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MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Tender No. 1102 (eTender No.





DISCOM/EZ/PUR/1102 (e-Tender No.

DUE FOR OPENING ON: 14.08.2020




M. P. Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co. Ltd.
Block No.8th, 3RD Floor Shakti Bhawan,
Jabalpur (MP) 482008
Phone No.: 0761-2666040, 2702473, 2702442, 2702411
Email: -

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MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Tender No. 1102 (eTender No. 98989_1)


KEY DATES & BASIC TENDER INFORMATION...................................................................................6

TENDER PURCHASE FORM ..................................................................................................................8
SECTION-I: ESSENTIAL TENDER INFORMATION .......................................................................12
SECTION-III: INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (ITB) ........................................................................17
SECTION-IV: SCOPE OF WORK .........................................................................................................31
SECTION-V: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (GCC) ...................................................38
SECTION-VI: SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (SCC) .....................................................49
ANNEXURES ............................................................................................................................................55
ANNEX-I: PROFORMA FOR BID FORM............................................................................................56
BID DOCUMENT .....................................................................................................................................57
ANNEX-III: PROFORMA FOR UNDERTAKINGS ............................................................................59
ANNEX-IV: FORMAT OF PRICE SCHEDULE ..................................................................................60
ANNEX-V: PROFORMA FOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST ..............................................................61
PERFORMANCE) ....................................................................................................................................64
ANNEX-VII (B): BANK GUARANTEE CHECKLIST ........................................................................65
ANNEX-VIII: PROFORMA FOR STATEMENT OF INTEREST .....................................................66
CONFLICT OF INTEREST ....................................................................................................................67
CONDITIONS OF THE TS .....................................................................................................................71
MANPOWER ACROSS PUBLIC SECTORS IN INDIA .....................................................................70
INDIA .........................................................................................................................................................71
GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT(S) IN INDIA. ..................................................................................72
DEPOSITED FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2018-19 .........................................................................73


FUND DEPOSITED FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2018-19 .............................................................74
CENTAL/STATE/PSU/GVT.DEPTT SERVING IN INDIA ................................................................75
ANNEX-XVIII: SAMPLE FORMAT FOR CLAIMS ........................................................................... 76

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CIN: U40109MP2002SGC015120
(Telephone no. 0761- 2666040, 2667808, Extn. 270-2473, 270-2442 & 270-2411)
Fax no.0761-2660048, e-mail:-
No. CGM/PUR/EZ/GM/867 Jabalpur, dtd: 24.07.2020


Online tenders are invited for Outsourcing of Unskilled, Semi-skilled and Skilled Manpower Required for
Miscellaneous Works at MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur. The bid seals will be received online on the e-portal, up to date & time indicated below. The online tenders will be
opened in the office of the undersigned as mentioned in tender time schedule (key date). If desired, the bidder
or their duly authorized representatives may remain present at the time of opening of tender: -

Sr. Tender Specification No Name of the Work/ Approx. Tender EMD Due date of
No services Value Fees (In INR) opening of
(In INR) (In tender online
INR) from
14:00 Hrs.*
1 Outsourcing of
1102 Manpower 308.11 11200/- 1.00 14.08.2020
(e-Tender No. Required for Crores Lakh
2020_PKVVC_98989_1) Miscellaneous
Works under the
jurisdiction of

* For updated / extended due dates for opening of tender (EMD in Cover-1 & Techno-commercial bid in
Cover-2) please refer to the key dates.

(1) Other details can be seen in the complete tender documents available on e-portal

(2) Tender documents can be purchased only online and download from main portal by making online payment for the prescribed non-refundable tender document
fees. Only in case if the tender is dropped without opening, the tender fees shall be refunded after
deduction of necessary portal charges. Manual purchase of tender is not allowed. It is mandatory for all
the bidders to pay tender document fees online to participate in tender. The option of tender fee
exemption available on e-procurement portal shall not be applicable for MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur.
(3) The bid data should be filled in and the bid seals of all the envelops and the documents which are to be
uploaded by the bidders should be submitted online as per time schedule (Key Dates).

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MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Tender No. 1102 (eTender No. 98989_1)

No. CGM/PUR/EZ/GM/867 Jabalpur, dtd: 24.07.2020

(4) The relevant portion of tender which tenderers have to fill online would be available on above website
on date mentioned against each tender. The company reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders
or accept any tender in full or part as considered advantageous to the company, whether it is lowest or
not, without assigning any reason whatsoever it may be.

(5) Since the online bidders are required to sign their bids online using class III – Digital Certificates only,
hence they are advised to obtain the same at the earliest. For further information, bidders are requested
to contact Madhya Pradesh State Electronic Development Corporation Ltd, State IT Centre, 2nd Floor,
47-A, Arera Hills, Bhopal-462011, Telephone No. 0755-2518618/11/67 Mobile - 9893372126,
Helpline No. : 0120-4001002/4200462/4001005, E-mail:

(6) Bidders intending to participate in the Tender are required to get themselves trained on the e-
Procurement System.

(7) The required amount of EMD shall be accepted through online payment only.

(8) The Bidders are required to invariably upload the valid documentary evidence of submission of online
EMD (or EMD Exemption Certificate if applicable) in Cover-1 without which online offer i.e., Covers-
2 & 3 shall not be opened.

(9) No offer will be accepted without valid Earnest Money Deposit, unless exempted by the Company. If
on opening of tender, it is revealed that EMD amount is inadequate / any other discrepancy is noticed,
the tender shall be rejected and returned to the tenderer.

(10) The corrigendum or addendum to the bidding documents, if any, as well as any change in due date(s) of
opening of tender will be published on the website & also Company’s website but will not be published in newspaper. Hence participant bidders are advised to
regularly visit the websites until the bid opening. The Company shall not be responsible in any way
for any ignorance of the bidders about the corrigendum or addendum or change in the due date(s).

(11) The physical submission of documents except the price bid as per Key Dates is mandatory. However
for verification purpose MPPKVVCL may ask to produce original documents also.

Chief General Manager (Purchase)

MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur


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MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Tender No. 1102 (eTender No. 98989_1)


Particulars Details
Outsourcing of Manpower Required for
Name of Work and services Miscellaneous Works under the jurisdiction at
MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur
Tender Specification number (e-Tender No. 2020_PKVVC_98989_1)
due for opening on 14.08.2020
Due date of physical submission of Tender (EMD in
Part-I + Techno-Commercial Bid in Part-II) in Hard 13.08.2020 up to 14:00 Hrs.

Key Dates
Tender Stage Particulars Date & Time
1. Publishing Date* Tender Purchase-online

2. Document Download / Sale Start Date*

3. Seek Clarification Start Date --

4. Seek Clarification End Date --

5. Pre-Bid Meeting Date*
6. Bid Submission Start Date*
at 14:00 Hrs
Online as well as 13.08.2020
7. Bid Submission Closing Date*
Physical bid at 14.00 Hrs
8. Bid Opening Date*
at 14.00 Hrs
Envelope-C (Price Bid)
9. Financial Bid (Envelope-C) Open Date Will be informed later

Note: -
(1) The bidders are required to submit all the desired documents online as well as physically.

(2) The bidders have to upload following documents online as per key dates.


The Bidders are required to invariably upload the valid documentary evidence of submission of online
EMD (or EMD Exemption Certificate if applicable) without which online offer i.e., Envelopes-B & C
shall not be opened.


The bidders have to upload following documents online in Envelope – B as per key dates:

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MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Tender No. 1102 (eTender No. 98989_1)

(i) Following certificate:

It is certified that we unconditionally agreed to the following clauses of tender


(ii) Tender Form - upload duly sealed, signed & dated scan copy

(iii) All Annexure (except ‘Annex-IV: Price Schedule’) with supporting documents

The above Annexures should be filled online in specified templates and the supporting documents should
also be attached online. Please note that in absence of the supporting documents the offer may not be
evaluated & is liable for rejection.

The bidder has to quote their rates online only in ‘Annex-IV: Price Schedule’ to be kept in Envelope ‘C’
and upload online as per key dates. Please note that, the Schedules of price bid, (‘Annex IV–Price
Schedule’), i.e. Financial offer (Envelope-C) will not be accepted physically. In case Envelope-C is
submitted physically the bid will be rejected. The entire price bid shall be opened online as per key dates,
but quoted rates for only qualified items of successful bidders will be read out & considered by the
tender opening authority.

The documents uploaded online in Envelop-A & B must be submitted physically also in the same
manner i.e. Envelop-A&B kept in main Envelop and submit the same on as per Key date on opening of
tender positively failing which the online offer may not be considered for opening. The MPPKVVCL
Jabalpur may ask to produce original documents for verification purpose. The following documents shall
be required to be submitted along with offer.
The documentary evidence of submission of EMD and complete tender document duly sealed & signed
along with supporting documents as per tender requirement.

(4) The date of opening of financial / price bid may be informed after techno-commercial evaluation &
related issues. The bidders may please keep themselves updated regarding price bid opening from the E-

(5) In case of any of above dates is declared as holiday / local holiday then the date will be shifted to
next working day.

Chief General Manager (Purchase)

MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur

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MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Tender No. 1102 (eTender No. 98989_1)




Tender issued to M/s ………………………………………………….



The undersigned hereby tender and offer, the M. P. Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Ltd.,
Jabalpur the document on “Outsourcing of Manpower Required for Miscellaneous Works under the
jurisdiction of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur” vide tender no. DISCOM/EZ/PUR/1102 (eTender No.
2020_PKVVC_98989_1) which, under the terms thereof are to be executed by the Agency; and to perform
and observe the provisions and agreements or the part of the Contract contained in, or which can be
reasonably inferred from the Bid documents annexed here to.

We have examined in detail and have understood and agree to abide by all the Terms & Conditions
stipulated in the Bid document and in any subsequent communication from MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur in this
regard (if any). Our technical proposal is consistent with all the requirements of submission as stated in the
Bid document or in any of the subsequent communication from MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur in this regard (if
We hereby undertake that the information submitted in our offer is complete and correct to the best
of our knowledge and belief. We would be solely responsible for any errors or omissions in our offer. We
agree that, in case of any ambiguity/ incompleteness found in the information furnished by us in the offer,
same shall be interpreted by MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur to its advantage. We agree to abide by all your tender /
order Terms & Conditions.

Date the Day of………….

(With Seal)
Bidders Address: - ……………………………

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Guidelines to Bidders for Implementation of E-Procurement System & Online Bid Submission

Note: These conditions will over-rule the conditions stated in the Tender documents, wherever
relevant and applicable.

The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the MP TENDER Portal
(, using valid Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given
below are meant to assist the bidders in registering on the MP TENDER Portal, prepare their bids in
accordance with the requirements and submitting their bids online on the MP TENDER Portal
More information useful for submitting online bids on the MP TENDER Portal may be obtained at:

1) Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the MP TENDER Public Procurement
Portal (URL: by clicking on the link “Online bidder Enrollment”
on the MP TENDER Portal which is free of charge.
2) As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique username and assign a
password for their accounts.
3) Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of the registration
process. These would be used for any communication from the MP TENDER Portal.
4) Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature Certificate (Class II
or Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying Authority recognized by CCA
India (e.g. Sify / nCode / eMudhra etc.), with their profile.
5) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are responsible to
ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to others which may lead to misuse.
6) Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID / password and the
password of the DSC / e-Token.


1) There are various search options built in the MP TENDER Portal, to facilitate bidders to search active
tenders by several parameters. These parameters could include Tender ID, Organization Name, Location,
Date, Value, etc. There is also an option of advanced search for tenders, wherein the bidders may
combine a number of search parameters such as Organization Name, Form of Contract, Location, Date,
Other keywords etc. to search for a tender published on the MP TENDER Portal.
2) Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download the required
documents / tender schedules. These tenders can be moved to the respective ‘My Tenders’ folder. This
would enable the MP TENDER Portal to intimate the bidders through SMS / e-mail in case there is any
corrigendum issued to the tender document.
3) The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each tender, in case they want to
obtain any clarification / help from the Helpdesk.

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1) Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document before submitting
their bids.
2) Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to understand the
documents required to be submitted as part of the bid. Please note the number of covers in which the bid
documents have to be submitted, the number of documents - including the names and content of each of
the document that need to be submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to rejection of the bid.
3) Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in the tender
document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF / XLS / RAR / DWF/JPG formats. Bid
documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which helps in reducing size of the
scanned document.
4) To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents which are required
to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading such standard documents (e.g. PAN card
copy, annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has been provided to the bidders. Bidders can use “My
Space” or ‘’Other Important Documents’’ area available to them to upload such documents. These
documents may be directly submitted from the “My Space” area while submitting a bid, and need not be
uploaded again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the time required for bid submission process.


1) Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that they can upload the bid in time
i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be responsible for any delay due to other issues.
2) The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as indicated in the
tender document.
3) Bidder has to select the payment option as “offline” to pay the tender fee / EMD as applicable and enter
details of the instrument. However if the site allows for online Tender fee payment, then Bidder may pay
4) Bidder should prepare the EMD as per the instructions specified in the tender document. The original
should be couriered and must reach the concerned office, latest by the last date of bid submission or as
specified in the tender documents. The details of the DD/any other accepted instrument, physically sent,
should tally with the details available in the scanned copy and the data entered during bid submission
time. Otherwise the uploaded bid will be rejected.
5) Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their financial bids in the format
provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price bid has been given as a standard BoQ format with
the tender document, then the same is to be downloaded and to be filled by all the bidders. Bidders are
required to download the BoQ file, open it and complete the white coloured (unprotected) cells with their
respective financial quotes and other details (such as name of the bidder). No other cells should be
changed. Once the details have been completed, the bidder should save it and submit it online, without
changing the filename. If the BoQ file is found to be modified by the bidder, the bid will be rejected.
6) The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as the standard time for
referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders, opening of bids etc. The bidders
should follow this time during bid submission.
7) All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI encryption techniques to

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ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be viewed by unauthorized persons until the time
of bid opening. The confidentiality of the bids is maintained using the secured Socket Layer 128 bit
encryption technology. Data storage encryption of sensitive fields is done. Any bid document that is
uploaded to the server is subjected to symmetric encryption using a system generated symmetric key.
Further this key is subjected to asymmetric encryption using buyers/bid opener’s public keys. Overall,
the uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the authorized bid
8) The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the authorized bid
9) Upon the successful and timely submission of bids (i.e. after Clicking “Freeze Bid Submission” in the
portal), the portal will give a successful bid submission message & a bid summary will be displayed with
the bid no. and the date & time of submission of the bid with all other relevant details.
10) The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the submission of the bid. This
acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any bid opening meetings.

1) Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained therein should be
addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the relevant contact person indicated in the
tender. This should be as per timelines (about ‘seek clarification’ start & end dates) given in Tender only.
2) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to MP TENDER Portal in
general may be directed to the 24x7 MP TENDER Portal Helpdesk.

Chief General Manager (Purchase)

MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur

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MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Tender No. 1102 (eTender No. 98989_1)

Section-I: Essential Tender Information

# Particulars Details
1. Name of works/services to be procured Outsourcing of Manpower Required for
Miscellaneous Works under the jurisdiction of
MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur
Chief General Manager (Purchase), MPPKVVCL,
2. Purchaser
Bock No.8, 3rd Floor Shakti Bhawan, Jabalpur
3. Tender/Bid Specification Number (eTender No. 2020_PKVVC_98989_1)

4. Bidding Type E-procurement

5. Contract Period 2 Years
6. Extension Period 1 Year
7. Tender/Bid Currency Settings Indian National Rupee (INR)

Non-refundable Bid document fee/Tender fee

8. INR 11,200/-

9. Earnest Money Deposit (INR) INR 1,00,000/-

Availability of Bid/Tender documents starts

on (Date, Time and Venue)

Availability of Bid documents ends on (Date,

Time and Venue)

Bid submission ends on As per key dates indicated above

(Last date, time and venue)

Bid opens on
(Opening date, time and venue)

14. Bid validity period (in days) 180 days

Chief General Manager (Purchase)

MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur

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MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Tender No. 1102 (eTender No. 98989_1)

Section-II: Eligibility Criteria for Bidders&Bid Evaluation

(1) The essential eligibility criteria for bidders have been given in the table hereunder:
The General Eligibility Criteria for bidders have been given in the table hereunder:
S. Eligibility Criteria Supporting Documents Required
1 Registration under Companies Act, 1956 (a) Attested copy of the registration certificate of the
Firm (under Companies Act, 1956, as applicable)
(b) List of its present Directors/Owners/Executive
Council Members/Trustees/Board members of the
bidder/agency/service provider (as applicable) on
official letter head of the service provider duly
signed by the authorized signatory of the
bidder/agency/service provider.
(c) Affidavit of authorized signatory on its official
letter head duly signed by its Board of Directors.
2 Valid labour license issued by Labour Valid labour licence duly notarized and signed by
Commissioner of any state for providing authorized signatory of the bidder.
manpower in services /
industries/government departments.
3 Goods and Service Tax (GST) The attested copy of the original
Registration certificate with code number. document/certificate.
4 EPF certification/registration with code The attested copy of the original
number issued by Employee Provident document/certificate.
Fund Organization under EPF Act 1952.
5 (i) ESI certificate with code number issued The attested copy of the original
by Employees State Insurance Corporation document/certificate.
under ESIC Act, 1948.
(ii) In case(s) where ESIC is not The attested copy of Employee’s Compensation
applicable, the service provider must get Insurance Policy (WC Policy) taken from any of the
insured such deployed labours under PSU's for such labours deployed.
Employee’s Compensation Insurance
Policy (WC Policy) taken from any of the
6 Audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Copies duly certified by Chartered Accountant
Account for financial year 2016-17, 2017- which shall clearly indicate its Annual Turnover and
18 and 2018-19 are permitted Net Profit.
7 Auditor’s Certificate to certify turnover Copies duly certified by Chartered Accountant
from Outsourcing Manpower Business in which shall clearly indicate its Annual Turnover
Central / State PSU(s)/Govt. from the Outsourcing Manpower Business in Central
Department(s) in India in the financial / State PSU(s)/Govt. Department(s) in India
year 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19
8 No Deviations from Terms and Conditions Proforma for ‘No Deviations’ given in Annexure of
of Bid Document this bid document duly filled and signed by the
9 PAN Card stating the number issued by The attested copy of original document/certificate.
Income Tax Department of India.
10 IT Return Copies (duly certified by Chartered Accountant) of
its Income Tax Returns filed for last three (3)
consecutive financial years(i.e. 2016-17, 2017-18
and 2018-19).

