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Academic Vocabulary
in International Eng-
lish Examinations
Handbook for IELTS/ IBT TOEFL test taker
The Vocabulary book has been created for IELTS/ IBT TOEFL Academ-
ic Exam candidates who want to achieve a high score in the Reading,
Writing, Listening and Speaking sections.

Alex Kim (Nyamdorj)

Master of TESOL, Celta
Copyright © 2012 Nyamdorj. Ariuntumur (Alex) MTESOL, CELTA

Includes bibliographical references (p.). ISBN 2-87985-475-7

GU 8412.O45 2011

Printed in South Korea 8 847 6 5 4 000

Academic Vocabulary

Академик үгсийн санг нэмэгдүүлэх 17 бүлэг хичээлд олон улсын англи хэлний түвшин
тогтоох шалгалтууд болох IBT TOEFL, IELTS зайлшгүй мэдвэл зохих 500 гаруй үгсийг,
дасгалуудыг багтааж оруулсан болно. Эдгээр шалгалтанд үгсийн санг сонсгол, бичих
хэсгийн даалгавар болон унших, ярих хэсгээр дамжуулан шалгадаг боловч ялангуяа
унших хэсгийн даалгаварт эдгээр үгсийн цээжилсэн байх нь өндөр авахын чухал хэсэг
билээ. Уг материалд орсон дасгалууд нь өгүүлбэрт тохирох үгийн утгыг олох
чадварыг дээшлүүлнэ. Шинэ үг цээжлихийн тулд үгийн карт хийх нь тохиромжтой
арга юм.

Харин өөрийн болгож тогтоохын тулд дараах 3 алхамыг хийгээрэй:

1. Тухайн өдөртөө цээжилсэн үгийг орой нь бататгах

2. Тухайн үзсэн хичээлийг 2-3 өдрийн дараа дахин бататгах
3. Дараагийн шинэ хичээл рүү орохоос дахин нэг давтах

Academic Vocabulary in International English Examination


1. abandon | v – to leave and never return to (someone who needs protection or help)
- to leave and never return to (something)
- to leave (a place) because of danger
2. able | adj – having the power, skill, money, etc., that is needed to do something
- not prevented from doing something : having the freedom or opportunity to do
3. abolish | v – to officially end or stop (something, such as a law) : to completely do
away with (something)
4. abrupt | adj – very sudden and not expected
- talking to other people in a very brief and unfriendly way
- rudely brief
5. acclaim | v – to praise (someone or something) in a very strong and enthusiastic way
6. acrid | adj – bitter and unpleasant in taste or smell
7. adapt | v – to change your behavior so that it is easier to live in a particular place or
- to change (something) so that it functions better or is better suited for a purpose
- to change (a movie, book, play, etc.) So that it can be presented in another form
8. adept | adj – a highly skilled or well-trained person : someone who is adept at some-
9. adhere | v – to stick to something : to attach firmly to something
10. admonish | v – to speak to (someone) in a way that expresses disapproval or criticism
- to tell or urge (someone) to do something
11. adorn | v – to make (someone or something) more attractive by adding something
12. advent | n – 1. The period beginning four Sundays before Christmas and observed by
some Christians as a season of prayer and fasting
2. The coming of Christ at the incarnation
13. adverse | adj – bad or unfavorable : not good
14. affluent | adj – having a large amount of money and owning many expensive things

15. aggravate | v – to make (an injury, problem, etc.) More serious or severe
- to make (someone) angry : to annoy or bother (someone)
16. aggregate | adj – formed by adding together two or more amounts
17. agile | adj – able to move quickly and easily
- quick, smart, and clever
18. ailment | n – a sickness or illness
19. allot | v – to give someone (an amount of something) to use or have
20. amazing | adj – causing great surprise or wonder
- causing amazement
21. amiable | adj – friendly and pleasant
22. anticipate | v – to think of (something that will or might happen in the future)
- to expect or look ahead to (something) with pleasure : to look forward to (some-
- to do something before someone else
23. anxious | adj – afraid or nervous especially about what may happen : feeling anxiety
- causing or showing fear or nervousness
- wanting or eager to do or have something very much especially because of fear or
24. appraise | v – to say how much something is worth after you have carefully examined
it : to give an official opinion about the value of (something)
- to give your opinion about the condition, quality, or importance of (something or
someone that you have studied or examined)
25. apt | adj – likely to do something : having a tendency to do something
- appropriate or suitable
- quick to learn
26. arduous | adj – very difficult
27. arid | adj – very dry : having very little rain or water
- lacking in interest and life
28. aroma | n – a noticeable and usually pleasant smell
29. artificial | adj – not natural or real : made, produced, or done to seem like something
- not happening or existing naturally : created or caused by people
- not sincere

30. astonishing | adj – causing a feeling of great surprise or wonder : causing astonish-
31. astute | adj – having or showing an ability to notice and understand things clearly :
mentally sharp or clever
32. attain | v – to accomplish or achieve (something): to succeed in getting or doing
- to grow or increase to (a particular amount, size, etc.)
33. augment | v – to increase the size or amount of (something)
- to add something to (something) in order to improve or complete it
34. austere| adj – simple or plain : not fancy
- of a person : having a serious and unfriendly quality
- having few pleasures : simple and harsh
35. authentic | adj – real or genuine : not copied or false
- true and accurate
- made to be or look just like an original
36. aversion | n – a strong feeling of not liking something
37. awkward | adj – not graceful
- lacking skill
- difficult to use or handle

Exercises: complete the sentences. Fill the match words in the empty field.

1. Penicillin can have an _______ effect on a person who is allergic to it.

A. Adverse
B. Anxious
C. Awkward
2. Burning rubber produces an _______ smoke.
A. Austere
B. Arid
C. Acrid
3. Rationing is a system for _______ scarce resources.
A. Allotting
B. Adapting
C. Appraising

4. Anthrax is generally an _______ of sheet and cattle, but may also be transmitted to
A. Ailment
B. Aroma
C. Aversion
5. The head of an academic department at a university should be not only a distinguished
scholar but also an _______ administrator.
A. Agile
B. Able
C. Abrupt
6. Mountain climb is an _______ sport.
A. Austere
B. Arduous
C. Anxious
7. Turtles _______ their eggs after they lay them and never see their young.
A. Abandon
B. Appraise
C. Adorn
8. Scholarships allow some students from less _______ families to attend college.
A. Artificial
B. Affluent
C. Amiable
9. Jewelers are sometimes asked to _______ jewelry or insurance purposes.
A. Attain
B. Abandon
C. Appraise
10. Acrobats must be extremely _______.
A. Awkward
B. Affluent
C. Agile
11. In a domed stadium such as Seattle’s king dome, natural grass cannot be grown.
_______ Turf is used on the playing field.
12. Southern Arizona has an _______ climate.
A. Arid
B. Astute
C. Acrid
13. A person suffering from claustrophobia has an _______ to confined spaces.
A. Ailment
B. Aversion
C. Acclaim
14. I didn’t care for the play because it ended so _______.
A. Amiably
B. Abruptly
C. Anxiously
15. The ballerina was _______ for her wonderful performances.
A. Augmented
B. Anticipated
C. Acclaimed


38. baffle | v – to confuse (someone) completely

39. balmy | adj – of air, weather, etc. : warm, calm, and pleasant : crazy or foolish
40. ban | v – to forbid people from using (something) : to say that something cannot be
used or done
- to forbid (someone) from doing or being part of something
41. bar | v – 1. A : a straight piece (as of wood or metal) that is longer than it is wide and
has any of various uses (as for a lever, support, barrier, or fastening)
b : a solid piece or block of material that is longer than it is wide <a bar of gold> <a
candy bar>
c : a usually rigid piece (as of wood or metal) longer than it is wide that is used as a
handle or support; especially : a handrail used by ballet dancers to maintain balance
while exercising
2. Something that obstructs or prevents passage, progress, or action: as
a : the destruction of an action or claim in law; also : a plea or objection that effects
such destruction
b : an intangible or nonphysical impediment

c : a submerged or partly submerged bank (as of sand) along a shore or in a river of-
ten obstructing navigation
3. A: (1) the railing in a courtroom that encloses the place about the judge where
prisoners are stationed or where the business of the court is transacted in civil cases
(2) : court, tribunal (3) : a particular system of courts (4) : an authority or tribunal
that hands down judgment
b: (1) the barrier in the English inns of court that formerly separated the seats of the
benchers or readers from the body of the hall occupied by the students (2) : the whole
body of barristers or lawyers qualified to practice in the courts of any jurisdiction (3)
: the profession of barrister or lawyer
4. A straight stripe, band, or line much longer than it is wide: as
a : one of two or more horizontal stripes on a heraldic shield
b : a metal or embroidered strip worn on a usually military uniform especially to in-
dicate rank (as of a company officer) or service
5. A counter at which food or especially alcoholic beverages are served
6. A vertical line across the musical staff before the initial measure accent
7. A lace and embroidery joining covered with buttonhole stitch for connecting vari-
ous parts of the pattern in needlepoint lace and cutwork
8. In jail
42. barren | adj – having very few plants : not suitable for plants
- not producing fruit or not able to produce fruit
- of a woman or female animal : not able to produce children or offspring
43. barter | v – to exchange things (such as products or services) for other things instead
of for money
44. beckon | v – to signal (someone) with your arm or hand in order to tell that person to
come closer or follow
- to appear attractive or inviting
- to attract (someone or something)
45. belligerent | adj – angry and aggressive : feeling or showing readiness to fight
- fighting a war : engaged in a war
46. beneficial | adj – producing good or helpful results or effects : producing benefits
47. benevolent | adj – kind and generous
- organized to do good things for other people

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48. bias | n – a tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others that
usually results in treating some people unfairly
- a strong interest in something or ability to do something
49. bland | adj – not interesting or exciting
- lacking strong flavor
- showing no emotion, concern, etc.
50. blatant | adj – very obvious and offensive
51. blend | v – to mix (things) thoroughly and usually with good results
- to exist together as a combination
52. bloom | v – 1. A mass of wrought iron from the forge or puddling furnace
2. A bar of iron or steel hammered or rolled from an ingot
53. blunder | v – to move in an awkward or confused way
- to make a stupid or careless mistake
54. blunt | adj – having a thick edge or point : not sharp
- saying or expressing something in a very direct way that may upset some people
55. blurry | adj – lacking definition or focus
56. bold | adj – not afraid of danger or difficult situations
- showing or needing confidence or lack of fear
- very confident in a way that may seem rude or foolish
57. bolster | v – a long bag of cloth completely filled with soft material : a long pillow or
58. bond | n – something (such as an idea, interest, experience, or feeling) that is shared
between people or groups and forms a connection between them
- finance : an official document in which a government or company promises to pay
back an amount of money that it has borrowed and to pay interest for the borrowed
- a chain or rope that is used to prevent someone from moving or acting freely
59. boom | v – to make a deep and loud sound
- to say (something) in a deep and loud voice
- of a business or industry: to grow or expand suddenly
60. brace | v – to get ready for something difficult or unpleasant
- to give added physical support or strength to (something)
- to support (yourself) by leaning against something or holding something

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61. brilliant | adj – 1. Very bright: flashing with light
2. A: striking, distinctive <a brilliant example>
b: distinguished by unusual mental keenness or alertness
3. British | very good : excellent
62. brisk | adj – moving or speaking quickly : quick and efficient
- pleasantly cool or cold
- done with quickness and energy
63. brittle | adj – easily broken or cracked
- not strong : easily damaged
- sharp in sound
64. bulky | adj – large and difficult to carry or store
- of a person : large and fat or muscular

Exercises: complete the sentences. Fill the match words in the empty field.

1. Most flowers _______ in the spring.

A. Blend
B. Brace
C. Bloom
2. The Virgin Islands, located in Caribbean, have a _______ climate.
A. Blurry
B. Brittle
C. Balmy
3. Before currency came into use, people used the _______ system, exchanging goods
directly for good.
A. Barter
B. Blunder
C. Bias
4. The airline _______. It sent to me Atlanta but my luggage to Montreal.
A. Beckoned
B. Bartered
C. Blundered
5. People with ulcers must eat _______ foods.

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A. Bold
B. Bland
C. Bulky
6. Steel is not as _______ as cast iron; it doesn’t break as easily.
A. Brisk
B. Brittle
C. Brilliant
7. Some people feel that violent sports such as boxing should be _______ because they
are too dangerous.
A. Banned
B. Bloomed
C. Braced
8. Many people think of deserts as _______ regions, but many species of plants and an-
imals have adapted to life there.
A. Bland
B. Barren
C. Balmy
9. An autocratic ruler who serves his people well is sometimes called a _______ dicta-
A. Blatant
B. Belligerent
C. Benevolent
10. Robert Goddard was a _______ pioneer in the field of rocketry.
A. Brilliant
B. Balmy
C. Brisk
11. I enjoy talking walks on _______ autumn mornings.
A. Barren
B. Brisk
C. Blurry
12. The victim was apparently struck by a club or some other _______ object.
A. Bland
B. Brittle
C. Blunt
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65. calamity | n – an event that causes great harm and suffering

66. capable | adj – able to do something : having the qualities or abilities that are needed
to do something
- skilled at doing something : able to do something well
67. carve | v – to make (something, such as a sculpture or design) by cutting off pieces of
the material it is made of
- to cut (something, such as a pattern or design) into a surface
- to create (something) by cutting into a surface
68. casual | adj – happening by chance : not planned or expected
- designed for or permitting ordinary dress, behavior, etc. : not formal
- done without much thought, effort, or concern
69. caustic | adj – able to destroy or burn something by chemical action
- very harsh and critical
70. cautious | adj – careful about avoiding danger or risk
71. celebrated | adj – known and praised by many people
72. charming | adj – very pleasing or appealing : full of charm
73. cherish | v – to feel or show great love for (someone or something)
- to remember or hold (an idea, belief, etc.) In a deeply felt way
74. choice | n – 1. The act of choosing: the act of picking or deciding between two or
more possibilities
- the opportunity or power to choose between two or more possibilities: the opportuni-
ty or power to make a decision
- a range of things that can be chosen
adj - 2. Very good
of meat : of a quality that is good but not the best
of words or phrases : carefully chosen especially for the purpose of expressing anger
or disapproval
75. cite | v – to write or say the words of (a book, author, etc.)
- to mention (something) especially as an example or to support an idea or opinion
- law : to order (someone) to appear before a court of law
76. clash | v – to be in a situation in which you are fighting or disagreeing : to come into
conflict with someone

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- to look bad or ugly together
- to be very different in a way that makes being or working together difficult
77. classify | v – to arrange (people or things) into groups based on ways that they are
- to consider (someone or something) as belonging to a particular group
78. clever | adj – intelligent and able to learn things quickly
- showing intelligent thinking
- funny in a way that shows intelligence
79. cling | v – to hold onto something or someone very tightly
- to stay very close to someone for emotional support, protection, etc.
- to stick to something or someone
80. clumsy | adj – moving or doing things in a very awkward way and tending to drop or
break things
- badly or awkwardly made or done
- hard to use : awkward to handle
81. coax | v – 1. To influence or persuade (a person or animal) to do something by talking
in a gentle and friendly way
- to get (something) by talking in a gentle and friendly way
- to cause (something) to do something by making a careful and continual effort
82. colossal | adj – very large or great
83. commence | v – to begin
84. commerce | n – activities that relate to the buying and selling of goods and services
85. commodity | n – something that is bought and sold
86. compel | v – to force (someone) to do something
- to make (something) happen : to force (something)
87. competent | adj – having the necessary ability or skills : able to do something well or
well enough to meet a standard
- law : able to take part in a trial

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Exercises: complete the sentences. Fill the match words in the empty field.

