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Fire and Ice

By: Robert Frost

Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.

Poem Review:
The “Fire and Ice” is one of the most popular poem written by Robert Frost. It was
published in December 1920 in Harper's Magazine. Robert Frost was an American poet. Known
for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American colloquial speech. The
poem tells about the difference about the two things that will destroy the world. It was inspired
by Dante's Inferno, Canto 32 which deals with the subject of sinners in a fiery hell, up to their
necks in a lake of ice. The fire and ice simply depicts a remarkable meaning between desire and

The poem portrays the two darkest traits of humanity, the capacity to hate as ice and to be
consumed by desire as fire. The desire demonstrates the greed and the jealousy of humanity that
will destroy world. This kind of bad traits of human will affect one’s emotion that will lead in
hurting someone. Greediness on being on top and jealousness to those who are in the top will
lead to a conflict. Apart from desire, hatred is also mentioned in the poem as one of the bad traits
of humanity that will destroy the world. The poem describes that the ice shows the coldness of
peoples’ heart as they feel hate to someone. The poem explains that if the hate is built in one’s
heart, he becomes cruel and will not able to control his emotions.

Written in a single nine-line stanza, the poem “Fire and Ice” is referring to the two
aspects that show the catastrophic events faced by the world today due to the humans’ desire and
hatred. Through the personal experience of the author in the desire and passion, he consider that
the world will end with fire. But as he experiences hatred, he acknowledges that ice would be
equally destructive. This poem show simplicity yet gives us a deep meaning in every line. As
well as it calls us and think, showing us a different perspective in the end of everything. If human
let their emotion rule them, it will eventually drag the world toward a chaos. We should be aware
on the consequences that we will face if we let our emotion overcome us.

Marilix E. Eroles

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