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Section-II: Eligibility Criteria for Bidders&Bid Evaluation

11 Undertaking for mandatory compliance of Affidavit to be furnished on Non judicial stamp
all statutory liabilities and other terms and paper of INR 100/- duly registered by notary as per
conditions as specified in bid document. the Proforma for Undertaking given in Annexure.
12 The bidder or any of its employee should The copy of license or undertaking as per prescribed
have Class –A Electrical Contractor format Proforma for Undertaking given in
License issued by Govt. of M.P. for Annexure.
supervising the electrical work in bid area.
(2) Minimum Techno-Commercial eligibility criteria for qualification of bids:
1. The bidder/agency/service provider shall possess following minimum eligibility criteria and submit a
valid labour license for atleast providing following number of manpower as stated in table below:
Minimum number of manpower as per valid
S. No. Activity
labour license required (for single contract)
1 Outsourcing of manpower services 500

2. The minimum eligibility criteria of average annual turnover in Central / State PSU(s) / Government
Department(s) for last 3 financial years shall be as follows,
S. Minimum Average Annual Turnover
No. Required
1 Turnover against outsourcing of manpower services Rs. 10 Crore

Important Note:
1. The agency providing Unarmed Security Guards will have to furnish a licence as per the Private
Security Agencies Regulation Act, 2005 (PSARA)
2. The bid from those bidders shall not be accepted who failed to submit Performance Security on issue
of Letter of Award (LoA) for any other Contract of Purchaser in past 3 years.
3. The bidders, wherever applicable, who are awarded two lots in this tender shall not be awarded any
work in upcoming tender for ‘Outsourcing of manpower at Corporate Office under the jurisdiction of
MPPKVVCL Jabalpur.
(3) Bid Evaluation
3.1. Prior to evaluation of bid, the Purchaser/Service Recipient shall determine whether each bid is
substantially responsive to the requirements of the bid documents. A substantially responsive bid is
one which confirms to all the terms, conditions and specifications of the bidding documents and
complies with all the statutory laws in force and as amended from time to time without any
deviation in scope or reservations.
3.2. To assist in the analysis, evaluation and computation of the bids, the Purchaser/Service Recipient
may ask bidders individually for clarification of their submitted bids. The request for clarification
and the response shall be in writing but no change (whatsoever) in the price or substance of the bid
offered shall be permitted.
3.3 Techno-Commercial Evaluation
3.3.1 The bidders, whose bids are found to be substantially responsive, complete in all respects (as per
necessary terms and conditions of bid document) and meeting required minimum eligibility criteria
shall stand eligible for Techno-commercial evaluation.
3.3.2 For bids to be considered for techno-commercial evaluation, all conditions as specified in Section-II:
Eligibility Criteria For Bidders of the bid document must be fulfilled (along with the necessary
documents). The techno-commercial evaluation shall be done as per the methodology given below
in 3.3.3
3.3.3 Methodology – The evaluation components, their weightages and their scale of assessment, etc.
shall be decided as per the table given below by the Purchaser/Service Recipient and would be
binding on all bidders under consideration.

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Section-II: Eligibility Criteria for Bidders&Bid Evaluation

S. Components for Techno- Criteria Score Document’s Required

No. Commercial Evaluation (Max.)
1 Overall experience in One marks per calendar 5 Work Order(s) or
Outsourcing of Manpower year of experience Performance
across public sectors in Only experience of CY Certificates or
India 2014, 2015,2016, 2017, Contract Agreement
2018, 2019 to be
2 Providing outsource 1 Mark for each contract 5 Work Order(s) or
manpower in Central / State with Central / State PSU / Performance
Government Department Certificates or
PSU(s) / Government
Contract Agreement
Department(s) in last 3 along with Annex XIII
financial years in India Note: multiple contracts
Note: Contract must have at with the same
least 500 no. of manpower, department/PSU shall be
for at least one year (i.e. considered as one contract
continuous period of 12
months) Or
The total no. of manpower 5 Mark if the total no. of
deployed in maximum 5 manpower deployed in
contracts should exceed maximum or less than 5
2500 person, where each contracts (in last 3 financial
contract (in last 3 financial years in India) exceed 2500
years in India ) must have person, where each contract
duration of at least one year must have duration of at
(i.e. continuous period of 12 least one year (i.e.
months) continuous period of 12

3 Highest, single executed One Mark for Rs. two 10 Work Order(s) or
award on “per year contract Crore Performance
value” out of all awarded Certificates
outsourcing contracts, in any or Contract
one of the last 3 financial Agreement along with
years, in Central/ State PSU Annex XIV
(s)/ Government Department
(s) in India
4 Highest Turnover (from Rs. 15 Crore to 25 Crore – 40 Audited Balance Sheet
Outsourcing of Manpower) 20 Points & certificate from
in any one of the last 3 More than Rs. 25 Crore to auditor certifying that
financial years in Central / Rs. 35 Crore – 30 Points the revenue is from
State PSU(s) / Government More than 35 Crore – 40 Manpower
Department(s) Points Outsourcing Services
in Central / State
Department(s) in
5 Average No. of personnel One mark for 150 20 Annexure XVI along
per month for whom Personnel with the supporting
Provident Fund deposited for monthly challan where
the financial year 2018-19 No. of subscribers are
Note: Manpower with zero clearly indicated.

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MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Tender No. 1102 (eTender No. 98989_1)

Section-II: Eligibility Criteria for Bidders&Bid Evaluation

working days attendance in
particular month shall not be
included in the personnel
6 Average No. of personnel One mark for 150 20 Annexure XV along
per month for whom ESIC Personnel with the supporting
contribution deposited for monthly challan where
the financial year 2018-19 No. of subscribers are
(For locations where clearly indicated and
applicability of ESIC is not Worksmen
possible, Workmen Compensation Policy
Compensation Policy no. (Premium Receipt)
would be taken into
Note: Manpower with zero
working days attendance in
particular month shall not be
included in the personnel
Total score 100

Last three financial year shall mean FY 2018-19, 2017-2018, 2016-2017.

*Minimum Techno-Commercial score required for qualification is 50 marks.

*Annex. XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI need to be filled and only relevant supporting documents should be
*Dashboard shall be prepared arranging bidders in the descending order of their techno-commercial scores
along with their preference order of carrying out work/service across different Circles of the Purchaser (as
stated by the bidder/service provider in Annex-VIII: Proforma for Statement of Interest. )
3.4 Financial Evaluation
3.4.1 All such bidders whose bids are found to substantially responsive, fulfilling minimum eligible
criteria and achieving minimum techno-commercial score shall stand eligible for their price bid
opening. Rest all the bidder stand disqualified.
3.4.2 The financial evaluation shall be done only on the basis of commission charges (in percentage)
quoted by the bidder in Annex-IV: Format of Price Schedule.
3.4.3 The bidder (eligible for price bid opening) quoting the lowest rate of commission charges shall be
adjudged as L1 and such rate will then be deemed as the lowest rate to perform the work/service.
Further, process for awarding rate contract at L1 rate shall begin with the remaining bidders in order
of their financial bids (lowest to highest)

Chief General Manager (Purchase)

MPPKVVCL : Jabalpur

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Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

1. Definition(s)
In this bid document (including all the appendices), unless the context otherwise requires, the
terms given below shall have the following meanings assigned to them:

1.1 “Addendum” shall mean any other document issued to the bidders in addition to the bid document
by the Purchaser in the context of this bidding process.

1.2 “Agency / Service Provider” shall mean the successful bidder who has received the Letter of
Award and signed the agreement with the purchaser to execute the Contract.

1.3 “Award of Contract” shall mean the issue of the Letter of Award.

1.4 “Bid/Tender” shall mean the proposal/document that the bidder submits in the requested and
specified form as mentioned in bid documents.

1.5 “Bidder” shall mean the firm/party who quotes the offer against a tender or enquiry.

1.6 “Bid documents” shall mean all the documents issued to the bidder to procure works/services.

1.7 “BG” shall mean Bank Guarantee.

1.8 “Business” shall mean electricity distribution and Revenue collection activities

1.9 “Calendar Year” shall mean period of 12 month from January 01 to December 31

1.10 “Commencement period” shall mean the period of 60 days’ from the date of signing of Contract.

1.11 “Companies Act” shall mean The Companies Act, 1956 (as amended or replaced from time to

1.12 “Consumer” shall mean any person who is supplied with electricity for his own use by a licensee
or the Government or by any other person engaged in the business of supplying electricity to the
public under this Act or any other law for the time being in force and includes any person whose
premises are for the time being connected for the purpose of receiving electricity with the works
of a licensee, the Government or such other person, as the case may be;

1.13 “Contract” means the Contract Agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the Agency,
together with the Contract Documents referred to therein; all such documents shall constitute the
Contract and the term Contract shall in all such documents be construed accordingly.

1.14 “Contract value” shall mean the Original contract value, as adjusted after giving effect of (i) price
escalation (as per the statutory provisions), and (ii) changes in statutory taxes which is to be
compensated by Purchaser as per the contractual provisions (if any).

1.15 “Circle office” shall mean offices which manage and control working of Divisions. Circle Office
operates under Regional Office and has a number of divisions.

1.16 “Division office” shall mean offices which manage and control working of DCs/ Zones. Division
Office operates under Circle office and have a number of DCs/ Zones.

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Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

1.17 “Effective date of contract” shall mean any agreed date within 60 days’ from the date of signing
of Contract.

1.18 “EMD” shall mean Earnest Money Deposit.

1.19 “Engineer Incharge” or “Officer Incharge” shall be the officer under whose office the labour is

1.20 “Instruction” shall mean any drawings and/or instruction in writing, details, directions and
explanations issued by the Purchaser from time to time during the Contract Period.

1.21 “Month” shall mean calendar month.

1.22 “Notice in Writing” or “Written Notice” shall mean a notice, in written, typed or printed
characters sent (unless delivered personally or otherwise proved to have been received) by
registered post to the last known private or business address or registered office of the addresses
and shall be deemed to have been received when in ordinary course of post it would have been

1.23 “Purchaser” or “Service Recipient” or “Discom” shall mean Madhya Pradesh Poorv Kshetra
Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited (MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur).

1.24 “Services” shall mean all the services which the successful bidder is required to provide under the
scope of work to the Purchaser under the Contract.

1.25 “Successful bidder” shall mean the bidder who has received the letter of award from the purchaser
to execute the contract.

1.26 "Turnover" means the gross amount of revenue recognised in the profit and loss account from the
sale, supply, or distribution of goods or on account of services rendered, or both, by a company
during a financial year.

1.27 “Work Order” means written order signed by the Purchaser after the successful bidder has
acknowledged the LOA. This along with LOA, Specifications (RfP) document and the bidder’s
response to RfP shall constitute Part of the Contract.

1.28 “Work” shall mean services to be provided by the Agency under the ‘Work Order’ or ‘Contract’.

1.29 “Zone” means Distribution Zone operates Operation & Maintenance (O&M) activities for a
defined area in city divisions. Zone is a smallest business unit in Discom in city divisions. Zone
works under city Division office.

1.30 “WC” means Workmen Compensation Policy as per the “The Workmen Compensation Act,
1923” which is now superseded by “The Employee’s Compensation Act, 2010”
2. Availability of Bid documents
2.1. The bid document will be uploaded on the Purchaser’s website as mentioned in NIT, the same can
be downloaded and submitted along with desired EMD on due date of submission as specified in
Section-I “Essential tender information” of this bid document. The tender fees shall be submitted
at the time of submission of the Bid.

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Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

3. Invitation of Bids
3.1. The Purchaser is hereby inviting unconditional bids for procuring works/services as specified in
Section-IV: Scope of Work of this bid document through domestic competitive bidding (open
bidding mode) from bidders fulfilling the criteria specified in Section-II “Eligibility criteria for
bidders” of this bid document. The bidding process shall be undertaken through Single-Stage
Two-Envelope method through e-tendering. The essential tender information has been provided in
Section-I “Essential tender information” of this bid document.
4. Consortium Bidding
4.1. Consortium bidding is prohibited. The bidders are not allowed to form a consortium/bidding
entity/teaming agreement in order to make their response to this bid document.
5. Eligible Bidders
5.1. A Bidder may be a natural person, private entity, government-owned entity - subject to clause 5.2
below, and shall furnish as part of their unconditional bid, documents establishing the bidder’s
qualifications to perform the works/services to the satisfaction of the Purchaser/Service Recipient.
The detailed eligibility criteria are listed out in Section – II: Eligibility Criteria for Bidders & Bid
5.2. Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility satisfactory to the Purchaser, as
the Purchaser shall reasonably request.
6. Responsibility of bidder(s)
6.1. The Purchaser will not assume any responsibility regarding information gathered, interpretations
or conclusions made by the bidder or regarding information, interpretations or deductions the
bidder may derive from the data furnished by the Purchaser or any other data.

6.2. Verbal agreement or conversation with any officer/employee of the Purchaser either before or
after the submission of bid shall not affect or modify any of the terms and conditions or
obligations contained herein.

6.3. It shall be the sole responsibility of bidders to determine and to satisfy themselves by such means
as they consider necessary or desirable as to all matters pertaining to this bidding process
including in particular all factors that may affect the cost, duration and execution of the
7. Eligibility criteria
7.1. The bidder(s) shall furnish, as part of their unconditional bid, documents establishing the bidder's
qualifications to perform the works/services to the satisfaction of the Purchaser. The detailed
eligibility criteria are listed out in Section-II: Eligibility criteria of Bidders & Bid Evaluation of
this bid document.

7.2. Notwithstanding anything stated therein, the Purchaser reserves the right to inquire and review the
bidder's capability and capacity to perform the work during the course of evaluation.
8. Project site visit
8.1. The bidder is advised to visit and examine the site where the works/services is to be executed and
its surroundings; and obtain for himself on his own responsibility all information that may be
necessary for preparing the bid, submission of offer and entering into a Contract for execution of
works/services. The cost of visiting the site shall be borne by the bidder.

8.2. The bidder and any of its authorized personnel shall be granted permission by the Purchaser to
enter in its premise(s) and land(s) for the purpose of such inspection, but only upon the condition
that the bidder and its personnel shall release and indemnify the Purchaser and its personnel from
and against all liability in respect thereof and shall be responsible for death or personal injury, loss
of or damage to property and any other loss, damage, costs and expenses incurred as a result of
such inspection/visit.

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Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

9. Process to be Confidential
9.1. This bid document and any other document(s) released, information provided, discussions held,
etc., as part of the bidding process, is strictly confidential and must not be divulged to anyone who
is not directly involved in preparation of the bid, and the bidder(s) shall keep all information
within this proposal or gained during the bidding or other processes confidential. No information
or publicity will be allowed to any third party unless specific written authorization is obtained
from the Purchaser.
10. Clarifications on bid documents
10.1. The bidders are expected to be fully conversant with all the clauses of the bid document before
responding to it. However, prospective bidder(s) requiring any clarification on bidding documents
may notify the Purchaser in writing through email/fax/post, to the address as mentioned in
Section-I “Essential tender information” of this bid document.

10.2. The queries shall be accepted only from the accredited/authorized officers or executives of the

10.3. The Purchaser will respond only to those queries or request(s) for clarification that it receives
during pre-bid conference or prior to the scheduled/extended date of submission of bid documents
as prescribed by the Purchaser. Replies to the clarifications sought and corresponding
amendment(s) to the bid, if any, will be intimated to all bidders. All such clarifications shall form
part of the bid documents and shall be incorporated in the bidder’s Proposal.

10.4. The Purchaser reserves the right to defer/decline responding or addressing to such
queries/clarification sought that it feels are inappropriate without assigning any reasons

10.5. The copies of all the replies/clarifications issued by the Purchaser shall be circulated among all the
bidders without disclosing the source of the queries.
11. Preparation of Bids
11.1. The bidder shall submit unconditional ONLINE bid in response to this tender/bid document.
11.2. The transfer of bid document(s) purchased by one bidder to another is not permissible in any case.
Such bids shall be summarily rejected by the Purchaser.
11.3. The price bid should be duly filled and signed in accordance with the terms and conditions
specified in bid documents thereto for online submission.
11.4. All pages of the bid document(s) including conditions of Contract, specification, etc., shall bear
the full signatures with official rubber stamp (at the bottom right hand corner of the page) by the
bidder. Necessary documents in support thereof must be enclosed with bid documents at the time
of submission, failing which bid will be treated as non-responsive and will not be considered. Any
bid not bearing signatures on all the documents shall stand liable for rejection.
11.5. General information, which is not specifically requested for in the bid documents, must be
attached separately to the techno-commercial proposal and clearly labelled as "Supporting
12. Deviations from terms and conditions of the bid
12.1. The bidder must furnish Annex-II: Proforma for ‘No Deviations’ from Terms and Conditions of
Bid Document given as Annexure duly filled and signed by the authorized signatory of bidder.
13. Bid Forms
13.1. Wherever a specific form or schedule is prescribed in the bid document, the bidder shall use the
same to provide relevant information. If the form or schedule does not provide space for any
required information, space at the end of the form or additional sheets shall be used to convey the
required information.

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Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

13.2. For all other cases, the bidder shall design a form to get the required information from the bidder.

13.3. Purchaser shall in no case be bound by any printed conditions or provisions in the bidder's bid
forms whatsoever.
14. Conditional Bid
14.1. The bidders shall offer only unconditional bid as conditional bid are liable to be rejected.

14.2. Bidder’s printed terms and conditions enclosed with the proposal/offer will not be considered as a
part of the Bid under any circumstances whatsoever it may be. These types of bids shall be
deemed as conditional bids and shall stand liable for rejection.
15. Deadline for submission of bids
15.1. Bids must be received by the Purchaser at the address specified in Section-I: Essential Tender
information of this bid document and no later than the time and date specified in Section-I
“Essential tender information” of this bid document. In the event of the specified date for
submission of bids being declared a holiday for the Purchaser, the bids will be received up to the
appointed time on the next working day. Such postponement of date will not have any impact on
the other dates specified in the bidding documents (i.e. bid validity and validity of bid security).

15.2. The Purchaser may, at its discretion, under intimation to the bidders who have purchased the
bidding documents, extend the deadline for the submission of bids/opening of bids by issuing an
addendum, in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser and bidders previously subject
to the original deadline shall thereafter subject to the deadline as extended.
16. Late Bid
16.1. Bid(s) received by the Purchaser after the bid submission/opening deadline as prescribed in the
bid documents will be summarily rejected and shall be returned unopened to the bidder(s).
17. Withdrawal of Bids
17.1. The bidder shall not be permitted to withdraw their bid during the interval between bid submission
deadline (as mentioned in KEY DATES & BASIC TENDER INFORMATION) and the period of
bid validity as per KEY DATES & BASIC TENDER INFORMATION. If any withdrawal of bid
is made by the bidder during the above period, it shall result in the forfeiture of the EMD.
18. Associated cost of bid preparation and submission
18.1. The bidder shall bear all the cost and expenses associated with preparation and submission of its
bid including post bid discussions, technical and other presentations, etc.

