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Mantic, Tangub City

Mathematics 8 (Week 1)
Activity Sheet No. 1 - 2 Factoring
Learning Competency & Code: Factors completely a common monomial factor and difference of two squares .
Name: Grade Level: 8
Address: Contact No.: ________________

Activity 1: Factoring Common Monomial Factor

Property 1 for exponents stated that am · an = am + n, where m and n are whole numbers and a is a nonzero integer,
similarly in finding the quotient we have thus; 𝒂𝒂𝒏 = am – n, that is if a is a nonzero integer and m and n are whole
numbers with m ≥ n.
Finding the common monomial factor in a polynomial means to choose the monomial with highest degree and
largest integer coefficient that will divide into each term of the polynomial. This referred to as the GCF of the given
polynomials (Greatest Common Factor). The monomial will be one factor and the sum of the various quotients will be
the other factor.
Now, if the forms of a polynomial have a common factor, the polynomial can be written as a product. This is
called factoring.
Example 1: Factor 12x3y5 – 20x5y2z
a. Find the greatest common factor of the numerical coefficients.
The GCF of 12 and 20 is 4.
b. Find the variable with the least exponent that appears in each term of the polynomial.
x and y are both common to all terms and 3 is the smallest exponent for x and 2 is the smallest
exponent of y, thus, x3y2 is the GCF of the variables.
c. The product of the greatest common factor in (a) and (b is the GCF of the polynomial.
Hence, 4x3y2 is the GCF of 12x3y5 – 20x5y2z.
d. To completely factor the given polynomial, divide the polynomial by its GCF, the resulting quotient is
the other factor.
Thus, the factored form of 12x3y5 – 20x5y2z is 4x3y2 (3y3 – 5x2z)
Example 2: Factor 8x2 + 16x
a. 8x is the greatest monomial factor.
b. Divide the polynomial by 8x to get the other factor.
𝟖𝒙𝟐 +𝟏𝟔𝒙
8x (x + 2) is the factored form of 8x2 + 16x
Practice Exercises
Directions: Answer as directed.
1. In example 1, 12x3y5 – 20x5y2z, show the process in finding the greatest common factors of each term of the
2. Factor 4r5 – 16r3 + 20r2.
Challenge Question:
In the pandemic that we experiencing nowadays (COVID-19), it greatly affects the lives of many people. In a
certain locality, there were 4 persons under monitoring (PUM’s), 8 persons under investigation (PUI’s) and 2 persons
which were confirmed positive. In an equation, if we let 4m  the number of PUM’s, then 8i  number of PUI, 2c 
number of confirmed case, form them as a polynomial and factor them, following the pattern above.

Activity 2: Factoring Difference of Two Squares

Take a look at this expression,
4x2 -16
The first step at factoring this is to make sure that the expression is a difference between squares.

Questions Answers
Are there only two terms? Yes. The first term is 4x2; the second term is -16
Are both coefficients (4 and 16) perfect squares? Yes. Notice 2 times 2 equals 4, and 4 times 4 equals
Are all of the variables in the expression raised to an even Yes. There is only one variable x, and it has a power
(2,4,6,…) power? of 2 which is even.
Does one term have a positive coefficient, and another term has Yes. The coefficient 4 is positive, and the coefficient -
a negative coefficient? 16 is negative.
Because “Yes” was answered to each of the above questions, we know that the expression is a difference between
two squares. Begin the factoring process by writing two sets of open parentheses.
( )( )
Now, find the square root of 4x2, the first term, by finding the square root of 4 and then dividing each exponent by
2. The square root of 4 is 2. Half of the exponent 2 is 1, thus x 2 becomes x1 or x. Thus, the square root of the entire term
is 2x. Write this term on the left inside of each set of parentheses.
(2x ) (2x )
We will now consider 16, the second term without the negative sign. We will apply the same process that we
applied to 4x2. There are no variables in 16, so we simply find that the square root of 16 is 4. Now 4 is written on the
right side of each set of parentheses.
(2x 4)(2x 4)
Add a plus sign to the middle of the first set of parentheses; add a minus sign to the middle of the second set of
(2x + 4) (2x – 4)
The result is two parentheses which can be multiplied to get the original expression 4x 2 – 16. To check that this
answer is correct, you can apply the FOIL method which was presented in an earlier lesson.

Example 2: Factor the expression -9 + j4

Unlike the last problem, the first term is negative. To make factoring this expression easier, simply switch the two
terms so that the negative term is second.
Again, the first step at factoring this expression is to verify that the expression is a difference between two
Questions Answers
Are there only two terms? Yes. The first term is -9; the second term is j4.
Are both coefficients (9 and 1) perfect squares? Yes. Notice 3 times 3 equals 9 and 1 times 1 equals 1.
Are all of the variables in the expression (2, 4, 6…) power? Yes. There is only one variable, j and it has a power of 4,
which is even.
Does one term have a positive coefficient and another Yes. The coefficient is positive; the coefficient -9 is
term has a negative coefficient? negative.
Unlike the last problem, the first term is negative. To make factoring this expression easier, simply switch the
two terms so that the negative term is second.
(j4 -9)
Now, continue factoring as in the last example. Write to sets of open parentheses.
( )( )
Find the square root of the first term, j4. Write the result, j2, on the left inside of each set of parentheses.
(j2 )(j2 )
Find the square root of the second term., 9. Write the result, 3, on the right inside of each set of parentheses.
(j3 3)(j2 3)
Now, write a plus sign in the middle of the first set of parentheses and write a minus sign in the middle of the
second set of parentheses.
(j2 + 3)(j2 -3)
Practice Exercises
Directions: Answer as directed.
1. In 4x2 -16, what mathematical concepts and principles did we use in factoring the expression?
2. Factor (x – 3)2 – 16.

Write all your answers for practice exercises at the back page of the activity sheets.


Teacher’s Name: Parent’s Name and Signature

1. Emma M. Mirafuentes - 09999094809 Date Submitted: ____________________

2. Janeth A. Redulla - 09075931481

Received by: ________________________
3. Cherry Ann Magtoto - 09465040889
Printed Name & Signature of Teacher
4. Socrates Estela - 09071658971

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