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Running head: why is japan important for south Asian countries?

Group Report On

Why Japan is important for South Asian Countries

Group Name: Political Animals

Submitted to

Dr. M. Jashim Uddin (MJU)

Faculty of

Department of Political Science & Sociology

Submitted by

1. Raduanur Rahman : 1811745630

2. Fardin Haque : 1811658630

3. Ariyan Islam Kazol : 1812150630

4. Rafsana Hossain Samia : 1831846630

5. Md.Tambiur Rahman Polok : 1811299615

6. Syed Hassan Saffat : 1813215630

Date of Submission:


Most of the South Asian countries are developing countries and looking forward to

expand their economy and infrastructure with foreign assistance and funding. And Japan

turned out to be a good alternative to China funding. Japan is a country with strong economy

and technical expertise. China is now dominating the world economy and most of the south

Asian countries fear the debt trap economy of china. On the other hand Japan has boosted its

efforts to cultivate friendly relationships with countries throughout Asia. This strategy has

enabled Japan to continue to play a meaningful role in the region, particularly in Southeast

Asia. Partly as a consequence, Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, the Philippines,

and Vietnam have not explicitly prioritized their relationships with China over those with

Japan, pointing to the fact that Japan still wields broad influence in the region.

One reason for Southeast Asia’s relatively easy reconciliation with Japan is that the

period of imperial Japanese occupation in Southeast Asia was far shorter than it was in China

or South Korea. As a result, resentment toward Japan did not have as much time to build up

in Southeast Asia as it did in Northeast Asia. Thus, Southeast Asian countries were able to

move past their resentment and bitterness more quickly. Second, the decades of turmoil that

Southeast Asian countries experienced during the Cold War led most of them to prioritize the

benefits of their contemporary security and economic engagement with Japan over any

lingering historical grievances. Lastly, Japan’s own efforts at cultivating friendly ties have

been as strong, if not stronger, in Southeast Asia than those of China. With the election of

Shinzō Abe as Japan’s prime minister in 2012, Tokyo further accelerated its efforts to foster

new security, economic, and political arrangements with the region.



Japan is country, with a very high tech and advance infrastructure compared to other

countries. They have achieved effectiveness and efficiency in nuclear power. They have an

extensive and broad transportation system. They also promote the use for renewable energy

such as hydropower and geothermal energy. South Asian countries surely have interest and

want japans financial and technical support in developing their infrastructure India,

Bangladesh and other SA countries have expressed their eagerness for the Japanese

involvement in their development process. A lot of development projects are financed and

tech supported by japan.

For an example, Japanese have invested more than $25 billion in different sectors

across the India during the period from 2000-2017 and pledged to invest $35 billion from

2014 to 2019. [CITATION Tri17 \l 2057 ] Japan has also been the largest development partner of

Bangladesh. Japan have come forward and financially supported several plans developing

Bangladesh’s structure. Japan also has good relation with Sri Lanka. There are good scopes

for development projects by Japan in Sri Lanka. There are several upcoming projects that will

contribute in Sri Lanka’s infrastructure.

The developing countries like India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are more interested in

infrastructural development while other SA countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan want

financing to recover from their human and social problems. On the other hand, Nepal and

Maldives are more interest in improving their tourism.

The number, amount or scope of infrastructural development work and support by

japan is more likely to be seen in India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. These countries have

higher interest in Japan’s technical and financial power compared to other South Asian

countries in terms of infrastructural development.


Upcoming developments in Bangladesh: Japan recently signs $1.8 Billion to fund

six Bangladeshi projects in largest loan deal. This Japanese help will contribute and develop

Bangladesh’s communication and transport service.