1. The Red Cross provides relief in case of _______ such as floods, earthquakes, and
A. Challenges
B. Commodities
C. Calamities
2. Spoken language is generally more _______ than written language.
A. Casual
B. Capable
C. Cautious
3. When writing research papers, writers must _______ the sources they use.
A. Coax
B. Cite
C. Clash
4. Monkeys are _______ as primates.
A. Compelled
B. Classified
C. Coaxed
5. _______ can offend people.
A. Casual
B. Caustic
C. Clever
6. Sculptors use hammers and chisels to _______ statues out of stone.
A. Clash
B. Compel
C. Carve
7. The space age _______ in October 1957 when sputnik, the first artificial satellite,
was launched by the Soviet Union.
A. Commenced
B. Coaxed
C. Cited
8. Workers must be very _______ when dealing with toxic substances.
A. Caustic

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B. Casual
C. Cautious
9. In seaside communities, building sites that have a view of the ocean are consid-
ered _______.
A. Choice
B. Clever
C. Competent
10. With the growth of international _______ the economies of the world have be-
come more interdependent.
A. Commodity
B. Commerce
C. Choice
11. The Lincoln memorial features a _______ statue of the sixteenth president.
A. Colossal
B. Caustic
C. Casual
12. Corn, cotton, sugar and many other goods are bought and sold in
_______ markets.
A. Clash
B. Commerce
C. Commodity


88. complement | n – 1. Something that completes something else or makes it better

- something that completes something else or makes it better
- grammar: a word or group of words added to a sentence to make it complete
v – 2. To complete something else or make it better
89. compliment | n – a remark that says something good about someone or something
- an action that expresses admiration or approval
v – 2. To say nice things about (someone or something) : to pay a compliment to
(someone or something)
90. comprehensive | adj – including many, most, or all things
- of or relating to a comprehensive school

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91. compulsory | adj – required by a law or rule
- having the power of forcing someone to do something
92. concede | v – to say that you accept or do not deny the truth or existence of (some-
thing) : to admit (something) usually in an unwilling way
- to admit that you have been defeated and stop trying to win
- to give away (something) usually in an unwilling way
93. concise | adj – using few words : not including extra or unnecessary information
94. concrete | adj – 1. Made of concrete
- relating to or involving specific people, things, or actions rather than general ideas or
v – 2. To cover or form (something) with concrete
95. congregate | v – to come together in a group or crowd
96. conspicuous | adj – very easy to see or notice
- attracting attention by being great or impressive
97. contemplate | v – to think deeply or carefully about (something)
- to think deeply
- to think about doing (something)
98. controversial | adj – relating to or causing much discussion, disagreement, or argu-
ment : likely to produce controversy
99. convenient | adj – allowing you to do something easily or without trouble
- located in a place that is nearby and easy to get to
- giving you a reason to do something that you want to do
100. cope with | v – can finish : complete
- to overcome : to win
101. copious | adj – very large in amount or number
102. cordial | adj – 1. Politely pleasant and friendly
n – 2. A sweet alcoholic drink
- a drink of heavy fruit juice that is mixed with water
103. courteous | adj – very polite in a way that shows respect
104. covert | adj – made, shown, or done in a way that is not easily seen or noticed : se-
cret or hidden
105. cozy | adj – small, comfortable, and warm
- friendly and pleasant

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- suggesting or showing a closeness between two people, groups, businesses, etc. :
very close
106. crave | v – to have a very strong desire for (something)
107. crooked | adj – not straight : having bends and curves
- not set or placed straight
- not honest
108. crucial | adj – extremely important
109. crude | adj – very simple and basic : made or done in a way that does not show a lot
of skill
- rude in a way that makes people uncomfortable; especially : talking about sexual
matters in a rude way
- very simple and basic in a way that is true but not complete
110. cruel | adj – used to describe people who hurt others and do not feel sorry about it
- causing or helping to cause suffering : terrible and unfair
111. cryptic | adj – difficult to understand : having or seeming to have a hidden meaning
112. curb | v – 1. To control or limit (something)
n – 2. A short border along the edge of a street that is usually made of stone or con-
- something that controls or limits something else
113. curious | adj – having a desire to learn or know more about something or someone
- strange, unusual, or unexpected
114. curt | adj – said or done in a quick and impolite way

Exercises: complete the sentences. Fill the match words in the empty field.

1. The use of seat belts is _______ in many states; failure to wear them may result in
A. Covert
B. Cruel
C. Compulsory
2. Every summer, bears from all over southern Alaska _______ along the mcneil
A. Crave

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B. Curb
C. Congregate
3. An abstract is a _______ form of an academic article. Many journals publish
abstracts so readers can decide if it is worthwhile to read the full version of the
A. Concise
B. Comprehensive
C. Concrete
4. Before 1754, Britain and North American colonies had a _______ relationship,
but after that, their relationship became strained.
A. Conspicuous
B. Cozy
C. Hurt
5. Automatic teller machines provide a _______ means of banking 24 hours a day.
A. Cordial
B. Crooked
C. Convenient
6. Lombard Street in San Francisco, which zigzags its way up a steep hill, is known
as the most _______ street in the world.
A. Controversial
B. Crooked
C. Cryptic
7. A good writer supports his or her generalizations with _______ examples.
A. Concrete
B. Curious
C. Crude
8. Many hunters wear orange and other bright colors in order to be as _______ as
possible, and therefore avoid being shot by other hunters by mistake.
A. Covert
B. Cruel
C. Conspicuous
9. Movie directors use music to _______ the action on the screen.
A. Contemplate
B. Complement
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C. Compliment
10. Workers in the service sector should be trained to act as _______ as possible.
A. Crudely
B. Courteously
C. Curtly


115. damp | adj – нойтон, чийгтэй

116. daring | adj – зүрхтэй, зоригтой, чин зоригт
117. dazzling | adj – гялбах, сэтгэл татах, гайхуулах
118. declare | v – тунхаглах, мэдүүлэх
119. deem | v – гэж бодох, итгэх, таамаглах
120. defective | adj – гэмтэй, сэвтэй
121. defiant | adj – сөргүү, эсэргүү, өдсөн
122. delicate | adj – нарийн, зөөлөн, хэврэг, гоёмсог
123. delightful | adj – сайхан, дур булаам
124. delusion | n – ов мэх, төөрөгдөл
125. demolish | v – эвдэх, нураах
126. dense | adj – нягт, өргөн, битүү
127. desist | v – зогсоох, болих
128. device | n – тоног төхөөрөмж, арга, механизм
129. devise | v – зохион бүтээх, бодож боловсруулах
130. dim | adj – бүдэг бадаг, сүүмгэр
131. din | n – чимээ шуугиан, нүргээн
132. dire | adj – аймаар муухай, хэтэрхий
133. dismal | adj – бүрхэг, баргар, дүнсгэр
134. disperse | v – тарах, бутрах
135. dispute | n – арцалдаан, маргалдаан
136. distinct | adj – ил тод, ялгаатай
137. distinguished | adj – шалгарсан, алдартай
138. divulge | v – нууц задлах, илчлэх
139. dogged | adj – шаргуу, нөр
140. dominate | v – ноёрхох, зонхилох

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141. dot | v – тарсан, сарнисан 2. Цэг
142. downfall | n – уналт, доройтол
143. doze | v – үүргэлэх
144. drawback | n – саад тотгор, дутагдал, сул тал
145. dreary | adj – уйтгартай, бүрхэг, хүйтэн, хоосон нүцгэн
146. drench | v – шалбайтал норох
147. drowsy | adj – унтамхай, нойрмог
148. dubious | adj – сэжигтэй, эргэлзээтэй
149. durable | adj – удаан тэсэх, даах
150. dwell | v – орших, байрлар
151. dwelling | n – гэр сууц, суух газар, байр
152. dwindle | v – хорох, цөмрөх
153. dynamic | adj – динамик, идэвхтэй, эрч хүчтэй, давшингуй

Дасгал: хоосон зайд өгүүлбэрийн утгад тохирох үгийг нөхөж, өгүүлбэрийг

гүйцээнэ үү.
1. The snow on the mountaintop was _______ in the bright morning sun.
A. Dazzling
B. Dogged
C. Dim
2. A person who has been accused of a crime cannot be forced to _______ any infor-
mation that is self-incriminating.
A. Divulge
B. Desist
C. Disperse
3. Roses have a _______ beauty.
A. Dense
B. Delicate
C. Dire
4. An odometer is a _______ for measuring distance.
A. Device
B. Delusion
C. Dwelling
5. The amount of open space has _______ as more and more land is developed.
22 | х у у д а с
A. Dominated
B. Dwindled
C. Dispersed
6. A battery _______ can cause an electrical device to malfunction.
A. Dogged
B. Durable
C. Defective
7. Richard bird and his pilot Floyd Benet undertook a _______ flight to the North
Pole in may 1926.
A. Daring
B. Defiant
C. Distinct
8. Steep, round hills called knobs _______ southern Indiana.
A. Demolish
B. Dot
C. Dwell
9. Artists Nathaniel currier and J. Merritt Ives produced some _______ prints of nine-
teenth-century New England scenes, which collectors prize for their charm.
A. Dreary
B. Dim
C. Delightful
10. Economists define _______ goods as ones intended to last more than four months.
A. Durable
B. Dense
C. Delicate
11. One cause of the American Revolution was a _______ over taxation.
A. Drawback
B. Delusion
C. Dispute
12. Florida has a humid climate. Summers there are particularly hot and _______.
A. Dynamic
B. Damp
C. Dogged

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154. eerie | adj – аймаар, хачин, сонин, жигтэй, ер бусын

155. elderly | adj – настай
156. elegant | adj – гоёмсог өнгөлсөн, гял цял болсон
157. eligible | adj – таарах, тохирох, сонгож авсан, зохистой
158. eminent | adj – алдартай, нэртэй, цуутай
159. emit | v – гаргах, ялгаруулах
160. enchanting | adj – дур булаам, сэтгэл татам
161. encounter | v – тохиолдох, тулгарах, учрах
n – харьцуулалт, нүүрэлдүүлэлт
162. endeavor | n – чармайлт, оролдлого
163. endorse | v – батлах, дэмжих, зөвшөөрөх, сайшаагдах
164. enhance | v – нэмэгдүүлэх, өсөх, өргөтгөх, чангаруулах
165. ensue | v – үүдэх, гарах
166. entice | v – уруу татах, хорхойтуулах
167. era | n – эрин үе, галав
168. essential | adj – чухал, зайлшгүй, хэрэгтэй
169. esteem | v – хайрлаж хүндэтгэх, өндөр үнэлэх
170. evade | v – бултах, булзайрах, зугтах, зайлах
171. exhaustive | adj – бүрэн дүүрэн, нарийн нягт
172. exhilarating | adj – хөгжүүн, хөгжөөнтэй
173. extravagant | adj – 1. Үрэлгэн 2. Үнэтэй, чамин 3. Барьцгүй, овилгогүй
174. fable | n – үлгэр, худал үг, домог, явдал
175. fabled | adj – домогтой, үлгэр домгийн
176. facet | n – тодорхой хэсэг, тал
177. faint | adj – ядмаг, бүдэг, сулхан, аяархан
178. falter | v – гуйвах, дайвах, эргэлзэх, тээнэгэлзэх
179. fancy | adj – ер бусын, чамин, хээнцэр
180. fasten | v – уях, холбох, бэхлэх
181. fatal | adj – үхлийн аюултай, аминд халгаатай
182. fatigue | v – зүдрээх, ядраах, эцээх ; n – зүдрэл, ядрал, ядарсан байдал, уйтгар
183. faulty | adj – гэмтэй, буруутай, д
184. feasible | adj – хийж болмоор, болохуйц

24 | х у у д а с
185. feeble | adj – эмзэг, дорой, үлбэгэр, сулхан
186. ferocious | adj – зэрлэг, балмад, догшин
187. fiery | adj – 1. Гал улаан, гал шиг 2. Аагтай, омогтой 3. Жавхаалаг, золбоолог
188. fitting | adj – таарах, зохистой, зөв
189. flagrant | adj – байж боломгүй, жигшмээр, эрээ цээргүй
190. flaw | n – сэв, гэм, гологдол, алдаа
191. flee | v – зугтах, дутаах, дүрвэх
192. flimsy | adj – нимгэн, сиймгэр, хэврэг
193. forego | v – урьд болох, өмнө нь болоод өнгөрөх
194. foremost | adj – хамгийн шилдэг, тэргүүний, чухал, юуны түрүү
195. fragment | n – хэсэг, эмтэрхий, тасархай
196. fragrant | adj – сайхан үнэртэй, анхилуум, анхилам
197. fraudulent | adj – залилан мэхлэсэн, луйвардсан
198. fundamental | adj – үндсэн, чухал, суурь
199. fusion | n – хайлуулалт, холилт
200. futile | adj – хоосон, дэмий, үл бүтэх

Дасгал: хоосон зайд өгүүлбэрийн утгад тохирох үгийг нөхөж, өгүүлбэрийг

гүйцээнэ үү.
1. In 1906, much of San Francisco was destroyed by an earthquake and the fires that
A. Evaded
B. Ensued
C. Encountered
2. The write H.P. Lovecraft wrote many _______ stories about the supernatural
A. Essential
B. Eerie
C. Exhilarating
3. A new of _______ aviation began in 1947 when chuck Yeager became the first pi-
lot to fly faster than the speed of sound.
A. Table
B. Endeavor
C. Era

25 | х у у д а с
4. Vance Packard’s book the hidden persuaders deals with the tactics advertisers use
to _______ consumers.
A. Endorse
B. Entice
C. Enhance
5. Riding a roller coaster in a _______ experience.
A. Exhilarating
B. Elegant
C. Exhaustive
6. Before the plane takes off, passengers must _______ their seat belts.
A. Flee
B. Emit
C. Fasten
7. In the United States, citizens are _______ to vote at the age of eighteen.
A. Essential
B. Elderly
C. Eligible
8. Barracudas are _______ predators, sometimes called the “tigers” of tropical waters.
A. Elegant
B. Futile
C. Ferocious
9. Certain gases such as neon _______ light when exposed to an electrical current.
A. Emit
B. Evade
C. Esteem
10. People make some mistakes when they are _______ than when they are fresh.
A. Exhaustive
B. Eminent
C. Fatigued
11. A _______ in a jewel makes it less valuable.
A. Fragment
B. Facet
C. Flaw

26 | х у у д а с
12. Honeysuckle is a shrub that has _______ white or yellowish blossoms.
A. Elegant
B. Fatal
C. Exhilarating


201. gala | adj – баяртай, хөгжилтэй

202. gap | n – зай завсар, нүх, ангал, хавцал
203. garrulous | adj – чалчимтгай, ам задгай
204. gaudy | adj – гял цял, тод өнгөтэй, эрээн мяраан
205. genial | adj – сайхан зантай, элэгсэг дотно, зөөлөн
206. gentle | adj – номхон, дөлгөөн
207. genuine | adj – жинхэнэ, бодитой, шударга
208. glitter | v – гялтганах, гялтганам гэрэл
209. glory | n – алдар, дурсгал, сүр жавхлан
210. gorgeous | adj – гуа сайхан, дурламаар
211. graphic | adj – 1. Хар зургийн, зургаар дүрсэлсэн 2. Тод томруун
212. grasp | v – 1. Чанга барих, зууралдах 2. Ойлгох
213. grave | adj – 1. Санаа зовоосон, ноцтой, түгшээсэн
2. Намбатай, буйртай, сүрхий
214. gregarious | adj – найртай, нөхөрсөг, эелдэг
215. grim | adj – догшин, ширүүн
216. grip | v – атгах, чанга барих, базах
217. grueling | adj – бэрхтэй, бэрх, хэцүү
218. gullible | adj – амархан хуурагдах, гэнэн
219. hamper | v – саатуулах, харшлах
220. haphazard | adj – бодлогогүй, санамсаргүй, тохиолдлын
221. hardship | n – зовлон, зүдрэл, гачигдал
222. harm | v – гай болох, хор хүргэх, сэв суулгах
223. harmony | n – эв найр, зохимж, таарамж
224. harness | v – 1. Морь тэргэнд хүллэх
2. Байгалийн хүчийг эрчим хүч гаргах зорилгоор ашиглах
225. harsh | adj – хэцүү, хүнд, хатуу, хахир

27 | х у у д а с
226. hasty | adj – хурдан, яаруу, мөчид, ааг
227. hazardous | adj – аюултай, түгшүүртэй
228. heed | v – анхаарах, хайхрах, анхааралтай сонсох, биелүүлэх
229. hinder | v – хаших, саатуулах, дараа болох
230. hoist | v – өргөх, босгох, татах, эргүүлэх
231. hue | n – өнгө, будаг
232. huge | adj – лут, том, аварга, агуу том
233. hurl | v – шидэх, хаях

