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It is the duty of the Spouses to support each other. (Art. 291, New Civil Code)

And under the National Internal Revenue Code, it is the duty of every person having an income to pay


Gaya enters into a contract of sale with Tito who paid the purchase of a GE refrigerator. Gaya did not
deliver the refrigerator. Gaya is the passive subject or debtor and Tito is the active subject or creditor.
The object or prestation is the GE refrigerator and the obligation to deliver is the legal tie or the
vinculum juris which binds Gaya and Tito.


Negotiorum Gestio

“A” went abroad with his family without leaving anybody to look after his house. While abroad, a strong
earthquake occurred resulting in the destruction of “A’s” house. Because of the magnanimity of “B”,
“A’s” neighbor, the house was repaired with some expenses. In this case, “A” is obliged to reimburse the
expenses of “B”.

Solution Indebiti

“A” owes “B” the sum of P2,000.00. “A” paid “B” the sum of P3,000.00 not knowing that the former
incurred only a debt amounting to P2,000.00. In this example, “B” is duty-bound to return the excess of


“A” boloed “B” resulting in the latter’s death. If “A’ is found guilty thereof, he is liable to indemnify the
heirs of the deceased.


In a pedestrian, one who was hit by a speeding jeepney due to negligence Persons liable for damages
arising from quasi-delicts:

a. Father or mother

b. Guardians

c. Owners and managers of an establishment or enterprise

d. Employers
e. The state f. Teachers or heads of establishments of arts and trades

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