The projects include, MATARBARI PORT which will increase the port capacity of

Bangladesh. Its trade has grown by 6% every year since last ten years. This 2.655 Billion yen

project will be completed on May 2024. JAMUNA RAILWAY BRIDGE will be a railway

bridge over Jamuna in parallel to the existing Bangabandhu Bridge. This project will cost

32.217 billion yen. DHAKA MRT-5 is government revised strategic transport plan in 2015

of urban transport development costing 7.358 billion yen. DHAKA MRT-6 is a mass rapid

transit system from Uttara to Motijheel. MATARBARI COAL PLANT will meet the

increasing demand of electricity in Bangladesh. This project will cost 67.311 billion yen and

scheduled to complete in 2024.[ CITATION Jap18 \l 2057 ]

JICA contribution in Indian infrastructure: Japanese International Cooperation

Agency is involved in different infrastructure projects in South Asia. 60% of the first phase of

India’s New Delhi Metro was funded by JICA.

Assistance was provided for the Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train project by Japan.

And many other infrastructural development works was financed and assisted by Japan and

JICA like NH 54 and NH 51 projects. [ CITATION Tri18 \l 2057 ] . These projects are surely

revolutionizing .the Indian infrastructure and improving their living standards.

Debt trap diplomacy of China: South Asian countries like Sri Lanka prefer the

Japanese presence which is good alternative of China’s financing. Most of the Asian leaders

are concerned about the debt trap diplomacy of china. There are number of projects in

Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, where Indian and Japanese enterprises working together.

[ CITATION Tri18 \l 2057 ]


The South Asia is not happy with China’s growing clout. On the other hand Japan is

also interest in providing financial assistance in development and with better terms which

seems more sustainable to the South Asian countries like Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka.

This phenomenon has also increased the interest of Japan in South Asia.

‘Japanese company Marubeni and India’s Larsen & Toubro Ltd. will supply electrical

and mechanical railway systems for Dhaka MRT Line 6 (which is being funded by JICA) to

the tune of 55 billion Japanese yen ($500 million). Construction will begin in July 2018, and

the target date of completion is July 2022. Both these companies have also joined forces to

build two power plants in Bangladesh. In Sri Lanka, Petronet LPG and its Japanese

partner have agreed to set up a LNG terminal, with a total investment of $300

million.’[ CITATION Tri18 \l 2057 ]

This alliance of South Asian countries and Japan is surely stimulated a lot of

Infrastructural and development projects in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka bring overall

South Asian infrastructural developments.

Getting Japan’s focus: the real reason behind Japan’s focus on the South Asian

countries is the eagerness of the South Asian countries. For an example, Sri Lanka showed

their interest, took the opportunity and improved their infrastructure. JICA help Sri Lanka by

providing different types of assistance over the years.

The Government of Japan has been one of Sri Lanka's key development partners

since 1954, and is today one of the country's largest bilateral donors. [ CITATION Ove \l 2057 ]

JIKA helped Sri Lanka to improvise their living standards by restoring their infrastructure.

JICA focused on Sri Lanka’s regional development. They uplifted agriculture, developing

rural community and improving social service.


Scope of this alliance: this alliance of South Asian countries and Japan has a wide

scope and can bring a lot of infrastructural developments and improvisation in living

standards. Good transportation network, organized social service, production efficiency and

clean energy fall into that wide scope.

In this time of China dominance and its challenges to US domination of global

system, this alliance of Japan and India incorporating defence and economic cooperation is

playing a vital role.[ CITATION Bas18 \l 2057 ] This also has a positive effect in infrastructural

developments of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka because Japan and India working together in this.

They have supported several Infrastructural development projects in Bangladesh and Sri



Living standards reflect Japan’s rapid economic development since the mid

1960’s.Greatly contributing the social nation is the strong sense of family solidarity among

the Japanese; virtually every home has its but Sudan or alter of the ancestors, and most

elderly people are cared for in the homes of their grown children. A further source of social

stability has been Japan’s employment system, noted for this lifetime employment of workers

from the time the enter the company after completing their education to the time they retire.

Traditionally, layoffs and dismissals of employees were rare, even during times of recessions.

With Japan’s economic downturn of early 1990’s, however, companies were forced to

downsize. By 1997 the nation’s unemployment rate had clime to a record 3.5% and a number

of middle aged workers who had expected to remain with the same firm until retirement

found themselves job hunting.