Дасгал: хоосон зайд өгүүлбэрийн утгад тохирох үгийг нөхөж, өгүүлбэрийг

гүйцээнэ үү.
1. During the construction of skyscrapers, cranes are used to _______ building
materials to the upper floors.
A. Hurl
B. Harness
C. Hoist
2. The 23 mile long Boston marathon is a _______ foot race.
A. Gorgeous
B. Grueling
C. Hasty
3. Dams can _______ the power of rivers, but they may also destroy their beauty.
A. Heed
B. Harness
C. Hurl
4. The more facets a diamond has, the more it _______.
A. Glitters
B. Harms
C. Hinders
5. Many people celebrate the near year with _______ parties.
A. Gala
B. Grueling
C. Haphazard
6. Think it over for awhile; don’t make a _______ decision.
A. Genuine
28 | х у у д а с
B. Gullible
C. Hasty
7. Bad weather _______ the rescue crews trying to locate the life rafts.
A. Hampered
B. Grasped
C. Harnessed
8. Gorillas look ferocious but are actually quite _______ creatures.
A. Gaudy
B. Gentle
C. Gorgeous
9. Con artists are criminals who take advantage of _______ people by tricking them
and taking their money.
A. Garrulous
B. Grim
C. Gullible
10. Working with toxic materials is a _______ occupation.
A. Hazardous
B. Genial
C. Haphazard
11. Most minnows are tiny fish, but squawfish, which can weigh as much as 30
pounds, are actually _______ minnows.
A. Gregarious
B. Gaudy
C. Huge
12. At first, the results of the experience seemed _______, but finally a pattern
A. Haphazard
B. Grave
C. Genuine

29 | х у у д а с
Хичээл 8

234. idea | n – санаа, утга, гол санаа, бодол

235. ideal | n – яг таарсан, өв тэгш
adj – загвар, үлгэр, маяг, тогтсон хэмжээ, бүрэн төгс
236. idle | adj – залхуу, идэвхгүй, оролдлогогүй
237. illusion | n – хоосон үзэгдэл, бүтэшгүй үзэгдэл
238. imaginary | adj – санааны, хий санааны
239. imaginative | adj – уран дүрслэлтэй, уран сэтгэмжтэй
240. immense | adj – асар их, мундаг, лут
241. impair | v – сулруулах, муудуулах
242. impartial | adj – алагчлалгүй, шударга
243. implement | v – гүйцэтгэх, хэрэгжүүлэх; n – багаж хэрэгсэл
244. incessant | adj – зогсолтгүй, тасралтгүй
245. increment | n – өсөлт, ашиг орлого, цалингийн нэмэгдэл
246. indifferent | adj – хайхрахгүй, хамаагүй
247. indigenous | adj – уул нутгийн
248. indispensable | adj – чухал, шаардлагатай
249. indistinct | adj – тод бус, бүдэг бадаг
250. induce | v – гуйх, ятгах, хөхүүлэн дэмжих
251. inept | adj – таарахгүй, тохирохгүй, зохихгүй
252. inexorable | adj – өрөвдөхгүй, хайрлахгүй, хэрцгий
253. infamous | adj – өөдгүй, олиггүй, шившигт
254. infinite | adj – хэмжээлшгүй, хязгааргүй, тоо томшгүй
255. infinitesimal | adj – өчүүхэн, хязгааргүй бага хэмжээ
256. ingenious | adj – мэргэн аргатай, мэргэн
257. ingenuous | adj – цагаан цайлган, шулуухан
258. inhabit | v – амьдрах, орших, байрлах
259. inhibit | v – барих, тэвчих, тэсэх, зогсоох
260. initial | adj – анхны, эхний
261. innate | adj – төрөлхийн
262. intense | adj – хүчтэй, эрчимтэй
263. intricate | adj – хэцүү, төвөгтэй, ярвигтай
264. irate | adj – уурласан, ууртай

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265. jagged | adj – адармаатай
266. jeopardy | n – аюул, түгшүүр
267. jolly | adj – хөгтэй
268. jolt | v – донсолгох, дайвалзах, донслуулах; n – сандрал, цочрол
269. keen | adj – 1. хурц 2. ухаалаг 3. идэвхтэй, сонирхолтой
270. key | adj – гол, үндсэн
271. knack | n – арга

Дасгал: хоосон зайд өгүүлбэрийн утгад тохирох үгийг нөхөж, өгүүлбэрийг

гүйцээнэ үү.
1. Many people feel that Hawaii has an almost _______ climate.
A. Idle
B. Impartial
C. Idea
2. A plow is a farm _______ used to break soil and prepare the land for planting.
A. Increment
B. Knack
C. Implement
3. A laser uses a synthetic ruby to concentrate light into an extremely _______ high-
energy beam.
A. Intense
B. Indistinct
C. Imaginary
4. Jesse James was an _______ outlaw, well-known as a bank robber and gun fighter.
A. Inept
B. Ingenuous
C. Infamous
5. Antibiotics _______ the growth of bacteria.
A. Inhabit
B. Jolt
C. Inhibit
6. Optical _______ deceive the eye with tricks of perception.
A. Illusions
B. Ideals
31 | х у у д а с
C. Increments
7. Stockholders may be too _______ to vote in corporate elections, so they let man-
agement vote for them by proxy.
A. Infamous
B. Indifferent
C. Ingenious
8. The heavily populated states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Michigan are
_______ states for any candidate in a presidential election.
A. Initial
B. Impartial
C. Key
9. A virus is so _______ that can be seen only with an electron microscope.
A. Infinite
B. Imaginary
C. Infinitesimal
10. The _______ character of Falstaff is one of Shakespeare’s finest comic creations.
A. Keen
B. Jolly
C. Irate
11. Anyone can learn basic cooking skills; you don’t need a special _______.
A. Knack
B. Idea
C. Implement
12. Alcohol can _______ one’s ability to drive.
A. Jolt
B. Impair
C. Induce
13. The _______ people of Australia were called aborigines by the English settlers.
A. Indigenous
B. Ingenuous
C. A keen
14. The rhinoceros has a poor sense of sight but _______ sense of smell.
A. An impartial
B. An inept
32 | х у у д а с
C. A keen
15. The equator is _______ line running round the center of the earth.
A. An imaginative
B. A jagged
C. An imaginary
16. A glacier’s progress is slow but _______.
A. Inexorable
B. Impartial
C. Infinite


272. lack | v – хүрэлцээгүй, байхгүй; n – дутагдал

273. lag | v – ард хоцрох, араас гэлдрэх
274. lavish | adj – өгөөмөр, элбэг дэлбэг
275. lax | adj – анхааралгүй, хайхрамжгүй, сулхан, үлбэгэр
276. legendary | adj – домогт, үлгэр домгийн
277. legitimate | adj – хууль ёсны, зүй зохистой
278. lethargic | adj – үхширмэл, үлбийсэн, нойрмог
279. likely | adj – маягтай, янзтай, магадгүй
280. linger | v – хоргодох
281. link | v – хэлхэх, холбох; n – хэлхээ, холбоо
282. long | v – үргэлжлэх, сунжрах
283. lucid | adj – ойлгомжтой тодорхой 2. ухаан санаа сэргэг
284. lull | v – бүйвээлэх, тайвшруулах, аргадах; n – чөлөө завсар, нам гүм
285. lure | v – өдөх, дур хүргэх
286. lurid | adj – гайхмаар
287. lurk | v – далдлах, гэтэх, мяраах
288. luster | n – гялгар, гялтганасан
289. luxurious | adj – баян, баялаг
290. magnificent | adj – эрхэмсэг, сүр жавхлантай
291. magnitude | n – хэмжээ далайц, чухал ач холбогдолтой
292. mandatory | adj – мандатын, заавал биелүүлэх

33 | х у у д а с
293. mar | v – сэв оруулах, гутаах, баллах
294. memorable | adj – дурсгалтай, тэмдэглэлтэй
295. mend | v – засах, сайжруулах
296. mild | adj – зөөлөн, номхон
297. mingle | v – хутгах, хутгалдах, холих, холилдох
298. minute | adj – жижиг, өчүүхэн, хязгааргүй бага хэмжээ
299. monitor | v – шалгах, хянах
300. moral | adj – ёс журамтай, ёс суртахуунтай
301. morale | n – сэтгэл санааны байдал
302. murky | adj – бүрхэг, харанхуй
303. mysterious | adj – нууц далд, хачин сонин
304. mythical | adj – үлгэр домгийн, хий санааны

Дасгал: хоосон зайд өгүүлбэрийн утгад тохирох үгийг нөхөж, өгүүлбэрийг

гүйцээнэ үү.
1. It’s difficult for scuba divers to see when the water is _______.
A. Murky
B. Lucid
C. Magnificent
2. In most cultures, it is traditional to prepare _______ meals to celebrate holidays.
A. Lurid
B. Lethargic
C. Lavish
3. Parents often sing to children to _______ them to sleep.
A. Lurk
B. Mingle
C. Lull
4. Julius Caesar is known not only for his military and political skills but also for his
_______, informative writing.
A. Lucid
B. Lurid
C. Lethargic
5. A cobbler _______ damaged shoes.
A. Mars
34 | х у у д а с
B. Mends
C. Lacks
6. One of the _______ exhibits of impressionist art is found at the art institute of Chi-
A. Mildest
B. Most memorable
C. Most lucid
7. The USO is a service organization that entertains U.S troops and improves their
A. Morale
B. Luster
C. Lack
8. Quarks are _______ particles that are believed to be the fundamental unit of matter.
A. Massive
B. Minute
C. Mythical
9. Some people like to _______ after dinner over coffee and dessert.
A. Lag
B. Long
C. Linger
10. Paperback novels in the 1940s and 1950s often had _______ covers to attract
readers’ attention.
A. Lurid
B. Murky
C. Legitimate
11. One problem caused by a rising crime rate is a _______ of space in prisons.
A. Lag
B. Lack
C. Link
12. The _______ lumberjack Paul Bunyan and his giant blue ox babe are two of the
most famous characters in American folklore.
A. Legendary
B. Moral
C. Minute
35 | х у у д а с

305. negligible | adj – өчүүхэн, ялихгүй, ялимгүй

306. nimble | adj – шаламгай, түргэн, чадамгай
307. notable | adj – онц анхаармаар, мэдэгдэхүйц
308. notify | v – мэдүүлэх, мэдэгдэх
309. notion | n – үзэл санаа, бодол
310. notorious | adj – нэрд гарсан, цуутай
311. novel | adj – роман, тууж, туурь
312. objective | n – зорилго; adj – үнэн, бодитой, алагчлалгүй
313. oblong | adj – урт дөрвөлжин, гонзгор
314. obscure | adj – бүдэг, харагдахгүй 2. тодорхойгүй, ойлгомжгүй
315. obsolete | adj – хуучирсан, хэрэгцээнээс гарсан
316. odd | adj – хачин, сонин, жигтэй, өрөөсөн
317. offspring | n – үр төл, зулзага
318. ominous | adj – ёрлосон, муу совин татсан
319. opulent | adj – чинээлэг, баян
320. ornamental | adj – гоёл чимэглэлийн, хээ хуартай
321. outgoing | adj – 1. найрсаг, нөхөрсөг 2. буцаж харьж буй
322. outlook | n – 1. үзэл бодол 2. алсын төлөв
323. outstanding | adj – шилдэг, гарамгай
324. overall | adj – нийтдээ, ерөнхийдөө
325. overcast | adj – бүрхэг, үүлтэй
326. overcome | v – дийлэх, ялах
327. overlook | v – дээрээс харах, үзэхгүй өнгөрөх, харахгүй байх
328. oversee | v – харах, харгалзах
329. oversight | n – осол, алдагдал
330. overt | adj – илт мэдэгдэхүйц, нуух аргагүй
331. overtake | v – гүйцэж түрүүлэх, гүйцэх, урд нь гарах
332. overwhelm | v – 1. гайхах, бахдах 2. үерлэх 3. хүчээр дийлэх 4. бут цохих

36 | х у у д а с
Дасгал: хоосон зайд өгүүлбэрийн утгад тохирох үгийг нөхөж, өгүүлбэрийг
гүйцээнэ үү.
1. We should be _______ in case you are involved in an accident?
A. Overlooked
B. Notified
C. Overtaken
2. Many of the world’s most _______ restaurants are located in luxury hotels.
A. Outgoing
B. Opulent
C. Overt
3. The black clouds of a gathering thunderstorm look quite _______.
A. Ominous
B. Negligible
C. Overcast
4. Pulitzer prizes are awarded to _______ journalists, novelists, poets, and other
A. Objective
B. Outstanding
C. Notorious
5. An _______ plant is cultivated chiefly for its beauty.
A. Opulent
B. Obscure
C. Ornamental
6. Franklin d. Roosevelt was able to _______ his physical handicaps; he didn’t permit
them to interfere with his living a vigorous life.
A. Oversee
B. Overcome
C. Overtake
7.The poetry of Ezra pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so
many _______ references.
A. Notable
B. Obscure
C. Objective

37 | х у у д а с
8. The Bessemer process was once the most common method of making steel, but
today this process is considered _______.
A. Odd
B. Novel
C. Obsolete
9. Gregarious people are friendly and _______.
A. Overcast
B. Nimble
C. Outgoing
10. The town planning commission said that its financial _______ for – the next fiscal
year was optimistic; it expects increased tax revenues.
A. Outlook
B. Oversight
C. Notion
11. The new play was so successful that the demand for tickets was _______.
A. Odd
B. Overwhelming
C. Negligible
12. A book’s table of contents provides reader with an _______ idea of that book is
A. Outgoing
B. Overt
C. Overall
13. Because the accident appeared serious, only a _______ amount of damage was
A. Novel
B. Notable
C. Negligible


333. pace | n – алхах, алхам

334. painstaking | adj – нарийн, нямбай

38 | х у у д а с
335. pale | adj – цонхигор, зэвхий
336. paltry | adj – ялимгүй, чухал биш
337. particle | n – жижиг хэсэг
338. path | n – харгуй, зам мөр
339. peculiar | adj – хачин, сонин, жигтэй, онцгой
340. penetrate | v – нэвтхэх туулах
341. perceive | v – ойлгох, мэдрэх, ухамсарлах
342. peril | n – аюул заналхийлэл, эрсдэл
343. perpetual | adj – мөнх, зогсолтгүй, үргэлжид
344. perplexing | adj – гайхсан, сандарсан, алмайрсан
345. pierce | v – цоолох, хатгах, нэвтлэх, нэвт орох
346. plausible | adj – үнэмшилтэй, таармаар
347. plead | v – 1. гуйх, царайчлах 2. нэр барих, шалтаглах
348. plush | adj – баян тансаг, элбэг дэлбэг
349. ponder | v – бодох, цэгнэх, тунгаан бодох
350. portion | n – хувь, хэсэг, ноогдол
351. postpone | v – хойшлуулах
352. potent | adj – хүчтэй, чадалтай, хүчирхэг
353. pounce | v – ноцох, үсрэх, дайрах, довтлох
354. precious | adj – үнэтэй, эрдэнийн, эрхэм
355. precise | adj – нарийн, тодорхой
356. premier | adj – 1. анхны, эхний 2. тэргүүн, гол, ерөнхий сайд
357. pressing | adj – яаралтай, хугацаа давчуу
358. pretext | n – далим, шалтаг
359. prevail | v – дийлэх, ялах, дэлгэрэх
360. prevalent | adj – ихэнхи, олонх
361. prior | adj – өмнөх, урьдах, түрүүлсэн
362. probe | v – байцаах, шалгах судлах
363. procure | v – авах, олох
364. profound | adj – гүн, гүнзгий, төгс төгөлдөр
365. prompt | adj – түргэн, хурдан саадгүй, сануулах
366. prosper | v – хөгжих, дэвжих
367. provoke | v – хатгах, өдөөх, хөдөлгөх
368. prudent | adj – болгоомжтой, хичээнгүй, хайхрамжтай
39 | х у у д а с
369. pulverize | v – нүдэх, балбачих, хэмхлэх
370. pungent | adj – 1. хурц, содон 2. хорон ёжтой
371. pursue | v – хөөх, туух, дагах, мөрдөх
372. puzzling | adj – сандаргасан, бажгадуулсан
Дасгал: хоосон зайд өгүүлбэрийн утгад тохирох үгийг нөхөж, өгүүлбэрийг
гүйцээнэ үү.
1. Turquoise is not valuable enough to be classified as a _______ stone.
A. Perpetual
B. Pale
C. Precious
2. Employers often require job applicants to have _______ experience in the field.
A. Premier
B. Prior
C. Plush
3. Hospitals define urgent care as medical care given to somewhat less _______
medical problems than emergency care.
A. Perplexing
B. Pressing
C. Prudent
4. Toolmakers must have the ability to work very _______ in order to meet exact
A. Precisely
B. Profoundly
C. Plausibly
5. NASA _______ the launch of space vehicles on account of bad weather or tech-
nical problems.
A. Ponders
B. Postpones
C. Probes
6._______ of dust in the air may trigger allergies in some people.
A. Portions.
B. Pretexts
C. Particles

