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Awareness Raising

Online Seminar on Green Chemistry

for Sustainable
Development & Better Life

Prof. Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA

Green Technology Research Center (GREENTech)
Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro

Dr. Jessica Hanafi

5 & 7 August 2020 Founder Life Cycle Indonesia
Co-Executive Director Pusat Produksi Bersih Nasional
Housekeeping Rules

● By default, participants will be muted on entering the Online Seminar

● Mute your line when not speaking
● If you have a question in the middle of the presentation, please write
down your question in the Q&A feature, so we can address it in the Q&A
session. If you have similar questions to ones already written down,
please put 👍 on the question
● If needed, participants will be unmuted to speak
● Speak one at a time, be brief, clear and speak slowly
● When speaking, start by identifying your name and
● Please note that we will be recording this Online Seminar

We thank you for your cooperation for an effective discussion

Awareness Raising Webinar on Green Chemistry

Green Chemistry Awareness Program

Indonesia Cleaner Production Center (ICPC) is promoting

Green Chemistry Guiding Document


Yale - UNIDO Green Chemistry Technology Compendium

developed by Center for Green Chemistry and Green

Engineering at Yale University in collaboration with United
Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Currently accessible at

Later will be at

Awareness Raising Webinar on Green Chemistry

Green Chemistry

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in partnership with the Center
for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale University are leading a Global Green
Chemistry Initiative [GGCI]

The Initiative aims to increase the global awareness and capacities on deployable Green Chemistry
approaches for the design of products and processes that advance global environmental benefits
throughout their life cycles.

The Initiative has many partners, organizations and governments from around the world, including
National Cleaner Production Centers [NCPCs] from Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Peru, Serbia, South
Africa, Sri Lanka, and now INDONESIA

Awareness Raising Webinar on Green Chemistry


Chemicals purchased for product processing have risen significantly since the 1970s

Awareness Raising Webinar on Green Chemistry

Human Toxicological or Ecotoxicological Effects of a
Chemical Emitted into the Environment (USETox model)

USEtox is a combined
multimedia box model (to
FATE predict fate and exposure to

Impact assessment model (to

quantify potential impacts at
estimated exposures) that has
EFFECT been developed to calculate
characterization factors for
DAMAGE human toxicity and freshwater

Source: USEtox® 2.0 Documentation

Fantke, P. (Ed.), Bijster, M., Guignard, C., Hauschild, M., Huijbregts, M.,
Jolliet, O., Kounina, A., Magaud, V., Margni, M., McKone, T.E., Posthuma,
L., Rosenbaum, R.K., van de Meent, D., van Zelm, R., 2017. USEtox® 2.0
Documentation (Version 1),

Awareness Raising Webinar on Green Chemistry

Fate & Exposure Model

USEtox compartment setup for

the indoor and urban scale

USEtox compartment setup for the

continental and global scale

Source: USEtox® 2.0 Documentation

Traditional Thinking


Raw Part Modules Product

Distribution Consumption
material Fabrication Subassembly Manufacturing
Organizational Life Cycle Assessment,
(UNEP Guidance 2015)

Life Cycle Assessment

Penentuan Tujuan
dan Lingkup
(Goal and Scope Definition)

Inventori Daur
Hidup Interpretasi
(Life Cycle Inventory)

• “Cradle-to-grave” approach to
assess a product system. Penilaian Dampak
Daur Hidup
• Berdasarkan SNI ISO (Life Cycle Impact
14040/44:2016 “kompilasi dan

evaluasi masukan, keluaran dan Source: SNI ISO 14040:2016 & 14044:2017

dampak lingkungan potensial

dari sistem produk di seluruh
daur hidupnya“
Source: UNEP/SETAC. Life Cycle Management: A Business Guide to Sustainability. Paris, 2007.
Life Cycle Management

A consideration of the whole life cycle of a product or service is required. This helps to avoid
‘burden shifting’, where the impacts are simply moved to a different part of the life cycle.

Life cycle management provides a framework for a systems approach that can help
businesses to transition to a regenerative model by understanding and managing the material
flows and impacts across the full life cycle of a product or service.

The life cycle management framework includes life cycle thinking and life cycle assessment:

● Life Cycle Thinking is a qualitative approach that creates an understanding of the flow
of materials over the life cycle of a product or service and encouraging the
consideration of environmental impacts upstream and downstream of production.

● Life Cycle Assessment is a quantitative methodology to estimate potential

environmental impacts across life cycles, identifying any impact hotspots and
providing a baseline to implement improvements across the life cycle of the product.
Life Cycle Management &
Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production
Application of life cycle management could result in
changes such as:

● Product design to make disassembly easier,

extend service life, or reduce consumer Input
maintenance requirements Material
● Raw material selection to include materials
which can be in use for multiple life cycles,
use of renewable or recycled materials, or to
avoid raw materials which are harmful or

● Implementation of closed loop

opportunities within the value chain Technology
● Greater engagement with supply chain
partners to improve the availability of
recycled materials or recycling
Innovative approaches are needed to
What is Green Chemistry? reduce the use of hazardous chemicals
over the entire industrial life cycle

1 3
Incorporates elements of Eliminates emissions at
chemistry, engineering, biology, source by:
toxicology and study of the
reducing or removing the
hazards of chemical
feedstock, reagents,
2 solvents, and products; or

by promoting invention and

Focuses on the inherent nature or innovation of new and non-
properties of chemicals, materials, hazardous solvents,
products, processes, or systems. surfactants, materials,
processes, and products.
This is transdisciplinary in nature,

Awareness Raising Webinar on Green Chemistry

How Green Chemistry can be used throughout the entire
lifecycle of a product.

