Solid: State Physics

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Seat Number

3it - 068

Solid State Physics
P. Pages: 3
Time: Two Hours Max. Marks: 60

Instructions to Candidates:
1. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Graph or diagram should be drawn with the black ink pen being used
for writing paper or black HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. All questions are compulsory.
5. Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.
6. Use of logarithmic table or electronic calculator is allowed.

1. a) Attempt any six of the following multiple choice questions. 6

i) The unit of Hall coefficient is ----------.

a) Vm3 A -1 wb-1 b) Vm2 Awb-1
c) Vm3 Awb-1 d) Vm2 A -2wb

ii) ---------- is main condition to produce diffraction.

a) I, > db) i. is independent
c) I, < d d) I. = d

iii) The coordination number in BCC structure is ----------.

a) 12 b) 6
c) 8 d) 10

iv) In powder method Braggs angle e in radians is --------.

a) e = S(mm) b) e = S(min)
2 6
c) e = S(mm) d) e = S(min)
4 10

v) Molecular crystals are ----------.

a) Conductor b) Insulator
c) Semiconductor d) None of these

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vi) If lattice parameters are a = b = c and a = ~= y ~ 900, then the crystal
system is ---------- ..
a) Hexagonal b) Orthorhombic
c) Triclinic d) Rhombohedral

vii) The classical value of molar heat capacity is ------------.

a) 3R b) 3R
c) R d) R
viii) According the Debye's theory of sp heat at low temperature specific
heat is proportional to -----------.
a) T
.c) Independent of T

b) Attempt any six of the following. 6

i) State Braggs diffraction condition in reciprocal lattice .

. ii) Give two examples of ionic crystal.

iii) List the different symmetry operations.

iv) State Debye's T3 Law.

v). What is Brillouin zone?

vi) Define dissociation energy.

vii) Define reciprocal lattice.

viii) What is Hall effect?

2. Attempt any six of the following. 12

i) State any two drawbacks of classical theory ofSP. heat of solid.

ii) State any two properties of covalent bond.

iii) What is basic principle of powder method of X-ray diffraction.

iv) Draw first Brillouin zone in reciprocal lattice.

v) Explain the significance of Hall coefficient.

vi) Draw unit cell of FCC crystal structure.

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vii) Define energy level. Draw energy band diagram for metals.

viii) Sketch (100) and (111) plane in cubic cell.

Ix) State any two failures of Drude Lorentz free electron theory of metals.

3. Attempt any four of the following. 12

i) What is cohesive energy? Give its imparlance in the formation of solid.

ii) Explain crystal as a grating for X-rays.

iii) What is interplanar spacing? Calculate interplanar spacing for (311)

plane in SC lattice whose lattice constant is 5.46 N.

iv) Distinguish between ionic and covalent bond.

v) Explain the laue method of X-ray diffraction.

vi) Deduce vibrational mode of one dimensional monoatomic lattice.

4. Attempt any three of the following. 12

i) Show that for n-type of semiconductor, the Hall coefficient is
RH = --, where n is number of charge carriers per unit volume.

ii) An X-ray beam of wavelength 3N is diffracted from (100) plane of

cubic crystal. The first order maximum is obtained for glancing angle
of 40°. Determine space of the reflecting plane and volume of unit cell.

iii) Show that BCC lattice is the r~ciprocal of FCC lattice.

iv) What is Debye's T3 law? Write drawbacks of Debye's model.

v) Show that Madelung constant for 1-D array of alternate sign is 2 ~n 2.

5. Attempt any two of the following. 12

i) What is space lattice? Describe the structure of NaCI crystal in detail.

ii) Derive an expression for specific heat of solid on the basis of classical
theory of specific heat of solid.

iii) Show that for 1-0 fermi gas, the average K.E. of the electron in the

ground state is 2 of fermi energy.


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