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Forage Science The Journal of the British Grassland Society The Official Journal of the European Grassland Federation

Review Article

Simulating tropical forage growth and biomass

accumulation: an overview of model development
and application
A. S. Andrade*, P. M. Santos†, J. R. M. Pezzopane†, L. C. de Araujo‡, B. C. Pedreira§,
C. G. S. Pedreira*, F. R. Marin¶ and M. A. S. Lara**
*Animal Science Department, University of S~ao Paulo/ESALQ, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, †Embrapa Southeast
Livestock, S~ao Carlos, SP, Brazil, ‡Biology and Animal Science Department, S~ao Paulo State University/FEIS,
Ilha Solteira, SP, Brazil, §Embrapa Agrosilvopastoral, Sinop, MT, Brazil, ¶Biosystems Engineering Department,
University of S~ao Paulo/ESALQ, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, **Animal Science Department, Federal University of
Lavras, Lavras, MG, Brazil

Keywords: agricultural production systems simulator,
Crop models can aid the synthesis and application of
CROPGRO, grass, modelling, pasture
knowledge, planning of experiments and forecasting
in agricultural systems. Few studies have reviewed the
uses and applications of these models for tropical for- Introduction
ages. The purpose of this study was to review the Crop models can be valuable tools to evaluate long-
information available in this scientific area, highlight- term effects of environmental variations (e.g. weather
ing the main models, their applications and limita- patterns and soil characteristics) and management on
tions. Several empirical models have been developed plant responses, but they must be tested and calibrated
to predict the growth and biomass accumulation of for new regions before their application can be extrap-
tropical forages, especially for the genera Cynodon, olated to predict crop responses accurately (Wu et al.,
Paspalum, Panicum and Brachiaria. Their application, 1996). Models can summarize a great deal of informa-
however, is often location or region specific. The adap- tion, facilitate knowledge application and be used in
tation of mechanistic models to accurately predict bio- defining agricultural policies, agro-climatic zoning, cli-
mass accumulation in tropical grasses is still limited. mate change studies and production planning.
Recent advances have been made on the plot-scale Crop models are used to integrate multidisciplinary
and farm-scale process-based models ALMANAC, knowledge, based on processes regarding soil physics
CROPGRO Perennial Forage and agricultural production and chemistry, plant physiology and genetics, weather
systems simulator (APSIM), with promising results. In and farming management. The effects of these pro-
addition, global-scale process-based models, such as cesses can be coded as simple written verbal descrip-
the Century Agroecosystem Model and the Orchidee tion or may be a comprehensive set of equations used
Grassland Management Model, have been tested for in the simulation of a given system (Sinclair and Selig-
tropical grassland areas. A greater number of region- man, 1996) which is used to predict growth, develop-
specific calibrations of empirical models can enhance ment and yield (Hoogenboom, 2000), even for large-
their use, and improved databases and model parame- scale applications (Rosenzweig et al., 2013a). Thus,
terizations for a wide range of tropical grasses will models can aid in the organization, interpretation and
enable the continuous improvement of mechanistic application of current scientific knowledge, identifying
models. research priorities in areas where current knowledge
is insufficient and favouring the appearance of new
Correspondence to: P. M. Santos, Embrapa Southeast Crop modelling has been an effective tool in simu-
Livestock, Rod. Washington Luiz, km 234, C.P. 339, lating plant growth, and since the 1980s there have
13560-970, S~ ao Carlos, SP, Brazil. been significant advances, mainly due to the increased
demand for accurate predictions in crop management
Received 12 September 2014; revised 16 April 2015 scenarios, as well as in studies on climate change and

54 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Grass and Forage Science, 71, 54–65 doi: 10.1111/gfs.12177
Modelling tropical forages 55

