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1Departamento de Estratigrafı́a y Paleontologı́a, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad del Paı́s Vasco, Apartado de Correos 644, 48080-Bilbao, Spain
2 Departament de Petrologia, Geoquı́mica i Prospecció Geològica, Facultat de Geologia, Zona Universitària de Pedralbes, Universitat de Barcelona,

08071-Barcelona, Spain

ABSTRACT: The Errigoiti Formation, located in the central domain of involved detailed facies analysis, correlation of several stratigraphic sec-
the Basque–Cantabrian basin, is an Albian to Santonian bathyal sub- tions, and detailed mapping of volcanic bodies and correlative turbidite/
marine volcanic system of alkali basaltic character. These volcanics hemipelagic packages. Volcanic episodes were dated biostratigraphically
occurred in an extensional geodynamic context generated by the drift- using the fossils found in surrounding hemipelagic/turbidite units, in order
ing of the Iberian plate with respect to the European plate. to help to establish the spatial relationship of volcanic rocks to overall basin
Stratigraphic analyses reveal the facies distribution and depositional geometry. This required the stratigraphic relationships among all sedimen-
architecture of a longitudinal cross section of the Errigoiti volcanic tary and volcanic units to be clearly established in order to determine ba-
system. Four facies groups were distinguished: sheet lavas (SL), de- thymetry, basin morphology, stratigraphic architecture, and the tectonic
rived from low-viscosity lava flows at high magma discharge rate; pil- framework of the Errigoiti volcanic system.
low lavas (PL), derived from intermediate-viscosity lava flows at mod- Submarine volcanism has been a major area of research since the 1970s
erate discharge rate; pillow breccias (PB), derived either from in situ because of its close association with massive sulfide deposits. Although
fragmentation of lavas (PB1) or rock-falling from pillow-lava slopes studies have been made on recent oceanic ridges and seamounts as well as
(PB2); and stratified volcaniclastites (VC), derived from volcaniclast ancient volcanic successions, most analyses have emphasized non-evolved
resedimentation through gravity flows, either by early remobilization basaltic volcanism. Large- and small-scale morphologies of modern basaltic
(VC1) or post-volcanic reworking (VC2). The facies groups occur in a submarine volcanic deposits have been widely documented (e.g., Bellaiche
predictable repetitive succession, essentially from base to top, an SL– et al. 1974; Ballard et al. 1979; Lonsdale and Batiza 1980; Renard et al.
PL–PB–VC stacking pattern. This is interpreted to reflect an upward 1985; Parson et al. 1993; Bryan et al. 1994; Head et al. 1996). The most
waning in the magma discharge rate. typical facies identified in both modern and ancient basaltic deposits are
Five major volcanic sequences make up the Errigoiti Formation. sheet lavas, pillow lavas, and pillow breccias/hyaloclastites (e.g., Carlisle
Each comprises packages tens to hundreds of meters thick, deposited 1963; Dimroth et al. 1978; Renard et al. 1985; Schmincke and Sunkel
during short time spans of volcanic activity separated by long time 1987). Much less information is available however, on the internal orga-
intervals of volcanic inactivity. Consequently, boundaries between se- nization of the submarine volcanic bodies. Thus, analyses of facies tracts
quences are associated with marked hiatuses, reworked volcaniclasts, are scarce (Carlisle 1963; Dimroth et al. 1978) and studies of the architec-
and/or turbidite-pelagic sedimentation. ture of submarine volcanic bodies are very rare indeed (Schmincke and
Analysis of lateral and vertical facies evolution enabled us to propose Sunkel 1987; Cas and Wright 1987; Allen 1992; Allen et al. 1997).
a depositional model consisting of three depositional environments. The volcanic rocks studied here form part of the Cretaceous Pyrenean
From proximal to distal settings, these are: amalgamated pillow vol- Magmatism (Fig. 1A), which consists of effusive and intrusive submarine
canoes, scattered pillow volcanoes, and volcanic fringe, basically re- rocks of alkaline affinity extensively developed in both the Northern Pyr-
sponding to a proximal to distal PL/PB, PL/VC, and SL/VC evolution enean and Basque–Cantabrian basins (Dubois and Seguin 1978; Montigny
of facies associations. Contemporaneous fossiliferous turbidite–pelagic et al. 1986; Rossy 1988). Earlier studies of volcanism in the Basque–Can-
sequences that surround the volcanic succession allow paleobathymetry tabrian basin focused on its petrological and geochemical features (Azam-
to be estimated on the basis of biofacies. Sites with the highest rate of bre and Rossy 1976; Lago-Labrador et al. 1984; Meschede 1985; Boess
volcanic emission correspond to an average depth of 900 m; sites with and Hoppe 1986; Rossy 1988; Cabanis and Le Fur-Balouet 1990; Rossy
thinner volcanic pile accumulated at a minimum depth of 1100 m. et al. 1992; Azambre et al. 1992; Ente Vasco de la Energı́a 1995), the
The facies sequence established in this work and the processes in- description of volcanic structures (Cuevas et al. 1981; Rossy 1988; Cas-
volved in its formation are comparable with the sequences and pro- tañares et al. 1998), geochronological dating (Montigny et al. 1986), and
cesses described in other submarine basic volcanic systems. Conse- the biostratigraphy of the encasing units (Lamolda et al. 1983; Castañares
quently, the depositional model for the Errigoiti Formation can per- et al. 1997). Castañares and Robles (1995) integrated facies and geometrical
haps serve as a reference model for this type of volcanic system. analyses of volcanic bodies into a stratigraphic framework, generating a
preliminary genetic model for these submarine volcanic systems.


This paper describes the depositional architecture and the facies model The Basque–Cantabrian basin, which is the westward extension of the
of an Albian to Santonian bathyal submarine volcanic system (Errigoiti Pyrenean Chain, developed as a consequence of the kinematic interactions
Formation), which developed on thin continental crust during extensional of the Iberian and European plates during Mesozoic and early Cenozoic
tectonics linked to the spreading of the nearby Bay of Biscay. This study times. The most intense episode of differential subsidence took place during

FIG. 1.—A) Regional setting of the Cretaceous alkali magmatism (based on Capdevila et al. 1974, Deregnaucourt and Boillot 1982, Rat 1983, and Montigny et al. 1986).
B) Geological map of the Errigoiti Formation and surrounding units. C) Sketch showing the restoration of the Alpine movements among the three main tectonic units.
Arrows show the displacements of F1 and F2 faults. Double dashed lines show the transect of Figure 3.