Japan is a developing country. Japan’s educational system is best in SA. The present

social insurance system includes rational health insurance, welfare annuity insurance,

maternity coverage, unemployment insurance, worker accident compensation insurance,

seamen’s insurance, a rational govt. employees’ mutual aid association, and day workers’

health insurance. It also provides pension plans design to maintain living standards for the

elderly, based on years of employment, and for families of deceased workers. Per capita

expenditure on social security programs remains low, however, in relation to expenditure in

many other industrial nations. There is a family allowance for all residents with children

under the age of three.

Social Disaster: KABUL: The govt of Japan has begun distributing much needed

relief items to flood affected families in Afghanistan. State Ministry for disaster management

(SMDM) in a statement said the donated nonfood items by Japan included 500 tents,

1410blankets and 384 shelters.

SMDM minister Najeeb Aka Fahim said out of mention donations 140tents, 1170blankets

and 10 shelters have transferred to Helmand province to be distributed between needy


The UNHCR helping transforming these aids to the victim families of recent floods.

According to him, his ministry in cooperation with relevant ministries and inferential aid

association has distributed floods & nonfood relief to 26500 recent natural disaster affected

families in different provinces.

Japan ambassador in Kabul, MitsujiSuzoka said, his country had donated $11milion to the

govt. of Afghanistan, which is part of aid to be allocated to the disaster affected families.

Japan donates non-food item to these families, while recent floods in Herat, Faryab ,Badghis,

Balkh, Jawjan, Sar-e-pul & chor proviences have killed at least 41 people ,while 39 other


During these floods caused by heavy rains, 8 people still missing,698 houses

destroyed and 4810 partly. Till date, SMDM has distributed food items to 1325 families and

nonfood items to 1025 families and the trend of helping affected families is in full swing in

different proviences.[ CITATION MEN19 \l 1033 ]

Japan gives India aid to develop northeast states: it is a part of India the Japanese

invaded during world war 2.They also fought one of three bloodiest battles hare with the

Allied forces .The north –eastern part of India, which witnessed the legendary battle of

Kohima & imphal, is now welcoming the Japanese back.

India is increasingly encouraging Japanese investment and collaboration in its northeastern

states as the two countries bolsters their partnership in this strategic region for a ‘free & open’

Indo Pacific.

Of the five loan agreements that were singed during Prime Minister Narendra Modi

visit to Japan last month, there were four projects in the northeastern region. This includes

loans of 5.5 billion yen for the renovation & modernization of a hydroelectric power station

in the state of Meghalaya, 25billion yen for improving connectivity between Dhubri in Assam

& Phulbari in Meghalaya, & 12.3million yen for a sustainable forest management project in

Tripura .

India & Japan had decided to set up the Act East Forum in September last year to

spearhead development projects for this region that has lagged behind most part of the

country, especially in terms of infrastructure development. The forum according to the Indian

ministry of Externals Affairs, aims to provide a platform for India Japan collaboration under

India’s Act East policy & Japan’s free & Open Indo Pacific Strategy.

It has meet twitch so far and its last meeting on October 8, the two countries decided to

expedite projects on connectivity, disaster managements, biodiversity conservation &

vocational training. The northeastern states share borders with Bhutan, Nepal, China,

Myanmar & Bangladesh and the region is often described as India’s springboard to Asean

because of its strategic location. It includes 8states and a combined population of more than

45million people.[ CITATION Dev18 \l 1033 ]

Bangladeshi students should consider studying in Japan: Bangladeshi student

pursuing higher education abroad have been going to Japan for many years as Japan has

generous scholarship available and the overall cost of higher education is lower than that of

most other popular study abroad destinations. However, despite the higher cost of education,

countries like USA, UK and Canada continue to much more preferable.

According to the latest data from UNESCO, over 30000 Bangladeshi students are

pursuing higher education overseas. Malaysia had the highest number of Bangladeshi

students at 6534students in 2015 followed by USA with 5441 students. UK and Australia

were also among the popular destination while Japan had 876 Bangladeshi students in2014.