40 | х у у д а с
7. The Appalachian Trail, extending from Maine to Georgia, is the longest continuous
hiking _______ in the world.
A. Pace
B. Peril
C. Path
8. When a tiger spots its prey, it crouches down and then _______.
A. Pleads
B. Ponder
C. Pounces
9. X rays cannot _______ lead.
A. Provoke
B. Penetrate
C. Pursue
10. Morphine, a form of synthetic heroin, is a _______ painkiller.
A. Potent
B. Pungent
C. Paltry
11. Sherlock Holmes, a fictional detective, solved many _______ crimes.
A. Puzzling
B. Prevalent
C. Prompt
12. Mallows are a type of wildflower that grows _______ in prairies, woods and
A. Profusely
B. Profoundly
C. Preciously
13. Certain spices give foods a _______ taste.
A. Prudent
B. Pungent
C. Pale
14. Trade with Britain and the West Indies allowed colonial seaports such as Boston
to _______.
A. Postpone
B. Provoke
41 | х у у д а с
C. Prosper
15. A _______ investor never takes unnecessary financial risks.
A. Perplexing
B. Prudent
C. Premier


373. quaint | adj – хөгтэй, инээдтэй, хуучинсаг

374. quake | v – чичрэх, дагжих, хөлдөх
375. quandary | n – бэрхшээл, хүндрэл
376. quarrel | n – хэрүүл, маргаан, арцалдаан
377. quest | n – эгээрэл, эрэл, бэдрэл
378. radiant | adj – гэрэлтэй, цацрагтай
379. ragged | adj – уранхай, ноорхой, арзгар
380. range | n – далайц, цар хүрээ; v – 1. хамрах 2. хэсэх, хэрэх, хэсүүчлэх
381. rash | adj – хуумгай, болчимгүй, яаруу
382. raw | adj – түүхий
383. raze | v – эвдрэх, нураах
384. recede | v – буцах, доошлох
385. reckless | adj – томоогүй, гэнэн осолтой
386. recollect | v – дурсах, санах
387. recount | v – тоочих, ярих
388. refine | v – цэвэрлэх, боловсруулан цэвэрлэх
389. refuge | n – хоргодох газар, итгэл
390. rehearse | v – давтах, сургууль хийх
391. reliable | adj – найдвартай
392. relish | v – сэтгэлийн цэнгэл эдлэх
393. remedy | n – арга дом, эм эмчилгээ
394. remnant | n – үлдэгдэл, хоцорсон эд
395. remote | adj – алслагдсан, холын
396. renowned | adj – алдартай, цуутай, нэртэй, яруу
397. resent | v – дургүйцэх
398. retract | v – хэлснээсээ буцах, булзах

42 | х у у д а с
399. riddle | n – оньсого таавар
400. rigid | adj – хатуу, хөшүүн
401. rip | v –урах, уранхай
402. ripe | adj – болсон, боловсорсон
403. risky | adj – аюултай, түгшүүртэй
404. roam | v – тэнэх, тэнүүл хийх
405. rough | adj – өөдгүй, арсгар барсгар
406. route | n – зам, зорчих зам, -...аар явуулах
407. rudimentary | adj – анхны, хамгийн эхний
408. rugged | adj – адармаатай, тэгш бус, ширүүн хатуу
409. rumor | adj – цуу үг, сул үг, цуурхал
410. rural | adj – хөдөөний, тосгоны
411. ruthless | adj – хэрцгий, догшин

Дасгал: хоосон зайд өгүүлбэрийн утгад тохирох үгийг нөхөж, өгүүлбэрийг

гүйцээнэ үү.
1. Motorists can be fined for driving _______.
A. Recklessly
B. Reliably
C. Ruthlessly
2. Million of bison once _______ the plains of North America.
A. Recollected
B. Ripped
C. Roamed
3. Musicians have to _______ before performing.
A. Rehearse
B. Resent
C. Recount
4. At the end of ice age, glaciers began to _______.
A. Quake
B. Raze
C. Recede
5. Big Sur, a wild section of California’s coastline, is known for its _______ beauty.
A. Ragged
43 | х у у д а с
B. Rush
C. Rugged
6. Wetlands provide _______ for many species of birds, reptiles, mammals, and am-
A. Riddles
B. Refuge
C. Rumors
7. The pirate Blackbeard had a reputation for being a harsh, _______ man.
A. Ruthless
B. Quaint
C. Reliable
8. Wrecking balls are used to _______ buildings.
A. Rip
B. Quake
C. Raze
9. The northernmost section of the Rocky Mountains, the brooks range, is located in a
_______ section of Alaska.
A. Remote
B. Reliable
C. Radiant
10. Dogs can hear a greater _______ of sounds than humans.
A. Remnant
B. Quandary
C. Range
11. Patent medicine salesmen have claimed to have _______ for all types of ailments,
from cancer to baldness to the common cold.
A. Remedies
B. Quandaries
C. Riddles
12. Visitors to Vermont delight in the beautiful scenery and inns there.
A. Rudimentary
B. Ragged
C. Quaint
13. _______ materials have less economic value than processed materials.
44 | х у у д а с
A. Raw
B. Rash
C. Renowned
14. Many medieval stories dealt with _______, such as the story of the search for the
A. Quarrels
B. Quandaries
C. Quests
15. The Tennessee valley authority helped bring cheap electricity to farmers in the
_______ south.
A. Reliable
B. Rural
C. Rugged


412. salvage | v – аварч гаргах, гарган авах

413. scale | v – авирах, гарах; n – 1. хэмжээ, масштаб 2. хуваарь
414. scarce | adj – ховор
415. scatter | v – сарних, бутрах, тарах, сарниулах
416. scent | n – үнэр, сүрчиг, үнэртэн
417. scrap | v – хаях, гээх; n – өөдөс, хаягдал
418. seasoned | adj – хашир, догь
419. secluded | adj – тусгаарлагдсан, олноос хөндийрсөн
420. sensational | adj – шуугиантай, дуулиантай
421. serene | adj – тогтуун, намуун, амирлангуй
422. sever | v – огтлох, салгах, хагалах
423. severe | adj – чанга, хэцүү, хатуу, ширүүн
424. shatter | v – сүйрэх, хэмхрэх, сүйрүүлэх
425. sheer | adj – 1. илт, үнэнхүү, аргагүй 2. нимгэн, сиймхий, нэвт харагдах
426. shimmer | v – гялалзах, гялтганах
427. shred | v – урах, тасдах
428. shrewd | adj – хурц ухаантай
429. shrill | adj – нарийн өндөр дуутай, хангинасан, чанга

45 | х у у д а с
430. shun | v – зайлах
431. shy | adj – ичимхий, аймхай, үргэмтгий
432. significant | adj – олон талын ач холбогдолтой
433. signify | v – мэдэгдэх, дохио өгөх, чухал болох
434. sketch | v – ноороглох; n – эскиз, үлгэр зураг, ноорог
435. slender | adj – нарийхан, гоолиг, туяхан
436. sluggish | adj – удаан, хойрго, болхи
437. sly | adj – мэхтэй, зальтай
438. soak | v – нэвт норох, шалбийтал норох
439. solace | n – тайвшрал, тайтгарал
440. somber | adj – харанхуй, бараан, зовиуртай, гунигтай
441. sort | v - ялгах, арилгах; n – төрөл, анги, зэрэг, маяг
442. sound | n – дуу чимээ; adj – эрүүл, эсэн мэнд

Дасгал: хоосон зайд өгүүлбэрийн утгад тохирох үгийг нөхөж, өгүүлбэрийг

гүйцээнэ үү.
1. Skunks use a pungent _______ as their first line of defense.
A. Scent
B. Scrap
C. Sound
2. One of the most popular peaks for mountain climbers to _______ is ei capitan in
Yosemite national park.
A. Scale
B. Soak
C. Shun
3. Foxes are not particularly rare, but they are not often seen because they are so
A. Sluggish
B. Somber
C. Shy
4. The civil rights act of 1964 was a particularly _______ piece of legislation.
A. Serene
B. Significant
C. Slender
46 | х у у д а с
5. _______ workers are more valuable to employers than beginners.
A. Shrill
B. Seasoned
C. Sluggish
6. The shakers were a strict religious group that _______ all types of pleasure.
A. Scattered
B. Sorted
C. Scrapped
7. Denver’s plan to build a subway system was _______ in the 1970s.
A. Scattered
B. Sorted
C. Scrapped
8. Even after a ship has sunk, its cargo can often be _______.
A. Severed
B. Shattered
C. Salvaged
9. Some economists believe that the best way to get a _______ economy moving
again is to cut taxes.
A. Sensational
B. Sluggish
C. Shrewd
10. Government bonds and blue-chip stocks are _______ investments.
A. Sound
B. Shy
C. Scarce
11. If a person’s spinal cord is _______, paralysis results.
A. Soaked
B. Severed
C. Salvaged
12. Silk is a _______ fabric.
A. Sheer
B. Shrewd
C. Slender

47 | х у у д а с

443. span | v – гүүр тавих, гүүрээр холбох, үргэлжлэх; n - хугацаа

444. spawn | v – өсөх үржих, бий болох; n – түрс зулзага, үр удам
445. specific | adj – онцгой, тусгай
446. specimen | n – загвар, үлгэр, үлгэр жишээ
447. spectacular | adj – гайхамшигт
448. spell | n – үе, ээлж, хугацаа
449. spirited | adj – цог зальтай
450. splendid | adj – жавхлант, гуа сайхан
451. spoil | v – 1. баллах 2. муудах, ялзрах
452. spot | v – олж харах; n – 1. газар, талбай 2. толбо
453. spur | v – сэтгэлийн дэм өгөх, зоригжуулах; n – түлхэц, урам зориг
454. stable | adj – бат бэх, тогтвортой, баттай
455. stage | v – жүжиг тавих; n – 1. үе, шат 2. тайз, тавцан
456. stain | v – толбо суух, будах; n – толбо, сэв
457. stale | adj – 1. хатсан, муудсан, гашилсан 2. улиг болсон, хуучирсан
458. stall | v – 1. хөдөлгүүр гэнэт зогсох 2. хойшлуулах, цаг хожих
459. stately | adj – сүр жавхлантай, сүрлэг
460. steep | adj – эгц өндөр, өгсүүр
461. stern | adj – чанга, хатуу, хэцүү
462. strife | n – маргаан, мөргөлдөөн
463. strive | v – хичээх, мэрийх, чармайх, оролдох
464. struggle | v – тэмцэх, хүч чармайлт гаргах, зүтгэх; n – тэмцэл, зодоон
465. stubborn | adj – зөрүүд, шургуу
466. sturdy | adj – бөх, хахир
467. subsequence | adj – дараагийн, удаах
468. subtle | adj – нарийн ширийн, баригдашгүй
469. suitable | adj – тохиромжтой
470. summit | n – оргил, орой
471. sundry | adj – янз бүрийн, зүйл бүрийн
472. superb | adj – тансаг, гоё сайхан, сүрлэг
473. supplant | v – орыг нь эзлэх, шахаж гаргах
474. supple | adj – уян зөөлөн

48 | х у у д а с
475. sway | v – 1. найгах, ганхах 2. нөлөөлөх
476. sweeping | adj – далайцтай, өргөн хүрээтэй
477. swift | adj – түргэн, хурдан шаламгай
478. swivel | v – эргэх, эргүүлэх

Дасгал: хоосон зайд өгүүлбэрийн утгад тохирох үгийг нөхөж, өгүүлбэрийг

гүйцээнэ үү.
1. High-pressure cells may bring brief warm _______ even in the middle of winter
A. Struggles
B. Spells
C. Spans
2. The _______ cliffs of the Na Pali coast of Kauai island, Hawaii, rise some 4,000
feet from the sea.
A. Still
B. Steep
C. Subtle
3. The process of refining oil involves a number of _______.
A. Specimens
B. Spots
C. Stages
4. In high winds, skyscrapers will _______ slightly.
A. Swivel
B. Sway
C. Stall
5. One invention often _______ many others.
A. Spoils
B. Strives
C. Spawns
6. The snow-covered _______ of Mount Hood is the highest point in the state of Ore-
A. Spur
B. Summit
C. Span

49 | х у у д а с
7. D. W. Griffith was the first director of _______ films. These were movies made on
a colossal scale.
A. Specific
B. Suitable
C. Spectacular
8. Cheetahs are the _______ of all land animals, with top speeds of up to 70 miles per
A. Stalest
B. Subtlest
C. Swiftest
9. Salt can be used to keep meat from _______.
A. Struggling
B. Spoiling
C. Stalling
10. Because they must be able to break a path through icebound waters, icebreakers
have to be very _______ boats.
A. Stern
B. Sturdy
C. Supple
11. Most people who divorce _______ remarry.
A. Specifically
B. Subsequently
C. Stubbornly
12. A roadbed supplies a _______ base for a highway.
A. Stable
B. Sundry
C. Sweeping
13. The geographical center of the North American continent is a _______ near Balta,
North Dakota.
A. Spot
B. Stage
C. Summit
14. Many medical tests require a blood _______.
A. Spell
50 | х у у д а с
B. Specimen
C. Stain
15. Because of their protective coloration, ghost crabs are hard to _______.
A. Spur
B. Spawn
C. Spot
16. Severe thunderstorms may _______ tornadoes.
A. Spot
B. Spawn
C. Span


479. tact | n – ая, эв

480. tale | n – үлгэр, тууж
481. tame | v – гэрийн тэжээвэр; adj – номхон, дуулгавартай
482. tamper (with) – хөндлөнгөөс оролцох
483. tangle | v – орооцолдох, ээдрэх
484. tart | adj – эсгэлэн, гашуун
485. taunt | v – муучлах, элэглэх
486. tedious | adj – уйтгартай, залхуутай, ядрам
487. telling | adj – учир утгатай, учир төгөлдөр
488. temperate | adj – сэрүүн / цаг улирал/, тэвчсэн
489. tempting | adj – дур татсан, хорхой хүргэсэн
490. tender | adj – нинжийн зөөлөн сэтгэлтэй
491. thaw | v – гэсэх, хайлах
492. thorough | adj – нарийн нямбай, бүрэн гүйцэт
493. thoroughfare | n – нэвтрэх зам, өргөн чөлөө
494. thrifty | n – гамтай, арвитай
495. thrilling | adj – сонирхолтой, сэтгэл хөдлөсөн
496. thrive | v – дэгжин, дээшлэх, сайжрах
497. thwart | v – эвдэх, саад хийх
498. tidings | n – сонин, мэдээ

51 | х у у д а с
499. tilt | v – хэлтийх, хазайх, хазайлгах
500. timid | adj – аймхай, хулчгар
501. tint | v – будах; n - будаг
502. tiresome | adj – залхуу хүрмээр, залхуутай
503. toil | v – шаргуу ажиллах; n – хатуу ажил, хүнд ажил
504. tolerant | adj – тэсвэртэй, тэвчээртэй
505. torment | v – зовоох, тарчилгах, тамлах
506. torrent | n – урсгал, цутгалан; v – чирэх, татах
507. toxic | adj – хортой
508. trait | n – зан чанар, онцлог шинж
509. treacherous | adj – тэрслүү, хар санаатай, итгэл эвдсэн
510. trickle | n – дуслах, алгуурхан урсах
511. triumph | n – их амжилт, агуу ялалт
512. trivial | adj – ялихгүй, шалихгүй
513. tug | v – чангаах, татах, угзрах