Copyright q 2001, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) 1073-130X/01/071-318/$03.00

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FIG. 2.—Stratigraphic sections of the Errigoiti Formation. Five main volcanic units (E-1 to E-5) are distinguished. Tracing units is relatively easy for nearby sections
(i.e., 1–2 and 3-4-5-6-7). Correlation of distant sections, however, requires using levels of hemipelagic marls or reworked volcaniclastites (VC2), which indicate volcanic
inactivity, as markers. At upper center: pie diagram with facies percentage extracted from logs and log legend. A map of the Errigoiti Formation with the location of the
eight stratigraphic sections is also shown (F1 fault, see Figure 1). Labels located to the left of logged sections (RP-no.) indicate samples recovered for paleontologic
analyses shown in Figure 5.

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FIG. 3.—A) Lithostratigraphic cross section of the Errigoiti Formation and contemporary sedimentary units. The panel was constructed projecting the transect Mungia–
Gernika–Fruiz of Figure 1C on a NW–SE vertical plane. B) Chronostratigraphic cross section. Note the distribution of the five eruptive episodes and the periods of
quiescence between them, which are progressively longer, from periods out of the biostratigraphic resolution up to more than 8 My.

Albian time when a two-sided basin, flanking a WNW–ESE trending deep- STRATIGRAPHIC FRAMEWORK OF THE ERRIGOITI FORMATION
sea trough, developed. This embryonic trough was the site of turbidite and
pelagic deposition from Albian to middle Eocene times (Van Vliet 1982; The Errigoiti Formation occurs as a deformed belt 10 km long by 4 km
Mathey 1986; Robles et al. 1989; Pujalte et al. 1993), forming a composite wide that consists of volcanic rocks of lava flow and volcaniclastic char-
section 8000 m thick. This thick deep marine succession coexisted with acter interbedded with upper Albian to Santonian turbidite/hemipelagic sed-
active submarine volcanism up to Santonian times. iments (Fig. 1B). The volcanic rocks range from alkali basalt to trachyte,
The volcanic units occur as a WNW–ESE belt (Fig. 1A). They display with a predominance of the former. Lithofacies consist of sheet lavas, pil-
strong lateral variations in thickness and facies and are complexly interfin- low lavas, pillow breccias, and stratified volcaniclastites (Fig. 2). Shallow
gered with deep-sea sediments. The Errigoiti and Barinaga formations are intrusives and peperites also developed in association with hemipelagic
the most widespread and thickest volcanic units (up to 2500 m thick in the sediments (Castañares et al. 1998). This unit is wedge-shaped along the SE
Barinaga Formation). These consist mainly of basalt and minor trachytic block of the Bizkaigane Fault, with its center of accumulation close to this
differentiate related to tectomagmatic crustal thinning linked to the Bay of fault; it progressively thins towards the SE (Fig. 3). The center of accu-
Biscay sea-floor spreading (Boess and Hoppe 1986; Cabanis and Le Fur- mulation is also a paleotopographic high with respect to the surrounding
Balouet 1990; Rossy et al. 1992). areas (Fig. 3). Although the Errigoiti Formation is a multiple volcanic sys-
The study area consists of the Errigoiti volcanic field, located in the tem with a main feeding zone in the thickest area, and secondary feeding
central part of the Basque–Cantabrian basin (Fig. 1). This area was greatly zones in the middle and outer parts of the wedge, we will use the broader
deformed during the Pyrenean compressional episode (middle Eocene to terms, proximal, medial, and distal settings.
Miocene). Maximum shortening is in an approximate NNW–SSE direction, Stratigraphic subdivisions based on the presence of major hiatuses and/or
and the main structural lineations are oriented N408 and N1308, indicating hemipelagic/turbidite intercalations permit five sub-units, named E-1 through
reactivation of Cretaceous faults. A sketch with the tectonic restitution ap- E-5, to be defined (Table 1). These volcanic subdivisions are surrounded and
plied to this area is shown in Figure 1C. enclosed by a suite of sedimentary units (turbidites and hemipelagites), which

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TABLE 1.—Stratigraphic data of the Errigoiti Formation and surrounding units.

