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High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Fabrizio Bonani

Dipartimento di Elettronica
Politecnico di Torino

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)


1 Hetherostructure FETs
Single Heterostructure FETs: Charge Control
Static Output Characteristic
Small-Signal model

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Hetherostructure FETs

Heterostructure conducting channels can be exploited in

the fabrication of Heterostructure FETs (HFETs)
If the channel is based on the modulation doped
heterostructure, the corresponding HFET is called
(equivalently...): HEMT (High Electron Mobility Transistor),
MODFET (MOdulation Doped FET) or TEGFET
(Two-dimensional Electron Gas FET)
Source Gate Drain

GaAs n EF

AlGaAs n semi-insulating AlGaAs (spacer)

Two-dimensional well
electron gas

semi-insulating GaAs

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Single Heterostructure FETs: S & D contacts

Ohmic source and drain contacts require electron transport

across the heterostructure
n+ implants extending down to the active channel are often
Source Gate Drain


n+-Al0.3Ga0.7As, 450 Å implanted n+ implanted n+

i-Al0.3Ga0.7As, 30 Å
i-GaAs, 1 mm

S.I. GaAs

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Channel charge density per unit volume
The channel free carrier
density is q( V ) B G
qB Ec(0-)
ρn = −qn = −q nsl |Φl (x)|2 +
Ec(0 ) Ev

l: QW energy level with AlGaAs n i intrinsic GaAs

eigenfunction Φl (x) -d -ds 0

EFn is constant along x also in non-equilibrium conditions

because the gate is always reverse biased
The number of electrons per unit area in level l is

4πmn∗ kB T
EF − El
nsl = log 1 + exp
h2 kB T

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Channel charge density per unit area

Integrating along x and recalling the eigenfunction

normalization we obtain the QW electron charge per unit
area Z +∞
Qn = −qns = ρn (x) dx
The corresponding free electron concentration per unit
area is therefore
4πmn∗ kB T X
X EF − El
ns = nsl = log 1 + exp
h2 l
kB T

Since the QW shape depends on ns though the Poisson

equation, the same is true also for El = El (ns )!!

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Approximated analysis of the triangular QW I

Solving the Schrödinger equation

 in a triangular QW with infinite sidewall
 exploiting the WKB approximation
we find (with Es0 = E(0+ ))

+ 3π(4l + 3) 2/3
El − Ec (0 ) ≈ Es0
(2mn∗ )1/3 8

Integrating the Gauss equation over volume including the

whole QW, we obtain well Es0 = −Qn = qns (well dielectric
constant of the QW semiconductor), thus
El − Ec (0+ ) ≈ γl ns

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Approximated analysis of the triangular QW II

Substituting we obtain an equation for ns

" !#
4πmn∗ kB T X EF − Ec (0+ ) − γl ns
ns ≈ log 1 + exp
h2 l
kB T

which is often simplified by limiting l = 1, 2

To obtain an explicit form of the charge control law, ns has
to be expressed as a function of EF − Ec (0+ ): the solution
of the above equation is therefore approximated as

EF − Ec (0+ ) ≈ qαns α = 3, 5 × 10−18 Vm2

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Charge control concept
As previously demonstrated ns ∝ Es0 , therefore varying the
gate voltage VG makes the interface electric field vary and,
in turn, also the channel charge
The HEMT threshold voltage is the gate voltage
corresponding to a null electric field Es0 and, consequently,
a null ns
Both Es0 and ns increase as VG increases
 but the growth is not unbounded because above a certain
voltage ns tends to saturate (see next)
In order to find the charge control law (i.e. ns as a function
of VG ), we carry on the analysis in the wide bandgap
semiconductor, with dielectric constant top
The reference potential is chosen so that
Ec (x)
−qϕ(x) = Ec (x) =⇒ ϕ(x) = −

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Electric field behavior
Gauss equation:

dE ρ  qND −d < x < −ds
= = top
dx top 0 −ds < x < 0

General Solution:

1 dEc  topD x + k1 −d < x < −ds
E(x) = =
q dx k
2 −ds < x < 0

Boundary conditions:
top E(0− ) = well Es0 E(−ds− ) = E(−ds+ )
from which
well qND well
k2 = Es0 k1 = ds + Es0
top top top

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Conduction band behavior
dϕ E (x)
Recalling that E = − and ϕ(x) = − cq , we obtain
and equation for Ec
 2
q N  E
dEc  topD (x + ds ) + q well
top s0
−d < x < −ds
dx  
q well E −ds < x < 0
top s0

General solution:
 2
 q ND (x + d )2 + q well E x + c −d < x < −ds
s top s0 1
Ec (x) = 2top
q well E x + c −ds < x < 0
top s0 2

Boundary conditions:
Ec (0− ) = Ec (0+ ) + ∆Ec Ec (−ds− ) = Ec (−ds+ )
from which
c2 = Ec (0+ ) + ∆Ec c1 = c2
High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)
Relation VG –Es0

Substituting, we find
 2
 q ND (x + d )2 + q well E x −d < x < −ds
s top s0
Ec (x)−Ec (0+ )−∆Ec = 2top
q well E x −ds < x < 0
top s0