The most powerful place to

Raw Material start. Green Chemistry
innovations can be inserted
Are the raw material
in any point in product’s life
depleting or renewable? Are
cycle. But applying smart
the methods used to harvest,
design at the beginning
extract or capture them
offers the chance of
sustainable? Green chemistry
improvements to cascade
is making it possible to use
through all the steps that
cleaner raw materials, and to
access them in cleaner and
safer ways.

Product Use

Disposal Is the product safe for

people and the
environment when used? Is
Does the product have to
the product itself even
be disposed, or has it been
necessary, or can the
designed to be reused or
service it offers be provided
recycled? If dispose, will it
in another, more efficient
re-enter the environment
as a threat, or as a harmless

Awareness Raising Webinar on Green Chemistry

The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry


Inherently Safer Chemistry for

Accident Prevention Atom Economy

Real-time Analysis for Pollution

+ Less Hazardous Chemical

Design for Degradation Designing Safer


Catalysis Safer Solvents and

Green Auxiliaries
Reduce Derivative
Design for Energy Efficiency

Use of Renewable Feedstocks

Awareness Raising Webinar on Green Chemistry

The 12 Principles of Green Engineering
Designers need to strive to ensure that all
Targeted durability, not immortality,
material and energy inputs and outputs are 1 7 should be a design goal.
as inherently non-hazardous as possible

It is better to prevent waste than to treat Design for unnecessary capacity or

or clean up waste after it is formed. 2 8 capability (e.g., “one size fits all”) solutions
should be considered a design flaw.

Separation and purification operations Material diversity in multicomponent

should be designed to minimize energy 3 9 products should be minimized to
consumption and materials use. promote disassembly and value retention.
Design of products, processes, and
Products, processes, and systems
systems must include integration and
should be designed to maximize mass, 4 10 interconnectivity with available energy
energy, space, and time efficiency.
and materials flows.
Products, processes, and systems
Products, processes, and systems
should be “output pulled” rather than “input
pushed” through the use of energy and 5 11 should be designed for performance in a
commercial “afterlife”
Embedded entropy and complexity must
be viewed as an investment when making Material and energy inputs should be
design choices on recycle, reuse, or 6 12 renewable rather than depleting
beneficial disposition.

Awareness Raising Webinar on Green Chemistry

Green Chemistry Applicability

Materials Energy Water System

Synthesis, analysis, and Basic research on sources New technologies to Life cycle assessment and
evaluation of next of renewable energy, address water quantity other sustainability
generation materials, including biofuels, and quality issues in both metrics to study material,
including applications of biogenic hydrogen, and developing and developed energy, and water flows
bio feedstocks, green solar energy. nations through lab-based associated with products,
nanochemistry, and and system-dynamics processes, and larger
design guidelines for modeling. systems.
reduced hazard.

Awareness Raising Webinar on Green Chemistry

Green Chemistry and its Contribution to Global Sustainability

● Green Chemistry offers ways through

thoughtful design applied as early as
possible in any industrial, agricultural,
policy, or sociological undertaking.
● Green Chemistry has been known as
“the chemistry of sustainability”.
Sustainable chemistry promotes,
advances, enables, and empowers the
implementation of the chemistry of

● Sustainable chemistry → a broader ecosystem beyond the science that includes

education, economics, policies, management and other efforts that enable the science to
be implemented and make a positive impact.

● E.g. Green Chemistry offers methods for tackling the global challenge of Persistent
Organic Pollutants (POPs).

Awareness Raising Webinar on Green Chemistry

Green Chemistry Partnership




Awareness Raising Webinar on Green Chemistry


1. Awards Programs: Raise Awareness and Recognition

2. Research Programs: Stimulate Green Chemistry Research

3. Education: Teach Green Chemistry in Schools and Universities

4. Workforce Training: Teach Green Chemistry to the Existing Workforce

5. Conferences: Attend Existing Conferences, and Begin New Ones

6. Green Chemistry Networks: Establish a Network in Your Region

7. Industry Roundtables & Affinity Groups: Bring Industry Members Together Around Green

8. Public Policy: Bring Green Chemistry into Public Policy Discussions

9. Public Awareness: Tell Stories of Green Chemistry to the Public

Access the Guidance:

Awareness Raising Webinar on Green Chemistry

Terima Kasih
Check out Green Chemistry in Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA

Green Technology Research Center (GREENTech)
Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro
Prof. Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA


Riset, implementasi dan training produksi bersih, eco-efficiency, eco
industrial park.
Green Technology

2009-2011 : Ketua Program Magister Ilmu Lingkungan, PPS UNDIP
2011-2015 : Ketua Program Doktor dan Magister Ilmu Lingkungan, PPS UNDIP
2015-2016 : Direktur Program Pascasarjana UNDIP
2016-2019 : Dekan Sekolah Pascasarjana UNDIP
2019-skr : Kepala Badan Perencanaan dan Pengembangan UNDIP
Terima Kasih.

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