Biostratigraphic and/or
Lithostratigraphic units Components Thickness Environment chronostratigraphic units (i) Remarks
Volcanic units
ERRIGOITI FORMATION Lava and volcaniclastic rocks 270 to 950 m Bathyal Ticinensis to Asymetrica Zones Volcanic deposition interrupted
of basaltic to trachytic compo- (upper Albian to Santonian) during quiescence periods that
sition (mainly basaltic). are longer upwards (Fig. 3)
Pillow lavas (38%)
Stratified volcaniclastites (33%)
Pillow breccias (18%)
Sheet lavas (9%)
Undifferentiated lavas (3%)
E-5 unit Pillow breccias (51%) 0 to 175 m Bathyal Concavata and Asymetrica Restricted to proximal volcanic
Pillow lavas (46%) Zones (uppermost Coniacian to settings, but occurring in both
Undifferentiated lavas (2%) Santonian) sides of Bizkaigane Fault (Fig.
Sheet lavas (1%) 3).
E-4 unit Pillow breccias (45%) 0 to 150 m Middle bathyal Brotzeni Zone (lower Ceno- Restricted to proximal volcanic
Stratified volcaniclastites (42%) manian) settings.
Pillow lavas (11%)
Sheet lavas (2%)
E-3 unit Stratified volcaniclastites (44%) 110 to 250 m Middle bathyal Ticinensis Zone (upper Albian) Widespread unit (proximal to
Pillow lavas (40%) distal settings).
Sheet lavas (10%)
Pillow breccias (6%)
E-2 unit Pillow lavas (46%) 30 to 320 m Middle bathyal Ticinensis Zone (upper Albian) Widespread unit (proximal to
Stratified volcaniclastites (26%) distal settings).
Pillow breccias (20%)
Sheet lavas (8%)
E-1 unit Stratified volcaniclastites (26%) 0 to 80 m Middle bathyal Ticinensis Zone (upper Albian) Irregular and widespread unit
Undifferentiated lavas (25%) (proximal to distal volcanic set-
Pillow breccias (18%) tings).
Sheet lavas (17.5%)
Pillow lavas (13.5%)
Turbidite and hemipelagic units
EIBAR FORMATION Siliciclastic turbidites interbed- up to 2500 m Bathyal Santonian to Maastrichtian
ded with hemipelagic marl-
stones and limestones.
Barrika unit Polygenetic breccias, chaotic about 200 m Bathyal Concavata and Asymetrica Contemporaneous with volca-
gravitational deposits and me- Zones (Santonian) nic unit E-5.
gaturbidites accompanied by
deposits of low-density turbidi-
ty currents and volcaniclastic
PLENCIA FORMATION Calciclastic turbidite deposits 0 to 750 m Middle bathyal (Biofacies Reicheli to Concavata (middle Onlap and wedging features to-
interbedded with pelagic/hemi- 6, Fig. 5) Cenomanian to Coniacian) wards proximal settings of the
pelagic sediments. Errigoiti Fm. Turbidite paleo-
current structures indicate a di-
rection to the ranging from S to
DEVA FORMATION Turbidite and related gravita- 300 to 2500 m Bathyal Lower Albian to lower Ceno- Turbidite paleocurrent struc-
tional deposits of mainly silici- manian tures indicate a SW direction.
clastic components.
Cabo Villano Sandstones Siliciclastic to calciclastic me- 0 to 500 m Middle bathyal (Biofacies Brotzeni Zone (lower Ceno- Contemporaneous with the vol-
unit dium to coarse-grained turbidite 6, Fig. 5) manian) canic unit E-4.
Baztegieta Marls unit Marlstones with scattered thin- 0 to 150 m Middle bathyal (Biofacies Appenninica Zone (upper Al- Onlap features onto unit E-3.
bedded turbidites and mollusk- 6, Fig. 5) bian)
rich layers.
Utxurrinaga Marls unit Silty marlstones with minor in- up to 200 m Middle bathyal (Biofacies Subticinensis and Ticinensis The uppermost part of this unit
terbeds of thin-bedded turbi- 6, Fig. 5) Zones (upper Albian) corresponds in time to E-1, E-
dites, nodular siderite layers, 2, and the lower part of E-3.
and ash layers.
(i) Zonal assemblages of Caron (1985). Data based on Figure 5 and Castan̄ares et al. (1997).

comprise, in chronological order, the Deva Formation, the Plencia Formation, relationships consist of: (1) interbedding between the lower three volcanic
and the Eibar Formation. Analyses of these units allow us to: (1) establish a units and turbidite-pelagic systems, (2) marine onlap of turbidite systems
biostratigraphic framework for dating of the interfingered volcanic units; (2) of the Deva Formation onto the volcanic unit E-3, and (3) a marked wedg-
infer the environment of deposition of the volcanic units, by means of the ing of the turbidite-pelagic systems of the Plencia Formation towards prox-
sedimentological and faunal analyses of coeval sedimentary units; and (3) imal volcanic settings, when volcanism was inactive. Both onlap and wedg-
establish the geometry and stratigraphic architecture of volcanic bodies, ing features of nonvolcanic deposits highlight the paleotopography of the
through the analysis of the stratal relationships between sedimentary units Errigoiti Formation, which has been calculated as 7% minimum average
and volcanic units. The main characteristics of both the volcanic and sedi- slope during the Vraconian.
mentary units are summarized in Table 1.
The wedge shape of the Errigoiti Formation and the intermittent out-
pouring of volcanic materials produced complex stratigraphic relationships Ambient conditions (mainly external pressure and ambient fluid, i.e.,
with the surrounding turbidite and hemipelagic deposits (Fig. 4). The main sediment, water, air) are one of the most important determinants controlling

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FIG. 4.—Cross section depicting both the volcanic facies evolution from proximal (left) to distal (right) and the relation of the turbidite-pelagic systems with the volcanic
system. Note differential subsidence between proximal and distal volcanic settings, clearly inferred from wedging and onlap features shown by turbidite-hemipelagic units.
(U.M., Utxurrinaga Marls; B.M., Baztegieta Marls).

the style of eruption (degree of vesiculation, explosivity and, indirectly, estimate similar or deeper bathymetry on the basis of: (1) its occurrence
mobility of the flows) and, therefore, the type of volcanic facies generated. surrounded by turbidite to hemipelagic deposits, (2) studies in neighboring
Paleoecological analysis of benthic Foraminifera in the turbidite to hemi- areas that show ostracode assemblages with a deepening trend during San-
pelagic marlstones that encase the volcanics provides an index of paleo- tonian time (Garcı́a Zarraga and Rodrı́guez Lázaro 1990), and (3) studies
bathymetry of the Errigoiti Formation. at regional scale that relate the Santonian to a relatively high sea-level
Nineteen samples were collected from the Utxurrinaga Marls unit up stage, higher than the preceding stages (Floquet 1992).
through the lowermost Plencia Formation (Fig. 5). These samples consis-
tently contain benthic foraminiferal assemblages characterized by Ammo-
baculites parvispira, Glomospira charoides, Hyperammina gaultina, Hap- VOLCANIC FACIES OF THE ERRIGOITI FORMATION
lophragmoides concavus, Glomospirella gaultina, Marsonella oxycona, and
Arenobulimina macfadyeni. This assemblage, typical of all samples, cor-
Facies analysis is based mainly on eight detailed logged sections, with
relates with Biofacies 6 of the paleoslope model of Sikora and Olsson
a total thickness of 4000 m, of which 70% was logged bed by bed. The
(1991). Hyperammina gaultina is a marker species of this biofacies and
depositional structures and textures in both the lava and clastic facies were
one of the most commonly occurring species. Biofacies 6 develops in mid-
dle bathyal environments, at depths ranging from 600 to 2500 m. More studied in detail in each section; correlation between sections is based on
detailed analysis revealed a poorly distributed species, Quinqueloculina an- marker beds, biostratigraphic criteria, and the stacking pattern of volcanic
tiqua (appearing in two samples; Fig. 5), which according to Sikora and depositional events (Fig. 2).
Olsson (1991) occurs only in water depths greater than 1100 m. Thus, we The Errigoiti Formation consists of four groups of volcanic facies: sheet
can infer a minimum depth of 1100 m at the bottom of the volcanic unit lavas, pillow lavas, pillow breccias, and stratified volcaniclastites. These
E-1, in both proximal and distal settings, and the same minimum depth in facies groups, which are comparable to those identified in other basins of
distal settings by the end of volcanic unit E-3. The available data for unit differing ages (Carlisle 1963; Dimroth et al. 1978; Lonsdale and Batiza
E-4 permit only a general bathymetry range of 600 to 2500 m to be in- 1980; Schmincke and Sunkel 1987), are the building blocks of the volcanic
ferred. system. The main characteristics of facies groups and their facies are sum-
The lower Santonian volcanic unit E-5 has not been sampled, though we marized in Table 2.