as a result of advancements in information technology models do not (Teh, 2006). Models to simulate crop
(Dourado-Neto et al., 1998a). yield are generally dynamic and deterministic models:
Model users have followed this progress, which is they represent how a system responds over time with-
best expressed by the increase in the number and out an associated probability distribution (Thornley
complexity of models available (Grable, 1987) and on and Johnson, 1990). They can be mechanistic and
the extension of their applicability (Holzworth et al., empirical, and these are the models targeted in this
2014). Users should be cautious, however, with regard review.
to inherent limitations of crop modelling, including Mechanistic models consider the knowledge of
the need for time–space–crop evaluation and uncer- physical, chemical and biological processes that govern
tainty quantification. In general, the greatest limita- the phenomena under study. Sometimes they are con-
tion for developing and improving crop models is the sidered explanatory because they express a cause–
limited availability of information and knowledge effect relationship between the variables (Teh, 2006).
about the physical and physiological processes Empirical models are also called correlative or statisti-
involved (Marin et al., 2014), the responses of the sys- cal models (Dourado-Neto et al., 1998b), offering little
tem to be simulated, and data availability (Hoogen- or nothing to the understanding of the cause–effect
boom, 2000). Therefore, model users should choose processes involved, and are designed to obtain the cor-
the model that can achieve their objectives with the relation between crop production with one or more
available data (Dourado-Neto et al., 1998b). variables such as temperature, radiation, water avail-
Despite their importance and dissemination, crop ability and nutrients, especially nitrogen. The empiri-
models are still little used in most tropical areas, and cal models are currently the most widely studied and
few studies have reviewed or evaluated the applica- used under tropical conditions (Overman et al., 1990;
tion of models created or adapted for tropical forages. Tonato et al., 2010; Cruz et al., 2011).
This is partially explained by the lack of understanding The choice of model will depend on the objectives
of their capabilities and limitations, lack of experience of the simulation and the information (data) available.
in calibrating, evaluating and using models, and a gen- Mechanistic models are developed based on the
eral lack of model credibility in tropical areas (Marin understanding of the phenomena which allow for
and Jones, 2014). their use under several conditions, but this requires
The objective of this review was to report the main more information and data. These models are more
aspects regarding the use of models to predict tropical commonly used in research environments. Empirical
grass growth and biomass accumulation (often models are simple to develop and easy to apply. They
expressed as net accumulation of above-ground dry are, however, more prone to error and are limited to
matter, DM), including a brief historical perspective, the range of conditions under which they were
major advances achieved, types of models created and calibrated (Dourado-Neto et al., 1998b).
adapted, and their applications and limitations. To a certain degree and observation level, most
crop models are empirical (Dourado-Neto et al.,
1998b). For example, considering a whole plant, a
Classification and use of models model is mechanistic if it simulates leaf area genera-
Across the various scientific disciplines, models range tion and light interception, photosynthesis, assimilate
from very simple, with only one linear equation, to partitioning, water balance, and nutrient status in the
extremely complex, with thousands of equations (Ho- soil–plant–atmosphere complex. Conversely, the
ogenboom, 2000). Ideally, models to predict crop model is empirical in estimating, for example, the rate
growth and yield should be sufficiently simple to be of leaf photosynthesis, because the processes involved
readily understood and used, and yet include suffi- (capture of light, electron transport, synthesis of ATP
cient detail to allow for application under a wide and NADPH, CO2 fixation, etc.) are not represented,
range of conditions (Dourado-Neto et al., 1998c). and photosynthetic rate is estimated empirically
Models have multiple classifications. They can be according to leaf conditions.
static or dynamic, discrete or continuous, deterministic An international survey of the Climate Change,
or stochastic, and mechanistic or empirical. Dynamic Agriculture, and Food Security Program revealed that
models describe how state variables evolve over time, 57% of the individuals polled indicated their prefer-
while static models do not. Both the discrete and con- ence for mechanistic models, 14% for empirical mod-
tinuous models are dynamic; in continuous models, els and 29% used other models (Rivington and Koo,
time is an actual value (e.g. 224 h), whereas in the 2010). These results reflect the increased demand for
discrete models, time is determined by integer values improving the understanding of processes, which
(e.g. 2 h). Stochastic models include a random factor according to the survey is the most important purpose
or probability distributions, while the deterministic of modelling. By improving this understanding,

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56 A. S. Andrade et al.

models can assist in the decision-making, in simulat- elling has been developed to understand the effects of
ing production, in research on crop management and agricultural practices and environmental factors on
genetic improvement, among others, which together crop production and particularly food and energy sup-
comprise the main objectives of model developers and ply (Jones et al., 2003; Keating et al., 2003).
users (Table 1).
Mechanistic models have been chosen by scientists Empirical models
because they are scientifically accepted as predictors of
a wide range of responses, either for large-scale simu- Regression analysis is the most commonly used tech-
lations or farm- and plot-scale studies. Simulations on nique to generate empirical models. It is a statistical
impacts of climate change are examples of current approach used to define functional relationships
applications of mechanistic crop models, given that among experimental data and has been used since the
they rely on the state-of-the-art of the physiological early 1900s when wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield
and physical principles for a given species (Rosenzweig was correlated with the amount of rainfall at the Ro-
et al., 2013b). In addition, previous studies with maize thamsted Experimental Station, England (Fisher,
and wheat have shown how prediction uncertainty 1925). Since then, many studies have used regression
can be reduced using model ensembles (or multimodel analysis in order to generate equations to estimate
simulations) (Palosuo et al., 2011; R€ otter et al., 2011; crop production (dependent variable) as a function of
Asseng et al., 2013), indicating that there are differ- environmental factors (independent variables).
ences among approaches used in these models and Empirical models are often also based on other
emphasizing the complementary benefits of having derivative variables such as (i) growing degree days
several models as estimators of biophysical processes. (GDD); (ii) photothermal units (PU) (Villa Nova et al.,
Physiological processes are essential elements for 1999), which consider GDD and day length; and (iii)
improving plant modelling, and most model weak- climatic growth index (CGI) (Fitzpatrick and Nix,
nesses would be overcome by better understanding 1973), which takes into account the global radiation
the main physiological aspects related to plant growth (Rg), a thermal growth index and a drought attenua-
and development (Marin et al., 2014). Besides being tion factor, usually the ratio between actual (AET)
genotype-dependent, photosynthesis, respiration, car- and potential (PET) evapotranspiration.
bon partitioning and water relations are differentially The GDD value expresses the accumulated thermal
affected by the agricultural environment. Long-term energy that can be effectively used by crops for
climate projections have shown that air temperature, growth. To estimate the GDD, the base temperature
rainfall, air CO2 concentration and solar radiation are (Tb) for crop growth is needed, in addition to air tem-
the most likely climate variables to be changed in the perature. Under tropical conditions, Equation 1 is the
future (Trenberth et al., 2007). In fact, most crop mod- most common method to estimate GDD for one day.

