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Tropical forests – Lesson plan

1. Hook
2. Content discussion
3. Activity
4. Moral stories
5. Worksheets
6. Did you know?
Teacher Aids
Tropical forests
Teacher’s name: T Srilakshmi Date: 6/2/2020
Topic: Tropical forests Subject: Communicative English
Level: Intermediate Number of Students: 20
Class: V
Duration: 6 days
Teaching Aids: Questions, Content (about tropical
forests), Worksheets, Activity
sheets, Extra knowledge
Aim of Lesson: 1. Students can recognize the wild
2. Students can recognize the
importance of tropical forests.
3. Students can contribute in
saving our environment by planting
trees, saving animals, etc.
Concepts introduced: 1. Tropical forests
2. Tree plantation
3. How does forests help us
4. Weather and Climate
Vocabulary: 1. Tribes
2. Congo region in Africa
3. Dense
4. Occupation
5. Crops like Cassava
6. Pygmies
7. Amazon forests

Activities Teacher’s Student Anticipated

planned activity activity Problems
Sharing the Distribute the Refer to this
Concepts sheet having sheet as
concepts or when needed
vocabulary or whenever
they come
across those
Hookup Ask questions 1. What kind Mis/understanding of
of wild the concepts
animals can
you name?
2. Do you
know any
trees that are
found in
3. Why do
forests exist?
4. Any idea if
you know
why forests
are so green?
Concepts Discuss Ask if they
clarification about each can relate it
vocab word to their own
if any
Worksheet 1. Assist Will do the 1. Students may write
them in doing worksheets answers which do not
the on their own match with other
worksheets if students
needed 2. Incomplete
2. Discuss sentences
the 3. One word answers
worksheets 4. Spelling mistakes
after the 5. Copying the
students have answers from other
finished students
doing it.
Tropical forests Place where dense trees grows
Tree plantation Planting a new plan
Weather Weather tells us how hot or cold or humid is
a place
Climate Weather condition of a place throughout the
Tribes Group of people living in a place and don’t
use any modern technology and are
dependent on the environment for their
Dense Closely compact, thick
Canopy Top thick layer of a forest formed by the
branches and leaves of trees
Cassava Root crop
Emergent layer Tall trees that rise above the canopy
Evergreen layer Plants that have green leaves throughout the
Understory A layer of plants in a forest lying beneath the

Good morning children! How are you all today? Expected response:
Good morning mam! We are good!
Awesome! I’m going to ask some questions and you have to answer
it by silently raising your hand. Ok! Expected response: Ok mam!
Do you remember the lessons globes and maps that we discussed?
Expected response: Yes man!
Do you also remember platitudes and longitude that we discussed
last week? Expected response: Yes man!
Very good children, now tell me what are the important platitudes
of the globe? Expected response: 1. Equator 2. Tropic of Cancer 3.
Tropic of Capricorn.
Wow, excellent my Angel’s! Now tell me what are the two parts of
globe? Expected response: Nothern and Southern Hemisphere.
Very good! Now tell me where does India lie? Expected response: in
the Northern hemisphere.
Hmm and where does Africa lie? Expected response: in both sides!
And why is it like that? Expected response: because the Equator
passes through Africa. Very good!
I am very happy that all of you remember what we discussed the
last weeks. Now who can tell me what is the region or zone called as
that lies between tropics and equator? Think and answer children!
Expected response: madam, it is a heat zone and is called as torrid
zone. Very very good! And now we will discuss about that zone.

Tropical Rainforest Content

Sub topics
Climate of that place
Vegetation and wildlife
People who live
Flora and Fauna

Based on the above sub topics, my

activity will be as below.
1. Color the pictures and name them.
2. What would your life be if your backyard was a
Moral story
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful forest. There lived two
trees, named Chintu and Pintu, who were brothers. Chintu and
Pintu had many friends like the rabbit and his brothers, the group
of monkeys, the family of birds, the Bunky bear and the wise old

One day, all the friends were chatting. Suddenly Pintu saw a
WOODCUTTER coming toward the forest. Pintu said “Hey look a
WOODCUTTER is coming towards the forest! Run! Run!”chintu said
to the animals. But no one ran. They said “You give us food, shelter,
you give us fresh air to breathe. How can we leave you in danger
and go?” Chintu and Pintu thanked them.”OK you all hide behind
us” said the two brother trees. So the monkeys and the birds hid
inside the leaves of the tree and the other animals hid behind the

Woodcutter was very confused because there were many trees to

cut. Suddenly he saw Chintu and Pintu, the huge trees. He said “Be
ready to be cut you trees.” The wise old wolf had already told his
plan to animals. When the woodcutter came near the trees, the
group of monkeys jumped on him and started imitating him, then
the family of birds started pecking him, then the rabbit and his
brothers started jumping around him and the Bunkey bear started

When all animals were busy at their work, the wise old wolf ran to
the lion king. The wise old wolf told the king what he had to do. So
they ran to where all the animals were. The king roared and the
woodcutter ran for his life. Chintu and Pintu said “thank you”.
Later the woodcutter thought “I never thought that trees give
animals so many things like food, shelter etc…” and decided not to
cut trees.

Friends this a message to not cut but plant more trees because
there is less forest on our land and it is becoming less and less
only. So please save forest.

Moral of the Story: Save Tree, Save Forest, Think for the
Then I will do a knowledge test with this worksheet

1. Using the Atlas, identify the tropical rainforests and color them in

2. Name some animals and plants that are found in Congo region
tropical forests.
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________
6. _______________________________________
7. _______________________________________
8. _______________________________________

3. Draw the equator and name three countries where tropical

rainforests exist and name the rainforests.
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________

1. Sahara desert is called the mother of tropical forests!
The wind blowing from East to West creates a passage of sand, not visible to the naked eye. This
sand is thrown in the forests which loosens the soil of the forests making the trees and plants to
breathe air properly. This in turn makes the soil very fertile for the trees and plants.

2. Why the river in Sahara desert does not dry up even if it is a desert?
This river is formed from the rain that falls in the tropical forests. Because of these tropical forests
and the climate there, there is never a shortage of rainfall and this water flows as river which passes
as a river through Sahara desert. Hence the river is Sahara desert never dries up.

3. Amazon forests are known as the lungs of earth!

The Amazon Rainforest is popularly known as the 'Lungs of Earth' due to its capability of absorbing
about 25% of the earth's total carbon dioxide emission. It behaves similarly to a pair of human lungs,
absorbing the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen.

4. If the rainforests continue to decline in the way that they have been, then about 5-10 percent of
their species will go extinct every ten years.
5. There are two different types of rainforests, and they include both temperate and tropical. The
tropical rainforests are the ones that are most commonly found around the world.
6. Within four square miles of tropical rainforest, you will find 1500 flowering plant species, 750 types
of trees, and many of these plants can be helpful in combating cancer.

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