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FIG. 5.—Biostratigraphic distribution of planktic and benthic Foraminifera within the turbidite and hemipelagic deposits that encase the volcanics. The benthics that
appear in the paleoslope model of Sikora and Olsson (1991) are keyed to symbols shown in Panel A. We include the paleobathymetries estimated by these authors. All
the samples fit in with the Biofacies 6 of Sikora and Olsson (1991), including those samples that show mixing with shallower benthics (reworking stages of platform
materials, Cabo Villano Sandstones). Panel B, based on Figure 3, is a sketch of the sampling location (a, base of Cabo Villano Sandstones; b, base of the Plencia Formation;
c, base of the Eibar Formation).

Sheet Lavas (SL) areas (Renard et al. 1985), with source of lavas either from main feeding areas
(proximal volcanic setting) or more local dike feeding.
This effusive facies group displays planar basal contacts and irregular
tops, occasionally accompanied by surface folds (centimeters in thickness), Pillow Lavas (PL)
brecciated lava tops (up to 2 m thick) and millimeter-scale hyaloclastic
deposits (see Table 2 for a definition of hyaloclast). Internally these de- This facies group consists of bodies of highly irregular external shape
posits tend to show three distinctive divisions: (1) a lower vesiculated in- composed of interlaced lava tubes, elliptical in transverse section (pillows)
terval, centimeters to decimeters in scale, whose vesicles tend to appear with a mean individual diameter of 40 cm. The remaining space (typically
elongated with the long axis parallel to the inferred paleoflow, (2) a middle , 5%) among these lava structures is generally occupied by very fine-
interval, meters to decameters in scale, composed of massive to columnar grained hyaloclastic deposits. Internally, the pillows are strongly vesicu-
lavas, capped by (3) an upper interval of highly vesiculated lavas, whose lated.
vesicles may develop long axes perpendicular to the flow, probably related The genetic mechanism involved in generating individual pillows has
to flow folds. Variations on this ideal sequence, though less representative, been widely discussed (e.g., Moore et al. 1973; Moore 1975; Dimroth et
are also present. In some cases, sheet flows appear brecciated throughout, al. 1978; Hargreaves and Ayres 1979; Yamagishi 1985). Pillow lavas are
displaying scoriaceous sheet lavas up to 10 m thick. related to moderate values of discharge rate and viscosity (see Fig. 6), this
Sheet lavas recorded in the Errigoiti Formation are commonly deposited in dependent on temperature, composition, volatile content, and crystallinity
the distal setting of the volcanic system, linked to extensive effusive episodes (Bonatti and Harrison 1988). Also, an uneven sea floor favors pillow lavas,
and associated with the deposits of low-density turbidity currents and hemi- because it allows a rapid increase of the magma-water contact surface area,
pelagic facies. These characteristics and the environmental interpretation sup- thus quickly decreasing the temperature of magma, subsequently generating
port the conclusion that these deposits reflect high magma discharge rates (Bal- this type of facies. The geometric and architectural arrangement of pillow
lard et al. 1979; Dimroth et al. 1978; Schmincke and Sunkel 1987; Griffiths lava bodies within the Errigoiti volcanic system could generally suggest
and Fink 1992; Gregg and Fink 1995) and preferential settling in low-relief planar pillow flows in most outcrops, but locally it is possible to detect

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TABLE 2.—Facies summary of the Errigoiti Formation.

