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Development Planning in Nigeria: Reflections on the National Economic

Empowerment and Development Strategy (Needs) 2003-2007

Article · September 2009

DOI: 10.1080/09718923.2009.11892740


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1 author:

Okechukwu Ikeanyibe
University of Nigeria


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© Kamla-Raj 2009 J Soc Sci, 20(3): 197-210 (2009)

Development Planning in Nigeria: Reflections on the

National Economic Empowerment and Development
Strategy (NEEDS) 2003-2007
Ikeanyibe Okey Marcellus

Department of Public Administration and Local Government Studies,

University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
KEYWORDS Plan Continuity. Commitment Leadership. Priority Projects. Isolationism

ABSTRACT Nigeria returned to democratic rule in 1999 with the enthusiasm to chat new political and socio-
economic dispensation. The introduction of National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS)
as a medium term planning strategy was a blueprint for new order. It contains all the envisaged policies and programmes
of the federal government for the period 2003-2007 and far beyond, and serves as the fountain of the much-touted
Obasanjo’s reforms. NEEDS is not only a macro-economic plan document, but also a comprehensive vision, goals and
principles of a new Nigeria that would be made possible through four key policies of wealth creation, employment
generation, poverty eradication and value reorientation. This paper is a reflection on NEEDS. Using historical and
content analysis methods, the paper explores common indices of development planning in the country. It reveals
that NEEDS is not different from previous development plans in Nigeria, despite the claims to the contrary. While
claiming to be a home-grown plan, it is very much in line with the wishes of the international agents of developed
capitalist economies; there is lack of commitment of the leadership in pursing plan objectives; corruption is still rife
and priority in selecting plan projects is still poor. The paper recommends among others, the need for committed
leadership, continuity with NEEDS II document, drawing adequate scale of preference in choosing policies and
programmes, and determined efforts to break from the crutches of neo imperialist and neo colonial tendencies of the
developed countries.

1. INTRODUCTION implementation of the plan, distortions or even

Planning is one of the basic principles of The Nigerian government has aspired to
administration and about the most critical of its achieve development through the use of various
functions since it permeates all others. types of plans, namely short term (Annual
Development planning therefore becomes a Budget), medium and long term plans. The
necessary tool used by many governments and National Economic Empowerment and Develop-
organizations to set their visions, missions, goals, ment Strategy (NEEDS) is the latest in the history
and effective means of realizing development of medium term plans for the country and
through effective direction and control. promises to surmount some of the problems that
Development planning has been a consistent marred the success of previous plans. As NEEDS
phenomenon in Nigerian administration since enters its final year of possible review in 2007,
1946. Experts, (e.g. Obikeze and Obi 2004; Okojie and the government that initiated it as a plan
2002) however, argue that it has not been as document hands over to another one, there is
successful as expected. Truly, Nigeria remains an need to reflect on some actions and programmes
underdeveloped nation occupying a low position of the government especially as guided, directed
among the poorest countries of the world in spite
and controlled by the plan – NEEDS. This paper
of her tremendous natural and human resources
while not arrogating to itself the task of evaluating
endowment. This points to a distorted planning
regime and implies two things: either the correct NEEDS, seeks to reflect on how concrete activities
plan had not always been made or correct plans and programmes of the Federal government in
made were not effectively implemented. Both the period 2003 to 2007 have helped to realize the
options seem to be true of Nigeria. As Obikeze objectives of the plan. The paper uses secondary
and Obi (2004:) noted, “a review of the various data collected on the activities and programmes
plan (sic) clearly shows that, the country is still of the government within the period 2003-2007.
very far from where it was envisaged it will be The sources of data include the Central Bank of
today. This is simply as a result of either faulty Nigeria documents and other official and non-