Дасгал: хоосон зайд өгүүлбэрийн утгад тохирох үгийг нөхөж, өгүүлбэрийг

гүйцээнэ үү.
1. Citric acid gives citrus fruit their _______ taste.
A. Temperate
B. Toxic
C. Tart
2. The use of robots and automated machinery has eliminated certain _______ factory
A. Tedious
B. Thrilling
C. Timid
3. One should never one buy a food or medicine if the packaging has obviously been
A. Tangled
B. Thwarted
C. Tempered with
4. Alfred Hitchcock directed a number of _______ psychological dramas; among the
most exciting were psycho and north by northwest.
52 | х у у д а с
A. Timid
B. Trivial
C. Thrilling
5. Tides are caused by the _______ of the moon’s gravity
A. Tangle
B. Torrent
C. Tug
6. Many people find chocolate _______.
A. Tempting
B. Tender
C. Temperate
7. Peachtree Street is the main _______ in Atlanta.
A. Triumph
B. Thoroughfare
C. Tilt
8. In her book silent spring, Rachel Carson wrote about insecticides and their _______
effects on animal life.
A. Tiresome
B. Tender
C. Toxic
9. In the desert, dry creek beds may turn into raging _______ after heavy rainstorms.
A. Trickles
B. Torrents
C. Toils
10. Barley can be grown almost anywhere in the temperate zone. Unlike most other
grains, it even _______ at high altitudes.
A. Tampers
B. Thrives
C. Thaws
11. _______ such as their color and eye color are inherited genetically from one’s
A. Traits
B. Triumphs
C. Tints
53 | х у у д а с
12. Washington Irving collected and interpreted many famous old _______, including
the legends of rip van winkle and the headless horseman.
A. Tales
B. Tidings
C. Traits


514. ultimate | adj – 1. эцсийн, сүүлчийн 2. хамгийн дээд, туйлын

515. unbearable | adj – тэсэшгүй, тэсвэрлэшгүй
516. uncouth | adj – болхи, бүдүүлэг
517. undertake | v – хийх, оролдох
518. ungainly | adj – бүдүүн хадуун, болхи, эв дүүгүй
519. uniform | adj – ижил, нэг хэвийн
520. unique | adj – ер бусын, цор ганц
521. unruly | adj – үгэнд орохгүй, дэггүй
522. unsound | adj – эрүүл бус, үндэсгүй
523. uphold | v – дэмжих, баримтлах
524. upkeep | n – 1. тэтгэлэг, мөнгөн тусламж 2. засвар үйлчилгээ
525. uproar | n – чимээ, шуугиан
526. urge | v – шаардах, шавдуулах
527. urgent | adj – чухал, яаралтай
528. utensil | n – хэрэгсэл
529. utter | v – хэлэх, ярих; adj – үнэхээр, ёстой, маш
530. vacant | adj – сул, эзэнгүй
531. vague | adj – тодорхой бус, бүдэг
532. vain | adj – 1. ашиггүй, хэрэггүй 2. бардам, ихэмсэг, биеэ тоосон
533. valid | adj – үндэслэлтэй, үнэмшмээр
534. vanish | v – устах, үгүй болох
535. variable | adj – хувирамтгай
536. vast | adj – өргөн уудам, олон тооны
537. venomous | adj – хортой
538. verbose | adj – олон үгтэй, нуршуу
539. verge | n – зах, ирмэг

54 | х у у д а с
540. vessel | n – 1. шил, шилэн сав 2. усан онгоц
541. vex | v – уурлуулах, уцаарлуулах
542. viable | adj – 1. орших, амьдрах чадвартай 2. ашиг тус өгч болох, хэрэгжиж
543. vicinity | n – хөрш зэргэлдээ байх
544. vigorous | adj – хүчтэй, тэнхээтэй, эрч хүчтэй
545. vital | adj – амин чухал
546. vivid | adj – тод томруун
547. vow | v – амлах, тангараглах; n – ам, тангараг

Дасгал: хоосон зайд өгүүлбэрийн утгад тохирох үгийг нөхөж, өгүүлбэрийг

гүйцээнэ үү.
1. To be air, laws must be _______ applied to all persons.
A. Urgently
B. Vaguely
C. Uniformly
2. The rattlesnake is the most common _______ snake in the United States.
A. Ungainly
B. Venomous
C. Variable
3. The league of women voters _______ all citizens to vote.
A. Urges
B. Vexes
C. Upholds
4. In his novel the red badge of courage, Stephen crane _______ describes a civil war
A. Vividly
B. Uniformly
C. Vitally
5. An Erlenmeyer flask is a glass _______ used in chemistry labs.
A. Vessel
B. Vow
C. Verge
6. Aerobics is _______ form of experience.
55 | х у у д а с
A. A viable
B. An uncouth
C. A vigorous
7. A metropolitan area consists of a central city and any suburban areas in its _______
A. Vicinity
B. Vessel
C. Upkeep
8. Special police tactics are required to deal with riots or _______ crowds.
A. Ungainly
B. Unruly
C. Unsound
9. The kidneys play a _______ role in maintaining health by removing impurities
form the bloodstream.
A. Vivid
B. Viable
C. Vital
10. The myth of narcissus tells me story of a handsome but young man who stares at
his reflection in a pool of water for so long that he turns into a flower.
A. Vain
B. Ungainly
C. Verbose
11. The fork has been used as an eating _______ at least since the twelfth century.
A. Vessel
B. Utensil
C. Verge
12. The great plains cover _______ area.
A. A vast
B. A viable
C. An ultimate


548. wage | n – цалин хөлс

549. wander | v – тэнэх, хөөрөх

56 | х у у д а с
550. wane | v – бага болох, цөөрөх
551. ware | n – эд бараа
552. warp | v – хорчийх, гажих
553. wary | adj – хашир, болгоомжтой, хянуур
554. weary | adj – эцсэн, цуцсан, ядарсан
555. well-to-do | adj – баян чинээлэг
556. wholesome | adj – эрүүл саруул, сайн сайхан
557. wicked | adj – санаа муутай, хорон хэрцгий
558. widespread | adj – өргөн тарсан, дэлгэрсэн
559. wily | adj – зальтай, овжин
560. wise | adj – мэргэн цэцэн, ухаантай сэргэлэн
561. withdraw | v – татах, буцааж аваачих
562. wither | v – хатах, хатаж үхэх, гандах
563. withhold | v – татгалзах, болих
564. witty | adj – хурц ухаантай, хошин
565. woe | n – гаслан, зовлон зүдгүүр, уй гашуу
566. wonder | v – гайхах, мэдэхийг хүсэх, шагших; n – гайхаш, гайхамшиг
567. wound | v – шархдах, гэмтэх; n – шарх, гэмтэл
568. yearn | v – санах, мөрөөдөх, тэмүүлэх, эрмэлзэх
569. yield | v – ургац авах, ашиг өгөх, үйлдвэрлэх; n – ургац, гарц, бүтээмж
570. zealous | adj – чармайлттай, мэриймтгий, хичээнгүй
571. zenith | n – оройн цэг
572. zone | n – бүс нутаг; v – бүсчлэх, бүсэд хуваах

Дасгал: хоосон зайд өгүүлбэрийн утгад тохирох үгийг нөхөж, өгүүлбэрийг

гүйцээнэ үү.
1. If boards become wet, they may _______.
A. Wither
B. Yield
C. Warp
2. Whole grains and fresh fruit and vegetables are _______ foods.
A. Wicked
B. Wholesome
C. Well-to-do
57 | х у у д а с
3. You must be _______ when buying a used car; be sure the engine is in good con-
A. Weary
B. Zealous
C. Wary
4. In the past, many salesmen tried to sell their _______ door-to-door.
A. Wares
B. Woes
C. Yields
5. Humorists Will Rogers wrote many _______ newspaper columns.
A. Wily
B. Weary
C. Witty
6. Congress sets the minimum _______, which is the lowest amount of money work-
ers may be paid per hour.
A. Wage
B. Yield zone
7. Intelligent policies are needed so that public funds are used _______.
A. Wholesomely
B. Zealously
C. Wisely
8. Fertilizers can increase farmers’ _______.
A. Wonders
B. Yields
C. Woes
9. Some superstitions are familiar to many cultures. For example, there is a _______
belief that black cats bring bad luck.
A. Widespread
B. Wily
C. Wicked
10. Agreed belt is a part like _______ around a city in which no development is per-
A. Zenith
B. Wound
C. Zone

58 | х у у д а с

59 | х у у д а с
Энэ хэсэгт заавал мэдэх ёстой өвөрмөц хэллэгээс гадна өндөр оноо авахад шаардагдах
400 гаруй өвөрмөц хэллэгийг оруулахаас гадна, тэдгээрийг чухам ямар нөхцөлд хэрхэн
ашиглах талаар зөв хэрэглэж сурах үүднээс дасгалуудыг багтаасан болно. Англи
хэлний өвөрмөц хэллэгийг ялангуяа TOEFL-ийн шалгалтын сонсох хэсгийн ярианд маш
их ашигласан байдаг тул өвөрмөц хэллэгийн утгыг мэдэж л байж харилцан ярианы
хариулт дотроос аль тохирохыг нь зөв олж чадах юм. Өвөрмөц хэллэгийг байнга
давтаж, тэдгээрийг ашиглаж сурах нь таны оноог нэмэгдүүлэхэд чухал ач
холбогдолтой юм.

60 | х у у д а с

1. above all – юуны түрүүнд

2. about to – бараг бэлэн
3. add up – ойлгомжтой байх
4. all at once – гэнэтхэн, мэдэгдэхгүйгээр
5. all of a sudden – гэв гэнэт
6. as a matter of fact – үнэн хэрэгтээ
7. as a rule – ерөнхийдөө
8. at the drop of a hat – хурдан, ямар нэг бэлтгэлгүйгээр
9. at ease – тайван байх, уурлаж бухимдахгүй байх
10. back out (of) – саналаа татаж авах
11. bank on – найдаж итгэх
12. be my guest – өөрийнхөөрөө байх, хүссэнээрээ байх
13. be rusty – давтах, хичээллэх, хэрэгтэй байх
14. beats me – би мэдэхгүй
15. better of – сайжрах, сайжруулах
16. bite off more than one can chew – хирээсээ хэтрүүлэх
17. bound to – дамжиггүй, тэгж таарах
18. break down – эвдрэх, ажиллахгүй байх
19. break in (on) – таслах
20. break the ice – нүүр хагарах, салхийг нь хагалах
21. break the news (to) – таагүй мэдээ дуулгах
22. break up – хурал цуглаан дуусах
23. break up (with) – үеэрхэхээ болих, найзлахаа болих
24. a breeze – амархан
25. bring about – ээс болох, шалтгаалах
26. bring up – 1. өсгөх, хүмүүжүүлэх
2. сэдэв танилцуулах
27. brush up on – давтах, хичээллэх
28. bump into – санамсаргүй тааралдах
29. by and large – бүхэлдээ, ерөнхийдөө
30. by heart – цээжлэх, цээжээр мэдэх
31. by no means – яах аргагүй

61 | х у у д а с
Дасгал: Өгүүлбэрт орхигдсон хоосон зайд тохирох өвөрмөц хэллэгийг нөхөж
бичнэ үү. Нэг үг нь нэг зураасийг төлөөлөх бөгөөд үйл үгийн хэлбэрийг тухайн
өгүүлбэрт нь тохируулж өөрчилж бичнэ үү.

1. Can you talk now? No, I’m about to go to grocery store, but i’ll call you as soon
as i get back.
2. You’re probably too tired to play another game of racquetball, right? I’m not that
tired really. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ I’d enjoy another game.
3. Will you support my proposal at the meaning?” “Certainly. You can _____ _____
my support.
4. I was talking to my aunt when suddenly my cousin George Ann _____ _____ our
5. I understand Diane lost her job. Yes, she’s actually _____ _____. She found a
more interesting job with a higher salary.
6. My car _____ _____ last week and i had to take the bus to work until it was
7. _____ _____ _____ Carlos is very punctual, but he sure was late tonight.
8. I was taking a quiet walk last night when, _____ _____ _____ _____, there was a
loud explosion.
9. Kent is _____ _____ fail that class if he doesn’t start studying.
10. They _____ _____ their children to be honest.
11. There were a few things i didn’t like about Professor Wong’s class, but _____
_____ _____ I enjoyed it.
12. I think Matthew was cheating on that quiz. That doesn’t _____ _____. Why
should the best student in the class cheat?
13. Can I have another sandwich? Sure _____ _____ _____. I made plenty.
14. Actors and actresses must know their line _____ _____.
15. If you don’t want to talk about this problem, why did you _____ it _____?
16. Many accidents are _____ _____ by carelessness.
17. Their team won the game, but they _____ _____ _____ dominated it. It was a
very close game.
18. What a boring party. No one is talking to another one. Maybe we should put on
some music and start dancing. That might _____ _____ _____.
62 | х у у д а с
19. Have you studied Spanish before? Yes, but it’s been years since I took a Spanish
class, so i’ll need to _____ _____ _____ it before I go to Venezuela.
20. You’re taking five classes this term? Yes, and I’m having trouble getting caught
up. I’m afraid I _____ _____ _____ _____ I _____ _____ this time.
21. You’re all packed and ready to go, I see. I could leave _____ _____ _____ _____
_____ _____.
22. Do you know what the name of this street is? _____ _____. This is the first time
i’ve ever been in this town.
23. How’s that biology class you’re taking? So far, it’s been _____ _____. We’ve just
been going over things I studied last semester.
24. What time did the party _____ _____ last night? I don’t know. It was still going
on when I went home.
25. I was awfully nervous when I gave that speech. Really? You hid it well. I thought
you were completely _____ _____.


32. call it a day – ажиллахаа болиод гэр лүүгээ явах

33. call off – хүчингүй болгох, болиулах
34. call on – очих, ороод гарах, дайраад гарах
35. calm down – тайвшрах, намдах
36. care for – 1. харах, асрамжлах 2. дуртай байх
37. catch on – нэрд гарах
38. catch on (to) – ойлгох, яриан дундаас барьж авах
39. catch up (with) – гүйцэх, түрүүлэх
40. check in (or into) – зочид буудалд орох, бүртгүүлэх
41. check out (of) – 1. зочид буудлаас гарах 2. номын сангаас гэрээр ном авах
42. cheer up – хөгжилтэй байх, аз жаргалтай байх
43. chip in (on/for) – хувь нэмрээ оруулах, хандивлах
44. clear up – 1. тодорхой/ойлгомжтой болгох 2. тэнгэр цэлмэх/онгойх
45. come across – тааралдах, тохиолдох, уулзах
46. come around (to) – санал бодлоо өөрчлөх, зөвшөөрч эхлэх
47. come down with – өвчин тусах

63 | х у у д а с
48. come up with – санаа оноо бодож олох
49. cost an arm and a leg – тэнгэрт тулсан үнэтэй
50. count on – найдах, итгэх, хамаарах
51. count out – чухал хүчин зүйл гэж тооцохгүй байх, авч үзэхгүй байх
52. cut off – үйлчилгээгээ талсах, зогсоох, үргэлжлүүлэхгүй байх
53. cut out for – юманд авъяастай байх, мэргэших

Дасгал: Өгүүлбэрт орхигдсон хоосон зайд тохирох өвөрмөц хэллэгийг нөхөж

бичнэ үү. Нэг үг нь нэг зураасийг төлөөлөх бөгөөд үйл үгийн хэлбэрийг тухайн
өгүүлбэрт нь тохируулж өөрчилж бичнэ үү.