Structures and
Facies Components (i) Thickness (each event) internal features Genesis Comparisons
SL Mainly basalts (rarely tra- from 1 to 42 m Base: vesicular lava (with Lava flow: Massive lavas (Dimroth et al.
sheet lavas chytes). vesicles elongated sub- - high effusion rate 1978)
Massive lava, vesicular parallel to flow), indu- - smooth relief
lava, brecciated lava. rated subjacent by
warming (when it is
Core: massive lava, co-
lumnar jointing, brecci-
ated lava.
Top: very vesicular lava,
brecciated lava and
flow ramps, hyaloclas-
tic cap (mm).
PL Mainly vesicular basalts. from 1 to 90 m (145 Base: irregular Lava flow: Pillow lavas, types 1, 2 and 4
pillow lavas Also trachytes. m?) Core: pillowed lava - moderate to low effusion (Dimroth et al. 1978)
Tubes size: 15 to 100 cm. Top: irregular rate
Average size: 40 cm. - high relief
Hyaloclastic ash ,5%. - lateral variation from SL
PB PB1 Blocks and lapilli of ba- up to 125 m (multi- Ash-rich breccias: chaotic Lava flow: Isolated and broken pillow
pillow breccias saltic lava (subspherical ple events?) structure, occasionally - very low effusion rate breccia (Carlisle 1963)
to subangular, in cases weak coarsening- or Pillow Fragment Breccia (Ya-
with plastic deforma- fining-upward sequenc- magishi 1991)
tion): 10–50% (3–20 es.
cm). Volcaniclastics nomencla-
Hyaloclastic ash: 50–90% ture (ii): tuff breccia
(sand- and silt-size hy- and lapilli tuff.
PB2 Blocks and lapilli of ba- up to 35 m (multiple Ash-poor breccias: chaot- PL disruption and rock-fall
saltic lava (mainly su- events?) ic structure. deposition adjacent to mar-
bangular): 80–100% Volcaniclastics nomencla- gins of PL deposits.
(3–20 cm). ture (ii): lapillistone
Hyaloclastic ash: 0–20% (mainly).
(sand- and silt-size hy-
VC VC1 Basaltic or trachytic lava up to 25 m (41 m?) Nongraded, graded, strati- Gravity flow from reworking Hyalotuffs (Dimroth et al.
stratified volcani- clasts (3 to 40 cm). fied and laminated of unconsolidated PB de- 1978)
clastites Hyaloclastic or vesiculat- breccia, lapilli and tuff posits or transporting vol- Subaqueous pyroclastic flows
ed hydroclastic ash to showing nongrading, caniclasts freshly generated (Fiske 1963)
fine lapilli (silt-size to grading, stratification, by uncertain mechanism. Subaqueous pyroclastic debris
5 mm). and lamination (see flow deposits (Carey and
Clay chips (occasionally). Fig. 7 for more de- Sigurdsson 1980)
VC2 Rounded hydroclasts. up to 5 m Idem. Gravity flow transporting non- Volcaniclastic turbidity cur-
very fine-grained matrix freshly erupted materials rents (Cas 1992)
from volcanic alter- during volcanic quiescence
ation. stages.
Nonvolcanic clastics (low
VC3 Basaltic and trachytic up to 3.5 m Normally graded mud- Non-totally cohesive debris- Hyperconcentrated flows
lava clasts. supported lava-clast de- flow deposits. (Mutti 1992)
Marly matrix. posits.
We use hydroclast as a general term for volcanic clasts that show evidences of fragmentation in contact with water, and we use the term hyaloclast, in a more restrictive mode, for fragmentary components that were
produced by nonexplosive spalling and granulation of lavas in contact with water, i.e., hyaloclast would be a single clast of hyaloclastites defined by Honnorez and Kirst (1975).
The term vesiculated hydroclast is used to refer to a hydroclastic fragmentary cluster that is composed of vesicular glass from sand to fine cobble size. Crystals in these juvenile clasts account for less than 10% in volume.
The vesicles account for roughly 50% in volume; they are generally spherical in shape, with a minority of elongated vesicles. The clasts show, in many cases, boundaries with characteristics of hydroclastic fragmentation.
This and evidence in some cases of supercooling textures (skeletal phenocrysts and skeletal microlites) indicate an early contact with cool water.
(ii) Fisher and Schmincke (1984).

pinchouts of the main pillow flows that might be the border of mound-like of altered hyaloclastic materials, in most cases initially basaltic in com-
pillow volcanoes. The bulk of pillow lava deposits are interpreted as having position, and therefore composed of sideromelane (Rossy 1988), ranging
formed directly from central vents of proximal to medial volcanic settings from 0 to 90%. Two facies, PB1 and PB2, have been distinguished.
with development of pillow volcano morphologies. However, a few pillow PB1 Facies.—This facies consists of matrix-supported lava clasts scat-
lavas might be lateral facies variation from sheet lavas (cf. Dimroth et al. tered in a hyaloclastic sand-size matrix, ranging from 50 to 90% in volume.
1978; Hargreaves and Ayres 1979), with development of true planar pillow Lava clasts rarely exceed 15 cm in diameter and display subspherical to
flows occurring mainly in a distal volcanic setting. subangular shapes. When PB1 facies preferentially bear subspherical clasts
they resemble isolated-pillow breccias (Carlisle 1963; Dimroth et al. 1978),
Pillow Breccias (PB) brèches de ‘‘minipillows’’ (Rossy 1988), and pillow fragment breccias (Ya-
magishi 1991), whereas pillow breccias containing dominantly angular
This facies consists of highly chaotic, disorganized brecciated deposits clasts can be ascribed to be broken-pillow breccias (Carlisle 1963; Dimroth
of angular to subspherical lava clasts of various sizes (20 cm to 3 m in et al. 1978) and brèches de pillows (Rossy 1988). These end members
diameter), in some cases, with evidence of ductile to pseudoplastic behavior appear to be connected by a continuous spectrum of genetic processes
at the time of deposition (contorted clasts). They can occur as clast-sup- because they generally show varying degrees of subspherical and suban-
ported to matrix-supported structures, with a matrix component consisting gular clast mixtures. These facies occur in the most proximal settings of

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a low-density turbidity current. These kinds of deposits have been closely

