Ap Singh Abstract Algebra

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First Edition By Dr A.P. SINGH | | Ph.D. (Mathematics), Indian Young Scientist Awardee M.Sc. (Gold Medalist) PU., B.Sc. (Gold Medalist) PLU iG INFOSTUDY PUBLICATIONS BE:INFORMED BE‘ LEARNED @INFOSTUDY PUBLICATIONS Al ights reserved 2017, INFOSTUDY PUBLICATIONS. Phone : +91-9876788051, Email: infostudypublications@gmail.com "No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any ‘means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, wi ‘rior written permission of the publisher. has acquired the ‘though every prec ications or its authors or the editors ty is assumed for damages that may ‘All disputes subject to Chandigarh Jurisdiction ony. Price :€ 675 ISBN : 078-81-933360-6-6 Printed and bound in India by BANSAL GRAPHICS ‘Chandigarh For futher information on INFOSTUDY PUBLICATIONS Visit - wwewinfostudypublications.com This book is designed for the students who are preparing for various National Level ‘compet /e examinations and also inspires to enter into Ph.D. Programs by qualifying the various entrance exams, This book elaborates the basic definitions of Group Theory. The concept of Class Equation lustrated in a very suitable way for the ease of students. Sylow's Theorems are explained with good examples. In addition to it, the book discusses the concepts of Ring ‘Theory and Field Theory in bret. nthe end, the topics of Number Theory are explained. ‘The main attribute ofthis book is that utmost care has been taken of the fact that Modem ‘Algebras present the major part ofall competitive exams and accordingly the examples. ‘and the problems have been listed ‘The practice sets are introduced at the end of the topics which includes a variety of ‘questions from CSIR UGC NET, IIT JAM, TIFR, NBHM and GATE previous year question papers. These questions are carefully selected so that the students can apply mathematical knowledge in solving the questions. In addition toit, the solved examples are «also given at the end of every chapter which will help in deep understanding of the topics discussed. The key points provide the quick revision of every chapter. Also, a well-thought ‘question bank, in the form of various assignments is given at the end of each chapter which ‘covers entire prescribed topics, so as to facilitate students to do more and more practice ‘and hence secure good results. ‘While comping this book, more stress is given on problem solving technique rather than language or exact mathematical symbols. Any suggestions for the improvement of the book willbe highly appreciated. DAP. Singh CHAPTER 14. 15, 16. ww. 18 14 15, 118. 1: GROUP THEORY GROUP ‘SUBGROUP coser ABELIAN GROUP NORMAL SUBGROUP eycLic GROUP ‘QUOTIENT GROUPS DIRECT PRODUCTS ‘SOME IMPORTANT GROUPS. HOMOMORPHISM AND ISOMORPHISM CENTRE OF A GROUP. NORMALIZER SUBGROUP, CCENTRALIZER OF AN ELEMENT OR NORMALZER OF AN ELEMENT COMMUTATOR SUBGROUP FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF FINITE ABELIAN GROUPS NUMBER OF NON- ISOMORPHIC ABELIAN GROUPS. KEY POINTS ASSIGNMENT 1.1 ASSIGNMENT 1.2 ASSIGNMENT 1.3, [ASSIGNMENT 1.4 ANSWERS. ‘i ® CHAPTER ~ 2 : PERMUTATIONS AND SYLOW'S THEOREM 2a 22. 23, 24. CONJUGACY CLASSES AND CONIUGACY EQUIVALENCE RE PERMUTATIONS. ‘SYMMETRIC GROUP Sa. ALTERNATING GROUP An at om BLEEK BSS B22 a, ( as 26 27. 28 CLASS EQUATION SYLOWS THEOREM RESULTS ON SIMPLE GROUPS SOLVABLE GROUPS AND JOROAN-HOLDER THEOREM, KEY PONTS ASSIGNMENT 21. ASSIGNMENT 22 ANSWERS CHAPTER - 3: RING THEORY 31 32 33. 34 35. 36. RING ‘SUBRING TYPES OF RING ZERO-ONISORS INTEGRAL DOMAIN, UNIT OF RING BOOLEAN RING CHARACTERISTIC OF A RING EQUIVALENCE RELATION ON RING IDEALS. QUOTIENT RING. RING HOMOMORPHISM FIELD OF QUOTIENTS. POLYNOMIAL RINGS ... SOME DEFINITIONS. . PRINCIPLE IDEAL OOMAIN (PID) EUCLIDEAN DOMAIN (ED) UNIQUE FACTORIZATION DOMAIN (UFO)... ‘CONTENT OF POLYNOMIAL PRIMITIVE POLYNOMIAL... wo 7 98 9 100 100 101 102 3.21, IRREDUGIBLE POLYNOMIAL ASSIGNMENT 35. ANSWERS. CHAPTER - 4 : FIELD THEORY | | SIMPLE | ALGEBRAIC EXTENSION | 45. MONIC POLYNOMIAL | 18 MPYWAL POUNOMAL FACTOR THEOREM SPLITTING FIELO CONJUGATE ELEMENTS... gy SEPARABLE POLYNOMIAL SEPARABLE ELEMENT SEPARABLE. EXTENSION PURELY INSEPARABLE EXTENSION NORMAL EXTENSION GALOIS EXTENSION FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF GALOIS THEORY ANSWERS. "8 170 14 181 { i oo CHAPTER - § : COMBINATORICS & NUMBER THEORY ‘81. PIGEONHOLE PRINCIPLE 52 PRINCIPLE OF INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION 53. PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS 54 IMPORTANT REMARKS 55. WELL-ORDERING PRINCIPLE 56 57. 58, THE DIVISION ALGORITHM 59. GREATEST COMMON DIVISOR (9.4) 5.410. LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE 5.11, PRIME NUMBERS AND COMPOSITE NUMBERS. 5.12 CONGURENCES 5.13. COMPLETE RESIDUE SYSTEM 5.14. REDUCED RESIDUE SYSTEM 5.5. LINEAR CONGRUENCE 5.16. SPECIAL OMISIBILITY TEST 5.17. NUMBER THEORETIC FUNCTIONS 5.18. SQUARE FREE INTEGER 5.19, GREATEST INTEGER FUNCTION. 5.20. ORDER OF a MODULO n 521, PRIMITIVE ROOTS KEY POINTS... ASSIGNMENT 5.1 ASSIGNMENT 522... ASSIGNMENT 53... ASSIGNMENT 54... ANSWERS, (ity 183 185 185 188 181 191 wt | 191 192 193 | 194 195 ww | 7 | 198 | 23 | 206 | 208 208 209 210 at 233 27 21 285 248 MODERN ALGEBRA (CHAPTER -1 CHAPTER - 1 GROUP THEORY rRoDUCTION Orne neue « Grows a set wth an operation ar ling ck of barat letra. Group ery is basicly the say of sina on Gog hye may pestis mae end a as of et I thoy a compra tintin fen cars th raps: some rp deed. ern terminology To anders th come of Vase an erin Pra oor vr tur diy Ne we can ee Hind woahip ‘ord ana Mus worship ‘Allah, re Beye die ere things? No they bok worship Gd with eifrens erin In hs chapter rips me defo of terms hat are wed 0 dese rp. he dierent ro “Cx Lt. GROUP Gis a group fond nls G sates Bok the cameo ws. gether witha Binary composibon denoied maltysicaavey ao group and oly f cVa hoe ; be the equation ax = Band ya = B hove selcions in | | MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-1 Examples of Groups: D—Serofintegers Bia group under abdtion, bt not a group under mulpication @ lion 0 o o (Set ofall matrices of onder mn, group under addition ©) Set (1, w, wb, se of eube roots of uy sgroup under maliptication ab = ac = = € (left cancellation law) a= cab » € (right cancellation low) ELS Some Definitions: ® [Notes Ifno such leas postive integer exists foram eloment a then we say that a has infinite order, (2) Fsponent of e Group Let G bea fie grou. Iki largest among the orders of al elements of G (Centre of Group: The centre 2(G) ofa group G is defined by 2G) = (26 G\2x= 22 V2 G} 2 | a 0 ls on Onder ofan Element group, then order of any element ofG divides the order of. x66, O@)=068'a. for any 6 G, O(a i fie, then fr any integer, a" =e => Ota). For any to coments BG, O(0b)=O'bs) 1 Ofa)-m onda postive integer Hi. Ben O(a ti on G. Further for anya G the et tha | he HH) 8 the equivalence class to which belongs group and Hs a subgroup of G. Then equivalence relation on G. Farther for any a © G belongs. yruence modulo H is an valence clase to which Important Remar: (YA vomenpy se ofa group G a subrou of Gand onl fab H => act (2) L1G be aoun and 1 be a fine nonempty subset of 6. Then Hi a subgroup of G if and ony if abe Horalla, be H. Important Rests on Subgroups: (Ith and Kare subgroups ofa group G, then HK i a subgroup of Gif and ony if HK =KH. 2) Forany wo subgroups H and K ofa group G, HK isa subgroup of . (ame z Se) Legrange’s Theorem: The order of en subgroup of fie prop di MH and K are fine subgroups ofa group G, thn O\HK) = o “OW K) Cenre of grou (ie. 2G) sa subgroup of the group iG coser Let be a subgroup ofa group G. Then for amv a € G. (oft mG nd the se al» (ah \ he Hy called le 1G isan abeion group then Ha = alt a G. poet of Coe: 1G bea group. H be a subgroup of Ganda, be G. Thi ) Ho=HeraeH, oN ald right coset, Ha= Hoe ab" © H, ° A none ip Forafackineger fo.) 2m abn gro, Foro oie nege y+) finite lon grupo oder (ae Oe) MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-1 Examples of Now Abelian Groups: wo ng determinant equa oI over afield -ahelion group, Tingronp wn as Special Linear Group of deree mandi dented by SUF) 07 SLJF) rage @ Oe. Important Rests om Akan Group: aNV As? “Subgroup of an abelian groups aban SPN 7 AAS vey arup of rkerp isabean where ppm on yg (4 Ifevery proper subgroup of Gis Abelian then Gay 1S, NORMAL SUBGROUP AS “A subgroup H ofa group G ie ado bea norma. AYA Importer Rests on Normal Subgroups: NY BWP “subgroup I ofa rowpG is normale ond drifg ige H for every he Hg G. {WH and Kare wo shroup fG2uc that iter Hor Kis normal a. then HK isa subgrong of (9) ACBGG and ormal a, then A arma iB Last (0 Everypbgrotbusokeelon groups nomal & py 0) Axtiheap Saag na group Gis a nomal nbgroup of G ® Ypithe® factor of order of nite group G, then ay subgroup of ines ps noma Every fine group of even order hata least one element of onder 2 {His subgroup of G such hat & H far every € G, chen His a normal subgroup of (11) 7H sa subgroup of group G such that index of Hin Gis 2, thew is normal subgroup of eee 1) beeen) MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-1 Note: Fora group G. G and fe} ue bvers subgroups Gand these subgroup are called trivial SL. Simple Group: A grow G+ fe} which doesnot have any non-ival normal subgroup i called @ simple group. (2, foraltmiea cyte group of onder m under addition modo 0) = (0,324.4, Jo ‘Also, mi for al me Zea cyclic group generated by Bxamples of Groups which are not ec: 0 2) R +). the group of real numbers under a 8) the group of complex mumbers under (0. te group of non-zero rational mambers unde (6) (Rt, jth group of nonzero real numbers der (9 (%).the group of ronsero complex numbers ander Some Important Results on Celie: (Bamber generators of cyte group G of order n= Wn), wheres Euler's faction ©) Subgroup of ace roup ieee, But comerse need not be re. = : MODERN ALGEBRA paeeenaiee (2) Comverse of Lagrange’: orem ir frectc roa. | O16) and Gis fie cco, Sen (G has aunque subgroup of order (4) Bveryeelicgrop is abelian bu converse is not 0 lecjelc group has preci wo generar (6) Every group of prime onder ie. o iecyclc groups tomorphic tothe ative group of integers (8) Ansfinte li group of onder nis somorpc to 2, (0) Any ft yi group of same order are isomorphic atl areal distinct 1) Forsime eer >I kt 6= be ai group of order Shoe ta Fe i ee mca ena of 6 fad oly tm et abe of generates ocuen (1) Let bee grup with st vo clement ch tht has marmot than} and isl The Goel pup of prime oner 112) Any subgroup ofthe alive group of aegers i of the form or KE where mis some non-negative (13) Let be afte group and d(O1G), then number of eplc subgroups of order d of, vue of tetas. ria 2 Satay ts eds ¢ fin wd) M Euler's} - Function: For any postive integer n,n) denoes the number of hase positive integers which are les than mand are relatively prime om is elled Euler's function Le. Gnd Re Ne 1SkS mand (hn) =I) 17. QUOTIENT GRours LAM. Definition: Let @ bea group and let N be a normal subgroup of G. Then the set GIN of ll cosets of N in G, together with the Binary compaction defied by (Nal(NB) = Nab for all Na, NB & Gi, is @ group, and called she quotient group of G by. Nate: “A quotient gro i alo called 0 factr group. Further f the binary composition in Gis addition, each cate of N in Gis dented at N +a then the binary composition in GN i also denoted additively, ke, we write (N+a)+(V+B)=N'+ (at), where be G : } MODERN ALGEBRA, Examples on Quatent Group: OY Since te an abelian group under factor group of the thre re This isa group of order 3. im, then Ea normal sabgroup of and hus 1/5 the e084 RD HL Consider G = Rand) Then RIN is quien! gro, subgroup N= far © Rom € Ny 1s the st of al real mmbors ©) GR Ebemoma snp Soll camper amber: wth Important Reason Quotient Groups (Y Porat Gand for ach normal subgroup Nf. 0168) = 26> ON) ) ¥Givabei Nis normal i G. then GIN iv also abelian (vei) Wnts, 1A DIRECT PRODUCTS ‘Important Resales on fiernal end Eternal Direct Products (0 ey Ges! ttf em gps sare @ OG x6, %.xG, ifn fant onl F6,.6...6, are fit. Moreover. 06,6, %.XG,)= 0G) OG;).. G,) [eee <*> eneeenEeeeeReRE| CHAPTER-1 are abelian Gis abelian ond onl if med mat be 19. SOME IMPORTANT GROUPS 1.21 DINEDRAL GROUP (—Wpisancdd prime, hen any group of order i © 193 GROUP OF (yaTTS OF U Gy Pe 1 called he grog of aise nf order). sents hy Mo Uy sags fol eeryn (i) Let = mayen, where ge (,. 1) = [fori . Then Ufm) =U (n) © U (a) ® -.® Uy (Gu) YU) is eel, then mamberof generators of Utaj~PLo(n)), where is an Euler's font o)—‘Wresare relatively prime, then U r8) = U(A)@UC, SSS SS ee JODERN ALGEBRA = eae CHAPTER -1 | MODERN ALGEBRA GHAPTER-1 ' Counting reas | a L WG=2XL, god(mn) #1, Number of elomens of order 2 nG=1,x1, i Since Z yiseyee > U2) isp Number of elements of order 2 linG= 2x29, Example 19.2 Number of generator of Since U275) = UA: Number of elements of order 2 an 3 |ing=z,x2,x2, Evample 19.4 Fd hereof [2% BXUH0)] | Sotain 2g XD_X U0) 2 2@yx20,xZ/U0)) Hy X Re Ry XU i (Now, O [yD Uld)] = OZ By] * Of2 Dy] X 0 (ZU (1)] = 10% 2x 10= 200, j Aikedral group of order 2a L103. Monomorphism: A homomorphism fwhich i atthe same time is one-one is called monomorphism. ‘L104. Endomorphiom: A homomorphion ofa group Gonto itself called am endomorphism of 1105 Isomorphiam: A homomorphism fof group G onto a group G's called an isomorphism if fis one-one mapping Important Results on Homomorphism: “Agro G's be a hamamarhe nage of gro Gif heres a nonin ff Gone grap Gf here exes a mri WE ono G ow 4 RY fondo domaynn ate pene rohan rom G9 6 ee Oe , LF phism: a eee iam of a group G into a group G¥itien he elf the set WOO edema! of er hy Tet G and G be any two groups, e ane fe For any group G, Inn) i. normal subgroup of Au(G)- Further Inn(Gya/2(G), where 2) denotes the conre of. ‘Let bea group anda G, The the mapping GC defined by ffs) = axa" ian eutomorphism 6. Tn (G) = 1} fond only fs abelian. Theorem 1 ' Wesco se { on Theorem 1103.7: Freshman’s Theorem: Lei nd isa nama subgroup of Gand Theorem 11094: Comespontence Theorem: Let N be @ subgroup of a group G. There is oncone “oripondence berm subgronpe of G contaning N end sbrous of GN. This corespondence ttn nse one-one corespondencebeeten normal subroups of G containing N and sabgroups of on. 110.10 Counting of Group Homomorphisns: | Sut Eommpin amber ef rap homomorphisms i Theorem L1RSL1 Let G beanie abelian group of orden { ‘omorphi fd) = Homomorpin 1 [etc rp G For example: Conse f:5,-»2, peal 10 hr) == Karfo dys ake As, ce, and hence abelian But 5, ron abton Homomorhism() frm an ifnite 2 | ote run Gt an inte group ‘Theorem 1.1093: The homamorpic image of cle gro i eelie, btcomerse of the above Acres ot « rem 1.1894 Fran hen of Homme Lt be sais 0 tml rg 6, ben GI sa hamemorphie 6 then Gis tomorpic some ther 6 20hecf 43 | Homma) rom 2,0, BP Nbr of ano amr 1109.5: Fest theorem of Isomorphom: Le {be a homomorphism ofa group G onto a group G of A) fie "(). Then K isa namel Ee Of mtn Homomorphim(s) from (0. +)10 | 7 Vinee haa rseramamnn MODERN ALGEBRA (CHAPTER -1 MODERN ALEEBRA CHAPTER -1 For Example: 5 | Homomorphism from S,t0 2, Number of eee subgroups of G =D, where Dis dihedral group of order mp of order Ii alwys cli and numberof subgroups of order | of Homomorphiom(s) from Ty t0 2x2, 7 | Htomomorphism(s) from 2,102 1g. | Naber of homomorphisms) from 2,X1,101,x2, 9 | tomomonphism/s) from S,t08, | 10 - 2) Number of cyclic subgroups of C= 2g ‘Solution: Since Gis yt, then ll subgroups of Gare eli Phas number ofc subgroup = numberof subgroup of Zy€ (10) = 4 = mumber of elie subgroups of 2y= 4 Moreover, since Ty is ee ha unique cubgroup corresponding to each disor. naar iso ique subgroup corresponding to each diz of 10. } LIL CENTRE OFA GROUP ! The cenre of grow Gis fined by 2(G) = (ee G| 2x = 2¥ €6) } Results on Cone of G: (1) Centre ofa group, 6) is always a normal subgroup of G: | moto oc ane opin ® gaze 1 | Renter of tomospRna om, [2 ae Fl imBer of domorpiims From D,_| 8) : © YOAG) seer Gs abean 5 | Renter of Taner Aomorsions (©) 7G isabetan hen 26) = G from, n>2 | s ( = MODERN ALGEBRA (CHAPTER-1 MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-1 LIL Centres of Some Important Groups: nisoad =D, forn2 the died group of onder 2, then Z(G) — WO=D, form 3. the dihedral group of ee @ Laj-2, za@-u | and 0 (200) (an ce 7@)-a ny 7@)=R zw=c oo ‘Since alhe above groups under addition are abelian, tas ther centres the group se « a eour el fo WG~SL, (0) forn> 1 then Z(G) 9) Ptee4 20-0) o al. 0) 46 =0L,R)forn> Iter 206)=A=)0 | fwaer and 0 [21,6] =" o- 0a), hy YG" Qy= fELLL A) EL) the Quarteronian group of order 8 thn OFZ (Op) =2 eae ea 112. NORMALIZER SUBGR Let Shean no-no [2 0 0 Ns oe We simply write N69 for NS) and al (the normalise of (© Fox6t thy forn> then 266)-4a-|" *. G| eae ry ny rma Mec Noe a 2 aa Remark: NS) io subgroup of 2. and 02, (Fe) “4-1 113, CENTRALIZER OF AN ELEMENT OR NORMALIZER OF AN ELEMENT Centrale of am eoment eG, is the et ofl element in G that 20-0 an symbols Cla) = fg € G | g0 = and loa } (© G~S1, A forn> I. then Z)=4A= 0. 