1. The reception in the garden was _____ _____ because of a thunderstorm.

2. Don’t get so excited. Just _____ _____ and tell us what happened.
3. I was looking up some information in the almanac when I _____ _____ an inter-
esting fact.
4. I can _____ _____ my car. It’s very dependable and never breaks down.
5. How did you _____ _____ _____ such a strange idea?
6. I arrived in town last night as seven – thirty and _____ _____ my hotel at round
eight. This morning I plan to _____ _____ at about nine.
7. Did you rent this videotape? No, I _____ it _____ _____ the library.
8. You look tired. Why don’t we _____ _____ _____ _____ and finish up tomor-
9. It won’t be too expensive to buy Professor McMillan a present if we all _____
10. If Arthur doesn’t pay his electric bill soon, the utilities company might _____
_____ his electricity.
11. I don’t understand this theorem at all. Talk to Professor Adler. I’ll bet she _____
_____ can your confusion.
12. Who _____ _____ your cat while you were out of town?
13. A good stereo system doesn’t have to _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.
14. Cauliflower isn’t my favorite vegetable. In fact, I don’t _____ _____ it at all.
15. I’m depressed. I didn’t do very well on the first quiz. _____ _____! That quiz only
counted for 10 percent of the total grade, and I’m sure you’ll do better on the other
64 | х у у д а с
16. How did Eric do in the cross-country ski race? He get off a bad start, and so he
never _____ _____ _____ the leading skiers.
17. Why did Brenda drop out of business school? She decided she wasn’t _____
_____ _____ a career in business. She’s going to study art instead.
18. This song wasn’t very popular when it was first recorded, but how it’s starting to
_____ _____.
19. Your roommate is still planning to vote for Smithson for President of the Student
Council? Yes, but I’m going to keep talking to him. I think eventually he’ll _____
_____ _____ our point of view and vote for Brannigan.
20. That saleswoman _____ _____ her clients at least once a month because she
thinks personal contact are important.
21. Is it still raining? No, the rain has stopped, and it’s starting to _____ _____.


54. day in and day out – байнга, дандаа, өдөржин, шөнөжин

55. die down – намдах, зөөлрөх
56. do over – дахин хийх, давтах
57. do without – юмгүй байх
58. down the drain – шал дэмий цаг үрэх
59. dream up – бодож олох
60. drop in (on) – ороод гарах
61. drop (someone) a line – захидал, зурвас илгээх, явуулах
62. drop off – 1. ямар нэг юм орхих, үлдээх 2. унаагаар хүргэж өгөх, замд буулгах
63. drop out (of) – хичээл сургуулиас завсардах
64. easy as pie – их амар хялбар, хөнгөхөн
65. eyes bigger than one’s stomach – хирээсээ хэтрүүлэх, хэтэрхий их хариуцлага
66. fall behind – хоцрох, ард хоцрох
67. fall through – бүтэхээ болих
68. a far cry from – шал ондоо, өөр байх
69. feel free – хүссэнээрээ байх, дураараа байх
70. feel like – хүсээд байх, дурлаад байх

65 | х у у д а с
71. feel like a million dollars – сэтгэл хангалуун байх
72. feel up to – ямар нэг юм хийхээр зэхэх, бэлэн байх
73. fed up (with) – тэвчихгүй байх
74. few and far between – ховорхон, нүдний гэм
75. figure out – ойлгох, шийдвэрлэх

Дасгал: Өгүүлбэрт орхигдсон хоосон зайд тохирох өвөрмөц хэллэгийг нөхөж

бичнэ үү. Нэг үг нь нэг зураасийг төлөөлөх бөгөөд үйл үгийн хэлбэрийг тухайн
өгүүлбэрт нь тохируулж өөрчилж бичнэ үү.

1. It took me hours to _____ _____ how to records programs on my VCR.

2. If you could _____ _____ the laundry on the way to work, i’ll pick it up on Mon-
3. What a wonderful masquerade party! People certainly _____ costumes, didn’t they.
4. Do you _____ _____ going out tonight? No, I’d rather stay home and read.
5. Why have you _____ _____ in your French class? I was sick and I missed a few
classes. But I’m studying hard to catch up.
6. Why do we need to get gas now? We have quite a bit left. This highway goes
through some very empty country, and gas stations are _____ _____ _____ _____.
7. Howard’s teacher wasn’t satisfied with the work he had done, so she asked him to
_____ it _____.
8. I’m _____ _____ _____ my roommate’s lack of responsibility. He never pays his
bills or his share of the rent on time.
9. Isn’t your class picnic today? No, our plans for the picnic _____ _____.
10. The food at that new restaurants isn’t bad. It’s all right, but its _____ _____ _____
_____ the food at Mario’s not that is a great restaurant!
11. Ben had to _____ _____ _____ the university because of financial problems.
12. After blowing furiously all day, the wind finally _____ _____.
13. Do you telephone friends before you visit, or just _____ _____ _____ them? It
depends. If they’re close friends, I just visit them. If they’re acquaintances, I generally
call first.
14. I’m tired of the same old routine. I know how you feel. I get tired of doing the
same things _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ too.

66 | х у у д а с
15. Ralph really loaded up his tray with food. He’ll never eat it all. Ralph’s _____ are
_____ _____ his _____.
16. I need to use a computer for a few hours. _____ _____ to use my laptop computer.
I don’t need it this morning.
17. I’ve missed James since he moved so Seattle. You should _____ him _____ _____
and let him know how you’re doing. I’m sure he’d love to get a letter from you.


76. fill in – баримт бичиг бөглөх

77. fill in (for) - орлох
78. fill one in – орхигдсон мэдээллийг бөглөх
79. fill out – баримт бичиг бөглөх
80. find out – олж мэдэх
81. a fish out of water – хэвийн бус байх
82. fix up – засах, шинэчлэх
83. follow in one’s footsteps – дагах, дууриах
84. for good – бүр мөсөн
85. for the time being – түр зуур, одоохондоо
86. from out of the blue – санамсаргүй, урьдчилан мэдэхгүйгээр
87. get along with – сайн харилцаатай байх
88. get carried away – хол явах, их юмыг хийх
89. get in one’s blood – зуршил болох, дасах
90. get in over one’s head – хэтэрхий их хариуцлага хүлээх, толгойдоо булуу хураах
91. get in the way – саад болох, зам дээр зогсох
92. get in touch with – харилцаа холбоотой байх
93. get the hang of something – яаж хийх учрыг нь олох
94. get a kick out of (doing something) – дуртай байх, таашаалтай байх
95. get off – унаанаас буух
96. get off the ground – гараанаас амжилттай гарах, амжилттай эхлэх
97. get on – унаанд суух
98. get over – өвчнөөс эдгэрэх
99. get rid of – хаях

67 | х у у д а с
100. get under way - эхлэх
101. give away - үнэгүй тараах
102. give (someone) a cold shoulder – тааламжгүй харьцах, хүйтэн хөндий байх,
хайхрахгүй байх

Дасгал: Өгүүлбэрт орхигдсон хоосон зайд тохирох өвөрмөц хэллэгийг нөхөж

бичнэ үү. Нэг үг нь нэг зураасийг төлөөлөх бөгөөд үйл үгийн хэлбэрийг тухайн
өгүүлбэрт нь тохируулж өөрчилж бичнэ үү.

1. How did you _____ _____ where Warren lives? I just look it up in my address
2. I’m interested in the job that was advertised in the newspaper. Fine. Just _____
_____ these applications form.
3. Don’t forget to _____ _____ the date on your check.
4. Is Agnes still mad at you? I suppose so. I saw her at a party last weekend, and she
just _____ me _____ _____ _____.
5. Are you moving to Baltimore _____ _____? No, just _____ _____ _____ _____
I’ll be back here in a month or two.
6. That old paint that you have stored in your garage is a fire hazard. You’re right. I
should _____ _____ _____ it.
7. Some companies’ _____ _____ free samples of new products in order to familiar-
ize consumers with them.
8. How that is advanced computer class you’re taking, Polly. Not so good. I can’t
understand a word that the teacher or any of the students are saying. I really feel
like _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.
9. Don’t you just hate all this graffiti? It is ugly, isn’t it? I’ve never understood why
people _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ writing on walls. It doesn’t seem like
much fun to me.
10. When the train stopped, a mysterious looking woman in a black raincoat _____
_____ the train and found her seat.
11. Maxwell’s project will be very successful, I think. Oh I don’t know. I’m not sure
it will ever _____ _____ _____ _____.
12. Do you _____ _____ _____your new roommate, or do you two argue?

68 | х у у д а с
13. That run-down old house that David bought looks terrific. Yes, he’s _____ it
_____ beautifully, hasn’t he?
14. Has Edward _____ _____ _____ _____ you lately? No, he hasn’t. I don’t think he
has my new telephone number.
15. Will the concert start soon? It should _____ _____ _____ any minute now.
16. Living by the ocean really _____ _____your _____. Once you’ve lived here, you
never want to leave.
17. This is the last stop. Everyone has to _____ _____ the bus there.
18. Professor Dunbar came down with the flu, so her teaching assistant _____ _____
_____ her for a few days.


103. give a hand – алга таших

104. give a hand (with) – туслах, гар сунгах
105. go easy on – хөнгөхөн шийтгэх
106. go on (with) – үргэлжлүүлэх, цааш явах
107. go with – 1. дагалдах 2. хувцас зохих
108. go without saying – хэлэтгүй, тодорхой
109. grow up – өсөж өндийх, том болох
110. hand in – буцааж өгөх, хураалгах
111. hand out – тарааж өгөх
112. hang on – хүлээх, азнах
113. hard to come by – олоход төвөгтэй, ховор
114. have on – хувцас өмсөх
115. have one’s hands full – цуцалтгүй ажиллах, гар хумхилгүй ажиллах
116. have a heart – сэтгэл гаргах, өгөөмөр байх
117. have a hunch – мэдрэх, зөн бэлгээрээ мэдэх
118. have a word with (someone) – хоёр гурван үг солих
119. have the time of one’s life – хөгжилтэй байх, цагийг сайхан өнгөрөөх
120. hear firsthand (from) – эх сурвалжаас сонсох, мэдэх
121. hear from – сонсож мэдэх, сонсож дуулсан байх

69 | х у у д а с
122. hear of – сураг сонсох
123. hit it off – найрсаг, нөхөрсөг байх
124. hit the road – аян замдаа гарах, мордох, явах
125. hold on – жаахан хүлээх
126. hold on to – барих, тэврэх
127. hold still – хөдөлгөөнгүй байх
128. hold up – саатах

Дасгал: Өгүүлбэрт орхигдсон хоосон зайд тохирох өвөрмөц хэллэгийг нөхөж

бичнэ үү. Нэг үг нь нэг зураасийг төлөөлөх бөгөөд үйл үгийн хэлбэрийг тухайн
өгүүлбэрт нь тохируулж өөрчилж бичнэ үү.

1. Everett was born in the South but he _____ _____ in Michigan.

2. At the beginning of the class, the instructor _____ _____ the quizzes and told the
students they had 10 minutes in which to finish.
3. After 10 minutes, the students _____ _____ their quizzes to the instructor.
4. Have you ever _____ _____ William Carlos Williams? I believe so. He was a po-
et, wasn’t he?
5. Hello, is Jane there? Yes, _____ _____ a minute and I’ll get her.
6. You’re graduating next month, right? Yes, but I intend to _____ _____ _____ my
studies graduate in school.
7. _____ _____ while I take your photograph. I don’t want the picture to be blurry.
8. I got stopped by the police for speeding. I have to pay a big fine. Well, you could
talk to the judge and ask him to reduce it. Since you’ve never been stopped for
speeding before maybe he’ll _____ _____ _____ you.
9. Do you like this blouse? Yes, but I think the grey silk one would _____ better
_____ your jacket.
10. So, Dave is teaching you how to windsurf? Yes, and he’s such a good teacher that
I’m already _____ _____ _____ _____.
11. The audience _____ the cast a big _____ after their wonderful performance.
12. Do you think Iris will pass the history test? That _____ _____ _____. In fact,
she’ll probably have the best grade in the class.
13. What _____ _____your flight? There was a big snowstorm in Denver that delayed
a lot of flights.
70 | х у у д а с
14. Have you _____ _____ Maureen since she went to Hawaii. Yeah I got a postcard
from her yesterday. She said she’s _____ _____ _____ _____ her _____ and nev-
er wants to come home.
15. Can you _____ me _____ _____ _____ this luggage? It’s too heavy for me to car-
ry by myself.
16. The wind is starting to blow. You’d better _____ _____ _____ your hat.
17. Oh, you bought the new book by Richard Stone. Yes, but that book is _____
_____ _____ _____. I looked for it in three or four bookstores.
18. It’s getting late. I’d better _____ _____ _____ if want to get home by midnight.
19. Can I _____ _____ _____ _____ you now, Professor Rivera? I’ve got to go to
class right now. Drop by my office later and we’ll talk then.
20. You sure bought a lot of groceries. Yeah, I guess I _____ _____ _____. I should
never go grocery shopping when I’m hungry.


129. in hot water – санаа зовох, түгшүүр

130. in the dark – юу ч мэдэхгүй байх, таг харанхуй байх
131. in the long run – удаан хугацааны туршид, яваандаа
132. in no time – яах ийхийн зуургүй, гялс манас, хурдан
133. in a nutshell – товчхондоо
134. in the same boat – адилхан
135. in person – биечлэн, биеэрээ
136. in store – цаашдаа
137. iron out – асуудал шийдэх
138. join the club – адилхан асуудалтай байх
139. jump to conclusions – яаран сандран шийдвэр гаргах
140. keep an eye on – харж байх, анхаарал тавих, асрах
141. keep an eye out (for) – хайх, мэдэж байх
142. keep on (with) – үргэлжлүүлэх
143. keep track of – хаана, хэн, юу байгааг мэдэж байх, бүртгэх
144. keep up (with) – хурдаа барих
145. kill time – цаг нөхцөөх/өнгөрөөх

71 | х у у д а с
146. know like the back of one’s hand – алган дээрээ тавьсан юм шиг мэдэх
147. lay off – ажлаас гарах
148. learn the ropes – учрыг нь мэдэх
149. leave out – орхигдох, хаягдах
150. leave someone / something alone – ганцааранг нь орхих, зовоохгүй байх
151. let someone down – гомдоох
152. let up – түр завсарлах, зогсох
153. look after – харах, халамжлах, асрах
154. look for – хайх
155. look forward to – харах, эрэх, тэсэн ядан хүлээх
156. look into – мөрдөх

Дасгал: Өгүүлбэрт орхигдсон хоосон зайд тохирох өвөрмөц хэллэгийг нөхөж

бичнэ үү. Нэг үг нь нэг зураасийг төлөөлөх бөгөөд үйл үгийн хэлбэрийг тухайн
өгүүлбэрт нь тохируулж өөрчилж бичнэ үү.
1. Will you _____ _____ _____ _____ my dog while I go in the drug store?
2. Kathy’s daughter has such short legs that she has a hard time _____ _____ _____
the other children.
3. The store had to _____ _____ a number of clerks because sales were down.
4. You must be anxious to go on your vacation. I certainly am. I’m really _____
_____ _____ this trip.
5. Don’t _____ _____ _____. Maybe your jewelry wasn’t stolen after all.
6. I need to find a new apartment. There might be some vacancies in the building
where I live. I’ll _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ one.
7. The company may lose some money now, but _____ _____ _____ _____, this is a
good investment.
8. Alex complained that no one invited him to any social events and that the felt
_____ _____.
9. Can you hurry over here? I need to see you right away. Sure. I’ll be there _____
_____ _____.
10. May I help you, sir? No, I’m just looking around and trying to _____ some _____
until my wife finishes shopping.
11. Has it stopped raining yet? No, but it’s beginning to _____ _____ a little.

72 | х у у д а с
12. I can’t go to Daryl’s party this weekend. I have to study. Guess we’re _____
_____ _____ _____. I’ve got to study too.
13. Should we stop and spend the night at this motel? No, let’s _____ _____ driving
for a few more miles.
14. If you find a baby animal in the woods, don’t touch it. Just _____ it _____.
15. I _____ all over town _____ a good user car, but I couldn’t find one.
16. Stella’s sister _____ _____ her baby while Stella is at work.
17. If you don’t know how to use this software, why don’t you ask Joanne to help? I
did ask her, but I’m still _____ _____ _____. I didn’t understand a word she said.
18. The police are _____ _____ the crime.
19. Did Amanda ever complete her project? She’s almost finished. She just has a few
minor problems left to _____ _____.
20. Alfred is _____ _____ _____ with his boss because he didn’t finish an important
project by the deadline.
21. Has Marilyn gotten used to her new job at the bank yet? It took her awhile, but I
think she’s finally _____ _____ _____ there.
22. Are you _____ _____ _____ this proposal or against it?
23. Are you familiar with this neighborhood? I grew up here, so I _____ it _____
_____ _____ _____ my _____. Is your roommate at home now? I have no idea. I
can never _____ _____ _____ his comings and goings.
24. I understand that you have a new dean over at the Business School. Yes, his name
is Dean Nishimura. He has a completely different philosophy of business educa-
tion from the one Dean Woodford had, so I’m sure that some big chances are
_____ _____ for us.


