2 - Electric Potential

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Electric Strength can also be defined in units of work and energy. This alternative way of measuring
the strength of an electric field entails finding the potential difference, which exits between any two
points. To visualizing this difference picture an electric field, then trying to force a test charge in
between two points, if the test charge is repelled, we have to do work to push it into place.

The potential at any point is defined as the work done per unit charge in moving a positive charge
from zero potential to the point. (Let us choose infinity as the reference point for zero potential)

W∞A Fr kQq 0 r kQ
V= = = =
q0 q0 q0 r 2 r

kQ 1 Q
V= = (the electric potential at a distance r from a single point charge Q)
r 4π ∈ 0 r

The electric potential at a point caused by a collection at the Point like charges Qi is found from the
principle of superposition:

V = V1 + V2 + V3 + …

kQ1 kQ 2 kQ3
V= + + +…
r1 r2 r3

Q1 Q Q
V=k( + 1 + 1 +…)
r1 r2 r3

Electric potential is scalar quantity and measured in Volts (1V = 1J/C)

Example 2.1

1. Two point charges Q1 = +0.015 µ C and Q2 = -0.015 µ C are placed as in a Figure 2.1.
Compute the potential at point A.

Figure 2.1 10 cm 10 cm


Q1 Q2

4 cm 6 cm 4 cm

VA = VA1 + VA2

kQ1 kQ2
VA = +
r1 r2
9 × 10 9 (0.015 × 10 −6 ) 9 × 10 9 (−0.015 × 10 −6 )
VA = +
0.04 0.14

VA = 3375 + (-964.3) = +2410.7V

Exercise 2.1

As in an example 2.1 and Figure 2.1. Compute the potential at point B and C.

Potential difference (difference in potential), between two points a and b is measurable. Since the
difference in potential energy Va – Vb , is equal to the negative of work Wba, done by the electric force
to move the charge from point b to point a, we have that the potential difference Vab is

Vab = Va –Vb = -

Example 2.2

1. Two point charges are arranged as in a Figure 2.2. Find the

(a) potential at point X
(b) potential at point Y
(c) difference potential between point X and Y
(d) work done to move a point charge q = 5µC from X to Y

10 cm

20 cm

20 cm
Q2 = -14µC
Figure 2.2

Q1 = +20µC


(a) VX = VX1 + VX2 = 450000 V + (-630000 V) = -180000 V

(b) VY = VY1 + VY2 = 360000 V + (-420000 V) = -60000 V

(c) VYX = VY – VX = -60000 – (-180000) + = 120000 V

(d) = - VYX
WYX = - VYX (q ) = - (120000 ) (5 x 10-6)

= - 0.6 J

Exercise 2.2

From the Figure 2.2 above, find the work done to move a point charge q = -8 µC from X to infinity


The electric potential can be representing diagrammatically by drawing equipotential lines or, in three
dimensions, equipotential surfaces. An equipotential surface is one on which all point are at the
same potential. That is, the potential difference between any two points on the surface is zero, and no
work is required to move a charge from one point to other. An equipotential surface must be
perpendicular to the electric field at any point.

Example 2.3

1. When an electron moves from A to B along an electric field line in Figure 2.3, the electric field
does 3.94 x 10-19 J of work on it. What are the electric potential differences

(a) VB - VA (b) VC - VA (c) VC - VB

Figure 2.3

From equation, W = 3.94 × 10−19 J.

vB − vA =
3.94 × 10−19
−1.6 × 10−19
= −2.46V

b) VC − VA = VB − VA = -2.46 V

⇒ Movement occur between same pair of equipotential line.

c) VC − VB = 0

⇒Since C and B are on the same equipotential line.

Tutorial 2

1. Two point charges Q1 and Q2 lay 6m apart on a straight line as shown in Figure 1. Find the
potential at the point midway between two charges.

Figure 1
Q3 = +2µC Q3 = +5µC
(Ans : 21kV)

2. Two point charges Q1 = +20 µC and Q2 = -10µC are 20 cm as shown in Figure 2. Find
(a) the potential at point x
(b) the potential at point y
(c) potential difference between points x and y.
(d) work done to move a charge 5µC from x to y.

20 cm 20 cm 10 cm
Figure 2
Q1 Q2
(Ans : 0V, 60kV, - 0.3J)

3. Two point charges Q1 and Q2 are arranged as shown in Figure 3. Find

(a) the potential at point A and B
(b) work necessary to move a +20 µC test charge from point A to B
(c) work done to move a 5µC test charge from point B to infinity
30 cm A 20 cm B 10 cm
Figure 3
Q1 = +2µC Q2 = -2µC
(Ans : 0V, -1.44X 105V, +2.88J, -0.72J )

4. Referring to the Figure 4,

(a) Calculate the electric force on Q1 due to other charges.
(b) Find the electric field at origin (0,0)
(c) Calculate the electric potential at origin (0,0)
Y (m)

Q1 = -10µC

Figure 4 (0,2)

Q2 = +5µC Q3 = -5µC

X (m)
(-2,0) (3,0)

(Ans : (a)0.072N, 16.93(4th quarter) ; (b) 27.75 x 103NC-1, θ = 54.20 1st quarter ; (c) -37.53
x 103V)

5. Referring to the Figure 5
(a) draw the electric force vector on Q3 due to charge Q2 and Q1
(b) find the resultant force on Q3 .
(c) find the electric potential at point A and P
(d) find work done to move a charge 2.0µC from point P to A.

4cm Q1 = +100µC


6 cm

Q3 =+300µC 8 cm Q2 = -200µC

Figure 5

Ans : (b) 64831N , 14.5ο (4th quarter) ; (c) 3.825 x 107 V (c) 3.6 x 107 V ; (d)-4.5 J

Figure 6

6. In Figure 6 shows the equipotential lines around a point charge.

(a) What is the equipotential surface?
(b) What is the work done to move a charge of 8.0µC from B to A?
(c) What is the work done to move a charge of 5.0 µC from B to C?
(d) i) What is the potential difference between D and E?
ii) What is the work done to move a charge of 2.0 µC from E to D?


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