9 bent ()— LetG bea group and a6 6, then C¥a)=Cl'. lo 0a, nis odd | Cisasntyroypof vier a€ 6 saison t SS ne |) Cente ofan coment a G, need not Be an abelian subgroup of | ay fa 0 0] |) Yo Wabelan then Cla)= GV a6 G. oe a © sith Z2(G)=4A-| "| loee ty 6) WaE2(), then Ca) = 6 o- 00 and 0 (2°51, (F)] = ged(0.9~). . 6 wxce o x=)C@ MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-1 Example 1.13.1, Consider the group G = 2y=(0. 1,2 3.7). Find the conalzer ofeach element of 2, Example 113.2 Consider the dihedral group D, of order 8. D, = (By Rey Rr Ryy H. V. D. D'. Find ceniralier ofeach element ofD, 7 Ry Raw) = 20) In genera, the relation berweencenralizer ofan element of Gand cenre of Gis that (C(a)=2 (G) 14 COMMUTATOR SUBGROUP Let a,b be any two elements ofa group G. The commulaior ofa and b isthe element a'b‘ch. The commutators subgroup of @ denoted by G, & the subgroup of G generated by the set of all Ccommulators of G. The commutator subgroup is also called a fst derived subgroup or simply derived subgroup. Results on Commaetor Subgroup: () Let G deca group and G' bet commutaior subgroup, then _ Grisanormal eubgroup of. (Go For anpnormal subgroup H ofG, GI isan abelian group ifand only if contains G: 2) A group Gi commutative if and only if (Commutator subgroup of G)G'= {0 LIS, FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF FINITE ABELIAN GROUPS very fine abelian group isa diect product of plc groups of prime power order. Moreover, the ‘factorization i unique excep for rearrangement of he factors. ‘Some examples are given in below table when order of G isa prime power ee a onder of G_| Prins of 16) _| Penile dirct produce for G. 1 z, ‘SOME SOLVED EXAMPLES ‘Example 1. Find the ita numberof homomorphisms {GL {2) 2, Solution: Since O (GL). = 6. Le. order of general linear group of 2 matrices with entries nT, is 6 nd Gl, (Fw angrabeon rong Example 2 How many homomorphisms f:I_+Z,, are there? ‘Solution: Number ofhomomorphsms f:Zy—> Zyy= ged (10,25) =5 eee << Haseena) MODERN ALGEBRA CHAFTER-1 sample Rf Ty 9TXZ, Inv homomorphisms are there? Solution: Since: Zp 2,2, Then rumber of homomonphi Example & £2, x 2,92, x 7, Buanpte 6 £:5y-1, then how many homomerhiens are here? Solution: Since [55-03 oF f:,-+ . then mamberofhomomorphoms = 2. Here.n= 6s even] home Example 7 Iff: 1,1, then how many’ fmt are there? Solution: Since 2? 2. Here 48, numberof ono homer 5-010) =2, as kernel, hen snd number of elements of order 1 in S,= 1 Thus total mumber of homomorphisms = 4 Example 9. Iff: Ty >Z, XZ, how many onto homomorphisms are there? Solution: is eyelic and, X Zs abelian but not cele Also homemorphic image of etic group is etic then jf) = mus be eelic group of order 16 BulZ,xTZ, isnot elie and A = By xT ‘= Noonto homomorphism exists. MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER -1 Example 10iffTp-> Zp, how many aomorphioms are there? “ Solution: Number of Automorphisns Dy Zy. = 1 low many homomorphions Aut sare there? Solution: f Aut 24 | As Aut (Ey) 0 Ey and Aut (L,) =, them mmber of homomorphisms Jf Tag 9 Le = god (20) =2 Example 12. Let: G, + G, bea group homomorphism and 0 (G,) = 20, 0(6, = 25. then possible order of Kemal offi wi wr (3 Oo Solution: « MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER=1 | | Since O mp 0G) 3 O er = isp | Example 13. Find Inn(2y) Solution: Since fs y+, amanping off: R* P26) = tm (6) Sie sft) =f) 20 =e >2=y forall yER Thus fis one-to-one mapping Thus, there is only one inner automorphism ws, theres ony off. ' ‘Step It fre R", thon far) = er where (LnrjeR. Thus is onto Example 14. If: D,—> D, then how many ier - automorphisms of fare there? } Step W:Fors.y eB wehave fle y)=€°%= 2. =f) J) Phas, 4) 2’, How to show tht groups are not isomorphi | a | Example 15. Give example ofan infinite group in which every element is offi order Solution: Let be the group of integers under adltion. Further, let | The group i subgroup of ®. +) (Ofcourse there agg many other posible sractral properties which could have been listed. With the help of thexegractral properties one can easly show tt the two groups under consideration are not ‘eomorphe |) Howto show tha groups are izomerphic: ha (+) and (0%, arent somorphe: (ere Q* dees thse of al theron sero To show tha tw groups, (Gand (G) are isomorphic ers) ‘Ste Define a fncton that gives the somerphism of G wih. Sottion: Note that both the groupe are if, aban and bok are not eee. Tas these srt ‘Step Il: Show ht fi one-one farcton ‘proprizs stated above in the tbl holds in oth he groups under consideration. Now we check the S* ‘Step I: Show tha fi onto Strctral property i both the groups. 28 => J MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-1 ) | wf ® [me |? | s - i Important Note: (1) YO(G) 3, then Gas fem] 8 Tar i [1 | rape | Miter fees \ ©) YOG)S5, then Gis ays abcam Swsest mon-alon sro i of order 8 faztse lisesi eres el Some other nom isomorphic groups 5 —— — [NRL er of aroup Sumber of eps Seo a [Gp where pispime ~~] Vag prin wat a GF, oe ‘row posstvlines mach that cme enenemeer >) = These (5, 18,28, 35} isa group under mulpication maul 40 The identity element of tis group 6 P<4.0i9-1, where p.q are primes ‘UISC-Bangatore-2002} (riFR-2010) cena) ccm, iy contains. LetG bea eylic group of order n and m be advisor of Then (@) Gcomins a unique subgroup of order m & 2 F ‘PRACTICE SET Let G bea group of onder 7. Than the centre of G i isomorphic to. (UGC NET JUNE - 2002) CHAPTER -1 nrphiams has order (GATE2006) ws Then its order can be (WGC NET DEC2019 (e125 (os 5 The grows Zand 2 2 are (r1R-2011) (assomorphic (by abelian (nomateian —— (dd eytie & Ler Un) be the set of al positive imeger les than mand relat Then Ui) ia group der muliplicton moddom Form = 248, the numberof elements in Un) is (GATE-2007 (ooo 120 180 J bet yg XZ Then (GC NETJUNE-2011) (e)6 cons exactly oe clement of order 2. (6) conan exact Seement of order 3 {e)G coming exact 2 element of order 5.) contains exactly 24 element of onde 10. KEY POINTS > Agroup of ven order contains atleast one element of order 00 > 16) isan abelian subgrours of G > Yltand Kare subgroups of «group G, thn HK isa subgroup of G iff KKH > Number of group homomorphism from Zt Zi gn.) > 4.6246) sete then Gis abelian > Ippisanodd prin, then ey group of order 2p seer epic or died > Order ofan element (583), XG, K-XG, 8 om Ot. Ot8)-O180) wheres, € 6,1 5150 > OU) =p" then 071G))> 1 > 0161, = DOP) “FY < p).-kP"~B™) ro > MODERN ALSEBRA CHAPTER -1 [SOLVED QUESTIONS FROM PREVIOUS PAPERS Example 1. Let be he group with he denotes the contre of, ten G2 Seaton) The group is thera group of order 8 3 Z1G)=le.a°bondG/2(G)= (0.8? = 6 =1) 6/24 1216) has element of order 4 = G26 amor bee 6 121G)=C,xC, Thus. option (i comet iter 626) * Zor XC, yonG) =C Then because Cis ele = Gis Abelian but Gs not Akan G16) = 6x6, xumple 2 216) dees the entre ofa group, ten the orer of tease roy Scr be 5 (GATE-2009 we we wus ox: jenl|1Z(G Y=, ot possible Tha option (0) core. Example 3. The numberof nom somorphic abelian groups of order 4is__———(GATE-2013) Solution: (Ans -3) OG) ==? umber of nor-isomorphic bein groups of order 24 = p(3)x pl) = 3% 3 where pa) denotes the prions of Example, Consider the group homomorphism @ = MB) + R given by 9 (A) = race). The kernel of @ is ‘bomorphic to which ofthe following groups? (GATE-2014) ee MODERN ALGEBRA (R)M(Ae M,(R) :4)=0) o i GLR) Solution: (0) 92M) > R given by A) = race 4) Kor = (he My (R) | race (4) ~ 0} YA € MR and race ofA = 0 then Ais ofthe Op dim of Ker 3 => Ker is isomorphic to R! (“© dim of Rover is also 3) Example 5. Let G bea group whose presentation s G~ (x,y 2! =y" = 6,21) = yuh. Then Gs womorphicto (GATE-2016) (ot, Ol, wt, ou, Soluon: C= fayle=y=e dye) Snce. the option are aean groups with adiion operation. Thorfore, reducing the question father G={nyle=y'=exnyeyxoase} red oG-{eylyey edz, be subgroups of Sy, wheree (CSIR UGC NET JUNE: (8) Hienormol in Kand K isnormal in Ay (@ Kis normal in S, but His not ‘Since. HK = Vysmply tha H i subgroup of K=V, suc that [KH] =2 =H" is normal subgroup of K But His mot normal subgroup of Sas well a Ay not normal subgroup of Aas well as S, MODERN ALGEBRA [Example 7. Consider the group G=O/L , where Q and B are the group of rational mambers ond integers respectively. Let m bea postive integer. Themis there acyclic subgroup of order n? (CSIR UGC NET JUNE-2012) (0) Yes, aunque one (@) Never. Let bernie ne. Then t= <4 B> is sarong which lof order‘ ‘So. for any postive Inger‘ there always exist a eclic subgroup of order‘ = Options () and (dare incorrect. : Lett, = <2-+1> beanther ole subgroup of order n ~42) onder prey 86Ee Sede ot SEATS wf. i= 4, < Hy = (Eads (2 + 2) «(h+2) => There is wnigue subgroup of order 'n™ So option (6 score. group of order 45. Then ent of onder 9 has anormal subgroup of order 9 (CSIR UGCNET DEC-219 0) Chas a subgroup of order 9 (@) Ghat anormal udgroup of onder 5 ‘So. G has a subgroup of order ‘'and order 9 and both are normal subgroups. So option (),() ond (are correct. Since, Gs group of order 45 So, Gean be = Z,%Z,x2,. butt has n element of order 9. ‘So, option fai incorect. ' Example 2. Upto isomorphism, the number of abelian groups of order 108s @n ws 6 lic = (Q', ) = (+), which & mot true as (2, +) bas one element of fine order, sn of 10822 | whereas (Q) has two elements offi order ‘and 1° factriation of 108 = 2x3) ‘So, option (dis incorrect. [:0G)=n= be the grown of the elements tha have a nvr) in send 92) P03) oft ° ws Example 10 Let Che the field of compermambers and ©” be the group of nome. multiplication. Then which of he following are true? “esi (oC iso (0) Ever ft subgroup of C he group of unin the ing (2250) (oC has fly many ite subgroups. (a) Every proper subgroup Ci pis odd prime Solution: ) isthe fd of complex rumbers. ‘ Ao, Lyset ro nda generator of it C= CVO) be the group of non ser complex numbers ander muliplcation Fr option (2, °C twp group 2 C&A. 1) (Ay infty grou eomorphict (2 +). which snot reas (2. +) ha one element "is of iS [6 G+Onle)=10) Te Senate eam finite order, whereas (C,.) has infinitely many elements offiite order. aa a ae (TIER-2016) Let H be faite ubgroap of C of order i ) =m By Lagrange’ theorem, we conde that V6 G.aP9 =e =¥26 H,2=1 of =1'V, 26H (sient element of) 3 } 4 38 J MODERN ALGEBRA apie 9150) = 8°52 Pi 5 LeU n= DEPP BE Then, H ‘Thus, Option (a) i correct. Example 13. For a group G, let Aut(G) denote the group of automorphisms of G. Which ofthe following () Aut) i isomorphic to 2, (0) IG septic, hen Au(G) teat (CJM Au(G) is tivil, hen Gis trivial (4) Aut) i isomorphic to Sotution(a) (6 Onder of groupie aby an neger) ‘Aut (Lis isomorphic to, There are tw automorphisms of @ Hence, option(s correc. () The identity map ' Example 16 How many proper subgroups does he group Z.® Zhave ? rR the only generators of @ are Iend-1, the only automorph Solution: (6) 1a As th eibgroupe of Zar of ype mE. AEN. infinitely many subgroups of Z® Zoftheform nT@T andZ@nZ, wheren N camp 14 Let G bea greupSupeseG| =p whee pan ar tin prime mimbers sting ¢ #1 folowing avaprene? reer hemor than on Sow sbeoip aon (C tnemnterofe Sym nbprogn fe ied byp (hs wo dint subgroups ofa finite group G,e0ch of order 2 Let I be the smallest (and H, Then the onde of His (TIFR 2010) ohn 4 (aways 8 (@ none ofthe above Solution: () “Let G be a group of order #5 ASH 35, Simo ' By Sylow 1 3 theorem, Number of 3 slow subgroups of Gis m+ 1, where m it given by Sm +115, tue ony form = 0 = G has unique 3 slow subgrouy > Option (a) is incorrect. Now, let G be a group of order 605, 605= 11S and 5 # (mod 1!) Number of Sylow subgroups of Gare Sm +1, where ms given by Sm 1121 form= 0.2.24 3 Chances 5 aie => Options (a), fe} and (c) are incorrect. 3 Option cor. = Fe Stina because manber of S~ ow bros of Gs ma dvb I pon isco. Option () core. “Example 18 Consider the qe proup QU ofthe ave soup of retinal numbers. Te ede of Example 15, Let be a group and let Hand Kb two sibroups of. I both H and Khave 12 lament, hick a the following numbers cannot be he cardinality of he et HK = Bk: h € Hk EK)? (TUFR.2010 @n oo oe 3s i ' element 2+ Lin QL is a7 14M 2012) | 2” ofs os (os Solution: () CHAPTER-1 Example 18. Which oe ofthe following conditions oma group G implies tha Gis abelion? ‘arswe-my | worn ef ene, option Example 21. Which f the following statement is fre trae? (02,6 L,i2tomorphic wo, (1,8 2,81, vomorphicw ly oy proper subgroup of G is eee but Gis on-ablin, option () is incorvect Example 20 Lt G bea non abelian group Leto € G have order 4 and let 8 © G hove order 3. Thon the onder ofthe element in G (a6 en (6) is of he form I2kfork22 (4) mee mot ef Seaton Tet Sond xa = (1234 on 687) | Sore = tend Of) = ton = (1230 6507 | oy = emf, Of) = en 3) = 2. : \ S Omtons (and ar nce. Nola, | Tate ity antB = (12) 29) = 129.20 O48) ond Of) = 3 Ce ~ ] C MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER -1 coum, Morb of aban rap oferder M= pO) XH. (here pn) dees ner of partion ofn) = 21 "2 Tas, he oly Plies for G are, ond, © Ly Clearly, B exits any group of order 4, than contains subgroup itomorpico 2/2 © 12 as well as ‘subgroup womorphicto U4 Thus, option (6) income. sae te? even 201) 5 repectnly. Thon HTK = fe} where he For any 2 © G, 9= ge= ga" =", 3g such that We") = "7 = = icone, Ginen mapping 9) = ican automorphion Thus, statement) ie Forsatement (9). > alongs tocenreof Semen (sve (oH=A.€G-a,=0) ‘MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-1 OH (A EG-0,> 1 (9-460 :0,~a,3nbona-[s exanmany Satin Given Hat G = Group of ell nertible2%2 upper triangular matrices wl? ae ABA'E HE 00S ABA" isnot zero} > His nota normal Subgroup of G 1 we kro normal Subgroup of Gi W he Hg €G. hae H) = (ois incorrect. 