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Q.1 Importance of communication in rural developement –

Rural development is a process of action with economic, poqqlitical, cultural and social
dimensions. To put it differently, agricultural development is a process whereby the farmers
possess modern knowledge and information. It is imperative for the farmers to have and accept
the necessary technologies, innovations and knowledge for the rural development. Therefore,
communication plays an important role in the process of rural development. The communication
bridges built between public institutions, rural organizations and people generate the
opportunities to ensure share of knowledge and experience needed for rural development.

The communication networks set up in the rural areas facilitate access by the local people to the
service and the information. Therefore, it is evident that communication plays a remarkable role
in rural development. In the rural communication activities in different parts of the world, radio,
TV, press, computer, internet, other information systems, videos, films, theatres, festivals,
meetings, panels and seminars are widely used. In the rural areas where traditional relations are
prevalent, face-to-face communication is a commonly used method. The functions of
communication in the rural development include the following:

- To facilitate the exchange of views and information between farmers and rural organizations

- To make contributions to the implementation and coordination of the rural development


- To ensure that the innovations are embraced and spread in rural areas

- To raise awareness in the rural areas to promote participation

- To support the activities for education and awareness

- To ensure cooperation and coordination among the rural and agricultural organizations.
Q.2 Water harvesting by Rajendra Singh – The Water Man of India

He led to revival of 5 rivers in Rajasthan. Rajendra Singh who is better known as Jal Pusush or
Water man, is water conservationist from Rajasthan, India. His pioneering efforts in water
harvesting and management have led to the revival of 5 rivers and brought water to over 1,000
villages in Rajasthan.

We all know Rajasthan faces lot of water issue and Rajendra thought about it and also took
action on it. Rajendra's continuous efforts has led to ideal water management in their semi-arid
areas of Rajasthan.He along with 45 full time employees and 230 part time volunteers came
together to run an NGO called 'Tarun Bharat Sangh' (TBS). He and his NGO workers use several
methods like johad, storage tanks, check dams and other simple to path-breaking ideas.

He is a recipient of Stockholm Water Prize Which is known as Nobel Prize For Water. His awe
inspiring work was appreciated by many committees. He won the Stockholm Water Prize, an
award also known as "the Nobel Prize for water" in the year 2016.

This is not all he has even won the Ramon Magsaysay Award in the year 2001 for his
community work in water management.

He was also in the list by "The Guardian" of 50 People Who Could Save The Planet.

It will be no wrong to say that he is 'Messiah' and surely deserves the accolades. As per media
reports, he is contributing to the society by his methods since more than 20 years. He spends
almost three fourth of the year in such activities day and night.

He testifies the famous quote 'where there is will there is a way' . Yes, he was not at all aware
about water conservation methods but he carried on this noble work.

No doubt he is true inspiration for us and the generations to come.

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