From the energy band diagram

Ec (−d) − Ec (0+ ) = Ec (−d) − EFn − [Ec (0+ ) − EFn ] =
q(ΦB − VG ) − [Ec (0+ ) − EFn ], therefore

q 2 ND well
q(ΦB −VG )−[Ec (0+ )−EFn ] = (d −ds )2 −q Es0 d +∆Ec
2top top

qND top 
(d−ds )2 + Ec (0+ ) − EFn + ∆Ec − q(ΦB − VG )

Es0 =
2well d well qd

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Threshold voltage at zero bias

The threshold voltage at zero bias Vth0 is the voltage VG

corresponding to ns = 0
 in this condition also the electric field Es0 = 0 and
Ec (0+ ) − EFn = 0
By inverting the previous relation

qND 1
Vth0 = ΦB − (d − ds )2 − ∆Ec
2top q

Substituting the expression for Vth0 , we obtain

q(Vth0 − VG ) − [Ec (0+ ) − EFn ] = −q Es0 d

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Charge control law

Since in the QW we have Ec (0+ ) − EFn = −qαns and

well Es0 = qns , we find
1 α d + ∆d
VG − Vth0 = d + top qns = qns
top q top

∆d = top ≈ 80 Å
We finally find a linear charge control law
Qn = −qns = −Cch (VG − Vth0 ) Cch =
d + ∆d

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

ns saturation: qualitative analysis
q(BVGsat) Ec
With increasing VG , the Ec
conduction band lowers so +
Ec(0 )
that in x = −d0
Ec (−d0 ) = EFn
AlGaAs n i intrinsic GaAs
In this condition VG = VGsat
-d -d0 0 x

For VG > VGsat , EFn enters within the conduction band

 a sheet of free electrons is formed into the AlGaAs layer
 i.e. a parasitic channel with extremely degraded mobility
Futher increasing VG increases the electron concentration
of such parasitic channel, without making ns grow
 the parasitic channel in the AlGaAs layer is said to shield
the electrons in the main channel
 a saturation of the curve ns (VG ) is observed, thus limiting
the maximum device current

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Evaluation ofVGsat : d0

x = d0 is found by setting dEc /dx = 0

q 2 ND

dEc well
= (−d0 + ds ) + q Es0,sat = 0
dx x=−d0
top top

from which
d0 = ds + Es0,sat
At the onset of saturation effects Ec (−d0 ) = EFn :

q 2 ND well
Ec (−d0 ) = (ds − d0 )2 − q Es0,sat d0 + Ec (0+ ) + ∆Ec
2top top
= EFn
EFn − Ec (0+ ) = qαns,sat
qns,sat = well Es0,sat

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Evaluation of VGsat : ns,sat

Substituting Es0,sat , d0 and EFn − Ec (0+ ) into the first

equation and recalling the definition of ∆d, a second
degree equation is obtained

2 ND top ∆Ec
ns,sat + 2(ds + ∆d)ND ns,sat − 2 =0
q q

with the only positive solution

ND top ∆Ec
ns,sat = −(ds + ∆d)ND + (ds + ∆d)2 ND2 + 2
q q

In order to maximize the saturation concentration we

therefore need to
 increase ND
 maximize the conduction band discontinuity

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Evaluation of VGsat

From the charge control law qns = Cch (VG − Vth0 ) we

finally have
VGsat = Vth0 +
n s

n s ,s a t

n s ,A lG a A s

V th 0 0 V G s a t V b i V G

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)


Since the approximated linearized charge control model for

the HEMT and MESFET are the same, the HEMT output
characteristic is easily derived
 for Vth0 < VG < VG,sat the same expressions found for
MESFET (including velocity saturation effects vn,sat ) holds
 for VG > VG,sat the drain current saturates to the value

IDs,sat = Wvn,sat qns,sat

Before 2DEG saturation, the transconductance

gm = ∂IDs /∂VGS is

W V − Vth0
gm = µn0 Cch s GS −→ WCch vn,sat
L 2 L →0
VGS − Vth0

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Transfer characteristic in saturation

abrupt saturation
ID real gm



Vth0 0 VGS 0 VGS

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Comparison HEMT–MESFET

Introducing the heterostructure in the FET structure allows

to exploit relevant degrees of freedom
 the layer above the channel can be made thinner, thus
increasing Cch while maintaining Vth0 (thanks to ∆Ec )
 the conducting channel is well confined into the QW,
enhancing the performances (close to the ideal behavior
seen in the previous simplified models)
 doping is concentrated into the supply layer physically
separated from the channel, thus allowing for an increase
of the channel charge without the electron mobility
degradation due to ionized impurity scattering

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Advanced HEMT structures
Conduction Compostion index Doping
Band of Al in AlGaAs

Conventional Ec
AlGaAs GaAs

rectangular QW Ec
AlGaAs AlGaAs

HEMT with
delta doping Ec
AlGaAs GaAs

rectangular QW GaAs
HEMT with
delta doping
AlGaAs AlGaAs

High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

Small-signal equivalent circuit

The small-signal equivalent circuit is identical to the

MESFET one, including parsitic reactive effects due to
intrinsic HEMT
Gate LGp RGp Cgd RDp LDp Drain

Cgs vgs,i
Cpad,G Rgs g mv Cpad,D



High speed electron devices High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)

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