2 For option He (AcG-4,= 1) sar Slole §aerenoce mds hl es MAL ST] oellos 0 be As a,, of OPO" =org'e H Thal enema Sagrp of Se veomet Foc opton He (heG 0," 05) (vBHM.2019, For option a): H = (AE M,(C) | det (A) = 2,1 2) Mis2 red WetA, Be H SLAIN mez 1B RI DAB WRAL BS 252 =297 27° me 2 Hissar of GL, ©) Foropton pres uH)01 ylapred 90 = MODERN ALGESRA CHAPTER-1 MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-1 J ASSIGNMENT LI NOTE: CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION atb= ates b=candbta=ctesb= cforall @agroup (@ none ofthese ap 1 yhafrec sas'en a ON aul soon! +b oor (@) many solutions Thus, Hs subgroup of GLC) option is correct. Simiiary, icon be easily verified H given in option (cis aso subgroup of GLC) (hata *b = ba fortwo elements and, hen . a" baa" +b! (a) mone of these Example 27. Let be a group of order n. Which ofthe following conditions imply tha G is abe 4 YG isa fie prop of order nthe for every a€ G. we have Oat=a" (4) mone of hese (vBuM-2007) (anes (on=35 (0) of onder 4 under dion (a) mone ofthese elie or Gis non-abelin; So group of order 21 may not Be abelian « identity element. Then | a otemudese para Peer ore re 26a pee care Gaerentas Genteoee one rea Let Tbe the set of rational real numbers and let = IO). Then, ander the vow addition of real MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-1 ) In the additive group 2 of iegers, the order of inverse element ofa. ¥ a Z. fa nonzero) is 5 5 Ey : 2 i (nome of these prime mmber and G is nomabeian group of order phen the incorrect eatemen() islare has exatyp~ 1 elements (4) 2(G) has exactly peloments has exactly pf! eloments (A) allof bese i 2, Let 9€ Gand ke 2, then which statement is no = I t (a ofe) >" thon wis t 22, Ifthe order of elements a € € Gare mand m respectively, then mene Omen (oman=0 (none ofthese 2 rou C contains an element of eve order Then ‘of Ciseven (0) the onder of Cis old perce (of Ciprime number (a) the order of Cis irrtional umber was om mM 2 ee Ber ones not comet? ? oe ry subset ofa group is subgroup (0) Every group is a subgroup of self Gi ( with ‘adton mod 5 hci oan te cnet eee ( 2% Which one is an abelian group? ® Which tian group ( I Which ofthe (a) Seco (2) Set of ell no zero rational numbers with respect o Binary operation of muliplication (c) Theset ofa Fal mabe with respect adtion. (i) The set ofall non era complex numbers with respec o multiplication 1 Gen setS= (2-112) (@ Sforms agroup wih spec to addon (0) S does nut form a groupwithrespectto addition (6) Ssatisies closure property with respect to mulation {GS doesnot ats clasure property wth respect o multiplication = ci 0 MODERN ALGEBRA ASSIGNMENT 12 NOTE: CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION L nu. {he binary operation * is defined on ast of ordered pairs of real numbers as (3,8) d) = fad + be, bb) andi associative then (1,2) *03, 5) (3, 4) = a4 0) (1032.49 O31) on {Ina group (G. *)f there exists an element b such that b+ a = b forall a € G, then the order ofthe group is (ininte () more than! (e)equal toned) none of thee Let be the addtive group of integers. Let H = (|x 1) be normal subgroup of then the elements oft are (CO) (HHH, H+ 2) (OHH +H) HoH 22,H 43.1) (OH +1 Hg 6G» (1,-1.i,-ifand H = (1, J. then the, (avin (1-1 (4 none ofthese The set of all non-zero real numbers with the operation * defined oni by a *B = a2 isan abelian group, The dentiy of he group is 1 wz on ous WES. "Visa group wih ab = a+b + ab thn free Sais o-a Ott owt as The identity element in the group (2. *ofintegers defined by a*b =a b+ Iforall be Ki (oo or ot (none ofthese Inthe group (C= (0,1, 23,4), 9, th inverse of @-+,2')is @ wo @ 3 In the group (G = (1 2.3 4). the solution of" 34) = is OL SO? 3 (@ none of these G tse of all rational numbers except -I and * Is defined by atb=atb + ab for all be. In the group (G9), th solution of 24 5'=5 7 065 ous ons Ya Gis of order mand pis coprime tom then the order of is fn @) One (less than (@) greater han n = CHAPTER-1 | MODERN ALGEBRA ina groupG. a G, the order ofa im and order of sm, then fomsn Oym2n fom=0 (4) mone of hese fa Gand Of) = mend” = 6, then (a)nisdivisrofm (bj mi divisor ofm (e)noneistue (4) misremainderofn ofthe lowing is rue for groups of even order? (©) The order of such group isa power of 2 (4) There ar at eat wo elements whote vers are the elements hems. Following are the indices of some proper subgroups of @ group, which subgroup is necessarily rrormal? @2 3 woe as ten (omen Ya G isa generator ofa cyl group and onder of ais m< mand if order ofa cyclic group i m Om=n ‘omen men The addive group of imegers i a eclc group generated by i @2 3 (4) none of hese An clement ofa nite cei group G of oder mia generator of Gif 0 < p< mand also ()pisprine ton ‘@) pis the maleple ofn (mise mail (a) mone ofthese The generator ofthe yl roupof mh roots of wit is we ‘wen wen ‘order of group isp wher pis prime, then (0G isabelion 2” (O)GAs not abelian () Giseyee (@ none of these YG. sa gro sich 2)" b for all, BEG, then Gis (abelian, (4) nome ofthese {YG isa group and $C, then GI quotient gop, when (@)H isa subgroup of & OH is anormal sabgrosp of G OH isacompler oy (None of hese LN and N,arethe norma subgroups of G, then GIN, = GIN if and oly if NEN, ONCN, ON N, (ONNCN, [Geran emer) | Caran ara | NOTE: MORE THAN ONE OPTION MAY BE CORRECT BL Yinagraup G0! = aha =B fora be G, the (a) b*=a'ba? (4) B= atba* 2 Yaand bare ro distinc elements ofa group Gand (4 o)=32.b46 Seed | prenwaryae | (a) a" =¢ (onder eon (8) a” # e(anidenty omen) => m= a ! (mon > 06 re cneaae ' (34. If Hand K are normal subgroups of a group G. then which of the following is not true? (HK end IK oe nmelin G (0) HK and HL Kare normal in (OHOVK emarma bt Kiet normal) HRs normal bt int arma ws. ten ter enrators of Gare * a i o% (0 Every group of pine order pce ie group is eyelic (d) Every group of prime order i finite. ” the genretr of (0 therein sem cone in G ws (0) Gis abelian, if (a- f (@ (where sands for sealar product. (OC wrocabeton if (adh =a-8 , oom 4 the loin) are te for Gob nation group? ” Faves (abba, Va,be G (6) (10), [1}. (2). (3), [4]}. composition cr group suck that (aby? = ab’ forall a, be G.Then i {@ (1.23) composition maiptctionm | stb vobeo @) ebeba,VabeG I ThestG= (01,2348) thie operon of bin mol Sia gro Whchftefilowing (© Ge anabelon gmp (9G eotonabeton group ‘erotanbgroup of G? 4 LaGbeagroup sch he 0b =H. for tre coneciveinegers mand Y abe G.* 10.3} weg ons aay t Then 1 a (0) a’b=ba" 50 LeG bea group, Ha subgroup of G Letxe Gch hax!» foe! aH). Then ae (a)sis!is a subgroup of 6 (0) xh imo a subgroup of (o) xls! isa group (d)alteisnota group 42. Let G denote these ofall Xm nonsingular matrices with rational mumbers as en muipication 3h Let G bea fine group and a e G and H isthe subgroup of @ generted bya, then Gtsendgroup fC. ()Gise fie abelian roy () O(a)is equal tothe OC) (0) O(a) divides O16) (0164s non-abelian group (8) Gis nfrte group a) no equal 1 OFF) (4) Ofe) doesnot divide O16) aS 7 ~ a MODERN ALGEBRA, CHAPTER -1 ASSIGNMENT 13 NOTE: CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION 1G K are emo subgroups of Gand if [GH] = 8 and [GK] =4 then [K-H) is @) (Wnone ofthese Consider Z, asthe adlive group modulo 4. Then the numberof elements of order 8 i the group 2, 1 2 Let Hand Kare the subgroups of order 3a (unk (ey (UOK=# Let G bea group of order, then (@) Gixabetan (6) Gisnonatelian 0) Giseyetie (0) Corre of Chas order? The generators of group =a. be acyclic group of rder 6, Then the numberof eloment © G such har G = , is o 4 2 nd are bth generator of yc group of order, then (@)m mast beeen (@)mmact note a prime Let, +) bed group: €-6, defined by F()~2, 6 2 being conugate ()endomorphion (none ofthese OFC) =6" is subgroup of (@FG)isanomel subgroup of Let Ube the contre ofthe group G. IF GIL see, then (@)Gicabelan (©) Giseycic (6) Gis non-abelin (@ none ofthese (@ om) «27 Let G be the $01 ofall 2 2 symmetric, imerible matrices with rel enies, then with matic 0) five group (@ an abelian group (6) Na) has only 2 conjugate subgroups mG () Na) has east tw conupates in G (6) Na) has aomot rw conugies in (Nia) sel congo nd G, are commutator subgroups and centre ofthe D, respectively, then select the iacorect @G,NG,t<> 016) 0G) (none ofthese (Boer lf coe of Hin Gis igh case o 5 » 1, lick (a (6: ty (016: HIG: (0) Hisnocesubgroup of 6 (e) Hisa subgroup of G (His the smallest subgroup of G, which contain the element ‘a (atways 8 (2 mone ofthese hich of the following statements) islare ue? (a) Any group of prime order can have no proper subgroups. (0) Any group of prime order can havea proper subgroup. {6) The order ofa subgroup divides the order ofa grou? (@) The order ofa subgroup doesnot divide th order ofa group. hick of he following sttement(s)isfare (a) A normal subgroup ofa group is commutative with very. (8) A normal subgroup of group i not com (e) Both) and (6) (@) Nether () nor ®) (oot) OU), xe Let G bea group of order pa where p and are dnc primes andp > . Then (@) G has normal cycle subgroup of order p 0) Gisasinple group (6) Ha doesnot divide (p- 1), then Gis yl (@) Gieacyci group hick of the following subgroups inlare necessarily normal subgrops)? (@) The kernal ofa group homomorphism (0) The centre ofa group (6) The subgroup consisting of all matrices with pesve determinant in the group ofall invertible sx matrices with rel entries (under marx malplicaton. (2 none ofthe above n. 2 CHAPTER-1 group of Let O1G) and O1H) dente the orders of G ng satement are necessary tv, hich ofthe following statements are not rue? (a) Two ci group of same order ar isomorph (0) emer acy group (2 £6-+6%sone~on and one wheref-G VG is dint as flat)ne* EKER (@ Thamapping fas finde) is on omerpion an tS ou-onaera oconcre tt ern trie ” MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-1 How many abelian groups of order 8 are tore (yp ta somorphiom)? fo? os os ww LetG be a group of order n. Which ofthe following conditions imply that G is abelian? fants (o)n=2t R36 (d)n-I6 Leta mapping {G+ Gbe defined by f(x)=3", where G i abelian, then which ofthe followings) lwlare correct? () fer one-one © fison, (6) fis homomorphism as wel as automorphism (@ None ofthese YL is an additive group of integers and E the additive group of even tepes wih zero and map LEAVE given by fo)=2x, where x€ Z, then (a) fis one-one (fi onto (0 {preserves the group compesition ( figisomorphism Letfe homomorphiom from G into with the Rr! Ky then @)aeGandte K,->at'eek, (4 Kisnoa norma brow of MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-1 ASSIGNMENT 14 NOTE: CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION Let be a group of 2 2 nonsingular matrices under mi x fed 2y, Define & map 20-9 RAR" is group of on zero real numbers under mai Omer fined os f4) = A. Thon oR oe ws (d None Given, H'€Z. IFH comains exactly 3 element ofthe st fp, pa 41} pend 9 are primes. Then which of he fllomingare the eloment of ome Orrarae norao9 nmr Toe order ofthe element (3.3) n2,X 2 2 ws on wan Let Gb fit rou of order 20, then the umber of ubroupe of Gof oder 25 ks ot oe os on Let (, 4) denote the group of al integers under adion, then the number of all auomurphions of ais 1 w2 3 ws he homomorphism fram a simple group is (©) Non-ivial bu one to one (mone of hese ou of negers Zand be the multiplicative group ofthe fourth roots of nity, Leif: G+ "bea homomorphism mapping given by fa) =; where i= JT. Then the kernel offs (enpny set Oomeg met Consider T°2,y-» Zy, then the ramber of inner automorphisms is rt on oe ws Let G be the group withthe generators a and 8 given by G= (aba anoles the contr of G hen G/ (6) isomorphic at evtethenes). 720) a ] MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-1 Cra maa 1 tnfo-n0 babe mneton The Uap tSfome ‘coe | Cee mage (alae posi 10, Let Un) beth set of ll positive integers less than n and rel under mulaplication modulo m For m= 248, the mm wo wots 1% Whichof the following is true? ' () The numberof homomorphisms rom Z wo 2,= 1 wpa’ 1? (0) The numberof homomorpisms from Ey t0 2g 10 (6) The number of homomorphisms from 2,10 Zy= 2 (4) The number of homomorphiems rom Z, 10 2y=3 1, For any integer n> 2, how many ements ar (o) only ome (6) atleast mo 4) Aro clementin Un) shat saris = 1 NOTE: MORE THAN ONE OPTION MAY BE CORRECT Lace. aft ercwe ranted wed} the onder of GL (2.2) 8 st ou 13, Identify which ofthe following groups (if amy) is. } 02,02, { 2,82, of order at mos 2, i abelian ‘ws (or | 1h Let be growpof Order 1225, then Gis ' (@) abelian but mo yee group (orci group (6) simple group (4) none ofthe above i 1% Let be the group of all integers under addition, Let G = (2m € TZ} be a group under multipieation Define a map f: +6 by fo)-2, ¥ eB then (@) fsa homomorphism (0) fisan comorphisn {o)fisa homomorphism but not an tomorphiom (@ Key -(0) [woven aLcEBRA ournee1 ANSWERS TO EXERCISES (PRacTice ser La 2@ 20) 4@ Slakd) Klabed) Oy (@PRICTICE SET-1) oS Ase L@ 2@ 20 6 mo aS Sige acd wes aso ANSWERS TO ASSIGNMENTS. 60 18 6) 35.abo 20.) Wired) 56 (abcd) 3.0) 10.0) 130d 140) 5.0) 60 16) abd) - a MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER - 2 PERMUTATIONS AND SYLOW’S ON chapter, me are ong to relate he functions of permulation fit order that we bu are ether somorghic 1 5, oF ‘9fsymmetric groups we not only solve the mathematical problem Physics, Biology and in ther branches of Science. Nest, we stay b so ci clae wih o Aer that we se the oe of prime power in oder of grou {FSow derma be rad bre dens ren of wtvae prope I. PERMUTATIONS Permutations: permutation on ast Sis a one-one maps from hele permutation: Let Sbe afte set. A permtaton fof Sis » 213 Transposon: 4 cyte 214 Disjint permutation: Two permutations f and g of «set S are JSalowing o lenge ao called Din if they sas the tenis le eed by aon of $. then for a sre all stint anf soviet ‘het of dsj eee, ronson FW be even or od 2 The group Sis generated bythe cycles 0: 3 eS, which s produc of keeles including these of order orodd or odd according as mk i ven 4. Thereare only two groups of order six, one i cyclic and other i isomorphic tS, 5. Ifn&4, thenS, has no non abelian simple subgroup. 6 Any ew eels. 7. Every group Gis isomorphic toa subgroup ofS In pariclar if a finite group ofrderm then G is womarphicta a subgroup of, 8 The setofell nite groups of oder n ie countable (Because for every group of order n. there are only “ine manberof groups upto isomorphism as every group of order m is isomorphic toa subgroup ofS, 9% Cayley Theorem: Every group s isomorphic wa permutation grou 10. S,ienomabelian group for n23. «product of transpositions. If 6 i expressed as a product of r rent representations of a8 a product of transpositions, sen) is independent ofthis representation and we have sgn(O®) = 5En(0) sen). i. Laoe S, isen(a )=1 and only sgn) = 1 <7 23, is even permutation) forms 2 group of onder ating group. Moreover A, CS, => A, issubgroup ofS, £ [5 AJ=2, 504, 8 normal subgroup of S, Important Resultson A, 1. The number of element in 4, in S, exactly half are even and half are od permutstons 2. Ayhas no subgroup of order sx 2 Borel Of 4, 8a product of Seles. 4 Yanormal subgroup Hof A,comtaneacyce of length 3, then H = Ay 5. any normal subgroup Hof A, contin a product of wo diss ranspesiions, then H = A, 6. S,isisomorphic oa subgroup of 4. 7. Galois Theorem: A, i simple for n> $ SS MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-2 MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-2 | 2) Forany finite group G, o(G) = ere the sum rans over elements taken ome from each | eo | | ' | Solution: Option (a) smo correct “-Mamber of 3 eles S, omy 20 ‘Also, (6) is not true 25 CLASS EQUATION Let G be a finite group. The equation ofG)=02/G)]* rae Important Results: (0) Number of conigacy lasses in $,=P(n) = wall ever permutations, “Ay has all yes, Bud H is he smallest subgroup containing all SHA, acontradicion. © H#S, (0) is the only correct option. 24 CONJUGACY CLASSES AND CONJUGACY EQUIVALENCE RELATION i |) bates nanattian rp f erry hen mane ofonnge las a G-ypl whe pa 241 Conlugacy equivalence relation: Let G be a group and ab G. as sid 0b a conjugate fb G eee . i 4) Civ oben then clas equations +144 If there exis C€ G suck that a=¢" be (9) 17O1G)=2p where pis odd prime, then the clas equation 1+ p +24 Cla) = (be G\a~B}. ny @€ G, C{a) denotes the conjugate clas to which a belongs up. Let Cla). Ca). ax, Let G be they re pai dijoit and ter union ix G we get 0(6) = $° Cy. or simply (6) ~ oy ‘where the num runs over elements , ten one from each conjugate clas Resa on Conjugsey Classes: (YG tea finite group anda G ten C= belongs. it Solution: Snce (6) = 12 cyclase inG= 5+ 5-1 = 28 | peacriceser-1 2 tio group on m symbls and A be he subgroup of ep (6) Boer fine group ia quaint of A for some n (No fine abelian group isa quotient ofS for n> 3 up $a 9. Hite ing TRUE? * & Rare conjugate in M{R). Treo False? S uer2017 ware Then the mamber of conugate lasses in G is (GATE-2010) os or ‘Ung. 3. 4 5} be permuation (one to one and ont fnction) suck that \ ‘en which o te allowing ore ve? (CSIR UGCNET JUNE 2015) "3 Find O(N (1 2.3)) in Sandals find O (C(123). ' “ ‘Soluion: Since OSthen the pation of corresponding othe given permuation Example 253: f0(G) ~ 125 and Gis nonabelian, then find umber of conjugacy clases in G. sy 7] 3 5 MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-2 ) 26 SYLOW’S THEOREM 261 pesubgroup: Let p be a iber Then a subgroup H of a group G is called a p-subgroup ifthe wer of. 1s of order ofa power of some fied prime mumber ph (Cauchy's eorem). Consequently if G is @ prow, then of6) = pt isa power ofp. Thus Gis @ Parag Fond ony if oG) isa power ofp. 26S Conjugate ofa subset: Let S be any non-empty subset ofa group G and 6G set (x"sxse5} and x'Sx i called a conjugate ofS determined by so ee ne integer k divides 06), 2) Splow's Fit Theorem: Let G be o fine group of is a positive integer such that, q)=1. Then for each order. () Cauchy's Theorem for finite groups: Ifa prime number p divides the order ofa finite group G, then G contain atleast one element of order p. (8) fp 4G) and p*' does not divide o(G) then G has a subgroup of order () Let G Bea finite sreup and p.a prime number dividing the order of G. Then every subgroup of Gis contzineditS0me slow psubgroup G. (©) Sylow's Second Theorem: Let G be a finite group and p, a prime number suc that plo(G). Then all Shlow paubgroups of G are conjugates of one another 2) Sylw's Thid Theorem: Let G be afinte group and pa prime nunber suck that plo(@). Then number (of Sylow pesubgroups is of the form Itmp, where m is some nonnegative integer suck that (mph). MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-2 prime divisor ofthe onder of group G and H isa subgroup of G of nde p then His lorem: Let G he a group of order fm, m1, p bea prime and gedip m)=I. Ip! divider [Gh then G has a subgroup of order p’. The umber of uch subgroups is congruent to modal Let o(G) = pg where p,q are distinct primes, p< 9, p doesnot divide q 1. Then G see Proof The munber of Sslow psubroupe i I+ kp and (1+h)iy => 1+kp 1 or 1hp=q [Now I+ hp =q=> kp-a-l = ple contradiction. Thus 1 + kp #q and 0 Sylow psubgroyp His unique and hence normal. The nunber of Sylow g-subgrowpe is 1+ and (1+ Kip => T*k'g=1 or p.If 14K then ky=p-1 2 lp-1 = aSp-1