studied in siliciclastic turbidite systems (e.g., Mutti and Ricci Lucchi 1972;
Walker 1978; Lowe 1982; Mutti et al. 1985; Agirrezabala and Garcı́a-
Mondéjar 1994) and resemble other subaqueous unwelded volcaniclastic
deposits (Fiske and Matsuda 1964; Yamada 1973; Bond 1973; Niem 1977).
The source of the volcaniclastic material is in the proximal setting, as
suggested by the occurrence of coarser and thicker beds in this area. This
rules out any type of external source for the main bulk of volcaniclastic
material, because a hypothetical flow transporting volcaniclasts to the Er-
rigoiti area from elsewhere would have deposited most of it in low areas
but not in high areas (proximal setting).
Most of the VCs are interpreted as the result of early resedimentation
via sediment gravity flows of freshly erupted volcaniclastic materials
(named VC1). A minor volume of VCs corresponds to later remobilization
of volcaniclastic materials before the eruptive stage had finished (VC2).
Another group of VC facies consists of debris-flow deposits composed
mainly of normally graded mud-supported lava clasts (VC3). Their genesis
is related to steep areas of the volcanic system where alternating deposition
of hemipelagic marls and lava flows (sheet or pillow lava deposits) oc-
The bulk of VCs consists of VC1 facies. In many cases, their fragmen-
tary components are hyaloclastic and are related to the early resedimenta-
tion of pillow breccia deposits (very abundant in the proximal setting).
More problematical, however, is the source of the VCs composed of ve-
siculated hydroclasts. The genesis of hydroclasts at moderately deep to
deep environments is particularly controversial and has been a matter of
discussion (see the compilation of Kokelaar 1986 and references therein).
At least three main processes of clast formation are possible for the Erri-
goiti Formation: (1) hydroclastic fragmentation of submarine primary py-
roclastic gravity flows (sensu Fiske et al. 1998), (2) moderate explosive
activity related to specific vents or calderas similar to those described by
some authors (Batiza et al. 1984; Gill et al. 1990), and (3) direct granulation
FIG. 6.—Size of pillow volcanoes and factors controlling the type of submarine
by thermal shock related to effusive eruption at localized vents coupled
volcanism. with a slow rate of emission of viscous magma (Kokelaar 1986). Given
the current state of knowledge of the Errigoiti area, none of these can be
excluded, but initially there is no evidence either of fountaining of magma
the volcanic system and are intimately associated with pillow lava facies. (sensu Smith and Batiza 1989) or of pyroclastic flow. Even though the
PB1 may be a result of eruptions of relatively low-temperature, high-vis- precise mechanism by which hydroclasts formed is unknown, turbidity
cosity lava associated with very low magma discharge rates (Bonatti and flows that transport and deposit hydroclasts are closely related to bathyal
Harrison 1988). During this kind of eruption, magma-water interaction pro- eruptions at proximal settings of the Errigoiti volcanic system.
duces (by quench fragmentation) a large volume of hyaloclastic material
that forms the bulk of the PB1 facies. DEPOSITIONAL ARCHITECTURE
PB2 Facies.—This facies consists of clast-supported breccias composed
mainly of angular pillow fragments with a paucity of sand-size matrix. The stratigraphic architecture of the Errigoiti volcanics is not easily de-
Laterally these facies are highly restricted and are associated with pillow termined, because of the rapid and intricate facies relationships, amalgam-
lava deposits. Both the texture and location of PB2 deposits indicate that ation, and sudden variation in thickness, all of which prevent any obvious
they formed as small slope apron deposits produced by a combination of correlation based on lithologic criteria alone. Nonetheless, at a macro scale,
hydroclastic processes, autobrecciation at pillow volcanoes, rock fall gen- the volcanic deposits of the Errigoiti Formation can be objectively divided
erated by gravitational unsteadiness, and perhaps other less perceptible phe- into chronostratigraphic units. The most objective basis for chronostrati-
nomena such as synvolcanic seismicity. graphic correlation was tracing key stratigraphic surfaces and discontinu-
ities. These markers consist of hemipelagic layers traceable across most
Stratified Volcaniclastites (VC) volcanic sections, reworked volcaniclastic beds not directly related to vol-
canism (VC2 facies), and hiatuses resolvable with biostratigraphic data. On
This facies consists of volcaniclastic rocks stacked in strata, with clasts the basis of such markers, a total of five volcanic units, hereafter termed
ranging from boulder to mud in size, poorly to intermediately vesiculated volcanic macrosequences, were defined (Table 1). These are essentially
(generally spherically vesiculated) and angular clasts, involving generally bodies of volcanic rocks bounded by significant chronostratigraphic sur-
hydroclastic fragmentation (in minor cases there are rounded clasts in re- faces, and therefore represent bodies of volcanic rocks deposited in a time
worked deposits). Textures and structures shown by these deposits reflect span comparable with an eruptive epoch in the sense of Fisher and
short to moderate transport via sediment gravity flows. Schmincke (1984).
The sedimentological analysis of these deposits permitted us to define a These macrosequences range in thickness from less than 100 m up to
generalized sequence of sedimentary divisions shown in detail in Figure 7. 320 m. Taking the ratio of magmatic components as a criterion to analyze
This sequence is generated by successive stages of deposition as a hyper- vertical trends, the macrosequences typically display an asymmetric cycle.
concentrated flow evolves to a high-density turbidity current and, finally, The lower part of each macrosequence is normally thinner, with the mag-

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FIG. 7.—Sedimentary divisions of stratified volcaniclastites. Sequence of sedimentary structures synthesized from the sedimentological analysis of stratified volcaniclastites
(VC1 and VC2). (*) Note that the first division differs from other works (e.g., Lowe 1982; Mutti 1992) in its lack of clay matrix, but a common feature in volcanic debris
flows is the absence of clay components (Fisher and Schmincke 1984; Smith 1986), especially in debris flows transporting freshly erupted volcanic material. These flows
are less cohesive than nonvolcanic debris flows (Smith and Lowe 1991), but sedimentologic behavior and significance are very similar in both.

matic component rapidly increasing upward; the upper part is typically 9). The modal cycle resulted PL–VC, while other frequent cycles were PL–
thicker, with a progressively decreasing magmatic component. PB, SL–VC, SL–PL–VC, PB–VC, PL–PB–VC. From these cycles or pri-
Laterally, each macrosequence exhibits a conspicuous variation in facies mary sequences, a generalized succession SL–PL–PB-VC can be estab-
and thickness from proximal to distal settings (Fig. 4). Facies ratio and lished as the composite sequence (Fig. 10), which serves as the essential
facies thickness were computed across the Errigoiti volcanic system from building unit of the Errigoiti Formation. This succession of volcanic rocks
each macrosequence in order to determine proximal to distal facies varia- closely agrees with the logical development of submarine eruptions gen-
tion (Fig. 8). The following lateral facies trends occur: (1) the ratio and erally (Bonatti and Harrison 1988) and with submarine sequences described
overall thickness of the SLs increase towards distal settings; (2) the overall elsewhere (e.g., Carlisle 1963; Dimroth et al. 1978).
thickness of PLs decreases progressively from proximal to distal settings; The primary sequences display a thickness between 3 and 155 m, av-
their ratio is moderate in proximal settings and very small in the most eraging 45 m. Up to nine cycles can form a macrosequence; however, the
distal settings; (3) the PBs are deposited almost exclusively in proximal number of these cycles typically varies from one locality to another. This
settings, and become scarce in medial settings and absent in distal settings; variation can be attributed to wedging up of some primary sequences or
(4) the VCs show the most extensive occurrence and thickness in proximal amalgamation of two or more sequences through poor vertical variation of
settings, with a slight decrease in both abundance and thickness towards facies. Though there is not enough chronostratigraphic resolution to estab-
distal settings; and (5) the PL and VC facies are both most abundant and lish the periodic or nonperiodic character of these short-term cycles, pri-
most homogeneously distributed. mary sequences are expected to be episodic rather than periodic, in the
A statistical analysis was used to determine the internal cyclicity of ma- same way as macrosequences, whose time distribution is very irregular
crosequences. SL and PL were taken as preferential starting facies of cycles (Fig. 3). We believe that the primary sequences are related to short-term
because of their close relationship with high to moderate magma discharge volcanic events, such as eruptions, eruptive phases, and/or eruptive pulses
rates. VC2 deposits were considered to be the tops of cycles, inasmuch as of Fisher and Schmincke (1984).
they indicate post-volcanic reworking. Levels of hemipelagic marls were The established genetic sequence (Fig. 10) and the facies ratio and facies
taken as boundaries of cycles. Using these assumptions, the analysis thickness variations from proximal to distal settings (Fig. 8) permit us to
showed macrosequences as stacked by cycles of two or three facies (Fig. propose a model of lateral and vertical facies distribution for the Errigoiti

