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24/6/2019 mvc - How to expand and collapse table row using bootstrap accordion in mvc?

- Stack Overflow

How to expand and collapse table row using bootstrap accordion in


I want to expand and collapse table row using bootstrap accordion. Currently, If i click on any row, it
expands and collapse. But what i want is that, if I click on second row then first row should collapsed
1 if it is expanded then and so on.

<div class=" panel-body">

<table class="table">
@foreach (var item in Model)
1 <tr>

<td class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-

<button class="bb" type="button">

<td id="AA_@(item.Id)" class="accordion-body collapse">





asked May 23 '18 at 22:06

User9895 1/3
24/6/2019 mvc - How to expand and collapse table row using bootstrap accordion in mvc? - Stack Overflow

155 11

1 Answer

¿No encuentras la respuesta? Pregunta en Stack Overflow en español. ✕

I researched my problem on SO and found one solution provided by @tmg on here. Many thanks to
@tmg. I followed the same in my scenario and it worked for me.
<div class="panel-body">
<table class="table">
@foreach (var item in Model)
<tr class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-
<button class="bb" type="button">

<td class="hiddenRow">
<div class="accordian-body collapse" id="AA_@(item.Id)">



And added JQuery to collapse and toggle table row

$('.table .accordian-body').on('', function () {

}) 2/3
24/6/2019 mvc - How to expand and collapse table row using bootstrap accordion in mvc? - Stack Overflow

Added Style for hiddenRow

.hiddenRow {
padding: 0 !important;

answered May 24 '18 at 0:07

155 11

Solved my problem. – Raj May 24 '18 at 22:59 3/3

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