4p Contradiction => Slow q-subgroup Kis normal in G. of) = p, o(K) = 4. HVK = fl. Hs normal in Thus hk= Eh forall he H ke K ‘ (Groups of prime order ae cyclic) where ofa)» of) = p of) = ofK) = 4 of) = pa = ofG) = G ieee. (11) Let P bea Sylow psubgroup of fnite group G. Then P contains al elemens in NP) where NIP) is ‘of P which are of order, «power ofp. 264 of Subgroups: @)—Y0(G)=pq.p<4 and G isnon-abelian then ingroup of order qin G = paroups of order pin G= umber of elements of order qin C= Og) umber of elements of order pin C= 9 9) 2) 700) = pa p< (9-1 and Gis abelian then cyclic) then G has a unique subgroup of order IP. @ (4) mumber of subgroups of ender ¢ = 1 () numberof subgroups of order py = 1 Example 2.64.1. fO16)~ 21 and G ie nom abelian then how many subgroups of oer Tan! 3 ae thre iG Solution: Since O(G) = 21 = 37 then by result, we observ that G has mamber of sberonps of order 3 = and G has mumber of subgroups of order 7= skp 2642. Show tae ron of ok 3 ee) MODERN ALGEBRA, CHAPTER-2 } Solution: OF6) = 35 = 57 Let P be sow that 1+ TIS so = 0 Number of sow S-subgroup of G = 1+ SP such > Mamher of slow S-subgroups i 1. So Since ot) = 7 and of) = 5 and (7. 5) = 1 and xy = yx. 99 Ofy) = 35 = 0/6). So Gis generated by 27 € G 90 Gis gcc. 27. RESULTS ON SIMPLE GROUPS (Let be a eroup of order p'g where p and q ae dint primes then G has at east one nomal Sylow subgroup, Hence, Gi not Simple 2) Sipand gre dsc primes and Gis 2 group of ander pe the Gis not spl o Lis ofall nonabelian Simple Groups fonder less than 1000 (0 (= Ay 168, 3600-4.) 504, 680, (4) Oil Te An integer ofthe form 2m, where m sam odd number gear than I. snot the order ofa simple ro. (5) Index Theorem: If Gis afte group and Hi proper Subgrown of G such that |G dos ot divide {62H then contains anonvial normal sbroupof G.I particular is no simple (9) isa fntemon abelian single group and 1 £G, then [G Hs 7) Suppose that Gis a fiie group and pis the smal prime dsr of oG), then a subgroup H of index in Gis normal in (8) eu Bro onder par par bing pres. Then some Siow subgroup of Gt arma. Hence, Cima Proof Supose ha no Sow subgroup of Gis normal. Then the manber of Sylow pubgroups of Gis kp and 1 + WN gr 1+ ip = 14 ¢p, ror IF 1R=p then 0 -1= 4 1 KF pg or pe. +r =p org Hig) 3r of G o,shere for each’ thera. © Sore ge Gy sa sbmurmal snes 0 8 group Gwe canwmaltgrp ral wa Fee sens (1) (be a seam see F879 G th id be a refnment of NNN Som tery 2S Proper efcment A rfrmen M JNA POR Teeme Yay Remark: Mt ofthe athe ete term normal esi frm eras” gM The mumbo of dates memos (1 ren ps Ge tha for The submrmal srs awe Peden (or ny he eng of eS ——] | MODERN ALGEBRA. CHAPTER-2 | (3) Ler Hf bea normal subgroup ofa group G. If oth H and Gt are solvable then Gis solvable Hh | Y Mewog eee ear | Agroup Gis solvable Fand only G™ =) for same non-negative integer 2L7 Commutater Subgroup of G: Let G be «grup For every nonnegative integer m define G Inductively a follows G! = GG" 1 the commucator subgroup of G™ G™ scaled mh 0) S.ismot solvable form 5 om nba oh ered orp of | 7 ‘ wexronts — p>y¥ 248 eR Seg A noma bing Hof gr i wb win mal G > 11min Sone att Pematin NOD Ba > te pemuaton ffm ih proper tigre of GT and > Ge aflengh 2c eld Topasion ealnft-G ond has proper oma ops Gt ingle ; WYN OG, end GAT hee sa > Permutation ister even or ol depending 289. Refinement of be Fer Stes Lt G~6,26,2 «2-26 > 1H 2H 22H = 0) eal Ts ; AIO Compostion Series: An iredundontsubwarma series G~ O,> Gy» 6;> agro Le Giavadw becconpstion tre of Yeoh oft fcr prop 6G, asin pp te Gry . , Samuinlsorma oan, ' > a (ny Aten grog Gis soba Now G> (i norma ries f Gand ont ft grap - Genet tng amare 9G comma ‘) > Le nome ¥ ‘omtins a3 ele ora product af 2 doin wanspastons, then (2) Canter the series 5410s for rp re Shy an 4 wich re of order 2 ond 3 rece Seo rp of pine oder oon . 2, ofthe fome' cfr somec€ 6 . o : The relat oFoonugacyclases an equivalence edi The oder ofa conjugacy class of an element bis where MQ) is normalise of i Results on Solvable Group: () anyeu fa ie solvable Any subgroup H ofa sable group > 0(G)=012(@)) where sim rans-over element a, taken one from each conjusetr! 2) His anormal sbgroup ofa solvable group G, then Gi is also sovable. / * elas which contain one then one clement. Tis class equation of group G. - [ a J e ] - [ woveay ALGESRA CHAPTER-2 | MODERN ALGEBRA cae +] > Number of conjnsac classes mS, = Pa) = Prin ofan element PF LeEN = 16 Gy. Gil be 0 subnormal sere of group G thn M = thy He esi obo > Themumberof permutations which are product ofneyclesof eth it mae refinement of NIN M. > A.Refnement M of Wis sid be proper refinement WM but WM. > Roranebelion roup of order nthe lass equation. | > A grou G isclled solvable fit has a subnormal series sch that each oft face group fiom Ashen subgroup of enter { eer: 1 atin grovp een > Ina Group G, iH isa subgroup of Gand cach eloment of H a has onder as power ofp then His = 3 | > senotsohatieforaz RwrAy called subgroup a NTA > Sslow pSubgroup ofa group G is subaroup of order of G such ha p*| O(G) but p™40(G) } ‘SOLVED QUESTIONS FROM PREVIOUS PAPER'S > Siows Fine Theorem: Let be int rin ferdernlg 21) whe psa prine nner onde | the fling stents are? evan 41 potve egret 1. Then for eck (1518, G hao eat on stop of | Soe eee eee rene ender p. | 5 > Splow's Second Theorem: Let G he afte group and p. prime number such tht pl). Then all | on tH bea barn of G. Dafne W =), Then W va Spiow p-sbgroups of Gare conjugates of ane another Fm omatatarne a6 i elon (a . > Show's Third Theorem: Let be a finite group and p, a prime number such that plo). Then number 2 © of Slow psubgrowps 18 of the form L+mp, where m 1s some nonnegative integer such hat Pe oP (1mp}@@). t $30(6)= 9x11 > YOIG)= pa, where p and gare distinc primes, p< gp doesnt divide —. Then Gis le | Also we bso tht O(G) = pg where p and gore dsinc prines such tha p Slow subgroup of is mrmil subgroup if isthe ony Slow p Subgroup of 6 | vide 91, en groupie Here, 0(6) = 99 = 911 and 9 10 > Suppote that Gis a finite group and isthe smalls prime disor of (6), then a rbaroup H finder pes fire group and. 3 Grup of order 9is fn Gienormal in. ’ pinc } Now fis yeic and fd | O(G), then unique subgroup of order dof. % Ler bp a group of order par par being primes Then some Sow subgroup of isnormal. Hence, 23 aswique sheep of order of Gunatagple As, by So Third Theorem sabres of onder 1 i norma in a unig in > Asbyrou Hof ssid tobe gonerte by subset SH. 111) SH ad) IF any subgroup of * = Option (a) orrnee eee For opin (9). SnceS,=((12). 0131.23, 0234 (1329 Now H = .(12)) DA sequences of bgroups G = G26, 26,2 2.62 fe) ofa group i called eubrormal norm eee series ofa group, if, is mormal subgroup of GIN EO yw Hel Bus H isnot anormal subgroup ofS, MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER -2 } posible His normal: centre of group Bu 25) = fl} => H¢28) = (121) 6H), which snot rve or ghe" GH gG and bet} Hence His mot a normal subgroup ofG = Option (bis incorrect. 1 of G, then we know every normal subgroup of order din For option (Given, W=[)eHte" laze Wants,€ 6 Ase Wor" phy’ he He G = (6x) Me's") ea) Mea’ ne Sage Gand (gg)"e W Hence, Wis normal subgroup of = Option (is corect. Example 2 Which ofthe followin equations can occur as the class equation ofa group of order 10? oxen. 2015) (a) 10 beds 265 () I9= 1424384 Solution: () For option (a). in this class equation che numer of elements in centre of growp is 3. | (14243 + 6 10 icaleo nota class equation 3410, here 3s a onder ofa conjugacy class of G and Ofc(a)) =— 29) ‘Owead = fenust die 46) 3 Option ys incoret meng gre 1 is clas equation of group of order 10 hat By vane 6 Which of the lowing mumbers canbe odes of permalations 6 of I symbol such that & does a fic any mol? a Example 3. Find the Wiser of elements of oder two inthe symmetric group S, ofall permutation ofthe four aa rem ww (CSIR UGC NET DEC-2011) ‘pms 1,234) (nauts2013) a os Solution: Ans. 9) Solution: (abst) lone of order 2 nS, are 2 ecles and 2% 2 eyelet, (12), (13). (4). 23 (28, (34, (12) (34, hese epgpee ()29.09 2 Ginen ©5 h otf oy of 1 symbos ‘Sa the mamber of eames of order 2inS,=9, hae, can be of ppe (6 cycle) (S eye) element => O(6)~ hom (65) = 30 2 : 7 BS J O10) = om (3.3.5) = 15 Onier of S,,c0n be So, all opis ar correct Example 7. For ony grou G of order 36 and amy subgroup Hof Gof order 4, then (CSIR UGC NET JUNE-2012) (@) Hc 2G) (0 His normalinG ow H=z (4) H ican abelian group Solution: () G be any group of order 36 and H be an subgroup of Gof order Yue take G= Ly, hen 26) “G2, (2 Bis abelian) SoH 20) 4nd 206), = 36) So. option) Ye take G =D roup of order 36) eG =Day, m= 18 (even) 1G) has ro el Hee) Since. His subgroup of Gof order 4 and \G] = 36 = 3° His Sslow 2g of (We kom tha Sylow subgroup of Gi unique if ts normal subgroup of G) ‘We aw that ony group of order 1 H abelian group. So, option i corec. Example & Le: G be asinple aroup of order 16, Whats the mumberof subgroups of of order 7? (CSIR UGC NET JUNE-2013) 1 wr os ws ‘Seluton: 6) Given Ge simple group of oder 168. CEE SERED SEEREOEEES RPEPEEERENRE ET) CHAPTER-2. So, option icone, Example 8. Let @=(1243 45) ond C=(1 2 3 4 5 6) be permutation in Sshe pf prmutons six symbols. WHich ofthe illoing statements ae tre? 1 (CSIR UGCNET JUNE-2013) (a) The subgroupe <0'> and <> are somorphic to eachather,..° 9 (0) ond fare Sy (0) <0> O wthetrvial group ae (@) © and tcommute ay 8= @aclef octejand £= (5 Empl 1 eS dese the symm group on namo The romp SO RD) 4 Ut ofthe folowing groups? UGC NET (ania @) assy ® ant) (ae alernating group oferdr 12 (Dy the eal ro fore Solution: (d) G=S,@102=S01, G isnonabelian group (as Sia ow-ablion) => G can-nt be isomorphic 10 abelian group. “option (a) end (9), gronps ae abelian = Opsion (a) and (0) or incor = 5,01, hasan clement of oder 6. eck hentan element of oder 6 (s maximum orderfan element in A's 3) options are incorec) ample I, Determine which of the following cana be the lass eration of °F {cStk UGC NET DEC-2015) jon) 1419245. (4214182. 21414343. (61283, Solution: (ab) 5 OG) Gs ie group, then class equation of erovp is 1G) = CZK? Lae For option), 10= 1+ 1414245 atteclass equation of group of order 10 then O(G)) = 3 ‘Since, 1G) is subgroup FG > ORGNOG) Croup of order alan = ‘thor clas easton cnn Ps {7b abcon gros end O10) @ efor group of order 4 inom clas equation of Galway given by n= 1+ iu.%1 ‘So, option i incorect. Foropiion ), 8= 1414343 cannot be class equation of oH? ‘Example 12. Given the permaation o-( 2343) she marie A is defined to Be the one whase ih r2s4) . olu the ci) -hcolumn of they mats 1. WNch of te correct? (CSIR UGC NET JUNE-2014) (Anat (a) ana’ Solution: () “(hagas els125 4 “Aisdefnd be he one whose conn is (0 column of ent mars 13 asat cample 13 Let G bea simple group of order 60. Then (a) G has sx Sylow-5 subgroups (Ghasacjelic (cS1R UGC NET DEC-2015) (0) G has four Sylow-3 subgroups vous order 6. (@) Ghas aamgue element of oder 2 Solution: () ‘Given "is simple group of order 60, Le. (sing Syl 3 theorem, the mumber of ‘The pose values of K= 0 1 Ik 20,2 n= [ve Number of Stowe Sebroup ie Plu Staronpisramalin G which saad 5G sip ro (0 {only value of = = 69= Fx3x5 5 subgroup given by ny = 1 + SK such that + SKU2 ae af Slow 5 Subgroup is= 6 ‘So, option (oi correct renee @. WK=0-3> => Sow JSubgroup is non Scher K= Lor 3 n= 40r10 Either Number of Srlow-3 Subgroup ie or 10 We nom, any subgroup of order of, contains exactly (3) ~P elements [No.of element of order 3 tn A, Sa, Number of subgroup of onder 3in 4, = “SSR A SE SE Ae, (Amy Subgroup of rder ‘in Ais plow -subgroup) ‘So, Number ofslow-3-subgroup ofa imple group of order-60 cannot be So, aption (bis incorec. TateG= A, We now, A, has no cle of order’ lemeans A, cansochave a cyclic subgroup fonder’ for any cyclic group oft have on element of order. ‘So, option fs nt correct Tate G= A, Since 12) 84) € Ay (13) 24) € Ay ‘SoA, has more than one clement of order 2 ‘So, G eanot have unique element of order '2° ‘So, option (i not correct. i) auch tha 6 isa product of (CSIR UGCNET DEC2O15) the mumber of those permdations 6 0n (2, 2 "idly we wil enant 2, ‘So con be produc of excl of length 4 and cee of length I oro canbe product of le of enh Sand ef egh 2. As we know miner ofr in $= = Sommberoftoplaa $= Shea sK2=0 and rumber of conjugates of which are product of 3 eyees and? eles CHAPTER -2 ere) ype (2 cle) (2 eel) oF ele 1 ee). Manber of epte: fT AK3AD yan 8+. Fane groupe fy consisting of aleve permutations. Let statement rom blow, (CSIR UGC NET JUNE-2016) Solution: (ath For option) Ay ema subgroup of Sand 014) = Oty) =10x19!=7° xg. where 7g)=1 > Every 7 Slow sbgroyp ofl of order $9. Option (a) corct ‘ «Aili and hence thie does ot xt ay nomal brn of dy Option aint sea shat oy 7Ssow subgroup ofS bt ft = epton scone. Example 16 LetG be a group of ener 45 Let H bea Sylow uberoup of Gan K bea 0G. Then me sop of (GATE 30) * MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER -& (6) H imo normal in G bat K (4) both Hand K are no norms Solution: () OG) =48=3«5 Number ofsylow-3 subgroups is of the form 1+3k sch tha (+315 => &, = Oo Sosviow-3 subgroup ~ H, i unique and hence normal And number of sjlowe5 subgroups is ofthe form 148, such that ‘So, sylow.5 subgroup = Kis unique and hence normal = Option () i answer 19 =2h,=0 Example 17. Which one ofthe following groups is simple? (GaTE-010, @s, OLXT, Solution: () For option (), Ay 4S For option (), Sua, R) @GLL2. ®) For option). 