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FIG. 8.—Relative abundance and thickness of facies constructed from measured sections in a proximal to distal order (see Figure 2 for reference numbers of the sections).
Two representative macrosequences (E-2 and E-3) and the entire Errigoiti Formation are shown.

volcanic system, shown in Figure 11. This model of facies distribution only weak volcanism, and the Gernika Block, marked by strong volcanism
reflects the set of eruptive processes summarized in Table 3 (stages A, B, (Fig. 12). Within the Gernika Block, the outpouring of volcanic rocks de-
and C). creases away from Bizkaigane Fault. Because this block is cut by minor
NE–SW faults creating sub-blocks that subsided progressively towards the
FACIES MODEL OF THE ERRIGOITI VOLCANIC SYSTEM SE, together with their own volcanic buildup, a pronounced slope was
produced, which controlled the flow direction of lava and volcaniclastic
The lateral and vertical distribution of facies reflect the succession of gravity movements.
processes that took place during the consecutive stages of active volcanism Taking into account the facies distribution, three depositional environments
(Table 3). The volcanic products reflect the physicochemical properties of have been distinguished in the Errigoiti volcanic system: amalgamated pillow
magma, the tectonosedimentary environment, the rate of magma emission, volcanoes, scattered pillow volcanoes, and volcanic fringe (Fig. 12).
and water depth (Fig. 6). Lithofacies are distributed across the volcanic Amalgamated Pillow Volcanoes (APV).—This depositional environ-
system in a way strongly controlled by the tectonosedimentary conditions. ment, which occurs in the innermost areas of the volcanic system within
The main feeding zone is elongated NE–SW, parallel to the Bizkaigane the northwestern part of the Gernika Block, is characterized by amalgam-
Fault, which separates two major tectonic blocks, the Sollube Block, with ation of pillow volcanoes (each individual volcano shows a moderate size;

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FIG. 10.—Genetic composite sequence model for Errigoiti-type eruptions.


The Errigoiti volcanic system developed in an extensional tectonic set-

ting linked to the counterclockwise rotation of the Iberian microplate with
respect to the European plate. This extensional episode is related to sea-
floor spreading in the Bay of Biscay. In spite of the large number of studies
FIG. 9.—Histogram showing frequency distribution of cycle types in the Errigoiti of plate kinematics between the European and Iberian plates, the precise
Formation. 63 cycles (primary sequences) were established with the following as- tectonic evolution of the Basque–Cantabrian basin remains controversial.
sumptions: (1) hemipelagic marls mark cycle boundaries, (2) SLs and PLs prefer- The paucity of magnetostratigraphic events within the Cretaceous Magnetic
entially start cycles because of their relation with high to moderate magma discharge
rates, (3) VC2s are cycle tops, and (4) cycles with only one component were not
Quiet Zone does not allow reconstruction of plate motion during the most
considered. Only in cases with gradual transitions between PBs and PLs were com- critical stages of Bay of Biscay spreading. Although some studies defend
plex sequences considered. a scissors-type opening, with a pole of rotation along or nearby the Pyre-
nean Chain (e.g., Masson and Miles 1984; Sibuet and Collette 1991), most
plate kinematic models point to left-lateral strike-slip movements between
the Iberian and European plates along the North Pyrenean Fault, with a
Fig. 6), and is interpreted to be an area of abundant points of effusion, pole of rotation situated in northern France (e.g., Le Pichon et al. 1971;
high effusion rate, and long-lived continuity. Two areas within APV can Choukroune et al. 1972; Olivet 1996). This model implies the development
be distinguished: APV-1 and APV-2. The former shows high amalgamation of WNW–ESE left-lateral transform faults leading to a NW–SE extensional
of pillow volcanoes associated with large accumulations of pillow breccias. stress field and the development of pull-apart basins (Peybernès and Sou-
The characteristic facies association of this environment consists of PL and quet 1984; Garcı́a-Mondéjar 1989).
PB1. More than one APV-1 zone can be developed along the APV. APV- Volcanic modern analogs to Errigoiti volcanic system, developed in
1 zones are interpreted as areas with the highest effusion rate and the comparable paleogeographic and geodynamic settings, are not well docu-
longest continuity in time. APV-2 zone is composed mainly of pillow vol- mented. Despite some dissimilarities, the ancient Errigoiti volcanics and
canoes that are partially or totally capped by hydroclastic gravity-flow de- the modern Gulf of California volcanism (i.e., the last 10 Ma; Gastil et al.
posits (VC1), which comes from APV-1 zones. The characteristic facies 1979) might have occurred in a similar geodynamic context and environ-
association is PL and VC1. mental setting. The Gulf of California is associated with the lateral dis-
Scattered Pillow Volcanoes (SPV).—This depositional environment is placement of a detached continental microplate (Baja California peninsula)
considered as the middle area of the volcanic system, where the vents are with respect to the North American plate. Relative motion between both
statistically less important, both in number and in volume of magma emit- plates leads to oblique divergence, and eventually to intracontinental incip-
ted. Pillow volcanoes developed in the SPV are isolated and dispersed. In ient sea-floor spreading in pull-apart basins at the center of the Gulf of
association with the slope, asymmetrical pillow volcanoes through true pil- California (Guaymas basin type; Einsele 1986). In the axial part of these
low lobes occur. This depositional environment is characterized mainly by pull-apart basins (20 to 80 km wide), tholeiitic basalts form at depths rang-
decameter-scale packages of pillow lavas that pinch out at hectometer scale. ing from 2000 to 3000 m (Einsele 1986), while alkali basalts occur on the
The pillow lavas may be underlain by thin sheet lavas and/or associated Baja California peninsula (San Borja-Jaraguay sector; Gastil et al. 1979,
with PB2 and/or VC. Paz Moreno and Demant 1999). The Errigoiti volcanics are of alkali com-
Volcanic Fringe (VF).—This depositional environment occurs in the position and formed at moderate depths (ca. 1000 m depth), over a thinned
most distal areas of the volcanic system. This zone is characterized by continental crust, so they can be considered, petrologically, submarine
smooth relief and very scattered occurrence of vents, mainly with deposi- equivalents of the San Borja-Jaraguay alkali basalts, and are probably sim-
tion of expansive lava flows coming both through local feeding dikes and ilar to some of the volcanoes detected on thinned continental crust of the
from the SPV zone and, in very favorable cases, from the APV zone. Gulf of California (offshore Santa Rosalı́a; Fabriol et al. 1999). Thus, dif-
Conversely, volcaniclastic material mainly comes from APV-1 zones. This ferences between the tholeiitic basalts of Guaymas basin and the alkali
depositional environment is characterized by deposits of SL and VC. The basalts of Errigoiti might be related to differences in the stage of basin
scarce pillow lavas of these zones are due to marginal and frontal evolution evolution. The Errigoiti volcanism might correspond to an earlier, initial
of sheet lavas, with development of intermediate facies between sheet lava rifting stage, whereas modern Guaymas basin volcanism represents a later,
and pillow lava (cf. Hargreaves and Ayres 1979). VC3 facies occur in the more evolved rifting stage, when oceanization is occurring and tholeiitic
vicinity of the talus area of the middle settings. character starts to prevail.