Japan is worth being considered a desirable study-abroad destinations by more Bangladeshi

students as it offers something’s students often seek: the opportunity to work in the foreign

country they had graduate from,Morever,Japan has affordable tution,scholarship and

availability of part time work for students. However, students do have to be willing to learn

Japanese in order to reap these benefits.

While some Japanese universities offer programmers taught in English, not all do.

Therefore, it depends on the requirements of individuals universities if a student needs to

learn Japanese in order to pursue a degree in Japan.Universitys that do offer programs in

English may require applicants to show proof of English language proficiency such as

IELTS. If the students targeted universities do offer the relevant classes in English, then the

student can learn Japanese once they are enrolled there, although it is advisable to have at

least a basic idea of Japanese so that learning a new language along with university education

will not be overwhelming later on.


‘Japanese language can make life smooth & easy hare’ advised Fateema Mohammed

who worked at KDDI Corporation in Japan after completing his BBA at Ritsumeikan Asia

Pacific University, to perspective Bangladeshi students who want to study and live in

Japan.He also shared that while the first one or two years can be tough, people do get used to

the culture.[ CITATION Bus17 \l 1033 ]

Improving public administration and legal sector

Public administration plays an important role in every national and international

relationship. But in our South Asia, pubic administration is not good enough. Corruption

stands in every step of administration sector. For instance, Bangladesh and Indian here no

administrational sign without money. That’s why some Japanese private companies go back

from investment in those territory. On the other hand, the slow working design of

administration some Japan Bangladesh & Japan India project hang on. Japan plays an

important role for South Asia in economical and social welfare. Japan-Bangladesh

Comprehensive Friendship has been named as the new relationship between Japan and

Bangladesh. Special Representative and Global Partnership of India-Japan New Relation A

New Partnership Between Maritime countries Japan has started with Sri Lanka Japan-

Myanmar Investment Agreement signed with Myanmar in December last year According to

the Japan External Trade Organization .[ CITATION Jap14 \l 1033 ] 2013 report, Japanese

companies have the second largest in the world in Pakistan. At first, there are Japanese

companies located in Taiwan. Nepal Embassy in February this year held in Tokyo, Japan's

Investment Seminar in Nepal Japan is assisting Bhutan's economy studies, on which the

Bhutan Economic Development Strategy Paper will be created. It is easy to understand that

Japan is very much interested in creating new relationships with the countries of this region.

In Bangladesh view , Japan-Bangladesh relations were established in February 1972.

Japan is the 11th largest export market in Bangladesh; Bangladesh's imports from Bangladesh

account for 26% of total imports from LDCs and among the countries, Bangladesh is second

only to Cambodia. Among the products imported from Japan, leather goods, ready made

garments and shrimp are among the most commonly used products. Japan has become the

fourth largest source of direct foreign investment in Bangladesh.

With the confidence of Bangladesh, it will be able to highlight the picture of the

advanced countries like Japan in the larger scale, to the west. When Bangladesh is seeking

massive foreign investment, 21 prominent businessmen and industrial entrepreneurs with 21

entrepreneurs and seven members of Alliance G-7 member Japan Prime Minister's visit to

Dhaka will be the big message for the developed world. This tour is significant for the

development of Bangladesh. (September 8, 2014, Kaler Kantha)

In India, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi discussed the security of the security

of the Prime Minister Shinzo Abra, with the bilateral economic cooperation in Japan, and the

borrowing of two leaders was signed in the loan-assisted exchange candidate. In this custody,

Japan is giving borrowing to 288 million US dollars for seven projects of India.[ CITATION

Haq18 \l 1033 ]

Japan especially wants to develop a economical investment sector in South Asia. One

of the help that Japan offers through South Asia is that, extensive development of transport

communication, sustainable uninterrupted power supply, urban development such as

economic zone development and development of private sector such as finance. This is why

South Asian interest in japan.