18.2. The Purchaser shall in no case be responsible for or liable to the costs or in Purchaser’s evaluation
of bids, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
19. Pre-bid conference
19.1. The bidders may request for clarification or changes in the bid documents by submitting the issues
prior to the pre-bid conference date as specified in Section-I “Essential tender information” of this
bid document.

19.2. The Purchaser may modify the bid documents if deemed appropriate by issuing addendum as a
result of a request or clarification discussed during the pre-bid conference.
20. Language of the bid
20.1. The bid prepared by the bidder and all documents relating to the bid, exchanged between the
bidder and the Purchaser shall be written in the English language, provided that any printed
literature furnished by the bidder may be written in another language so long as the bid is
accompanied by duly certified English translation of its pertinent passages. Failure to comply with
this may disqualify a bid. For purposes of interpretation of the bid, the English translation shall

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Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

21. Amendment(s) to bid documents
21.1. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of the bid or extended date, if deemed necessary,
the Purchaser reserves the right to add/modify/delete any portion of bid document by issue of an
amendment/addendum, which will be sent to all such bidders, who have indicated their intention
to bid. The Purchaser will bear no responsibility or liability arising out of non-receipt of the same
in time or otherwise by the bidder. The Purchaser shall assume that the information contained
therein will have been taken into account by the bidder in its bid.

21.2. The amendment(s) to bid documents shall be binding on all bidders.

21.3. In a scenario where the interested bidder has already submitted its bid post which the Purchaser
issues an addendum/amendment to this bid document then such bidders shall be allowed to submit
addendum to the already submitted bid.
22. Earnest Money Deposit
22.1. The EMD shall be submitted online through e-Procurement portal only.
22.2. The bid proposal/offer shall necessarily contain EMD of requisite amount and should be furnished
through appropriate mode as specified in Section-I “Essential tender information” of the bid
document. EMD shall be furnished in Envelope-A.

22.3. Any bid proposal/offer not accompanied by the EMD shall be rejected and returned to the bidder

22.4. If on opening of bid any discrepancy in EMD is found (relating to amount, etc.), the bid shall be
rejected and returned to the bidder unopened.

22.5. In case of unsuccessful bidders, the EMD shall be refunded after successful submission of
Contract performance guarantee by the successful bidder. No interest whatsoever shall be payable
on such deposits lying with the Purchaser.

22.6. If the successful bidder fails to furnish the contract performance guarantee within thirty (30) days
after the issue of Letter of Award (LoA), its EMD shall be liable to be forfeited.

22.7. In case the bidder is likely to be awarded the Contract or if its case has not been finalized, the
EMD shall be retained for the period equal to the bid validity period. The EMD of successful
bidder shall become part of the initial contract performance guarantee. No interest shall be
payable on such deposits lying with the Purchaser.
22.8. The Purchaser reserves the right to forfeit EMD or part thereof in circumstances and initiate
actions as deemed appropriate, which according to it indicates that the bidders are not earnest in
accepting/executing orders placed under given specifications.

22.9. The bank charges (if any) shall be attributable to the bidder.
22.10. EMD shall be forfeited in case of withdrawal or modification of a bid/offer after opening of the
bids within the validity period as specified in Section-I “Essential tender information” of the bid

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Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

22.11. The following shall be exempted from payment of Earnest Money Deposit:
1. S.S.I Units of Madhya Pradesh Permanently registered with DIC/NSIC shall be exempted
from payment of EMD. The registration should be valid on the date of opening of tender.
The SSI unit registered with UDYOG AADHAR/MSME shall also be exempted from
payment of EMD and their registration certificate should be valid on the date of opening
of tender.

2. Small Scale Units registered with NSIC/MSME/DIC:- The Small Scale Units
permanently registered with NSIC/MSME/DIC, whose registration certificate is valid for
the item quoted on due date of opening of commercial and technical bid shall be entitled
for exemption from EMD. The renewal/amendment of certificate should not be more than
3 years old from the due date of opening of tender otherwise EMD has to be furnished by
the bidder

3. The Medium/Large Scale Manufacturing Units, located in Madhya Pradesh (other than
SSI/ Ancillary Units to MPSEB and Govt. undertakings) are permitted to furnish the
EMD @50% of the rates prescribed above. Here also permanent registration is a must in
respect of specified item against the tender.

4. Fully owned State/Central Govt. manufacturing units, if 100% shares are held by the
respective Govt. for which documentary evidence must be furnished with the offer.

5. The photocopy of the NSIC/SSI Registration Certificate for the tendered items duly
notarized/attested by G.M./Manager, DIC of the area/ any officer of Discom, not below
the rank of E.E. shall be furnished with the offer. In case of unattested/un-notarized copy,
the original certificate should be produced at the time of tender opening for verification.

6. In case of Micro/Small / Medium Scale Industries of MP registered with DIC the bidders
must submit Competency Certificate issued by DIC along with offer. In absence of valid
Competency Certificate not older than two years as on date of opening of tender, the
exemption from EMD shall not be granted and the offer shall be out rightly rejected.

23. Documents comprising the bid and sealing of bid

23.1. Part-I-Envelop A- (to be submitted online): It shall contain EMD details and bidder has to
upload scanned copy of document in support of proof of online submission of EMD or document
related to exemption of EMD.
23.2. Part-2-Envelop B- (to be submitted online): It shall contain all the documents as notified in
Section-II Eligibility criteria of bidders of the bid document. Other documents/Proforma (if any)
provided in Annexures or elsewhere in the bid document and are pertinent to techno-commercial
evaluation shall necessarily be furnished (duly filled and signed).
23.3. Part-3- Price Bid- Price Bid shall be submitted online only in the Proforma as given in Annexure-
IV. While preparing the Price Bid, bidders are expected to take into account the requirements and
conditions outlined in the bid documents.

24. Submission of bid

24.1. Both the Part-1 and Part-2 shall be submitted online.
a. The bidders are requested to ensure that they furnish the envelope–A and B appropriately
online which should be DIGITALLY signed. The scanned document submitted should be
duly sealed and signed by authorized person. They should also submit Tender Acceptance
Certificate on NJS of RS.10/- in place of signed copy of complete Bid document. Any
correction / overwriting should be signed by the bidder. An offer with correction /
overwriting without signature of the bidder is likely to be rejected.

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Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

b. Transfer of the documents purchased online by one bidder to any other bidder is not
c. The submission of a tender by the bidder implies that he has read and accepted the
instructions, conditions of the Contract and made himself aware of the scope and
specifications of the work to be done/ supplies to be made. The Purchaser will not, after
acceptance of Contract rate, pay extra charges for any reason whatsoever, in case the
bidder is found later to have misjudged any condition(s).
d. It is necessary to purchase the Bid documents online from e-portal
24.2. An authorized representative of the bidder shall initial all pages of the original proposal/offer. The
authorization shall be in the form of a written power of attorney in the name of the Bidder
purchasing the proposal. The signed proposal shall be marked as “ORIGINAL”.

24.3. Bid shall be submitted in the forms attached herein and all blanks in the bid shall be duly filled in
the original copy. The complete forms shall form part of Contract documents in case of successful
24.4. The bidder should quote the prices strictly online in the manner indicated herein failing which the
bid is liable for rejection. The rate/prices shall be in in figures.
24.5. No post bid development shall be allowed regarding any change in terms of prices or techno-
commercial specifications. Notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in the
specifications of the bid or in subsequent exchange of correspondence, these conditions of
Contract shall be binding on the bidder and any change or variation expressed or implied,
however, made in the said condition shall not be entertained whatsoever.
24.6. The bid documents include certain statements, description, projections etc. with respect to the
Purchaser and their businesses. They reflect various assumptions made by the management and/or
their consultants. No representation, promise or warranty is given to their reasonableness,
completeness or otherwise. The bidders are expected to make their own judgments of the same.
Upon receipt of their bids, it shall be construed that they have based it on their own independent
analysis and judgment.
25. Opening of bids
25.1. The Purchaser shall open online bids at the date and time for opening of bids as specified in
Section-I “Essential tender information” of this bid document or on the date and time as intimated
to the bidder on successful completion of evaluation of techno-commercial bids in case of Single-
Stage Two-Envelope bidding. In the event of the specified date for the opening of bids being
declared a holiday for the Purchaser, the bids will be opened at the appointed time on the next
working day.

25.2. Bids that are not opened and read out at bid opening will not be considered for further evaluation,
regardless of the circumstances.

25.3. The bidders’ names, bid prices, and the presence or absence of the requisite EMD and such other
details as Purchaser at its discretion may consider appropriate, will be recorded at the time of bid

25.4. In the case of Single-Stage Two-Envelope bids, on the bid opening date only the techno-
commercial bid shall be opened. The date for opening of the Price bid shall be as per Key date. In
case of extension of due date, the same shall be uploaded in Purchaser’s website and accordingly
Key date shall be amended. No separate intimation shall be given to the bidders.

25.4.1. Opening of Envelope-A (containing Earnest Money Deposit) and Envelope-B (containing
Techno-commercial bid): The first envelope with EMD shall be opened on the due date and time
of bid opening as specified in Section-I Essential tender information of this bid document. The

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Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

requirement for EMD shall be verified and thereafter the second envelope, i.e. the Techno-
commercial bid, shall be opened on the same date in respect of eligible bidders (whose EMD is
found to be as per the requirements).

25.4.2. Opening of Envelope-C- Price bid: Price Part of only those Bidders shall be opened on-line who
are determined as having submitted substantially responsive bids, fulfilling minimum eligibility
criteria and achieving minimum techno-commercial score. A negative determination of the bids,
shall be notified by the Purchaser to such Bidders and the price bid uploaded by them shall not be

25.5. In the event, the Purchaser, in its discretion, decides not to open the bid for want of adequate
response to the bidding, the Purchaser may either extend the bid pursuant to Clause no. 15.2 and
26.1 of Section-III: Instructions to Bidders or cancel the bidding process.

25.6. It is to be noted that the bid evaluation will be executed strictly as per procedure mentioned in Bid
evaluation section.
26. Change in date and time of opening of bids
26.1. It may be noted that the due date/time of opening of bid can be altered/extended if desired by the
Purchaser, without assigning any reason thereof. However, due intimation shall be available at
Purchaser’s website.

The bidder shall be responsible for keeping itself updated on the changes in date and time of
opening of bid.
27. Canvassing of bids
27.1. Bid shall be deemed to be under consideration, after opening of bid, till placement of order to the
successful bidder. During this period, the bidders or their authorized representative(s) or other
interested parties are advised strongly in their own interest, to refrain from contacting or
influencing by any means any of the Purchaser’s personnel or representative on matters relating to
bid under process. As any such effort or activity may result in rejection of that bidder’s
28. Purchaser’s right to accept any bid, and to reject any or all bids
28.1. The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and
reject all bids at any time prior to award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the
affected bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected bidders) of the grounds for such
decision. No correspondence, in any form, and at any time, shall be entertained by the Purchaser
in this regard.
29. Currency of Price Bid
29.1. For the works/services required in the bid, all prices or rates shall be quoted in Indian National
Rupees (INR) only as the payment for such works/services shall be made in Indian currency only
(i.e. Indian National Rupees).
30. Interpretation of conditions of bid(s)
30.1. The Purchaser shall be the final authority to interpret any or all condition(s)/clause(s) specified in
the bid documents at any point of time. In case any ambiguous or contradictory
term(s)/condition(s) arise in the bid, interpretation as deemed appropriate by the Purchaser shall
be final and binding on all the bidders.
31. Validity of bids
31.1. The bidder’s proposal must remain valid for acceptance for a period of 180 days from the date of
opening of bid or any other extended date for their receipt or any other extended period consented
upon by the bidders (The Purchaser may ask the bidder to extend the validity period of their bid)
and during this period no bidder shall be allowed to withdraw their bid. Any such withdrawal
during the said period will entail forfeiture of EMD deposited by the bidder with their bid. The

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Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

bidders who agree to such extension shall confirm that they maintain the availability of the
professional staff nominated in the proposal or in their confirmation of extension of validity of the

31.2. The bid along with the rates and condition thereby shall be open for acceptance of the Purchaser
for a period of 180 days from the date of opening of the bids and no request for any variation in
quoted rates and/withdrawal of tender on any ground by successful bidder be entertained within
validity period. In case the Purchaser requests for extension of the validity period, the bidder may
extend the validity without changing the terms and conditions of their bid (except change in wages
or any other statutory compliance as per Government norms). In case Bidder does not extend the
validity, he/she must respond his/her unwillingness within 7 working days from the date of receipt
of letter to this intent so that his EMD/bid security can be returned.
32. Issue of Letter of Award (LoA), Contract Signing and Issue of Work Order
32.1. The Purchaser shall award the Contract to the bidder whose bid has been adjudged successful after
techno-commercial and financial evaluation. If during the tender award process, after qualifying
and before issuance of award if any notice has been highlighted before the Purchaser then the
agency should provide satisfactory response to such a notice within 30 days, baring which the
LoA shall not be issued to Bidder and LoA will be issued to the next qualifying bidder. The 30
days period can be extended maximum up to 60 days only after permission from the MD.

32.2. The Purchaser shall issue a detailed Letter of Award (LoA) to the successful bidder.

32.3. Post issue of Letter of Award to the successful bidder, Security Deposit must be submitted and
then Contract Agreement shall be signed within 30 days, between the two parties at respective
Circle Offices.

32.4. After signing of the Contract Agreement, work order shall be issued by respective Circles.
Important Note– Agency will have to obtain the required valid labour license for the numbers of
manpower for which the agency has been awarded the contract within 30 days of Work Order
33. Commencement Period and Effective date of contract
33.1. The successful bidder shall be given a commencement period of 60 days from the date of signing
of Contract agreement. During this period, the Agency shall understand the present process and
infrastructure of Purchaser and shall arrange for necessary resources within this period to carry out
the Contract.

33.2. The Contract shall start within 30 days of Contract signing date which shall be deemed as
Effective date of contract for the contract purpose.
34. Bid evaluation
Preliminary examination
34.1. The Purchaser will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether required
sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the
bids documents are generally in order.
34.2. The Purchaser may waive any minor informality, nonconformity or irregularity in a bid that does
not constitute a material deviation, whether or not identified by the Bidder in its bid, and that does
not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any Bidder as a result of the technical and
commercial evaluation,
Examination of Substantive responsiveness and Qualification requirement
34.3. Prior to the detailed evaluation, the Purchaser will determine whether each bid is of acceptable
quality, is complete and is substantially responsive to the Bidding Documents. Any deviations,
conditionality or reservation introduced will be reviewed to conduct a determination of the
substantial responsiveness of the bidder’s bid.

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Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

For purposes of this determination, a substantially responsive bid is one that conforms to all the
terms, conditions and specifications of the Bidding Documents without any material deviations,
objections, conditionalities or reservations and complies with all the statutory laws in force as
amended from time to time. A material deviation, objection, conditionality or reservation is one (i)
that affects in any substantial way the scope, quality or performance of the Contract; (ii) that
limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding Documents, the Purchaser’s rights or
the successful Bidder’s obligations under the Contract; or (iii) whose rectification would unfairly
affect the competitive position of other bidders who are presenting substantially responsive bids.

34.4. During bid evaluation, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its
bid. In case of erroneous/non-submission of documents required to be submitted by the Bidder as
per the provisions of the Bidding Documents, the Purchaser may give the Bidder not more than 7
working days’ notice to rectify/furnish such documents, failing which the bid shall be rejected.
The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no change in the price or
substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted.

34.5. Bids containing deviations from critical provisions will be considered as non-responsive.

34.6. If a bid is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Purchaser, and may not
subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the nonconformity. The
Purchaser’s determination of a bid’s responsiveness shall be based on the contents of the bid itself
without recourse to extrinsic evidence.

34.7. The Purchaser will ascertain to its satisfaction whether Bidders determined having submitted
substantially responsive bids are qualified, as per the Qualification Requirement mentioned in the
bid documents. The Purchaser shall be the sole judge in this regard and the Purchaser’s
interpretation of the Qualification Requirement shall be final and binding.

34.8. The determination will take into account the Bidder’s financial, technical capabilities, in particular
the Bidder’s Contract work in hand, future commitments and past performance during execution
of contracts that have been awarded by the Purchaser on the Bidder. It will be based upon an
examination of the documentary evidence of the Bidder’s qualifications submitted by the Bidder,
as well as such other information as the Purchaser deems necessary and appropriate. This shall,
however, be subject to assessment that may be carried out, if required, by the Purchaser.

34.9. The Purchaser may waive any minor informality, nonconformity or irregularity in a bid that does
not constitute a material deviation, affecting the capability of the Bidder to perform the Contract.

34.10. An affirmative determination will be a prerequisite for the Purchaser to evaluate the Techno -
Commercial Part and to intimate successful bidders to be present on new date, time & location to
open the online price schedule of the Bidder. A negative determination will result in rejection of
the Bidder’s bid.

34.11. To assist in the analysis, evaluation and computation of the bids, the Purchaser may ask bidders
individually for clarification of their submitted bids. The request for clarification and the response
shall be in writing but no change (whatsoever) in the price or substance of the bid offered shall be
35. Submission of NoC/ No Dues Certificate for bidders extending similar services in License
35.1. Such bidders who are already extending similar services as per the scope of this tender in any
region/office under the license area of the Purchaser, further to any ongoing contract with the

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Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

Purchaser, must produce a No-Objection-Certificate and No Dues Certificate as per prescribed
format in Annexure X from the Superintending Engineer of a Circle Office of the Purchaser..

In case, if any dues exist on the date of opening of the tender the bidder shall clear the dues within
15 days period else his offer may not be consider for opening the price bid.

If there are any dues of taxes, PF, ESIC, salary, bonus or any dues pending by a court jurisdiction
then the must agency clear such dues before bid submission.

35.2. Such bids submitted by bidders as stated in Clause 35.1 of this section not accompanied by No
Objections and No Dues Certificate will be considered as non-responsive and shall stand liable for
36. Rate Contract

36.1. Rate contract award shall be issued to some or all the bidders (whose price bid has been opened)
agreeing upon/giving consent (in writing) on performing work/service at the L1 rate.

36.2. Bidders not interested in giving their consent (in writing) to undertake rate contract for performing
work/service at L1 rate will not be considered for allocation of Circles and subsequent signing of

37. Allocation of Lots

37.1. For the purpose of splitting/allocation/distribution of contract, Lot shall be considered the smallest
unit and the process shall be carried out accordingly. A lot may contain up to Three (3)circles.

37.2. Lots shall be allocated on the basis of financial bid submitted by the bidders and their indicated
priorities (top two (2) priorities only) against available Lots.