2, x 1, =Ky K is abelian group. Every subgroup of K, is normal £- Option) is correct. oR Ais simple for m2 5 Thus, Ais simple the 3 cycle (2 3 4)im the symmetric group Sis ample 1. The numberof elon the cnjgay clas ofthe 3c @ 3 inthe sme ros wn wa 120 (216 Solution: Om The order. conupacy class of an element ) Owed (ta) = or we know that na conjugacy lass ofan element al elements of same eee stractre 6 , mumber of eles = = 40 ‘6, numberof ples = = Option (9) is correct. — Ss J MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-2 ) 2 in y [yf vanpe 1. te ncos™ isin, a(° ! | ={® ©) ond G=in> eth gro genera mt isin, (' leo 70 generated and Nader matric map Gare-200 Hore. MN'# NM, Hence, Gis non ~ abelian srowp G Therefore, <& isnon- eye, aa ero. Example 20 Let G bea group of order 231, The number of elements of order It in Gis_(GATE:2013) Solu ‘Mamber of subgroups of order 11 i given by (+118) such thar (+118) [20 subgroup of order 1 [Number of elements of order 17= 1) =10 Example 2, In how many ways con the group Z ct on the set (1.2.3, 4,51? (m1FR.2015) 0 a Solution: (6) “A group ection is homomorphion from a group G tothe symmetric group of eset X be §:G = 9m (1 4 called group ation of group G to the set X eS Now, ll Seycles in S, has onder 5 only Mumber ofS ecles in S, i 24 So oi) has 24 choices 24 are the onl choices and one is rival, =9Toval 25 number of homomorphisms are possible So, option (c)is correc. Example 22 Let Se the symmetric group of eters. Ther exists an bao group homomorphism (2) from 5,10, (6) from $10 US Now, we will prove $ is @roup homomorphism Gaxe-I Ses ‘cand 6 are even permilions Sorts even.. ourl “se 4% fay Sy cae 7 SN pee obipristos 2 ofireen = 9/59)" 1 3 O19) 00) CCI =1 Gase= It Take aie even and ris odd permutation sood=1 = HHI = (+1 -l (r1FR2019) Inevery case, we ge! 0 hus, 96 group homomorphiom Cleats 1 ono, = 918 onto group homomorphism. So, option (i corect. i ASSIGNMENT 2.1 | Nore: choose i (6) 044 permutation fe: CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION | cane 1 Merde ofthe perma {i reproter oft 265 is | way wan assy me oul 2 2 ewer $4 poem A343 gftzaas win) otis) 23456) 12543) Given permuta Is equivatent to WAEINEY — HUSIDUY — (1 MG32043) 1632103 | 12364 edad eee ae “ \ 123489 asta | of sia’ of esisd 3450) 3456 | ose) (eased 5 fgiven permutations oe A= | A Wf given perms “ s permutation c = (1 23.456 7), then 12345) Tiersen) (765432) OE Ms 4125, ; Is e=(239. tenet : 12534 & The permutation ( Ha s}eenm | waxed e) waxes wagayes | Nore: mone me ovtornovw ae comtecT (03582 16 Lef-(129)and (4 6b the permutation of gre i then 7. The product of even permutations is (ofe-sf (o fren prmiation (0) 044 permutation fees (¢) Nelsher even nor.odd ((d) none of these () The product of fand g is commutative %, (d) The product off and g is not commutative ‘ oe (b) Even permutation mek, ieee 23456 (@) nome ofthese m ale 4312, (erro of dit ce (0829) 80) 9. Thinvere ono permutation i een (@ Ott persion (0) Ben permutation 1 (Onder permutations (Q Breer odd (@ none ofthese 1 lamest of ajo eces (1852) (3) CHAPTER-2 = MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-2 J MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-2 fab’ fa bc) 1 A=) and B =| th hich statement is incorrect? } * wa-(b 2S) te a pstmt (a ABA Bea nina | (©) AB=B, BA =A i) AB= BA=1 (0) son! = sof" opt 234 be renwal 11 Soa | ne hay 45312) ' sy {2345} a5) ) 3 5 | y ; ; 1 7 fi | (2349 : | 2 ant = (5 3 5 2) en mth re ae i @a'=B (By =A AY =B (4) nome of these | e ar 234 ‘Jao 2349), u5329 Fl 31 sa) 5 otpagye(t2245 ‘ ((f O-lssi42 234s ores) | 27-23) and = (45) the 0 permuions on fe symbols 1,23, 4,5 then oes ia) wage? 23) 2413 & OF as 254 Oferees on-w One 22. Given, {1 2)2(1 3)°(-4). 1234) Ghawin? 21) O30) (24m 2689.0) Gren e-( 2 : b aie Er 238 Bo Uf=R Dade beiawo permutations on five symbols I, 23.45, then gf not equal to f 4 a oc-( 3 ) M3 #9 Naboete ae ae arpa St Oy Fes Ff Maes 4) 14644) ars) ‘Cen, cee’ . Ba YA-(12349, B23) (43) then 24 Which ofthe flowing statement) are re ae feel @ (n m-1 n-2 2 ©) 023-07 e(n—12D (0) Both (a) and (0) (@ Neither (a) nor) (6) A0B~(123) (6 AoB=(163) Lees sarees) | (eens are) ASsicNweNT 22 234-5) sie symmetric group S, 1asy) ‘NOTE: CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION 1 The numberof lemon ws (234567), | ation of and 0 =| Nes, Then | Les, dentethe group operations of Fymbovend oat TS 3 a)eS, we | (0 given permuton is (182435) () the order o the permuation 12 “ maton whens ona rerio) eee | Omotedirm a cycle of length 3. Then, His isomorphic o oA, Rn (4 None ofthese S—LetGbeagroup of order 18. Then the number of slow subgroups oo 1 oo 1 oon © Themumber ofssow5 subgroups in Ais } @ ws 6 an % Let (13579 11) and B = 2.668) be 00 per "Spe Where Sypdenoes begmmetrc =| ag group om. 2 100). Then the order of ois i 4 w6 (on ono ‘NOTE: MORE THAN ONE OPTION MAY BE CORRECT &Lad.ece sume pon nb an te shat gre en \ (6 stemma mage fi Gowran 9% Given the symmetric proup Son four symbols (@) The eye growp of order 28 (1 2, (1) 2) (3) (W=1) (©) The eye growp of order 3s {2 (@ No.elic group exis MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-2 ) ANSWERS TO EXERCISES (PRACTICE SET-I) i Le bead 20) A True (PRACTICE SET- 1) Lo 2G rl 3) mM application of ing theory i basicaly in eryptography, Ah RING ANSWERS TO ASSIGNMENTS ASSIGNMENT-21 2@ 210) (a0) 2 19 thed) — M.Mhed) Ml) Bfad) lady 224 2 labo) ASSIGNMENT - 2.2 | wagers Zi] = {a+ ib | @, B © 2} forms ring under usual olton and bers (a0 =0a= 0 (a) 068) = Cab ab ip 60) 6) = 0b, MODERN ALGEBRA a2 nee Ra bac Unity: An element ofa ring R is called unity or an identity) of R fae = ea afr every a In general, ring may or may not havea unity, however it can be easly shown that if a ring R has a clement esuc that aeea afer ala © R then eis unique and hs ei called the any orthe deity Of R. We denote the unity ofa ring Ry 1. a=a.1=a.0=0>R= (0) which s Whenever we say Ris ring wth unity, we assume 140, SUBRING: A subring Sofa ring ba subring of RIS tela ring with he operation of R ‘Theorem 22.1. A non-empty subse Sof ring Ris asubring of R TabCS,a-bES V a bES. Examples: 1 2 a 4 5. Results om Subring: 1 2 {0} and Rare subrngs of any R. (0 is called the iia subring of 10.24) isa subring ofthe ring Z, the ntegers modulo 6. Lisasubring of R f encuentra non dt Any subring of Bis of the pe nd. ne aesynncen ‘Anon empty subset S ofa ring R isa subring if Sis closed under subtraction and multiplication tha 4s. iferband ab aren S whenever a and bare in S {IPRs aring wth unity then a subringS may no bearing with ny. eg, Let B=2=(2nme Y. E isa subrng ofZ. Lis a ring with ult while Fla subying of without wi. havea subring with unity. bez} MODERN ALGEBRA s-ff Jie} A varneitoiymbSitomtrig titi ' The intersection of eny collection ofsubrings ofa ring Ris a subring of R ‘The sm of two subrings may not bea subring eg Ml) Sloss arralt ae} (Clearly, Sand Tare subvings of M2) Bur S + Tis nota subring 05 not closed under multiplication, Intersection of two suring is a subring /ER\ar~ ra W @CR} ie, contre of ing issubring of th Ring R. fent elements of commutative ring frm a subring TYPES OF RING Commutative Ring: rng Rin which ab =baforeverva, b& Rs called a commutative ring eZ aR Results on Commatatve Ring 1 332 ‘Any ing of prime order is commaive A ring of order p. (pia prime) may not be commdative. {oalfe » atric mulation, but not commacativ, Even iis the smallest noncommusative ring. Bu ring of onder p wit nity is abways commutative, where pa prime. eoxanmtn YT Yow tom tna tn Divison rngéShew Ring: A ring with unity m which all nonzero elements form a group under ‘muipiation is called aavision rig. Results on Division Ring 1 ring R the equation ax = forall a (a 0) ha a sotion, then Ravin ring. A finite ring with least oo elements and with no zero divisors ia division rng = MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3 fox .osest ee pial? 2 E : : 3 Ifina ring R. the equation ax=b forall aa 20 1 0 vtsest 2 40,40 Burgl =0¥s JAB Fields A commutative ring with o unity ica 6 CZ, funder addition and mulipia Important Results on Integral Domain / Feld: (A feds aay an integral domain, ut every iteral domain snot afield. The converse is tr only infinite integral domains For example: Zis am integral domain but mot field ©) For every prime p ,, the ring of integers modulo pis field. 34 ZERO-DIVISORS (9) Ler beafinte (ronsero) imeprl domain, hon OCR) = wre is prime. BAI Left Zero Divisor: Let R be a ring An element a € R, 0#0 i called a left sero-divzor if ob = 0 for ‘Bon integral domain whose order divisible by two or more distinc pris. same nonsero be R —Aving Ris without zero-tivsor if and only iffor alla, be € R, ab-ae and 2 #O imply bre (3) IR sacdivision rng then 2) ie. conve of Rafe i i i (0) Ler be fate field with neloments, Then 71 1 220.26 F 4 proper ef (right) zero-divsor of ring without zerondivsors | A mon-zeroeloment of R which ia left right) zero divisor is R IPR contains no proper righ oF lft zer-divisors, we say 36 UNITOFRING Let R be aring. An element vof having a mulplicatve inverse in Ris clled aunt (regular element) ‘35. INTEGRAL DOMAIN: % * Ateratoey. 4 commutative ring Ris called an integral domain iffor all a, b R, ab = 0=> a= Dor (1) The only unis of Bare +1; the only associates ofa % are + a. 44 bYiT € D isa unit 7 and ony if there exes x yVTT € D such that 1. & Tie rings LQR ond Care integral domains 2 LQ Lig pot a negra domain [ (0.1). (1.0) = (0.011 3. Thering Mj) of 2% 2 matrices over the integers isnot an integral domain {1 970 9] fo © AAMT ANT ore amis in D while 2-ViF and -5-2/)-@-AiTnti are 0 oir oj"|o o| auwciaes nD. 4. The ring Ro real valued continuous faction on [0,1] not integra domain (2) Imaring R with unity, ans forma subgroup ofthe emi grog a engage - MODERN ALGESRA a o au. Every nonzero element of, i either uit or zen Anclement ain D, is. nit iff aand nae relatively prime, BOOLEAN RING Arring Ris called Boolean ring i! = xfor al R.Clearlys? =x Vx R=324= BR CHARACTERISTIC OF 4 RING {Ris an imtegral domain and if na = 0 for some a.€ R. a+ 0 and some positive integer nthe the characters of Ris fin teger such that m=O forall xin Rn such Tie haste oh eed by chr Ror ef ring can hve on sr chrcritic BRI CHARACTERISTIC OF 4 RING WITH UNITY Let Rearing with unity J If has infinite oder wer addition then the characteristic of Ris 1 has order munderadition, then the characteristic of Rs m Results on Characteristic of Ring: () Let bearing with m elements. Then the characteristic of divides. Af (Let Fea field of order 7. Then char F=2 (0) A finite imegrat domain ha fie characteris. But an infinite integral domain may hav fie or zero characteristic. For example, {x} has characerie 2 (9) UF isa fed of characteristic p then F contains @ subfield isomorphic o 2. IF is a fled of characteristic then F contains a subfield isomorphic to rational numbers (The characteriaiesof an integral damainD with unis either zero ora prime number. Examples: ()—Risaring inwhich x* = x, Boolean ring x€ Ry then Riso commutative rng of characteristic 2 @)—Thering of integers has characteristic 0 ©) Thar characterision MODERN ALGEBRA w CHAPTER-3. Thering 2] of all polomemials with coefcens in Z has characteristic 2 is of charters zero and for any postive prime p, Lp>is of characteristic p EQUIVALENCE RELATION OW RING Let R bea ring and Sa sbring of R. Let ob € R. we say that ais righ congruent to b modulo S [Symbulicaly a,b (mod 9) fand only ifa-beS and (abide S forall eR Similarly, we define a is lef congroent to b modulo 5 [Symbolically a = (mod 5)] and only if be Sand dob) S forall dR «ssa tobe congruent to 6 modulo S aks bot right and lft congraent 10 B modulo S: his is denoted by a b (od S ‘ight congrence modulo asubring Sis an equivalence relation on he elements of Wy GES. YER ayES then for each 26, the subset relation of right congruence modulo Sand comers forth relation of righ congruence modulo S thn eye S peas “Anon-void subset K ofa ring Ri called am eal ort sded ideal) if ts both left and righ ideal of. R Inotherwordsa, be K> abe Kandee K.re Rare Kandrae K. SIOL Left Ideal: 4 nom-void subse Ifa ring Ris called a left idea of Rif i) abe Ima-bedond ae LreR=raeh BID Right ele Anon oid rubeet Sof ring R ie called argh ideal of Rf @ abeJaabeT and aetreRoares Examples: 22 (ct of ven integers) so del of Z.Ifot al deals Zar of form ni. [Ret ofl continous factions from (0,1) 10 Thea l= ('€ Rife) =O) ideal of R R= M{Q)= set ofal2%2 matrices over Z. MODERN ALGEBRA fal of Reg R= EA =22,B=3E. (4) Intersection of any non-void family of righ ects ofa ring Ris (9) Fortwo ideals 4 and B of ring RAB isan ideal of Rand on 6 Leh arin mch ttc mac en oR = O=>x= Dory Othen Ra commutative ring. 1) WAis tof ideal and Bis righ ideal of a ring R, then AB i a 00 sided ideal. But BA may not e even chs rta el nor) 3103 Sum of eats, Leet be alo ring R then, he set A+ B= (0+ b\ 26 A be B) ical the sum of ideale A att Bom eg, R=LA=91,B= A+B =32. ‘eslt om sum of ideals: TAA left ideal ond right Then A B may not be an ideal of For exemple let R= M2) = MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3 deal of Rcomaining bo A and B 1 Generated by ast: Let Sbe any subset of ring R. Then amide A of 1 said o be generated by @ ScAand ° nbol . One can see from the definition that is the Sung Fer fon ead 1s td eo rica el ond tal of oriig see anick = com or) Pray for ane 4 tre eit SA. ich is aio he ieee : Fa 1 ond BoforngR, 4 8= 45> RS Pdf ea Fon oes Aan fring ie B= {Soh ee ne a Ate e prod fad B tis oi on idea. IR 6 Poneman eof nie =A hiae|, Ug icon ne cn de fp eee =A eal of RR N whenever Ais an ideal of 3107 Hepat coment A cman aofring Ros bean emp fna 308 Men ies te ofr ai bein fs pai nen A= o. matrices over integers. Consider the ideal of f, (Ch Alco 1 clot ml idea i Note: IA and B are co-masimal ideals of «com 310.11 Modular Equity YA. are ideals ofa rng R such that A&B then show that BOYA+C)=(BOA}4(BOC)~ A(BNC) 310.12 Simple Ring: A ring Ris said tobe simple, if has no proper ideas {6 The characteristic of the rng 109} X 62 i ero 9 he rng 6x 63 i a imtegral domain ia MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3 4UL. QUOTIENT RING Let R be a ring and, asunder: Fore Ns +N RINIP*N) H4N) = (49) +Nand (+ eal of R; then RIN i a ring under the addition and multiplication defined (+ Maren RUN defined by (r+ N) + (6 +N) = (r+ 5) + Nand called the quotient ring of R with 4. RINGHOMOMORPHISM “A mapping fof a ring B toa ring BX called a ring homomorphism or simply Komomorphism i i satisfies the following properties: For all, B&R. @ fab) ~ fia) +f) i) fab) = fla fl) AL Results on Ring Homomorphism: A, bearing homomorphism. Thon 0 Forall x.y € Rfor~ 2) =f) -M). 