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The international capital markets have been experiencing dynamic

changes in recent years. Innovations are continuing in financial
products and trading methods through the use of IT with cross-border
transactions increasing exponentially. Transfer Authority International
is determined to handle issues that need to be addressed in a timely
manner by constantly keeping an eye on such market trends by
collecting and analyzing information with even greater intensity.

The movie Bazaar totally relies on the stock market. When Rizwan
discovers that Kothari deliberately set him up to take the fall for
Skycom for Kothari's own personal monetary profit and that he
arranged for Priya to influence him from the beginning. SEBI agents, led
by Rana Dasgupta (Manish Choudhary), detain Rizwan for insider
trading, though their real target is Kothari. Rizwan convinces them that
Shakun has been using old school methods which will not leave any
evidence or trail behind. Using information from Mandira, Rizwan is
able to prove that Kothari has been bribing government ministers with
diamonds which are smuggled via Surat-Mumbai Karnavati Express
train. Shakun is arrested and his family leaves him.

Thus, we can conclude that business ethics are the backbone of every
Business whether it’s a trade market or a consumer market. If you do
the deed ethically, everyone supports you but if you betray others to
achieve your goal, destiny strikes back.

Business ethics is the written and unwritten principles and values that
govern decisions and actions within companies. Business ethics, also
called corporate ethics, is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics
that examines the ethical and moral principles and problems that arise
in a business environment. It can also be defined as the written and
unwritten codes of principles and values, determined by an
organization’s culture, that govern decisions and actions within that
organization. It applies to all aspects of business conduct on behalf of
both individuals and the entire company. In the most basic terms, a
definition for business ethics boils down to knowing the difference
between right and wrong and choosing to do what is right.

There are three parts to the discipline of business ethics: personal (on a
micro scale), professional (on an intermediate scale), and corporate (on
a macro scale). All three are intricately related. It is helpful to
distinguish among them because each rests on a slightly different set of
assumptions and requires a slightly different focus in order to be

Thus, Bazaar gives the truth or the reality of life. It helps us in

understanding the business and how to be always ethical in business.

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