37.3. Bidder who is adjudged as L1 shall be called in first (irrespective of its techno-commercial score) for
allocation of Lots. L1 Bidder shall be allocated Lots by the Purchaser/Service Recipient in
accordance with their top two (2) priorities of Lots.

In case of a tie between two or more bidders quoting L1 rate provisions of Clause 39 in Section III-
Instruction to Bidders will be applicable and ranking of bidders who quoted L1 will be done as per
the priority stated. The bidder who is adjudged as L1 will be called first and followed by other
bidders in the calling list.

37.4. Once the L1 quoted Bidder is allotted the Lots the remaining Bidders shall be called in order of their
financial bids (lowest to highest) for allocation of Lots on their accepted L1 rates.. Therefore, bidder
having next lowest bid (i.e. L2) shall be called then and shall be allocated Lots by the
Purchaser/Service Recipient but limited to two (2) Lots. Similarly, bidder scoring next lowest
financial bid (i.e. L3) shall be called next and shall be allocated Lots (out of the available ones) in the
manner stated above. This process shall continue until all Lots have been allotted. The decision of the
Purchaser/Service Recipient shall be final and binding on all bidders in this regards.

37.5. In case if marks in individual components are also found to be equal, then their top two priorities of
Lots shall be checked for allocation purpose. However, if their top two priorities are also same (partly
or fully) then the decision of the Purchaser/Service Recipient (in accordance with the business
requirements) shall be final and binding on bidders.

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Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

37.6. Post allocation of Lots, if any bidder/service provider backs out and does not sign agreement for
performing work in the Circles allocated, EMD of that bidder shall be forfeited and its bid shall be
rejected. However, the bidder next to such bidder as per Techno-commercial merit list (and who has
not been allocated any Lot) shall be considered for allocation of Lot.

37.7. The bidder has to give priority for all the Lots and will not have any right to reject once the process
has initiated. If once the Techno-commercial scores are allocated and the bidder backs out, the bidder
would be black-listed from all the further processes.

37.8. Post completion of allocation of Lot, contract agreement shall be signed by such bidder(s)/service
provider(s) at Circle level itself.

37.9. If any of the lot(s) still remains un-allotted then, such Lot shall be allotted to bidder as per sequence
given in the clause 37.4 of Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB). In such case maximum one (1)
lot shall be allotted to each bidder. If any of the bidder backs out after allotment or contract is
terminated on the performance, then Purchaser reserves the rights to allot such Lot to the existing

37.10. The decision of the Purchaser/Service Recipient shall be deemed as final and binding to all regarding
- bid evaluation and subsequent scoring of all bidders, awarding of contract to single or multiple
bidders, organization or grouping of Circles (if any) and their allotment to successful bidder(s).

37.11. The bidders not conforming to any (or all) of these evaluation criteria due to reason(s) whatsoever
shall stand disqualified and their bid shall be summarily rejected.

Contract for outsourcing of the required number of Security Guards shall be awarded to the bidder
having valid PSARA License of MP. The sequence of Awarding will be from L1 to L5 among the
qualified bidders. Further if none the qualified bidder is able to produce PSARA license. Then the
purchaser may opt for retendering.

38. Provision of Snap bidding

38.1. In case the purchaser opts for snap bidding, than all the initial price bids shall be discarded by the
purchaser and shall invite all the bidders who were technically qualified, to submit new price bids
as per terms and conditions of the bidding document. The timeline for submission and price bid
opening of such price bids shall be intimated separately to all such bidders by the purchaser.
Bidders submitting new price bids electronically shall follow the electronic bid submission
procedure specified in bid document for resubmission of price bids.
The quoted price in price bid shall not be allowed to be increased above the L1 rates. If any bidder
bids above the lowest evaluated price during the initial bidding, his bid shall be treated as non-
responsive and bidder shall not be considered for award.

38.2. In case the bidders are required to furnish only the modifications to their earlier bids, the earlier
bid as modified to the extent of the modifications submitted in the Snap bid would be valid for
consideration for the specified validity period. In case of re-submission of financial bid is
required, the Purchaser at its option may ask for renewal of EMD. However, if a bidder does not
respond in the Snap bidding, the earlier bid submitted by the bidder shall be considered null and

38.3. The quoted price in the Price bid shall not be allowed to be increased above the L-1 rates.
However, where the terms of Snap bidding as communicated to bidders specify that the prices

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Section-III: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

given in earlier bid shall not be increased and in spite of this, any bidder increases the price in the
Snap bidding, such a Snap bid shall be treated as non-responsive and such bidder shall not be
considered for award.

38.4. In order to avoid difficulty during the process of evaluation of Snap bids, the ambiguities
encountered, if any in the original bids received and /or in bidding documents, etc. should be
clarified to the bidders while seeking the Snap bids.
39. Tie braking
39.1. In case of tie breaking i.e. more than one bidder being adjudged as L1, following order of priority
shall be adhered to (in sequential manner) until single L1 bidder is decided:

1. The bidder with highest techno-commercial score shall be adjudged as final L1 bidder.
The bidder with second highest techno-commercial score shall be adjudged as L2
bidder(s). Similarly, descending order of bidders’ techno-commercial score shall be used
to adjudged L3, L4 and so on bidders. If there is still more than one bidder with the same
score, next step shall be followed.
2. The bidder with highest average annual turnover in Central / State PSU(s) / Government
Department(s) figure for last 3 financial years from man power outsourcing shall be
adjudged as final L1 bidder.
The bidder with second highest average annual turnover figure for last 3 financial years
i.e FY 2016-17,2017-18,2018-19 shall be adjudged as L2 bidder. Similarly, descending
order of bidders’ average annual turnover figure for last 3 financial years shall be used to
adjudged L3, L4 and so on bidders.
Similarly, under same situation in case of L2 or any other bidder, above process will be

40. Acceptance or Rejection of bid/offer

40.1. The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids without assigning any
reasons. The Purchaser also reserves the right to reject any bid which in its opinion is non-
responsive or violating any of the conditions/specifications without any liabilities to any loss
whatsoever it may cause to the Bidder in the process.

40.2. Any defaulter Agency which has earlier participated in any tender for outsourcing of activities
in any office/department of the Purchaser and has not taken over the work against order placed
on them (or) their order has been cancelled by the Purchaser on account of poor performance of
the Agency (or) because of not making payment of wages/statutory payment, such
bidders/Agency shall not stand eligible to participate in this tender process and their
bid/proposal/offer may be summarily rejected by the Purchaser.
40.3. Even on fulfilment of all the criteria, it may please be noted that offers of those bidders whose
work have been terminated or who have been debarred for future business with any of the
Discoms of M.P. may be summarily rejected.

Chief General Manager (Purchase)

MPPKVVCL : Jabalpur

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Section-IV: Scope of Work

1. Background
1.1. The Purpose of this tender is to appoint service providers in various Circles of Purchaser, who will
supply manpower for different Operation and Maintenance works (as detailed below) in the allotted area.

(1) Agency having class-A electrical license should issue the authorization letter to the eligible person to
work on the lines for operation, maintenance and construction activities.
(2) Manpower required in Corporate Office along with unarmed security guard, shall be considered
under LOT-11 for the tendering and contractual purpose. Further, the Bidder applying for LOT-11 must
have valid license as per the Private Security Agencies Regulation Act, 2005 (PSARA).
2. Tentative Requirement of Manpower (in numbers).
2.1. The tentative manpower requirement is as shown below:

Name of Circle Skilled Semi-Skilled Un-Skilled Total
1 Rewa 330 120 80 530
2 Sidhi 177 65 32 274
3 Singrauli 125 40 24 189
4 Seoni 207 120 50 377
5 Narsinghpur 428 85 98 611
6 Katni 261 125 54 440
7 Damoh 224 105 58 387
8 Chhindwara 421 280 107 808
9 Balaghat 319 189 44 552
10 Mandla 145 96 26 267
11 Sagar 425 264 96 785
12 Satna 351 150 90 591
13 Panna 98 30 22 150
14 Jabalpur O&M 280 193 81 554
15 Dindori 114 51 12 177
16 Chhatarpur 307 41 59 407
17 Tikamgarh 279 50 63 392
18 Corporate 73 0 132
19 Jabalpur City 277 119 33 429

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Section-IV: Scope of Work

20 Shahdol 170 97 24 291
21 Anuppur 121 31 13 165
22 Umaria 110 42 15 167
Total 5242 2293 1140 8675
2.2. The Lot allocation for the purpose of bids:
Nos. of Lot Total
Nos. of Nos. of
Lot Man Man
Circle 1 Manpower Circle 2 Manpower Circle 3
No. power power
Required Required
Required Required
1 Rewa 530 Sidhi 274 Singrauli 189 993
2 Seoni 377 Narsinghpur 611 -- -- 988
3 Katni 440 Damoh 387 -- -- 827
4 Balaghat 552 Mandla 267 -- -- 819
5 Chhindwara 808 -- -- -- -- 808
6 Chhatarpur 407 Tikamgarh 392 -- -- 799
7 Sagar 785 -- -- -- -- 785
8 Satna 691 Panna 150 -- -- 741
9 554 Dindori 177 -- -- 731
10 Shahdol 291 Anuppur 165 Umaria 167 623
(Unarmed Jabalpur
11 Corporate 429 -- -- 561
Security City
Grand Total 8675
3. Scope of Work and Roles and Responsibilities, Essential Qualification and age limit required for
manpower to be deployed
Type of Minimum desired
Sn Function Age Limit Roles and Responsibilities
Personnel Qualification
Graduate with one
year computer
Stenograph diploma and good Computer work, typing, Taking
er/ proficiency in dictation etc.
Computer Highly computer typing in Minimum Age Limit – 18 Years Assistant to do the day to day
Operator Skilled Hindi & English & Upper Age limit – 45 years as operations like data entry,
cum Steno (speed – 35 words/ on joining first deployment with preparing formats, MIS
typist min)with knowledge the Company. Relaxation in reporting, printing, mailing etc
of MS Office and upper age limit would be given
Shorthand to personnel who are already
Technical engaged / deployed with the
Diploma (Electrical)
Diploma Highly company commensurate with Supervisory role in various line
2 from recognised
Holder Skilled the experience for the work related teams
(Electrical) completed no. of years
subjected to maximum of 5 Manpower will do skilled
years operational work in various
Graduate with
Team Highly offices for Finance,
3 Diploma (in relevant
Leader Skilled Administration & Commercial
field of deployment)
Departments or at any other
place where needed. To abide

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Section-IV: Scope of Work

by and conform to roles and
responsibilities as notified by
Company / Service recipient
from time to time. To perform
miscellaneous jobs and other
work assigned by the officer.
Minimum Age Limit – 18 Years &
12th pass with 2 years
Upper Age limit – 35 years as on
ITI as recognized by
joining first deployment with the
Company. Relaxation in upper age
All types of Meter reading,
Meter limit would be given to personnel
4. Skilled AND / OR
who are already engaged / deployed
reporting of function of meters and
Reader electrical disconnection.
with the company commensurate
Overhead Certification
with the experience for the
(wherever required by
completed no. of years subjected to
the company.)
maximum of 10 years.
Valid Heavy Vehicle
Driving License
Driver/ Safely driving the vehicle
along with a fitness
5 Heavy Skilled allotted and minor maintenance
certificate from a
Vehicle of the same
certified Medical
8th pass with
Khansama/ minimum 5 years
6 Skilled Cooking
Cook experience in
Operation of Substation
equipments/Switchgears as per
the operating instructions of the
particular 33/11 KV Substations
issued by the concerned
Minimum Age Limit – 18 Years
Executive Engineer (Incharge of
& Upper Age limit – 45 years as
the City/(O&M) Division).
on joining first deployment with
Issue of work permit as per the
10th pass with ITI the Company. Relaxation in
authorization Chart issued by
certificate in upper age limit would be given
the concerned Executive
Substation Electrical Trade or to personnel who are already
7 Skilled Engineer (City)/(O&M) with
operator Wireman as engaged / deployed with the
strict compliance of Safety
recognized by NCVT company commensurate with
rules. To abide by and conform
or SCVT the experience for the
to roles and responsibilities as
completed no. of years
notified by Company / Service
subjected to maximum of 5
Recipient from time to time
To perform miscellaneous jobs
and other work assigned by the
Must use all safety measures
and equipment at all times.
10th pass with ITI Operation & maintenance and
certificate in erection of line and damage and
Electrical Trade or unauthorized use and
Wireman as Disconnections.
8 Skilled recognized by NCVT Attending of FOC of LT
Line man
or SCVT OR with consumers, Taking permit for
shall possess maintenance. Preparation of
Overhead summary of disconnection(s) in
Certification from the prescribed format and

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Section-IV: Scope of Work

Electrical Safety submission of reports in DC. To
Dept./DISCOM assist and guide during the
maintenance of HT/ LT Lines.
Maintenance of DTRs. To
assist, guide and perform meter
reading and bill distribution etc.
To assist in HT Maintenance
To perform miscellaneous jobs
for Officers / Officials and other
work assigned by the officer
Must use all safety measures
and equipment at all times.
At least Graduate
Library Co-
9 Skilled with knowledge of Operating Library

12th pass with

Photocopy knowledge of Handling any Photocopy
10 Skilled
Operator handling any Minimum Age Limit – 18 Years machine
Photocopy machine & Upper Age limit – 45 years as
on joining first deployment with
the Company. Relaxation in
upper age limit would be given
12th pass with good
to personnel who are already
Computer proficiency in
engaged / deployed with the
Typist/ computer typing in
company commensurate with
Data Hindi & English Daily office related routine
11 Skilled the experience for the
Analyser/D (speed – 35 words/ typing work
completed no. of years
ata Entry min)/ with
subjected to maximum of 5
Operator knowledge of MS

The agency must provide

Uniform with name plate,
Deployed Manpower
Armed identification card, Agency
must be at least 12th
12 Security Skilled mono, licensee gun etc. in
pass with having
Guard respect of armed Security
licensed gun
Guards entrusted under this
To assist in disconnection work
– If required, to assist line man
in operating duly signed
disconnection list by Engineer-
in-charge. To carry ladder, line
Asst. 8th pass with
man’s tool bag, etc. and
Lineman/ Overhead (Wireman)
Semi- necessary information of
13 Asst. Certification from
skilled consumer enlisted and
Electrician/ Electrical Safety
submission of reports on zone in
Attendant Dept./DISCOM
prescribed format as per
schedule. To assist in
maintenance of LT Line –
During Maintenance of LT
line, providing assistance to the

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Section-IV: Scope of Work

Departmental Gang, in keeping
the rope tightly held and
carrying tools and material from
Stores to site and back, as per
instruction of Engineer-in-
To assist in DTR Circuit
Maintenance – To maintain
Distribution Transformer as per
instruction of Engineer-in-
To assist in attending of FOC of
LT consumers – To assist
departmental gang attending
Fuse off calls, in carrying
ladder, tool bags, etc., as per
instruction of Engineer-in-
To assist in other works like
construction, etc.
To assist in HT Maintenance
To perform miscellaneous jobs
for Officers / Officials and other
work assigned by the officer
Must use all safety measures
and equipment at all times.
Safely driving the vehicle
allotted and minor maintenance
Valid Vehicle
of the same.To abide by and
Driving License
Light conform to roles and
Semi- along with a fitness
14 Vehicle responsibilities as notified by
skilled certificate from a
Driver Company / Service Recipient
certified Medical
from time to timeAll other
miscellaneous jobs related as
Minimum Age Limit – 18 Years
per instructions of OIC.
& Upper Age limit – 45 years as
8th pass with
Semi- on joining first deployment with
15 Asst. Cook knowledge of Helper to Cook
skilled the Company. Relaxation in
upper age limit would be given
Providing medical assistance as
to personnel who are already
per the instructions of medical
engaged / deployed with the
officer in hospitals/dispensaries.
company commensurate with
To abide by and conform to
Asst. 10th Pass along with the experience for the
Semi- roles and responsibilities as
16 Compound dresser course from completed no. of years
skilled notified by Company / Service
er recognized hospital subjected to maximum of 5
Recipient form time to time
To perform miscellaneous and
odd jobs and other work
assigned by the officer.
Providing medical assistance as
12th Pass with a
per the instructions of medical
Asst. Lab Semi- Diploma in Medical
17 officer in hospitals/dispensaries.
technician skilled Laboratory
To abide by and conform to
roles and responsibilities as

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Section-IV: Scope of Work

notified by Company / Services
Recipient form time to time
To perform miscellaneous jobs
and other work assigned by the
Providing medical assistance as
per the instructions of medical
12th Pass with
officer in hospitals/dispensaries.
Diploma in Nursing
To abide by and conform to
from recognized
Semi- roles and responsibilities as
18 Asst. Nurse University / nursing
skilled notified by Company / Service
institute, registered in
Recipient from time to time
any state nursing
To perform miscellaneous jobs
and other work assigned by the
10th pass with
Semi- To take care of children coming
19 Care-taker experience in taking
Skilled to the crèche.
care of small children
8th pass with
20 Liftman knowledge of Operating Lift
operating lift
Any kind of labour work.
Minimum 8th pass
Under any circumstances,
Labour/ and shall possess
21 Unskilled these persons should not take
Line Helper working knowledge
any work on live Lines/DTRs
of Hindi language.
22 Gardner Unskilled Literate Minimum Age Limit – 18 Years Gardening
& Upper Age limit – 45 years as
Secures the premises, property
Minimum 5th pass on joining first deployment with
Unarmed and personnel by patrolling;
and shall possess the Company. Relaxation in
23 Security Unskilled monitoring; inspecting access
working knowledge upper age limit would be given
Guard points. And all such related
of Hindi language. to personnel who are already
engaged / deployed with the
Minimum 5th pass
company commensurate with
Sweeper/ and shall possess Day to day work as and when
24 Unskilled the experience for the
Peon working knowledge assigned.
completed no. of years
of Hindi language.
subjected to maximum of 5
Minimum 5th pass
and shall possess
25 Waiter Unskilled Serving Food/refreshment
working knowledge
of Hindi language.
26 Waterman Unskilled Literate Performing Water services
Minimum 5th pass
and shall possess
27 Painter Unskilled Painting work
working knowledge
of Hindi language.
Minimum 5th pass
Room and shall possess Day to day work as and when
28 Unskilled
Attendant working knowledge assigned.
of Hindi language

*The Purchaser reserves the right to relax the aforesaid age limit and minimum desired qualification

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4. Attendance System
4.1. If purchaser adopts any attendance system in future, then Agency shall comply with adopted attendance
system or in case agency uses Company’s attendance system even then purchaser will not be liable for
any claim raised by their staff. Modification rights in the attendance system shall be given to Officer-In-
Charge of the Purchase, who shall also be responsible for the verification of agency‟s staff. The Service
Provider Agency should be capable to generate the report as desired by Purchaser time to time it will be
only for bill verification.