4122 ke offs defined asthe set note Kernel of fby kerf Results on Ring Homomorphiom (1) The kernel ofa homomorphism froma ring R toa ring Ry is an ideal of 2) Let: R-¥Sbe a onto homomorphism and let Abe a ideal ofR then A) sam ideal Onto of is necessary here: 8) Fundamental Theorem of Homomorphiom: For an ideal A of ring , RIA isa homomorphic image 2f R. Conversely ff is « homomorphism of ring R onto ring Ry, then Rs itomorphic 1 @ quotient ing of R Indeed R= R/kerf (GY) LetNbean ideal of R then there i a 1~1 correspondence berveen ideals of R containing N and ideals RN, (©)," Ifgis homomorphism ofa ring R ono a ring Ry then there exits @ 1-1 correspondence between the family of ideals of R containing ker g andthe family ofall ideal of given by Ag). ( iar MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3 (0) First Theorem of iomorphism Let BA be wo ideals of ring Rthen RA = (RIB) (AB). (©) Second Theorem of lomorphism ABB Let and B be ol faring hen 8B 9B eee ANB Theorem Lt eon el faring. connate, en! is commutative (©) Every ring can be embeded in a ring with unity. tm sieeiises ttl *) aber} nated amen “] we ee gee eee cee ene eee (12) The only ring automorphim ofthe real numbers isthe identiy mapping (13) Number of ring homomorphisms from 2, 10, = 2" prime divisors of. denotes number of Example 3.12.1, Find all homomorphisms rom the ring Tonto. Solution: Let f: 2% be a homomorphism Since Ker fis an ideal of. Also by First Isomarphiom theorem Di Kerf= 2. a 0), Then is a monomorphism, Also since Bis an Integral Domain, identity of. Thus f1)=1 _ Now. each n € T we have eg z0 ten ff O41 AD = FOE F410) nsOn ton fis identity homomorphism Thus fo) =n, V ne Case UL If Kerf. Then V nL. fle) = 0 Le, F180 2er0 mappingwhich isnot possible a itis not een aera MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3 Then fs 4 nom trivial homomorphism and 30 Ker fis a nom tsa del of ‘any nontrivial del of 8 ofthe form nL. for some postive integer n iat Zn % Z,, which ia finite ring. Bu from (I), we have UKer fan ring which isnot posible. Hence the only ring homomorphiom from ZZ is the sdentty mapping. Example, 3122. Let: 1-2, be defined by fe) forall ne Stow ats maar nd ad ts heme Solution: LetnmeT. Then f(n-m)=(n-+m] =[nl+tel= f+ fr, and flom)fom]=[0] [mf fl). Hence fs hom Now, ker f= (ne Zi f(r) =(0) = (n€ Z) [0] = [0)}= fe Z| n=0 (mod 6)) = fe Z\ divides n} = (n€ Z\n~ Ok where ke Y = 6L Example 4.123 Show hat isomorphic images ofan integral domaln isan integral domain Solution: Let [4 bean isomorphism. Then the isomorphic image of Ri f1R)=(f): forall xR}. We show tht Ris elzo am integral domain. As Ri an integral domain 43. FIELD oF QUOTIENTS Let Dbe an integral domain with more than one element, then a fell of quotients of Ds a pair (F. 6) whird Fi afield and o is @ homomorphism of Dino F such that every x & F is expressible as (sVObhfir some y€ D with y #0 eee Results on Feld of Quotient: (1) LetD bean integral domain comzaining at leat two element hen D has a fil of quotient. IF, 6,) land (Fy 6) are two fed of quotient then there exists an isorerphiom 1 of F, onto F, suck hat / 19,=6, 8) Wa fieldK contains a nonzero integral domain D then K contains afield of qutiont of D, 108 into aving of endomorphism (9) Ler Fe a field Them the field of Quotient of Firing isomorphic to F co a ACSIR.UGC NET UNE 2012) PRACTICE SET-It The umber of monsrivial ring homomorphisms from By to By it at 3 oa 2 Themumber of ring homomorphisms from 2, XZ; 102, i equal to = (GATED) concen ofthe polynomial 3142 Sum and Product of wo polynomiais: eg Dpab,for every k>: 4 2 abjforeverys2 L143 Polynomial Ring: The set T of all polynomial oer ring R & a rng under the ado ond pide T ere e,= al jo) where eg= Fab for everyk> 0 Results on Polynomial Ring: () Let Tbe a ring of polynomials over ring R then R= (a, 0.0. ‘tomorphictoRunder the mapping (a 00.) ~& Farther has ui or 510 (Gome ewhars define the degtee of zero polynomial tobe equal) som Degree of «polynomial: somils =fy y d) &= yy By deg (+ ) Sma deg deg) (i) S deg + deg proper serovars then deg f= deg + des over aring R of degree m wth lending ‘hand rn Rf] uch hat 3146 The Remainder Theorem: Let bea fied, a F, and fs) Ff]. Then ais the remainder tthe division offi) by 0. BIL7 The Factor Theorem: LAF beafield, a€ F, and fis) «Fist. Thema is azero of fie) and aly fai a factor offs) BIS. SOME DEFINITIONS JASE Unis: oissaid bea Theis of Ui faring R (Ring with unity) if € Rsuch a ab =I MODERN ALGESRA CHAPTER-S ‘Resuls on Factors: Let R bea commutative ring with unity and let, bebe any thee elements of then Waa 2) Ialband be then alc and alex for every €R Fal band ale ona | 6). (Ia, bare.wo non-zero elements ofR then ab and bla and only if =. 3153 Associate: Let R be a commutative ring with unity. An element a of Ri said to be an associate of bER if a= bu for some unitue R Results on Associates: Let Rbe a commutative ring with unity, then the following hold (D)—Therelation of being associate i an equivalence relauion om R 2) Rivadomain anda, b are rwo now-sero elements ofR then a~b fad ony ifalb and Ba ISA Prime Element: An clement p of commutative ring R with nity is sad tobe aprime @ — p#0andpis nota unix Gi) Foreverya, bia R plab= plaor pit scaled reducible if ISS Inreducible Elements An element pof commutative ring wit @ — p#0,pisnotaunit (i) Whenever p = abthen one ofa orb must be nit. Inother words, p has no proper factors 4186 Primt deat: B68 Bé «commutative ring. An ideal P of Ris called a prime ideal fo, Be R,abeP = 0eP bbc P 418.7 Maximal ideal An ideal M of ring Ris aid tobe 0 maximal ideal of Rf @ MeR (Gi) there exist no ideal JofR such hat M << R ‘Thus from (i) if M ( R) 8 a masimal ideal then for any ideal Sof R, MICER holds only when either J= MorS=R ~~ MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3 ) ISS HCE: Let Rbe oc dla and bin Band (i) foranye# 06 Rife and lb in R then cd in R © deandbe 1) foranys(¢0) mR fae and Ben R, thon clin (Note: Let D bean integral domain with unity Ifa and bare tao non erent of D such that her HCF exis! then any noo HCF's of a and b are associates. Similarly, fa and b have LCM then any be LCM sof aand bare associates. 315.11 Principle deal: An deal I ofa ring B, which generated by single element ie clled Principle dea Important Ress: (1) Imam integra domain D with unity every prime elenen isan vreducible, 2) An ideal P ofa commutative ring with uty Ris prime fond only if RIP ic an imtegral domain. ©) Am ideal M ofa commutative ring R wth unity isa maimal ideal ifand only RIM i a fel (Let bea commuzaive ring and @€ R then the principal deal is equal tthe set fort nalr€ R ne B} (9) Ina commuttve ring Rwith niny * Ra = aR (6) A maximal idea of commutative ring with wit ia prime ideal but converse need not Be true Proof. Let M bea maximal ideal of a commutative rng R with unity. 2 teal = % is an integral demain. [°° Bvery fds on integral domain) = Mis aprine eal ©) Inanyring Rte union of ny ascending chan of deals 1) AVGACA)S om GAYS ol a ideal of (8) Iman integral demeln, every prime element is an reducible element a a, Example 1. Let Re the ring ofl, tai geri) Scan Solution: The faction w : [0,1] -R given b tntaeM rentel2)=f2) (2-0 2 ru rrirtapicicrann -A(f) 43) ote ase cn Clearly, Me Ras 8€ R given by (1) = does no Belong to Mt Let N bean ideal ofR such that M< N.Then, there exists h€ N.such that Ne Me zara.) -enoceee ml) Define ye Rly 1s) = LV se (0.1. fh = We M. Hence Misan idea of R This mean Saved mye Then W x (0.1). YBls) = Ws) Ba) = 1 = (4) => YB “BEN. Bur Bis nity of Hence NR. Consequently, Misa maximal ideal of R Example 2 Show that (018 0 prime ideal bu not. maximal idea of B ‘Solution: Let a,b€ such that ab {0} =ab=0 a=0 orb=0 [Lis Integral Domain) Now (0) 226% Hence (0's nota maximal ideal of Example 3. Let H,= [Aon © Bf, whore NGS UGONET JUNE-2015) @) ORD oe Let Bs] be the Polynomial ring in x with real bythe Potomial x Ii Rls). Then (a) Fis maximal deat beth ideal generated (GaTE-2007) (CSIR UGC NET DEC2015, let fx be ne bch tah 7% = 08 A Hore F and @ denote the image of f and m0 respectively i hel Of the flowing statement are (CSIR UGC NET DEC-2016) (a) Anynonsets clement Of Rieter amit oraz dvr mania Ads () Themes eis non-cre element of Reich teneiter aunt nor azero disor at (OPEV prime ideal 27 RU maximal Sone 8 mateo rn in fl. termine the qin a romaine apa ng a) 9) a) ae, J A comm Further Ris Examples: ZisaPID. Foran field F the ring of polynomial Fs) ts FID. Results on PID (Let Rhea PID whichis nota field. Then any proper ideal of Ris 0 mavimal ideal and o generated by an irreducible element of 2) Let dbeasquareree negative integer: thenZ (Js PID ifand only fd ~-1 or d= -2 @) Let R be 0 commusarive ring with unity and Risa PID. Then an ideal ks maxima and only it prime (Ina PID, an clement is irreducible and only ft sa prime (9) Ina PID, for every ascending chain of ideals. A, © Ay © Ay So G Ay athve exists an integer ¢ such thar A= 4,\1 m2 (0) For every nonzero non-unit element in a PID there exists an irreducible element p such tha pl ‘Results on HCF/LCM in @ PID ()—Becou’sIdentiy: Let R be « PID. Two mon-sero elements 0 and b of Rare coprime fond ony if ‘here exis xy © R such that a + by = 1. 2) Generalized Berou's prime (ie. their HCF isa eae: ©) If Ris a PID them every pair of non-zero elements and bof R has an HCF and an LCM. Further if d= (a,b) thend = ax + byforsomex.ye R Risa PID, then n nonzero elements 2, 2, . 4, 0f Rere relatively Sand only if there exist. Xn 1, € R SUC that tty at (Let R be a PID then any m non-zero elements dy dy 2,€ Rhave an HICF and an LCM. 417, EUCLIDEAN DOMAIN (ED) A non zero intial domain Ris called a Euclidean damain, if there exist a function 8 from R-{0} 0 uch hat @ a)20Vae R-Wy, Vabe R-(0;,5(0d)28(, (iy) Wae Rand be R- {0} there ext g,r€ Ruck hat arbytr with ether r=0 or B()<5 MODERN ALGEBRA Results on ED ()— Every Euclidean Domain ia PID, ©) Ut + J-19}.2}iemot a Ectiean domain ub IE FACTORIZATION DOMAIN (UED) ‘An iieral domain R with unity icalled a unique Factorization Domain (UFD) or & Gaussian domain t (1) Each nonzero non-unit a ix is expresile a @ product offnte numberof irreducible elements of . ©) a=p,p,p,enda= 4,9, ..4,are mo expression (or decompositions of a8 ¢produtof Urreducile clement then r= 3 and ther exit a permaton of 1,2, 3-.1} such that pis an associate Of gag for every i= 1, 2. F. [be ere exits @ ame - one correspondence ‘between p's and q's suc tha he corresponding element are associate). ‘Thus, the conditions (1) and (2) give thar in a UFD every non-zero noni element i (as a product of irreducible elements ad this expressions unique nd orders. We can sate briefly that any two expressions of non-zero noni reducible element are equivalent, Results on UFD () Ina UFD every treducible elements prime @ Bry PID is uRD. ©) Bvery Buldean Domain is @ UED. (4) IfRisa VED then any fe Rf isan irreducible element of Rs] ifand only if ether fis an irreducible element of o fis an reducible primitive polynomial n Rls). (9) Bvery reducible element of Ris a prime element of fx} (8) If isa UPD then every irreducible element of Rs] ia prime element of Rx. (©) Ina UFD evry para nom-sero element have an HCF and LCM. (8) Any fine number of mom ero elements, 0f 8 UED have an CF and an LCM. ©) Risa URDhen Rls ica UFD. (10) {N=5]is not UFD. Hence not PID and not ED. 419. CONTENT OF POLYNOMIAL Let R be UFD and let -ajtajrta,? + .. ta." be non-zero polynomial in Rs]. Let bean HCE of the coeicions 0,0, off Then thes called the conten off and we denote the same by co. n6 aa 320 ‘MODERN ALGEBRA Novice that CO) uniquely defined. For fd and so d'= du fr some un sigue defined. Note further that HCE ofthe coefcient off then dis an ascoiate ce uk = R. Hence Ci is HOF of. 4.4 PRIMITIVE POLYNOMIAL Let 8 be a UFD then a nonzero polynomial {© Rij ssid t be a primitive poly coaficens ia unit, Results on Primitive Plynomial: (1) Risa VED then every nonzero polmomial in Rf) isa product of «pin ‘andan element of & 2) The product of v0 primitive polynomials over a UFD ise primitive pobynomiak @) For ovo non-zero polynomials fand gover a UFD. Cf) = CU) Ct 321, IRREDUCIBLE POLYNOMIAL domain with uniy. A polynomial f over R of pstve degree is sail to be Inreduible polynomial over R both of postive degree. Any polyomial of postive degree which is mot am ireduible polynomial over és said tobe reducible over R 322. IRREDUCIBILITY /REDUCIBILITY TESTS (1) Reducbtty Test for Polynomials of Degrees 2 ond 5 Let F be afield fis)e Fx] and deg fs} 2 oF 3, then fs) is reducible over F'if and any ifs) has 0 seroinE 2) Mod pIreducibity Test: Let p bea prime and suppose tht fis) Us] with deg fs) ® I. Let f() be the polynomial in 2s) obtained from fa ty reducing al the coafcens offi) modulo pf (a) és reducible over Z, and deg F(x) deg) hen fs) is irreducible over Q ©) Irreducibitt?-of pth Cyclotomic Polynomial. For any prime p, the pth eyclotomic polynomial Olay ahaa a8 eH] inedible over Q (Y— Fisenstein’sireducditiy Crit + ag! be a polmomi ‘exists prime number p such tha mand pha, and} Urreducible pobnomial ver Q. CHAPTER-3, a “ enlace promi reform ach BED 1 Nenu dirham one netbs BED field of order p! For every prime p there exis (4) ffs priniivepobyomial in Rf] and Ke Ris} such th (5) Let Rhea UFD and K bets field of quotients then an reducible primitive polynomial n Rs] i alo on ireducile polynomial in Kis] (8. Any polynomial of degree 1 over any integral domain Ris reducible over R. Let fis) «2. fi) is reducible over, then it reducible over B camplesonireducile polynomials 1. s*61isireducible ove Q bu reducible over R 2 eat eireducble over 3 The ideal prime in Zs] but mot maximal in 2s) AG 1 the plymomial fig 22+ ax + Hin Bf} practice ser-w (USC Bangalore 7003) (0 irreducible in 2s} if and only Ya = (6 twas reduce in Bs. i je a Principal deal Domain anda, b any 80 romani elements of R. Then the ideal generated ana b is alo generated y (GATE-2009) a8 (ab ae ; (ogd(ad) (lem (a) (a) The ideal <140> ia prime ide. (6) The ideal <1 + ab> isa prime idea. 4. Whick ofthe polmonials ar (o)x + Ix! + 95+ 1S over (yx +20 +24 Lower D7 (oie 2x +24 Lover. the ring of integers xsd 2 +44 ove S. Consider the polynomial ring R[x]. where RBZ2 and write the elements of R a8 (0... Then all th distinct 001 ofthe polynomial f(x)=.12 +74€ Rx). are (IT J4M 2012) (00.589 (0-789 (010432 war KEY POINTS D> Aring Ri a set with mo binary operations, addition (donated by a+b) and multiplication and with Alsrbutve property > Ameloment eof aring Ris caled a unity (or an ident) of Rifae = ea a for everya R. Let Rbearing. Amelement v of Rhaving a ml element of R ive inverse in Rs A subring Sofa ring Ris a subring of Rif Sis itself rng with the operation of R. ‘The intersection of any collection ofsubrings of ring Rs a subring of R The sum of oo subrings may not Bea subring. LetR bea ring. An element a € R, a#0 is called a lf zero-dvsor fab = Ofor some nonzero BER. A commutitve ring Rwhich contains no proper serodiizrs is called am integral domain isan totgral demain but ld A rng with unity which al non-zero elements form a group under muliplcation is called a division ving. {YR isadivision ring, then Z(R) Le centre of Rs afield Fortwo ideals A and B ofa ring R, AUB isan ideal of R fond only if either ACB or BCA. “An element a of ring Ris said tobe an idempotent fa=a Am idal A of rng Ris aid o be moter if for some ps Arring Bis sid tobe simple, has no proper ideals. The kernel of «homomorphism fom aring Roaring Rit a ideal of ‘Fundamental Theorem of Homomorphism: For an deat A of ring R RA iss Komomorphic mage (OfR Conversely ff « homomorphism of ring R onto a rng then Ris gomorpic to a quotient ring of Indeed R, =k f Fist Theorem of omorphion Let BCA be two ideals of ring R then RIA = (RB) (48). ‘Second Theorem of lomerphiom . A+B 8 Let A and be oo ideals fring R then . ofarins then TT EB Principle Ideal Domain (PID) A commie ring R with i principle eal ring (PIR) if ach ofits ideal is principl. Further i Rea domain thon Ris called a principe el domain (PID) Euclidean Domain (ED) . A on sero egal domain R ie clled o Buclidcan domain, i thare exists a faction 8 fom R—(0} to sch that ' ) 8e)20VaER-I0) (8) Wa.be R-(0), (ab) 280) (© VaeRandber- there exist gr Ruck that aby with iter r= oF B)<5 Unique Fectrigion Donia (UFD) An'tegral domain Rit ny called augue Factorization Domain (UFD) o a Gaussian dona y Nay (ach nmsero moana Ri expresible as product of fie number of edible elements of, 2) 0 pypy-Ppand m4, 4,» are t0 expresions or decompastion ofa a proc of reducible cements, hn r = and here es permutation of 2 3, such that “0 By MODERN ALGEBRA. CHAPTER- 3 } (an associate OF Yay fOr WEEN = D2 as F fhe there exit & one ~ one cverespuence ‘enoen , sand gs suc thal he corresponding elements are assis) Thas, the conditions (1) and (2) give tht in a UED every nom expressible as @ product of ireducile elements and this expres enn element i proc ofredwibl elements are equvent > Rsencin'sireducbily Criterion: Lf y+ 05+ 4 0 be xis a prime mamber pach hap for alli = 1.2. m1 in irreducible polynomial over Q N exauae2007 Cte als etide tors Yd +8 a1 Asa be 22. a e0and 620 pote quate cant be nepoive 50 this casei at possible, sami of 2) = #1, $b Example 2 For two ideals Land J na commutative ring R, define 1:4 ={a6 Ria Jel} Inthe ring Z of ll integers, 1 =12Land J =8E. find 14 vats 2008) ‘Solution: Given that I and J are ideale of Rand 1:5 ={a.