official sources namely, books, journals, news- creativity, self-discipline, responsibility and
papers, and magazines. material well-being”. Todaro also sees develop-
The rest of the paper is organized in five ment as a multi-dimensional process but gives a
sections. The next section will discuss the definition that is often considered as the other
concept of development planning. The next extreme of emphasis from that of Rodney. He
reviews the history and problems of development describes development as a multi-dimensional
planning in Nigeria. This will be followed by a process involving the reorganization and re-
highlight of the vision, objectives and strategies orientation of the entire economic and social
of NEEDS. The next section reflects on NEEDS system. This involves in addition to improvement
key programmes in relation to the government’s of income and output, radical changes in
efforts at realizing them in the period 2003-2007. institutional, social and administrative structures
The last section articulates some recommen- as well as in popular attitudes, customs and belief
dations to re-orientate NEEDS and enhance the (Todaro 1982). Todaro’s definition gives the
effectiveness of development planning in the meaning, which the concept of development
country. It also concludes the paper. assumes whenever it is discussed in relation to
countries. Development at this level of concep-
2. CONCEPTUAL ISSUES ON tualisation is often understood in terms of eco-
DEVELOPMENT PLANNING nomic development. This does not only signify
economic development, but as Todaro notes
Development planning can be properly above, it equally implies improving the social,
understood by separately explaining the concepts administrative, political as well as people’s cul-
of ‘planning’ and ‘development’. Planning has been tural attitudes and beliefs that are anti progress.
simply defined as ‘deciding in advance what to Also, Ibezim (1999: 69) further explains, “economic
do, how to do it, when to do it and who is to do it’ development does not only involve physical and
(Ujo 1994:157 citing Koontz 1980). Invancevich, financial progress but also improvements in the
Lorenzi, Skinner with Crosby (1994) see planning political and social aspects of society”.
as embracing all the activities that lead to the However, this conceptualisation has some
determination of objectives and the appropriate serious implications for a holistic approach to
courses of action that lead to their achievements. development planning in developing countries.
For Cole, “planning is an activity which involves It promotes the idea and practice of equating
decisions about ends as well as means and about development planning with economic planning as
conduct as well as result” (Cole 1993: 109). Cole’s the economy is usually regarded as the bedrock
definition emphasizes the relationship between for a nation’s development. Understood this way
planning and results. Plans are meant to achieve development planning implies “deliberate control
specific results; hence planning is not just an issue and direction of the economy by a central authority
of determining objectives that are not consciously for the purpose of achieving definite targets and
pursued or means that are never followed. It is objectives within a specified period of time”
therefore a blueprint for action. “it entails (Jhingan 2005: 489). But emphasis of purely
determination of control, direction and methods economic factors in development planning has not
of accomplishing the overall organization or been successful in achieving development in the
national (italics added) objective” (Nwachukwu economic sector talk less of the overall national
1988). Plans must be controlled and directed development in developing countries. In such
towards the desired set goals. countries, Jhingan notes that the essence of
Development on the other hand is a word that planning is to increase the rate of economic
is difficult to define because of the multifarious development by increasing the rate of capital
contextual usage of the concept. But in its sim- formation through raising the levels of income,
plest reductionism, the term means improvement saving and investment.
or to become more advanced, more mature, more Development planning comprehensively
complete, more organized, more transformed etc. involves predetermining a nation’s visions,
Rodney (1969) sees it as a many sided process missions, policies and programmes in all facets
but defines it in relation to the individual. As he of life such as social, human, political, environ-
explains, “at the level of the individual it implies mental, technological factors etc. and the means
increased skills and capacity, greater freedom, of achieving them. Economic visions and

programmes cannot be realized without looking it on schedule, amending it in case of some

at developmental issues holistically, which entails unexpected snags, and embarking on periodic
improvement in all human endeavours. In this evaluation. Lewis (1954) in Jhingan (2005)
sense, development surpasses the economic cri- believes that it is better for a government
teria often measured by economic growth indices that does not possess such qualitative staff
and must be conceived of as a multidimensional to conduct its affairs lasses-faire than to
process involving changes in inelastic social pretend to plan;
structures, destructive popular attitudes and viii. having a proper development policy;
ineffective national institutions as well as the plan ix. ensuring economy in administration
for economic growth. Development planning “particularly in the expansion of ministries
presupposes a formally predetermined rather than and state departments”;
a sporadic action towards achieving specific x. having an education base that guarantees
developmental results. More importantly, it entails high ethical and moral standards. Jhingan
direction and control towards achieving plan (2005: 496) believes that “one cannot expect
targets. economy and efficiency in administration
It is necessary to underscore that develop- unless the people possess high ethical and
ment planning is not easy since it deals with many moral values. This is not possible unless a
complex and futuristic events. It is in recognition strong educational base is built up whereby
of this that Jhingan (2005) has enlisted twelve instructions are imparted both in academic
points that are relevant to a successful develop- and technical fields”;
ment planning. These are: xi. a theory of consumption. Quoting Galbraith
i. having a Planning Commission with adequate (1962), Jhingan explains that development
organizational structure and qualified experts planning should pay prime attention to
in various relevant fields like economists, goods within the consumption level of model
statisticians, engineers etc. dealing with income rather than high profile goods that
various aspects of the economy; can only be purchased by a few; and
ii. availability of Statistical Data which also xii. finally enlisting public cooperation or
entails “setting up of a central statistical support without which no plan can be a suc-
organization with a network of statistical cess.
bureaux for collecting statistical data and
information for the formulation of the plan” 3. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING IN NIGERIA
(Jhingan 2005: 492);
iii. laying down some objectives or goals which Nigeria’s development planning could be
“should be realistic, mutually compatible and classified under four phases. These can be
flexible enough in keeping with the described as the Colonial Era, the Era of Fixed-
requirements of the economy;” Term planning (1962-85), the Era of Rolling Plan
iv. fixation of targets and priorities in relation (1990-1998), and the New Democratic Dispensation
to the objectives set; (1999 till date). There exists between these periods
v. mobilization of resources, i.e. laying down some years dominated by sporadic governmental
policies and instruments of resource actions and ad hoc planning in which the country
mobilization that will fulfil the financial outlay did not actually produce a plan document that
of the plan without inflationary and balance could be categorized into the four periods
of payment pressures; mentioned. These periods represent times of major
vi. eliminating possible surpluses or shortages socio political upheaval and economic crisis that
with reference to input-output, demand – necessitated transitory and sporadic actions from
supply, production-consumption etc.; the incumbent administrations.
vii. ensuring incorrupt and efficient adminis-
tration: This implies having competent and The Colonial Era
incorrupt administrative staff in various
ministries who are capable of preparing good The colonial government was seen as a field
feasibility reports of proposed projects administrative organ of the colonial office in
before starting them, gaining experience in London. Hence it was never understood by the
planning and starting a project and keeping colonial powers as a government of its own.