Chief General Manager (Purchase)

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Section-V: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

1. Purchaser’s representative
1.1. The Purchaser shall appoint an officer/employee designated as the Controlling Officer/Officer-in-
charge who shall carry out the functions and obligations of the Purchaser under the Contract.

1.2. The Purchaser may from time to time appoint any other person as the Controlling Officer/ Officer-
in-charge in place of the person previously so appointed, and shall give a notice of the name of such
other person to the Agency without delay. The Purchaser shall take reasonable care to see that no
such appointment is made at such a time or in such a manner as to impede the progress of
works/services. The Controlling Officer/ Officer-in-charge shall represent and act for the Purchaser
at all times during the currency/validity of the Contract.

1.3. Any decision, instruction or approval given by the Controlling Officer /Officer-in-charge of the
Purchaser to shall be binding on the Service Provider.

1.4. All notices, instructions, orders, consents, certificates, approvals and all other communications under
the Contract shall be given by the Controlling Officer/ Officer-in-charge.

1.5. The Controlling Officer/ Officer-in-charge may authorize his representative(s) as site-in-charge for
the works/services.
2. Service Provider’s Representative
2.1. The Service Provider shall employ at least one competent representative (name, address, telephone
number, identity proof of the representative shall be communicated in writing to the Controlling
Officer/officer-in-charge by the Service Provider) to supervise the works/services at each Circle. The
said representative, (or if more than one shall be employed, then one of such representatives), shall
be present whenever required and should be approachable in person or on phone at time and location
as specified by the Purchaser/ Service Recipient. Any written order or instruction which the
Controlling Officer/officer-in-charge or his duly authorised representative may give to the said
representative of the Service Provider shall be deemed to have been given to the Service Provider.

The service provider shall open one local office at district headquarter of respective circle and
representative of service provider must stay available in working hours. The representative of service
provider shall have minimum qualification of Graduate and good proficiency in English & Hindi

2.2. The Service Provider shall also engage one representative (name, address, telephone number,
identity proof of the representative shall be communicated in writing to the Controlling
Officer/officer-in-charge by the Service Provider) designated as a Welfare Officer. The said
representative will act as an agent who will handle grievance of deployed manpower, individually or
collectively. The representative shall advise and assist the Agency for fulfilling its obligations
statutory or otherwise towards manpower and will be responsible for solving any grievance reported
to him/her. Competent authority defined in above clause 2.1 allowed to handle the responsibilities of
Welfare Officer.

2.3. The Controlling Officer/officer-in-charge shall be at liberty to object to the presence of any
representative or person employed by the Service Provider for execution of the Contract or otherwise
at the site, who in his/her opinion is found to have misconducted himself/herself or be incompetent
or negligent and the Service Provider shall remove the person so objected to, upon receipt from the
Controlling Officer/ officer-in-charge a notice in writing requiring him to do so and shall provide in
his place a competent representative at the Service Provider’s risk and expense.

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Section-V: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

3. Bankruptcy/Insolvency of the Service Provider
3.1. If the service provider is imprisoned, becomes insolvent, compound with his creditors, has a
receiving order made against him or carries on business under a receiver for the benefit of the
creditor or any of them or being a partnership firm, become dissolved or being a corporation, goes
into liquidation or is being wound up, not being a voluntary winding up for the purpose only of
amalgamation or reconstruction, the Purchaser shall be at liberty:

3.1.1. To give such liquidated service provider or other person in whom, the Contract may become vested,
the option thereof to award the Contract or a portion to any other agency, thereof to be determined
by the Purchaser subject to his/her providing an appropriate guarantee for the performance of such
4. Duty and Behaviour of Service Provider’s Personnel
4.1. The personnel deployed by the Service Provider must always carry their Photo-ID card given by the
Service Provider and wear uniform provided by the Service Provider.

4.2. The personnel deployed by the Service Provider shall maintain the decorum and obey the
instructions of the officer-in-charge of the Purchaser for that particular work and place of duty. They
must follow the procedures of duty, performance and stipulated time guideline for working hours as
set by the officer-in-charge of the Purchaser from time to time.

4.3. It shall be accepted as an inseparable part of the Contract that in matters regarding competency,
efficiency, conduct and behaviour, the decision of the Officer-in-charge of the Purchaser shall be
final and binding on the Service Provider in all such matters.
5. Safety Provisions
5.1. All the Electrical Safety Appliances required at site would be made available by the purchaser for
official work only.

The Service Provider shall ensure the use of safety appliances in its operation as prescribed by the
Purchaser. It is the responsibility of the Agency to deal with any liability arising due to any injuries
occurring to the Agency’s staff during performance of duty. The Purchaser would not be liable to
pay any compensation to the injured employees of the Agency under any circumstances.

In case the Service Provider fails to make such arrangement, the authorized officer/staff of the
Purchaser shall be entitled to recover the costs thereof from the Service Provider. The failure to
comply with the provisions of the Safety Rules and Regulations, if any, the Agency shall without
prejudice to any other liability pay to the Purchaser a penalty amount, as determined by the
competitive authority of the Purchaser.
6. Checks and Supervision by the Service Provider
6.1. The Service Provider shall ensure that its personnel perform their duties efficiently by exercising
frequent surprise checks and by appointing sufficient supervisory staff as felt necessary by the
Purchaser. In case it is found that any damage has occurred due to negligence, ignorance or not
performing the duty by the personnel of the Agency, all the losses so occurred to the Purchaser shall
be recovered from the amounts payable to the Service Provider and its security deposits or Contract
Performance Guarantee.
7. Notices and Instructions
7.1. The Service Provider shall furnish the complete address of its permanent office and local office
along with telephonic numbers, fax numbers, emails, etc. to the Purchaser. Any notice or instructions
to be given to Agency under the terms of the Contract shall be deemed to have been served on him if
it has been sent at local office or to the address of the Agency last notified by them or delivered to
authorized signatory.

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Section-V: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

8. Health of the Personnel deployed
8.1. All persons deployed by the Agency shall be of sound physical and mental health and should not be
under the influence of any drug or liquor during duty and have full knowledge and experience to
competently complete the job assigned to them. In case it is found that any loss has occurred to the
Purchaser’s property/interest due to deployment of such personnel, the same shall have to be
replaced by the Agency without any extra cost to the Purchaser. Agency must also ensure that their
manpower deployed at various offices of West Discom are following the norms/advisory issued by
Central/ State Governments from time to time for Pandemic Situations like Covid-19.
9. Uniforms and other supplies
9.1. Uniform shall be approved by the purchaser and Service provider must provide at least 2 pair of
approved uniforms per year. The Purchaser shall not pay any extra charges (or any out-of-pocket
expense) to the Service Provider against such items which are required for performing proper and
efficient working.

9.2. Each deputed person shall carry Photo-ID card issued by the Agency at all times and in case of
expiry of the card, the same shall be promptly renewed by the Agency. Agency will ensure timely
issuance of the ID cards which will be valid throughout the period of Contract.
10. Rate Adjustment
10.1. The commission charges would be calculated as per the minimum wages prevailing on the date of
opening of tender. There shall be an increment of 5% per year on the commission charges permitted
during the contract period.
11. Removal/Replacement of Personnel deployed
11.1. The personnel being deployed by the service provider shall ordinarily be continued and would not be
changed without written intimation, consultation and approval of Officer-in-charge of the Purchaser.
If service provider at its initiative replaces the personnel without intimation and due consent of the
Purchaser then a penalty of Rs.100/- per day per personnel may be charged on service provider on
discretion of Superintending Engineer of the circle. Penalty in such case shall be maximum up to
50% of the personnel’s minimum wages.

11.2. The Service Provider shall share the list of all personnel deployed on field on actual basis at the start
of the project. Further, the Agency shall provide the list of all such personnel on a monthly basis to
the Purchaser. Any change in the field personnel shall be immediately communicated to the
Purchaser in addition to the monthly update.

11.3. Upon the written directions of the Officer-in-charge of the Purchaser, the Service Provider shall
immediately remove from the works/ services any person or persons deployed thereon, who may in
the opinion of the Officer-in-charge is incompetent or responsible for misconduct. In case the
Agency has any difference of opinion with Officer-in-charge of Purchaser in this regard, the matter
shall be referred to Circle-in-charge whose decision shall be final and binding by the Agency. Such
persons shall not be employed again on the works without the written permission of the Officer-in-
charge, or any other officer authorized for such purpose.

11.4. All personnel engaged under this Contract by the Service Provider shall be employees of Service
Provider. Purchaser shall not have any liability/responsibility to absorb the persons engaged by the
Service Provider and/or extend any type of recommendation, etc. for obtaining any job with the
Purchaser or elsewhere.
12. Subletting
12.1. The Service Provider shall not sublet any activity or any part thereof under the Contract.
13. Force Majeure
13.1. Force Majeure means any event or circumstance or combination of events and circumstances
including those stated below that wholly or partly prevents or unavoidably delays an affected party

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Section-V: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, but only if and to the extent that such
events or circumstances are not within the reasonable control, directly or indirectly, of the affected
party and could not have been avoided if the affected party had taken reasonable care or complied
with prudent utility practices.

13.2. Act of God, including, but not limited to lightning, drought, fire and explosion (to the extent
originating from a source external to the site), earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, flood,
cyclone, typhoon, tempest, tornado, mutiny, civil commutation, riot, terrorist attack, strike (subject
to certification by Labour Commissioner), lock-out (subject to certification by Labour
Commissioner), exceptionally adverse weather conditions which are in excess of the statistical
measures for the last hundred (100) years, any act of war (whether declared or undeclared), invasion,
armed conflict or act of foreign enemy, blockade, embargo, direct or indirect political events; or any
event or circumstance of a nature analogous to any of the above.

13.3. A notification to this effect duly certified by statutory authorities shall be provided by the Service
Provider to the Purchaser within 15 days from the occurrence of such delay.

13.4. The authority as decided by the Purchaser (including committee, etc.) shall decide upon Force
Majeure cases and the decision of such authority shall be final and binding on Service
14. Damage to property and injury to personnel
14.1. The Agency shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Purchaser against all losses and claims for
injuries or damage to any person or any property whatsoever which may arise out of or in
consequence of the execution of the Contract and against all claims, demands, proceedings,
damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect of or in relation thereto.

14.2. The Purchaser shall not be liable for damage or compensation payable as per provision of law/act in
respect or consequence of any accident or injury to any workmen or other person in the employment
of the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall have to pay all claims, demands, proceedings
costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect there of or in relation there to.

14.3. In the event of any accident and/or injury, in respect of which compensation may become payable
under the Workman’s Compensation Act-VIII of 1923 including all amendments thereof, Authorized
officer of Purchaser shall have full powers to retain out of any sums payable/becoming payable to
the Agency, any sum as may be deemed sufficient to meet such liability on receipt of award of
compensation from the competent authority under the said act, and the same shall be adjusted from
this amount. Any shortfall shall be recovered and any excesses shall be refunded. The opinion of the
Authorized officer of Purchaser shall be final in regard to all matters arising under this clause.

14.4. In case of any loss of life or accidents of personnel engaged during discharge of services on the
contract, if any investigations point towards malpractice or negligence on behalf of the agency then
the Employer reserve the rights to suspend the contract.
14.5. In case it is found that any theft or damage has occurred to the property or premises of the Purchaser
due to negligence of personnel in performing their duty and/or absence from the place of duty and/or
not providing substitute by the Agency or any other reason, the cost of all such losses or damages as
assessed by the Purchaser shall be recovered from the Agency’s monthly bill or from their Security
Deposit/Contract Performance Guarantee or in any other manner as may deemed fit.
14.6. In case any personnel of the Agency is implicated in any law suit or is injured by any person or
group of persons, agitating mob, etc. during the course of performing his/her duty/their duties for the
Purchaser, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Agency to defend its personnel in the court of law
or to extend all medical and financial help, etc. without charging any cost to the Purchaser.

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Section-V: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

14.7. The Purchaser shall be deemed to be indemnified by the Agency for lapses or other mischief’s etc.
by its personnel.

14.8. Claims arising due to “any activity” shall be liable for adjustment from contract performance
guarantee furnished by Service Provider.
15. Settlement of Disputes and Arbitration
15.1. If any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever arises between the Purchaser and the Agency in
connection with or arising out of the Contract, the parties will make every effort to resolve amicably
such dispute or difference by mutual consultation. For this purpose, a committee may be constituted
comprising representatives from both the parties. The committee shall be formed and convened by
ED/ CE Regional Office. After sixty (60) days from the date the dispute is first brought to the notice
of either party, if the parties have failed to resolve their dispute or difference by such mutual
consultation, then the dispute shall be referred in writing by either party to initiate the Arbitration

15.1.1. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the following acts as amended:
Madhya Pradesh Madhyastham Adhikaran Adhiniyam, 1983 as amended.

The cost of the arbitration shall be equally shared by the Purchaser and the Service Provider.

15.2. Notwithstanding any disputes with reference to the Contract pending for arbitration, the Agency
shall continue to perform his obligations in accordance with the Purchaser's decision or instruction,
and Purchaser shall also continue to perform his obligations under the Contract including payment of
any undisputed monies due to the Agency.
16. Jurisdiction
16.1. Any dispute or difference, arising under, out of, or in connection with Tender/ Contract order shall
be subject to exclusive jurisdiction of court at Jabalpur only.
17. Blacklisting/Debarring
17.1. In case(s) of severe default(s) by the Agency (including but not limited to clause 20 of this section),
the process of blacklisting or debarring of Agency and recoveries (if any) thereof may be undertaken
by the Purchaser if deemed necessary.
18. Necessary Compliances (applicable in accordance with Eligibility Criteria)
18.1. The Agency shall provide and be responsible for payment of wages, salaries, and other statutory
privileges and facilities as applicable to its personnel as per relevant and applicable
law/rules/regulations and orders of the Central/State Government or local authorities or other
authorities as are in force from time to time.

18.2. The Agency will ensure that all its employees are covered under Employee State Insurance (ESIC)
Scheme and if in any circle/district ESIC Dispensary / Hospital is not located then Agency needs to
cover its employees under Workmen’s Compensation Insurance Policy.

18.3. The Agency will ensure that following technical category of employees are covered under accidental
health insurance policy for sum assured up to 5 lakhs with no co-payment condition on employee.
The policy should be issued by companies registered under IRDA and must have at least 3
empanelled hospital in the respective Circle.
Functions Type of Personnel
Substation Operator Skilled
Line Man Skilled
Assistant Line Man Semi-Skilled
Line Helper Un-Skilled

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Section-V: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

The below table provides the approximate number of personnel’s to be covered under group
accidental health insurance policy:

Nos. of Lot
Nos. of Nos. of
Man- Total
Man Man
Lot power Man
Circle 1 Circle 2 power to Circle 3 power
No. power
be to be
to be to be
covered covered
covered covered

1 Rewa 498 Sidhi 254 Singrauli 176 928

2 Seoni 355 Narsinghpur 570 -- -- 925

3 Katni 318 Damoh 355 -- -- 673

4 Balaghat 367 Mandla 239 -- -- 606

5 Chhindwara 733 -- -- -- -- 733

6 Chhatarpur 375 Tikamgarh 370 -- -- 745

7 Sagar 719 -- -- -- -- 719

8 Satna 558 Panna 135 -- -- 693

9 424 Dindori 99 -- -- 523

10 Shahdol 174 Anuppur 104 Umaria 111 389

11 Corporate -- Jabalpur City 361 -- -- 361

Grand Total 7295

18.4. All personnel engaged under this Contract by the Agency shall be employees of Agency. Purchaser
shall not have any liability/responsibility to absorb the persons engaged by the Agency and/or extend
any type of recommendation, etc. for obtaining any job with the Purchaser or elsewhere.

18.5. The Agency shall at the time of execution of the Contract have PF code number obtained from
authorities concerned under the Employee’s Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
and remit contributions in respect of the employees employed by him to the PF office concerned
every month or obtain the same within a month after the agreement for the concerned employees.

18.6. The Agency shall maintain all records/registers as required to be maintained under various labour
laws and other statutory laws in force and as amended from time to time, mentioned above and
produce the same before the Statutory Authorities as well as the Authorities of the Purchaser as per
the time period defined by the Purchaser.

18.7. The Agency will make best endeavours to rotate its staff in the field (i.e. by changing distribution
centre / zone within a circle) minimum once in two years so that no employee works in the same

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Section-V: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

office. Further, Agency shall ensure that same staff should not continue in the same office at the time
of stating a work in respective circle.

18.8. The Agency shall also submit periodical reports on various labour laws such as Contract labour
(Registration & Abolition) Act-1970, The Code on Wages 2019(or prevailing rules till the wages
gets finalized under the Code on Wages, 2019), Employees Provident Fund Act etc., under
intimation to maintain the designation of the principal employer.

18.9. The Agency shall pay the Minimum Wages (as applicable) and other payments as notified by the
Government from time to time to its employees. However, the Purchaser/Service Recipient shall
reimburse the Service Provider to the extent of the amount of variation arising out of the revisions in
minimum wages as specified by the Labour Commissioner of Madhya Pradesh (for highly-skilled,
skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled manpower as applicable), and derived statutory obligations
thereof provided the documentary evidence(s) is/are produced by the Service Provider making such
payments to that extent only.

18.10. Manpower deployed by the agency shall be entitled to 15 days leave in a year accrued at the rate of
the 1.25 day leave per month in addition to the weekly off.

18.11. The Agency shall provide purchaser’s prescribed uniforms, identity card and name badges.

18.12. The Agency shall in the event of his workman / employees sustain any injury or disablement due to
an accident or any other cause arising out of and in the course of its employment, provide necessary
medical treatment and pay compensation, if any, required under the Employee’s Compensation Act,
2010 and other applicable laws.

18.13. If any of the persons engaged by the Agency misbehaves with any officials of the Purchaser or its
consumers or commits any misconduct in connection with the property of the Purchaser or suffers
from any serious communicable diseases, the Agency shall be liable to replace them immediately.

18.14. The Agency shall ensure that necessary information regarding the persons engaged by it is intimated
to the concerning police station and a copy of the same shall be submitted to the concerned Officer-
in-charge of the Purchaser.

18.15. The Agency should comply with all the applicable laws in force and effect for the time being,
including being, registered under the various applicable labour laws.

19. Taxes
19.1. The Agency shall quote in Annex-IV (Price Schedule). All applicable taxes shall be paid extra as per
prevailing rates.

19.2. The Agency shall be responsible for payment of all taxes duties statuary/local levies arising as a
result of commercial transactions under this Contract such GST etc. Purchaser shall not be
responsible for any tax related liability.

