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Analysis of Discrete Time LTI Systems

Techniques for the analysis of linear system:

Input output equation for system
() = ( − 1), ( − 2), … … … , ( − ), (), ( − 1), … … … , ( − )
For an LTI system, input output relationship can be expressed as

() =   ( − ) −   ( − )

This input output relationship is called difference equation
Response of LTI systems to arbitrary inputs: The Convolution Sum:

() =  ()ℎ( − )

Properties of Convolution:
Commutative Property:
() ∗ ℎ() = ℎ() ∗ ()
Associative Property:
[() ∗ ℎ()] ∗ () = () ∗ [ℎ() ∗ ()]
Distributive Property:
() ∗ [ℎ() + ()] = [() ∗ ℎ()] + [() ∗ ()]
Condition for Stability of LTI Systems:

 |ℎ()| < ∞
FIR System: Finite number of samples, Requires a memory of length N,
Described by a difference equation,

() =   ( − )

IIR System: Infinite number of samples, Requires a infinite memory, Described
by a difference equation,

() =   ( − ) −   ( − )


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