GDD ¼ Tmean  Tb ð1Þ

Table 1 Percentage (%) of responses to the question ‘What
are the models used for?’ aimed at the creators and users of
where Tmean is the mean temperature of the day.
models, according to the sample survey held worldwide.
The lower base temperature can be accurately
Main Secondary determined in growth chambers, isolated from other
Response objective objective factors. However, recent studies have estimated the
lower base temperature from field experiment data by
Assist in 25 13
regression of forage accumulation with average air
temperature, considering as base temperature the one
Impacts and/or adapts 24 28
at which herbage accumulation rate is zero (Cruz
to climate changes
et al., 2011; Araujo et al., 2013; Moreno et al., 2014).
Simulation/prediction 22 23
Despite the controversy regarding this method, due
of yields/productivity
to the extrapolation of results to the zero-accumula-
Research for improved 19 19
tion rate (seldom observed in those studies), the simu-
lated biomass values have shown consistent results
Research for genetic 7 5
when compared to observed data. In these simula-
tions, it is common to use a generalized value (15°C)
Education/training 3 7
as Tb for tropical forages (Cooper and Tainton, 1968;
Optimized operations 1 5
Moore et al., 2004), although the exact Tb is often
Source: Rivington and Koo (2010). unknown. Thus, it is important that the Tb used or

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Modelling tropical forages 57

estimated by the author of the model be considered, The CGI can be calculated according to Fitzpatrick
because although it is constant within species, varia- and Nix (1973) as follows:
tions have been observed across studies (Table 2).
The PU method considers the combined effect of
air temperature and day length, according to Villa CGI ¼ LI  TI  WI ð5Þ
Nova et al. (1999). PUs are calculated as follows:
where LI is the light index given by:
h i
PU ¼ ðn=2  GDDÞðNf =Niþ1Þ =ðNf =Ni þ 1Þ ð2Þ
LI ¼ 1  exp½3:5ðRg=750Þ ð6Þ
where GDD is calculated according to Ometto
(1981), n is the number of days in the growth cycle, where Rg is incoming global solar radiation (cal
and Ni and Nf are the initial and final day length cm2 day1), TI is the thermal index, derived from
values of the growth period, which are calculated as the curves relating to DM yield and average daily air
follows: temperature, and WI is the water-index ratio calcu-
lated as follows:

N ¼ 24=p  cos1 ½cosð109=106  pÞ  sineðkÞ  sineðuÞ

Actual Evapotranspiration (mm)
=½cosðkÞ  cosðuÞ WI ¼ ð7Þ
Potential Evapotranspiration (mm)
Predicting biomass accumulation by regression with
where k is the latitude and φ is the solar declination, air temperature has been widely used due to its con-
given by: ceptual simplicity and applicability, as well as the good
association between temperature and photosyntheti-
cally active radiation. Good predictions have been
u ¼ 23:5p=180  cos½2p=365  ðDOY  173Þ ð4Þ obtained by regressing growth of Brachiaria (Syn. Uro-
chloa), Panicum (Syn. Megathyrsus) and Cynodon grasses
where DOY is the day of the year. against daily minimum temperature (Tonato et al.,
2010; Cruz et al., 2011); (Table 3).
Tonato et al. (2010) analysed empirical forage bio-
mass prediction models using the weather variables:
Table 2 Base temperature (Tb) for different tropical and Tmin, Tmax, Tmean and Rg. The authors compiled
subtropical grasses in specific field conditions. data from five independent experiments, including
Grasses Tb (°C) Reference
four from south-eastern and one from central Brazil,
and concluded that Tmin had the greatest predictive
Brachiaria brizantha 172 Cruz et al. (2011) power for forage accumulation rate (kg DM
cv. Marandu ha1 day1) for Brachiaria, Panicum and Cynodon
Brachiaria brizantha 15 Mendoncßa and (Table 3).
cv. Marandu Rassini (2006) The marked effect of temperature on plant growth
Brachiaria decumbens 167 Mendoncßa and is mainly related to the strong effect of temperature
cv. Basilisk Rassini (2006) on enzyme activity, including effects on photosynthe-
Pennisetum purpureum 139 Mendoncßa and sis and transport processes in membranes (Salisbury
cv. Napier Rassini (2006) and Ross, 1991; Moore et al., 2004). The balance
Pennisetum purpureum 15 Villa Nova et al. (2007) between the reaction rate and the enzyme denatur-
cv. Napier ation rate provides the activity rate, thereby the mini-
Panicum maximum 156 Araujo et al. (2013) mum, maximum and optimum cardinal temperatures
cv. Mombacßa (Salisbury and Ross, 1991). The cardinal temperatures
Panicum maximum 15 Mendoncßa and for tropical forages often found are of approximately
cv. Tanz^ania Rassini (2006) 97 to 2°C as minimum for survival, 15°C as mini-
Paspalum atratum 156 Mendoncßa and mum for growth, 30–35°C as optimal for growth and
cv. Pojuca Rassini (2006) 50°C as the threshold for physiological disorders (Coo-
Cynodon nlemfuensis 115 Villa Nova et al. (2007) per and Tainton, 1968; Ludlow, 1980; Jones, 1985;
cv. Florico Moore et al., 2004).

