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Statistic for CAE Question 1

A research monitoring the vibration subjected to the high-speed trains is conducted.

The study will be important for the safety of the high-speed trains. To calibrate the
workstation computers used in this research, samples of error ratio between data and
noise of the rails have been tabulated in Table Q3. The error ratio data are the signals
that contain information about the condition of the drive mechanisms and suspension
system of these high-speed trains. Input 1 and input 2 in Table Q3 are two similarly
build workstation (workstation 1 and workstation 2) computers used for this data
mining vibration analysis.

With the appropriate statistical analysis and significant level, distinguish any evidence
that both computer workstations are performing similarly so that they can be used side-
by-side for the vibration monitoring data mining purpose.

Table Q3: Error Ratio Between Data and Noise Samples.

Samples Input 1 Input 2

1 34.00 39.00
2 34.00 40.00
3 34.00 41.00
4 35.00 42.00
5 38.00 43.00
6 31.00 38.00
7 35.00 39.00
8 32.00 37.00
9 36.00 37.00

[Total: 10 marks]
Statistic for CAE Question 2
A chemical factory is conducting an experiment that is studying the effect of
temperature with the reaction time for newly developed catalysts. It is first assumed
that the lowest time for catalytic reaction means this newly develop catalyst will result
in quicker yet efficient reaction time. Lowest reaction time means more efficiency in
reaction time period and thus will also reduce accident that is always as related with
the reaction’s high temperature. The known reaction temperature which is 300 °C is
subjected to FOUR different types of newly developed catalysts. Table Q3a shows the
tabulated data of time in millisecond for the catalysts. Table Q3b shows a partially
results of the statistical analysis of this experiment.

With the appropriate statistical analysis and 5% significant level, COMPLETE the
Table Q3b in your answer script and prove that the objective of this experiment above
is met.

(Total: 5 marks)

Table Q3a. Catalyst Reaction Time

Catalyst Reaction time (ms)

Cat 1 143 141 150 146
Cat 2 152 149 137 143
Cat 3 134 136 132 127
Cat 4 129 127 132 129

Table Q3b. Incomplete Statistical Analysis Table

Sum of of Mean F-
Squares Freedom Square distribution
Total 1080.938 15 - *
Level 844.6875 12 281.562
Error 236.25 3 19.687
* fill in the blank

1. Formulas
• Sample Mean • Sample Variance

• Z- test for a single mean • Z-test for two samples

• T-test for two samples • Estimate of common

• Confidence interval, Z0, for single mean • Hypothesis

H 0 : 1 =  2
H1 : 1   2

• Confidence interval, to, for two-tailed test

y1 − y2 − t / 2,n1 + n2 −2 S p (1/ n1 ) + (1/ n2 )  1 − 2 

y1 − y2 + t / 2,n1 + n2 −2 S p (1/ n1 ) + (1/ n2 )
• Confidence interval, z0, for two-tailed test
• Analysis of Variance Table (One Way, Fixed Model)

• z-distribution statistical table

• t-distribution statistical table

• F-distribution statistical table
Q Scheme/Exemplar Mark


2.12 1

1. The computers are not working with similar computing time and 1
2. Workstation 1 are performing less efficient than Workstation 2.

2 1


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