€ RK aSC1) RE:AL=(ae2\a.8Ee laa <0 ost~0c Rt laa=3 gate DE | | — MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3 Take a = 30 whereme B Jn MCRL Takeo isany meger bu a #30, 9 € 2 Ya sno. muliple of then AE cannot produce all elements of 12 Soifa€ 32thon a AVG 122 Phas 20:80 = 32 Example 3 Pik ut the ve atemens: evere2ne (2) Thesetofall 22 matrices wth rational entre (vith the ual operations of mar wdinon onda Oa R-C © lak Solution: (ae) ‘Set ofall 2 matrices forma rng whch has no nom-tiial ideals (Entries fom Raton) Let 4, Be MQ) (O10 Qs a Group under“) 20 Group under addtion) Ud ond has only wna ial (tt. QP 1 MiQ) has mo proper ideal MQ) has proper ideal > Q al has mo prope ideal > conraicion © R=C (OI bearing reff 1a.yn: operations of poinewse alton amd poimowse malitipicton i fcayon ') Kel a coment hong «as fe mip ono « By Ist toorem of homeomorphism { Rise feld MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3 } o Example &, Pick ou the te statements Let ROP i a tera Domain @+P)+P)=P abeR b+ P=P =abe Pas Pis prime either Porbe P (Given) = Either (a P)=P or (b+P) =P Hence proved (veum-201y (2) LetRbea comms et M beam ideal such hat every element of R not Misa unit. Then RAM if ©) Let R be as above and let M be an ideal suck that /M isan integral domain, Then M isa 0 Solution: (a) bea commutative ring wth identity MGKGR [K=M+ <0] such thar Ke M, K#R Two cases arises Cased xis unit Ke =R not possible Case-T xis nonsunt <> = 1 ‘a: Meoniain all nn-units M+ <> =M = Either K= Rock =M Hence M is maximal Rusa feld Result [Ina common Ring with unit if maximal = RMis a feld) True - MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER - 3. J (9) Riscommuative ring with ity ion RUM isa Integral Domain = Mix aprime ideal True (R= CL 1) bering of reat-vaued continues fnctons on [0 1} w.r8. pointise And RIM isfld eg. pls)=xe M'€ M) L2f:R Ruch fois) = PO) pla)€ R= C0. 1} ‘nto homomorphism such that generated by wer of non-eroelemens in the field 2, where p i odd prime number, which are the form m’, me ,,m#0 eveH.2012) Solution: Lat be the set of nom-20r elements of, Stee emma reefer] Letf: GG defined by fim) = mi Chafers Hence G = G/ Kerf (By Isomorphic theorem) Ker f= (x € G | fix) = identity} kal Merh=? IG = |GiKerf, O10 «9-1 ed 0(Re:p=2 eet tember ftom ce heel, pon ine which ae pares, oft fre feo) wees ‘a RS MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER -8 Example 6. Which ofthe flo are integra domains? (a) R(x). the ring ofl potim Mm (©) The ring of complex anabyic functions defined om the unit disc of the complex plane (with ointwise addition and multiplication asthe ring operations) ovens 201y, ‘none variable wth real coofcens Solution: (a) We know that @ fo1) pf 0 © saad? tae 9] A, Be M,(R) (for n= 2) ag-|°° 0 | A and B are non zero matrices, bu: AB = 0 2M (R) isnot an integral Domain => ()isincorret (©) Let P= Ring of Complex analtic merions defined onthe unit dsc ofthe complex plane ‘So (a) and (e) are correct. Example 7 Let 2] denote th ring of Gaussian integers. For which ofthe following values of isthe quotient ring Tina integral domain? (CSIR UGC NET DEC2011) 2 on ow (7 Solution: (64) = f+ iba b € Z) be the ring of Gaussian integers Zi) i Integral domatn fn s prime number of ype 4K + 3 forn=19= 44) +3 ne Tm {ly 43 ‘So, option (c) and () are correct (ee ter Char(S) divides Char (R) or Char (5) = 0 then Char (8) = Char Riva field rime number => Char(R) snot always a prime number as incorret For option 1d) Let R= 2s} Characteristic of = 2 bt Df noe feld Se, option is incorrect. For i YS is subrng of Reonaining ly As unity of = Unity of R => Char(S) = O(4) under “+= Chart) j So, option) i correct. \ For option ®) ‘ring homomorphisns, where Rand Sar rings such that Char(R)=m. Char(S)=n | mrs OV re R= four) =f) =0 => mir) = OW re Riis ring homomorphism) =ms= OV se Sf fisono] Since, Char(S) = n and mis leas postive integer such thatns = OW 5 € S 3 lm => Chirf)Chari®) theres natural ring onto homomorphism fom rng to its quatien rng Sie qusient ring of So, {R—+ (RI) for some ideal 1ofR i ono ring homomorphism + =2Ckar(S) vides Chor(R) So, option (sre. |fazeurraeanseserareared® a MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER -8 Example Let pg be dsinet primes Then (csi ¢ NET JUNE-2014) (a) 2 haseracty Sdn dels (0) 2 asexcty 3 distin prime ideal () 2 has exactly 2 distin prime dels (d) = has aque macinl ideal re re Sottion:() We know that umber of sinc ideals of, = 20) Manber of sin prime del of 2, = Number of distinct maximal ideals of 2, where 1(n)= numberof divisors of nd Example 10. Let p25 be prime. Thon (cS1R UGCNETJUNE2016) (0) FF, has least fie subgroups of onder. (0) Every subgroup of F, XE, ifthe form txt, where H Hare subgroup of F, (6) Every subgroup of F XE, ian ideal ofthe ring (The rng F,xF, 0 fill Solution: (a) Consider p= 5 then F,={0, 1.2, 3.4 it unit () “I fisnov one-one Forrds.r.5€ R = lt) = i) = ar=as A =afr-s) = Das e# 0. r-84 0 but ars) = 0 = (0 ta ie sero divisor. {In conclusion any nonzero element of faite commutative ring with ny ether a unit or zero divisor ‘Shor proof: Ris commutative rng with unity. ‘any nonzero clement of Ris ether ero divisor or not azero divisor. ‘none of thems zero divisor, then R become LD and alo R is finte Risfinite* Ris LD = Ris field =2Non-zro elements of Rare units ‘So, any nonzero element ofiite commutative ring with unity ether nit ora zero dsr. ‘So eption (a) i correct and option (8k incorec Ris finite commutative ring with unity. Let be any prime ecto 8 => Bi egal doa Aso His fate CR fate 22M inl danced Ying 2 Vp oped 5 MODERN ALGEBRA = Pie mavimal ideal ‘So, option () is correct IR has mo zero divisor then R becomes fnte integral domain = Ris field SIRI =p pisprime and me N (Onder of any frit field sof prime power) Order of ®, +) = pt Order ofaddive subgroup of (®. +) =p", msn Example 12, Let MR) be the ring ofall 33 real matrices. J M4R) are defined as enon (o)Tisarigh ideal and Fisateft ideal (@) Land Jare both left ideals (6) land J are Bosh righ ideals (dia lft ideal and Jia right ideal Solution: (o) hc) [a bo Lats, xe Liwhere ,=]0 0 0|x,=10 0 0 |:wheea, bem ooo] jo oo aa, -b Ge i004 ay a kare Mr], a Oy fae, # ey # 4 hg Ha Fan Gy +O * rel O° ° 0 oe 0 0 Sure > isright Ideal ‘Similarly, we have Jal deal (GATE-2000, MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3 Example 13. Consider Zand Bas rings meal Sand 20, respectively. Then the numer of homomorphisms et, (GATE-2007) @ m2 wo (as Solution: (o) Homomorphem f B,— emel ideal in Z, The ony ideas of B, ae (0) and Z, der $in By say.r = fl) te f) 0 On the other hand f preserves mapication o, 4 =f) = fl) ={0) 0) = 16, comadition sherf#0 herfnZ, f=0 = Only one homomorphism on “9 isring homomorphism 9) =0&9() =I, then in) =n (i @ is nonzero) but then @is mot. ring homororphism ; 1-90) = 2.3)=92). 90) = 64102 23=1inZ) here only one ring homomorphism vz. 2er0 homomorphism Example 14, Consider Zs field modulo Sand le ffs) = 3° +48! + 4x + 4x! +x L The the zeroes off) Z,are | and 3 with respetive muliplicty (GATE-2007) (o) Vand ¢ (0) 2end 3 ()2ond2 (Land? Solution: (4) InBfsy Si) =2 +4 +4 $48 4x4 Lf Ge) = 048 #26 + ae 170) 230+ 404 3G) mtd faya=t+argeasisieo S()ETA IESE = 280 2, multiplicity of Lis 1 SO)W3+443HIATS THOS) =2434 44 12 Of"QVR2+IEIAIED 3ir2er0 of multiplicity 2 Example 1S. / [i] the ring of Gaussian inegcrs, the quoient Zi] /<3 > i isomorphic 19 (GATE-2011) or wean (omar wo Solution: (d) We have, quotient ring [i/<3— > Now3+i+<3-P80+<3-P > 4-1-0 3=1 { a MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-S } ‘Squaring on bot sides,9=-1 = 10% 0 = E[i]/<3-i> i iomorphic 2/108 [e3—i5] Aloo, |Z |-10 =U /3-p 21, Example 16 FormeN, let n2=[nk:k&2). Then, the numberof units of BAZ and 222, respectively, ae (IT JAM 2011) oun 10.1 (oie (8 Solution: (o) The numberof units of Unis given by Q(n). where (n) denotes the number of postive integers which are less than m and are co-prime to * number of units of 2/112 is (1) = 10 and umber of uns of L128 is (12) = 4 + Option () i correct Example 17, Which one ofthe following is rue? (@) The characteristic ofthe ring 6L is 6 (©) Thering 62 has a zero divisor (©) The characterise of the ring (B/62) x 62 is zero (A) The ring 62 x 82 san integral domain (arsast 201) Seton (0) Consider th ring. 62 = 60:06} (0) Since thre des not eis any neN such hana = OV a 62 Hence te character 0 the rin 5 is eos) incorrect. (0) Lets 62 be wo nonce elenens 160 andy = 6 forsome abel Nowsy=0"= 6660 = 36eb~0 =>ab=0 ‘Ac abeZ and Zan inegral domain “eihera~Dorb=0 =eihers=Dory=0 Hance ing 2 has no eo dsr, 09) cove. (Since (60) and (46 62% 68 and ( 0.) et (6.0) #0. and (0.0140) = OEE ot an ner doman (incre. Hence (ithe ent crt option share des no esta nor zero amber‘ such tat a) =0°V(a,b)@ LTX6E. ‘Let bean ideal ofa commutative ring R (arr sast2012) Define A= fr R|7°¢ for some n EN} Show that A isan ideal of R = MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3 0) Let be afl. For each ps © FI) the poynomial ring in x over F) define ¢:Fl\-a Pa {re rnghonomarphion rng Flal4e~1) isomorphic tering FAP ing .To prove A= (r €R rm © Lfor some n €N) isan @ — Let1, 56 A= LforsomemeNand Ze Iforsome pEN IEC ICE ICRC PPM selypnien Now since e137" IW neNU f) Similar, 646 136 IY neNU {0} 26-9761 reed ) Ltre Andre R ->76 IforsomeneN Mls 45 5 © R=28E RU Risclosed wrt. muliplcation) Now (of = 78 (Risa commaative ig] €1[-PER¢ Land is anidcal oR} =2(09"€ Lforsomen eN sued VreAseR A isonidel off (0) Given 9: Fls]-+Fa ts defined by 9 (9) = (10,001) © Toprove is ring homomorphism Let ws) a6) © Fla] $99.) + a69)= O40, PL) + a) (0011) + Gt.gc)) = 9009) +9445) 304 93) = 0 40. POAC) SR LMPD)A(.40) = 68.418) Hence QElx]0F XF isa ring homomorphism (9 By findamel trem of eomarphon, UY. way , Now pls) € ker iff p(x) = (0.0) ke. iff (D(0)2(1)) = (0.0) ‘e-ifp(0)= Dandy =0 569 and pt) (eS MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3, ts) = Br! - cx + a Fs} such thar 4p) = 229 °Fls] + Fx Fis onto Example 19. Let R be a ineyral domain containing a field F as a subring dimensional vector space over F, then Ris afl Example 20. Let Fb aint field whose charac zero elements of F An element a € Fer () 3 im), Hence the cardinality of in) Example 21. How many isomor ‘Prove your answer. (n1rR-2017) cannot be 5 or 7. as ifthe #0 the order Sasatotatatena theorem of existence ofan element of onder 7. = The ring is somorphc to Dy Or There sony one ring uo uomorphism ie, Zap As, rings additive abelian group fist ‘bea group of onder 35, MODERN ALGEBRA Ae 35957 and 4 7.) Exercise 22, Let R= Qf, where Is th del generated by | +. Lety be the cove of in R Then (CSIR UGC NET JUNE-2012) Solution: (0) R= Qfstt where = (a! +1) Given y he coset of 'x* in > y=x+(x'+ 1) Define f: Qfs} ~* Oli] = fa + ib |ab € Q) » Ofsperf = Oi} rete ovr B= QIK + I) a8 y+ 1 reducible ver QU i) i HHS 9-1-8 2 2 ut a,08¢ i a+ Lie Qi) = a) has no rot in QI] and gis of degree 2 = a) reducible over 1 © Qs YO y ~ bs aunque fctrization domain (©) WfRis a prncipal deal domain and pi non-zero prime ideal, then RIP has finitely many prime deals (4) Ris principal idea! domain, then ony subving of R containing 1 is again principal ideal domain. (CSIR UGC NET DEC-2016) Setution: 6) For option (a: Ufa] i not a prnciple ideal domain (CIR be a commutative ring with unity, such that R[x is P..D then Rs field) 7A] PLD => Tis field, whichis obsurd. So, option (a) is incorrect. For option () (Cleary, fering homomorphism and onto. By Fundamental theorem of ring homomorphism, => Rly = R derf= hy) Ry] /fbLy) =O} (HO) © ROT HCL) = OF = (v1) => Rly] Aytl) = R= Zs. y]/Mytl) = R= Us] Us, y] ysis VLD ‘So, option (0) i correct. 2 1p) GURDY For option (0): Ris PLD ond P's non 2270 prime ideal. => Pis maximal ideal "incase of PLD, everynonzero prime ideal +> maximal idea!) => RP isfld We know that field has only two ideals Le {0 ideal and ise => RP has finitely many prime ideas MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3, So. option is true Fr option ( Re Rife PLD (E+, +) 16 the finite fed with 9 elements Let G=(F.+) and H=(F\(0}) denote the tnderying. iplicative groups respectively Then (CSIRUGC NET JUNE-2014) (a G= ast) x@sy) @)G= est) (oH = anv xa2yxane (OG = QE) x USE) and = UBT) fn fld with 9= 3 elements ‘esl: [Fs field of order, then (P.+) aa group under adi eloment added itself timex wil Become ident, So(f. +) =t,x2, no be eyelic group as any group F* = YO} isacylc group => H= F*= FO) 22,” Example 25. The number of , (GATE-2007) foo 2 ws Solution: () BaZy ‘Number of maximal ideals Number o distnt prime divisors of 27 =1 Resul: Number of maximal deals in B= Number of distinct prime divisors of p* (CATE 2009) () fed having 9 elements (haninfnie field (@ nota field Solution: () pla)=2 42° és polynomial in Zs}. Its ofdegree 3 and p(0)=0+0+1=1 +151 (modZ,) = 00nd 1 are ot rot ofp) ls) istered in 2 and idea! (pt) maximal det in 2, s+) field with 2 elements Fact If x)is reducible plyomil of degree kin fs), than 2s} (ps) & inte fl wth p* sloment. { a MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3 J Example 27. Which ofthe following idea of HJ 0 integers not mas (GATE-2009) cite oie Ware stve Solution: An idea (0+) C210) iemasnal ia <342> tenor mainal «prime, bu [34° =10,¢ not prime Example 8. Let R= 22x 2Z and |= 22> {0}. Then which ofthe following statement is correc? (GATE-2012) (a) is a maximal deol ba nota prime deat of R () Lisaprime idea! but nota maximal ide! of 8 (6) Tis both maximal ideo as well as aprime idea! of R (Lis nether a maximal ideal nora prime deal of Solution: () AsI= X20} GEXEX I SEXIXZ So is mot a maximal idea, but ia prime ideal <€+< g00)>=< fa). 4(> © d)< flay> +e glx) >ecat=t> extlets ety BW nea bx 1X Gl) Hel) Ue + Ded) Ged) Mat) = Gis. “Bho 8) a0) © Qs} ~ (624) (1) ps) + (°*D (a0 pe. 18) © QL! Dp + oD ae pt. a8) € Oks? bets) © Qlaj} = (e+ 1) So, option fe corect, Example 32. Let fsx! +2". Determine in which of he following cases fs irreducible over the felt K SIR UGC NET DEC-2013) @)K=Q. the (OK=F,,thep of rational numbers (field of 2eloments (OK =F, the fine fd of $ elements (eet ans) | Solution fa) Given f= 2420 +x-1 For option) Lap =2 Sis) =! +441 mod 2 S02 0.ft) £0 Si) has no root in 2, ‘Using modp, reducible test, fi ireducible over Q ‘So, option a) is eorect. For option ) ‘rredscible pobmomials over Ris either of degree 1 or 2. Given fs) is pobynomial of degree 3 = fs) is reducible polynomial over R + Se. option (is incorrect. For option () Si) 22 ++ Lover, fis) has no root in 2, So. fs) sireducble over, So, option (cis correct. For option 4) Sis)=2 +22 +2 Lover, SO) # 1,90) 0 (mod 3) => fs) has rootin2, Si) is irreducible over 2, So. option (d's incorrect ‘MODERN ALGEBRA. ASSIGNMENT 31 NOTE: CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION 1. The singleton (0} with binary operations addition and mal i ring and it iscalled (a) Zero ring () Divi (6) Singleton ring (4) none of these 2 The clement a0 R, the commutative ring. is an integral domatn if (0) ab = 0,be Rand +0 (@)ab~0,be Rand b=0 (ab ¥0,be Randb=0 (3) mone ofthese 3 Aring Ris am integral domain if (@) Ris commuative ring (0) Ris commutative ring with er divisors (©) Riscommuaaive ring with mo zero divisors (d) Risaring wih zero divisor 4 A-ring R with binary operation dition isan abelian group. If with binary operation muliplication, Vo, be Rab~be,shenRis (2) Commuctive ring (@) Integral domain (4) Nal ring & ring Rhas unis e, onde, then (em me, (4) none ofthese ‘ Oo (o@=1 (d) none ofthese .) be an integral domain, D is afield if D. such thot a# 0 there exist a'eD ae'=1 (0) Va D, there exist a" € Diata'~0 (OW ac D, there exist be D: ab = 0 (0) None ofthese & A subring Soft (4) has no element tall (©) has exactly one element (0) isnever empty (has as many elements as has 9% ——A.commutaive division ring is (@) Vector space 0) Grow (6) Imegral domain (Field <> 1h Aving R.