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58 A. S. Andrade et al.

Table 3 Univariate linear empirical models correlating dry-matter production with temperature or related variables.

Grass Variable Slope Intercept R² Reference

B. brizantha cv. Marandu Tmin 1193 13495 073 Cruz et al. (2011)
B. brizantha cv. Marandu Tmincorr 578 1724 075 Cruz et al. (2011)
B. brizantha cv. Marandu GDDcorr* 129 652 075 Cruz et al. (2011)
Brachiaria Group 1§ Tmin 819 9492 055 to 05 Tonato et al. (2010)
Brachiaria Group 2¶ Tmin 1066 12807 055 to 06 Tonato et al. (2010)
Cynodon Group 1† Tmin 906 8469 06 to 07 Tonato et al. (2010)
Cynodon Group 2k Tmin 797 6701 06 to 07 Tonato et al. (2010)
Panicum Group 1†† Tmin 636 5522 <04 Tonato et al. (2010)
Panicum Group 2‡ Tmin 593 2915 <04 Tonato et al. (2010)
P. maximum cv. Mombacßa ƩUF 0226 60001 086 Araujo et al. (2013)
P. maximum cv. Mombacßa ƩICC 36814 31194 083 Araujo et al. (2013)
P. maximum cv. Mombacßa ƩGDD 1152 3048 078 Araujo et al. (2013)
P. maximum cv. Tanz^ania AET 3473 2158 087 Pezzopane et al. (2012)
P. maximum cv. Tanz^ania GDDcorr* 1880 1702 084 Pezzopane et al. (2012)
P. maximum cv. Tanz^ania GDDcorr** 1890 638 087 Pezzopane et al. (2012)
P. maximum cv. Tanz^ania CGI 33009 1288 084 Pezzopane et al. (2012)

(i) the response variable (y) is the forage accumulation rate (kg DM ha1 day1), except for the models of Ara ujo et al. (2013),
which were generated with the daily sums of the entire cycle; hence, the response variable (y) is the total forage mass in each
cycle. (ii) The temperature values are given in degrees Celsius (°C). Tmincorr, minimum temperature corrected by a drought
attenuation factor; GDDcorr, growing degree days (calculated based on Tb) corrected by a water penalty factor: *by the AET/PET
ratio and **by the current/maximum soil storage ratio; CGI = daily climatic growth index; ƩUF = sum of daily photothermal
units; ƩICC = sum of CGI; ƩGD = sum of degree days. †Tifton 85 and Estrela. ‡Tanz^ a. §Marandu, Basilisk and
ania and Tobiat~
Arapoty. ¶Capipor~a and Xaraes. kCoastcross, Florico and Florona. ††Atlas and Mombacßa.

Cruz et al. (2011) evaluated several meteorological tested conditions, Pezzopane et al. (2012) pointed out
variables (Tmin, Tmax, Tmean, Rg, GDD, CGI, PU differences in yield estimates between the two water
and AET), corrected or not by a drought attenuation availability correction factors. In very dry periods and
factor (AET/PET), in predicting the dry biomass yield at the onset of the rainy season, the current/maxi-
of B. brizantha cv. Marandu with data obtained in mum soil moisture storage ratio index seems to per-
south-eastern Brazil. The best results were achieved form better than the AET/PET ratio, probably because
using multivariate linear regression for Tmin, Rg and the latter is not sensitive to the lag time for soil water
AET and with the univariate regression against cor- replenishment.
rected GDD, corrected Tmin or CGI (Table 3). The A series of papers (Tonato et al., 2010; Cruz et al.,
inclusion of the drought attenuation factor in the 2011; Pezzopane et al., 2012; Araujo et al., 2013)
model improved the predictive power of the vari- reporting on the calibration of empirical models for
ables (highest determination coefficient, R2 and tropical forage grasses, showed that the average tem-
lower Akaike information criterion, AIC; Table 3) perature of the experiments used to generate these
indicating it can be a good option for rainfed condi- models ranged from about 16–26°C. The experiments
tions. used a variety of forage genotypes, but some models
Pezzopane et al. (2012) used such a correction fac- were grouped for forages with similar responses. In
tor for estimating Tanzania guineagrass (P. maximum) general, the models were univariate and linear, there-
yields. The factors were given by the AET/PET ratio or fore simple and easy to apply. The fit ranged from R²
by the current/maximum soil moisture storage ratio, between 040 and 087, depending on the genotype
considering the sequential water balance (scale of five and the variable used (Table 3).
days) and storage capacity of 100 mm. The best-fit Forage production during the regrowth of ele-
variables were those simultaneously associated with phantgrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) as a func-
temperature and water availability such as AET, GDD tion of PU was estimated by the equation P = 1261/
corrected by the two water factors and the CGI (1+e 2.85 – 0.008133 9 PU) by Villa Nova et al. (1999)
(Table 3). Although the variables that considered the in south-eastern Brazil, where P is the amount of
two water correction factors (DDWI and DDWS) dry matter produced and PU is the total of photo-
showed high correlation and similar statistics for the thermal units accumulated during the growth cycle.