But japan do not invest huge amount in South Asia for South Asian Bureaucratic

Complexity. Bureaucratic complications are a major obstacle to the economic growth of

South Asia. Because of this, business expenditure increases. This reduces the competition of

companies' competition. In order to start a business due to the complex legal framework,

there are a dozen government offices to tour. , Bureaucrats used to work routinely. Working

outside the routine to solve any problem is against the nature of bureaucrats. As a result, there

is a sudden lack of speed in government work and another is the long-term formula towards

bureaucrats has become almost proverbial. The work runs lazily to delay decision making

where it needs to be done. The all government of South Asian countries have to change the

bureaucracy system for increasing foreign investment in their country. Always government

look into bureaucracy system and ensure accountability so that, foreign investment company

do not face any crisis for their work, especially for Japan.

Technical Assistance to Development Plans And Projects

Japan is the second largest aid donor in the world. Over the past 30 years, it has

provided over $200 billion to development as part of its official assistance program.   While

the top recipients of Japan's aid are primarily countries in East and South East Asia, it is also

one of the largest donors in several African countries.

“With attention focused on the rapid rise of China and its increasing influence in the

South Asian neighborhood, it would be easy to overlook the increasingly engaged role that

Japan is playing in the same region. The fact that Japan is taking notice of the changing

geopolitical realities of the world is evidenced from the changes it is making in its defense

outlook along with the economic engagement of Japan with major South Asian nations. Japan

already has strong ties with India and is increasing its engagement with countries like

Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.”[ CITATION Nat19 \l 1033 ]

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations has been making efforts to enhance its

economic competitiveness by sustaining economic growth and strengthening regional

integration while at the same time expanding and deepening economic interdependence

outside the region. Economic interdependence between ASEAN and Japan has been steadily

increasing, making ASEAN Japan’s second largest trade partner. Private direct investment

from Japan to ASEAN Member Countries over the past ten years has reached a substantial

level further demonstrating the close economic linkages between ASEAN member Countries

and Japan. Japan has assisted the economic and social development of ASEAN Member

Countries by providing bilateral Official Development Assistance , thereby contributing to

the peace, stability and prosperity in the region. Japan also attaches special importance to

ASEAN Member Countries and has deeply committed itself to forging stronger relations with

the ASEAN region through its ODA and by promoting trade and investment, building on the

achievements made so far. The ties between Japan and ASEAN, which are geographically

close to one another, have been continuing for over 40 years since the start of friendly

relations in 1973. Japan and ASEAN have built a relationship of trust. At the end of 2015, the

ASEAN Community launched, in a move toward deeper regional ties. The ASEAN

Community consists of three pillars: the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC), the

ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC).

“Japan's involvement as a donor of official Development assistance can be traced back,

historically, to post second world war arrangements for war damage reparations. At that time,

the late 1940s , early 1950s, Japan was itself a low income country , whose industries had

suffered widespread dislocation and ruin due to war .Yet, the new post-war Japanese

government, eager to work its way back into the comity of nations, undertook to make

reparation for the destruction of economic assets in the territories that had been fought over.”[

CITATION Rud89 \l 1033 ]

Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA): “JICA” is advancing its activities

around the pillars of a field-oriented approach, human security, and enhanced effectiveness,

efficiency, and speed. JICA has been carrying out support to ASEAN that emphasizes

connectivity since before the launch of the ASEAN Community so that ASEAN develops as

a single region and grows along with Japan. In addition, JICA is engaged in support for the

development of high level human resources to bolster the countries and industries of ASEAN,

in support to solve urban problems and in support to help create the rules of society to cope

with the changing times. JICA is supporting quality growth in ASEAN by putting to work the

experiences and technologies of Japan. Two corridors bear the burden of connecting the land

within the ASEAN region:

1. The East-West Economic Corridor, which stretches from Da Nang, Vietnam, to

Mawlamyine, Myanmar, and

2. The Southern Economic Corridor, which runs from Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city in

Vietnam, through Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, and Bangkok, the capital of

Thailand, to Dawei, Myanmar.

