Fly Leaf 1 Title Page ' I Acknowledgement II Dedication III IV Fly Leaf 2

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Table of Contents

Fly leaf 1

Title Page ` i

Acknowledgement ii

Dedication iii

Abstract iv

Fly leaf 2


Introduction 2

Review of related Literature and Study 3-6

Theoretical Framework 8-9

Significance of the Study 9-10

Definition of Terms 12


Research Design

Research Participants

Research Locale

Research Instrument

Data Gathering Mechanisms


Chapter IV. Summary of Findings Conclusions, and Recommendations

Summary of Findings





Curriculum vitae


The researchers would like to express their profound gratitude to the following

people who help to finish this research.

Almighty God, for giving us wisdom and guidance in life, and all of the things

that has been and will be. For guiding the researcher and enlighten the researchers

mind to be more productive to finish this research.

Parents, for giving the researchers love and support during the late nights of

doing this research paper. Also the researcher would like to express finest gratitude to

parents for the patience, and especially for the financial support. Without you, this paper

will never be successful.

Mr. Marvin T. Tejano, for giving the researchers guidance and thoughts

whenever the researchers have concerns to the researchers work and also for the

support. Inspiring the researchers to be more competent individuals. For molding our

minds to be better among the others. For always reminding the researchers what are

the right things to do and not to do.

Ms. Juliet Gabotero researchers adviser. The researchers would like to

express warm gratitude for guiding the researcher to finish this researcher paper. For

the motivation and advises that serve as researchers guide in making this research

paper successful. ,


A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School of Saint Joseph

Institute Of Technology Basic Education Department Butuan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course

Practical Research I

Kisha Marie Abacahin

Divine Grace Barcelona

Nashreen Boiser

Kevin Burias

Alibasher Dimala

Ryle Steve Carson Dublois

Eva Chielo Marie Ongue

Marie Charlize Panaligan

Alexis Danielle SalconMarch 2018


The researchers would like to humbly offer and dedicate this study to the students, to

give awareness to them on what are the effects of premarital sex and how to prevent it.

To parents, whose children commit premarital sex, this research is useful to them in

order to guide their children. The researchers would also like to dedicate this study to

the government organizations that is in charge to these issues to guide them about the

perspective of students towards premarital and can generate a solution through this

research. This also for the researchers who did their best to finish this research paper

on time and to the parents of the researcher, and love ones.



Chastity before marriage is important; however, in this present world where

modern technology transports some changes in human sexuality there are several

incidents that challenges permissive attitudes to prosper. The main objective of this

paper is to know what perception is being manifested by most of the participants about

premarital sex, are students perception about premarital sex is differ in terms of gender

and from where did the participants get much more of this information. Based on the

result of the study the researchers found out that most of the participants manifest that

premarital sex is a sexual activity done by people before they are married and it is truly

against to the divine law. The male participants express slightly conservative answers

while the females possess conservativeness. Also the researchers found out that most

of the participants got their information about sex or premarital sex from peer groups,

social media and television and only 1 of the participants got their information from


Keywords: Premarital sex, and Perspective



Chastity before marriage is important; however, in this present world where

modern technology transports some changes in human sexuality there are several

incidents that challenges permissive attitudes to prosper. Youth used to be hope of

every nation as Dr. Jose Rizal said, "Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng bayan", but as of now, it

seems that youth are one of the major reasons why such crime spread around the

country. Youth become a burden. Premarital sex is one of the examples in which youth

nowadays facing with. Premarital sex destroys the future both female and male. The

act of adhering to and tending to preserve the accepted societal order, specifically on

sex issues, which slowly fades. To hold on to purity before entering the holy matrimony

seems to be unpredictable anymore nowadays

Premarital sex is a huge problem in today’s generation. Premarital sex is a

sexual activity practiced by people before they are married. Historically, premarital sex

was considered a moral issue which was taboos in many cultures and was considered

sin by a number of religious groups of people. But time goes by this phenomena or

practice is now accepted especially in western country. Youth lack in parent’s attention,

care and love are one of the major suspects or has the big tendency to engage in

premarital sex because of longing for presence. In today’s generation the sensitivity of

making decisions are not necessary as long as people know what they want without

thinking for possible outcome.



This chapter present the methods of research used, the research design,

research locale, the participant’s research instrument, data gathering information.

Research Design

This study use qualitative method. Where in the students will be interviewed

about their perspective in premarital sex.

Research locale

The study will be conducted in Agusan national High School (ANHS) located at

J.C. Aquino Butuan City. It is one of the biggest National High School entire Agusan.

Researcher Participants

The participants of the study are the selected 10 males and 10 female’s students

of ANHS selected randomly. The names of the participants are kept highly confidential.

Research instrument

The tools or the instrument that the researcher uses to gather information is

through interview because the researchers believe that this instrument is valid and

reliable. During the conduct of interview the researcher uses cellular phones to record

their answer. The researchers also uses guide question during the interview.

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