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Modelling tropical forages 59

The CGI concept (Fitzpatrick and Nix, 1973) was Mechanistic models
used in southern Brazil (Mota et al., 1981) and for 47
locations in the state of S~ ao Paulo (Pedro, 1995) in Several mechanistic models have been developed or
comparison with the observed forage accumulation adapted for forages in different regions of the world.
rates for guineagrass, molasses grass (Mellinis minutifl- Most, however, include the basic knowledge derived
ora Beauv.), jaraguagrass (Hyparrhenia rufa Nees.) and from models developed for row crops or have been
pangola digitgrass (Digitaria pentzii Stent.). The best-fit evaluated and/or are only available for temperate for-
curves were exponential and R² values ranged from age species. Since mechanistic models simulate growth
058 to 081 for guineagrass and molasses grass respec- based on plant processes, they can be adapted for con-
tively. ditions other than those under which they were origi-
Empirical models where production is predicted as nally generated. Examples include recent adaptations
a function of nitrogen availability have also been of models that were originally developed for row crops
developed. Overman and Angley (1986) and Overman or for temperate forages in the USA and Australia and
et al. (1988) suggested and evaluated models consider- which have been calibrated for tropical forages in Bra-
ing nitrogen availability for bermudagrass [Cynodon zil (Pedreira et al., 2011; Lara et al., 2012; Araujo et al.,
dactylon (L.) Pers.] from data obtained in the south- 2013).
eastern USA. Overman et al. (1990) adjusted the equa- These models are usually based on hundreds (or
tion y = A/(1+ e bcN), where y is the estimated annual thousands) of equations for many individual processes,
DM yield (Mg ha1), N is the nitrogen applied (Mg often organized in algorithms and user-friendly inter-
ha1), A is the maximum annual yield (Mg ha1), b is faces. Generating a mechanistic model involves
the intercept with the y-axis, and c is the response knowledge about the system to be simulated (Doura-
coefficient (ha kg1). The parameters A, b and c are do-Neto et al., 1998b), organization, interpretation and
estimated empirically by experimentation. a massive knowledge of physiology, beyond validating
Almeida et al. (2011) associated PU with nitrogen the model with experimental data.
fertilization and water availability to simulate growth A basic understanding and appreciation of the key
of Tanzania guineagrass. This approach allows simula- plant physiological processes and the interactions with
tion of forage production under different levels of fer- other processes in the farming system is the basis for
tilization for irrigated or rainfed conditions, thus mechanistic crop modelling. This knowledge also aids
expanding the applicability of this type of model. The in developing decision-making criteria, from selecting
major limitation of the study was that it used only crop genotype and field site, to defining strategic crop
greenhouse data, which were collected at a single management and infrastructure investments (Lisson
location. Thus, further calibration with field experi- et al., 2005). This kind of decision support based on
ment data is needed if application of the model to pro- modelling arose in the early 1990s, as the generation
duction systems is intended. of new data through traditional agronomic research
Some of the empirical models already developed methods was not sufficient to meet the increasing
for tropical grasses have good predictive capability and demand for answers from research. Traditional agro-
are easy to apply because the input variables, espe- nomic experiments are restricted in time and space,
cially temperature, are often easy to obtain in most making results site- and season-specific, time-consum-
tropical regions (Table 3). The major limitation of ing and expensive. McCown et al. (1996) stated that
these studies is their geographic concentration, espe- among the many changes taking place in agricultural
cially in south-eastern Brazil and in the south-eastern research, there is an increased recognition that a ‘sys-
United States. This limits the range of environments tems approach’ is needed to meet the challenges pre-
(climatic conditions) represented, as well as the use of sented by the complexities, uncertainties and conflicts
these models in regions other than those where the in modern agricultural production systems.
data sets were collected and the models developed. In A comprehensive evaluation of forage models,
addition, interactions among factors (temperature, developed over nearly three decades ago, may be
light, moisture, nitrogen, etc.) used as forage accumu- found in Hanson et al. (1985), who evaluated the
lation predictors may further limit model predictive models AFRICA, BLUE GRAMA, ELM, LINEAR,
power, if application conditions are not similar to RANGES, ROOTS, SHEEP, SAGE and SPUR. In a
those used to develop the model. Further experimen- recent work, Kiniry et al. (2007) developed field
tation in this field should consider especially equato- parameters to enable the use of the ALMANAC (Agri-
rial regions (latitudes lower than 16° and mean cultural Land Management Alternative with Numerical
temperature above 26°C), where tropical grass produc- Assessment Criteria) model for simulating growth and
tion is relevant. yield of bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.],

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60 A. S. Andrade et al.