19.3. During the Contract period, the Agency shall deposit goods and service tax and other applicable
taxes at prevailing rates as per Government of India guidelines. A declaration and supporting
documentary evidence regarding payment of GST amount received in previous month must be
furnished with the bill, further RAO will ensure the payments to the concerning tax departments
through GST R-2A before releasing the payment of bill.

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Section-V: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

19.4. If any tax exemptions, reductions, allowances, or privileges may be available to the Agency, the
Purchaser shall use its best endeavours to enable the Agency to benefit from any such tax savings to
the maximum allowable extent.

19.5. The statutory deduction of taxes and duties at source, related to these works and services, shall be
done by the Purchaser and tax deduction certificate shall be issued to the Agency wherever
applicable as per law.

19.6. For the purpose of the Contract, it is agreed that the Contract Price specified in the Contract
Agreement is based on the taxes, duties, levies and charges prevailing at the date seven (07) days
prior to the last date of bid submission (hereinafter called “Tax” in this GCC Sub-clause 19.6). If any
rates of Tax are increased or decreased, a new Taxis introduced, an existing Tax is abolished, or any
change in interpretation or application of any Tax occurs in the course of the performance of the
Contract, which was or will be assessed on the Agency in connection with performance of the
Contract, an equitable adjustment of the Contract price shall be made to fully take into account any
such change by addition to the Contract price or deduction therefrom, as the case may be. However,
these adjustments would be restricted to direct transactions between the Purchaser and the Agency
for which the taxes and duties are reimbursable by the Purchaser as per the Contract.

20. Termination of Contract

20.1. Events of default
Any of the following events shall constitute an “Event of Default”. The occurrence of any “Event of
Default” shall lead to consequences as brought out in Clause 20.2
20.1.1. i. If the Agency fails to deliver services as per Section-IV: Scope of Work.
ii. If the Agency unlawfully repudiates the Contract or has otherwise expressed an intention not to
be bound by the contract.
iii. If the Agency does not make timely payment of salaries to the deployed labour.
iv. If the Agency does not make the mandatory payments like EPF, ESIC and others liabilities if
v. If it comes to the Purchaser’s notice that the Service provider is indulged in forging documents
and submitting forged documents of EPF Challan sheet, ESIC receipt of personnel deployed by
vi. If the Agency becomes bankrupt or insolvent, goes into liquidation.
vii. If the Agency fails to make payment of any amount payable to the Purchaser, as and when the
same becomes due.
viii. If the Agency fails to meet performance related benchmarks “Third occurrence of penalty
reaching 10% as per clause 9.4 of Section VI(i.e. Total Penalty levied under the contract in any
month shall not exceed 10% of the invoice amount for that month except clause 4.5 of section
VI. Further, GST on total penalty amount shall be additionally recovered from the Agency.)
during any month from Effective Date of contract, then the event shall constitute an event of
ix. If the Agency fails to provide, renew or replenish the payment security and / or contract
performance guarantee.
x. If the Agency fails to fulfil any of the directions or orders of the Madhya Pradesh Electricity
Regulatory Commission (MPERC) or comply with the requirement of the electricity laws or
other laws in relation to bid area.
xi. If the Agency has made any false or misleading representation or warranty.
xii. If the Agency transfers, otherwise then pursuant to contract, any material or property of the
xiii. If the Agency indulges in any malpractice or corrupt practice.

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Section-V: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

20.1.2. If at any stage during the period of the Contract any case involving moral turpitude is instituted in a
court of law against the Agency or its employees.
20.2. Consequences of occurrence of Event of Default as per Clause 20.1 – “Termination upon Event
of Default”
20.2.1. In case of occurrence of Event of default as mentioned in Clause 20.1of Section-V “General
conditions of Contract”, the Purchaser shall issue a notice related to “Event of Default” to the
Agency. The Agency shall be required to mitigate the reasons for “Event of Default” and submit its
response to Purchaser in writing within 15 days of issuance of notice of “Event of Default”.

20.2.2. In case of non-mitigation of reasons of “Event of Default”, or non-responsiveness, or unsatisfactory

response from the Agency within the stipulated timeline as per Clause 20.2.1 of Section-V “General
conditions of Contract”, the competent authority of the Purchaser, may at its discretion, terminate the
Contract either in whole or in part, by issuing a “Order for Termination”.

The termination shall take effect on 30th day of issuance of “Order for Termination”, or such
extended period (over and above 30 days) as may be decided by the Purchaser. If bidder fails to
continue its services before 30th day the purchaser shall make alternative arrangement on risk and
cost basis and the expenditure will be recovered from the bidder/agency.

20.2.3. The Purchaser shall be entitled to terminate the Contract without assigning any reason thereof at any
time for the Purchaser’s convenience, by issuing an “Order for Termination” to the Agency.

The termination shall take effect on30thday of issuance of “Order for Termination”, or such extended
period (over and above 30 days) as may be decided by the Purchaser.
20.3. Termination for Convenience
20.3.1. The Purchaser shall be entitled to terminate the Contract without assigning any reason thereof at any
time of the Purchaser’s convenience, by issuing an “Order for Termination” to the Agency
The termination shall take effect on 30th day of issuance of “Order of Termination”, or such extended
period (over and above 30 days) as may be decided by the Purchaser
20.4. Termination due to Change in Government / Management Policy
20.4.1. The Purchaser shall be entitled to terminate the Contract due to change any Government /
Management Policy, by issuing an “Order for Termination” to the Agency
The termination shall take effect on 30th day of issuance of “Order of Termination”, or such extended
period (over and above 30 days) as may be decided by the Purchaser
20.5. Effect of Termination (Either upon default or for convenience or Change in Management /
Government Policy)
20.5.1. Upon serving the “Order for Termination”, the Purchaser shall have rights to step-in and takeover
the operations. The Agency shall be obliged to co-operate with Purchaser and provide all necessary
support, data, documents, information, etc. which may be required by the Purchase for successful
takeover of the operations and continuum of the services. However, during transition period the
Agency shall continue to provide such services, as may be required by the Purchaser for smooth
take-over of operations.

20.5.2. If the contract has been terminated on occurrence of “Event of Default” as defined in Clause 20.1.
The Contract Performance Guarantee submitted by the Agency shall be invoked on or after the
effective date of “Termination of the Contract” and amount so realised shall be forfeited by the
Purchaser, as a reasonable pre-estimate of the losses which have occurred to the Purchaser due to
non-performance of the Agency.
20.5.3. If the contract has been terminated on convenience as per Clause 20.3, the Purchaser shall have
rights to recover any amount payable by Agency to the Purchaser from the Contract Performance

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Section-V: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

20.5.4. The Purchaser unconditionally reserve the rights to claim from the Agency, any cost, expenses or
loss that may be incurred by reasons of breach of terms and conditions of the contract.

20.5.5. The Purchaser shall not be liable for payment of any compensation, whether in contract or tort or
otherwise, towards the Agency or any third party, upon termination of the contract.

20.5.6. Upon termination of the contract, the Agency shall immediately:

a. Remove it’s manpower deployed on performance of services pertaining to the Contract;
b. cease all further work, except for such work as the Purchaser may specify in the “Order for
Termination” for the sole purpose of protecting that part of the facilities already executed, or
any work required to leave the site in a clean and safe condition;
c. remove all Agency’s equipment from the site, repatriate the Agency’s and its
subcontractors’ personnel from the site, remove from the site any wreckage, rubbish and
debris of any kind, and leave the whole of the Site in a clean and safe condition; and
d. deliver to the Purchaser the parts of the facilities executed by the Agency up to the date of
e. to the extent legally possible, assign to the Purchaser all right, title and benefit of the Agency
to the facilities as of the date of termination, and, as may be required by the Purchaser, in
any subcontracts concluded between the Agency and its Subcontractors; and
f. Deliver to the Purchaser all non-proprietary drawings, specifications and other documents
prepared by the Agency or its Subcontractors as at the date of termination in connection with
the facilities.

20.5.7. The Purchaser shall have the rights to recover from the Agency any loss or damage occurred to the
property/ items/ materials/ equipment etc. of the Purchaser, due to any act of Agency or its
20.5.8. In case Contract with any Agency which has been appointed for the bid area is terminated, the entire
work of the agency whose contract has been terminated, may be entrusted/awarded by the purchaser
to the Agency/Agencies appointed for similar work in any other area of the purchaser with their
consent on the same rate(s) and terms in addition to the works allocated to them. The Agency for
such work shall be decided by the purchaser based on their relative financial bid, as determined as
per provision of Clause 39 of Section III.
In case the remaining period of the Contract is less than or equal to 12 months, the incumbent
Agency shall operate for the remaining period in the area of the old Agency.
In case the remaining period of the Contract is greater than 12 months, the incumbent Agency shall
operate only for a maximum period not exceeding 12 months in the area of the old Agency. The
incumbent agency shall not be allowed any extension of Contract beyond the period of 12 months.
This clause is also applicable in case of the extension period of the Contract.
Other terms and conditions of the works shall be same as applicable for such incumbent Agency in
its original area of operation.
21. Patent Indemnity
21.1. The bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser, his successors or assignees, its
employees and officers from and against any and all suits, actions or administrative proceedings,
claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, and expenses of whatsoever nature, including attorney’s
fees and expenses, which the Purchaser may suffer as a result of any infringement or alleged
infringement of any patent, utility model, registered design, trademark, copyright or other
intellectual property right registered or otherwise existing at the date of the Contract. In the event of
any claim being made or action being brought against the Purchaser or its representative or its
employees in respect of any such matters as aforesaid, the bidder shall immediately be notified

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Section-V: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

22. Conflict of Interest
22.1. The bidder shall not have a conflict of interest. All Bidders found to have a conflict of interest shall
be disqualified. A Bidder may be considered to be in a conflict of interest with one or more parties in
the bidding process if including but not limited to:
(a) they have controlling shareholders in common; or
(b) they receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them; or
(c) they have the same legal representative for purposes of this bid; or
(d) A Bidder participates in more than one bid in this bidding process, except for alternative offers
permitted under Section-III: Instructions To Bidders of the Bidding Document, if any. This will
result in the disqualification of all Bids in which it is involved. However, subject to any finding
of a conflict of interest in terms of 22.1 (a) - (d) above, this does not limit the participation of a
Bidder as a Subcontractor in another bid or of a firm as a Subcontractor in more than one bid; or
(e) a Bidder or any affiliated entity, participated as a Consultant in the preparation of the design or
technical specifications of the works that are the subject of the bid or involved in providing
consultancy services to Discoms / MPPMCL for managing/monitoring this bid; or
(f) A Bidder was affiliated with a firm or entity that has been hired (or is proposed to be hired) by
the Employer or Borrower as Engineer for the Contract.
22.2. Spouse or First Degree Blood Relatives (i.e. Parents, Child(ren), Adopted Child(ren) and Sibling(s))
of the Servicing or Retired Officer or Staff of the Company or Board shall not be allowed to service
as Service Provider or shall not enter in Joint Venture with the same.
22.3. Spouse or First Degree Blood Relatives (i.e. Parents, Child(ren), Adopted Child(ren) and Sibling(s))
of the Servicing or Retired Officer or Staff of the Company or Board shall not be allowed to work as
Contract Labours. Every manpower servicing will have to submit a declaration, declaring the same.
23. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practice(s)
23.1. The Purchaser requires that the bidders observe the highest standard of ethics during the
procurement and execution of the Contract(s).

23.2. In pursuance of this policy, the Purchaser defines, for the purposes of this provision the terms set
forth below as follows:

23.2.1. “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to
influence the action of an official/employee involved in the procurement process or in execution of
the Contract.

23.2.2. “Fraudulent practice” means misinterpretation of facts or information in order to influence the
procurement process or the execution of Contract to the detriment of the Purchaser, and includes
collusive practice among bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at
artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Purchaser of the benefits of free and open

23.3. The Purchaser will reject a bid or cancel the Contract if already placed, if it determines that the
bidder recommended for Award or on whom the Contract/Award has already been placed has
engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the Contract/Award in question.

23.4. The Purchaser may declare a bidder ineligible for issue of Contract/Award, either indefinitely or for
a stated period of time, if it any time determines that the bidder has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent
practices in competing for or in executing an earlier Contract of the Purchaser.

23.5. Any act of fraudulence, which can be purported or being attempted with intent to deceive the
Purchaser, by the persons engaged in this work/service shall entail legal prosecution under Section
135, 150, etc. of Electricity Act, 2003 read with other provisions of Indian Penal Code (IPC). To

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Section-V: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)

safeguard against fraudulent practices necessary procedures will be finalized by the Purchaser. The
Agency must (without fail) follow the instructions in this regard.
24. Grievance Redressal Mechanism for personnel deployed by the Agency
24.1. If any grievance or dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever arises between the deployed
resource and the Agency in connection with or arising out of its deployment/services, the Agency
will make every effort to resolve amicably such dispute or difference by mutual consultation with
deployed resource by keeping in loop its welfare officer. If grievance of deployed resource is not
resolved, then a grievance or dispute shall be referred to grievance redressal committee. The
grievance redressal committee shall be constituted comprising representatives from both the parties
and SE Circle. The committee shall be formed and convened by SE Circle Office.

24.2. Notwithstanding any grievance or disputes with reference to the deployment/service of deployed
personnel pending for redressal, the Agency shall continue to perform his obligations in accordance
with the Purchaser's decision or instruction, and Purchaser shall also continue to perform his
obligations under the Contract including payment of any undisputed monies due to the Agency.

Chief General Manager (Purchase)

MPPKVVCL : Jabalpur

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Section-VI: Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)

1. Period of Contract
1.1. The period of Contract under the scope of work shall normally be up to 24 months from the date of
signing contract and commencement of works/services which can further be extended by 12
months on same terms and conditions as specified in bid documents.
2. Mandatory Obligations on the Service Provider
2.1. The Service Provider shall be in obligation to pay the wages before the expiry of 7th day of every
month to its deployed personnel equal to the minimum wages to the skilled/semi-skilled/unskilled
personnel as applicable (as per the classification equivalent to the monthly/daily wages determined
by the Commissioner of Labour, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh under The Code on Wages, 2019or
prevailing rules till the wages gets finalized under the Code on Wages, 2019. In this connection,
the orders issued by Government of Madhya Pradesh revising the wages from time to time shall be
binding on the Service Provider from the effective date mentioned in such notification.

2.2. The Agency shall discharge its liability for the deployed labour in respect of Employees Provident
Fund under The Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952

2.3. The Agency shall discharge its liability for the deployed labour in respect of Employees State
Insurance Corporation (ESIC) under The Employee’s State Insurance Act, 1948, and in case where
ESIC is not applicable in a particular area then the Agency will get insured the deployed labour
under Workmen Compensation Insurance Policy from any of the PSU’s.

2.4. The Agency shall also have to bear all other liabilities as per existing “Contract Labour
(Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970” and other applicable Labour Act as amendable from time to

2.5. The Agency shall also bear Other charges like Accidental Health Insurance, Group Insurance,
photo ID.

2.6. The Agency shall be liable to give work off / holidays to the deployed labour as per The Contract
Labour (Rules and Abolition) Act, 1970.

2.7. The Agency shall have to provide Photo Identity card for each and every deployed labour Service
so that he can produce it whenever the officer-in-charge asks for it.

2.8. The Agency will have to make the payments of wages directly into a Bank Account of deployed
labour and shall provide details of their bank accounts number, bank name, etc.

2.9. The service provider will have to maintain a single bank account in a bank against its name for
making payment of EPF / ESI /Wages /GST / Premium, etc. The details of the account (Bank
name, branch name, account no, account holder name etc) must be mandatorily shared with the
Purchaser before the signing of contract agreement.

2.10. The Service Provider will mandatorily submit documents showing the proof of age and
qualifications of the labour deployed by it, for executing the contract, and get it verified from the
Establishment Officer/HR-Officer at Circle/Division Office of the Purchaser or any other Officer
as declared by Purchaser from time to time. The verification of the credentials of the labour by the
Purchaser is mandatory and shall majorly be a one-time activity in a year. Declaration as given in
Annexure XI filled and duly signed by all deployed manpower should be submitted to the Officer-
in-charge before deploying the respective manpower. Random police verification would be carried
out regularly to the check the genuineness of the declaration.

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Section-VI: Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)

After three months, the bill raised by the Service Provider will be passed only after successful
verification of the credentials of deployed labour by Purchaser. In case of any non-compliance
observed by the Purchased in third bill then Purchaser may deduct the penalty from the date of
execution of contact. Any addition/ removal of labour force will be properly / promptly intimated
to Purchaser and the added labourer credentials will also be verified by the Purchaser.

2.11. If Agency is claiming/receiving the amount from other government department in any scheme,
which is being paid or reimburse or whose cost is born by the purchaser. Then the agency shall not
raise such amount to Purchaser. In such cases, Purchaser shall not be liable to pay such amount(s)
to Agency. The declaration must be submitted with the bill.

2.12. The Service Provider shall have to ensure fulfilment of the eligibility criteria as mentioned in
Section-II: Eligibility criteria of Bidders of the bid document, at all times.
3. Quoting of Price (all inclusive)
3.1. While quoting the rates all the expenses incurred in obligation as mentioned above in this section
along with other charges, if any should be included in the Bidder’s commission charges i.e.
nothing will be paid extra over and above the quoted commission charges. For quoting the
commission charge, please refer the Point 7 in Section VI.

3.2. The Bidder shall quote its rates as per the Price Schedule given in Annex-IV: Format of Price
Schedule with all the fields duly filled. Any field left blank or not filled as per the instructions
given in Price Schedule may lead to rejection of such bid.
4. Submission of Bills
4.1. The Agency shall submit bills with all prescribed documents to respective
Circle/Region/Corporate office as prescribed by the Purchaser.

4.2. While submitting the bills for payment purpose, the Agency shall have to enclose copy of the
following documents before 15th (fifteenth) day of the succeeding month for the work/service
extended during the month:

4.2.1. Each month EPF Challan Sheet along with ECR Sheet in which deployed labour should be
highlighted for EPF verification. Challan for DISCOM must be prepared and remitted separately.

4.2.2. Copy of Biometric Card provided by ESIC (along with ESIC receipt) of each labour deployed. In
case ESIC is not applicable then the copy of Workmen Compensation Insurance policy taken from
any of the PSU’s for the number of labours deployed.

4.2.3. The Agency shall have to prepare the attendance sheet (day-wise and shift-wise) verified by
second working day of next month by Officer-in-charge and submit it with consolidated bills upto
15th(fifteenth) day of the succeeding month..

4.2.4. The Agency shall have to provide Bank Account details of each deployed labour in which itis
paying the wages to the labours. Also, Agency must provide monthly statement of bank account
showing transaction of salary in its employees’ account.

