Some Elementary Discrete Time Signals PDF

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Some elementary Discrete Time Signals

Unit sample sequence

() = 1 
 = 0; () = 0 
 ≠ 0
Unit step sequence
() = 1 
 ≥ 0; () = 0 
 < 0
Unit ramp sequence

() =  
 ≥ 0;
() = 0 
 < 0
Exponential sequence:
() =  
Grows exponentially
Decays exponentially
 < −1
Grows exponentially; Alternates between +ve and –ve
− <  < 0
Decays exponentially; Alternates between +ve and –ve
Discrete Time Sinusoid Signal:
() =   (  + ); −∞ <  < +∞
() =  "(  + ); −∞ <  < +∞
 – frequency in radians/ sample
θ – phase in radians


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