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The figure in the previous page is the data flow diagram level 1 of the system

Online Based solution for Tutor Booking System Utilizing SMS Notification (Tutors on

the Go). It shows how the system works. It exposes the entity or the user of the

system, the process and flow of data running into the system and where the data will

be stored.

Tutors on the Go

Registration Booking Process Admin

Process Management

Insert Redeemed Access Registration Request
Select Tutor Receives SMS
code Booking Notification

View activity log
Input Data Book Tutor
Add new
Update Tutor
Profile/Schedule Receive SMS Confirm
Notification Booking

Figure 8. HIPO Model of the Tutors on the Go System

In this figure, it shows the hierarchical Input-Process-Output chart of Tutors

on the Go. It has three modules the registration process, booking process and admin

management. Under the registration process the user will first insert the redeemed

code from the system then the user may now input data, then login into the system.

After that, the user can update accounts and schedule and now can access booking.

Along with the booking process the two users has different process, the user1-Parent

have to select the tutor, then proceed to booking then when the tutor confirm the

booking the parent will receive an SMS Notification. About the user2-Tutor after the

User1-Parent proceed to booking User2-Tutor will receive an SMS notification, the

user2-Tutor may now login into his account then proceed to confirm booking. In the

Admin Management module, the administrator can monitor who registers and login

into the system under the monitor activity log, the admin can also add Tutor into the


Figure 9.Use Case Diagram

Use case diagram gives a graphic over-view if the actors involved in a

system directly. It shows how different functions needed by the actors of the system

and how they are interacted.

Database Design

Figure 10. Database Schema

This database schemaa above represents the Online Based solution for Tutor

Booking System Utilizing SMS Notification (Tutors on the Go database. Its database

has 8 tables. The tables are tbl_tutor, tbl_parent, tbl_bookings, tbl_activitylog,

tbl_user, tbl_rate, tbl_tutors_sujects, tbl_subjects and tbl_useradmin. The table user

has relation to the tbl_parent and tbl_tutor to know the information needed to book a

tutor and to visit accounts. The tbl_bookings has relation to the tbl_user to fetch data

to display in the admins booking details. The tbl_tutor has relation to

tbl_tutor_subects, the specified subject that the tutor inserted will be stored to the

tbl_tutor_subjects. Moreover the tbl_activitylog has relation to the tbl_user for it to

display who logs in into the system and display to the admins activity log. The

tbl_verification will be the storage of the verification codes that sent into the tutor.

GUI Prototype

Prototyping is an activity that can occur in the development of software. A

prototype typically simulates only few aspects of, and may be completely different

from the final product. It has several benefits, the software designer and developer

can get valuable feedback form the users early in the project. It allows the developer

to estimate weather the deadline of the proposed system can be successfully met.

UI design makes design and interfaces solutions to solve problems and make

it convenient to use. In this system the Proponents first identify the basic requirement

of the system including the input and output information desired. Then, develop the

initial prototype, the development that includes only user interface, moreover the

developer review the made prototype examine it then ask possible users about what

they can say about the initial prototype. Using the feedback both specification and

prototype can be improve. To give you an insight of what system looks. The

proponents took screen shot of the front-end design.


Figure 11. Home Page

1. At the right side of the home page there are the login and the registration
buttons. Click the registration.
2. For the registration process, after clicking the registration button choose if you
will register as Parent or as Tutor.

Figure 12. Registration Form for Tutor

1. Fill out the entire form.
2. Then click the submit button.

Figure 13. Login Form

1. Insert username and password.
2. Click the login button.

Figure 14. Registered Account for tutor

1. To check bookings, click the My Bookings tab.
2. To change Profile Picture click browse button.
3. Then click save to save new image.
4. To edit Profile Details click edit profile button.
5. Click logout button, to logout



Figure 13. Search Page under Home Page

1. To search tutor, click the check box for the subjects you are requiring.
2. Choose which place you are to find near tutor from you.
3. Click Search button.

2 31
1 4
4 Figure 14. Searched Tutor list Page
1. The list of the Tutors will show according to the data you inserted in the
previous procedure. Choose which tutor you prefer to book.
2. Click book button.
3. Afterwards, click the rate button according to your satisfaction from the tutor’s



Figure 15. Booking Modal

1. For the scheduling insert the appointment time and date.
2. Click the book button.



Figure 16. Rating Page

1. Drag the mouse to the stars and choose in 1-10. 10 star for very satisfactory
performance and 1 star the poorest performance.
2. The click the submit button.

Figure 16. Admin dash board page

Figure 17. Admin add tutor modal


Figure 17. Registered account for Parent

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