157. look like – адилхан байх, адилхан харагдах

158. look out (for) – болгоомжтой байх
159. look over – нухацтай унших, шалгах
160. look up – 1. мэдээлэл олох, харах 2. хайх, олохыг хичээх
161. look up to – хүндэтгэх, бишрэх
162. make ends meet – орлого/зарлагаа тэнцүүлэх, төсөв тэнцүүлэх

73 | х у у д а с
163. make a fool of oneself – аргагүйдэх, сандрах, бажигдах, мэгдэх
164. make a point of – хичээл зүтгэл гаргах
165. make sense (of) – мэдрэх, ойлгох
166. make up – санаа бодож олох
167. make up one’s mind – шийдэх, шийдвэр гаргах
168. make way for – найр тавих, зам тавих
169. mean to – зэхэх
170. mixed up – холих, будлих
171. music to one’s ears – аятайхан сонсогдох
172. a nervous wreck – уур уцаартай хүн
173. next to nothing – зүгээр шахам өгөх, хямдхан
174. no doubt about it – эргэлзэх зүйлгүй, тодорхой
175. no harm done – гэмтэл хохиролгүй
176. not at all – огтхон ч
177. not believe one’s ears (or eyes) – чихэндээ/нүдэндээ итгэхгүй
178. not think much of – их юм битгий бодоорой, тийм биш байж мэднэ
179. odds and ends – жижиг сажиг зүйлс
180. an old hand (at) – туршлагатай хүн
181. on edge – ууртай, уцаартай
182. on end – тасралтгүй, завсарлагагүй
183. on hand – бэлэн, гар дээр байгаа
184. on needles and pins – хөл гар ирвэгнэх, таагүй байх
185. on one’s own – биеэ даасан, өөрийнхөөрөө
186. on second thought – бодлоосоо няцах, шийдвэрээсээ буцах
187. on the go – зав чөлөөгүй, сандруу
188. on the tip of one’s tongue – аман дээр гарч ирэх
189. on the whole – бүхэлдээ
190. out of (something) – дуусах
191. out of one’s mind – галзуу солиотой, өөрийн ухаангүй
192. out of order – эвдрэх, ажиллахгүй байх
193. out of the question – хэлэлцэх шаардлагагүй, ярих ч хэрэггүй
194. over and over – дахин дахин
195. over one’s head – ухаан хүрэхгүй, ойлгох аргагүй

74 | х у у д а с
Дасгал: Өгүүлбэрт орхигдсон хоосон зайд тохирох өвөрмөц хэллэгийг нөхөж
бичнэ үү. Нэг үг нь нэг зураасийг төлөөлөх бөгөөд үйл үгийн хэлбэрийг тухайн
өгүүлбэрт нь тохируулж өөрчилж бичнэ үү.
1. Have you _____ _____ this contract yet? Not yet. I’ll try to read it this weekend.
2. I think I’ll have the prime rib, waiter. All right, sir. Wait, no _____ _____ _____ I
think I’ll have the chicken.
3. Is this story true, or did you just _____ it _____?
4. You can’t get a soda from the machine. There’s a sign on it that says _____ _____
5. Sherry _____ _____ _____ her father because of all the help and good advice he’s
given her.
6. I don’t have much cash _____ _____, but I can get some from an automatic teller
7. What a confusing movie! I couldn’t _____ _____ _____ it.
8. You did a fine job on this research paper, especially on the bibliography exactly
right. I did it _____ _____ _____ until it was perfect.
9. What’s Fritz’s cousin’s name? It’s _____ _____ _____ _____ my _____, but I
can’t quite remember
10. Hello, I’d like to reserve a room for this weekend. I’m afraid that’s _____ _____
_____ _____. The hotel is fully booked this weekend.
11. Do you have any fresh peaches? Sorry, I’m _____ _____ them. I just sold the last
crate of peaches.
12. Listen to the roar of the engines. Yeah, it’s _____ _____ my _____. I just love go-
ing to these car races.
13. The plane was delayed for hours _____ _____. I thought we’d never get off the
14. Have you finished moving into your new apartment? Almost. There are still a few
_____ _____ _____ in my old apartment that I need to move today.
15. Brad sure is busy, isn’t he? Yeah, he’s involved in so many activities that he’s al-
ways _____ _____ _____.
16. There are so many interesting dishes on the menu that it’s hard for me to _____
_____ my _____ which one to order.
17. If you go into the swamp, _____ _____ _____ alligators.

75 | х у у д а с
18. When will you be informed of the test results? Not until Monday, so i’ll be _____
_____ _____ _____ all weekend.
19. Do you know what the capital of South Dakota is? I’m not sure. Let’s _____ it
_____ in this atlas.
20. They’re going to tear down those old warehouses to _____ _____ _____ a big
new hotel.
21. I like that painting you bought. Did it cost much? No, the artist sold it to me for
_____ _____ _____.
22. How was your final exam, Laurie? A couple of questions were tricky, but _____
_____ _____ it was pretty easy.
23. I’m sorry I knocked that vase over. I didn’t mean to. _____ _____ _____. It
wasn’t damaged.
24. I must have been _____ _____ my _____ when I signed the lease on this apart-
ment. I can’t afford this much rent.
25. He didn’t _____ _____ break the plate; it was an accident.
26. I didn’t know you could play horseshoes so well. Oh, I’m _____ _____ _____
_____ horseshoes. I’ve been playing since I was a kid.
27. You must be _____ _____. This isn’t River Street; it’s Laurel Avenue.
28. How long have been living alone? I’ve been _____ my _____ since I graduated
from high school.
29. Did you find that lecture boring? _____ _____ _____. In fact, I thought it was fas-
30. Christine is so funny; she should be a stand-up comic. I suppose, but a lot of her
jokes go right _____ my _____. I just don’t get them.


196. part with – салах

197. pass up – алдах, өнгөрөөх
198. pass with flying colors – шалгалтаа амжилттай давах, ногоон гэрлээр өгөх
199. pat oneself on the back – баяр хүргэх, магтах
200. pay attention (to) – анхаарал тавих
201. pick out – сонгох

76 | х у у д а с
202. pick up – 1. юмны гадаргуу дээрээс юм аюах 2. хэн нэгнийг ямар нэг газраас
очиж авах 3. албан бусаар аяндаа сурах
203. pick up the tab (for) – өмнөөс төлөх, даах хариуцах
204. the picture of – дүр төрх нь харагдах
205. play it by ear – тодорхой зорилгогүйгээр юм хийх
206. play it safe – эрсдэлгүй тоглох
207. point out – зааж өгөх, анхааруулах
208. a pretty penny – нилээд үнэтэй
209. pull one’s leg – тоглоом хийх, даапаалах
210. push one’s luck – азаа үзэх, азаа сорих
211. put aside – хойш тавих
212. put away – байранд нь буцааж тавих, цааш нь хураах
213. put off – хойшлуулах
214. put on – өмсөх
215. put together – угсрах, эвлүүлэх
216. put up with – тэвчих

Дасгал: Өгүүлбэрт орхигдсон хоосон зайд тохирох өвөрмөц хэллэгийг нөхөж

бичнэ үү. Нэг үг нь нэг зураасийг төлөөлөх бөгөөд үйл үгийн хэлбэрийг тухайн
өгүүлбэрт нь тохируулж өөрчилж бичнэ үү.

1. Vanessa is allergic to tobacco smoke, so she can’t _____ _____ _____ smoking.
2. That conference you attended in Honolulu must have been very expensive. Yes,
but fortunately, the company I work for _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ it.
3. I asked my teacher to _____ _____ the mistakes that I made in my essay so that I
could correct them.
4. What do you want to do tomorrow? I don’t know. Let’s just _____ _____ _____
5. You should get rid of that old leather jacket. I know, but I hate to _____ _____ it.
I’ve had it for years.
6. How did you learn to make such beautifully pottery? Did you make a class in ce-
ramics? No, I just _____ it _____ on my own.
7. Can you read that sign? Just a minute. Let me _____ my glasses _____.
8. It took Linda weeks to _____ _____ that thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle.
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9. This bike cost _____ _____ _____, but I think it was worth it.
10. I passed the first two quizzes in this class and I scarcely studied for them at all.
Well, if I were you, I wouldn’t_____ my _____ any further. You should study for
the next quiz because it’s going to be a lot harder.
11. I’ll _____ _____ the laundry that you dropped off at the cleaners this morning.
12. The child _____ _____ her toys from the floor and then _____ them _____ in her
toy box.
13. Bert and Mary had to _____ _____ their dinner party until next weekend because
Bert wasn’t feeling well.
14. Who _____ _____ that tie for you? No one. I chose in myself.
15. Are you going to take that job? No, I decided to _____ it _____ because I don’t
want to relocate.
16. _____ _____ as I read the directions or you won’t understand what to do.
17. I finally finished collecting all the materials I need to write my report. Great, but
don’t be too quick to _____ yourself _____ _____ _____. You still have to write
the report and then word process it.
18. How did you do on your final exams? Great! I _____ them all _____ _____
19. I’m going to _____ this magazine _____ for now and read it later.
20. I wouldn’t believe a word Lynn told you. She’s just _____ your _____.


217. right way – яг одоо, тэр даруй

218. ring a bell (with) – чихэнд танил
219. rough it – хүнд хэцүү байдлыг давж туулах, үзэж өнгөрүүлэх
220. rule out – боломжгүй зүйл хэлэх, авч хэлэлцэхгүй байх
221. run a temperature – халуурах
222. run for office – сонгуульд нэр дэвших, өрсөлдөх
223. run into – 1. санамсаргүй тааралдах 2. мөргөлдөх
224. run late – хожигдох гээд яарах
225. run of the mill – ердийн
226. run out of – нөөцөө дуусгах

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227. save one’s breath – хүнээс юм гуйж зовоохгүй байх, тайван байлгах
228. search me – мэдэхгүй байх
229. see eye to eye (with someone) (on something) – санал нийлэх
230. see (someone) off – үдэж өгөх, гаргаж өгөх
231. see to – халамжлах, анхаарал тавих, эргэх
232. serve one right – зохих шийтгэлээ хүлээх
233. short for – товчоор хэлэх
234. show around – газарчлах, газар үзүүлэх
235. show off – ер бусын байдлаар бусдын анхаарлыг татахыг хүсэх
236. show up – ирэх, үзэгдэх
237. shut down – хаах, ажиллуулж дуусгах
238. sign up (for) – хичээлд элсэн орох, бүртгүүлэх
239. sing another tune – санал бодлоо өөрчлөх, өөрөөр үзэх, мэдрэх
240. size up – хэмжих, тооцоолох
241. sleep on it – шийдвэр гаргахаа хойшлуулах
242. slowly but surely – аажмаар гэхдээ тасралтгүй, тогтвортой
243. snowed under – их завгүй байх
244. so far, so good – одоогоор ямар нэг асуудал хүндрэлгүй байх
245. sooner or later – эрт орой хэзээ нэгэн цагт
246. speak one’s mind – бодож санаснаа хэлж ярих
247. speak up – чангаар ярих
248. speak up for – амаар дэмжих
249. spell out (for) – нэгд нэгэнгүй тайлбарлах, тодорхой болгох

Дасгал: Өгүүлбэрт орхигдсон хоосон зайд тохирох өвөрмөц хэллэгийг нөхөж

бичнэ үү. Нэг үг нь нэг зураасийг төлөөлөх бөгөөд үйл үгийн хэлбэрийг тухайн
өгүүлбэрт нь тохируулж өөрчилж бичнэ үү.
1. Has John gone back to Minneapolis yet? Yes, I just _____ him _____ at the air-
2. This pipe is leaking again. We’d better have a plumber _____ _____ it.
3. I was late because I _____ _____ _____ gasoline.
4. Write down your ideas _____ _____. If you wait to write them down, you may
forget them.
5. When the factory _____ _____¸ hundreds of workers were laid off.
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6. Did you _____ _____ _____ Professor Carmichael’s class? No, I decided to take
Professor Knudson’s class instead.
7. Vicki, how’s that project you’re working on coming along? _____ _____, _____
_____, but the tricky part will be next week.
8. Have you ever heard of a actor named Anthony Reed? Hmmm. I don’t think so.
The name doesn’t _____ _____ _____ _____ at all.
9. Frank doesn’t take a hint very well, does he? No, you have to _____ things _____
_____ Frank. He likes everything crystal clear.
10. _____ I’d heard that the clothes in this store were very nice, but I found them
_____ _____ _____ _____.
11. Bennet thought those stories Tina told about you were pretty funny. They weren’t
funny, they were embarrassing. Bennet would be _____ _____ _____ if Tina had
told that kind of story about him.
12. Norman doesn’t like to _____ _____ when he goes on vacation. He prefers to stay
at luxury hotels.
13. I don’t like to go to parties too early. I’d rather _____ _____ a little bit late.
14. It’s expensive to _____ _____ _____ these days. Political campaigns cost a lot of
15. So, do you plan to buy this motorcycle or not? I’m still not sure. Can I _____
_____ _____ and let you know tomorrow morning?
16. Have you seen the campus yet? Yes, my cousin Melissa is a student there, and she
_____ me _____.
17. I’m collecting money for the Red Cross. I think i’ll ask Pat to contribute. _____
your _____ Pat never contributes to anything.
18. Are you going to Medical school? Not this year, but I wouldn’t _____ it _____ in
the future.
19. I _____ _____ my old friend Leslie downtown yesterday. I hadn’t seen her for
20. I understand you’re learning how to speak Russian. Yes, and it was really hard for
me, especially at first. Now, though, I’m _____ _____ _____ getting the hang of
21. Your sister’s name is Jessie? That’s what everyone calls her it’s _____ _____ Jes-

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22. Have a busy night at the restaurant? We weren’t just busy we were _____ _____!
I’ve never seen so many customers!
23. I feel terrible. I have a terrible cold or maybe even the flu. Are you _____ _____
_____? If you have a fever, then you probably have the flu.
24. My brother and I agree on most issues, but I sure don’t _____ _____ _____
_____ _____ him _____ this proposal to build a new stadium.


