Here, Nb/s = 15 × 2SO+3 28:
The coordinator after receiving all these requests, scrutinize 29: Initialize i and w:
nodes by applying knapsack optimization algorithm. 30: v←i
31: M ←m
B. Knapsack Optimization Algorithm 32: while i > 1 and m > 1 do
33: if B[i, m] > B[i − 1, m] then
In this work, a knapsack optimization algorithm is modified 34: ith node is included in optimized solution
and applied for the selection of CFP requesting nodes instead 35: i=i−1
of FCFS to improve the link utilization. This algorithm allo- 36: m = m − mi
cates CFP slots not only to improve the CFP utilization but 37: else
also accommodate more CFP requesting nodes with following 38: i=i−1
considerations. 39: end if
• M: Maximum knapsack weight or maximum CFP slots. 40: end while
• mi : CFP slots requested by i node. 41: end procedure
• m: current slot number that ranges from 0 to M.
• j: Total requesting slots

If J ≤ M , then coordinator assigns GTSs to all GTS C. Link Utilization

requesting nodes by applying shortest job first algorithm only.
If J > M Link utilization is measured as ratio between actual amount
then coordinator scrutinize CFP requesting nodes by apply- of transmitted data during a slot and maximum capability of
ing knapsack algorithm as described in algorithm 1. amount of data that can be transmitted during that slot. IEEE
Suppose maximum CFP slots and number of nodes are 7 802.15.4 standard does not accommodates GTS optimally,
and 5 respectively. let these 5 nodes requested for 14 CFP slots particularly when slot size is large enough to handle more
such as, a, b, c, d, and e have requested for 2, 2, 1, 4, and 5 data traffic. It has been addressed by reducing the GTS size.
slots respectively. Coordinator manages these GTS requesting If node x wants to send data Dx , and tx is the time required
nodes by arranging their number of slots in an ascending order, by node x in transmitting this data to PAN coordinator, then
such as c, a, b, d, and e. The coordinator fills the proposed tx is computed as:
knapsack table and assigns GTS to nodes a, b, and d as shown Dx
in II. tx = (4)

2018 International Workshop on Architectures for Future Mobile Computing and Internet of Things

Parameters Values
Number of Nodes 20
Network Size 100m × 100m
Node GTS GTS GTS GTS GTS GTS GTS GTS Data Rate (868MHz) 20Kbps
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Data Rate (915MHz) 40Kbps
Nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Data Rate (2.4GHz) 250Kbps
c 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Offered Load in bits (Data Set 1) 200:30:770
a 0 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 Offered Load in bits (Data Set 2) 96:30:666
b 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 Offered Load in bits (Data Set 3) 400:30:970
d 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Superframe Order 0:1:5
e 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Beacon Order 0:1:5
GTS Duration in 802.15.4 (868MHz) 3 to 48 msec
GTS Duration in 802.15.4 (915MHz) 1.5 to 24 msec
Here, R is the offered data rate. If node requires Kx slots to GTS Duration in 802.15.4 (2.4MHz) 0.96 to 15 msec
send its data, then these slots are computed as: GTS Duration in Proposed (868MHz) 1.5 to 24 msec
GTS Duration in Proposed (915MHz) 0.75 to 12 msec
Dx GTS Duration in Proposed (2.4MHz) 0.48 to 7.5 msec
Kx = (5) TABLE III

Link utilization (Ux ) for node x in transmitting Dx data is

calculated as:

tx Conventional for Data set 1.

Ux = (6) Proposed for Data set 1.

Kx × t s 12
Conventional for Data set 2.
Proposed for Data set 2.
Conventional for Data set 2.
here, ts is the time of each CFP slot in seconds. If coordinates

No of nodes assigned GTS.

Proposed for Data set 3

allocates ktot slots to n nodes successfully, then accumulated

P rop
GTS utilization, LUGT

S , for n nodes is computed as:



P rop tx
LUGT S = (7)
Ktot × ts 4

However, link utilization of same node x in IEEE 802.15.4
standard, LU15.4 , is computed as: 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
LU15.4 = (8)
M15.4 × t15.4 Fig. 4. Number of nodes assigned GTS for 868 and 915MHz
here, M15.4 is number of GTS required to send the required
data in the standard. If coordinator assigns Mtot slots to y
nodes, then link utilization LUGT S is calculated as: proposed protocol are greater than, or at least equal to the
 IEEE 802.15.4 standard.
15.4 tx
LUGT S = (9) Fig.4 shows number of nodes successfully allocated GTS for
Mtot × t15.4
three different data sets in 868MHz and 915MHz. It is evident
from the results that proposed model allows more nodes to
send their data for higher SO value and accommodates 14 GTS
This section evaluates the performance comparison between requesting nodes whereas, IEEE 802.15.4 standard allows only
our proposed MAC and the existing standard. The perfor- 7 nodes.
mance analysis includes number of successfully assigned GTS For 2.4GHz frequency band, proposed protocol shows even
requesting nodes, transmitted data and GTS utilization. To better results for same data sets as shown in fig. 5. When
validate our analysis, three different ranges of random data SO=0, number of nodes selected for GTS are same for data set
sets are chosen for varying values of SO. A complete list of 2 and 3. Whereas, for data set 1, proposed model allows more
parameters are shown in table III. nodes as compared to the standard. However, the proposed
MAC accommodates more GTS requesting nodes with the rise
A. Number of GTS assigning nodes in SO.
When nodes have data to send, they send their request for
GTS allocation to coordinator. The standard allocates GTS by
B. Data Transmission
applying FCFS. In this work, number of CFP slots have been
increased by reducing each CFP slot size without compromis- Amount of data transmitted during CFP directly depends
ing the over CFP duration as specified in the standard. By on number of node assigned GTS. It can be calculated by
applying Knapsack optimization technique to scrutinize nodes accumulating the amount of data that has been transmitted
for slot allocation, which makes sure that maximum number during CFP. The transmitted data is calculated for different
of nodes are entertained in the given CFP. Results shown in data sets, with varying SO parameter, and for all frequency
figures 5 and 4 verifies that number of nodes assigned in bands.

2018 International Workshop on Architectures for Future Mobile Computing and Internet of Things

14 9000
Conventional for Data set 1.
Conventional for Data set 1. Proposed for Data set 1.
Proposed for Data set 1. 8000
Conventional for Data set 2.
12 Conventional for Data set 2.
Proposed for Data set 2.
Proposed for Data set 2. 7000
Conventional for Data set 2.
No of nodes assigned GTS.

Data Transmitted (Bytes).

Conventional for Data set 2.
Proposed for Data set 3 Proposed for Data set 3
10 6000



6 3000



2 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 5. Number of nodes assigned GTS for 2400MHz Fig. 7. Transmitted data vs varying SO for 2400MHz

9000 100
Conventional for Data set 1. Conventional for Data set 1.
Proposed for Data set 1. Proposed for Data set 1.
8000 90 Conventional for Data set 2.
Conventional for Data set 2.
Proposed for Data set 2. Proposed for Data set 2.
7000 Conventional for Data set 2. 80 Conventional for Data set 2.
Proposed for Data set 3
Data Transmitted (Bytes).

Proposed for Data set 3

GTS utilization.(%)
6000 70

5000 60

4000 50

3000 40

2000 30

1000 20

0 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 6. Transmitted data vs varying SO for 868 and 915MHz Fig. 8. GTS Utilization vs SO for 868 and 915MHz

For 868 MHz and 915 MHz frequency bands, the proposed 83.33%-15.89%, 74%-10.74%, and 83.33%-26.3% with the
MAC transmits more data as compared to the standard for same rise in SO for data sets 1, 2, and 3 respectively, as shown
all three data sets and all values of SO. It is evident from in fig.8.
the results shown in fig.6, that the proposed scheme transmits Comparing the performance of proposed MAC with the
up to 126%, 153%, and 106% more data for data set 1, 2 standard on 2.4GHz frequency band, it has been observed that
and 3, respectively, as compared to the standard for varying proposed MAC offers better utilization as compared to the
0 ≤ SO ≤ 5. standard as shown in fig.9. It has also been observed from
In 2.4GHz frequency band, the proposed MAC transmits the results that GTS utilization in 2.4GHz frequency bands is
up to 145%, 153%, and 106% more data for data sets 1, 2, much smaller than 868MHz and 915MHz. Because, 2.4GHz
and 3 respectively, as compared to IEEE 802.15.4 standard for accommodate 4 times more data for the same GTS duration
varying 0 ≤ SO ≤ 5 as shown in fig.7. as compared to 868 and 915MHz.
It is evident from the results that proposed scheme offers
24.18%-157%, 17.57%-183%, and 9.37%-136% better GTS
C. GTS Utilization
utilization as compared to the standard for data set 1, 2, and
GTS Utilization is measured as ratio between transmitted 3 respectively.
data and maximum GTS capacity. Results shown in figures From above observations it is clear that percentage link
9 and 8 verifies that GTS utilization in all frequency bands utilization for 2.4GHz is considerably lower than 868GHz and
decreases with the rise in SO for same amount of data limits. 915GHz. The reason behind this is that slot size for 2.4GHz
However, GTS utilization is more in the proposed scheme as is larger than that of 868 and 915MHz.
compared to the standard.
In 868MHz and 915MHz, GTS utilization in proposed VI. C ONCLUSION
scheme decreases from 97.62%-41.15%, 88.75%-30.35%, and In this paper, an efficient GTS allocation scheme for
95.24%-61.89% with the rise in SO value for data set 1,2, IEEE 802.15.4 standard is proposed without compromising
and 3 respectively. However in the standard, it decreases from on existing parameters. The proposed scheme improved the

2018 International Workshop on Architectures for Future Mobile Computing and Internet of Things

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