Pensacola bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) and partitioning that responded to day length. This coding
two warm-season range grasses native to Texas, USA. together with more vigorous parameterization and
The ALMANAC model considers water and nutri- testing was included in the CROPGRO v 40 growth
ent balance and interception of solar radiation. With model, thus conferring on the model the ability to
this model, it is possible to simulate a single plant spe- predict growth and N-tissue composition of bahiagrass
cies or several species in competition. It was developed in response to daily weather, N fertilizer and harvest
to require only readily available inputs. The biomass management. The Rymph et al. (2004) version of
growth is simulated with a radiation-use efficiency CROPGRO (CROPGRO Perennial Forage model), how-
(RUE) approach, considering the leaf area index (LAI) ever, was not immediately incorporated into the
and extinction coefficient developed throughout the DSSAT platform because the source code was differ-
seasons. The biomass growth rate considers flowering ent. In Brazil, the CROPGRO Perennial Forage model
effects and can be reduced by stresses such as nutrient was calibrated for B. brizantha cv. Xara es (Pedreira
deficiency, drought or temperature extremes (Kiniry et al., 2011), B. brizantha cv. Marandu (Pequeno et al.,
et al., 2007). 2014), B. brizantha cv. Mulato II (Pequeno, 2014) and
In the study of Kiniry et al. (2007), the maximum for P. maximum cv. Tanz^ ania (Lara et al., 2012). Pedre-
leaf area index obtained for bermudagrass and bahia- ira et al. (2011), Lara et al. (2012) and Pequeno et al.
grass was about 22, mean light-extinction coefficient (2014) used data from Piracicaba/SP (22°420 S,
ranged from 07 to 21 and radiation-use efficiency of 47°500 W) for the adaptations and found that the mod-
four of the five species evaluated ranged between 1 els effectively integrated knowledge about the forages
and 2 g MJ1. The authors concluded that the model and also that they can be used to simulate growth
simulated mean forage biomass reasonably well and with acceptable accuracy.
that it is a useful tool to simulate the soil and climate Results from Pequeno (2014) suggest that it is pos-
effects on the evaluated species and locations. sible to apply CROPGRO Perennial Forage model for dif-
The CROPGRO and APSIM models were recently ferent tropical grass species with minimal
adapted for growth simulations of tropical forages in parameterization effort, especially for those from the
Brazil (Pedreira et al., 2011; Lara et al., 2012; Araujo same genera. This is possible because the internal code
et al., 2013; Pequeno et al., 2014). CROPGRO predicts of CROPGRO model is generic and the model reads
the growth and composition dynamics of crops based and uses input files that define species traits and culti-
on input data of the physiological plant processes, soil var attributes. For each species, the CROPGRO Peren-
characteristics, climate and management (Boote et al., nial Forage model species file contains information
1998). These are included in the software DSSAT about base temperature (Tb) and optimum tempera-
(Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer), ture (Topt) for developmental processes and growth
which has models for simulating the growth of 28 processes. In the cultivar file, the day-length effect is
crops in the most recent version 45 (Decision Support modelled with two parameters that define critical day
System for Agrotechnology Transfer [DSSAT], 2013). length and slope of day-length sensitivity, which slows
From the general CROPGRO model, adaptations or accelerates development depending on day-length
have been made to simulate the growth of bahiagrass changes. The species file also includes coefficients and
in a rotation system with peanuts (Arachis hypogaea, other relationships for photosynthesis, N fixation, tis-
L.) in Florida (USA) and to simulate the growth of sue composition, growth and maintenance respiration
palisadegrass [Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk (Stapf.)] (Boote et al., 2002).
in the low-latitude regions of Colombia (Giraldo et al., APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator) is
1998). The annualized version of CROPGRO model a modular modelling system developed by the Agricul-
consistently overpredicted the dry-matter yields of ba- tural Production Systems Research Unit in Australia to
hiagrass, particularly in cooler months (Rymph et al., simulate biophysical processes in whole farming
2004). The desire for more rigorous applications and systems. The modular structure is flexible, and cur-
use of the model imposed the need for higher accu- rently, the system is able to simulate the growth of 30
racy, which required better prediction capability and different crops and pasture species (Holzworth et al.,
more realistic representation of the seasonal and rapid 2014). APSIM-Growth is a module for simulating
patterns of regrowth, including a storage organ for forage growth, and it was previously used to simulate
reserves (Rymph et al., 2004). For these reasons, the above-ground DM production of Bambatsi col-
Rymph et al. (2004) added code to the model to create oured guineagrass (Panicum coloratum L.) in Australia.
a true perennial CROPGRO bahiagrass model which The model was subsequently parameterized for
included a perennating storage organ (rhizome/stolon) Brazilian conditions (P. maximum cv. Mombacßa) by
for replenishment of reserves and use of stored carbo- Araujo et al. (2013) using a data set from S~ ao Carlos,
hydrate and N for regrowth, as well as dormancy and SP, Brazil (21°570 S, 47°500 W). Using the original