4.2.5. Shift wise roaster

4.2.6. GST deposited receipt (A declaration and supporting documentary evidence regarding payment of
GST amount received in previous month must be furnished with the bill, further RAO will ensure
the payments to the concerning tax departments through GST R-2A before releasing the payment
of bill)

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Section-VI: Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)

4.2.7. Receipt of Premium paid to Workmen Compensation Insurance Policy

4.2.8. Proof of deployed labour registered under Accidental Health Insurance.

4.2.9. Each bill claim of the Agency shall accompany the information in the format as given in Annexure

4.2.10. Declaration by the Agency that any amount (part or full) being claimed in the Monthly Invoice, is
not claimed to any other government department in any scheme. Further, amount (in part or full)
shall also be not claimed to any other government department in any scheme.

4.2.11. Any other document, if applicable.

4.3. All above payment details have to be submitted in prescribed format by fifteenth of succeeding
month else following penalties may be imposed and be recovered from its bill/contract
performance guarantee. Any non-compliance regarding timely payment of salaries, PF, ESIC or
any other payments due by agency to the deployed labour may attract Stringent Actions including
Legal proceedings and repetition of such offences might result into blacklisting of the agency for
any future contracts. Penalties are:
• INR 100 per employee per day for delay in salary disbursement from 8th day of succeeding
month. In case labour deployed by the agency is more than 1000, in such case salary may be
disbursed on 10th day of month after providing documentary evidence)
• INR 15 per employee per day for delay in payment of ESIC/EPFO from 16th day of succeeding
month till the realization period of the challan (along with all the penalties imposed by ESIC or
• INR 25 per employee per day for delay in payment of bonus from 8th day of succeeding month
• INR 150 per employee per month for not registered under Accidental Health Insurance
• If a personnel is absent for continuous period of more than 3 working days without intimation
and without due consent of the purchaser then a penalty of Rs.100/- per day of absence per
personnel shall be charged to the service provider till the substitute manpower is provided or
the personnel re-joins its services. Penalty in such case shall be maximum up to 50 % of the
personnel’s monthly minimum wages.

Purchaser shall adjust the penalties deducted against ESIC/EPFO in case these penalties are
imposed by ESIC or EPFO. In order to carry adjustment, Agency needs to submit the valid
documentary evidence of penalties imposed by ESIC or EPFO in a particular month.

Total Penalty levied under the contract in any month shall not exceed 10% of the invoice amount
for that month except clause 4.5 of this section. Further, GST on total penalty amount shall be
additionally recovered from the Agency.

4.4. After the successful completion of work/service during the very first month of the contract period,
the bills shall be passed only after the service provider produces the undertaking for depositing
wages into the accounts of the labour deployed by him/her.

The evidence of payment of EPF (i.e. ECR), ESIC (or WC Policy), and GST shall not be
mandatory to submit in first two month. However, from the third month onwards all such
statutory payments proofs of last to last month (i.e. proof of April month in June month
invoice where June month invoice means the invoice for the manpower deployed in May

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Section-VI: Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)

month) are to be furnished along with the bills submitted by the service provider (in
accordance with guidelines mentioned in 4.2 above in this section).

The Purchaser will verify the disbursement of wages along with the evidence of payment of EPF,
ESIC or WC (as the case may be). The purchaser will cross check the payment receipts, obtained
from EPFO portal while making payment, submitted by Service Provider to the Purchaser along
with its bill. The purchaser will also verify the payment receipts submitted by Agency for the ESIC
contribution or WC contribution of the concerned employees. Applicable Employer's contribution
to the Labour Welfare Fund would be reimbursed by the purchaser.
4.5. However, before submission of the bill, the Agency has to ensure that the payment of persons
deployed by the Agency have been made for the billed period before the expiry of the 7th
(seventh) of the succeeding month. If Agency abnormally delays the payment to the persons
deployed by it, payment may be made by the Purchaser based on the prevalent rate at Agency’s
risk and out of its security deposit with the Purchaser. The correctness of amount and/or of any
penalty imposed by the competent authority of the Purchaser shall be binding on the Agency.
4.6. Right to Payment:
Payments shall be made promptly by the Purchaser, but in no case later than thirty (30) days after
submission of a valid bill along with all prescribed documents mentioned in Clause 4.2 of Section-
VI: Special conditions of Contract. In such case, where there is any dispute/issue related to the
billed amount then payment at the rate of 80% of the billed amount raised by the Agency shall be
done and the balance amount payable/recoverable if any, shall be paid/adjusted along with next
month’s payment. For any delay beyond this period, the Purchaser shall pay the Agency an amount
@ INR 500/day up to maximum INR 5000/per bill raised by the Agency.

It should be noted that in case of compensation recoverable, the agency shall have to deposit the
payment with the purchaser no later than thirty (30) days after submission of settlement statement.
For any delay beyond this period (30 days), the Agency shall pay the Purchaser an amount @ INR
500/day up to maximum INR 5000/-per bill raised by the Purchaser.
In any bill payment related dispute/issue arising between Purchaser and Agency, a committee shall
be formed and convened by respective CE Regional Office for resolution of such disputes. The
committee shall resolve such issues within a period of 30 days from the day of identification of
such issues.
In case there is no further resolution regarding bill payment related dispute/ issue within the
stipulated timeline, Clause-15- Section-V: General Conditions of Contract will be applicable.
5. Changes in Manpower Requirement
5.1. The Agency/Service Providers must deploy the requisite number of manpower as and when
required as notified by officer designated by Officer In charge within the allocated numbers only.
The Purchaser/Service Recipient reserves its right to increase or decrease the manpower
requirement numbers to the maximum extend of 50% during the period of the contract as per the
job requirement and service provider/agency must abide by the same without fail.
6. Contract Performance Guarantee
6.1. Agency can opt any one of the following option to provide the security deposit or contract
performance guarantee:
Option 1:
The security deposit or contract performance guarantee amounting 10% of total contract value
(excluding EPF/ESIC/WC contributions, commission charges and taxes) shall be applicable in 2
parts as follows;
(a) Part-1: The agency/service provider shall initially furnish Bank Guarantee (valid for the entire
contract period + 3 months and extension (if any) thereof)/Demand Draft/Fixed Deposit Receipt
(FDR), for an amount totalling 5% of the total contract value (excluding EPF/ESIC/WC
contributions, commission charges and taxes). The bank guarantee shall be from Scheduled

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Section-VI: Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)

commercial bank excluding Cooperative bank and Regional Rural banks (of any Bank having
Branch situated in the State of Madhya Pradesh).
(b) Part-2: Balance security deposit/contract performance guarantee of 5% of Total contract value
(excluding EPF/ESIC/WC contributions, commission charges and taxes) shall be deducted from
the service provider’s monthly bills in equal 24 instalments during the contract period. However,
in no case security deposit/contract performance guarantee shall exceed 10% of the total contract
value (excluding EPF/ESIC/WC contributions, commission charges and taxes).
In case of extension of contract: Part-2, shall be deducted from the service provider’s monthly bills
in equal no. of instalments. No. of instalments shall be same as no. of month for which contract has
been extended.

Option 2:
The security deposit or contract performance guarantee amounting 10% of total contract value
(excluding EPF/ESIC/WC contributions, commission charges and taxes) shall be as follows;

The agency/service provider shall initially furnish Bank Guarantee (valid for the entire contract
period + 3 months and extension (if any) thereof)/Demand Draft/Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR), for
an amount totalling 10% of the total contract value (excluding EPF/ESIC/WC contributions,
commission charges and taxes). The bank guarantee shall be from Scheduled commercial bank
excluding Cooperative bank and Regional Rural banks (of any Bank having Branch situated in the
State of Madhya Pradesh).
6.2. The purpose of Contract Performance Guarantee is to cover the risk of business. It is a pre-
estimation of losses occurring to Discom due to non-performance of the Agency. No further
liability towards risk purchase shall be levied if the CPG is of sufficient amount.
6.3. Within twenty-eight (28) days of issue of letter of award, the successful bidder shall then furnish
requisite Contract performance guarantee which could be invoked at any branch of the bank,
extending the guarantee, in MP and also execute an agreement on the prescribed form duly
stamped for the due and proper fulfilment of the Contract. The cost of stamp paper including cost
of revenue stamps and stationery charges shall be borne by the Agency.
6.4. Failure by the successful bidder to furnish the prescribed Contract performance guarantee or to
execute the agreement within the period specified in Bid document after his/her bid has been
accepted or notice to start the work within such time as is determined by the Engineer-in-
charge/Controlling officer after notification of the acceptance of the bid shall entail action as
deemed appropriate by the Purchaser (including forfeiture of the earnest money deposit (EMD),
cancellation of the Contract, blacklisting of bidder, etc.).
6.5. The Contract performance guarantee shall only be released by respective Circle-In-charge subject
to an undertaking by the Agency stating successful completion of Contract along with certificate
from Officer-In-Charge of the Purchaser stating that all statutory compliances have been made

7. Commission Charges
7.1. The bidder will clearly mention its commission charges (in percentage) in its Price Bid (Annex-IV:
Format of Price Schedule) which shall in no case be less than 5.00% and acceptable upto 2
decimal points. The bidders quoting commission charges less than 5.00% would stand disqualified
and such bidders will not be considered for award of contract. If the quoted commission charges is
more than 2 decimal points then only first 2 decimal points would be considered without rounding
off. (e.g. 5.667839% would be considered as 5.66% only) .
7.2. Such commission charges shall be quoted taking into account all overhead expenses envisaged by
the bidder (not attributable to the Purchaser/Service Recipient) for efficient functioning/execution
of Contract. Any bonus pertaining to The Code on Wages, 2019 or prevailing rules till the wages
gets finalized under the Code on Wages, 2019 needs to be paid by Service Provider/Agency to its
deployed labour on the quaterly basis and should be clearly demonstrated on their respective

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Section-VI: Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)

payslips. The cost would be born entirely by the purchaser on submission of all the valid
documents proving the payment of bonus in respective bank accounts of the supplied manpower.

7.3. Commission charges shall be computed on applicable basic minimum wages on the date of
opening of tender as specified by Labour Commissioner, Madhya Pradesh Government (under
Minimum Wages Act, 1948 There would be increment of 5% on the applicable service charge
every year upon satisfactory performance.
8. Confidentiality of data or information
8.1. It is a condition of this Bid that the information provided herein is for the purpose of enabling
prospective bidders to submit proposals to the Purchaser. It may neither be used in any other
context nor revealed to any other party not directly involved in the submission of a proposal in
accordance with the terms of the specification.

8.2. Information relating to examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of bids and
recommendations for award of Contract shall not be disclosed to bidders or any other person not
officially concerned with such process. Any effort by a bidder to influence the processing of bids
or award decision may result in the rejection of bidder’s bid.

8.3. Successful bidder shall be required to sign an undertaking that complete confidentiality shall be
maintained and the data available with him will not be shared with any other person.
9. Miscellaneous
9.1. In case, any penalty is imposed by the regulator/ government/ any other judiciary or compensation
thereof, as decided by the concerned authority, on the Purchaser related to services/ scope of work
as per this Bid document, then the same shall be passed on to the Agency.

9.2. Agency must cooperate with the Purchaser to conduct random checks with outsourced employees
deployed to check the disbursal of salaries and other compliance payments like Taxes, PF, ESIC,
etc. by the agency. Subsequently, if it is found that the Agency is not complying with stipulated
pay-outs to its labour, Purchaser shall initiate actions like Fine / Legal Proceedings / Blacklisting
of the agency etc.
9.3. Agency shall not recover any cost against providing ID card from deployed manpower. For any
such proven complaint, Agency will need to refund the said amount to the Employee, on failure to
do so purchaser shall deduct penalty of two times of the such amount (i.e. amount recovered by the
Agency from deployed manpower).
9.4. Total Penalty levied under the contract in any month shall not exceed 10% of the invoice amount
for that month except clause 4.5 of this section. Further, GST on total penalty amount shall be
additionally recovered from the Agency.

9.5. The Committee formed comprising of nodal officer and HR representative from circle level and
signing authority shall evaluate the CVs submitted by agency and authorised to select the person
nominated by the Agency.

Chief General Manager (Purchase)

MPPKVVCL : Jabalpur

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Annex-I: Proforma for Bid Form

(To be included in Envelope No. 2)

S. Particulars Details Documentary Page

No. proof No.
1 Name of bidder:

2 Office Address of bidder:

Name of contact person:
Telephone/Mobile No.:
Fax No.:
3 Details of EMD:
Online payment details:
4 Registration Number of the Firm (under
Shops and Establishment Act) or
Registration Number of the Firm (under
Companies Act, 1956) as applicable
(attested copies of the registration
certificate must be enclosed)
5 Date of establishment of Firm or Company
(attested copies of the registration
certificate must be enclosed)
6 Name and contact details of authorized
signatory of bidder
(To furnish affidavit of authorized signatory
on its official letter head duly signed by
Board of Directors)
7 PAN Number
(attested copies to be enclosed)
8 Goods &Service Tax (GST) Registration
Code Number
(attested copies to be enclosed)
9 Permissible limit of manpower supply as per
valid Labour Licence:
(attested copies to be enclosed)
10 EPF Code Number
(attested copies to be enclosed)
11 ESI Code Number
(attested copies to be enclosed)
12 Average Annual Turnover of bidder in last 3
Years (INRCrores):

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Annex-I: Proforma for Bid Form

(CA certified copies of Balance Sheet and
Profit & Loss Account of for the year
(2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19) to be
13 Income Tax Return of last 3 financial years
(2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19)
(CA certified copies to be enclosed)
14 Auditor’s Certificate to certify the turnover
from Manpower Outsourcing business for
the year (2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19) in
Central /State PSU(s)/Govt. Department(s)
in India.
(Certificate to be enclosed)
15 List of present Directors/Owners/Executive
Council Members/Trustees/Board members
of the bidder
(To be provided on official letter head of the
bidder duly signed by the authorized
signatory of the bidder)

Proof for submission shall be as per Section-II: Eligibility criteria for bidders


We solemnly declare that we have attached all the documents mentioned as above. We hereby confirm that
non-compliance to any of the terms and conditions of Bid document or submission of necessary documents
will be treated as non-responsive tender and we will lose our claim to participate in the tender and our bid
will automatically stand liable for rejection.

All terms and conditions of Bid document are unconditionally and unequivocally acceptable to us and
binding on us.

(Signature and Seal of the Bidder)

Date: ____________ Name and Designation:


Place: ____________ Address and Contact:


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Annex-II: Proforma for ‘No Deviations’ from Terms and Conditions of Bid Document

(To be included in Envelope No. 2)

(To be furnished on official letter-head of the Bidder)

All terms and conditions of Bid document are unconditionally and unequivocally acceptable to us and
binding on us. We shall not seek any deviation from the same in any manner whatsoever.

(Seal and Signature of the Bidder)

Date: ____________ Name and Designation: _______________________________

Place: ____________ Address and Contact: _________________________________

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Annex-III: Proforma for Undertakings

Undertaking / Declaration by the tenderer

The following declaration/Undertaking must be submitted by all the bidders on

non-judicial stamp paper worth INR 100/- duly notarized

M/s. ………………………………….………. a Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its
registered office at ……………………………………… in the State of …………………………………………………
and its head office at ……………………………………………………… (hereinafter called “the said Contractor” which
expression shall unless the context requires otherwise include his administrators, successors and assigns.)

(*Specify as applicable.)

I ……………………… sole proprietor / partner / Director …………….. of

M/s,…………………… under take that I am not interested as a proprietor and/or partner and/or ………… in any other
party/firm, participated in tender No. -------- Of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur due for opening on ____/____/20___ for
procurement of ------------------------.

This agreement is made this of ................................ 20 .................... by

...........................(Contractor's/ Service Provider/Agency Name) a Company registered under the Companies Act,
1956/Partnership firm/Proprietary concern having its registered office at ...................................... (hereinafter called as
'Agency' or "Service Provider " which expression shall include its successors and permitted assigns) in favour of Madhya
Pradesh Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited, a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956
having its registered office at Block No.7, 3rd Floor, Shakti Bhawan, Jabalpur M.P. (hereinafter called "MPPKVVCL,
The Agency certifies that if awarded with the tender of deploying labour to any location under MPPKVVCL jurisdiction,
Agency shall act in accordance with following terms and conditions:
1. Strictly comply with various Labour Laws /Acts or other laws/ acts , including but not limited to the following and
their re‐enactments/amendments/modifications:
a) The Code on Wages, 2019(or prevailing rules till the wages gets finalized under the Code on
b) The Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 [The agency shall provide ECR
sheet (duly highlighting the names of labours deployed ) along with Challan at time of bill submission every
c) The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
d) The Employee’s State Insurance Act, 1948 (Agency shall provide Biometric card along with ESIC receipt for
the deployed labour at time of bill submission every month). If in any case ESIC is not applicable then the
agency will get the deployed labour insured under Workmen Compensation Insurance Policy from any of
the PSU’s and provide its copy to MPPKVVCL.

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Annex-III: Proforma for Undertakings

e) The Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986
f) The Employee’s Compensation Act, 2010
g) Any other Act/Rules as applicable from time to time
2. MPPKVVCL Jabalpur holds all right to recover any compensation paid to deployed Labour(s) by MPPKVVCL
under Workmen Compensation act 1923 or any other compensation under Labour Laws from Security
Deposit/Payment of Agency.
3. The bidder/agency/service provider shall act in accordance with The Contract Labour Act (Regulation and
Abolition), 1970 and therefore, shall carry out registration of the specific number of deployed labour(s) as
specified by the Purchaser/Service Recipient issued from labour commissioner. The cost (if any) whatsoever in
this regard shall be borne by the bidder/agency/service provider.
4. Agency will ensure that the deputed labour shall not be below the age of 18 years.
5. Agency will ensure that any deployed labour shall not claim any benefit/compensation/ absorption/ regularization
of services from Procurer under the provision of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and Contract Labour (Regulation
& Abolition) Act, 1970.
6. The Agency certifies that there is no case pending with the police against the agency and also agrees that in case
if any case reported /notified to the company in future by whatsoever means the company hold right to terminate
the contract and act accordingly.
7. “Regarding non availability of licenses” - I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sole proprietor/ partner /
Directors of M/s. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is giving undertaking that we not possess the following
licensees and shall furnish the same within 45 days post award of contract.
(i) _________________________________
(ii) ________________________________
8. I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sole proprietor/ partner / Directors of M/s. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is giving
undertaking that details given are correct to the best of my knowledge and I agree to abide by all your
tender/order terms and conditions.
9. I/We hereby undertake and submit the declaration that our firm/company is not debarred / blacklisted by any
agency or dept. of Govt. of MP (including State Public Sector Undertakings of MP), its successor companies
during a period of last three years. In case, at any stage if the above declaration is found false or incorrect, the
MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur shall be free to take any punitive / legal action against us including disqualification from
this tender process, as may be deemed fit, which shall be acceptable / binding on us and the consequences shall be
to our account. I/We confirm that I/We have made enquiries of all appropriate persons and taken other steps as
appropriate so as to obtain the knowledge and information as required to make this declaration.
10. The agency will act in compliance with all the terms and conditions of the contract including payment terms as
specified by MPPKVVCL Jabalpur.
For and on behalf of
……… (Contractor’s Name)…………..
Signature and Seal……………….………………
Name and Designation of authorized representative …………………………………..
* …………………………………….
* ……………………………………..