JICA provides support for road repairs and improvements to ports and tunnels in

various locations. In addition, JICA provided assistance to build two bridges on the Mekong

River, invigorating the flow of people and goods.

Japan Special Fund (JSF): was established in 1988. The JSF supports ADB's technical

assistance program with untied grants that ADB administers. It helps ADB developing

member countries (DMCs) restructure their economies in response to the changing global

environment, broaden their opportunities for new investment, and prepare loan projects.

JSF's particular Features are

1. Industrialization

2. Natural resource development

3. Human resource development

4. Technology transfer



1. Rural Roads Sector III Project

2. Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project (CHTRDP II)

3. High Mountain Agribusiness and Livelihood Improvement (HIMALI) Project

4. Clean Energy and Access Improvement Project

5. Sustainable Coastal Protection and Management Investment Program

6. Preparing Nonsovereign Urban Infrastructure Projects

7. Urban Primary Health Care Sector Development Program”[ CITATION Asa19 \l 1033 ]

Financial and Monetary Cooperation

 Bilateral Swap Arrangements (BSA)

 Asian Development Bank (ADB)

 Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI)

Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships 

(AOTS): “AOTS” is an organization for human resources development in developing

countries to promote technical cooperation through training, experts dispatch and other


“The elderly population in Japan is growing remarkably. To fulfil the demand for labour ,

the country has to import skilled manpower and its first choice is Bangladesh, said Masud

Kamal, the chief coordinator of the research”.[ CITATION APF18 \l 1033 ]

Japan Development Corporation (JODC) : Gant aid and yen loans by the Japan Bank

for International Cooperation (JBIC) as well as scholarship programmes, especially in the

following 7 major issues under “Japan-ASEAN Total Plan for Human Resource

Development”: policy making and public administration; industry and energy; education;

global issues (environment, infectious diseases); community empowerment; minimizing

regional disparity (south-south cooperation); and information and communication technology


Automobile and Auto Parts Industry: Cooperate in the field of automobile industry

through government and business dialogue, studying current situation, dispatching roving

experts, and sharing Japan’s experiences and best practices in order to strengthen

competitiveness of ASEAN automobile industry and promote the integration of ASEAN

automobile market.

“South Asia is poised to benefit from this scenario. Studies on the likely trade

outcomes point to Pakistan as one of the biggest beneficiaries in Asia, after Malaysia and

Japan. India and Bangladesh are also likely to benefit, albeit to a lesser degree. Most of the

opportunities are in agricultural imports, such as soybeans, where China’s dependence on the

United States is significant. Other opportunities exist in imports of automobiles and medical

devices.”[ CITATION Ami19 \l 1033 ]

Cooperation on Transportation

 Implement the 16 joint projects and their work plans for 2003 -2004 as agreed at the

First Meeting of ASEAN and Japan Transport Ministers

 Formulate and implement plans to improve logistics, including the human resource

capacity in the logistics sector, especially in the facilitation of distribution of materials

Information and Communication Technology

 Asia IT Initiative

 Asia Broadband Program

Improving Trade and Economy


Japan's monetary relations with Asian nations have quickly turned out to be

progressively close as of late, fundamentally through exchange and direct venture. In Asia,

Japanese organizations have sought after a "discontinuity system," which alludes to

separating creation forms furthermore, allotting each procedure, through direct venture, to the

nation or area fit to execute it generally proficiently. Thus, when a specific item is produced,

its middle of the road materials and parts are effectively exchanged between creation bases

situated in different Asian nations, prompting the arrangement of a provincial creation

organize. The development of such systems has fundamentally added to the financial

development not just of Asian nations yet in addition of Japan. Factors behind the

development of such systems incorporate the nearness of wide holes in the nature of

specialists and the dimension of wages between Asian nations because of contrasts in the

level of financial advancement just as the progression of approaches on exchange and direct

interest in Asian nations. Be that as it may, hindrances on exchange and direct speculation

remain[ CITATION Shu14 \l 1033 ]

Japan has a positive image in Bangladesh with huge direct investments. Hundreds of