Adamolekun (1986:34-35) clearly explains this fact launched, namely, First National Development
when he wrote that: Plan (1962-1968), The Second National
The chief servant of the Crown as far as Development Plan (1970-1974), the Third National
running of the affairs of the African colonies in Development Plan (1975-1980) and the Fourth
the empire was concerned was the Secretary of National Development Plan (1981-1985).
State for the Colonies. Reasonable commitment was made in the
However, to underline the direct allegiance of preparation of these plans. Realizing the effect of
each colony to the Crown, one or more of the non existence of a planning commission and the
principal officials of the local colonial government need to prepare the country as an independent
was appointed by the Crown. Thus, the suc- country led to the establishment of a National
cessive Governors of Nigeria between 1914 and Economic Council in 1955 with the mandate of
1951 and the Lieutenant-Governors between 1914 coordinating activities for economic development
1nd 1931 were Crown appointees. of the country. The Council was made of
The obvious consequence of the above was representatives of the Central and Regional
that planning during the colonial period was governments and was headed by the Governor
masterminded from outside the country and thus, general up to 1958 when the Prime Minister became
was in accordance with the colonial objectives, the chairman. The Coordinating work of the Council
which is believed by some scholars (Rodney 1969; was boosted with the establishment of a Joint
Obikeze and Obi 2004) to be exploitative. The issue Planning Commission (JPC) made up of senior
of development planning from inside during the professional administrators drawn from relevant
colonial administration therefore became federal and regional ministries and the Central Bank
necessary only when the heat of nationalism and of Nigeria. It is important to mention that even
the possibility of independence for the country these senior professional administrators de facto
become evident. Thus, it was in 1946 that the first lacked the technical knowledge and experience
attempt at development planning was introduced. necessary for a strategic planning as most of them
It was a Ten-year plan of Development and were young inexperienced civil servants who, by
Welfare for Nigeria. The plan was purely sheer opportunism saw themselves in the high
expenditure-related as its aim was “primarily to positions they occupy, thanks to the Nigeriani-
guide the allocation of the development and zation policy recommendation of the Foot
welfare funds made available by the imperial Commission of 1948. The envisaged importance
power, Britain” (Adamolekun 1983: 157). Major of human resource factors in any planning also
areas of attention were transport, communication led to the creation of the National Manpower
and a few cash crops (Obikeze and Obi 2004). Board (NMB) in 1962. The complimentary nature
Little attention was paid to developing the of the assigned functions of the JPC and NMB
productive base and defining a comprehensive instigated their merging with the Ministry of
development objective for the country. The plan Economic Development with the responsibility
suffered a revision half way through in 1951and for plan preparation and implementation. The NEC
the introduction of a federal structure in 1954 remained the overall political overseer of planning
reduced its efficacy. But it continued to guide at this period. This was the new institutional
both the central and regional governments until framework under which the First National Deve-
the launching of the First National Development lopment Plan 1962-1968 was done (Adamolekun
plan in 1962. Adamolekun (1983) and Ayo (1988) 1983).
have exhaustively documented the problems that It is easily seen by a critical mind that though,
marred the plan. These include poor financial a Planning Commission was in place, its members
resources for plan implementation, weak lacked the expertise and the Commission did not
formulation and implementation machinery, lack have reasonable time to do a thorough job before
of technical skills by the generalist administrators coming out with the First plan in 1962. Foreign
who prepared the plan, and the absence of clearly experts were of course invited by the government
defined national objectives. for assistance, but in a mercenary-like fashion,
No attention was paid to public participation in
The Era of Fixed Medium-Term Plans the preparation of the plan. The departure of the
foreign experts at the end of plan formulation
Within this period, four successful plans were stage meant that the plan implementation was

entrusted to the few Nigerian technocrats (who Economic Development remained at the centre of
had played only a minor role in the plan’s plan coordination and preparation while the
formulation) and to the ordinary citizens who had Supreme Military Council (the government in
not been involved in the plan formulation exercise power still being military) was at the apex of the
at all. All this meant that the chances of the plan Planning machinery as it was in charge for the
being implemented successfully were very limited. approval of broad national policies. More
Even the limited opportunity for success was importantly, the need for comprehensive national
further depleted by the political upheavals and objectives to guide development plans were
regionalized and ethnocentric politics faced by recognized. Five such objectives were spelt out
the new indigenous government that culminated for the second national Plan. These were:
in military take over in 1966 and subsequent 30 To establish Nigeria firmly as:
months civil war from 1967 to 1970. The war i. a united, strong and self-reliant nation;
situation called for a radical approach, which ii. a great and dynamic economy;
included the suspension of the Planning/ iii. a just and egalitarian society;
Implementation organs-the JPC and NEC. The iv. a land of bright and full opportunities and
plan remained un-reviewed until 1970. It also v. a free and democratic society.
remained a perfunctory source of action for the These national objectives were considered so
Federal government and the twelve state important that they were included in the 1979
governments supposedly operational at this Constitution. Yet their inclusion in the consti-
period. The plan however cannot be written off tution did not actually influence plan
entirely. Some of its major projections that laid implementation as they were only considered as
foundation for the industrial growth of the directive and fundamental and not legally
country were realized. These included the Niger enforceable. Abasili (2004: 94) has this to say
Dam, The Port Harcourt Refinery, The Nigerian about them:
Security and Minting plant, the Jebba Paper Mill, i. the directive principles are not legally
The Niger Bridge and The Bacita Sugar Mill. Part enforceable by any court of law
of the failure in realizing its projections was ii. the state cannot be compelled through the
increased administrative overheads that saw the courts to implement and fulfil their
percentage of actual expenditure at 19.5% of total fundamental obligations
expenditure instead of the planned percentage of iii. the fundamental objectives are ‘pious wishes’
7.2%. Also only 15.2% out of the planned 20.9% devoid of constitutional significance
(National Planning Office) was used for social iv. the non-justiciable nature of the directive
overhead comprising of Education, Health, Co- principles makes them superfluous and
operative and social welfare etc., Obikeze and Obi irrelevant.
(2004) have blamed the failure of the plan to the Thus, the guiding principles, which became
civil war which meant that distortions was as a increasingly recognized from the Second Plan,
result of channelling resources towards keeping did not correct plan distortions and slippages.
Nigeria together. Apart from their vagueness, it did not actually
The subsequent plan in this era (Second achieve its rationale of directing the programmes
National Development plan 1970-1974) witnessed and budgets of various administrations. Part of
attempts to rectify some of the shortcomings of the problems remained lack of the will to perform,
the first development plan. The planning lack of finance, corruption, monocultural oil
machinery was strengthened, the need for public economy etc.
input was recognized by preceding the plan The serious impact of a monocultural
preparation by a national conference on econo- economy in which over 90% of the government’s
mic development and reconstruction, and the source of revenue upon which development plans
need for inputs from various levels of government, were based became more critical from the Third
ministries and agencies especially relevant and Fourth National Development Plans. In the
planning agencies like the National Manpower Third Plan for instance, the government could
Board and Federal Office of Statistics, and an only spend N29.43 billion out of the projected
Advisory Body made up of repre-sentatives expenditure of N43.31 billion as reviewed. While
drawn from the universities, trade union, other in the Fourth Plan, only N17.33 billion was actually
ministries and the private sector. The ministry of spent out of the planned total expenditure of