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FIG. 11.—Lateral and vertical facies

distribution model for the Errigoiti Formation. It
is represented a standard short-term volcanic
event. Note the lateral variation of different
vertical facies evolutions from proximal (left) to
distal (right); PL–PB and PL–PB–VC in
proximal settings, evolving to SL–PL–PB–VC,
SL–PL–VC and PL–VC in medials and, finally,
to SL–VC and PL–VC in distals. Certainly,
complete SL–PL–PB–VC sequences would
develop only in very favorable cases.

TABLE 3.—Syn- and post-volcanic processes of an Errigoiti-type eruption.

Stages Processes Conditions Products

Stage 0 Magma rises within the sedimentary pile. Basement fractures that allow (under local disten- Intrusives
Occasionally, development of shallow irregular in- sive conditions) the ascent of magma; these Peperites
trusions with associated domed morphologies in faults have their prolongations in the sedimenta- Debrites
the sea floor. Peperitization associated with local ry pile to channel the magma towards the sea Slides
removal (slump, slide, erosion) of the thin sedi- floor. VC3
mentary cover, concluding with the opening of Shallow intrusions and peperitization require an
the vent. This opening can be triggered by a uppermost part of sedimentary pile to be uncon-
synvolcanic distensive tectonic pulsation. solidated, as it occurred at lower parts of the
macrosequences E-1 and E-5 (Castañares et al.
Stage A Onset of the submarine effusive eruption with de- Low viscosity, high temperature and high magma SL
velopment of SL flows. discharge rate, extrusion through an abundant Minor PL
Development of an efficient downslope transport network of wide and active vents and/or fis-
along depositional slopes, locally providing: sures.
- Formation of pillow lava deposits in the front The longitudinal expansion can eventually be ac-
and marginal zones of sheet flows. centuated if extrusion occurs in a topographical-
- Megapillow tubes that feed relatively distal pil- ly elevated area.
low volcanoes.
Stage B Substitution of SL flows by PL flows, with wide- Lower emission rate, arrival of more porphyric PL
spread development. and, therefore, more viscous magma, gradual PB2
PB facies also occur, preferentially along the steep closing of the vents.
slopes of pillow lava bodies (PB2 facies). The widespread development of PL facies (up to 4
km) and the occurrence of thick PL bodies (up
to 90 m) suggest a ubiquitous distensive behav-
ior in the study area, more efficient in the prox-
imal settings.
Stage C In the vicinity of the vents, very thick hydroclastic High viscosity and a low magma discharge rate, PB1
deposits (i.e., hyaloclasts and vesiculated hydro- perhaps through few active vents. VC1
clasts) are developed by strong magma-water
interaction, essentially forming PB1 facies.
These hydroclastic accumulations are very un-
steady, which favors early reworking by sedi-
ment gravity flows driven by slope instability,
yielding VC1 facies. It is envisaged that VC1
occurs as new PB1 facies are simultaneously
Volcanic quiescence VC2 and VC3 deposition related to the reworking No volcanic activity. VC2
by gravity flows of the preceding deposits, both VC3
volcanic and non-volcanic. Turbidites
Turbidite and hemipelagic sedimentation overlaps Pelagites
the volcanic deposits. This replacement is pro- Hiatus
gressive from deeper areas where volcanic bod-
ies pinch out, to more elevated areas, i.e., proxi-
mal volcanic settings, displaying onlap features.
In many cases, the stages of volcanic quies-
cence are represented by nondeposition in the
more proximal volcanic settings, spanning in
some cases hiatuses resolvable with biostrati-
graphic data.

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FIG. 12.—Facies model of the Errigoiti volcanic system. A) Depositional environments (circled numbers: related roughly to locations of the sections; see Figure 2 for
reference of the numbers). B) Facies distribution, illustrating an intermediate stage of an eruptive episode, when the sheet and pillow flows have formed and the hyaloclastic
and hydroclastic materials are being produced (Table 3). At the end of the eruptive episode, the PB facies has accumulated in the main-vent flanks and the hydroclastic/
hyaloclastic gravity flow deposits (VC1) are being spread over all volcanic settings. C) Sketch map showing the paleogeographic setting of the Errigoiti Formation for late
Albian (modified from Vicente Bravo and Robles 1995). D) Three main possibilities for the generation of the vesiculated hydroclastites of the Errigoiti Formation.

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