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Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICE .Direction: Read the statements carefully and write the letter that corresponds to your answer
on your test booklet.
1.The color of the mineral in its powdered form.
a. Streak c. hardness
b. Luster d. Cleavage
2.It is the measure of the resistance of a surface to abrasions or scratches.
a. Fracture c. luster
b. hardness d. Crytal form
3.Which of the following is considered as the hardest mineral according to the Mohs Scale of hardness?
a. Quartz c. Talc
b. Diamond d. Calcite
4.The relative differences in the opacity and transparency of a mineral as light is reflected on its surface.
a. Luster c. Fracture
b. Color d. Hardness
5.It is the laying down of sediments to its depositional environment or final destination.
a. deposition c. weathering
b. erosion d. none of the above
6. It happens when the top soil is removed and leaves the soil infertile.
a. soil erosion
b. water erosion .
c. glacial erosion
d. wind erosion
7. It happens when light materials, such as small rocks and pebbles, are carried by wind to different places.
a. Wind erosion b. water erosion c. glacial erosion d. soil erosion
8.It is a type of erosion where the water carries the sediments to different parts of the bodies of water such as rivers.
a. water erosion c. glacial erosion
b. wind erosion d.soil erosion
9.The following contribute to erosion except.
a. lava c. gravity
b. wind d.water or rivers
10. It is the transportation of a weathered rocks.
a. Erosion c. deposition
b. weathering d. Plutonism
11. It is a process wherein rock materials are change into other substances that have different physical and chemical
a. mechanical weathering c. biological weathering
b. Chemical weathering d. economical weathering
12. It is a process wherein rocks are broken down into smaller pieces without changing its chemical composition.
a. chemical weathering c. mechanical weathering
b. biological weathering d.physical weathering
13. Which of the following refers to the process of breaking down rocks into smaller pieces called sediments.
a. Erosion c. Deposition
b. Weathering d. Magmatism
14. Igneous rocks formed underneath the earth.
a. Extrusive igneous rocks c. sedimentary rocks
b. intrusive igneous rocks d. Metamorphic rocks
15. It is made up of dense metal specifically,nickel and is also considered as the center and the hottest part of the
a. core c. mantle
b. crust d. lithosphere
16. It is the activity or the motion of the magma.
a.magmatism c. plutonism
b. volcanism d. None of the Above
17. A type of boundary were plates are move away to each other.
a. Convergent c. transform
b. divergent d. fault
18. He proposed that in the beginning the earth has only one giant land mass called Pangaea.
a. James Hutton c. Alfred Wegener
b. Alexander Grahamvolt d. Harry Hess
19. It is the streams of molten rocks that cool and solidify to form extrusive igneous rocks.
a. lava c. both A and B are correct
b. glaciers d. none of the Above
20. It is any opening in the earth’s crust that allows magma and gases to be released in the upper crust .
a. magma b. lava c. rocks d. volcano
TEST II. TRUE OR FALSE. Direction: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise.
1. The seven major world continents are North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and
2. In 1912 German meteorologist Albert Einstein proposed that in the beginning, the Earth has only one giant
landmass called Pangaea, which means "all land."
3. The fossils of the reptile mesosaurus were found along the coastlines of South America and Africa which are
separated by the Atlantic Ocean.
4. Coal is produced from organic matter like dead plants and animals.
5. According to Sir Arthur Holmes, convection cells in the mantle drive the tectonic plates to move and the
continents to drift away from each other.
6. Tillites, which are deposits of rock debris left by glaciers, were found in Africa, South America, India, and
7. Alfred Wegener hypothesized that this giant landmass slowly broke into smaller land pieces that eventually
drifted away from each other which made the seven continents that we now know.
8. The continuous process of rising and sinking of rocks produces convection cells or convection currents.
9. The presence of coal indicates that the continent was once inhabited by many organisms.
10. The continents fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. This is most evident in the matching coastlines of South
America and Africa.
1. The plates move or collide to each other.
2. The plates move away from each other.
3. Is a break in the rock where there is considerable movement on the fracture surface.
4. Involve the vertical movement of the blocks of rock.
5. Involves a horizontal movement of blocks of rock and is caused by shear stress.
6. It is known as the bending of rocks.
7. The American geophysicist, explained how the convection currents in the Earth’s interior make the
seafloor spread.
8. a type of sedimentary rocks that can be biological, chemical, or a combination of both.
9. rocks that formed by the cooling or solidification of magma or lava.
10. rocks that formed by preexisting rocks that are exposed to extreme heat and pressure in the Earth’s
Directions: a.) Draw and illustrate the Different Plate Boundaries. (5pts each)
b.) Draw the rock cycle. (10pts)
Prepared by:
Ms. Donna V. Remitar

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