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02/07/2020 Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins - Setting Up Our Testing Suite - Pippins Plugins

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Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins – Setting

Up Our Testing Suite

September 1, 2014


Unit Tests

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02/07/2020 Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins - Setting Up Our Testing Suite - Pippins Plugins

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins Series
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← Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins – An Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins – Writing
Introduction Tests →

In part one of this tutorial series we brie ly looked at what unit tests are and we
walked through a couple of simple examples to illustrate how we can use them to
help ensure our code is working properly. Now it is time to actually setup our
testing suite and run our irst unit test.

There are quite a few different ways to setup unit tests in your WordPress plugins,
but by far the easiest is through WP-CLI, a command line interface for WordPress.
Due to its simplicity, we will use WP-CLI to setup our unit tests in this tutorial.

If you are not familiar with or comfortable with the command line, you might be
tempted to walk away from unit tests now and maybe come back another day. I am
going to try and keep this as simple as possible, so I’d encourage you to stick with
me as you will quickly ind that the command line is not nearly as scary or di icult
as some make it out to be.

Note: WP-CLI requires a unix-based operating system like Mac OS X or Linux. Once

our testing suite is setup, everything will be almost identical for all users, but only
Linux and Mac OS X users can utilize the WP-CLI tool.

What is a testing suite?

The phrase “testing suite” simply refers to our collection of unit tests and our
con iguration for those unit tests. When we say that we are going to setup the
testing suite, we mean that we are going to install PHPUnit (or similar), we are going
to create our con iguration ile, and we are going to write our initial unit tests.

Watch the video below for a quick example of what running our unit tests looks like:

Demonstration of unit tests in PHPUnit 2/20
02/07/2020 Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins - Setting Up Our Testing Suite - Pippins Plugins

Once we are done with the steps below, we should be able to run
the phpunit command from our plugin’s directory and have our unit tests run.

For this tutorial series, we are going to write unit tests for my Restrict Content Pro

1. Install PHPUnit

The irst thing we need to do is install PHPUnit. The readme ile in the Github
repository for PHPUnit has the instructions on how to do this.

Simply follow the installation instructions on the Github page and then proceed to
the next step below.

If you run into any issues installing PHPUnit, leave a comment below and I will do
my best to help you.

2. Install WP-CLI

WP-CLI is also exceptionally simple to install, and you can ind the install
instructions here.

If you run into any issues installing WP-CLI, leave a comment below and I will do my
best to help you.

3. Use WP-CLI to setup our plugin’s unit tests

Now we are almost ready to really get into the fun part of unit tests: actually seeing
our unit tests run. Before we do that, however, we need to utilize WP-CLI to create
our initial unit tests con iguration.

Since I’m doing this along with you for my Restrict Content Pro plugin, I will
continually refer to Restrict Content Pro (or RCP). Anytime I do, just substitute in
your own plugin’s name.

WP-CLI includes a step-by-step guide of how to setup unit tests in your plugin, but
I’ i t lk th h it h ll 3/20
02/07/2020 Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins - Setting Up Our Testing Suite - Pippins Plugins
I’m going to walk through it here as well.

First, we need to open the command line and navigate to our WordPress

install’s main directory. Your exact  ile path will be different than mine, so be sure to
adjust for where you have WordPress installed.

cd sites/wordpress/

Second, we need to instruct WP-CLI to create the initial unit test iles for us:

wp scaffold plugin-tests restrict-content-pro

This will generate all of the iles needed for our unit tests. If you now navigate to
your plugin’s folder and type ls -l, you will see several new iles and folders added.

cd wp-content/plugins/restrict-content-pro
ls -l


After: 4/20
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The new folders / iles created:







These iles are the foundation of our plugin’s test suite.

Now, run this command:

bash bin/ wordpress_test root '' localhost la

Replace “root” with the username of your database and replace ” with the database
password. Also replace “localhost” with the hostname of your database. You can
ind all three of these values in your wp-con ig.php ile.

