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Patricia Paula Clairre F.

Alarin BS Psych 2 MW 7:00-9:00 AM

Critique Paper

In the article entitled “Listening to music while eating is related to increases in people’s
food intake and meal duration, the authors Stroebele and de Castro (2006) presented a
quantitative research using a within-subject research design that involves 78 college students
from Georgia State University. The research intends to find out if music is a factor for increasing
appetite on an individual. In their study, the authors hypothesized that with music being played,
there will be an increase in food intake and meal duration.

The aim of the study was to compare the appetite of each individual when the music is
turned on and off. They made sure to check the speed and volume, location, number of people
present and the time of day that was being inputted in a diet diary and this study lasted for seven
consecutive days. They were able to obtain enough data to prove their hypothesis that there is a
significant difference in the food intake of an individual when the music is being played or not
and that the meal duration when a music is on is significantly longer.

The study was straightforward and showed what it needed to. It tries to show the
difference of food intake and it showed just that. The results were properly presented and were
very clear. The study also helped in giving evidences that were interpreted fairly to what factors
can affect one’s physical health.

It is important to give attention to this research and try to replicate and modify since this
study can help when it comes to an individual’s physical health. Since this study tries to look into
the different factors in a natural setting, people can be able to keep on a lookout on how to avoid
becoming obese.

If I would encounter this study in the future, I would want to find out which factors can
affect an individual’s food choices. I want to observe what factor in an environment can make a
person choose what they eat at the time.

Stroebele, N., & de Castro, J. M. (2006). Listening to music while eating is related to increases
in people’s food intake and meal duration. Appetite, 47(3), 285–
289. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2006.04.001

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