N42.20 billion. Okojie (2002) shows an analysis also presented opportunity for revaluating the
of Nigerian economic (GDP) growth rate of 5.1%, planning system for the country as the fixed
8.2%, 5.0% and 1.2% for the First, Second, Third medium term planning system had failed.
and fourth fixed term planning periods A three tier planning system was to succeed
respectively. But the truth indeed is that planning SAP. The new proposal consisted of:
in Nigeria markedly showed increasing i. a 15-20 year Perspective or Long term Plan;
developmental crisis that climaxed with the Fourth ii. a three-year Rolling Plan; and
plan. Development planning was meant to control iii. an Annual Budget that will draw from the
the future. But wthin this era, plans were rather Rolling Plan (Okojie 2002).
overwhelmed by the future and external events The perspective plan was to identify long term
especially the fluctuations of oil pricing, which policies upon which the rolling plans and the
even happened in some cases immediately after annual budgets will derive their medium and short-
the launching of the plan. The 1981 production term programmes respectively. It is necessary to
decline from 2.1 million barrels per day that point out that the spelling out of some national
climaxed in less than one million barrels per day objectives, as the foundation for plans that started
by February 1983 started immediately after the with the Second Fixed term plan was very much
launching of the Fourth plan in 1981. The obvious like doing the work of a perspective plan. However,
explanation was that adequate forecast was not the idea of a perspective plan was a significant
made by the planners. The fixed term planning innovation as it ought to be more elaborate and
system did not improve the development planning specific than the national objectives that were
and was found to be inappropriate for un-stable criticized for being vague (Okojie, 2002) and having
national and international political, economic and no constitutional significance (Abasili, 2004) nor
social events in the period. Okojie aptly remarked administrative utility for the implementation of
that: plans. The preparation of a perspective plan that
At the end of the four plan periods, the was to take effect from 1990 together with the
foundation for sustainable growth and rolling plan did not take place until 1996 when
development was yet to be laid. The productive Abacha set up the Vision 2010 Committee. The
base of the economy and sources of government main report of Vision 2010 submitted to the Abacha
revenue were yet to be diversified. The economy government in September 1997, among other
did not have its own driving force and was things, recommended that ‘the Vision should
therefore highly susceptible to external shocks provide the focus for all plans, including long
(Okojie 2002: 362). (perspective), medium (rolling) and annual plans
(budgets)’ (Adubi 2002: 65). It became in effect the
The Rolling Plan Era (1990-1998) first perspective plan for the country, even though
it seemed to have died with Abacha in 1998.
By1986, the development planning in Nigeria The three-year rolling plan became effective
had hit the rocks. The huge deficits of the third from the 1990 with the initiation of The First
and fourth plans had pushed the country’s National Rolling Plan, 1990-1992. The essence of
external debts to about $22 billion. Nigeria’s the rolling plan was to afford the country the
creditors necessarily had to be involved in her opportunity of revision in the midst of increasing
planning if further debts rescheduling had to be socio-political and economic uncertainties. But
obtained. Thus came the introduction of preparation of medium term plans turned out to
Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP), which be a yearly event and became almost undis-
was basically a ‘reform therapy’ from the Word tinguishable from the annual budgets. Okojie
Bank and International Monetary fund (IMF). concludes that
SAP was only an economic emergency Rolling Plans have been prepared yearly at all
programme expected to last for two years. But its levels of government including the local
programmes were too radical to be realized within government level. At the end of about ten Rolling
such a short time. SAP underscored a shift from Plans, from 1990 t0 1999 [italicised words added],
project-based to policy-based planning system, Nigerians are no better off than they were during
and emphasized a private-sector-led economy the years of fixed medium-term planning (Okojie
rather than the prevailing public sector-led 2002: 366).
philosophy that had inspired previous plans. SAP With the coming to power of a new democratic