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Grass and Forage Science, 71, 54–65
Modelling tropical forages 61

parameterization, APSIM-Growth was not able to ciency of conversion of carbohydrate into plant con-
accurately estimate P. maximum regrowth over the stituents and maintenance respiration rate) (Metherell
seasons, as the day-length component, which shifts et al., 1993). Maximum potential production should
biomass partitioning between shoots and roots, did not reflect above-ground production in optimal summer
work satisfactorily for this grass. The authors also conditions, and this parameter may be used to cali-
reported the need for changes in all original parame- brate predicted production for different environments,
ters, such as optimum and base temperatures, specific species and varieties (Metherell et al., 1993). Harvest,
leaf area and radiation-use efficiency. After the param- grazing and fire affect above-ground biomass, while
eterization, the models were evaluated using indepen- grazing and fire may also affect the root-to-shoot ratio
dent data sets for irrigated and rainfed conditions with and nutrient content of plants (Metherell et al., 1993;
satisfactory results (mean bias error of 6 kg DM ha1 Parton et al., 1993).
harvest1 against the observed data set). Recent adap- Parton et al. (1993) determined that 60% of plant
tations of the models CROPGRO and APSIM provide productivity predicted by the Century model for C4
promising model application possibilities in tropical and C3 grasses had errors of less than 25% of the
pastures, although data used on their parameterization observed production and that the general seasonal
were incipiently concentrated in specific locations in patterns of biomass dynamics were well simulated by
the USA, Australia, Brazil and Colombia. the model, although differences between years with
Despite the usefulness of the CROPGRO Perennial similar rainfall were not simulated.
Forage model in agronomic decision-making, there are Orchidee is a dynamic global vegetation model
opportunities for further model improvement for trop- designed to simulate carbon and water cycles from a
ical pasture application, such as grazing simulation site level to global scale. The Orchidee model is based
and its impacts on tillering and leaf appearance, on three models. The SVAT SECHIBA is an atmospheric
growth and senescence. The model simulates defolia- general circulation model that describes exchanges of
tion and post-harvest conditions by a MOW function, energy and water between the atmosphere and the bio-
which allows for the definition of a residual stubble sphere, and the soil water budget (Kriner et al., 2005).
mass and leaf area index. LPJ simulates vegetation dynamics (Kriner et al., 2005).
As APSIM comprises a set of biophysical models STOMATE simulates other process such as photosyn-
and a software framework that allows these biophysi- thesis, carbon allocation, litter decomposition, soil car-
cal models to be coupled together, it may be useful for bon dynamics, maintenance and growth respiration,
simulations both on plot-scale and farm-scale levels, and phenology (Kriner et al., 2005). The Orchidee
although other component models, besides APSIM- model distinguishes between 12 plant functional types,
Growth, still have to be tested and calibrated under including native and cultivated C4 grasses (Kriner et al.,
tropical conditions. 2005). For each functional type, different biogeochemi-
The Century Soil Organic Matter Model Environ- cal parameters are determined (i.e. optimal maximum
ment and the Orchidee Grassland Management Model RuBisCO-limited potential photosynthetic capacity,
are process-based ecosystem models designed for optimum photosynthetic temperature, maximum leaf
large-scale applications (Parton et al., 1987; Parton area index – beyond which there is no allocation of
et al., 1993; Chang et al., 2013). The Century model biomass to leaves – and critical leaf age for senescence)
simulates primary productivity, soil nutrient dynamics (Kriner et al., 2005). Orchidee-GM incorporates a pas-
(carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur), soil water ture management model inspired in the PaSim grass-
and changes in soil organic matter for different plant– land model (Chang et al., 2013) with cutting and
soil systems (Parton et al., 1987; Parton et al., 1993). grazing practices being considered.
The CROPGRO Perennial Forage model uses the soil Coltri et al. (2014) tested Orchidee-GM against
organic carbon module from Century model with all P. maximum observed data from Brazil. Orchidee-GM
its features (Gijsman et al., 2002). simulated leaf area index (LAI) well (R2 = 079;
The grassland production submodel of the Century P > 00001; RMSE = 193), leaf biomass (R2 = 079;
model simulates production as a function of a maxi- P > 00001; RMSE = 9297 kg ha1) and total biomass
mum potential production defined for each crop and (R2 = 089; P > 00001; RMSE = 44435 kg ha1). The
modified by the effects of soil temperature, soil mois- results were not good at simulating specific leaf area
ture, shading by canopy and dead vegetation, and (SLA) (R2 = 04; P = 00198; RMSE = 4854 g cm2).
nutrient availability (N, P and S) (Metherell et al., Total biomass was overestimated, particularly in winter.
1993; Parton et al., 1993). The parameter for maxi- The CROPGRO Perennial Forage, APSIM-Growth,
mum potential production has both genetic and envi- Century Agroecosystem and Orchidee Grassland
ronmental components (i.e. level of photosynthetic Management models may also be used in studies of
active radiation, maximum net assimilation rate, effi- climate change, mitigation and adaptation problems,