*, called commutative ring iffor 0. € R (a) (aby e= bc} Gorb=bre one ofthese Mh Aring (B+. )487ing with unity if an eloment Je R such that (o)ta=1¥aeR H)La=OV oe R (la=aVaeR (d) none ofthese 12. IE isthe set of even integers under ordinary alin and mui then E sa ring, Bs also 1h The set C of comples munbers of the form x* iy isa field with respect to ont ‘mupicaton then the unit and ero element are respectively (a) Wend 0+i0 (o)Oand 1 abet 1h Brery nonzero nilpotent element ofthe rng Ris (0) Nota sro disor (4) mone ofthese i \ ma20 | \ v (none of se 1 Utada orig, then Aon (a) RU arin” 0) UR arg @RUGaring (2 none ofthese NOTE: MORE THAN ONE OPTION MAY BE CORRECT 19. Which algebratesructre isa ring? +) Wms) ore) Or) > ( 2 ——I MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3. ASSIGNMENT 3.2 NOTE: CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION 1. Acommuetive ring R with unit i called integral domain fa, b& R, then (a) ab=0-> 040,640 ()ab-0=> 0-00rb=0 (ab=0=a=5 (4) nome ofthese 2 Theimersection ofo subvngs of ring is (a) The subring (0) Nota subring (6) Merely a subse ofring (none ofthese The union ofsubrings (o) wasubring a subring (none isire (can tsay AAs field nown asa Division ing) have (@)Nozer0 divisors (4b. 0-0: 040, 6#0 (0) Zero divisors (W)none of hese S Let Rbeacommuative ring with unit element whose only ideas are (0) and Rite then (Go) Ris Division ring {8 imtegral domain (6 finite integral domain 6 Theintegral domain of which cardinality is no ws or 2. Tisthesetofintegers and define a @b =a+b +] anda © b= a + brab. Then the rng (©. O) (@) Commutative ring Tntegral domain (9 Field none ofthese Let the set Dit denote the ring of integers modulo m under addition and muliplication modulo m Then, WL is wet asubring of WIZE because (Ube nota subse of WIE (0 12isnotapaner of 3 (0) gcd,12)=34 1 (a9 does not divide 12 8 Let = (0+ 04+ 04) + Gk, CZ be the rng of uaterions ver, where Pepin ihe nls = im ki Ha“ =h Bim t=}. Then (Ricefeld (0) Risacdivsion ring (@) Rha er divisors (8) none of the above =< MODERN ALGEBRA. cHAPTER-2 Me Let Rhearing, UFGCR ideal A: Uisa subgroup of Render at Be Wwe Vandre Rear. U (@)A and B both ae tee (© Only Aisne (Only iirue (@) Both and 8 are false 11. The homomorphism of rings R ono Ris an omorphiom ifthe ern I is (01) = 0 (10) =R ony-r’ (none ofthese and be wo aria ings, 0: RR’ define) = Ofr ll a€ 8 then” 1s haomerpim 0) ¢isautomorphiom is izomorphiom (4) mone of these NOTE: MORE THAN ONE OPTION MAY BE CORRECT 13, Whichof he followings istarecorect? (0) A eld ian iegral domain. (a) field bas 270 divisor. 15, Which stare aring? (e) Se ofall 2% 2 matrices whose elements are in Rand determinant ofthe matrices is sro (R’ 16, Which ofthe lowing statement isare rue? (@) The tersetion of 0 non-empy subyings i a subring (©) The intersection of wo nonempty subgroups i subgroup (6) An integral domain have 2er divisors (@)A shen fl have no 20r divisors u M be the set of 2x2 matrices over the fled of real numbers, thn which of the following hold? F(a) (844, -) isacommuaive ring (0) A, -) poseses zero dvsors i MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-3 (6) AB=0-> AO or B-O, where O be the mull matrix and 4, Be M (4) 4) ts.am integral domain ab belongso ring Rand (a¥)?= a! + 2ab (0) Risa commutative ring (o)ab = ba (@)ab+ ba=2ab non-zero element x ofa ring R with unity has a muliplicatve inverse, then ero divisor (6) x cannot be a zero divisor Both (a) and (4) (d) none of he above ‘The set of Gaussian integers which isa commuta where Dis the set of integers. Then S=frx-at habe U 4 bY2 :a.b© Uf 6) where Tie the te of whole numbers + where is the set of complex numbers (CIE, +. Jwhere Es the eof even integers including zero (4) (Q. +, ) where Qs the st of rational numbers. Ya, be D, where D sam ordered st then which of the followings) sare rue? (acb>-a>4 (abl = (O-a'Ses'a) isan stofigho le U, then which ofthe following is not true ? is () Visa proper subset of R rc} ener aaaft wu-¢ Let and by are any wo ideas of rng R, then which ofthe followings fare correct? (5 4 Ul, tea deal of (OL +h is anideal of R (0) Ov, te an ideal of @ dy ten ideal of R CHAPTER-3 ofS ota subring of Wh domains an ordered integral domain? (oa.s.) OQ +) ome) We.%) 2 Let be on ideal ofaring R with an 2» sa, aed <-> eee] MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-S ASSIGNMENT 3.3 ‘NOTE: CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION 1 LetF bea field with p* element, pis a prime a rime ideals in Dis (a) inne or 2 natural number) Let D= Fs), The number of nite and e(5 are wo non-zero polynomials of Fx), where Fi a field, then ee) ts) sand highest coefficient ie 1 numbers and highest coefcentis 0. is coefficients ar integers and highest coefciom is 2 44 a+. a where a sare integers, then content of fs) i GED of iregere dy 2, & 4,89 ‘ “ * % isa primPeteentin Euclidean ring Rand" divides ab, ob then (o)Xlaornib (0) rtaand tb (0 db mt for some me R (@ none ofthese A Amideal Mee Rina ring Ris maximal ideal of Rif Usa ideal of Rand MCUCR, then —— ‘MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER-§ ) ‘NOTE: MORE THAN ONE OPTION MAY BE CORRECT in then which ofthe following isnot rue? mmmutatve dvsion ring 1% The polomial fs) = aytagctax + ot a, where gy, Oe itegers. i mo primitive ial Euclidean domain (© Ris aprincipal ideal domain, then Rls} ia principe! ideal domain Me Let Fe a fed and let pfs) and a(x) # 0 be any two polynomials in Ff. Then there exst mo ‘polmomiats x) and (5) in Fs] such ha p(x) = 403+) then 19) = Vor deg rs) deg ae) 41S. Ifpolmomils ft) ond gs) are prin polmomials, then which of the following isnot ue? |, @ fis eG) ie aprinive polynomial (ft) 9 epi pom (@)Bither M=UorR=U OM~U-R (6 fts)~ ise primtve polynomial (oueuer uruer (fet) eaprintivepobmomal Sie _ } Ee 8 ‘(sis MODERN ALGEBRA (CHAPTER-3 J ASSIGNMENT 3.4 2 Hone root of x* +21? ~Sx' +6x+2 is -2+3, then (@) irrvional rots occurs in pair 2 irrational roots doesnot occurs in pair 34 also one root over Z, are land 3 with respective mu (@) 2-83 isalso.aroot (alanis ()2and3 4 18 Which ofthe following statements can be true regarding deg f degree of f) wher trreducible pobmomial in Rs}. (R—1D) deg f= lor even (of the ype n=p-1) (0) deg Feannot be one deg cannot be even (d) none of above 4 19. Which of he following()isvore correc ? ios here Rls] polynomial ing mon 0) homom (©)fishomomorphim and her fu (4) fis homomorphism and ber ocx > (0) an ideal but not principal (4) 1 & principal as well as maximal ()Sis an idea, but not asubring of (WS is both a ubving and on ideal of T ity Ln which 20.1 = Oand 12.1 = 0. Then, characteristic of Ris (4 not irreducibe over. where @ denotes the fli of rational numbers 2 aS } [ wooess aston ara » (mesic onr tcc 2, (ee er hak at Z (omatieoer tc ow 2, beta bon ent 2 I Let Rhea commutative ring with unity and M be a al of R such that M? = {0}. Also let N be ‘18 Consider the commutative integral demain with vita ‘acne (a) NM ie, Nis properly contained in M(B) i vaximal, then N=M (0) every irreducible element isa prime element in Z{i} (6) Nis properly contained in M if N is prime (d) none of the above (6) I+4is an irreducible element in Efi} (4 Teton ofl eb pen tt 12 Let R=\;a,be 7, b isodd}. Then R isaring such that {feser sath akong I, (Rise mila =| Rs eh | (©) Rhas infinitely many maximal ideals | (ary frm ha ov matin ea ™ (@ R has no maximal ideal (Lisa unig factorization domain NOTE: MORE THAN ONE OPTION MAY BE CORRECT 21. Pick out the corect statements from the following. 13, Whichofthefllowing statements ivare true? (9 Iaicerotof (©) If m and n are. elaine pine ‘then the polynomials x"-J and x° exc (9 Yasar (@)irmand ar relics pre, then the polynomials 1 and have many common 0 2 14, Let p(n) Fil Let be an etersion of Fad let be E. (Rivafeld (a) pix) = (2 blgis)+ pb) where g{x)e Elx} (0) de a= degre) F her teehaltte ayrhems ere of 6) one ess hn degree of) | ont wo eas (0) and Fie? o of at) egree of pis) { (©) (0) and F are maximal ideals of F (4) (0} isthe only maximal ideal of F cere” same more than degree of ts) 15. terse) age 120 and gi) 103 640 +21 are om polo ovr the ring 24) then (fa) gia) 447% 66 + 20 (0) flsietsi=3e etx 343° 440° (fis) +etsi=4t dere 420 (fe) ax)=3+ 130+ 262 +280! + 16x 442? 16 sum ofow0 roo of 3+ px + ax is equal 1 the third eo, then (@) p—4pg+8r=0 (0 p-4pq48r40 © (6q-P°X-p)=-8r (8 (6q~ p*X-p) 4-8 MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER -3 ASSIGNMENT 35 NOTE: CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION 2 The number of associates of 243 (including this) in the Euclidean domain of Gaussian integers is wr 2 3 ws 4% Let C10 17 be the set ofall continuous functions defined on the interval [0.1]. On ton and multiplication pointwise. Then C{0. 1] 2roup but no a ring (©) a ring but nova integral domain (afed (@ an integral domain but not afield define 4 ety denote the ring of integers mail 10. Then the number of ideals in Zi: oe o3 2 ws 5 —Set of mites of 4 forms an ideal in the ring of integers under usual adltion and mutipication Ths ideal & —Wpisprime. and 2 denote the ring of integers modal, oe 2 3 2 ase 4 ) ace a} et tar aede ears aeetted mrgoeeat her ne er (0 [Co)res}« (9 aries 6) ora a eine eof 5 (6) (a prime: (@ tamasimal Leth) be the ring of a3 3 rei matrices. FL FM, (re defined as esol ———— redefine he ute 1) map te ‘oui Mh Fortherings Rly Wee ia) comorphic 1.8 (6) Lis somorphc to M: Mis somorphic oN : (@) Lisnotisomorphic to M; Ls not somorphic oN: M is not somorphic to N NOTE: MORE THAN ONE OPTION MAY BE CORRECT (a) the group UE), group of units of Ei] ia eylc group of order + (0) 24 Sedides 1456 (6) 245% does not divide (8) Dienos irreducible mY] but reducible in 1, stl he unin Bh rng of Cousin integers @tsi OM oxi on “ (atid Sif aet ne Me te mee 2% 2 mais of om oe umber. Then (a) Ms aring with unity under matric addition and mliplication (0) Mésadivsion ring (6) Misnota division ring Oy eden emet a, (lesen is a 2 (none ofthese The comec options) is/are (©) Quotient fil F ofan integral domain D isthe w 8.8 ytos Oss ITS (6) Every maxima dels prime ideal (6) Every ideas prime ideal Lat F bea field, then chooe the correct option) (o) Fis a Buclideon domain. (e) Pica ign factorization domain Risa fine commtatve rng with unity, then which ofthe followings) isfre tue? (9 bexerin eof i emai ie oR (0) Bvery maxima del of Risa prime (0 Worl ohne al hen fi ld (0 WP be prime ideal of, then RIP is a ld, et jhe be real numbers with a0b'€ S 412 Prime fled fll P is said 0 bea prime fit has mo proper subfields 41.3 Prime Subj: The intersection of al suis of afd F is called the prime subj of F Results om subfield: () Intersection of ay non sod famiy of subfeds of fld Fis a subfield of F. ASSIGHMENT 3.5 Ay pre fil ether isomorphic to the fel of rational mambers ort the fd of integers modulo Sa 7) 70 some prime amber tahed 10 16 Ba? Nee By ALA Fld steson: 4 feld exension of a field F isa pir (K. 0), wire K isa field and 0 & @ monomorphio of Fino 6g Let P= Qand E= Ror E=6. Then EXP i am exension. 6h Let Ebe any fl and F be ts prime subfield. Then EF i am extension 13> AIS Degree ofa vector space over field: The dimensi @ of k over F. basis of Casa vector space over R (eR) =2. fi] ison extension of Qand degre of @ 1% =2 416 Finite /tfinite Extension: K is said 1 be a fnte or infinite extension of F according asthe degree of K over Fis fine or infin Examples: a a Ris an extension of Q then [R = QY is not finite because if ¥yvp..%,€R Such that [pp] isa basis of then Re fay,+0y)+.. +x, 10€Q As Qiscouniable = Ris countable which snot true ite bass (Vy dy) Of WR Results: “ @ a ‘YK is afte field extension of Fond Lis a fit fil extension ofK then L iso ite field extension Of and fl: F} = (2K) [K Lis afte extension offild Fand K ia subfield of L which contains F,then{K:F] | [LF] ‘SOME DEFINITIONS Let be a subst ofa field K, then a subfield K of sid tobe generate by Sif @ cx. (For amy sjieldL of K, S&L implies K'S L. A field Ks said tbe finitely generated over F if there exists afte number of elements, dy. 8 K such that K=F(ay.,- 2). SIMPLE EXTENSION Let K be am extension ofthe field F and if the fled K ls generated bya singe element ‘over F, te, 1K = Fa), then Ks sid tobe a simple extension ofF and the element “ais called a primitive element. CT a MODERN ALGEBRA CHAPTER -4 J Examples (1) C= Bui is a simple extension of degre two over Mil = fa bie, be OY then Qi) =O) YUP} =[a+bv21a,b¢ Q) and Qiy2) isa simple extension of Qand Q(V2}= Q Wp 44, ALGEBRAIC EXTENSION (0 be algebraic over Fifa isa root of anon ero polynomial fs) © Fs). K be an algebraic extention of fe Vo Kis algebraic over F. If) = a, + ax + ag with ten fla) = 0, + 278 + .. + a, So, fa) = Owe cannot hhaven = 0, Thus n> Ocand de fs)» Oe fx isa non constant pobmomia. Examples (Fis algebraic over Qas satisfies x + Fe Qfi (Bis algebraic over @ because ists = 2 € Qa). (i) Every element of Fis algebraic over F 45. MONIC POLYNOMIAL ‘A non-zero polomial i) in Fs] is said o be a monic polynomial over F if the coefficient of highest ‘Power ofc inf) sequal 1 the unt of 6 ‘Han element a£K is algebraic over F, then a monic polynomial of smallest degree over F satisfied by the minimal polynomial ofa over Ff the degree ofthe minimal polynomial of ai m then @ ‘is said tobe algebraic over Fof degree m Results: () Ever fel extension of prime degree is simple. @)—Amelement aof Kis algebraic over ifand onl a): Fi finite. (9) Every finite extension of fild sam algebraic extension (YW Lis an algebraic extension of K and K is an algebraic extension of F then L isan algebraic extension fF... (9) The st Sofa hase clement of K which are algebraic over F isa subfield of K conuining Fuck hat ro element a of K which i notin Si algebraic over S (Wf any element a of Kis algebraic over F and if ps) is the minimal polynomial of @ over F then ri ER Saar EO MODERN ALGEBRA “a (CHAPTER-4& Iam element € Ks algebraic over F then there degre ver Bch ho (0 any te eloments a and b of K tsamorphiom 6 of Fa) onto Fb) such tha (0). for sce feed and maps onto b Foray field Feach element a € Fis algebraic oer Ff degree 1 Bis algebric over Q with minimal polynomial x-2 because ¥-2 is irreducible over Q and is satisfied by 2, Therefore VB is algebraic over Qof degree 2. 2 is aebraic over QI ‘ritera. Therefore 2” is ale P= 2= 0.x — 2s treble over Q by Eisenstein ireduc over Q of degre 3 FACTOR THEOREM “Any clement a € K is rot ofa polynomial fs) over F of postive degree ifand only if (— a) |) ie Kis. dF of, then ai said in Kish (A polynomial of degree n ® 1 over field F cannot hove more than m ross in amy fed etiension of F. ©) Cronecker). If) is any iredaciblepolomial over F then there exists an extension E of F such har [EF = deg p(s) ands) has root in B, field extension of F () fs) isany polynomial of degree n> 1 over afield F then there exis such tha fis) haem roo in Eand (EF SPLITTING FIELD “Leta be any poimonial of degree m2 1 over 0 field F. Then afield extension E of Fis called @ sping ld of fl) if ()faycan'e factored into mlinear factors oer E, and (2). there doce not exist any proper subfield E' of E containing F such tha fs) canbe factored into ‘nlc facors over i ‘Equivalently one can say that E 1s © spliting field offs), E contains roots of fi) and mad the feld generated by Fan n 000 ty dy ff) NE. (Let =F and tt fc) be on pon pobromit over PE and E*are then there exists an isomorphism of E ont f degree = | over F and ft be the correiponding fds offi) ond fy over F and F respecte, ch that 9fa) = Yd 4 F ©) If Band Bare any wo splicing lls of same polomial fs) of deqree m2 Ler a field F, then ther exis a itomorphim 0 of E ono Bsuch hat (0) = for all Le F. ax! +. +. tba polynomial nF], then the derivative of ft) which i demoed Mt) a #200 + 4 ag QE Fis. Le F then Ue) + e0yI"= Fs * 810) Gi) osc ‘i aid tobe separable if al the irreducible actors of (x) oer F are separable otherwise to be inseparable [Notes An irveducible polynomial fs) over a field F of characters p > 0 i inseparable if and only if 119) © Phe, fs) a polynomial in, 41, SEPARABLE ELEMENT Yan element a of afield extension K of Fs algebraic over F, then a & sa to be separable (separate over, ifthe minimal polmomial ofa over Fs separate (sseparabl 412 SEPARABLE EXTENSION The fed K is separable extension over E, if every element of Kis the root of separable polmamial ‘over F field Ks not separable extension, thn K ical inseparable extension over 162 <>

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