power in May 1999, there were high expectations world today, Nigeria by all standards supposes
that things were bound to change regarding to be rated highly in the committee of wealthy
development planning in Nigeria since the military nations.
rule was partly blamed for plan failures especially When the PDP government got a second
as it concerned constant change of governmental opportunity by virtue of being re-elected in 2003,
administrations that led to inconsistency in plan it saw the need to have a rethink on the issue of
formulation and implementation, and absence of development planning. It realized the need for a
democratic means of control that will likely comprehensive socio-political and economic
guarantee more responsibility in governance. reform of the country since no plan can succeed
in Nigeria if it continued to be business as usual.
The New Democratic Dispensation This intent to bring radical changes in the way
(1999-2007) things are done gave birth to the National
Economic Empowerment and Development
Democratic governance returned to Nigeria Strategy (NEEDS).
in May 1999 with the swearing in of President
Olusegun Obasanjo on the platform of Peoples 4. NEEDS- VISION, OBJECTIVES AND
Democratic Party. This was after long military rule STRATEGIES
that ran from 1966 to 1999 with a brief interlude
from 1979 to 1982, and a few months Interim NEEDS is described as Nigeria’s plan for
National Government headed by a civilian in 1983. prosperity. It is a four-year medium term plan for
The new administration started development the period 2003 t0 2007. NEEDS is a federal
planning in 1999 on a clean slate with the initiation government plan, which also expected the states
of a four-year medium term plan document, the and local governments to have their counterpart
National Economic Direction (1999-2003). The plan plans- the State Economic Empowerment and
had the primary object of pursuing a strong, virile Development Strategy (SEEDS) and the Local
and broad- based economy with adequate Government Economic Empowerment and
capacity to absorb externally generated shocks. Development Strategy (LEEDS) respectively. It
While being a new plan document, the objectives is a comprehensive plan that seeks to include not
and policy direction was not significantly different only all levels of government towards moving in
from that to which the country has followed since the same direction, but also seeks all and sundry
the introduction of SAP. According to Donli (2004: namely, the private sector, the Non-Governmental
69), Organizations (NGOs) and the general public in
The new plan was aimed at the development cooperative activity in pursuit of developmental
of an economy that is highly competitive, goals. NEEDS as a plan contains all the envisaged
responsive to incentives, private sector-led, policies and programmes of the federal
diversified, market-oriented and open, but based government for the period 2003-2007 and far
on internal momentum for its growth. beyond and serves as the fountain of the much-
The plan did not achieve much of the articu- touted Obasanjo’s reforms. NEEDS is not only a
lated programmes of deregulating the economy, macro-economic plan document, but also a
reducing bureaucratic red-tapism in governance, comprehensive vision, goals and principles of a
creating of jobs, alleviating of poverty and new Nigeria that would be made possible through
providing welfare programmes and infrastructure re-enacting core Nigerian values like respect for
such as water, improved health care, electricity the elders, honesty and accountability,
and roads. Despite the huge resources garnered cooperation, industry, discipline, self-confidence
from improved oil pricing, sale of privatised and moral courage. As established in NEEDS
government enterprises, and recovered loots from document,
the Abacha family and its cronies, Nigeria went NEEDS wishes to significantly eradicate
further down the rungs of impoverished nations. poverty in Nigeria. It aims to create a Nigeria
Today Nigeria ranks among the fifteenth poorest that Nigerians can be proud to belong to and
country in the world despite her position as the grateful to inhabit, a Nigeria that promotes self-
6th among the Oil producing countries of the reliance, entrepreneurship, innovation, rewards
world. Oil- the black gold- being reckoned as one hard work, protects its people and their property,
of the highly priced natural endowments in the and offers its children better prospects than those

they may be tempted to seek in Europe or the pursued through empowering the people,
United States (National Planning Commission promoting private enterprise and changing the
and Central Bank of Nigeria 2005: 4). way government does its work. Each of the four
The primary goal of making Nigeria a key strategies of NEEDS embodies numerous
‘promised land’ would be realized according to other strategies, policies and programmes.
NEEDS through four key strategies of wealth
creation, employment generation, poverty 5. NEEDS VIS-À-VIS GOVERNMENT’S
reduction and value reorientation. The linkage of POLICIES IN 2003-2007: A REFLECTION
vision, objectives and strategies of NEEDS are
adequately represented in the diagram below Commenting on the gains of NEEDS, the CBN
adapted from the NEEDS document. Annual Report and Statement of Accounts (2005:
The above figure portrays a macroeconomic 34) states as follows:
weighing balance in which the vision, values and The policy thrust of NEEDS focused on
principles of development will be achieved if the empowerment, wealth creation, employment
goals of wealth creation, employment generation, generation and poverty reduction, as well as value
poverty reduction and value reorientation are reorientation. Under NEEDS, substantial progress

Vision, Values, and Principles

Wealth creation
Employment generation
Poverty reduction
Value reorientation


Promoting private Changing the way
Health, education,
enterprise the government does
environment, integrated its work
Security and rule of law, Public sector reforms,
rural development,
infrastructure, finance, privatization and
housing development,
sectoral strategies, liberalization, governance,
employment and youth
privatization and transparency and
development safety nets,
liberalization, trade, anticorruption, service
gender and geopolitical
regional integration, and delivery, budget, and
balance, and pension
globalization expenditure reforms

