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Good morning. What can I do for you?

I want to report a theft. I had something stolen out of my bag yesterday.

I’m sorry to hear that. Right. I need to take a few details. Can I start with your name?

Louis Taylor.

Thank you. Are you resident in the UK?

Resident in /ˈrezɪdənt/ (adj): (C1) living or staying in a place

Many retired British people are now resident in Spain.

No, I’m actually Canadian though my mother was British.

And your date of birth?

December 14, 1997

So, you’ve just visited the country?

That’s right. I come over most summer business. I’m an interior designer. I come over to buy old
furniture, antiques, you know. There are some really lovely things around here but you need to get out
of small towns. I had a really good trip this year until this happened.

Come over to/from (v): if someone comes over, they come to the country where you are

When did your family first come over to America?

Antique /ænˈtiːk/ (adj) (n): old things (furniture, jewelry)

The palace is full of priceless antiques.

So you’ve been here quite a while?

yes, I’m here for 2 months. I’ll go back next week.

May I ask where are you staying now?

At present, I’ve got a place at Park apartments that’s on King street. I was staying at riverside
apartments on the same street but the apartment there was only available for 6 weeks so I had to find
another one.

At present (B1): now

At present she's working abroad.

Ok, and the apartment number?


Now I need to take some details of the theft. So you said you had something stolen out of your bag?

That’s right.
And were you actually carrying the bag when the theft took place.

Yes. I really can’t understand it. I had my backpack on and I went into a supermarket to buy a few things
and when I opened it up, my wallet wasn’t there.

Open up Sth: open something that is closed, locked, cover

He opened up his case and took out a clean sweater.

And what did your wallet have in it?

Fortunately, I don’t keep my credit cards in that wallet. I keep them with my passport in an inside
compartment in my backpack but there was quite a bit of cash there. About 250 pounds sterling I should
think. I withdrew 300 pounds from my account yesterday but I did a bit of shopping so I must have
already spent about 50 pounds on that. At first, I thought I must have left the wallet in the apartment
but then I realized my phone had gone as well. It was only a-week old and that’s when I realized I had
been robbed. Anyway, at least I didn’t take the key to my rental car.

Compartment /kəmˈpɑːtmənt/ (n): a smaller enclosed space inside something larger

The bag is divided into separate compartments.

I should think (spoken): used for saying what you think/hope is true, when you have reasons for your

"I bought her some flowers to say thank you." "I should think so too."

So, you said the theft occurred yesterday. So that was September 10 and did you have any idea of all of
where and when the things might possibly have been stolen?

At first I could believe it because the bag had been on my back ever since I left the apartment after
lunch. It’s just a small backpack but I generally use it when I’m traveling because it seemed safer than a
handbag. Anyway I met up with a friend and we spent a couple of hours in the museum but I do
remember as we were leaving there at about 4 o’clock, a group of young boys ran up to us and they
were really crowding round us and they were asking us what time it was and then all of a sudden, they
ran off.

Ever since (adv): continuously since that time

He's been depressed ever since he got divorced.

Generally = usually

All of a sudden (informal) (B2): suddenly

All of a sudden the lights went out.

Can you remember anything about them?

The one who did most of the talking was wearing a T-shirt with a picture of something. Let see, a tiger.

Any idea of how old he might have been?

Around 12 years old. Can you remember anything else about his appearance?

Not much. He was quite thin.

Color of hair?

I do remember that. He was blonde, all of the others were dark-haired.

And any details of the others?

Not really. They came and went so quickly.

Right. What I’m going to do now is giving you a crime reference number so you can contact your
insurance company. So this is 10 digits: 8795492361

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