You can now type phpunit into the command line and the unit tests will run:

phpunit 5/20
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The testing suite that WP-CLI sets up for us includes one sample unit test, which
you can see was run successfully. Let’s take a look at the sample test. It is located
in tests/test-sample.php:

class SampleTest extends WP_UnitTestCase {

function testSample() {
// replace this with some actual testing code
$this->assertTrue( true );

If you look at what this test does, you will probably notice that it isn’t really testing
anything useful. It simple checks if true is equal to true, which we know it is, but it
provides a nice example that is easy to follow.

Now our testing suite is setup and we are ready to begin writing our own tests.

4. Writing your irst test

Before we jump into writing an actual unit test, let’s irst look how PHPUnit knows
what to execute as unit tests. The phpunit.xml  ile is the main con iguration ile that
instructs PHPUnit on what to do. By default, it looks like this:

<directory prefix="test-" suffix=".php"d

This tells PHPUnit where to look for the PHP ile that gets everything running
(tests/bootstrap php) de ines a few options and then also tells PHPUnit where the 6/20
02/07/2020 Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins - Setting Up Our Testing Suite - Pippins Plugins
(tests/bootstrap.php), de ines a few options, and then also tells PHPUnit where the
actual unit tests live. In this case, the unit tests live in the tests directory and are all
of the .php iles pre ixed with test-. This means that any ile we place in
the tests directory and name test-something.php will be considered unit tests.
This allows us to easily organize our unit tests into groups, which we will discuss
more later.

Note: only methods pre ixed with “test” will be considered a unit test. All other
methods will be skipped.

Let’s write a quick sample test now to help get a better grasp of what we’re doing.
This test won’t do much meaningful, beyond providing a nice example.

To write a new test, all we need to do is create a new method inside the SampleTest
class, like this:

function test_sample_string() {
$string = 'Unit tests are sweet';
$this-&gt;assertEquals( 'Unit tests are sweet', $string );

This does nothing more than setup a variable called $string, set its value to “Unit
tests are sweet”, and then checks that “Unit tests are sweet” is indeed equal to the
$string variable. If we now run PHPUnit, we will see that we have two tests and both
are passing successfully:

Awesome! We have now written a successful unit test. That’s awesome and you are
now a heck of a lot further along on your journey to understanding and utilizing unit
tests than a huge number of developers. 7/20
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Let’s now do another quick demonstration. Change our test_sample_string() test to


function test_sample_string() {
$string = 'Unit tests are sweet';
$this->assertEquals( 'Failing Unit tests are sad', $string );

And now run phpunit again:

Our simple unit test now fails because we are trying to assert that two very-non-
equal strings are equal to each other. Since the two strings are not the same, our
test fails, and PHPUnit tells us that, including why it failed and the exact line number
that failed.

When writing unit tests, there are two main terms we often use to describe what we
are doing: “tests” and “assertions”. A “test” is a collection of assertions and an
assertion is one check within a test. Each test must contain at least one assertion
but a test may also contain many assertions. The sample test we wrote above
contains one assertion.

We will learn more about writing tests and assertions in the next part of this series.

93 thoughts so far
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02/07/2020 Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins - Setting Up Our Testing Suite - Pippins Plugins

March 17, 2017

Thanks for the nice tutorial !

When I type “wp scaffold plugin-tests my-plugin” I get following error and no iles
are generated:

Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required
by WordPress

How to ix this ? Please help


Pippin Williamson

March 23, 2017

Take a look at this forum post:

installation-appears-to-be-missing-the-mysql-extension-which-is-require-33/ – It
has several solutions in it.

May 2, 2017

Really useful. Bugs can pop up over time and having such a tool can be really useful
to ind out where the issues are. Nice work!


June 7, 2017

bin/ line 82: svn: command not found

Any workaround for git only installations, or is svn an undeclared dependency? 9/20
02/07/2020 Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins - Setting Up Our Testing Suite - Pippins Plugins

I’m working on a Ubuntu 16 VM



June 7, 2017

This appears to be a workaround:

#svn co –quiet${WP_TESTS_TAG}/tests/phpunit/includes/
#svn co –quiet${WP_TESTS_TAG}/tests/phpunit/data/
git clone${WP_TESTS_TAG}/tests/phpunit/includes/
git clone${WP_TESTS_TAG}/tests/phpunit/data/

But I am largely bash illiterate so who knows? A database wordpress_test was

created though.