Financing and plan implementation strategies

Fig. 1. NEEDS at A Glance

Source: National Economic and Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS), (2005: 5).

was made in the implementation of structural reorientation, in any significant measure, in the
reforms, including a comprehensive banking medium term. If anything, the impact has not been
sector consolidation programme, growing the evident on the general well being of Nigerians.
non-oil sector, liberalization of Nigeria’s import Poverty eradication strategy includes improv-
tariffs regime transactions, introduction of a ed education system to give half of Nigeria’s
Wholesale Dutch Auction System (WDAS) for people who are children opportunity for a pros-
foreign exchange, fight against corruption, and perous future; improving the health care delivery
restructuring and privatising state-owned system with emphasis on HIV/AIDS and other
enterprises, in order to improve the environment preventable diseases such as malaria,, tuber-
for private–sector led growth and increase culosis, and reproductive health-related illnesses
investor’s confidence. that threatens the country’s productive capability;
Economists, especially government loyalists to initiate laws and programmes that will empower
may well give us figures to justify the success of the vulnerable such as woman, children, the
NEEDS as the CBN governor has done recently disabled, the retirees/pensioners and the elderly;
.In the National Business Forum organized implement projects such as reliable electricity and
recently in Abuja, he has made a hilarious better-maintained network of roads that will
presentation of all the indices of growth of the encourage businesses to sprout and expand to
Nigerian economy markedly achieved by the the benefit of many (NPC & CBN 2005). Despite
administration of present Obasanjo between 1999- the statistical claim by the Nigerian Living
2007. We recognize that the administration has Standard Survey that the incidence of poverty
contributed to the recalcitrant efforts to develop has declined from 70% in 2000 to 54.4 per cent in
the country, especially in changing the structure 2004 (CBN 2005: 76), nothing concrete can support
of mixed economy ideology to the market-driven the authenticity of this claim. The increasing level
or private sector led economy. But assessing the of poverty in the country has defied whatever
government through its achievements of NEEDS’ measures initiated by this regime. The continued
core objectives seems to portray the government drift of Nigerian youths abroad, which has been
no different from the previous ones in ways and one crucial index of the economic downturn in
manner of pursuing and realizing the ideals of her the country, has continued unabated. The
development plan. realization of the poverty eradication plan is yet a
It is opined that the acclaimed achievements far cry. Special programmes and infrastructure
of the government through manipulation and through which the government hopes to empower
propagation of economic growth indices contrary the citizens especially the most vulnerable ones
to the commonsensical impact of the have not been efficiently provided. Poverty
administration’s policies and programmes on the alleviation programmes especially the National
standard of living of the people increasingly make Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) set up
our data questionable. Professor Eghosa Osagie by the government has performed sub-optimally.
laments on this approach to economic analysis Nnadozie (2003) has shown that not much has
when he writes that: been done by various schemes of the programme
Ideological confusion and mystification to eradicate poverty, as funds allocated to the
encouraged by naïve ideologies have success- agency are too small to create any significant
fully diverted attention from real issues to impact in addition to other militating problems.
peripheral and esoteric cliche-ridden polemics For instance, in 2005 approximately N500.0 million
along narrowly focused dogmatic lines. This was disbursed to 120,000 people to enable them
attitude to analysis of economic phenomena in set up small enterprises (CBN 2005). This is
Nigeria tends to produce simplistic solutions to approximately N4200 each if the entire fund were
problems which give the impression that either distributed to participants. In the first place what
economists are unrealistic in their analysis or their is the percentage of 120000 people to a country
tools of analysis are suspect and unreliable of 140 million where about 70% suffer from abject
(Osagie 2007: 9) poverty? Also, how many will likely succeed in
The truth remains that the government has starting any sustainable business with the meagre
not achieved much of the professed objectives sum of N4200?
of NEEDS which are employment generation, NEEDS strategy of wealth creation and by
poverty eradication, wealth creation and value implication, employment generation and poverty

