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Q.1 Types of websites –

The Internet has forever changed the way we do business. Businesses are networking better than
they ever could before due to social networking sites like Facebook , Instagram and
Twitter. Today we can easily identify different types of websites available on the Internet since
the inception of the basic informational website which appeared in the early years.

1. Informational Websites -

As mentioned above, informational based websites were the first versions to hit the Internet.
They are as they sound, sites which enable readers to find information on a particular business or

2. E-Commerce Websites -

E-Commerce websites take brochure websites a step further by allowing you to shop directly
from your computer. The main difference between a brochure site and an e-commerce site is
that the latter features a checkout system to enable you to order directly from the online store.

3. Blogs -

Blog websites (traditionally known as web logs) did not hit the mainstream until the early to mid
2000s. However since then blogging has become very popular for both business and personal

4. Personal Websites -

Personal websites are similar to that of a personal blog where an individual in all likelihood will
have their own personal domain. These are created by friends and families to share their
information and pictures online with each other allowing for people to keep in contact.

5. Social Media and Networking Websites -

More popular than ever, online forums and social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace
are used on a daily basis to spread the word about businesses and keep in touch with family and

6. Mobile Device Websites -

As technology develops, so is the variety of new websites appearing online. The latest is the
creation of websites for viewing on mobile devices and mobile phones.

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