Japanese nationals lives in Bangladesh. Recently japan has invested in Matarbari Deep Sea

Port and its being developed by Japanese consortium and it will also help the chitagong port

to lose some pressure. The important geographical location of the port and rising economic

potential of Bangladesh prompted Japan to invest in the operation, which is sure to yield

long-term benefits. Japan is the largest donor in Bangladesh with almost $1.8 billion given in

loan support in 2018. [ CITATION Dwa18 \l 1033 ]

India act as a foundation for Japan in South Asia and Tokyo is developing

participation with new Delhi over all areas such as, monetary, strategic, social and military.

Japan is considering taking up a job close by India to build up the deliberately imperative port

of Chabahar in Iran, which would go about as a counter to the Chinese-sponsored Gwadar

port in Pakistan. There are plans for Japan to develop a modern mind boggling too, which

would comprise a huge interest in the undertaking.[ CITATION Sac18 \l 1033 ]

In Bhutan and Pakistan, Japan presently can't seem to make any huge advances and

has been stepping toward venture and more prominent commitment. Japan has consented to

give advanced education to youthful Bhutanese government workers in Japanese colleges and

is investigating open doors for more prominent interest in the nation. Pakistan is likewise

looking for Japanese speculation with the administration attempting to charm speculators

significantly in its Data Innovation area. In any case, the insecure security condition in

Pakistan has tempered Japan's ability to put resources into the nation while China remains

Pakistan's "iron sibling." [ CITATION Kyo18 \l 1033 ]

Another promising zone for Japan presently is Nepal. Japan happens to be an essential

exchanging accomplice for Nepal and records for a noteworthy lump of Remote Direct

Interest in the nation. At a 2017 venture summit held in Kathmandu, Nepal, Japanese

financial specialists set forward figures as high as $1 billion for interest in the nation. In

excess of 60,000 Nepali nationals live in Japan and the number is set to develop with an

expanding number of Nepali understudies making a beeline for Japan to seek after higher

investigations. Sister city relations have additionally been set up between Koyasan in Japan

and Lumbini in Nepal. [ CITATION Sar19 \l 1033 ]

In Sri Lanka, China has been in charge of real framework extends, and had the

capacity to assume control over the Hambantota remote ocean port because of the

powerlessness of the Sri Lankans to satisfy their obligations successfully. This would

fundamentally build the ability of China to impact the real exchange courses that go through

the Indian Sea area. Japan as of late given two watch make for the Sri Lankan coast monitor,

with every vessel costing almost $11 million. Japan's turn demonstrates its readiness to make

strides so as to counter China's inexorably dug in nearness in the district.[ CITATION Pan18 \l

1033 ]


The scope of the South Asia and Japan alliance is good. A lot of development can be

brought by this friendship. According to many this phenomenon can balance the overpower

and influence of China on world economy. Some have argued that the United States has

grown less engaged in Asia and that China is becoming the region’s hegemon. They see

China’s economic investments in the “One Belt One Road” initiative and Asian Infrastructure

Investment Bank as the means by which Beijing is influencing Southeast Asian countries to

give up their neutral stances on issues that matter to China and appease it. While that may be

true in a few cases, such reasoning assumes that, without the United States, countries in the

region have no other recourse. Such reasoning overlooks Japan’s sustained engagement and

the ways that Japan has stepped up to match China’s influence.

With Abe’s resounding victory in the Diet’s October 2017 election, Japan is likely to

further strengthen its ties with Southeast Asia. Indeed, Japan may become an alternative for

those countries in the region that may feel the United States has become distracted or

disinterested, especially as American endeavors in Asia have decreased under the current

administration. Were China to increase its economic, military, or diplomatic pressure on the

region, many countries could turn to Japan, especially if Abe successfully revises the security

provisions of Japan’s pacifist Constitution. This can bring lots of good for the South Asian

countries. This initiative of Japan has become a huge opportunity for the SA countries to

develop their economy, trade and Infrastructure with help of Japan’s funding and technical


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