reduction, is through the empowerment of the ensuring security and rule of law, provision of
people and promotion of private enterprise. The necessary infrastructures such as electricity, good
NEEDS document asserts: network of roads etc., liberalization of markets,
By allowing the private sector to thrive, deregulation and provision of strategic support
NEEDS creates opportunities for employment in terms of finance and other supports to the
and wealth creation. It empowers people to take productive sectors such as agriculture, industry
advantage of these opportunities by creating a (especially small and medium scale enterprises)
system of incentive that reward hard work and and service sector (e.g. tourism, arts and culture,
punish corruption, by investing in education, information and communication technology, oil
and by providing special programmes for the and gas, and solid minerals) were measures
most vulnerable members of the society (National through which the plan hopes to generate
Planning Commission and Central Bank of employment.
Nigeria, 2005 :6). NEEDS promised creating about seven (7)
Empowerment policies would be on such vital million jobs by 2007. But the truth is that most
areas as tackling social exclusion, housing, health policies pursued by the government within the
care, education, skills acquisition, protecting the period were anti-employment rather than
vulnerable and promotion of peace and security. employment generating. In the bid to reform
The core of this strategy is to fight poverty, which government institutions thousands of employees
the plan recognizes as being multidimensional. It have lost their jobs. The Central Bank of Nigeria
does not only involve measures to improve alone severed 804 employees through mandatory
incomes but also to tackle social and political retirement in 2005 alone (CBN 2005). The bank
factors that lead to poverty. Wealth creation is consolidation exercise that saw the convergence
therefore intrinsically linked to the strategy of of 75 out of the 89 existing banks in 2004 to only
employment generation. To what extent this goal twenty-five and 14 failed ones by end of 2005
has been attained by NEEDS is a matter of witnessed the throwing into the unemployment
conjecture. While Nigeria’s wealth has risen within market thousands of retrenched bank workers
the period of NEEDS as a result of better oil prices resulting from mergers and acquisitions. The same
in the international market induced by the Middle process is being witnessed in the microfinance and
East crisis, favourable terms of trade and sub- insurance sub-sectors where stringent capitaliza-
stantial debt relief granted by the Paris Club, it is tion requirements may by the end of this year push
not obvious that the average Nigerian benefited out many existing community banks and insurance
from this wealth increase. Within the period of companies out of business. Yet the private sector
NEEDS 2003-2007, Nigeria’s Annual budget especially the manufacturing sub sector is not any
crossed the threshold of billions into trillions of ready to start absorbing these excesses as the cost
Naira, but the Per Capita Income of Nigerians falls of production has continued to be high due to
into the one dollar per head level of the poorest gross infrastructural inadequacy, making the
countries. employment situation even worse.
Education, by which it is hoped to empower The issue of infrastructure development as
the citizens, has witnessed increase in educational projected by NEEDS failed to achieve much
institutions both at the primary, secondary and impact. Electricity, which coincidentally, was a
tertiary levels. The universities has increased from major policy choice area of the government, rather
about forty in 1999, and mainly belonging to than show improvement, seemed to have declined
federal and state governments, to about 89 in April tremendously. Using the 2005 situation, CBN
2007, with greater private sector participation. (2005: 72) informs that “the quantum of electricity
However the cost of education where average generated declined in 2005. At 2.687.1 megawatt
private university charges fees as high as two hour (MWH), aggregate electricity generation fell
hundred and fifty thousand per session puts a by 2.8 per cent”. By 2007 the decline of electricity
limit to the number and class of citizens that can in the country has reached a crisis dimension that
have access to such education in a country where Tunde Akingbade describes the story of the
over 70% of the citizens are poor. Empowerment Power Holding Company of Nigeria thus:
of the people will necessarily lead to employment The story of PHCN in recent months is not
generation. The promotion of private enterprise only pathetic; it is horrible and laced with comedy.
by providing an enabling environment through The blackout which the power organization has

become synonymous with, has raised fears about owned enterprises? Why has Nigeria continued
attendant health effects (Akingbade 2007: 9) to feature among the world’s most corrupt
The health effect may be considered minor to countries by Transparency International rating?
the overall economic effects especially as con- These questions and many more are rhetorical
cerning the promotion of small businesses, and do not negate whatever achievements made
industries and the entire manufacturing sub by NEEDS. But it goes to show that its objectives
sector. Despite the huge budgetary allocation to as a development plan are still inconsequentially
the sector, which, though led to the commission- realized.
ing of some power projects by the administration, As a medium term plan, most of the goals of
Adegboyega (2006: 12) notes that “we have to Needs ought to be significantly realized before
look beyond the Obasanjo reform package if we the exit of the Obasanjo administration in May
must get out of the power quagmire”. 2007. But the truth remains that NEEDS is more
NEEDS recognises the bad international image of a long-term plan than a medium and short-term
which Nigeria had prior to the restoration of plans as most of the key objectives are still plans
democracy in 1999 and the fact that advancement on paper. The federal government is already
can only be possible through acceptance by hoping on the NEEDS II document that will initiate
Nigerians of lasting values. It articulates policies the phase two of the plan as a solace. Timiebi
and programmes aimed at creating: Koripamo-Agary, an official of the Ministry of
A new Nigerian citizen who values hard work, Labour, in an interview with journalists, believes
self-actualisation rather than dependency and “that the NEEDS II document will come up with
who realizes that one cannot have something for concrete strategies to address the issues of
nothing. Achieving this aim may be the strongest employment and job creation” (Vanguard, April
action Nigeria can take to build a better future for 27: 25). The NEEDS II document presented to
its people (NPC &CBN 2005: 3). stakeholders in Lagos on May 3 2007,
It undertakes primarily to fight corruption and “demonstrated that so much has been put on
graft, nepotism, favouritism and to re-instil the paper to grow the economy but this has not
virtues of honesty, hard work, discipline, and translated to rapid achievement” (Kolapo, 2007).
patriotism. Needs emphasizes public sector All in all, the government has admitted the failure
reforms to institutionalise transparency, of NEEDS to achieve significant results in the
accountability and to have a small or moderate medium term. As reported by Ogefere (2007) the
bureaucracy. This is to position the government Minister/Deputy Chairman of National Planning
machinery as the facilitator of development. Hence, Commission, the coordinating institution for
if trust is restored in government institutions, it NEEDS programmes, Senator Abdullah Wali,
will be in a position to regulate other sectors and admitted that NEEDS has a lot of challenges.
also be better positioned to render essential According to Ogefere (2007: 20)
services to the citizenry. The major challenges were not only in the
In contrast to this objective many agencies areas of infrastructural crisis but also high poverty
were added to the already bloated public sector level and high dependence of nation’s economy
to fight fraud, financial crimes and corruption. on oil exports. Others include low contribution of
These include the Economic and Financial Crimes secondary activities to yearly gross domestic
Commission (EFCC), the Independent Corrupt product (GDP), low aggregate demand, high cost
Practices Commission, the Procurement and Due of production, high rates as well as high import
Process Unit, the Code of Conduct Bureau, the dependence of the economy, especially on capital
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and intermediate goods import.
(EITI) etc. Multiple Bills have been introduced
and passed to reform and initiate responsibility, 5. THE MISSING LINK IN DEVELOPMENT
accountability and fiscal discipline. These include PLANS: REORIENTING NEEDS’
the Fiscal Responsibility Bill targeted at all IMPLEMENTATION
government ministries and agencies, the Compe-
tition and Antitrust Bill, Public Procurement Bill This section serves as a recommendation to
and many more. But what is the significant how the federal government can improve its
reduction in contract inflation in government? achievement of the goals of NEEDS, and as a
Who are the true owners of the privatised state matter of fact, subsequent development plans in