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62 A. S. Andrade et al.

although those models still have to be tested for tropi- ment. No single model can be considered perfect, but
cal grasses under extreme climatic conditions (e.g. rather more suited or adapted to specific situations
flooding, drought and extreme temperatures). Intra- and uses, depending on the objectives of the user and
and interspecific differences have been observed on information (data) available.
responses of Brachiaria spp. to drought and flooding Empirical models have better use possibilities in
(Dias-Filho, 2002; Guenni et al., 2002; Dias-Filho and commercial applications, most having acceptable pre-
Caetano, 2008; Santos et al., 2013). Xu et al. (2013) dictive power and are simple and easy to operate. We
highlighted that there is strong evidence of enhanced highlight the univariate linear regressions using GDD
growth of water-stressed C4 plants by elevated CO2 corrected for drought attenuation factors, CGI and
concentrations. Although the CROPGRO Perennial For- minimum air temperature, as independent variables.
age and the APSIM-Growth models have been param- The limitation of these models refers to the restricted
eterized for tropical forages (Pedreira et al., 2011; Lara geographic range of the experimental data. These
et al., 2012; Pequeno, 2014), CO2 response equations models can be used in regions with similar climatic
that mimic C4 photosynthesis have not been tested characteristics, but if they are to be used in other
against CO2 response data on forages. Further research regions, the database should be expanded.
is needed to evaluate the performance of these models Thus far, studies to adapt mechanistic models for
for different genotypes under extreme climatic condi- tropical forages are limited. The initial results enable
tions. us to use the models ALMANAC, CROPGRO Perennial
Currently, the main limitation for a broad applica- Forage, APSIM, Century and Orchidee-GM for Pani-
tion of mechanistic models seems to be the availability cum, Brachiaria, Cynodon and Paspalum grasses, with
of input data, given that much of the data required satisfactory accuracy. Adapting them for other forages
(soil, climate and plant parameters) are scarce or using data from other regions would likely increase
absent for most tropical grassland areas. In addition, their predictive capability.
experiments used for tests and calibrations have been Considering future perspectives where forage-based
carried out under similar and balanced initial biomass animal-production systems are likely to be increasingly
conditions (stubble). Extreme initial conditions also challenged from technical and environmental stand-
may provide differences among grasses. In addition, all points, with increasing demand for animal products,
the experiments were carried out under mean temper- and the need for fine-tuning production procedures
atures between 16 and 26°C. Thus, it is possible to and processes becoming routine, forage models may
run simulations for many Brachiaria and Panicum spe- gain in importance and become common elements and
cies with minimal adjustment of parameters, but reli- useful tools in forage-based livestock production.
able results were only obtained in standard forage
environmental conditions, i.e. without absence of
severe water and/or heat stresses. Acknowledgment
For model improvement, in addition to more The authors are grateful to CAPES/Brazil for financial
experimentation under high temperatures and mois- support.
ture-stress conditions, we also suggest the develop-
ment of tools to enable the adjustment of canopy
initial growing conditions (stubble). We believe that References
the implementation of standardized experimental pro- A L M E I D A A.C.S., M I N G O T I R., C O E L H O R.D. and
tocols may favour the use of databases available in the L O U R E N Cß O L.F. (2011) Simulacß~ao do crescimento do
literature for model development and adaptation. Cur- capim Tanz^ania irrigado com base na unidade
rently, it is difficult to convert available data from fototermica, na adubacß~ao nitrogenada e na
tropical pasture trials (especially those from grazing disponibilidade hıdrica do perıodo (Simulation of
trials) into usable data for model parameterization, irrigated Tanzania grass growth based on photothermal
units, nitrogen fertilization and water availability). Acta
mainly because most experiments were not set up
Scientiarum Agronomy, 33, 215–222.
with this goal in mind, forcing researchers to estimate
A R A U J O L.C., S A N T O S P.M., R O D R I G U E Z R.,
a large number of parameters required by models. P E Z Z O P A N E J.R.M., O L I V E I R A P.P.A. and C R U Z P.G.
(2013) Simulating Guineagrass production: empirical
Final considerations and mechanistic approaches. Agronomy Journal, 105,
The advancement of scientific knowledge and compu- A S S E N G S., E W E R T F., R O S E N Z W E I G C., J O N E S J.W.,
tational tools has made for increased development of H A T F I E L D J.L. and R U A N E A.C. (2013) Uncertainty in
tropical forage growth models, and their application is simulating wheat yields under climate change. Nature
promising in research as well as in systems manage- Climate Change, 3, 827–832.

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