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Annex-IV: Format of Price Schedule

Important Instructions:
[1] Only blank field i.e. Column F is mandatory to be filled as % commission charges on monthly Minimum Wages as applicable as on date of opening of tender.
[2] The offered rate of commission charges below 5.00% of basic minimum wages (as applicable) will not be considered.
[3] Please do not leave blanks as bid may be summarily rejected in such case.
[4] Rates other than commission charges will be in accordance with government notifications issued from time to time.
[5] The manpower requirement is indicative in nature and may vary as per business requirements.
[6] The percentage offered commission charge shall be common for all the lots and applicable for all the categories including unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled, highly-skilled.
Name of Bidder / Firm:
Sr No Approx No Wages to be paid per EPF ESIC Applicability Payment of Bonus Labour Welfare Bidder’s Commission
of person per month contribution If Yes, If No, Fund Charges (%)
Manpower of Employer ESIC Premium per
Required per person per Contribution person per month (Should not be less
month (% of than 5.00%)
of Employer of Workmen
wages paid) per person per Compensation
month (% of Policy from any
minimum PSU's (in case
wages paid) where ESIC is not
A B C = 13.00% of D = 3.25% of E = 8.33% of B F = % of B (Minimum
B B wages applicable as on
date of opening of
1 As per the As per the minimum Rates as Rates as Rates as applicable Rate as prescribed Rates as
Scope of wages specified by applicable applicable from time to time by The Code on applicable from
Work Labour from time to from time to Wages, 2019 (or time to time.
Commissioner, MP time time prevailing rules
Govt. (under The till the wages gets
Code on Wages, finalized under
2019 (or prevailing the Code on
rules till the wages Wages,2019)
gets finalized under
the Code on Wages,
2019) from time to

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Annex-V: Proforma for Conflict of Interest

Set out below is the form of the declaration to be provided by the Bidder

I, (name of the authorized representative) of (address) hereby states that:

I am currently a (designation) of__________.

I understand that ________________ has provided an offer in relation to supply of manpower.

I confirm that neither the bidder nor any of the bidder's Personnel shall engage in any personal, business or
professional activity which conflicts or could conflict with any of their obligations in relation to this project.

I confirm that I have made enquiries of all appropriate persons and taken other steps as appropriate so as to
obtain the knowledge and information as required to make this declaration.

Words and expressions which are defined in the Bid document issued by ____________ have the same
meaning when used in this Declaration.

I confirm that I have responded to this Bid document strictly in line with its requirement as per the formats
provided in the same and I understand that deviation from any clause/instruction of the tender shall result in
rejection of my proposal at any phase of the bid evaluation.

AND I MAKE this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true

MADE AND DECLARED at this _____day of _______._________________

(Name and Designation)

(Agency seal)

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Annex-VI: Declaration regarding Black-listing / Debarrement

The following declaration/ Understanding must be submitted by all the bidders on non-judicial stamp paper
worth Rs. 100/- duly notarized

I, (name of the authorized representative) of ______________(address)________ hereby state that:

I am currently a (designation) of__________.

I confirm that we and each of our consortium members have not been blacklisted / debarred by any
department of Government of M.P. (including State/ Central Public Undertakings serving in the state of
Madhya Pradesh) in the last three years for any duration.

I confirm that in case of false declaration, I shall be disqualified from the tender process.

I confirm that I have made enquiries of all appropriate persons and taken other steps as appropriate so as to
obtain the knowledge and information as required to make this declaration.
AND I MAKE this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true.

MADE AND DECLARED at this _____day of _______.

(Name and Designation)

(Agency seal)

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Annex-VII (a): Proforma of Bank Guarantee (For Contract Performance)

(To be stamped in accordance with Stamp Act)

Bank Guarantee No. ........................



Dear Sirs,

In consideration of ____________________ (hereinafter referred to as _____________ which expression shall

unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors, administrators and assigns) having
awarded to M/s …………… with its Registered/Head Office at ……………………………(hereinafter
referred to as the 'Agency' which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include
its successors, administrators, executors and assigns), a Contract by issue of Letter of Award
No………….. dated ……….. valued at …………. for …………………….. (Scope of work) and the Agency
having agreed to provide a Contract Performance Guarantee for the faithful performance of the entire Contract
equivalent to __ percent (__ %) of the said value of the Contract to the Purchaser.

We …………………………….. (Name and Address) having its Head Office at …………………….. hereinafter
referred to as the ‘Bank’ which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its
successors, administrators, executors and assigns), hereby unequivocally and unconditionally guarantee and
undertake to pay Rs ________, on demand any and all monies payable by the Agency to the extent of Rs
………………….., at par at any of its Branch situated in Jabalpur or nearest to Jabalpur. As aforesaid at
any time up to …………................ (day/month/year) without any demur, reservation, contest recourse or protest
and or without any reference to the Agency. Any such demand made by _____________ on the Bank shall be
conclusive and binding notwithstanding any difference between _____________ and the Agency or any dispute
pending before any Court, Tribunal or any other Authority. The Bank undertakes not to revoke this guarantee
during its currency without previous consent of _____________ and further agrees that the guarantee herein
contained shall continue to be enforceable till thirty (30) days after the validity of this guarantee.

_____________ shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this
guarantee from time to time to extend the time for performance of the Contract by the Agency. _____________,
shall have the fullest liberty, without affecting this guarantee to postpone from time to time the exercise of
any powers vested in them or of any right which they might have against the Agency and to exercise the same at
any time and any manner, and either to enforce or to forbear to enforce any covenants, contained or
implied in the Contract between _____________ and the Agency or any other course of remedy or security
available to _____________. The Bank shall not be released of its obligations under these presents by any
exercise by _____________ of its liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or any of them or by reason or
any other acts of omission or commission on the part of _____________ or any other indulgence shown by
_____________ or by any other matter or thing whatsoever which under the law would but for this provisions
have the effect of relieving the Bank.

The Bank also agrees that _____________ at its option shall be entitled to enforce this guarantee against the
Bank as a Principal debtor, in the first instance without proceeding against the Agency and notwithstanding any
security or other guarantee that _____________ may have in relation to the Agency's liabilities.

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Notwithstanding anything contained herein above our liability under this guarantee is restricted to
……………… and shall remain in force up to and including ………………… and shall be extended from time
to time for such period, as may be desired by M/s ………………………….on whose behalf this guarantee has
been given.

All rights of _____________ under this guarantee shall be forfeited and the Bank shall be relieved and
discharged from all liabilities there under unless a demand or claim is lodged by _____________ under this
guarantee against the Bank within thirty (30) days from the above mentioned date or from the extended date.

Dated this ………………day of …………….20 ……… at …………………….


…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
(Signature) (Signature)

…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
(Name) (Name)

…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
(Official Address) (Official Address)

Authorized vide

Power of Attorney No: ………………….


Note: 1. (#) Complete mailing address of the Head Office of the Bank to be given
2. The Stamp Paper of appropriate value (i.e. 0.25% of BG amount subject to maximum INR
25,000 as applicable) shall be purchased in the name of guarantee issuing Bank or the party on
whose behalf the Bank Guarantee is being issued. The Bank Guarantee (BG) shall be issued on
a stamp paper of value as applicable in the state of India from where BG has been issued or the
state of India from where the BG shall be operated, whichever is higher
3. A bank guarantee will be accepted as Contract Performance guarantee only in Works and
services having total Contract value of INR Fifty (50) Lakhs or more.

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Annex-VII (b): Bank Guarantee Checklist


1. Does the bank guarantee compare verbatim with standard
Proforma for BG?
2(a). Has the executing Officer of BG indicated his name designation &
Power of Attorney No. / Signing power Number etc. on BG?
2(b). Is each page of BG duly Signed/ initialled by the executants and
last page is signed with full particulars as required in the standard
Proforma of BG and under the seal of the bank?
2(c). Does the last page of the BG carry the signatures of two witnesses
alongside the signature of the executing Bank Manager?
3(a) Is the BG on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value?
3(b) Is the date of sale of non-judicial stamp paper shown on the BG
and the stamp paper is issued not more than Six months prior to
the date of execution of BG?
4(a). Are the factual details such as Tender Bid Document No., LOA
No., Contract value etc. correct?
4(b). Whether Overwriting/cutting, if any on the BG, authenticated
under signature & seal of executants?
5. Is the amount and validity of BG in line with Contract provisions?
6. Whether the BG has been issued by a Nationalized bank / Non-
Nationalized Bank acceptable to Buyer /Scheduled Bank in India
(the applicability of the bank should be in line with the provisions
of bidding documents)?

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Annex-VIII: Proforma for Statement of Interest

(To be included in Envelope No. 2)

Important Instructions:

[1] Please do not leave any blanks as all fields are mandatory.
[2] While indicating interest bidders shall take into account their techno-commercial capability, minimum eligibility
criteria required, scope of work, etc. and fill accordingly.
[3] All the Lots has to be indicated as interest area for consideration of bids.
[4] Authorized signatory of bidder shall sign at all the required places.
[5] However, indication of interest shall in no case, whatsoever, guarantee award of contract to the bidder.

Indicate your
interest for
participation in
accordance with
your techno-
Lot Signature and Seal of
Circle 1 Circle 2 Circle 3 commercial
No. Bidder
capability. Write
the priority level (1
being the top
priority and 9
being the least)*
1 Sidhi Singrauli

2 Seoni Narsinghpur --

3 Katni Damoh --

4 Balaghat Mandla --
5 Chhindwara -- --
6 Chhatarpur Tikamgarh --

7 Sagar -- --

8 Satna Panna --

9 Jabalpur O&M Dindori --

10 Shahdol Anuppur Umaria

11 Corporate Jabalpur City --

*It is mandatory to indicate a priority against each & every lot.
*If any priority is not indicated, the final decision of the purchaser regarding allotment of the lot shall be binding on the bidder.

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Annex-IX: Format of Undertaking for Ethical Practices & No Conflict of Interest

“Ethical Practices and No conflict of interest”:- The bidder firm participating in the tender shall abide to the
conditions about not to follow unethical/unfair/fraudulent practice in any manner, not to have conflict of interest
with any bidder/firm participating in the tender, not to conceal any material information, not to give any
misleading fact or statement in the offer/bid submitted against the tender etc., as per specific undertaking to be
given in the prescribed format, by giving full right to MPPKVVCL to cancel the contract and forfeit the EMD/Bid
Security Performance Guarantee in case of any of the above violation at any stage of contract.

Prescribed Format of Undertaking:-


(About ethical practices & no conflict in interest)

(To be submitted on non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 500/-)

I…………………………………………………………..,the sole proprietor / partner /authorized signatory of

M/S………………………………… , participating in the bidding process against tender
No………………………………… undertake that I am not interested as a proprietor and / or partner in any other firm
participated in the tender for procurement of………………………………… , and specifically undertake that your

(i) Not follow & shall not follow unethical/unfair/fraudulent practice in any manner.

(ii) Has not conflict of interest with any bidder/firm participating in the tender.

(iii) Not concealing any material information.

(iv) Not given any misleading fact or statement in the offer/bid submitted against the tender.

(v) Has not been debarred/blacklisted for future business with Discom – WZ/other Discom of MP.

Further, the MPPKVVCL will have full right to cancel the contract, if awarded and forfeit the EMD/Bid Security &
Performance Guarantee as applicable in the event of the above condition/situation is observed, even at a later date i.e.
after opening of price Bid/award of Contract.





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Annex-X: Proforma for No Objection and No Dues Certificate to be submitted by Existing Service

Note: This No Dues Certificate needs to be submitted by all those incumbent service providers who are
extending similar services in the license area of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur.

Prescribed Format of Certificate to be given:-

M/s…………………………………………………………..,the incumbent service provider is extending services of

……….………………. in the capacity of …………., executing the works as per the contract agreement …..<insert
name of contract>……signed between …….<insert name of first party>….. and …..<insert name of second
party>……….. on …<insert date>….

Our office …<insert name of MPPKVVCL office issuing NoC<… have been duly informed by M/s …<name of
service provider>… of its intention to participate in the tender no …<insert tender no and details>… floated by
MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur. We have no objection regarding M/s…<name of service provider>… participating in this

It has been observed that the services or works undertaken by M/s in …<insert location, Division name and Circle
name>…. have been satisfactory and it has performed to the satisfaction of Madhya Pradesh Poorv Kshetra Vidyut
Vitaran Company Limited (MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur).

The service provider has been observed to be compliant regarding payment of minimum wages to the labours deployed
by them in the license area of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur. All payments towards Salary, Bonus, ESIC and PF contributions
and Employee’s Compensation have been remitted by the service provider to our knowledge and no dues till date are
outstanding from the service provider.

Comments: (Details of Non-Compliance w.r.t. Payment of Wages, PF, ESIC, Employee’s Compensation (WC), Bonus
and any other dues during the contract period)




SE (Circle)


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Annex-XI: Certificate if Unconditional acceptance of major terms & conditions of the TS

Note: This Certificate needs to be submitted by all bidders on their official letter head duly signed & sealed.

It is certified that we unconditionally agreed to the following clauses of tender specifications as below:

1. Payment Terms
2. Security Deposit
3. Penalty




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Annex-XII: Proforma for Overall experience in Outsourcing of Manpower across public sectors in India

S. No. Calendar year Name of the Organization to whom the Supporting of Documents (Work Copy
manpower is supplied during respective Order No. or Performance Certificate Attached
calendar year No. with dates) for the respective on Page
calendar year No.

*Supporting Documents written in the Proforma will only be considered

*Essential to fill the prescribed format otherwise zero (0) marks would be allotted in the above criteria

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Annex-XIII: Proforma for Providing outsource manpower in Central / State PSU(s) / Government
Department(s) in last 3 financial years in India

S. Financial Name of the Number of Period(From Supporting of Copy

No. Year Organization to manpower Documents (Work Attached
whom the manpower Order No. or on Page
is supplied during Performance No.
respective financial Certificate No.
year with dates) for the
financial year

*Supporting Documents written in the Proforma will only be considered

*Essential to fill the prescribed format otherwise zero (0) marks would be allotted in the above criteria

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MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Tender No. 1102 (eTender No. 98989_1)

Annex-XIV: Proforma for Highest, single award on ‘per year contract value’ outof all awarded outsourcing
contracts, in any one of the last 3 financial years, in anyCentral/ State PSU(s)/ Government Department(s) in

Sr. Financial Highest awarded outsourcing Contract value inclusive of Supporting Documents Copy
No. Year contract in asingle bid by any taxes (Work Order No. or Attached
Central /State / PSU(s) / Performance Certificate on Page
Government Department(s)serving No. with date) for the No.
in India respective Contract

**Supporting Documents written in the Proforma will only be considered

*Essential to fill the prescribed format otherwise zero (0) marks would be allotted in the above criteria
*Any document older than 1st April, 2016 would not be considered

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Annex-XV: Average No. of personnel per month for whom ESIC/WC deposited for the financial year

No. of ESIC
Subscribers for No. of employees Ref. Page
Sr. whom the registered under No. in
Year Month Total Employees
No. monthly WC Policy Physical
contribution is (based on Receipt) Submission
1 2018 April
2 2018 May
3 2018 June
4 2018 July
5 2018 August
6 2018 September
7 2018 October
8 2018 November
9 2018 December
10 2019 January
11 2019 February
12 2019 March
Total (T)
Average (T/12)

Note: Bidder needs to provide valid monthly challan or other supporting documents to justify the No. of
Subscribers of that particular month

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Annex-XVI: Average No. of personnel per month for whom Provident Fund deposited for the financial year

No. of EPFO
Subscribers for
Sr. No. Year Ref. Page No. in Physical
Month whom the monthly
contribution is
1 2018 April
2 2018 May
3 2018 June
4 2018 July
5 2018 August
6 2018 September
7 2018 October
8 2018 November
9 2018 December
10 2019 January
11 2019 February
12 2019 March
Total (T)
Average (T/12)

Note: Bidder needs to provide valid monthly challan or other supporting documents to justify the No. of
Subscribers of that particular month. Manpower with zero working days attendance in particular month shall not
be included in the personnel count.

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Annex-XVII: Proforma for ‘total contract value’ in all awarded outsourcing contracts, in last 3 years, in any
Central/ State PSU(s)/ Government Department(s), serving in India.

Sr. Financial Contact Value Department Name (Awarded Supporting Documents Copy
No. Year outsourcing contract by any (Work Order No. or Attached
Central / State / PSU(s) / Performance Certificate on Page
Government Department(s) No. with date) for the No.
serving in India) respective Contract


*Supporting Documents written in the Proforma will only be considered

*Essential to fill the prescribed format otherwise zero (0) marks would be allotted in the above criteria
*Any document older than 1st April, 2018 would not be considered
* Manpower with zero working days attendance in particular month shall not be included in the personnel count.

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Annex-XVIII: Sample format for claims

S. Name Positi No. No. of Gross Net EPF ESIC Bonus Monthly EPF ESIC Total Serial Total Serial E ES Policy Empl
N s of on of of days Total Total Employ Employ as per Salary Emplo Employ EPF numbe ESIC numbe P IC No. of oyee
o. Empl Empl days of mont Monthly ee ee Bonus disburse yer er amou r in amou r in F A/ Accid Bank
oyee oyee of Absen hly wages Contrib Contrib Act, d to contrib Contrib nt Statem nt Statem A/ c ental A/c
(Skill Prese ce wage includin ution ution 1965 employe ution ution Depo ent Depo ent c No Health No.
ed/ nce during s g DA by @13% @0.75 with e salary @13% @3.25 sited downlo sited downlo N . Insura and
Unski durin month inclu consider % disburs account % for aded for aded o. nce IFSC
lled) g (exclu ding ing total ement with the from the from and code
mont ding DA No. Of date disburse mont EPF mont ESIC validit of
h week for absence ment h websit h websit y Bank
off) whol days date e (ECR e
e sheet/ (sheet /
mont challan challan
h ) )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 19 20 21
(7)=(6)– (11) =
((6)x(5)/ (8) = (9) = (7) + (12) = (13) = (14) = (16) =
Formula for Calculation (total 13% of 1.75% (10) – 13% of 4.75% (8) + (9) +
days in (7) of (7) (8) – (7) of (7) (12) (13)
month)) (9)
Note- Employee Welfare Fund will be applicable as per the norms.

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