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- Warm-up:

Write a selection of colours on the board: red, blue, green, black, white. Ask:
1. How do these colours make you feel?
2. What do these colours symbolise in your culture?
3. What's your favourite colour? Why?
4. How are we influenced by the colours around us?

1. SKIMMING activity
- Read the title: “what does high price mean?” the unpleasant results you must accept for
using something.
- Skim para 1: “what does high price mean?” The paint was costing some people their

- 1 concern, today
- 2 mass-produced, hazardous chemicals
- 3 discussion/debate, resolve

3. Work in pairs
Locate synonyms from options A–D in paragraph 2 (the underlined sections), then read in more
A true (Sentence 1 notes a demand but says the costs were too high.)
B false (Sentence 2 says the chemicals were already used.)
C false (Sentence 3 says that they quality of the paint was almost as good as expensive paints.)
D false (Sentence 4 suggests the creators were lucky because there was a growing demand.)

4. Do the same
went on sale = started to be sold
different names = variety of brands
ignored ≠ accepted
doctors = medical experts
Fears were confirmed = Dangers became obvious
customers = members of the buying public
what … in the paint = the list of ingredients
(Option A is true.)
I. Before you read. Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
1 What do you th ink is the most enjoyable way to travel?
2 Would you like to travel abroad for a long period? Why/Why not?

II. Understand detailed information

2. Read the passage about Mark Beaumont, a cyclist who travelled round the world. Where
has he been on his bike?
- round the world; through the Americas, including the Deep South of the USA and Texas;
Patagonia; across Africa (from Cairo to Cape Town)
3a. Read the underlined sentences from the passage (1-4). What different types of
information do they give? Match them with the functions (A-D).
1 When I look back now, it was one of my favourite times.
2 In Europe, North America and Australia, cycling is a sport which people do mainly to keep fit
and have fun.
3 Even in the poorest countries, I never had to ask a second person for a place to stay.
4 I was in the middle of this enormous desert and all I could hear was the sound of animals
A an example of people's character
B reasons for doing something
C a comment on an experience
D a description of a situation

1 C2B3A4D

- MINDSET 2: UNIT 3. READING: type of information

2 – 3 paragraph E
4 In Europe, North America and Australia, … dream of getting one day.

1 C (When people think about Patagonia, for instance, … very boring)

2 G (the projects involve huge … costs)
3 A (In 2008, … to Cape Town)
4 D (had to remove the ice from my tent)
5 B (There were, for example, … he could go)

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