Principle of Stewardship

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BNP - Stewardship and Creativity

“ The office, duties and obligations of a steward”

“ The conducting, supervising or managing of something especially: the careful and responsible management of something
entrusted to one’s care” (Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary)
¦ mom gave heirloom special because passed from generation so we are entitled to take care of it
¦ parents gave laptop precious for them because it's expensive and as a steward we you should want to take care of it
such as clean it
¦  we are supposed to improve on nature

Principle of Stewardship and Creativity

The gifts of multidimensional nature and its natural environment should be used with profound respect for their intrinsic
teleology and especially the gift of human creativity should be used to cultivate nature and environment with care set by the
limits of actual knowledge and the risk of destroying these
¦ Human creativity should not be used to destroy things sometimes people go overboard with creativity such as making a
nuclear bomb
¦ natural orders of things with original form we must take care of them how we become stewards by providing care and
respect to nature on how it was originally made
Key points
• Stewardship requires us to appreciate the two gifts that God has given:
– Gift of natural resources
• Used with its intrinsic purpose
– Gift of human creativity
• Create the environment not destroy it.
¦ Multidimensional

 The principle requires that the gifts of human life and its natural environment be used with profound respect for their
intrinsic ends.
¦ Anchored in principle of dignity
 The gift of human creativity should be used to cultivate nature and the environment, recognizing the limitations of our
actual knowledge and the risks of destroying these gifts.
¦ Enable to destroy
 As a steward, man does not have absolute ownership of his life in the sense that he can do whatever he wishes without
corresponding responsibility before God.
¦ just because god gave does not mean we have full ownership
 It guides people in their ethical management of their life with others and of the limited resources of this world
¦ it also it also focuses on justice is everyone equal and promote justice
 It calls for personal, social and ecological responsibility
 It advocates an end to the huge inequalities there are between the few rich and the many poor
¦ as stewards we cannot just take and take

The Principle of Stewardship

God is the Lord of life and death. Human persons are creatures of and co-creators with and under God and therefore
stewards of their own life and of the whole creation.
¦ Given to enhance and improve on nature kaya nga co creator
“ As a good steward, I must take care of my health, I must take care of the health of my neighbor/ the environment
and I must work for liberation from poverty, disease and oppression”
1 Corinthians 6 :19-20
“ Or don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was
given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God
with your body”
Personal Dimension
The Human Person
- Individual of rational nature
- Created in God’s image and likeness
Human Life
- A great value
- A gift of God
- Human life is inviolable and sacred
- Human life must be defended from moment of conception to natural death

¦ Human life is a gift from god it has great value so we must take care of it since from the time of conception
till death it must be respected when it is violated for example is when we don't eat

 We have the need and the right to improve our bodies and to develop medical technologies that prevent and remedy
the defects to which they are liable, but we must do so with greatest respect for what we already are as human beings.
¦ Enhancing the body if the right especially in psychological problem problems bullying leads to depression
patient goes to surgery to enhance this this is a right and thus not wrong because bullying has affected of
psychological but however if you just wanted to go into surgery just like michael jackson with his nose then
we need to look at that intention then it is wrong
 In health, it is caring and not destroying of man’s body in reproductive technology and terminal illness, it is the
correction of defects and not merely perceived body improvements.
¦ Morally justified if we address concern of person having psychological problems due to the defect
¦ Bad example is AROYO breast in Asian bc add boobs but in the first place not needed later on go infected

Social Dimension
 The human person as a social being
¦ We should not take our lives away
¦ Suicide
¦ No man is an island
¦ We want people to survive
 Poverty in Spirit; a simple lifestyle; solidarity with the poor
 Catholic healthcare ought to be distinguished by service and even advocacy for the – most vulnerable
¦ Social dimension
¦ As nurses our profession we just don’t consider as just profesion we consider it as a vocation
¦ We also allow ourselves to service to other people with compassion and not expecting anything in return
 Principle of Justice/ Beneficence/ Non-Maleficence
¦ No harm to others
¦ Looking after others in address others of well of others
 Don’t give if it hurts
“ Always help others when you can; if you cannot, never harm” (The Dalai Lama)
¦ We just give in and give we must reflect if we are really helping
 Almsgiving that helps
¦ If you go to dapitan,
¦ Para umalis yung bata you give money (tam aba talaga)
¦ Satisfying your need (we sometimes have the feeling you want to help but actually you just want to satisfy
our selves
aMedical advancement:is the procedure itself
if transgender goes takes injection shots: PERSONAL
Human wxperimentation with consent: biomedical

Ecological and Biomedical Dimension

 To cultivate and to improve the earth with modern technology but not do it carelessly- it should be creative
¦ Animal exploitation
¦ Displays of animal at home
¦ Putol ng puno
¦ Modern techonology: machine in helping diagnosing ppl (develops vaccine) so good
 Co-creators with God and Under God
Creation has its own goodness and perfection but it did not come out of the hands of the Creator as completed- fully
completed. It was created “ on the way” towards perfection still to be reached and to which it is destined by God
¦ That is why it to cultivate creativity and improve life we have but with limitations

Principle of Creativity
Are these creative uses of our creativity
- Ultrasound and other advanced technologies to be used to kill deformed babies
- Cloning
¦ Not needed
¦ We are all unique
¦ Does not cultivate human life
- In-vitro fertilization
- Abortifacient drugs
¦ We do not kill people

(CCC, no 302)
“ The evils of modern technology are not the result of creative use of knowledge but of rash exploitation of a nature
little understood”
“ Research and experimentation, with all the risks involved, are necessary but we must proceed with reverence for the
persons and the environment at risk”
Medical Experimentation
 Preceded by research with animals
¦ (that should still have protocols)
¦ We emphasize man should not go first because man is on top of the hierarchy but animals should not be
 Respect for subjects as human persons
¦ we do not treat them as objects not to be used at any time
¦ humans have emotion
 Respect for social justice
¦ Do not pick people from slum areas because of lack education
¦ Everyone has equal rights
 Respect for the principle of informed consent
¦ Ask to permission, rational thinking and freewill
 Approval of Ethics Committee
¦ Paper must be reviewed serves as screen committee, respect , risks, benefits , protocols in
conduction research
 Nuremberg Code (1947)

Nuremberg Code
 Nuremberg Code (1947)- foundation of all research ethics codes
 10 principles
 –  Voluntary consent
¦ Allow person to decide for himself
 –  results need to be of good to the society
¦ Benefit a lot of people
 –  animal experiments 1st
¦ Prior to human
 –  avoid unnecessary physical and mental suffering/ injury
¦ Treat human beings not as objects
 –  should not be done if it will cause death/disability
¦ Should be explained thoroughly
 –  risk vs benefits
 –  proper preparations and adequate facilities
 –  only on qualified patients
 –  free to end participation
 –  researcher must be prepared to terminate experiment at any time
1. Abortion, medical advancement, child neglect by mother was not able to take care of children; adoption; deciding the
life of the baby before it is born
2. What dimension was violated: personal dimensions because of mother has 7 children so she is not taking care of herself
(that is high risk in abortion she could bleed or hypo bulimic shock) social because mother is not taking care of
Child neglect: bodies are not able to develop due to malnourishment, mom is supposed to take care of baby and not
give responsibility to other people she was supposed to make sure she can take care of the baby

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