250. spick and span – шил толь шиг цэвэрхэн, хир толбогүй
251. stack up against – харьцуулах
252. stamp out – арилгах, устгах, арчиж хаях
253. stand for – 1. дэмжих, талд зогсох 2. төлөөлөх
254. stand out – ажиглагдах, ялгарах
255. stay out – гэртээ ирэхгүй гадуур хонох
256. stay out (or up) to all hours – гэртээ оройтож ирэх
257. stay up – оройтож унтах
258. stick with – салахгүй байх, зууралдах
259. stock up on – ихээр нөөцлөх
260. a stone’s throw from – ойрхон, 2,3 алхмын зайд
261. stop by – ороод гарах, очоод явах
262. straighten up – цэвэрлэх
263. stuck with – зууралдах, салж чадахгүй байх
264. take a breath – завсарлага авах
265. take a lot of nerve – их хичээл зүтгэл, эр зориг шаардах
266. take a lot out of (someone) – хүчийг нь шавхах, дайчлах
267. take advantage of – боломжийг ашиглах
268. take after – адилхан байх, адилхан харагдах
269. take apart – салгах
270. take it easy – амрах, тайвшрах

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Дасгал: Өгүүлбэрт орхигдсон хоосон зайд тохирох өвөрмөц хэллэгийг нөхөж
бичнэ үү. Нэг үг нь нэг зураасийг төлөөлөх бөгөөд үйл үгийн хэлбэрийг тухайн
өгүүлбэрт нь тохируулж өөрчилж бичнэ үү.
1. Vaccines have permitted doctors to virtually _____ _____ a number of diseases,
including smallpox and polio.
2. How late do you usually _____ _____? I’m normally in bed by eleven on week-
3. How late do you usually _____ _____ on weekends? I sometimes don’t come
home until two or three in the morning.
4. Do you _____ _____ your father or mother? I don’t think I look much like either
one of them.
5. Earl had no trouble _____ _____ the engine on the lawn mower, but then he
couldn’t put it back together.
6. You look a little tired. Why don’t you _____ _____ _____ and finish your home-
work later?
7. The teacher won’t _____ _____ cheating. When she caught one student cheating
on the midterm exam, she gave him a zero on that test.
8. I tried and tried to find a buyer for this old car. Looks like you’re _____ _____ it
for now.
9. My brother is going to invest all his savings in a new business venture. That
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____. I’d be afraid to take a risk like that.
10. I give up. I can’t solve this chemistry problem. _____ _____ it. Eventually, you’ll
figure it out.
11. We have to leave the apartment _____ _____ _____. The landlord said that if it
wasn’t clean when we moved out, we’d lose part of our security deposit.
12. Don was wearing jeans and a tee shirt while all the other guests had on formal
dinner wear. He really _____ _____.
13. I’m nervous about my interview. _____ _____ _____. You’ll make a better im-
pression if you’re relaxed.
14. The fifty stars on the American flag _____ _____ the fifty states.
15. Do you _____ _____ your apartment before guests _____ _____? A little bit. I
don’t mind if it’s a little messy, but I don’t want it to look like a disaster area.
16. My new roommate is from Italy. You should _____ _____ _____ this opportunity
to learn some Italian.
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17. I just heard on the news that the Florida orange crop was damaged by the hurri-
cane last week, and that orange juice prices are going to go way up. If we had a
big freezer, we could _____ _____ _____ frozen orange juice now and we
wouldn’t have to pay those prices.
18. Do you live near Cecilia? Oh, sure. My apartment building is just _____ _____
_____ _____ hers.
19. So you ran in that 10-kilometer race? Yes, but it _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
me. I can hardly move.
20. Tim, you’ve eaten at both these restaurants – ho does Chez Michelle _____ _____
_____ the Oak Room? Oh, they’re both good. I think the Oak Room has slightly
better food, but the service is better at Chez Michelle.


271. take off – 1. хувцсаа тайлах 2. онгоц хөөрөх 3. амархан нэрд гарах
272. takeover – хяналтандаа авах, хариуцах
273. take part in – оролцох
274. take a shortcut – зам товчлох
275. take the plunge – шуурхай арга хэмжээ авах
276. take time off (from) – ажил сургуулиасаа амралт/завсарлага авах
277. take up – ямар нэг юм хийхээр барьж авах
278. talk down to – хүүхэд шиг харьцах, доош нь хийх
279. talk into – ятгах, итгүүлэх
280. talk out of – хориглох, битгий хий гэх
281. talk over – нухацтай хэлэлцэх
282. tear oneself away from something – сонирхолтой зүйлээсээ өөрийгөө татаж
283. tear up – урж хаях
284. tell apart – ялгаж таних
285. things are looking up – байдал сайжрах
286. think over – дахин авч үзэх
287. throw away – хаях
288. throw cold water on – урам зоригийг хугалах

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289. throw the book at someone – хүнд шийтгэл оноох
290. try on – худалдаж авахаасаа өмнө өмсөж үзэх
291. try out – худалдаж авахаасаа өмнө туршиж үзэх
292. try out (for) – жүжигт тоглох, баг бүлэгт нэгдэж орох

Дасгал: Өгүүлбэрт орхигдсон хоосон зайд тохирох өвөрмөц хэллэгийг нөхөж

бичнэ үү. Нэг үг нь нэг зураасийг төлөөлөх бөгөөд үйл үгийн хэлбэрийг тухайн
өгүүлбэрт нь тохируулж өөрчилж бичнэ үү.
1. You’d better _____ _____ these gloves before you buy them; they may not fit.
2. At first, I didn’t want to go to the party, but I’m glad Annette _____ me _____ it. It
was fun.
3. The spy _____ _____ the document so that no one else could read it.
4. The twins look so much alike that almost no one can _____ them _____.
5. I need more excitement in my life. Why don’t you give up stamp collecting and
_____ _____ skydiving instead?
6. Who made the final decision? All of the people who were at the meeting _____
_____ _____ the decision-making process.
7. Most air accidents take place when a plane is _____ _____ or landing.
8. Will your friend Scott be coming to the reception? If he can _____ himself _____
_____ those computer games he’s always playing.
9. Dan was afraid the judge would _____ _____ _____ _____ him because he had
been charged with the same offense several times.
10. _____ _____ your boots before you go into the house.
11. I wish I’d _____ _____ this calculator before I bought it. It doesn’t seem to be
working right.
12. Marvin was going to drop out of school, but his grandfather _____ him _____
_____ it.
13. I’m not sure if this is a suitable topic for a research paper. I need to _____ it
_____ with my teacher before I start writing.
14. I’m going to _____ _____ those old newspapers. Don’t just put them in the trash-
recycle them instead.
15. Are you going on the class trip? I need to _____ it _____ before I decide.
16. How did you get home so quickly? I _____ _____ _____ through the fields.

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17. So, Louisa, you decided to _____ _____ for a part in the play? Yes, i’ve been in-
terested in acting for quite a while, so I finally decided to _____ _____ _____.
18. Akiko is going to _____ some _____ _____ _____ teaching to finish writing her


293. turn around – эргэж харах

294. turn down – 1. саналаас татгалзах 2. хүчийг нь бууруулах, сулруулах
295. turn in – 1. буцааж өгөх 2. унтах
296. turn into – хувирах, хувиргах
297. turn off – ажиллуулахаа болих, хаах
298. turn on – ажиллуулж эхлэх, асаах
299. turn out – 1. үр дүнд хүрэх, сайн бүтээгдэхүүн болох 2. үйлдвэрлэх 3.
цугларах ирэх
300. turn up – 1. чангалах, хүчийг нь нэмэх 2. ирэх
301. under the weather – бага зэрэг өвдөх
302. use up – бүрэн гүйцэд ашиглах
303. wait on – үйлчлэх
304. walk on air – баяртай байх, хөл нь газар хүрэхгүй байх
305. warm up – 1. халаах дулаацах 2. дасгал сургуулилт хийх
306. warm up (to) – найрсаг нөхөрсөг болох, таалагдах
307. watch out (for) – болгоомжлох, сэрэмжлэх
308. wear out – элэгдэж хуучрах
309. what the doctor ordered – яг тэр хэрэгтэй зүйл, хүсээд байсан юм
310. wipe out – сүйтгэх, баллах
311. without a hitch – саадгүй болох
312. work out – 1. дасгал хийх, халаалт хийх 2. шийдэх, ухаан гаргах,

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Дасгал: Өгүүлбэрт орхигдсон хоосон зайд тохирох өвөрмөц хэллэгийг нөхөж
бичнэ үү. Нэг үг нь нэг зураасийг төлөөлөх бөгөөд үйл үгийн хэлбэрийг тухайн
өгүүлбэрт нь тохируулж өөрчилж бичнэ үү.

1. The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is about a scientist who _____ _____ a mon-
ster after drinking a chemical potion.
2. _____ _____ the water or the tub will overflow.
3. It’s warm in here. Could you _____ _____ the heater a little?
4. I love that song. Could you _____ _____ the radio a little?
5. I can’t see a thing. Please _____ _____ the light.
6. This sweater looked nice when it was new, but not it’s _____ _____.
7. I’m hungry! Why don’t you _____ _____ some of the leftovers that are in the re-
frigerator? You can use the microwave oven.
8. Not many people _____ _____ for the meeting last night.
9. It’s been rough day. I’m going to _____ _____ early and get a good night’s sleep.
10. How about a nice cup of hot tea? That’s exactly what I’m in the mood for. It’s just
_____ _____ _____ _____.
11. How was your presentation? Great. It went off _____ _____ _____.
12. I’m going to the gym to _____ _____ on the exercise machines.
13. If you’re on a crowded bus or subway car, you must _____ _____ _____ pick-
14. A bear! I don’t see a bear! Where is it? _____ _____ slowly. It’s right behind you.
15. Maria had a quite a few problems last year, but she _____ them all _____.
16. Don’t ask me to _____ _____ you! I’m not your servant.
17. Brian was offered the manager’s job but he _____ it _____. He said he didn’t
want the responsibility.
18. Before the game starts, the players need to _____ _____.
19. This cake Holly baked for the wedding _____ _____ very well, don’t you think?
Yes, indeed. It was delicious.
20. Mitchell looked pale and tired. He told me he was feeling a little _____ _____
21. You must be happy about getting that scholarship. Are you kidding? I’m still
_____ _____ _____.

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Exercise 1
1. A 4. B Exercise 6
2. C 5. B 1. B
3. A 6. C 2. B
4. A 7. A 3. C
5. B 8. C 4. B
6. B 9. A 5. A
7. A 10. B 6. C
8. B 11. A 7. C
9. C 12. C 8. C
10. C Exercise 4 9. A
11. A 1. C 10. C
12. A 2. C 11. C
13. B 3. A 12. B
14. B 4. B Exercise 7
15. C 5. C 1. C
Exercise 2 6. B 2. B
1. C 7. A 3. B
2. C 8. C 4. A
3. A 9. B 5. A
4. C 10. B 6. C
5. B Exercise 5 7. A
6. B 1. A 8. B
7. A 2. A 9. C
8. B 3. B 10. A
9. C 4. A 11. C
10. A 5. B 12. A
11. B 6. C Exercise 8
12. C 7. A 1. C
Exercise 3 8. C 2. C
1. C 9. A 3. A
2. A 10. C 4. C
3. B 11. B 5. C
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6. A 10. A 13. A
7. B 11. B 14. C
8. C 12. C 15. B
9. C 13. B Exercise 13
10. B 14. C 1. A
11. A Exercise 11 2. A
12. B 1. C 3. C
13. A 2. B 4. B
14. C 3. B 5. B
15. C 4. A 6. B
16. A 5. B 7. C
Exercise 9 6. C 8. C
1. A 7. C 9. B
2. C 8. C 10. A
3. C 9. B 11. B
4. A 10. A 12. A
5. B 11. A Exercise 14
6. B 12. A 1. B
7. A 13. B 2. B
8. B 14. C 3. C
9. C 15. B 4. B
10. A Exercise 12 5. C
11. B 1. A 6. B
12. A 2. C 7. C
Exercise 10 3. A 8. C
1. B 4. C 9. B
2. B 5. C 10. B
3. A 6. B 11. B
4. B 7. A 12. A
5. C 8. C 13. B
6. B 9. A 14. C
7. B 10. C 15. B
8. C 11. A 16. B
9. C 12. C
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Exercise 15 Exercise 16 Exercise 17
1. C 1. C 1. C
2. A 2. B 2. B
3. C 3. A 3. C
4. C 4. A 4. A
5. C 5. A 5. C
6. A 6. C 6. A
7. B 7. A 7. C
8. C 8. B 8. B
9. B 9. C 9. A
10. B 10. A 10. C
11. A 11. B
12. A 12. A

89 | х у у д а с

Дасгал 1 2. Calm down 6. Few and far be-

3. Came across tween
1. About to
4. Count on 7. Do … over
2. As a matter of fact
5. Come up with 8. Fed up with
3. Bank on
6. Checked into, 9. Fell through
4. Broke in on
check out 10. A far cry from
5. Better off
7. Check out … 11. Drop out of
6. As a rule
from 12. Died down
7. Break down
8. Call it a day 13. Drop in on
8. All of a sudden
9. Chip in 14. Day in and day
9. Bound to
10. Cut off out
10. Brought up
11. Clear up 15. Eyes… bigger
11. By and large
12. Cared for than … stomach
12. Add up
13. Cost an arm 16. Feel free
13. Be my guest
and a leg 17. Drop … a line
14. By heart
14. Care for
15. Bring … up Дасгал 4
15. Cheer up
16. Brought about
16. Caught up 1. Find out
17. By no means
with 2. Fill out
18. Break the ice
17. Cut out for 3. Fill in
19. Brush up on
18. Catch on 4. Gave … me a cold
20. Bit off more than
19. Come around shoulder
… could chew
to 5. For good, for the
21. At the drop of a
20. Calls on time being
21. Clear up 6. Get rid of
22. Beats me
7. Give away
23. A breeze Дасгал 3
8. A fish out of wa-
24. Break up
1. Figure out ter
25. At ease
2. Drop off 9. Get a kick out of
3. Dreamed up 10. Got on
Дасгал 2
4. Feel like 11. Get off the ground
1. Called off
5. Fallen behind 12. Get along with

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13. Fixed … up 20. Have a hunch 1. Looker over
14. Gotten in touch 2. On second
Дасгал 6
with thought
15. Get under way 1. Keep an eye on 3. Make … up
16. Gets in … blood 2. Keeping up with 4. Out of order
17. Get off 3. Lay off 5. Looks up to
18. Filled in for 4. Looking forward 6. On hand

to 7. Make sense of
Дасгал 5
5. Jump to conclu- 8. Made a point of,

1. Grew up sions over and over

2. Handed out 6. Keep an eye out 9. On the tip of …

3. Handed in for tongue

4. Heard of 7. In the long run 10. Out of the ques-

5. Hold on 8. Left out tion

6. Go on with 9. In no time 11. Out of

7. Hold still 10. Kill … time 12. Music to … ears

8. Go easy on 11. Let up 13. On end

9. Go … with 12. In the same boat 14. Odds and end

10. Having … hands 13. Keep on 15. On the go

full 14. Leave … alone 16. Make up … mind

11. Gave … hand 15. Looked … for 17. Look out for

12. Goes without say- 16. Looks after 18. On needle and

ing 17. In the dark pins

13. Held up 18. Looking into 19. Look … up

14. Heard from, hav- 19. Iron out 20. Make way for

ing the time of … 20. In hot water 21. Next to nothing

life 21. Learned the ropes 22. On the whole

15. Give … a hand 22. In favor of 23. No harm done

with 23. Know … like the 24. Out of … mind

16. Hold on to back of … hand 25. Mean to

17. Hard to come by 24. Keep track of 26. An old hand at

18. Hit the road 25. In store 27. Mixed up

19. Have a word with 28. On … own
Дасгал 7 29. Not at all
91 | х у у д а с
30. Over … head 6. Sign up for 9. Takes a lot of
7. So far, so good nerve
Дасгал 8
8. Ring a bell with 10. Stick with

1. Put up with 9. Spell … out for 11. Spick and span

2. Picked up the tab 10. Run of the mill 12. Stood out

for 11. Singing another 13. Take it easy

3. Point out true 14. Stand for

4. Play it by ear 12. Rough it 15. Straighten up, stop

5. Part with 13. Show up by

6. Picked … up 14. Run for office 16. Take advantage of

7. Put … on 15. Sleep on it 17. Stock up on

8. Put together 16. Showed … around 18. A stone’s throw

9. A pretty penny 17. Save breath from

10. Push … luck 18. Rule … out 19. Took a lot out of

11. Pick up 19. Ran into 20. Stack up against

12. Picked up put … 20. Slowly but surely

Дасгал 11
away 21. Short for

13. Put off 22. Running a tem- 1. Try on

14. Picked out perature 2. Talked … into
15. Pass … up 23. See eye to eye 3. Tore up
16. Pay attention with … on 4. Tell … apart
17. Pat … on the back 5. Take up
18. Passed … with 6. Took part in
flying colors Дасгал 10 7. Taking off
19. Put … aside 8. Tear … away
1. Stamp out
20. Pulling leg from
2. Stay up
9. Throw be book at
Дасгал 9 3. Stay out
10. Take off
4. Take after
1. Saw … of 11. Tried out
5. Taking apart
2. See to 12. Talked … out of
6. Take a break
3. Ran out of 13. Talk … over
7. Stand for
4. Right away 14. Throw away
8. Stuck with
5. Shut down 15. Think … over

92 | х у у д а с
16. Took a shortcut
17. Try out, take the
18. Take … time off

Дасгал 12

1. Turns into
2. Turn off
3. Turn down
4. Turn up
5. Turn on
6. Worn out
7. Warm up
8. Turned out
9. Turn in
10. What the doctor
11. Without a hitch
12. Work out
13. Watch out for
14. Turn around
15. Worked … out
16. Wait on
17. Turned … down
18. Warm up
19. Turned out
20. Under the weather
21. Walking on air

93 | х у у д а с

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