Outcome 1: Kinematics Practice Test: Part 1: Multiple Choice

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Outcome 1: Kinematics Practice Test

Part 1: Multiple Choice

1. What is the speed of a jet plane that travels 3,000 meters in 10 seconds?
a. 30 m/sec
b. 300 m/sec
c. 3,000 m/sec
d. 30,000 m/sec

2. In the formula, v = at, what does v stand for?

a. instantaneous velocity
b. average velocity
c. final velocity
d. change in velocity

3. In the formula, d = vt, what does v stand for?

a. instantaneous velocity
b. average velocity
c. final velocity
d. change in velocity

4. What is acceleration due to gravity?

a. 8.9 m/s2
b. 4.9 m/s2
c. 9.8 m/s2
d. 20 m/s

Part 2: Matching
a. acceleration
b. time
c. velocity
d. distance

5. m/s
6. m
7. h
8. m/s2
9. km/h/s
10. mph
11. s
12. mi
13. mph/s
14. m/s/s
15. km
16. min
Part 3: Multiple Choice – Graphs
Use this graph for questions 17-20

17. What is happening to the object at point C?

a. has positive acceleration
b. has zero acceleration
c. has negative acceleration
d. is moving at constant velocity

18. What is happening to the object at point A?

a. has positive acceleration
b. has zero acceleration
c. has negative acceleration
d. is moving at constant velocity

19. What is happening to the object at point B?

a. has a constant velocity
b. is not moving
c. has a constant acceleration
d. it on a level surface

20. What is the dependent variable?

a. speed
b. time
c. acceleration
d. distance

21. In a velocity vs. time graph, what does it mean to have a negative slope?
a. The object is going backwards
b. The object is behind the starting line
c. The object is slowing down
d. The object is not moving

22. In a velocity vs. time graph, what does it mean to have a zero slope?
a. The object is on a flat surface
b. The object is at a constant speed
c. The object is at the starting line
d. The object is object is not moving
Use the following graph for question 23-25

Each time increment is 1s, and each distance increment is 10m

23. At which point is the speed the greatest?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

24. At which point is the speed the least?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

25. Calculate the velocity at point 2

a. 3 m/s
b. 16.7 m/s
c. 30 m/s
d. 50 m/s

26. In a position vs. time graph, what does it mean to have a negative slope?
a. The object is going backwards
b. The object is behind the starting line
c. The object is slowing down
d. The object is not moving

27. In a position vs. time graph, what does it mean to have a zero slope?
a. The object is on a flat surface
b. The object is at a constant speed
c. The object is at the starting line
d. The object is object is not moving

28. In a velocity vs. time graph, what does it mean to have a zero slope?
a. The object is on a flat surface
b. The object is at a constant speed
c. The object is at the starting line
d. The object is object is not moving
Part 4: Problems

Show ALL work using the GUESS method! Put a box around your answer.

29. If a car goes from rest to 20 mph in 5 seconds, what is its acceleration?

30. If a rabbit accelerates from rest at 7.5 m/s2 for 3 seconds, how fast will it be going?

31. How long will it take for a man to go from 2 m/s to 8 m/s if he can speed up at 4 m/s 2?

32. Thomas the Tank Engine (a train) is going 80 m/s and slows down to 30 m/s over a period of 30s. What is his

33. Phoebe the Flying Ferret fell from Farmer Freddie’s Feed silo, dropping straight down. If it took Pheobe 5.5
seconds to fall, what was Phoebe’s speed when she landed (don’t worry she was fine)?

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