June 7, 2017

Even after installing svn I get:

require_once(/tmp/wordpress-tests-lib/includes/functions.php): failed to open


Reply 10/20
02/07/2020 Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins - Setting Up Our Testing Suite - Pippins Plugins


June 13, 2017

You have to run again bash bin/ wordpress_test root ” localhost

/tmp/wordpress-tests-lib/ is temporary installation

Thanks for great tutorial Pippin


July 3, 2017

For addition to Andrzej’s reply, I had to remove wordpress-tests-lib directory

before rerun bash command.

The command would be then:

rm -rf /tmp/wordpress-tests-lib; bash bin/ wordpress_test root ”
localhost latest

The command is from danielbachhuber’s reply at:


Kyle Tozer
October 6, 2017

Thanks for the fantastic guide! I initially had no problem setting this up, however,
now when I try to run phpunit I receive an error on line 14 of the bootstrap.php ile. I
did not receive this before and I am not sure how to resolve this.


March 5, 2018

minor ix: before wp scaffold you to mkdir plugin directory irst 11/20
02/07/2020 g Up Our Testing Suite - Pippins Plugins
Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins - Setting


Christian Saborío
April 11, 2018

This was so easy to follow, thank you for taking the time to write this with such

One minor change that needs to be corrected as it can throw someone off:


Alex Haines
May 8, 2018

Just for your information if you get an issue that no test ran it may be because it is
excluded in the phpunit.xml.dist ile which is installed in the plugin folder.


Charan sai karthick

May 28, 2018

Then how to include that ile?

Charan sai karthick

May 28, 2018

When I type phpunit, it shows the following

Reply 12/20
02/07/2020 Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins - Setting Up Our Testing Suite - Pippins Plugins

Charan sai karthick

May 28, 2018

PHPUnit 3.7.28 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Usage: phpunit [switches] UnitTest [UnitTest.php]

phpunit [switches]

–log-junit Log test execution in JUnit XML format to ile.

–log-tap Log test execution in TAP format to ile.
–log-json Log test execution in JSON format.

–coverage-clover Generate code coverage report in Clover XML format.

–coverage-html Generate code coverage report in HTML format.
–coverage-php Serialize PHP_CodeCoverage object to ile.
–coverage-text= Generate code coverage report in text format.
Default to writing to the standard output.

–testdox-html Write agile documentation in HTML format to ile.

–testdox-text Write agile documentation in Text format to ile.

– ilter Filter which tests to run.

–testsuite Filter which testsuite to run.
–group … Only runs tests from the speci ied group(s).
–exclude-group … Exclude tests from the speci ied group(s).
–list-groups List available test groups.
–test-su ix … Only search for test in iles with speci ied
su ix(es). Default: Test.php,.phpt

–loader TestSuiteLoader implementation to use.

–printer TestSuiteListener implementation to use.
–repeat Runs the test(s) repeatedly.

–tap Report test execution progress in TAP format.

–testdox Report test execution progress in TestDox format.

–colors Use colors in output.

–stderr Write to STDERR instead of STDOUT.
–stop-on-error Stop execution upon irst error. 13/20
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p p p
–stop-on-failure Stop execution upon irst error or failure.
–stop-on-skipped Stop execution upon irst skipped test.
–stop-on-incomplete Stop execution upon irst incomplete test.
–strict Run tests in strict mode.
-v|–verbose Output more verbose information.
–debug Display debugging information during test execution.

–process-isolation Run each test in a separate PHP process.

–no-globals-backup Do not backup and restore $GLOBALS for each test.
–static-backup Backup and restore static attributes for each test.

–bootstrap A “bootstrap” PHP ile that is run before the tests.

-c|–con iguration Read con iguration from XML ile.
–no-con iguration Ignore default con iguration ile (phpunit.xml).
–include-path Prepend PHP’s include_path with given path(s).
-d key[=value] Sets a php.ini value.

-h|–help Prints this usage information.

–version Prints the version and exits.

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