PM Syllabus RGU PDF

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Paper I: Project Management

Subject Code: COM044C401

Credit Units: 04

1. To impart knowledge on various aspects of project management
2. To gain knowledge on various techniques of project management

Detailed Syllabus:
Modules Topic/Course content Hours
I Concepts of Project Management: Project – Meaning – Nature- Types of project;
project life cycle; Project management – nature a and scope of project management; 10
Project management as a profession; Role of project manager.
II Project identification and formula: Project environment – identification of investment
opportunities – project screening – prefeasibility study – project selection; project
formulation – stages in project formulation – stages in project formulation; project
report preparation; planning Commission’s guidelines for project formulation. 10
III Project Appraisal: Objectives, essential of a project methodology – Market appraisal –
Technical appraisal – Financial appraisal –Commercial appraisal- Managerial appraisal, 15
Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) – L&M approach & UNIDO approach – SCBA
in India
Project planning and Scheduling: objectives – process of planning - components of
good lanning –project designing and project scheduling and time estimate – Estimation
of cost of project and means of financing.
IV Project Execution and Administration: Project contracting: Contract pricing, Types –
Project organisation: Forms of organisation; Project direction; Project communication;
Project coordination; Factors influencing effective project management – project over 15
runs: Causes, Types and effects of over runs – Project Control: Control techniques –
PERT, CPM: – Project review – Project audit.
Total 50

Reference Books:
1. Chandra Prasanna; Project Preparation, Appraisal and Implementation; 1987; Tata McGraw Hill;
2. Chaudhary, S; Project Management; 2004, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Agarwal N. P & Mishra B. K; Project Management; 2006; Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur.
4. Pitale R. L; Project Appraisal Techniques; 1982; Oxford and IBH. Publishing Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. P.K. Joy; Total Project Management; 1996; Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi.

Course Outcomes:
The students will:
• Be able to describe a project life cycle and can skillfully map each stage in the cycle.
• Be able to identify the resources needed for each stage, including involved stakeholders, tools
and supplementary materials.
• Be able to describe the time needed to successfully complete a project, considering factors
such as task dependencies and task lengths.
• be able to provide internal stakeholders with information regarding project costs by
considering factors such as estimated cost, variances and profits.

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