the country. We have discussed vital problems organization or nation [italics mine] and its
that marred planning in Nigeria and have equally people” (cited in Laxmikanth 2002: 166). It cannot
presented expert’s opinions on what makes for be said that Nigeria has not had visionary and
an effective development planning on other enigmatic leaders, but none seemed to be free
sections of this paper. However we want to from corruption charges. And when the leader is
pinpoint few factors, which we consider as the corrupt, the political will and the moral right to
missing link of development planning in the fight corruption among his officials wane. The
country that needs to be properly addressed. best that has been said of Obasnajo’s fight
Firstly, we remark that plans are perfunctory against corruption is that it is an instrument of
obligations that have never seemed to guide political vendetta and intimidation. The president
governmental actions in Nigeria. When a govern- himself has not been free too from accusations of
ment draws a plan and the actual programmes curruption, which little efforts were made to clear
and policies pursued markedly differ from the plan himself. Nigeria therefore requires a leader who
projections, it shows that either the plan was not will be ready to die fighting corruption and who
realistic or that the government was not committ- will not discriminate or condition the corruption
ed towards the plan. There is need therefore, that fighting agencies on who to go for and not. It is
the government should see its plan as a work only when we have such a leader can we hope
guide and do its best to prepare plans that cannot that the government will be committed to its plans
be rendered useless by future exigencies. with little distraction from corrupt practices.
Secondly, the government is a going concern. The next significant problem in realizing the
So also are her plans and policies. NEEDS have NEEDS objectives is that while NEEDS seems to
been acknowledged to be a plan document well show-case desirable policies for the country, it is
articulated to give direction to Nigeria in the highly propelled towards making the economy
pursuit of her development goals. But like other dependent on foreign western developed
previous plan documents, the problem has not economies. Osagie describes the planning
been with the plan as formulated but on how best experience of the present government which is
to implement and achieve the goals. Thus, a major based on NEEDS and indeed that of all previous
problem remains the issue of good leadership for governments since 1982 as “nothing more than
the country. Osagie (2007: 2) remarks that cosmetic exercises to mask the dependent nature
When national economic leadership has as of the economy, provide additional opportunities
its overriding goal improvement of national for awarding highly inflated contracts and favour
welfare and quality of life, as indeed is the case particular interests of those in power at any
in Japan, South Korea and China, it constitutes particular time.” Thinking in line with Osayin-
part of the team in the quest for workable solu- mwense (1983), he describes the economic
tions to complicated national problems. When policies of Nigeria since 1978 till 2006 as Facile
however, it chooses to be self-centred, it unfor- solutions calling for reduction of government
tunately becomes part of national economic prob- expenditure, retirements of public sector emp-
lems. Countries saddled with a myopic economic loyees, and the introduction of austerity measures
leadership are trapped in a continuous state of and regulations of international trade transactions
economic crisis capable of leading to political (Osagie 2007: 16).
collapse in the long run. Despite the effects and inevitability of
Osagie observes that effective leadership is globalisation, there is no doubt that a sincere
only part of the team in the solution of national effort toward national economic development
economic problems. This implies that effective must be based on some kind of isolationism from
follower-ship is the other team. But what then is a the harmful relationship of international trade
leader if not the ability to command follower-ship? especially with the West. Nigeria must sift from
This is not to undermine the importance of advise of International agencies those that will
follower-ship but underscores that as teams to benefit her economy like China did recently when
the solution of national economic problems, it was advised to appreciate her currency in
leadership should be the superior team. For as relation to the dollar. The recommendations of
Keith Davis observes, “leadership transforms World Bank and International Monetary Fund,
potential into reality. It is the ultimate act which which anti imperialist writers have continued to
brings to success all the potential that is in an see as agents of neo imperialism against develop-

ing countries, must be analysed locally. The value reorientation are indeed attractive issues
prospects of economic growth must be married to be the crux of any worthwhile development
to the welfare of the citizens in real terms. It is plan. But their achievement in the medium term
obvious from history that the economic develop- from 2003-2007 by the Obasanjo administration
ment policy recommendations of these neo- remains a wishful thinking. It is only through
colonial international agencies have only committed leadership, continuity with NEEDS II
brought untold sufferings rather than the dangled document, drawing adequate scale of preference
economic prosperity. in choosing policies and programmes, and
Another important recommendation that will determined efforts to break from the crutches of
lead to realising the objectives of NEEDS in the neo imperialist and neo colonial tendencies of
shortest time possible is the importance of doing the developed countries which is piloted by
the first things first. Most developing countries International agencies like the World Bank and
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it can be achieved in a twinkling of an eye. Hence, of her development plans.
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